Author Topic: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU, COMPLETE, Comments Welcome)  (Read 15087 times)


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #90 on: 10 February 2023, 01:50:04 »
Can't wait to see what the resident sapper/budding mad scientist has in store to overshadow his budding nemesis/Comstar stooge. I reckon years from now he will have reasons to bemoan the fact he didn't blow him away literally.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #91 on: 10 February 2023, 08:42:19 »
Something sprayed down onto Red stage as the Arena’s screen went black and the lights dimmed. Elise and the camera zoomed in on the rigging above. Elise voice came onto the voiceover, “Is that water Yoshimara?”
“Sure is.”

Intense flames erupted from behind the stage briefly highlighting the taiko drummers waiting beside their instruments mounted in front of the stage, accentuating the dramatized process of smelting tamahagane steel. The first thumps of the Taikos ‘broke’ the clay crucible spilling out the silvery metal inside, each thud of the bar was felt throughout the arena. “Only the finest steel for the crucible, to face the craftsmen’s hammers.”

A tall figure clad in black armor (SILVERBACK) rose from backstage to the ominous pounding, propane flamethrowers on both arms, and a fearsome helmet. On the screen behind it was a scene with a trio of silhouetted figures hammering onto a steel billet, shaping it with each strike, the only color a fiery red from the furnace and billet. Each blow from the larger hammer sent up sparkling pyrotechnic streams, the sound of the taikos blow reverberated through the Arena.

“Steel, shaped in the flame,
imbuing it with the strength of its creator.”

The figure breathed flame from behind its Oni mask while sending streams of fire from its upraised arms. Another figure lifted from beneath the stage as the Taikos reached crescendo. Wearing an ornate helmet with bright red mempo, above a heavy canvas hikeshi banten (Firefighter’s) coat, the Kurita Clan Seal printed on its back.

Smoking strands of slow match tied around the horns seemed like offerings of acrid saltpeter incense. A tanegashima musket with Damascus barrel and teak stock held at his hip, its smoldering slow match held within an ornate serpentine lock.

It was held aloft to a shout of “Hi to Hagane!” (Fire and Steel!) was drowned out by the roaring flames behind him. The musket coughed flame upward, simultaneous salvos of small pyrotechnic mines launched forth atop silvery streaks toward the Arena’s apex in rat-a-tat-tat of a feu de joie. Each detonation echoed off the Shengli Arena loud enough that onlookers covered their ears after the first round, but applause had the same effect when it finished.

Minoru’s helmet came off once it was done, his black hair slick with mist, as placed the smoking helmet on a stand beneath the musket and walked down the stairs to the drums. He shed the heavy waterlogged coat reversing it to show a block-printed scene of a Samurai slaying a horse rider with his spear to the crowd before handing it off the Ryuun, whose irezumi tattoos were allowed to show in public for the first time since he was on Franklin Sakamoto’s crew.

In the crowd Kuan-Yin blushed at the sight of Minoru’s toned frame as he walked past.

Meanwhile, the black armored figure returned to the mysterious depths below but not without a final gout of flames. Minoru squeezed out most of the water from his topknot before accepting his helmet and gloves from Ryuun who positioned himself square with Cassandra on the opposite corner. He gestured toward her menacingly making the ‘I’m watching you’ gesture drawing attention to the discolored blotch under her left eye. She just stared back at him with a scowl.

“In the red corner,
We have Minoru Kurita,
Prince of the Draconis Combine.
The Warrior-Sage of Hachiman.
The Challenger.
Fighting for the Pride of the Draconis Combine!
And the Capellan Restoration Trust.”

Ring officials huddled as the competitors went through the ropes and onto the mat. William, Elise, and Adam appeared while the referee explained the rules. “That definitely blew us away Yoshimara. An impressive display of pyrotechnics and pagentry.”
“I told you it would.”
“Good thing they misted that area. What was the thing that was spitting fire?”
“A robot we’ve been working on for bomb defusal and ordnance clearance. We’re working on another project right now, so it was available.”

Once more the camera cut to the ring as a microphone was lowered onto the mat. The referee grabbed it firmly, “You know the rules. Any last words you want to share before we start?”

Kai pulled it away from the ref and squared himself up toward Minoru still damp from the mist, “You’re already sweating Minoru. Your little firecrackers and tin man don’t scare me. I came here ready to fight so be quick with it.” He tossed the wired mic past the ref toward Minoru who caught it out of the air and turned his back toward him as he returned to his corner.

Minoru turned around the face the crowd panning his eyes on a large portion of the mysterious faces assembled, “Aite yori ōkī on'nanoko to tatakatte kimashita. Kare ga uma to no asobi ni modoru koto ga dekiru yō ni, watashi wa kare o sugu ni taoshimasu.” It took a moment while the lines were transmitted and subtitles added to the broadcast. I've fought girls larger than my opponent. I'll beat him quick. So he can get back to playing with his horses.

Hearing Minoru’s final words were in Japanese caused Kai to turn around sharply and hasten to the corner although he couldn’t get a good view on the TV feed from his low vantage point. He heard the crowd boo as the Combine section erupted into laughter. Cassandra whispered something to him, and Kai turned red before moving toward Minoru whose back was still turned to him, only to be intercepted by the ref.

Back on the feed William looked toward the others with mirth and chuckled slightly.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #92 on: 10 February 2023, 12:08:25 »
And Minoru is already in Kai's head... great start, now let's enjoy the show  :popcorn:
Jude Melancon lives!


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #93 on: 10 February 2023, 23:37:37 »
After Kai launched himself toward him and connected with the first punch Minoru couldn’t help but think he wasn’t as smart as everyone thought he was.  Even hard sparring with Ryuun who outweighed him by almost half again a Kai. The thunderous onslaught of fists from his opponent felt harder than anything Sugawara had thrown at him, and he was given free clearance to do so.

Kai’s muscles rippled as his fists fell like horse hooves on Minoru’s torso forcing him to take each he couldn’t slip blow on his forearms. The stampede only abetted with a perfectly timed hook to Kai’s forward right side and liver. He hit down on the area exhaling through the obvious pain before switching to a more orthodox stance with a snort. Minoru went on the offensive, but Kai countered the low kicks while ducking punches by fast crouching into horse stance.

From this horse stance he launched forth his own counterattack headhunting with fast uppercuts avoided by hairsbreadth. Minoru tried to kick at the stance using the SnoS techniques (A mix of Muay Thai, Savate, and Kempo) he had trained, but any blow not countered was absorbed as if he were kicking an ancient tree, one that gave him a spinning backfist to his solar plexis for his trouble. He unleashed a ki-hap to tense his core recovering and counter-attacked with a closing ridgehand into Kai’s upraised arms followed by a daring left vertical punch to the forehead that left him defenseless for a single second.

A second after that contact Minoru stepped into Kai’s stance, slipping his left hand past Kai’s guard and ripped him down by the neck breaking his stance and slipping his own beneath him. He followed it up with a strong wheeling hip throw. The same one that Tsubasa had reversed on him in their final bout on the beach. Kai crashed to the mat with a thump as the crowd applauded. With Kai on the mat Minoru launched low kicks but Kai rolled with them before trapping his leg. Minoru flipped over as Kai rolled him like a crocodile before rising to scramble and set up a joint lock as the clock ticked down.

Ryuun shouted, “Don’t let him get on you Minoru! Break it!”

Minoru flexed his leg and body to hit Kai across the face with the opposite knee and his whole body weight. Despite the helmet he could hear the crack and feel Kai releasing his grip on his leg. He sprawled out and rolled back to his feet as Kai did the same. The final twenty seconds passed with a dazed Kai forced on the defensive as Minoru sent forth a salvo of punches although his kicks continued to be ineffective against his opponent’s sturdiness.

The bell rang and the referee whistled that the first five minute round was complete. Kai retired to his corner where Cassandra peered at his eye and savaged right side with sisterly concern. Minoru collapsed on the turnstile, breathing heavily as Ryuun draped the towel over him.
“You got some good hits in the first round. He’s going to be feeling those all week.”

He held out his forearms where welts were forming form the earlier offensive. “I don’t even feel these anymore. He hits harder than you or any of the guys I’ve trained with ever did.
No wonder he’s the Stallion of St Ives. I feel like I’ve been kicked by a horse.”

A second bell called the fighters back to the center for the next round.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #94 on: 13 February 2023, 23:20:13 »
Each punch Minoru exchanged with Kai in the sixth minute felt heavier and slower as the pain grew, the Prince adopted a boxer's shield guard parrying punches with his shoulders while protecting his core. Kai started with less fervor than the first round, possibly a combination of reason, a sore side based on how low he kept his right hand, and fuzzy head from Minoru's knee in the final stretch of the previous round. Or it was all an act?

His answer was swift in coming, Kai moved for right hook, so Minoru raised his hands and tried to get inside his guard in order to parry the blow. Instead, the Southpaw's left fist smashed into Minoru's right cheek sending him reeling to the side and into the follow up uppercut to his gut. Minoru crouched and managed to get in and lift Kai's right leg and toss him toward the ropes before it could deliver a kick that would have sent him into the ropes. Kai recovered and shot forward for a double leg take-down.

Minoru sprawled out to avoid being taken to the ground sweeping his legs out to the side and pressing his full weight into Kai's back and neck. He swung his weight over to the side and pulled Kai onto his back before getting into a half-guard trapping Kai's left leg beneath his hip before punching him in the body and head, each blow bringing a new sensation of pain to his already worn arms. Kai tried to bridge and break his position requiring Minoru's full attention to protect it, land punches, and try not to get his arm trapped by Kai's strength.

Both were slick with sweat and labored to breath as they tensed muscles to the extreme, wrestling for position. Minoru achieved a full mount where he could send punches down on Kai who grappled him back down. Kai forced it back to half-guard then trapped his opponent's arms on the opposite side of his body as he escaped and suplexed Minoru onto the mat.

The Prince felt the blow in every bone of his body but managed to wrap his arms around Kai's neck from below to hold him down. Kai flipped around and into his own half-guard pinning Minoru to the mat while he hung on to reduce the strength of his body blows. Sensing they were having little impact Kai drove the wedge of his hand deep into Minoru's elbow to break his neck hold and press his fist into the side of his neck setting up for a triangle choke. Minoru's vision went fuzzy before Kai released it and got off him as the bell rang. He stayed there on the mat catching his breath.

“Hurry up Minoru, you've only got a minute.” Ryuun said from their corner as the ref leaned over him waving his finger. “You still in son!” Minoru gave him the thumbs up and kipped-up from the mat to the roaring accolades of the crowd sitting somewhere outside the bright lights of the ring.

Ryuun wiped him down as he caught his breath and re-hydrated. “You're surviving out there Minoru. If you make it all three rounds, I'll finally collect all of my side-bet back from Mochi, and some more.”
Minoru needed something to take him through for the last five minutes, his old university friend thinking he would falter would do. “Mochi, didn't believe in me?”

A heavily tattooed arm patted him firmly on his shoulder sending him back to the center of the ring, “But I do. Go get him Minoru!”

At the center Kai tapped Minoru's fist as they faced one another. The referee whistled the round on as Minoru dug deep into his time at DCA Crush School where every action under two gees was a struggle. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as he kicked Kai's forward leg and followed it up with a clash of fists that sent waves through his opponent's chest muscles.

He was more comfortable with Kai's tempo now that it had slowed and was able parry or counter his punches and disrupt his kicks with some of his own. Kai attempted another feint but it ended up with a take-down from Minoru that caused both of them to end up on the mat again forcing both to scramble up again.

A hidden fire from his belly gave him enough strength to smash Kai against the corner post and trade blows like he had learned from the Espatiers. Kai pushed him away, vigorously returning the blows before Minoru slid away. They probed one another at long range looking for weak points or attempting to generate take-down opportunities. The clock finished with a final hip throw from Minoru that Kai rolled with, using the momentum generated to bounce off the ropes and back toward his opponent but passing him with an elbow overhead.

They stood beside one another while the Judge's tallied the marks, whispering to one another. “You got saved by the bell in that second round Minoru.”
“You got saved by going shirtless Kai. I couldn't use half my repertoire.”
“Cleary because you are in awe of my majestic muscles. I haven't spent twelve years in training to cover it up.
I thought I could get you out in the first round. This was me going easy on you too, not at first of course.”

The only sensation that Minoru could feel anymore was pain so he didn’t want to believe that. “How charitable.”
“I almost decided to literally make you eat your words because you did piss me off by running your mouth. Both times and that was a mistake. However, you made it a good show in all three rounds, and got your ass kicked in front of everyone while raising a lot of money for the Restoration Trust.
So, I'm satisfied that you might not be so bad.”

Kai jabbed him in the side while the referee was looking away. The unexpected strike caused a slight wince of pain to appear on Minoru's face. “for now, but keep your hands off my sister, unless you want more than busted knuckles and bruises.”
The referee returned from the judges with the verdict, “The winner by majority judge’s decision is, Kai Liao!”
Minoru fought through lancing, fiery pain as he bowed to his opponent and the audience. Ryuun rushed over as Minoru waved toward him, “Great job Minoru, I knew you could do it.”
“Ryuun, help me get backstage before I pass out or puke in front of the cameras. Hohiro wouldn’t let me hear the end of it, I’d have to kill him, and I don’t want his job.”

Ryuun put his arm under Minoru’s shoulder and walked past the Combine section engaged in a standing ovation, “As you wish your highness.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #95 on: 14 February 2023, 01:19:43 »
Bruised battered but unyielding. Not that he didn't give it as bad as he received or even more, the referies were biased afterall.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #96 on: 14 February 2023, 16:33:25 »
Good showing by Minoru. Especially considering he was a scrawny kid less than two years ago.
Jude Melancon lives!


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #97 on: 15 February 2023, 22:14:08 »
Minoru hummed an Asgard folk song in the steel tub filled with ice water the dim light of the athletic trainer’s office hid the splotchy bruises left over from his earlier beatdown at the hands of Kai Liao. A knock on the door broke his idle contemplation on fantastic robotic applications. “Hey Minoru! Are you in there? Its six-forty, so you’re late for my practice too.”
“Already! I’ll be right out.”
He lifted himself out of the bath covering himself with the towel, he looked down at himself, and whispered “We’ll get you all warmed up.”

He opened the door as chill as he could resting his elbow on the doorframe to see her mint green helmet resting on the bat. “Your practice? This is my scheduled practice.”
She leaned showed him the reservation on the digital VIT sports calendar within her tablet. “Now we share it.”
“How did you do that?”
He looked at it and it did have both Kuan-Yin and his name on the slot.
“I have my ways.” She leaned in and gently caressed his arm, “Does it hurt still?”
It did but it was numbed by the chill and four days of rigorous healing. “The twice daily ice baths help. Although I think I’ve lost five pounds from the shivering.”
“If that works so well. I should do that instead of Hot Vinyasa. It would be a lot less work.”
“You don’t really have a lot to spare Kuan-Yin.”

Her face blushed slightly at the compliment. She had been working out hard to keep up with her new friends. “You really think so. I have been hitting the group classes more regularly and I feel great. Can you teach me martial arts?”

The pause between them seemed to last forever, “No, perhaps Aria would be a better teacher if you truly wish to learn. I’m certain she would love a sparring partner.
Her Siyah or Sijal, my Arabic pronunciation is terrible, might have more applicable techniques than anything I could offer you, and you can practice it on your ATV because it was developed as an equestrian art for mounted warriors.”
“On actual horses.”
“Often, the Azami still settle their tribal feuds the old fashioned way even though they have Battlemechs and rifles.”
“That’s so weird.”

His hands were raised out as if to push that hot potato away, “However, don’t you think we both caused enough trouble getting into fights that we might have been wise to avoid. I have no interest in a rematch with your brother and I think your sister might be better prepared next time.”

They walked toward the batting cages, “So Minoru speaking of prepared things. There is no way you sourced a horned helmet, musket, and weird firefighter coat from Victoria in the week before the challenge. So why did you have those things?”
“You wouldn’t understand, and I can’t explain it to you.”
“Why not?”
“As I mentioned you wouldn’t understand.”
“I will find out.”
“Not if I can do anything about it.”

Minoru’s floor was neat except for the armor stand which held the helmet and hikeshi banten, the small mount where the Tanegashima would stand was vacant because it was against the rules to have ‘unlicensed dangerous devices’ in the dorm rooms. A promotional poster from Stormhaven Entertainment advertised the five new Champions from the ‘Black Powder and Steam Power’ DLC released last year for the (Hachiman only Stormhaven Entertainment) Arena Champion game ‘Fighting Spirit.’ Burakkuhāto hōka-han (Burak-han or The Blackheart Arsonist), one of these Champions, stood there with a Tanegashima resting on his shoulder, smoldering slowmatch tied into the horns of his helmet, and his coat opened to reveal his musculature.

Aria opened the door to let Kuan-Yin in and the relaxing smell of incense out, “Welcome Kuan-Yin, too bad you and Minoru can’t join William and I tonight, but what’s up?”
Kuan-Yin looked toward the rack of swords she was once concerned about, “Can you teach me how to fight?”
She executed a rear handspring landing beside her sword rack to draw a Damascus patterned Yatagan from its sheath. “Finally! A willing partner.”
The surprise gymnastics caught Kuan-Yin by surprise, “Um, do I have to do gymnastics too Aria?”
Her Yatagan was sheathed and the whole thing was looped into her wide belt as she picked through the others, “Not if you don’t want to, but why wouldn’t you? It is great exercise, and the basics aren’t hard to learn once you start.”
“So where do we start?”
“First we stretch, then do some belly dancing for core exercise and fun, then I give you a dull sword with marker blade on it so you know if you’ve cut yourself when handling it, and then lots of drawing and resheathing, then…”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #98 on: 16 February 2023, 01:33:32 »
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #99 on: 16 February 2023, 21:41:12 »
Psihokekec, Yeah its pretty rough but I've done it before

Interlude – OP: LODESTONE
11/20/3048 DCA SkyWatch, Glenmora, Proserpina Prefecture, Draconis Combine

Massive satellite dishes loomed over small concrete bunkers observing the starry cloudless sky of the Persephone High Desert. Two DCA Military Policemen leaned against their gun truck parked beneath the old NAIS Geological Research Station sign that had served as target practice since the DCMS took the world during the 3039 campaign. Others patrolled the large, fenced perimeter atop ATVs while the rotors of a Peacekeeper helicopter circled slowly in the wind.

Inside the bunker DCA officers in light green fatigues watched the facility’s array and received downlinks from the numerous satellites that kept track of Glenmora’s ever shifting volcanic landscape. Geologists and Astronomers from the University of Proserpina were also on station conducting research on the same and the local star system though they clearly wore civilian clothes.

The large screen showed an IR anomaly emanating from the planet’s L-1, one of the red lights above the consoles began blinking, “Dai-I Ono! We have a situation.”

Dai-I Ono Katsuji strode over to stand over the nervous Go-Cho, “What is it Iihiro?”
“KF-Jump Signature at the L-One.”
“We are due to receive a jumpship there soon, aren’t we?”

Go-Cho Iihiro consulted the DCPA calendar for Glenmora, “A protected jumpship transport from New Samarkand Metals is due on the Twenty-Second. So if this it, it's two days early. What should we do?”
“I will transmit this up the chain to the planetary chairman and garrison commander. Keep your eyes on it. I want updates as soon as it completes its jump.”

Dai-I Ono stood beneath the screen, “All hands, we are on alert until we have confirmed otherwise. I am increasing the guard presence and locking this facility down.”
He walked over to the security console and inserted his key which would disconnect the facility from insecure transmissions. “All civilians are to clear the deck and return to their quarters under guard.
Everyone else, get back to work. I want updates as they become available, understood?”
“Hai! Dai-I.”

The city of Tronka lay astride the fertile plains of ash its sky filled with enough particulates that staying outside for a long time or engaging in hard work required a filter mask. Baron/Chairman Arnaud Edgerton looked out across the River Tethys to see the dull red fires of the volcanic range that brought his planet prosperity but also turmoil. “Dai-I Ono are you telling me that we might be under attack?”
“Since they have refused out hails, we should presume they are hostile.”
“But who are they?”
“Unknown Lord Edgerton, they are using same type of protected Tramp Jumpship that New Samarkand said they were sending. This one has carried two dropships, an Overlord and what appears to be an Elephant Tug.”
“A tug for a planetary assault?”
“A large one that also serves as a solid combined arms transport.”
Chu-Sa Tajima Masanari interjected, “I believe they are looking to raid the foundry where my Hussars are based but you should alert your militia Lord Edgerton. Glenmora has many potential targets worthy of attacking.”
“Has Huan responded to your priority HPG Chu-Sa?”
“It hasn’t been transmitted yet, COMSTAR told me they need time to prepare their HPG. I fear I may not get a response until the invaders make planetfall in less than five hours.”

Arnaud reluctantly drew out his planetary emergency procedure booklet last used during a particularly active period of vulcanism. “I will alert the militia then and prepare to defend our territory.”

Scylla’s Gate, the only perfect harbor on Glenmora and located just above the River Acheron served as the principal port for Glenmora’s vast fleet of ore ships. Ships which dredged the ocean floor in search of unfathomable riches only to have them smelted and billeted at the now New Samarkand Metals owned foundry. Chu-Sa Masanari, CO of Kappa Battalion, 4th Proserpina Hussars, and another MechWarrior stood out in their red MechWarrior Combat Suits as they walked between the twenty pale green painted Proserpina Hussars Battlemechs, another short company of auxiliary Bulldog tanks, and full company of Ashigaru infantry prepared their turrets and field guns for battle.
“Tai-I how long do we have?”
“Less than two hours from orbital space sir. Persephone is tracking them on the long range RADAR. They have not adjusted course or speed and still refuse hails.”
“No response from COMSTAR?”
“Negative sir.”
“Damn, how do they know that we are so vulnerable right now?”

They walked past a mauled still one armed Warhammer, mismatched armor panels pulled from other units revealed it to be held together by creativity more than metal, “Half of these mechs are still showing combat damage from New Samarkand. This was supposed to be an easy rotation, New Samarkand Metals was to deliver us new supplies before they took away the bullion.”
“We do have full ammunition supplies for the tanks and infantry guns sir.”
“I guess that is something.”

The coil of Bulldogs set out toward their prepared positions ready for battle, Chu-Sa Masanari donned his neurohelmet and looked up to where a marker from Persephone, downlinked to his recently upgraded Shadow Hawk ‘Torima’, blinked as the clock clicked down. His technician waited by the ladder to his kneeling Battlemech bowed as the Chu-Sa passed him.

Torima came alive with its brothers and set out through the giant foundry gates. Ashigaru set up firing positions for their guns just outside ready to provide a final stand against the invaders should their superiors fail.

“We will do what we must when they arrive. Hussars on the move!”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #100 on: 17 February 2023, 01:57:00 »
Totally not an ISF affiliated force seeking revenge with help from Comstar.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #101 on: 17 February 2023, 15:02:13 »
Six Corsair V-12M ‘Sand Hawks’ and four unknown flying wing type fighters emerged from the cavernous interior of the hostile dropships as they slowed to orbital speed around Glenmora. Their sleek lines were already red with reentry heat as they burned toward the target area to cover the cumbersome dropship’s final and dangerous landing burn.

A squadron of six Sai Aerospace fighters with a large centerline Anti-Air Arrow IV missile and fuel tanks under the wings waited in stacks of two along the wide runway looking out toward Scylla’s Gate. Presently their cockpit shields were drawn up so one could see through the gold tinted cockpit to see the golden uniform of the pilots inside. Behind them were a quartet of the much larger but slower DCA Ryoken (Aquarius) small Gunships were being taxied out onto the tarmac.

“Hayabusa Actual you are clear to go vertical. Our RADAR verifies Persephone’s readings, and we have an intercept lock. Looks like you already have Sand Hawks and something different waiting in orbit.
Ten Hostiles plus two Dumbos, Weapons free”

The Sai taxied out to form a delta type pattern with each off set to one another but close enough that they could keep cohesive. “Roger that Tower. Hayabusa flight Talons out.”

Hayabusa flight lifted off followed by the Ryoken who deviated from the intercept toward their real mission, interdict the enemy’s armed Jumpship. The Sai and Sand Hawks engaged in fierce laser dogfighting in the thick air as Anti-Air Arrow IVs burned from both sides. Already two fighters had to ditch into the bay from damage.

Chu-Sa Masanari and the Hussars kept their eyes to the skies as their interceptors were bogged down with the enemy air superiority craft but were unable to engage the other craft. The mysterious flying wings kept low basically skimming the bay before popping up at the last minute.

Eight streaks of orange burned toward them as Arrow IV missiles smashed into the reinforced ferrocrete of the foundry’s coastal artillery bunker damaging the facility and setting a docked oiler ablaze. Thick clouds of black smoke reached into the sky as the mysterious flying wings hit afterburners veering off to join the dogfight.

“Chu-Sa, Two of the A-Fifty Sevens (Snipers) are offline, firefighting boats are being dispatched from the port. We only have one remaining and even that might need to be abandoned if they can’t control the fires.”

“Roger that Tai-I, I want all ballistic and missile Bulldogs on Skywatch. Return to low profile when they get here.”

Double barrel fast firing cannons reversed out of their fighting positions while the LRM-20 missile boxes of the missile Bulldogs appeared on the hill they had been hiding behind. The Dropships passed two kilometers away from them already upright as they accelerated their parabolic trajectory to land on the only clear terrain within a dozen. Twenty tan Battlemechs leapt forth as the dropship’s legs extended to the landing position from their folded transit one.

“Scratch that order. Auxiliary return to and hold your original position while the more mobile and undamaged Hussars will engage these flankers.” Torima the Shadow Hawk turned toward a damaged Guillotine, “Tai-I you are in charge of the defense.”

Proserpina auxiliary armor shifted seamlessly back into their defensive works overwatching the main road leading to the foundry and toward the small commercial airport that the invading dropships angled toward. The sparse grass and wooden buildings caught fire in the dropship’s thruster wake as Vedette medium tanks, Badger IFVs, two Vali HIMARs, and mechanized infantry rolled off the ramps and around the feet of heavier Battlemechs.

In the hills to the west Torima’s LRM launched fired non-stop, each click of Chu-Sa Masamori’s trigger refilled the side-by-side LRM-5s held in its hands. Tan Wasps and Stingers formed packs that unleashed volleys of rockets into the Hussar’s medium mechs. Swordsmen, Quickdraws, and Phoenix Hawks were able to fight the Shadow Hawks, Tora, and Kyudo one-on-one but the already damaged Hussars were outnumbered and forced to withdraw with heavy casualties.

The howling of the Vali’s Arrow IVs and roar of the A-57 echoed off the hills and buildings at the base of Scylla’s Gate. Above them the dogfight grew increasingly vicious as the high-performance fighters danced through the sky in front of the hyper-heated air behind them.

Bulldogs burned in their fighting positions and Proserpina Battlemechs were knocked down under the firepower of the enemy advance. Almost two companies of Battlemechs and a reinforced company of vehicles blasted through the minefield and hastily erected obstacles in their wake.

Freed from their previous engagement the flying wings strafed the coastal defense battery silencing the A-57 that threatened the invading dropships with its presence. The hostiles launched strike missions at the standard Bulldogs less able to threaten them in the air, leaving the Shigunga Ni-Ju (20) and Imperator 23mm Double-Tap armed versions to its ground bound counterparts.

Chu-Sa Masanori powered down his Shadow Hawk after hiding it in a defile. He clambered across the rocky hills wiped clean of vegetation by the fires of war to get a visual with his range-finding binoculars. The Scylla’s Gate foundry door had been breached by a pair of Arrow IV strikes then pushed down by an enemy Victor. Masanori zoomed in on the stationary mech now overseeing the final takeover of the foundry and rout of his Ashigaru who had abandoned their guns when the defensive lines collapsed and thus saved themselves from the Vulcans that now patrolled the perimeter.

On its leg was the AFFS emblem and insignia of the 5th Deneb Light Cavalry, the Proserpina Hussars enemy they trained to fight, but who had arrived when his unit was weak. The shame felt unbearable, and he reached for the tanto on his belt out of instinct, before decided that its rightful place would be in the back or heart of his enemy at some time in the future.

The fires still burned as flatbed trucks started down the road toward the dropships laden with precious and strategically important metals that had been stockpiled due to lack of transport options within the Combine.

“So, the First Prince has decided to try his hand at banditry.
This will not stand with the Coordinator.”


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #102 on: 18 February 2023, 00:22:24 »
Chapter 14 – Great Powers
12/01/3048 Location – Office Palatine, Castle Davion

First Prince Ian Davion stormed into his office sitting in the chair so hard it rolled into the bookshelf opposite it, his formerly fiery red hair and handsome features seemed dulled by stress and age. Outside Castle Davion was the placid slumbering snow-covered landscape of the Peace Gardens. A Huron Huscarl closed the door behind him as he picked up a secure phone, “Why am I only hearing about this now Ambassador!”

Ambassador Ludvig Halla was on the other line, just one of the many embassies in Avalon City with a direct line to the First Prince’s broad desk, presently cluttered with paperwork and tea-stained mugs. “It has only been slightly more than a week since the attack Your Majesty.
The Combine had to conduct their own debriefing of the Proserpina Hussars and investigation of the recovered ROMs. Plus, Rasalhague is on the opposite side of the Inner Sphere from New Avalon COMSTAR runs at their own schedule even if we pay them extra.”
“And we certainly do Ludvig. Although it comes out of the AFFS and LC FOREX swap I negotiated with the Archon.”
“Indeed, First Prince, If New Samarkand and Isoroku Kurita were able to directly talk to Robinson, even via Alpheratz, you might have been able to resolve this situation with him faster.”

Ian’s left hand went up to his forehead, “Duke Sandoval would never allow it. He already dislikes my cautiously optimistic stance toward the Draconis Combine. If it were up to him the AFFS would try to take the fight all the way to Isoroku on New Samarkand.
The heads of the perpetrators are out of the question. If there is any misconduct found it will be dealt with according to Federated Suns’ justice.

I must keep this quiet while MIIO conducts its own investigation into the Draconis Combine’s claims.”

“Do hurry First Prince. I would rather not see another conflict break out between your empires. The last one almost broke both.”
“Maybe it did.
I will call you later after I speak with my advisors. To discuss what my decided course of action is.
So, you can send it to Luthien via Rasalhague.”
“I will eagerly await your call.”

Ian signaled that the secure call had concluded, two men in green AFFS dress uniforms and one in a suit entered through the door. They all saluted to the First Prince, who did the same, “Colonel, Major, Deputy Coordinator. Thank you for arriving so quickly.”
“All we needed to do was take the elevator Your Majesty.”

The First Prince returned to his seat and bid his associates to do the same, “I sometimes forget that we have a whole liaison department hidden in the basement.”
“We’d actually prefer it remain that way.”
“As would I.”

Each of them already had a translated copy of the TOP SECRET DCMS CMCO (Combine Military Coordination Office) investigation on their clipboard. “How did you get this straight from the CMCO on Luthien?”

They asked no more questions about the First Prince’s sources.
Colonel Whitehouse of the DMI (Department of Military Intelligence) M1 Command branch was the first to finish reading, “This cannot be true. Surely the DCMS is mistaken or lying. All orders to act against the Draconis Combine must come from your office.”

He shifted the clipboard down and stared over it at the First Prince. “The Fifth Deneb wouldn’t have launched this operation without your explicit authorization Your Majesty.”
“I believe you are correct. That is why it is crucial that we verify if it was them. There have been a lot of false flags lately, but none of them have been this damaging.”

Major Smith of the AFFS DST (Department of Strategy and Tactics) finished next, “It was a perfectly executed raid. Almost two thousand tons of precious and strategic metals, gold, silver, uranium, rare earths, etc…
Something they would have trained for and against the Proserpina Hussars, their adversary training foe. It could certainly be them. Although we will have to wait for Draconis March Command on Robinson to verify.”
“Major Smith is there a PASP
(Pre-Approved Strike Profile) for an attack on the Scylla’s Gate Foundry on Glenmora?”

“I haven’t heard of one, it could be in the pre-DST files however, when we were part of MI-Two. The DCMS has occupied Glenmora since the Thirty-Nine War and it is two jumps from Robinson and one from Sakhara.”
“Deputy Director Evans what is your impression?”

Vander Evans of MIIO IGS (Information Gathering Services) didn’t look away from the report, his reputation for seeing between the lines meant he was slow to formulate but fast to understand. “My impression is that my colleagues are correct. This is a trademark LightCav raid, there are LF-equipped Tramps presently stationed in the Draconis March, it is in fact the largest deployment in the Federated Suns.

One of which is always on station around New Rhodes and the other is typically around Robinson, very close to Glenmora. It would be easy to re-task one for a special raid, particularly if it was already in the DLC’s PASP deck if one had or could forge the proper authorization codes.
However, there are three pieces of missing data that need to be answered before we can proceed.”

The tension grew between the four men as Vander wiped and adjusted his glasses, before Ian interrupted, “I am the only one allowed to be dramatic in this office Director Evans. Spit it out!”

“We need to determine the current location of each battalion of the Fifth Deneb, if one is missing, they need to be found.

Furthermore, the Admiralty better be able to account for each of LF-equipped Jumpships in that region.

Finally, I suppose these are two questions.
We should inquire as to why the Draconis Combine had two thousand tons of precious metals stored on Glenmora. Our standard protocol on Outback worlds is to limit the stockpiling of bullion to reduce the risk of piracy. Marshals regularly escort precious cargo on regular ships. Surely the Draconis Combine would think the same way, two thousand tons is perhaps five maybe six months of production.

Is the Draconis Combine so strapped for star-lift that they would leave that much precious cargo in one place?

Also why is there only a reinforced Battalion to protect such a strategic world?
Particularly one in such bad condition as the Fourth claims it was. They are on the leading edge of the occupied worlds. Our planning always assumed that there would be at least one Forward ARC and perhaps an additional Mech Regiment with more units rotated in for regular training.
The DCA should have a whole squadron of fast attack ships on standby around that world with gunship and fighter support. This combat report is a damning account of a decaying DCMS and DCA or internal strife within the Draconis Combine itself.”

Colonel Whitehouse leaned forward, “Speculation Director. We have ongoing reports of pirate activity in the Draconis Drift from the OAI. It is possible the DCA has been tasked with handling them and escorting vessels through the Pesht Military District while rooting out their hideouts.

We have exercised extreme caution with Glenmora, Royal, and the other worlds occupied since the Thirty-Nine War. It is possible their vigilance slipped after almost a decade. I expect they will not make the same mistake again.”

Major Smith responded, “However, our colleague is correct, there are too many unanswered questions currently. The Draconis Combine has been on an ebb, none of us doubt this, but that doesn’t mean they are helpless.

Strengthening relations with Capella and Rasalhague and their newfound willingness to employ mercenaries from Oberon and Galatea have freed up DCMS assets that can be redeployed to the Galedon Military District on our borders or even massed for a sneak attack against the Capellan March or Marlette OA.
Your Majesty, I humbly suggest you put every March Militia ON TEMPO for possible retaliatory strikes, approved or otherwise. The DCMS is not known for its restraint, particularly when it comes to matters of honor. They believe we have attacked them. The truth, whatever it is, doesn’t matter.”

Ian smashed his fist onto the table, “It matters to me dammit!
The AFFS is the most professional military in the Inner Sphere. We cannot tolerate rogue elements within it or command problems that might point to greater internal issues.
This is no place for cowboys, we have a Federation Marshal service for that.”

Ian and the others stood, “Major Smith find me that PASP in the MI-Two archives.

Director Evans, I want the best report on the general state of the Draconis Combine MI-Seven can deliver in two days. If there is any suspicion of an internal problem, I want to know about it.

Colonel, talk to the Admiralty. Find out where our fast movers (LF-Jumpships) are, then send someone out to locate every DLC battalion in the Draconis March. If one is missing they need to be found immediately and they better not have a dropship full of precious metal when we do find them.
You are dismissed.”

12/04/3048 Peace Gardens, Castle Davion
First Prince Ian Davion hugged Princess Sophia tight to his chest as he walked hand in hand with his wife Corrine. The hedges rose high above them, and New Avalon’s suns sparkled through icicles hanging from the arches raised above them. “I’m glad it snowed this year, Ian. We’ll have a white Christmas for sure.”
“It’s just too bad our daughter seems to be too tired to enjoy it more today.”
“It’s not like it is just going to melt away this evening. She had a busy morning, its naptime now, and she found a comfortable spot.”

Corrine stroked the stray locks of two year old’s auburn hair that poked out of her hood. “Frankly I’m jealous.”
“You’ll get your chance darling. You’ll always be closest to my heart.”

She pulled him down to kiss him without disturbing their daughter, “How do you always know just what to say?”
Ian smiled, “I have the best speech writers in the Federated Suns.”

They both chuckled before clearing the next corner to see a man with the insignia MIIO’s BII (Bureau of Internal Investigations) waiting for them. Their jovial mood turned dark as Corrine carefully took Sophia to the empty fountain square. “Special Agent Thurnsgrove, BII. I have something personal that Major Smith uncovered in the archives. Liaison department passed it to us.”

“So, the Glenmora attack was already distributed as a PASP as they figured. Why give it to BII?”
“Please give this a look sir.”

Thurnsgrove opened the file redacted in the printout except for the header,
Special Raid on Scylla’s Gate Foundry, Glenmora
Authored by: Tancred Sandoval, MI-2, Fort Ballycastle, Lexington’


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #103 on: 18 February 2023, 03:50:02 »
So ComStar got to Tancred... Photon really has a knack for finding weak links.
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #104 on: 19 February 2023, 21:05:50 »
I had hopes that the raid was a pure COMSTAR op.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #105 on: 20 February 2023, 18:00:10 »
Tancred need to go the way of George Hasek.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #106 on: 21 February 2023, 01:07:18 »
Outright assassination, for a single raid would go really poorly with Draconis March, Ian will have to try diplomacy and intrigue first with his wayward March Lord.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #107 on: 21 February 2023, 12:49:08 »
Outright assassination, for a single raid would go really poorly with Draconis March, Ian will have to try diplomacy and intrigue first with his wayward March Lord.

He's worse than a March Lord, he's his brother in law.

Tancred need to go the way of George Hasek.

I think you were thinking Michael and he's going to come up very soon

12/05/3048 Location – Pojos, Capellan Confederation

Gray and green Battlemechs and armored vehicles of the 15th Dracon engaged a dozen green and black Battlemechs bearing the Crest of the Fallen House Espinosa in the woods outside the capital. In the lead of the Espinosa forces was an upgraded Catapult C5A. Explosive salvoes toppled a Grasshopper seeking to engage it in close combat. The fallen Battlemech was rapidly disabled under the tracks and guns of heavy mechanized infantry as they continued the onslaught.

The Catapult juked incoming fire as Victoria Espinosa’s pirates returned fire against the Dracons which had withdrawn from the capital city to prevent casualties. Four Battlemechs of the sixteen Dracons had fallen under her guns as the pirates halted their advance while her infantry took the MechWarriors hostage, holding them at gunpoint as their fellows watched. Fallen mechs were lifted by her own and onto the heavy 14 wheeled logging trucks looted from local industry.

Victoria stood at the fore her own mech being unable to aid the looting, “Emmanuel, if you want your pilots back and fewer civilian casualties you will allow us to withdraw with whatever we want.”

A Firestarter stepped up beside her, the sparking blue starters for its flamethrowers cast harsh light on its iridescent black paint job, “Otherwise we will just start with them.”

Captain Emmanuel Padre’s hands were still on the triggers of his family’s Ostroc which had survived through the Civil War although it could not save his father at the controls. “I know who you are and what you did during the Reformation. You will be defeated again Victoria. They will find you.”

“Well, I’m here right now Padre.”
Her pirates dropped the Battlemechs as the recovery vehicles set back toward their dropship as they stepped up to the line of battle, “If you want to try.
There’s no better time than the present.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #108 on: 22 February 2023, 14:56:30 »
12/12/3048 Location – NASDF (New Avalon Self-Defense Force) Cape Horn

A stiff breeze rustled endless fields of amber grain and green grass as an AFFS ST-46 escorted by a pair of NASDF Starfire fighters came in for landing. Rubber smoked from the sleek flying wing aircraft’s landing gear as their thrusters roared in reverse to slow them down. The shuttle passed under an arch of water pumped up by the chartreuse fire apparatus and silvered firefighters of NASDF Cape Horn, the largest NASDF base in New Avalon’s southern hemisphere and second in importance to their command center, NASDF Breaker Bay beneath the Avalon Ocean near the New Hebrides. Its escorting fighters returned to the hardway to refuel and prepare for another practice sortie in the clear skies above New Avalon’s glittering Eastern Sea.

First Prince Ian Davion stepped out first returning the salutes of the AFFS flight and NASDF ground crew that waited for him at the bottom of the stair-truck. Princesses Corrine and Sophia followed shortly behind, the little girl swinging down in her mother’s arms before being scooped up by her grandmother before she could reach the ground. Corrine gave her a hard look, “You just couldn’t wait, could you Dana?”

Dana Davion tapped the little girl’s nose gently eliciting an adoring squeak. “Can you blame me? She is just too cute Corrine, and I haven’t seen her in months.”

She hugged her close and made kissy sounds as Sophia giggled while they walked toward a waiting convoy of dusty green GM SUVs, “Grandma has so many presents for you sweetheart.”

Hanse Davion was waiting at the base with a salute; Ian returned it before reaching out to shake his hand. “You don’t have to do that dad.”

“You’re the First Prince son, it is my privilege.”
The flight and ground crew dispersed to attend to their duties leaving behind the dark brown suit and black sunglasses wearing agents of the Federation Marshals’ service. “I didn’t expect you to come down here, or so early.”

“Unfortunately, I’m not in Rostock for Christmas break,”
he looked over to his wife and mother playing with his daughter, “but don’t tell them that.”
His father whispered, “A fishing trip by wandering creek then?”
“A fishing trip by Wandering Creek, that sounds fantastic. Good old father son bonding time, just like the old days.”
Ian hugged his father as they walked side-by-side toward the waiting trucks.

The next day Hanse and Ian Davion dressed down and set out in a beaten-up farm truck past the D’Avon cattle station on the outskirts of Rostock’s southern drylands, a station that encompassed tens of thousands of square kilometers of grazing land while raising sheep, cattle, and horses and employing a staff of hundreds. “It’s been a long while since I’ve been down here.”

“Well, the good thing about that is, it hasn’t really changed. This land is what made our family all those centuries ago and I intend to be a good steward of it.”

Stockmen rode past them on horses and ATVs to feed and water the herds and check fences that kept out dingoes and other predators that might prey upon the Rostock Charbray cattle that clustered under the Acacia shade trees.

Ian looked over to see his father, tanned from the sun with plenty of wiry muscles and good complexion, for being 65 he seemed to have returned to the prime, “You look good dad.”
“Plenty of fresh air, good food, and exercise. All my numbers are normal now. I intend to be here for a long time.
You on the other hand don’t look like you’ve slept well in weeks.”
“I actually don’t think I have. Certainly not in the past two.”
Ian rubbed his temples, as the gravel road disappeared, and a bumpy livestock path replaced it heading down into a creek. “Corrine tells me as much.”
“I’ve been there before.”
“That’s the thing.”
The truck stopped near an oxbow lake beside Wandering Creek, “I think you literally have. I have a Michael Hasek level situation right now.”
They collected the fishing tackle and poles wading through the water to put them behind a log facing the creek, “That bad huh?”
“Almost the exact same kind of situation.”
“How so?”

Ian pried open the stuck metal lid of their tackle box, “Because I think Tancred or James might have launched an unauthorized attack on the Draconis Combine. One that caused a lot of damage.”
“What evidence do you have?”

They sat on the log tying the hooks and lures onto their lines. “I have the full report from the DMCO on Luthien and a Battalion of the Fifth Deneb and one of our Fast Protected Jumpships AWOL.”
“Well Hell, that is a pickle. Have you talked to him or Yvonne yet?”

Hanse and Ian both cast out into the slow-moving waters, “No, I only just confirmed that the Deneb Battalion and FSS Shatter are missing.”
“They didn’t return to FedSuns space after completing their mission?”

“No, at least not back to their duty station on Crossing. I don’t know where they disappeared to, and it’s been almost a month. They could be in Outworlds’ space by now.

I have people looking into it. Since I can’t find them, I cannot determine who sent them, but Tancred wrote the PASP and ever since James became Minister of the Draconis March in the summer he has been itching for a fight,”
Ian reeled in a small fish but carefully released it back into the stream, “and the Dracs haven’t bitten.
They seem preoccupied but I don’t know with what.
Could they really be so weak as to not launch immediate reprisals?”

“Either that or they are exercising caution at what might be perceived as an overreaction that might precipitate another War, one they might lose. They may want to see what you will do.

I’ll talk to Lady Jessica about it. She might be more subtle with her brother and nephew without arousing to much suspicion on you. This could get ugly fast.

What are you going to do about Espinosa’s massacre on Pojos?”

“Tormano hasn’t requested aid from New Syrtis according to Morgan. With Andrew down there I am a little concerned.”

“You and me both but Safe Port has thus far remained so. Would you rather recall him?”
“He would refuse, he’s down there to prove himself by protecting the refugees. I know how that works, but that doesn’t mean I don’t worry. Aerospace pilots don’t get as many chances to screw it up as I received.”

“Well hopefully he learned something from his older brother then.” Hanse rested his hand on Ian’s shoulder, “I know I did.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #109 on: 23 February 2023, 01:17:14 »
So battalion and the ship have vanished? Could be that the allies took care of personnel so that equipment remained ready for further use.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #110 on: 24 February 2023, 10:07:58 »
So battalion and the ship have vanished? Could be that the allies took care of personnel so that equipment remained ready for further use.

Yep vanished, that is the tricky part.

12/08/3048 | Chariot Motodrome, Detroit, Fronc Reaches
Prince Hohiro Kurita looked up at the board as he reloaded shells from his bandolier into a lever action 0.410 shotgun atop a rail guided but motorcycle driven chariot. The flag at the starting line showed the next type of obstacles, overhead passing shots to the rear. He increased the throttle reveling in the machine’s guttural roar, his shotgun’s blast, the saucer sized cays shattering, and cheers from the audience seated below watching the live feed from the spider camera crawling above.

With the last clay shattered he turned around hands raised as if in an ancient triumph parade to the adoring crowd as the scores, a mix of speed and accuracy were tabulated. The billboard lit up with fireworks showing the leaderboard changing, now First Prince Ian Davion had been supplanted by Prince Hohiro Kurita removing him from the top 5. He stopped and dismounted heading toward a collection of Chariot Motor's representatives in suits and a beautiful Canopian woman leaning against a red and black racing motorcycle in a backless dress. Hohiro bowed politely while the others awkwardly reached for handshakes before doing the same. They presented him a small charioteer trophy and the microphone.

“It has been my great pleasure to share your unique sporting event. I look forward to trying it again, perhaps even in my homeland. Until then know that I remember and appreciated your generosity and creativity during my short stay here.
Domo Arigatogozaimasu”

He handed the microphone back and examined the new motorcycle, the woman was still there and very close, “I can open up the hood for you, if you’d like.”
“Apologies Miss, I am already betrothed.”

She slinked away only looking back once to dramatically throw her cascade of brown curls aside and gave an inquiring lean. Shin Yodama passed her along the way and looked back as she disappeared backstage. The switched to Japanese at least forcing any listeners to translate it back.
“I’d hit that.”
“Well, you’re not a Prince and she is definitely MIM.”
“That just makes it exciting.”
“You mentioned something about a situation earlier Yodama-san.”
“Pirates attacked Pojos, killed sixteen Dracon Merc MechWarriors and set three towns and many hectares of forest on fire. A fire they are still fighting.”
“Pojos is close to Victoria, yes?”
“Its almost one jump actually.”
“Then we need to leave, MIM is already looking to compromise us.”

12/15/3048 | Frazer, Federated Suns
Prince Andrew ‘ADD’ (Hilariously his initials and callsign) Davion wore the insignia of the 9th Illician Air Guard as he looked out the Lounge’s viewscreen toward Frazer’s K0-primary obscured behind the delicate rigging of the OAS Rimward Frontier’s jumpsail. Beyond the silvery hue was a field of black with only the faintest motes of light from distant suns and the outer planets of this world shared between his Federated Suns and the Capellan Confederation. Although claimed by the former it was still mostly inhabited by displaced persons slowly being returned to their homelands.

Two smaller jumpships, both Nebulas (Invaders) could also be seen from the glint of their jumpsails. The Canal class space station Waypoint Java, so named for how much rice it handled was only visible as an icon on the computer display.

He felt and hand on his shoulder, “Have you ever been outside the Federated Suns, flight officer?”
“I haven’t Major. The Wars were over before I graduated from Armstrong.”
Andrew turned to see the newly minted Major Travis 'Tao' Watson, a lean and wiry man in his early 30s whose first combat missions were during the hellish 3039 campaign against the DCA.
“Well, that will change in a few hours. The Outworlders have begun to reel the jump sails back in.
I managed to convince the Cappie Starboss that you were another Andrew Davion and not the Prince. Although we both might have hell to pay for it later.”

“Ian will understand. Victoria Espinosa needs to face justice, or death.”
“Well, you are right on the latter, here’s hopes you are right on the former.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #111 on: 24 February 2023, 12:56:54 »
Princes on a collision course. Hopefully also collusion course.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #112 on: 26 February 2023, 14:44:13 »
I am so looking for to some action!  Its been long coming I think.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #113 on: 27 February 2023, 22:03:39 »
Talon Zahn warmed his left hand on the inside of his Armstrong Flight Academy emblazoned ‘bomber’ jacket above his lightweight space suit. His right hand and one foot held him in place staring out from his Overlord’s viewport at the latest intelligence regarding Victoria Espinosa’s raids against planets within two jumps of this area. With so many crucial worlds within range the Strategios were understandably concerned. Just beyond the screen the radiator ‘wings’ of Top of the Well, a Lighthouse class space station ‘moored’ by light sails to Renown’s Zenith Jump Point, glittered in the dim light of its red M-II primary.

A klaxon rang within the confines of his Overlord signaling Battle Stations. His hand reached out toward the nearby handset. An announcement came over the intercom calling all-ready pilots and crews to their fighters. “Captain, what is the matter?”
“We are detecting two unknown jump signatures.”
“At the same time?”
“I will do what I can to assist. Getting out in my Scorpion if I must.”
“We have plenty of guns of our own.”

Gunnery crews rushed to their battle stations manning the triple turrets of autocannons and lasers that protected the Command Overlord CCS Falcon’s Grasp (Liè yīng de zhǎngwò). Engineering and cargo decks were sealed up and depressurized, damage control crews buckled up in their folding seats their ECLSS packs securely fitted into the folding skeleton seats and helmets back against the padded walls. The command deck was sealed as he entered, four Espatier guards manned their stations on the other side of the now locked door.

As he sat down at the auxiliary command console all of the dropship’s teams checked in and confirmed that they were ready for action. Captain Xie Wan sat behind and above the helmsmen both staring into the projected RADAR globe of nearby space. Four fighters had been deployed from the nearby station and their own ship. The Kuan Ti patrol craft CCS Sandman launched its a pair of Gunships and was vectoring toward the opposite bogey.

The bogeys turned green as the Swift (Scout) DCA Nagato and Nebula (Merchant) OAS Ferris Wheel’s IFF codes checked out. Both vessel's icons transformed into the crests of House Davion and Kurita as the royal check-codes of both empires were confirmed. Falcon’s Grasp INTERCOM blared, “Crew this is the Captain speaking. All clear. All clear.
False Alarm due to Rogue Princes.”

He checked his watch, “Almost set a ship record time for prep to launch, so good job.
Since they are already out the pilots have maneuvers. Everyone else report to your Section Leaders and prepare for dinner in your suits, we might still need them. Drinks on me tonight if everything goes well.”

The dropship’s fuselage rang with the knocking of armored gauntlets on its bulkheads. Captain Xie Wan tossed a set of keys his way. Three dropships launched from the foreign jumpships carefully escorted in by the CCAF Fleet Arm. “Take the Mowang Talon and get these Princes out of here.”
Talon fingered the brilliant orange tagged keys, “Captain, can I put it on the ship’s tab?”
Xie took his helmet off and tapped on the chair's arms. “If it avoids a war between the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns. I think the Chancellery would approve and I'll put you in for a medal.”


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #114 on: 28 February 2023, 17:49:10 »
Chapter 15 – Common Animosity

Erlance’s Bazaar reeked of desperation, sewer, spoiled meat, and tannery chemicals. Two men navigated around the foul-smelling pools of runoff gathering in its dark roads past women whose gaudy rags hide nothing in broad daylight. The taller man wore a brown duster and sunglasses, a kangaroo leather hat hid his shaved head. “You always take me to the nicest places.”

His companion wore tan button-down shirt, blue jeans, and military boots all covered with dust. His disheveled black hair covered his sunglasses. “I’ve been to worse in Solaris City.”

A beggar approached them before he saw that the pistol belt wrapped around the man’s waist. He disappeared into shadowed alleys. Yuri looked over toward a butcher shop proudly showing the skinned carcasses of grass rats. “I find that difficult to imagine.”

“The Blessed Order forces us all to make sacrifices in its service.”

They turned the corner and onto the wraparound deck of an old ‘hotel,’ a three-story building crudely cobbled together from material from no less than a dozen. A fit, short-haired, dark-skinned woman with numerous scars sat on a monobloc chair behind a plastic table with a cheap chess board set upon it. She wore a bikini top, shorts, and wedge sandals. Her sarong was laid behind her on the chair covered in sweat. Behind her was a man who looked as though he would rip the comparably lean Yuri limb from limb before eating him with his sharpened teeth. “With an outfit like that I’d expect you to be on a beach Victoria rather than in a slum on Zanzibar.”

“I don’t think I would trust any beach on Zanzibar with this body Photon.”
She loosened the straps and retied them around her neck showing off her shoulders and expose more of her breasts. “Besides the only bathing I do is nude.”
“Don’t let me stop you. I’ve lived beside the Mediterranean on Terra for seven years so I’m comfortable with that. Although I feel like I should take my top off as well.” Photon unbuttoned his shirt and laid it on the chair behind him to show off a tanned chest pockmarked with shrapnel and bullets wounds from his service on the losing side of the Andurien Succession and time in ROM.
Two waiters appeared from the doorway carrying chairs for the newly arrived guests, “Would you like something to drink sir?”
“Whatever passes for wine here and a whiskey to burn my tongue beforehand. Yuri, would you like anything?”
“I will politely decline.”

She spun the chess board around, “I presume you want white.”
“I do like to move first,”
he spun it back after picking up the White Queen and substituting it for a better crafted one from his pocket, “however ladies first. How about we play keep away? If I win you lose your boon.”
“Since you are raising the stakes, I shall as well.”
Victoria loosened her top and wrapped the strings around her chest exposing herself even more.
“The last time I let my eyes wander I almost got my arm pulled out of its socket on Mars. Anything you have I can already get from a younger model.”

They proceeded to play the game, until the White Knights had pinned the Black King against the corner with the White Queen checkmating Photon’s King. “Checkmate.”
“Brilliant maneuvering. I thought I had you beat for a move or two Victoria.”
“My father was a brilliant tactician, and he would have been victorious. If it hadn’t been for the Federated Suns. Kamea would be dead, and I would be Queen.”
She tapped the chess piece onto a comm-pad and read the display twice. “If only I were ten years younger. Two for one special?”
Photon let a smile slip, “With Yuri in play we are going for a full hat trick.”
“I’ll get right on it. We will depart tomorrow. Care for another game?”
“I don’t play games for fun anymore Victoria. Besides I have work to do.”


  • Captain
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #115 on: 01 March 2023, 01:10:11 »
Ah yes, work. It's dirty, but someone has to do it. Though I guess in Photon's case, he does it with relish.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #116 on: 01 March 2023, 08:40:55 »
Ah yes, work. It's dirty, but someone has to do it. Though I guess in Photon's case, he does it with relish.

and Tzatziki

Staccato strums of flamenco guitar and hollow percussion of castanets filled Talon Zahn’s section of CCSS-R758 aka Top of the Well’s gravity deck as a Cerillos couple performed for tourists from the Federated Suns. “Olay!” she stomped and swirled her colorful skirts before suddenly stopped to strike a strong and graceful pose as FedSuns Pounds fell gently into the guitar case at half-speed. “Muchos Gracias, amigos.”

Across the street Canopian traveling medics, teachers, and Magdalean Sisters discussed something in their native tongue while sharing.

A team of builders from Ward downed their metal beverage bottles before shouting out for a refill.

Arcologists, a sect of the Taurian Far Looker movement and their most profitable component, discussed the elements of this station, built by the Free World’s League SelaSys Inc., with their youth. The elders pointed to the green algae tucked into the ‘useless’ space of the gravity decks upper arch, the indirect lighting that helped shape shadows concealing the curve of the ring, and that the utilities were just below the floor easily accessible through grates in the passageway.

Talon noticed the security guard following the tour group closely as they entered a ‘free speech area’ where an evangelist from Herotitus’ newest cult, the Church of the New Living Christ, preached “Seek redemption on Herotitus. Don’t fall for the sins of excess. Embrace the sacred love of the divine,” to the travelers who chattered about their destination. Missionaries from The Omniss, other Far Looker sects, the Canopian Catholic Church of Mary Magdalene, and others were also present.

Despite his best efforts an overly zealous Inheritor slapped a pamphlet into his hands clearly seeing the short man with a Gladius, the symbol of Ares Military Academy, tattooed down his neck wearing a fur lined bomber jacket over his CCAF Fleet Grays as a visitor and tried to do it with others before security intervened and chased him away.

It read ‘Doom awaits the fallen Inner Sphere. The Periphery will rise up and remake all worlds in their own image. Only we inheritors forsee the inevitable. Join us and be saved.’ in five languages most of which Talon read well enough to know it wasn’t written by an actual translator.

He deposited it in the nearest waste bin, “Maybe you’ve gone to far with embracing religious tolerance and tourists Chancellor.” Talon looked around at the crowds gathered from across the Inner Sphere which had gathered at a small rest station within what Chancellor Tormano Liao had called ‘A New Central Kingdom’ when he assumed power. He sat on a median bench across from the quaint faux wooden exterior of the Wellspring Pub. “On the other hand, perhaps it’s a better thing that the Confederation is not like it was before.”

A young man in the light blue-gray uniform of the Illician Lancers approached the pub, “You are out of uniform Prince Andrew.”
“You have some non-uniform apparel on as well Sang-Wei. Nice coat. Shame I couldn’t bring mine.”

Talon shook the other man’s hand when offered and looked to the side where two corseted women wore leggings under their crescent skirt while sitting next to a mixed group. “Thank you. The stationmaster keeps the temperature low to make the New Hedons wear clothes.”
“That’s one way to do it. Have you ever been Talon?”
“No, I’d rather not go to the budget friendly version of the Magistracy of Canopus even if they do hire most of their Pleasure Circus talent from that world. If I am going to do that, I’ll go all the way, probably to Luxen and Vixen. Perhaps I’ll find a diamond in the rough there. Does your brother or Chancellor Liao know you are AWOL?”

“Only my luggage made it to New Syrtis for the holidays. I told them I would follow up by shuttle eventually. They will find out soon enough, but only after Espinosa is taken care of.”

Prince Hohiro, Shin Yodama, and two escorting Station Security Officers joined them. Talon gave them a signal to be wary. “If your brother had finished the job the first time you wouldn’t need to. Princeling, go home, First Edo will handle Espinosa and her bandits properly.”

“Neither of you have authorization to operate alone, Hohiro you must subordinate yourself to CCAF command while in country and you are to stand down.
Andrew you are operating completely without authorization, by the strictest definition you are an illegal immigrant if not a pirate yourself.”

“I have approval to seek her out in defense of the Herotitus Clip convoys as a member of Illician Lancers under contract with the United Outworlders Company of Alpheratz.”

Onlookers began to gather around their party followed by station security. “Which means nothing here, this isn’t the Rim, even if it seems like it sometimes. The Capellan Dragoons will handle the Capellan Confederation’s piracy problem.”

“Its our piracy problem too Sang-Wei Zahn. Espinosa’s pirates have attacked seven worlds in the Capellan March. The AFFS would be justified in seeking them out under the terms of the Thirty-Thirty-Two St Ives Treaty on Interstellar Protection and Navigation.”
“Which has been superseded by the Capella Accords of last year Andrew. The DCMS and DCA have standing Status of Force agreements to support the CCAF.”

“You have both had a lot of time to think about this. How about we just talk this over, in private?”
Talon thumbed toward the nearby pub.

Each pointed toward the other and spoke in unison, “With him?”
“Yes. Unless you both want to leave and let the CCAF handle this.”

Both paused for a long moment staring each other up and down. The crowd stood in absolute silence while security stretched their hands at their sides in anticipation.
“I’ll buy.” Andrew said.
“Nonsense, I’ll buy.” Hohiro replied

“I’m buying.” Talon responded, putting himself between them.

“That seems only fair Hohiro. Don’t you agree?”

“It is Andrew. Thank you for your hospitality, Talon.”

Andrew, Hohiro, and Talon slipped past through the saloon style doors and into the dark interior the most obvious decoration being the Northwind planetary flag hung behind the door. A large man ushered them into a private booth as station security blocked entry to the onlookers and Yakuza Shin Yodama.

“Liddies and Strathconner Dews all round. Keep the tab open Logan." Talon settled between the two princes who sat opposite one another. "We might be here for a spell.”


  • Captain
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #117 on: 01 March 2023, 09:16:02 »
If he manages to handle the two hotheaded princes, then it would be only right to fast track Zahn for Strategios.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #118 on: 02 March 2023, 23:23:41 »
Peppy pub music played softly in the background as three men sat in silence with a pair of metal cups in front of them. Talon lifted his pint glass and drank a deep draught, “Now that we are in private you have nothing to say to one another?”

“Where’s our metals! and those responsible for stealing them on Glenmora! Andrew?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about Hohiro.”

Hohiro shot upward upsetting the cups which spun around until their magnetized bottoms caught them, “Don’t lie to me! Two thousand tons of precious metals were stolen by the Fifth Deneb.
The Proserpina Hussars took heavy casualties and the foundry sustained serious damage.
Luthien gave you a chance to respond peaceably.
Don’t think this won’t go unanswered!”

Andrew and Talon both shot up in response, Andrew leaned forward while Talon stood ready to intervene before things go ugly. “I don’t know what you are talking about!
If Ian had launched an attack.

It would only be the first blow in an offensive that would go all the way to Galedon Five, again!
I don’t know where you got your intel, but they are lying to you!”

“You lie! and dare to insult me.”
“Bring it on Hohiro.”

Security peeked in on the party from just outside, Talon waved them off. “Both of you calm down!
You are both insulting me.  I expected better from Princes.  As your host I implore you to respect decorum.

I will not have a war break out between the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine because of a bar brawl in the Capellan Confederation. And I do not want to explain why another Kuritan Prince was arrested for battery following a trip to the bar with foreign nobility. You wouldn't want to gain a reputation for being unable to control your temper or your liquor would you Hohiro?”

Andrew sipped on his scotch. “It was a good fight. Watched it in a station bar just like this one.”
Hohiro did the same. “I was on Detroit. Minoru should have kept his hands up more.”
“Ian spent a lot of time on Detroit. Did you go to the Motodrome?”

They finished their scotches, Logan showed up and left the bottle, so Talon refilled them with the smoky amber liquor. “I put him out of the top five.”
“I’m sure Ian would be crushed to hear that.”
“Then Sao-Wei Zahn was one of the first officers I worked with in preparation for our Peacekeeping operations and stared opposite me at the Change of Command ceremony on Capella. So how do you know Talon Andrew?”
“Talon and I met as part of an officer exchange between The Warrior’s Hall and Ares Mechwarrior Academy.”

“A Capellan Cadet invited to the Warrior’s Hall? I’m certain that went over well.”

Talon threw back his shot and his companions were encouraged to do the same. “After the third victory in my Scorpion on the dueling grounds. I was informed that I would have to limit myself to simulator duels for the safety of the cadets. Apparently, they found fighting against a quadruped mech difficult, even one only slightly better armed than a Panther.”

The Kuritan Prince leaned back after his fifth drink, “I’m certain you were crushed Talon.”
“They were eventually forced to limit it further to only Wednesday nights, to keep up with my classwork. Although Duke Morgan Hasek gave me a cast bronze scorpion statue as a gift with the inscription ‘I can swim’ for giving such a clinic on unconventional tactics.”
“Did you bring it with you?”
“No, I wouldn’t fit in my seabag. It weighs almost a hundred kilos. So, it’s with my parents on Ares.”

Many drinks were poured, delectable stovie meat pies, aromatic chicken-a-leekie soup, and puddings were eaten. All three exchanged boisterous war stories even though none of them had ever served in actual combat having little more than handling isolated units of criminals and smugglers comprised of former CCAF and SIMC soldiers with a few opportunists from abroad although most of those had left after Highspire.

As the ‘Willspring Summit’ reached its fourth hour and were about to start its third liter of Strathconner Scotch. The Princes were too inebriated to realize that Talon was dumping and duping them but felt honor bound to go drink for drink with him and not show weakness in front of their rival. Hohiro’s face was blush red and it showed even on Andrew whose skin was pale from too much time in space and not enough in a tanning booth. The conversation steered back toward more relevant topics after a long sojourn on romantic conquests real or imagined.

“Its just like…” Hohiro drabbled off for a bit, his eyelids like leaden weights, eyes bloodshot to the extreme, “I just want to see some action against a real foe…before I go back home…and get married to Ayame.”

Andrew reached out to pat him on the shoulder, but his aim was off due to his drunkenness. His arm hung lazily and dragged him down till his chin almost touched the table. “I get that mannn…I’m just tryin’ to do right by my brotherrrr.”

They each collapsed onto the table, sliding off the glossy vinyl seats, before crashing to the deck. Talon reached fourth to rescue the Scotch bottle before tiptoeing around Andrew who snorted in disapproval before he started snoring. Logan arrived after hearing the crash, Talon tried to pass him the unopened bottle. “You keep it laddie. On the house. I’ve come up with the new marketing slogan for Strathconner Dew, one bottle is strong enough to knock out two Princes. They couldn’t ask for a better endorsement.”

Logan leaned in and pointed his thumb toward himself. “History won’t forget that it was Logan McGregor’s Wellspring Pub that stopped a War. I’ll be famous.”


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Re: Scars of Victoria (Golden Lion AU)
« Reply #119 on: 03 March 2023, 01:11:10 »
Logan leaned in and pointed his thumb toward himself. “History won’t forget that it was Logan McGregor’s Wellspring Pub that stopped a War. I’ll be famous.”

Hope springs eternal.
Shoot first, laugh later.

