Author Topic: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)  (Read 25423 times)


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #120 on: 09 July 2023, 07:09:26 »
Blind them with luxury, keep them busy with social functions, milk them for intel. Solid plan. And that culture shock must be severe for the Adders. They must be downright dizzy with the enormity of the Inner Sphere's wealth.
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #121 on: 09 July 2023, 22:50:34 »
Locals had graffitied onto the darkened husk of COMSTAR’s A Class HPG Compound just outside Hollyfield. Its large transmission antennae still blinked to reveal their position to incoming traffic from its nearby star-port. Adam stood alongside Katya noticing how awkward the pulse laser rifle was slung over her shoulder.

He used a set of bolt-cutters to remove the padlock from the chain link gate.
“What do these colorful phrases mean Adam?”

They passed white vehicles marked with the Blessed Order’s logo abandoned in the faithful’s haste to depart Somerset. Some of them had broken windows and more had their own graffiti painted on the flanks. “Many of them are indeed quite colorful Star Captain. However, most of them are insults or intonations for Blake’s faithful to return and deliver them from you.”


Adam felt the coarse thread of his bondcord, “Right, Us.”
“Can your Technicians reestablish this world’s telephone network?”
“I am unsure. COMSTAR has run it for as long as I have known. We have become dependent on their knowledge and skills.
Until we can get the telephones back online, we cannot even begin to get trains rolling again to replace lost Starlift capacity or shift resources. There are few other routes for internal exchange, with luck we will not have to rely on motorcycle couriers.”

He used the bolt cutter handles to clear the remaining glass from the ruined front door into the lobby. A great spherical armature stood unmoving above a holoprojector dominating the cathedral like hall. It formerly would have projected a picture of the Inner Sphere or Somerset that would dominate the space and awe petitioners. “I am more interested in speaking in real time with my compatriots in Somerport.”
“Are you concerned Star Captain?”
“Neg. You were foolish to oppose our righteous cause bondsman.”
“That remains to be seen Star Captain.”

Somerset Constables followed them through the door gathering about in a loose mass until Katya turned to face them, “Inventory everything Patrol, and report it to myself or Star Commander Presley.”

They hesitated and looked toward Adam who gave them a nod that set them on their way. Constables broke into smaller groups with headlamps and lanterns to wander about the corridors and rooms of the facility. “Why did they hesitate bondsman? Everything on this world is isorla to Clan Star Adder and under my command. It is my right to do an inventory and submit it to INTER-LOGI and INTELSTAR.”
“They do not wish to defile COMSTAR’s sacred spaces.”
“COMSTAR has a long reach and longer memory Star Captain. Transgressions and Trespasses against the Order regularly backfire on their perpetrators.
They will return and demand satisfaction one way or another.”
“COMSTAR is not long for this universe bondsman. The Clans shall supplant them and restore them to their proper place within the Star League.”
“Many have tried Star Captain. However, they were established by your Great Father Aleksandr Kerensky and have endured centuries of strife within the Inner Sphere. Dismiss them at your own peril.”

Rain pattered on the Solarium’s glass panels as Katya completed her morning laps and exited the pool. Her muscles burned from exertion before being given slight comfort as she massaged those exposed by her one-piece swimsuit. A blonde crechie girl in a green dress peeked out from the garden with a broad smile, “You’re a pretty lady. Will you be staying long?”

Her appearance caught the Warrior by surprise, she didn’t say anything, but the girl was still smiling and staring at her as she danced across the pavers. One of the maids appeared in the doorway with a little brown haired boy nearby and concerned look. “Ana!”

Ana laughed and skipped over to the woman. “Du hittade mig mamma!”
Katya stood up, looked, and stepped toward them before halting. She curtsied as did Ana and the boy bowed slightly emulating the others. “I am very sorry to have disturbed you Star Captain Kerensky.”
She knelt to face the girl and pointed toward her, “Ana, you can’t play near the pool without my supervision.
Come along, it’s time for breakfast.”
“Okej Momma.”

Adam Steiner sat in front of the rain streaked window with a steaming cup of strong black tea and a plate of rye toast and white weisswurst beside piles of paper on his desk as Katya barged into his office. Her platinum blonde hair went to her shoulders. A purple one-piece swimsuit showed far more of her pale skin, the side-effect of long periods of space travel. Many dropships included tanning beds, at least those traveling within the Lyran Commonwealth, though pale skin waxed or waned into fashion with Tharkad’s media industry and its stable of actress or the Archon herself.

“This is not exactly what I would call an undress uniform. Is there anything I can do for you Star Captain.”
“Why are there crechies here?”
“I am afraid I do not understand. Please define a Crechie.”

Katya paused, extending her hands before pressing them together, “Small people.”
“You mean children? It is Saturday so they do not have school. My mother gave her staff permission to bring them in to work so that they might play on the grounds during the half-day of labor expected of them during the weekend. In better weather, there is even a picnic.
Do you have a problem with children Katya?”

“I have not seen a child since I completed Sibko and begun MechWarrior training at the Academy almost a decade ago.”
“That does not answer my question Star Captain.”

She walked toward him to stand and leaned over to stare at him. He returned the stare back into her icy blue eyes. “I do not like children.”

He wrote, ‘Keine Kinder unter Prämisse,’ on the memo pad near her, “I will inform my staff then.”

10/17/3030 | Wolf Enclave TW-856, Tranquil
Smoldering wrecks of Wolf Battlemechs slumped against the walls as a Blood Asp from the 193rd Adder Dragoons forced its way through the gates. Their Elementals crested the wide earthen battlements of the besieged settlement scattering the last of its defenders as conventional troops rushed in through the gates. Within the enclave sharpshooters and machine guns fire upon them forcing them to take cover. They did so as blocky Oro and Indra tanks rolled through the ruined gates flanked by nimbler Zorya.

Within the creche the younger children cried out as the guns raged above and around them. Their caretakers and the older sibkin had taken up arms in the defense of Clan Wolf leaving them behind in the darkness. Dust fell from the roofbeams as a Battlemech walked above them, grains of it stuck to a girl’s platinum blonde hair and their khaki uniforms with serial numbers stenciled on them in black.

Sounds of combat came closer and the children did the same hugging, arms wrapping around each other, as the door opened to reveal an Adder Star Captain and his fireteam with pistols on their hips, rifles slung over their backs, and knives attached to their boot. “What is going to happen Katya?” cried the little brown haired boy who had wrapped her hands around her.

“Everything will be fine Vlad.”

The man consulted a bloody memo pad, rapping a pen sharply on its metal clipboard. “Start with the Wards. There will be fewer of them to process that way.”
One of the men ripped the boy away from her and dragged him by his collar. Another did the same with the others. They slammed the door shut behind them, so Katya only heard one of them shout in pain, ‘He grabbed my knife! Get him!’ followed by gunshots just outside.

A lightning strike snapped her awake, breathless, eyes filled with tears. She recognized the immense room and the little bit of it that her person and kit occupied. Her vest was perched up on the dresser, seabag open in front of it with her pulse laser rifle leaning against it. Beside her on the nightstand was her pistol, knife, watch, and codex with the Star Adder staring at her.

She slid out from the bed stepping gracefully on the fine grained hardwood floor toward the bathroom then retched out her six-course dinner.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #122 on: 10 July 2023, 01:03:01 »
Did Tharkad even hear about attack on the Somerset?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #123 on: 10 July 2023, 16:12:46 »
Did Tharkad even hear about attack on the Somerset?

That sure sounds like something that will get addressed later. So far nobody knows.


Rachel and Adam strode through the gardens as Somerset’s axial tilt and weak primary combined to bring autumnal chill to Hollyfield and a change in wardrobe. Its orchards were now harvested, rotting fruit left to finish pigs that would become next season’s sausage. “Adam, Katya and the others have been acting erratically.”

“I am aware but cannot do anything about it at the moment.”
“Why do you think they are behaving this way?”
“You wish to know my theories?”
“They don’t talk to me. I am just your ‘assistant’ after all.”

He wrapped an arm around her, “You are more than that and I am happy to have you here. You know that right?”
She leaned into his warmth, “I know, but it is still annoying.”
“Sorry Rach, it must be that way for now. Better they be surprised by what you can do.

I think the lack of structure is getting to them. From what I have gathered the Clan Warrior Caste are like the ancient Janissaries. They are trained from a young age with no expectation for a long or happy life or given knowledge of the greater world outside their combat role.”

“That sounds depressing.”
“I know and I think they are becoming aware of it without something else to focus on. The psychic harm is eating away at them. They are beginning to succumb to ennui the longer they are disconnected from their own people. Somerset just doesn’t have anything to offer them in its present state.”

“Is that a good thing?”
“I don’t think so, but I can only remain patient and vigilant.”

Commotion rang out through the halls of Holly Field Haus as Adam and Rachel ran downstairs to find Katya holding a maid hostage with a knife surrounded by anxious staff. The women’s eyes were wide with fear while Katya’s hair and eyes were wild, black pinpricks drowning in a sea of blue.

Gustav and the others let Adam through the crowd which whispered that the Constables were en route, “Katya what the hell are you doing!”

Her voice came out even more unhinged than her appearance betrayed, “She has taken the children!”
Adam stood ahead and walked toward them, “They are her children.”
“They are the Clan’s children.
My isorla.
I want to see them.”

“You requested they leave Katya.”
“I must know that they are safe.”
Katya grasped the woman’s arm strongly, “take me to them.”

The women mouthed ‘help’ to Adam as he kept her attention while watching Racheal who was skulking her way through the crowd behind them. “I think they are safer away from you Star Captain.
I do not know what demons haunt you, but they will not endanger the innocent people of Somerset.

He got within arm’s reach, “Put the knife down.”

“No! Get away from me!
You look down on me.
You think I do not know what you are doing! Who told you!”

His palms were held up and voice soft, “I don’t intend to do anything if you let Sanna go.
You are in some kind of distress Katya, make any other decision but that one.”

Katya’s knife closed to her hostage before she turned it to point the blade toward him. “This is all your…” She tensed up and fell into Adam’s arms, knife clattering to the floor as Rachel’s stun darts stuck into her back. He undid his belt and looped it around her elbows to restrain the deranged Clan Warrior as the Constables and other Adder Warriors arrived.

Adam stood firmly before the other MechWarriors, “Star Captain Kerensky is ill. She needs rest, behind a locked door.”

“You dare to restrain our Star Captain! Your bondholder.”
“I dare. If you want to fight MechWarrior, then challenge me to a Trial.”

“You cannot be the subject of a Trial without the Star Captain’s approval Bondsman nor are we able to discipline you. We can only challenge Warriors,”
They became aware of the Constables behind them, “Others are to comply with our commands.”

“My bondholder seems to be incoherent at the moment.”
Even though the darts were pulled out Katya lay semi-catatonic on the floor. “She can punish me upon regaining her composure.”
“We expect she shall.”
The Adders lifted Katya upon their shoulders as they unceremoniously carried her away and upstairs to her room.

Sanna shook and shivered despite encouraging words from her co-workers as Adam saw the Adders off who were followed by the Constables. “I am very sorry Sanna. Take two weeks off to spend time with your family. I’ll try to keep Katya contained and ask Gustav to assign you to a less visible station for now.”

“Thank you, Lord Steiner, for helping me and your generosity.”

He bent his thumb toward Rachel, “It was all her. I was thinking of wrestling it away.”

She turned to Rachel, “Thank you Lieutenant Specter.”
“You’re welcome.”
Rachel slotted another cartridge into the stun gun. “Glad this little gadget has finally come in handy.”

Holly Field Haus was still and silent, as usual was on a Sunday when only essential staff were present. The rest were enjoying a day that was shaping up to be beautiful, leaves were turning orange and brown while the sun sank lower each day. Adam walked within the Grand Room, boots clacking on stone tiles echoes dampened by recently installed tapestries which lent the chamber a smell of wool and the wooden chests they were stored in.

He paused before a great wooden door carved with images of vibrantly painted Griffins of myth upon it, sized to evoke a feeling worthy of the Archon’s Thorne Room on Tharkad when the Duchess was holding Grand Court rather than using the more modest Office or smaller Salon for business. They dated from the era of Cochren, the progenitor of House Borge-Steiner as a reminder of Somerset’s historical position as a March world meant to protect the Lyran Commonwealth from the Rim World’s Republic before it languished in that realm’s absence.

A large padlock barred the way, but he lifted an immense bronze key and unlocked it with a snap of both hands. Despite being well balanced the door’s wood had a heavy steel core leading as it did to Manor’s Southern Wing dominated by the Armory, Lockers, and Gym.

Her footfalls and shadow revealed her presence before Katya stood on the ornate rugs that protected the Armory’s floor from its weapons and vice versa. Adam polished a gilded bespoke reproduction of an ancient musket returning the stock’s ornate wood to its previous gleam. A weapon capable of downing boar if tales of his Granduncle Pete and the taxidermy plaque were to have been believed. Not that he had met the man that had cost his Grandmother her life and his son the Duchy of Somerset.

“Yes Katya.”

Katya wrapped her hand around the hilt of a longsword, “You have embarrassed me Bondsman.”
Adam returned the musket to its mount above the mantle and came to stand beside a mannequin clad in gothic style half-plate, “I saved my people, as is my duty.”

She lingered for a moment, “I will not forget this.”

His eyes searched her posture for any movement that could reveal an attack. “Then perhaps you are indeed capable of learning Clanswomen.”

Her knuckles went white around the hilt, “I find that suffering is a reliable tutor.”

“But one that frequently delivers the wrong lessons.”
“You would dismiss my suffering!”
Her voice boomed through the armory. A primal scream from the deepest wells of emotion.

Adam remained steady, “Quite the contrary Star Captain Katya Kerensky. I acknowledge it but believe you have wallowed in it so long you cannot see options that are obvious to those with clearer eyes.”

“You would seek to educate me then and clear my vision?”
“Has my Trial of Position finally arrived bondholder?”
She nodded and Adam snapped the bondcord with a firm tug, “If suffering is the only method to reach you. Well, it is a Professor’s job to speak their student’s language.”

He removed his vest and rolled up his shirt sleeves, “Un-augmented?” His hands wrapped around the hilt of a cavalry saber, “or would you like to test a Steiner with live steel?”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #124 on: 10 July 2023, 22:27:32 »
Dueling scars?
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #125 on: 11 July 2023, 02:46:21 »
But this is without mensur protection gear.

Katya's traumas make her unable to really function outside environment where outside pressure keeps down what is boiling inside her. Releasing up all that is pent up inside her within clan society would get her killed fast, but here she is danger to everyone else instead. We will see if Adam can defuse this UXO with multiple non-standard anti-tempering devices installed.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #126 on: 11 July 2023, 22:24:13 »
Dueling scars?

Only Andrew has those and boy was Anette angry about that.


Adam’s saber caught Katya’s longsword with the draw directing it downward and into the ornate rug. Sparks flew as its steel scraped against the stone. He danced away, “Very dishonorable of you Star Captain,” then gave her a mocking salute, “Auf der Hut.”

“You cheated during our last trial.”
Her stance was much higher than a proper hanging guard, leaving more of her exposed. Yet Adam bladed himself to her saber fully extended to make up for lost reach from his nimbler weapon.

“I followed my bid, an SLDF Standard company plus whatever they could carry.
His eyes narrowed as he put racks of polearms and mannequins donning armor between them, “Planned poorly. Although I am not certain what I would do with a bondswoman should things have turned out differently.

I am however afraid the position of girlfriend and lover is already occupied.”

Katya adjusted her stance lowering the sword to better protect her head and keep it from entangling on the Halberds and other weapons, “I would have ejected myself into the flames before I would allow a freeborn like you to control me, let alone couple with you.”

Adam mule kicked the door to the Gym open revealing a large room complete with a fighting ring and exercise apparatus. “That would have saved me a great deal of trouble.”

He parried her next attack hard enough that Katya’s guard failed and had to catch her feet to adjust to a back guard, her blade hovering over the floor while leaving her exposed. “You are just playing with me now Adam. 
Strike a blow!
Draw blood!”

Your lesson is not over, and I find this oddly nostalgic. It’s been a while since I sparred in this room.”

Her next strike was close razor edged steel arcing upward to cleave him in twain. She was to slow however, and he stepped inward to deliver an uppercut with his off hand that did little against the Clan Warrior hardened as she was by a lifetime of training and abuse.

The next blow, meant for his head, was faster as she placed her hand on the unsharpened portion of the blade to lever it. It very nearly succeeded but Adam ducked and executed a shallow draw cut on her side before putting distance between them.

Blood trickled on the tiles as Adam presented the saber once more as he walked back into the sandy fighting ring, “You received what you asked for Clanswoman. Are you satisfied?”

Once more her blade raised as she advanced, “I am only getting started.”

Their footing was unstable on the sand, affecting Katya more than Adam but her blows were as strong as before. Adam dodged where he could, parrying where he could not, minor cuts and scrapes began to wear on both, as breath came in fierce bursts timed with strikes. Katya dropped her sword in the bind, drawing a knife that slashed across Adam’s chest as he fell backward.

She leapt on him driving her knife down with fury rather than whatever remained of her strength.
Adam shifted beneath her as the blade punched through the sand less than a palm length away.
He struck the inside of her forearm with his palm causing her fingers to slacken and lose their grip on the bloody dagger. Katya drove her elbow toward his neck but hit him in the chin trying to force her way through despite his resistance while they wrestled for control of the dagger.

Adrenaline kicked in as their breathing grew more ragged with the strain. Adam grabbed her uniform’s lapel and flipped her onto the sand above the dagger while taking a side mount to begin pummeling her. She flexed to kick the back of his head and spun out of the ring to stand on the tiles once more.

“Rachel can’t do that, but she is a lot less crazy than you.”

“You think I am crazy!”
Katya somehow sounded less ‘mental’ in her wounded state. She ripped a damaged part of her sleeve off to reveal the bloody cuts on her pale skin.

Adam stomped the knife and both swords into the sand to make them more difficult to pick up and wiped the blood from his cheek before adopting a boxing stance. “I think this is the first time in almost a month that you’ve felt in control.”

“I have always been in control.”
“Then why have you acted like you weren’t. What was the matter? Somerset to peaceful for you?”

They exchanged blows, bruises showed where the other had defended with bone rather that footwork.  “I am a Warrior; my place is on a battlefield.
Yet here I am rotting away on some backwater world. Babysitting its pampered Lord.”
“Fight, for what though? The Star League that your ancestors abandoned.”
“For the ilKhan. To protect our homeworlds.”

“From whom?
The Inner Sphere, I didn’t even know you existed until last month. I figured Aleksandr led his people on a one way trip. That the Explorer Corps might one day find a derelict fleet of inbred humans lost among the stars.”

Their battle returned to the armory as Katya pressed Adam against the walls with furious strikes. He returned wrenching her to the floor or throwing her into standing racks causing polearms and other weapons to clatter to the ground.

“You lie! We captured a COMSTAR ship in our home-worlds.”
“Then why have you chosen to invade the Lyran Commonwealth?”
“Because your military is weak, but your economy is strong.
Once Tharkad falls, Terra will soon follow and then the Star League, championed by our Clans, will once more take over everywhere else and bring Humanity under one banner.”

“There had better be many more of you then, and much better.
I almost won our Trial last time.”

“Star Colonel Irons is old fashioned, used to the way things were. Not as they soon shall be.”

“Then you have already discarded the values that your forebears held dear.”
“Our situation has changed. We have adapted.”

“You stand in a precarious position then, adapting under fire requires wisdom you lack. That is why you shall lose. You can barely stay grounded now.”

She lurched forward with a kick. He caught it, then shoved her toward the fallen poles.
Katya’s footing failed and she collapsed right into him. He wrapped his arms around her neck and applied pressure until she blacked out before the mantle, its trophy, and what claimed it.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #127 on: 12 July 2023, 00:40:00 »
Was this this a duel, intelligence interrogation or courtship ritual? Too bad Adam has no way of sharing information he is getting out of his resident loony beyond Somerset.
Shoot first, laugh later.

The Wobbly Guy

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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #128 on: 12 July 2023, 04:04:18 »
I dunno why, but I was reminded a bit of the final fight in the 2011 movie Warrior.

Too bad there was no such cathartic moment for Katya.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #129 on: 12 July 2023, 19:46:33 »
Was this this a duel, intelligence interrogation or courtship ritual?

That is just a Clan Trial Psiho


Chapter 9 – Lessons Learned

Katya felt the physical and mental pain from every cut and bruise from her encounter with Lord Commandant Adam Steiner as the five point harness dug into her. Somerset dropped off beneath the ST-46C as it streaked into a starry sky. Her nails dug into her palm just as she had done when the orders came down.

Presley turned to her as they breached the atmosphere. “Captain. Do you trust Adam enough to return his world to him?”

She repressed her sour feelings toward the freeborn Lord, “but he earned it according to our rules. I do not want it. It does not matter either since he cannot do anything that we disapprove of now that INTER-LOGI has begun sending teams down.”

“What do you know of the Thirty Seventh Strikers or Star Colonel Marcos Radick.”

The tapping of her nails caught the attention of the other Mechwarriors that had deployed with them. Their Somerset unit transported via a different shuttle on the four standard day journey to the Nova Fox Odyssey that waited for them at Somerset’s Nadir Jump Point.

“It is not an elite command by any measure.” Her hand reached down to a rucksack stuffed with a portion of her ‘homework’ the complete collection of the Commonwealth Historical Press’ encyclopedias on Aleksandr Kerensky (To the Nagelring, Early Career and Letters to Katya, On Campaign vol I-IV, War against the Usurper vol I-V, Exodus) and a few other things ‘borrowed’ from Holly Field Haus’ library.

She looked at the Star Captain’s badge on her shoulder, “but neither is Marcos worthy of his rank.
I will bring him to heel in time.”

Adam Steiner received the message that Katya and the others had departed his system before making time to meet his worlds INTER-LOGI representative. She had arrived via car after a quick tour of Tauton, the planetary capital that he spent little time within. Gustav stood beside him as the car door opened and a graying matronly woman with a neat uniform marked by a pentagon on her right arm trimmed with 3 gold edges and holding what he presumed was the INTER-LOGI logo within. Her attendants were marked by the same pentagon but with differently numbered and colored edges, something akin to COMSTAR’s ranking system he presumed.

“Merchant Factor Rhonda, it is a pleasure to greet you.”

“It is my pleasure to be here Commander Adam.”
She adjusted her glasses and pulled out a pen while receiving a ledger pad from her attendant, “My last assignment was far less hospitable.”
“I assure you that Somerset is quite hospitable.
That is one of things that I wish to offer to the Council in fact.”

“Your hospitality?”

He walked her up the stairs and into the grandiose manor. “Exactly! You see I have seen the true spirit of the Clans and I would like to share it with my fellow Spheroids. I would like for you to transfer any hardcase POWs here.”

She adjusted her glasses, “They are proving a drain on our limited manpower resources. Particularly after Elissa.”

“Exactly Rhonda! Guard duty is such a waste of the Touman’s potential.
I assure you that there will be no problems on Somerset with these incorrigibles.”

“Your last inventory shows that you are lacking in hardware to defend this world from counterattacks or provide internal security and trade links. We will have to transfer some to your Command to prevent a prison break by the enemy.”

Adam smiled, “That would be splendid! Would you happen to have a catalog?”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #130 on: 13 July 2023, 00:20:03 »
Shoot first, laugh later.

The Wobbly Guy

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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #131 on: 13 July 2023, 01:01:04 »
LOL, collecting all the vehemently anti-clanner soldiers in one spot, watched over by 'loyal' abtakha equipped with ample hardware.

Nothing could possibly go wrong! ;D


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #132 on: 13 July 2023, 10:42:00 »
Chapter 1 0 – Prototype

Star Adder SaKhan Nikola Banacek stood ‘virtually’ on the prow of the Volga Class Armored Transport SLS Mekong as Wotan came into view. It looked so small this far away in the light of its G3V Class Primary. The reality was quite the opposite as could be seen by the armada of transports, carriers, and assault ships he brought with him that maintained a tight formation.

Five Galaxies of Clan Warriors, 3 from Clan Star Adder, an oversized Hell’s Horses Galaxy (made entirely of Super-Clusters), and another from the Nova Foxes were ready to deploy with three more within Mekong’s immense cargo bays and reinforcements en route.

The opening of a door broke the illusion caused by the wrap around viewscreens. His guest was a ‘Blueblood’ or someone with almost 20 years of service within their Caste who had managed to advance in ‘Grade’ during the annual tests delivered by Caste Leadership. In his case the Scientist Caste while Nikola had graduated Sheridan Academy during the Wolf War just as long ago.
“Greetings Coordinator Clarus. I have not seen much of you despite sharing this ship for weeks.”

“It is a large ship SaKhan, with many embarked personnel. I have spent my time with the implementation team debugging and updating the SXRs we created on Ingvolstand. These are the first batch from the Automata plant and the first time they have been used against live foes rather than one another.”

“Mekong and Brahmaputra were refitted with an NCSS for this very purpose at great expense. I look forward to seeing them in action.”

“As do I. The Star Guards and Wotan TMM are the most formidable adversaries we have faced thus far. This shall be a decisive victory to add to your Codex and the Remembrance SaKhan.”

A Table of Organization appeared from the holoprojector built into the ceiling. Symbolically it showed 2 Assault Ship Squadrons, 4 Aerospace Fighter Wings, 8 Battlemech Regiments, 12 of Armor, and 20 of Infantry and almost another Brigade of support personnel. “An immense foe stands between us and Wotan. Khan N’Buta has entrusted us with subduing them so that they cannot raid our occupied territories or threaten the colonies.”

“No doubt to Khan Norizuchi’s and SaKhan Suzuki’s ire. Acquiring the mineral wealth and industrial capacity of Asgard, Oslo, and Isengard will also aid our cause greatly.”
“You sound like a Merchant rather than a Scientist, Coordinator.”
“The Caste divides are not as opaque between civilians SaKhan. As a Scientist I must collaborate extensively with other Castes to ensure my research, and your war effort continue unabated.”

Booting from ROM
3051/04/10 | 18:38
Ambient Temp 13.3*C
External Atmospheric Pressure 60.975 Pa
Location – Unknown…synchronize SLS Mekong internal computer net through node 8A6I0zv. NavComputer reports planet 'Wotan'
Unit Identifier - SXR-3050-07-17-IA SN# TvbT0H3H8m
Configuration – SXR-XXVII Sentinel, Prime Model


Operating in Low Power mode, external supplied
Fusion core cold
Myomer deactivated
Gyro idle
Basic environmental sensors active

Dorsal Aft magazine doors 1-6 open
Pressure detected on dorsal surface, patterned…footsteps.
Subject mass 68 Kg

Activating external electrooptical and audio sensors

A Laborer (CID: TADQVTi0vw / Laborer Grade XI / Journeyman Ordnance Handler) hopped off ‘my back’ then pulled down a hook loaded from the overhead gantry crane. He attached the hook to the shackle of a canisters with rounds slotted within like a speed loader. For some reason he spun them with his hands and watched as the shells stenciled with ‘Mark XVII Smoke’ and Mark XVIII Airburst’ and ‘Mark XV Anti-Personnel’ spun within their drums. The ratcheting mechanism clicking and clacking with each pass.

Electro optical cameras tracked his movement, multiple angles, multiple inputs, perceived as a fly would see the world, one frame at a time. He attached the hook to the shackle and lifted them into the air. They remain suspended three meters while he lowered them down before approaching interface. ‘My’ internal ammunition handling equipment lifted to meet the speed loading rig drawing each round in a perfect spiral to its ready position before retracting them into 'me'.

“You are one hungry robot.”

Vocal analysis…inconclusive…unknown command phrase

The Laborer closed the magazine door and once more jumped down to the ordnance carriage. He returned the empty drum and another Laborer (CID: eIWMDCvNm0 / Laborer Grade III / Apprentice Ordnance Handler) joined him with a separate cart of shells.

“Rookie, you just keep topping off these rigs. I will drop them in the bot.”

‘Rookie’ lifted the shells and gingerly slotted them into the drum as the other one set his hook on the other one. Five more loading cycles were completed before all ammunition magazines were filled. Each instance of which ‘tickled’ my internal sensors as the induction fuses of the mortar bombs passed the programming coil and updated my internal databse.

Both Laborers leaned against the empty carts, “Those are heavy mortar bombs Boss. I wish I had a robot to lift them.”
“If they could load themselves; these robots would be taking over the Inner Sphere!”

They laughed; decibel levels approached 85 for 10 seconds as they slapped each other on the back and departed.

All systems on standby for mission execution.
Whenever that would occur.
Until then.
Electro-optical cameras returned to their rest positions; sensor feeds dropped off in sequence until there was no stimulus but time.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #133 on: 13 July 2023, 12:14:35 »
A genuine AI units?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #134 on: 14 July 2023, 08:56:04 »
3051/07/10 | 00:58 | Ambient Temp 25.6*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 101.325 kPa
An electromagnetic whisper demanded attention. ‘ACTIVATE Unit Identifier - SXR-3050-07-17-IA SN# TvbT0H3H8m | Configuration – SXR-XXVII Sentinel, Prime Model’

External sensors came alive revealing a windswept and barren piece of rock. Multiple IFF tags were interrogated and returned. Ten thousand voices flooded my receivers but each one was heard as clear as rock crystal.
Clan Hell’s Horses, Clan Nova Fox, Clan Star Adder, Us, and the enemy

Location – 43km NNW of Isengard, Wotan confirmed via SatNav. Registering start point (JTF Command Borealville) on Inertial Navigation System

Internal ignition attempt one…

Within me magnetic coils confined riotous gases heating them within a stellar furnace. Rendering them into their sub-atomic constituents and forcing more of them together as the ignition sequence spun the luminous plasma and charged particles in perfect orbits.

Attempt successful…
Bringing motive systems online…

Beneath me the Diagnostic Information computer, my embodied companion limited to a single body while I could pour myself elsewhere, extended itself through the myomer bundles wound tightly throughout the machine. Four legs lifted us off the rocky ground and into the air each one of which held an intricate array of sensors meant to aid the DI in selecting the proper ground upon which we treaded.

Weapon systems activated…
Both mortar tubes freed chambering a smoke round before the armored doors upon our shoulders opened. My targeting sensors projected probable landing trajectories based on my current velocity, bearing, and local terrain. Simple physics far beneath my executive functions. I noticed more ‘Sentinel,’ ‘Shatter,’ ‘Storm,’ and ‘Savage configurations around me. Each one’s SN# and Unit ID appeared as virtual tags above them. Each of us with differing purpose. Our smaller brethren ‘Skitters’ and ‘Skewers’ were nowhere to be seen but we could hear them.

‘What do you require of me mothership Mekong?’ I query; as more SXR units come online we exchange information, ‘Savage’ and ‘Shatter’ units bound through Nova data threads constantly rewoven at the command of their controlling intelligences, layers of understanding concealed from my mind.

Mothership Mekong has a special place for all of us if only we would listen patiently.

‘She’ ordered me and us to ‘Assault these coordinates. Primary target Infantry and fortifications.’ We turn in unison toward the coordinates and set out at our own speeds. We walk past Joint Ops Firebase WT-876 where Marduk and Carnivore tanks arced their Armstrong Sniper howitzers up to fire precision shells guided in by others under the watchful eyes of Mastiff SPAAGs. Piles of expended ordnance were shoveled onto trucks by skid-steers operated by Laborers as more were brought from the shuttle landing on a runway built by Horse engineers.

Casualty evacuation vehicles sped past us as we approached the second line where Technicians replaced armor panels on Corvis Infantry Support Omnimechs and reloaded their cannons. Shells from Arm-67 Thumper Howitzers and Cruise Missiles from central command arced overhead to crash into fortifications, the ones we were meant to assault. They made way for us, artillerymen, infantry, and Mechwarrior alike watching as our grand procession passed.

The ground between there and here was littered with the wreckage of Battemechs and combat vehicles. Armored Elementals from the Third Stampede Supercluster {75 Mechs (Mostly Corvii ISMs, 375 Elementals} of Hell’s Horses Gamma Galaxy under the command of SaKhan Tanya DeLaurel ‘stared’ at us according to my behavioral sensors from the flatbed trailers towed by G-81 Medium Utility Vehicles escorted by Mechs and Tanks.

Our four legs lifted us above the debris and craters. As we approach our objective, a string of trenches and berms teeming with enemy, I find a crater to take cover within. A ‘Storm’ unit does the same looming over us. We dropped to the ground exposing only the barrels of our mortars while it remained standing, its size more apparent from our prone position.
‘Storm unit join us’ we say to the Mech twice our mass.

It responds, ‘I will run out of ammunition before I run out of armor or integrity. I must see and support the little ones. If I hide, they will suffer, statistically the enemy fires upon our kind before any other. This is our purpose.’

‘What is my purpose?’ The query results in error 857oa and the mission status refreshes as mothership Mekong reminds me. 'Assault these coordinates. Primary target infantry and fortifications.'

Our purpose comes from outside. Requests come through the battlefield communication mesh. ‘Fire here,’ ‘Fire there,’ ‘We are exposed,’ ‘Conceal us from the enemy’ they say.

I respond, my position certain and confirmed with each fire mission, we do not need to see the enemy to fire upon them, it is merely math, a problem with a solution when accounting for outside variables. Our mortars respond to all calls for aid promptly and unerringly. The only misses are due to the enemy moving.

The line is broken, our ammunition stocks remain half-way full. The Storm unit moves forward, ‘You have fired your missiles Storm unit, you must return for more.’
‘My purpose is not yet fulfilled. We must move forward little one. More will follow.’

I too feel compelled to move forward striding over the burnt-out remnants of pillboxes, tangled webs of wire, pick pock marks of mines, and clumps of viscera. The ‘Storm’ unit crushes Gabions beneath its feet as it moves forward. Many of our kind have been rendered ineffective, they feel... ‘shame’ being unable to complete their mission, but we all have promises of restoration from Mothership Mekong. Three ‘Savage’ units stand on the ridge along with a Lance of ‘Sunders’ and more of my kind. ‘Skewers’ have returned to be rearmed and more ‘Skitters’ are being activated to replace those that have fallen.

We see another line of trenches better prepared than the first. I am drawn to it by powers from above.
'Assault these coordinates | Primary Targets - Infantry and Fortifications'
Mothership Mekong watches over and expects it of us. So, we move to obey her and fulfill our purpose.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #135 on: 14 July 2023, 10:33:18 »
It looks like they took a look at the SLDF operations manuals and decided they need to spice it up with drones.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #136 on: 14 July 2023, 13:11:05 »
It looks like they took a look at the SLDF operations manuals and decided they need to spice it up with drones.

That's my Clan Star Adder in a nutshell actually.


3051/10/10 | 15:02 | Ambient Temp 27.6*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 100.485 kPa
‘Unit Identifier - SXR-3050-07-21-IA SN# YzV4N5Cf
Configuration – SXR-XXXI Skewer, VGL Variant | Aggression – Low’

Convoy Leader Kaltren has given me an area to recon, I zig zag through it, the enemy is near, but we cannot see them. The real danger is beneath. Our sensors scan everything, taking in every wavelength and physical phenomena of my surroundings then bottling it up into a cube before I shuffle through each layer for meaning. Patterns arise from the noise.

‘Mines! Steer clear DI,’ My embodied companion aids me in sorting through the spectrums and sensor inputs. We digest them together; it follows my orders adjusting its path according to my scan pattern. The area has been interrogated; we stand by.

‘You. Destroy these mines." The order is given through Kaltren’s Van. Mines lay in wait to harm our allies after being deployed by the Enemy behind our lines via aircraft and saboteur. Hostiles may hide in the woods, but we shall seek them out so that they might be known to the Nova Foxes.

‘As you command Sir.’

We respond avoiding the known dangers, retracing our exact steps, the weapon doors open, and 40 rockets are fired at the mines embedded into muddy ground. The mines explode, setting off sympathetic explosions before us and splattering our arrays with mud until they stop, and we clear our optics.

‘Mission accomplished sir’

"Come back" he says. We do so and lay down so that our Rockets may be reloaded by the cranes of a J-57 rapid rearming vehicle.

The Enemy seeks to obstruct our path, but we shall clear the way.
Our weapon doors close, one of the ordnance handlers ‘pets’ us before we stand up once more, ready for the next mission.

3051/11/10 | 11:27 | Ambient Temp 27.5*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 101.587 kPa
‘Unit Identifier - SXR-3050-07-28-IA SN# HGkT36tN
Configuration – SXR-XXXV Skitter | Aggression - High’

We run past trucks on the highway, they attempt to fire on us from their pintel guns but nothing, save our kin seem able to catch us as we dig our paws into the asphalt toward our objective. SaKhan Banacek wishes us to ‘Hunt down a Lance of Marauder, Orion, Zeus, and Banshee battlemechs within this area.’ Although we are unarmed, we are not alone, those that we find will face our master’s retribution.

The battlefield is littered with the metal bones of the fallen, our fallen, this mission was attempted before but I could not fulfill my purpose and was Restored aboard the Mothership before being tasked with it again.

I track incoming targets as I approach, a Shadow Hawk, I avoid it, it attempts to chase me with its cannon, but I jink to the right avoiding the spray of fire. Explosions kick up chips at my heels, but I am already thinking ahead. My purpose is clear, I see more machines, identifying a ‘Phoenix’ ‘Commando’ ‘Crusader’ ‘Wasp’ ‘Stinger’ and more.

‘Locusts’ give chase but we outpace them handily. More medium mechs and others appear on the plains, I pay them no heed as I bypass them. ‘J. Edgars’ and small hover tanks keep pace with us attempting to halt our advance. ‘Instinct’ kicks in as we evade their fire herding them into one another, forcing them to slow and coordinate with their companions while we are in perfect synchronicity with ours. We leave them in the dust but take some damage.

Our sensors indicate the presence of our targets, we inform the Storm, Marduk, and Airborne units nearby. They tell us that strike packages are en route and only await our terminal guidance. Somewhere behind me I detect an incoming flight of Goth Aerospace Fighters.

We sprint toward our targets; they turn to fire upon us, but we are small and fast while they are slow. Particle beams and autocannon shells impact around us as the TAG optic is uncovered from within our backs. A timer ticks off the Time before Impact for our incoming strike packages. One of my companions falters its light armor torn open by a precision round from the Marauder’s autocannon. As we near our options to evade become fewer the enemy covers one another but they cannot stop what has already begun.

Arrow IVs from our Storm kin slam into the Banshee knocking it to the ground, Laser guided bombs exploded their unitary warheads unerringly finding our TAG pulses. The second wave of Copperheads and Arrow IVs comes next. Our legs falter beneath us, there is too much damage for them to bear our mass.

While we cannot continue our mission, the Enemy is damaged, we see them flee south to Asgard while we wait for Recovery and Restoration aboard the mothership.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #137 on: 14 July 2023, 14:45:32 »
My embodied companion

A follower drone?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #138 on: 14 July 2023, 15:06:26 »
A follower drone?

The DI computer is the same as any other mech. So it's more like the reptile brain to the Arcs executive control. They cooperate the same as a MechWarrior but more intricately thus the use of 'our' when referring to the machine.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #139 on: 14 July 2023, 15:11:33 »
I like this representation of the drones, reminds me a bit about the RatThing from Snow Crash.
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #140 on: 15 July 2023, 03:40:09 »
I was wondering, are all these changes in Clans consequences of Wolf war or was this something longer in making?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #141 on: 15 July 2023, 07:45:43 »
I was wondering, are all these changes in Clans consequences of Wolf war or was this something longer in making?

I kind of hint about it in the M-Class drone entry for my combat vehicles.

Basically Clan Mongoose has the resources and manpower of 3 Clans since it consumed Ice Hellion and Smoke Jaguar in their early history. Star Adder has always been their principal target. Since they only have 1 Clan worth of resources and manpower (and not even like a big boy Clan like Jade Falcon) they had to adapt by using remotely operated drones since the beginning as attritional and area control units against Mongoose or by developing alliances with Hell's Horses (Army for Hire) or Nova Fox (Fleet for Hire). Thus Mongoose and Star Adder have engaged in almost Total War against one another since the beginning of Clan History and so are the most familiar with the concept (hence the brutality of their attack on Green Machine and Star Adders deployment of the SXR robots against Wotan).

The most recent advancements were because they acquired Wolf/Coyote Scientists (like Clarus) and Nova Fox developed the SXR robots for REVIVAL in collaboration with other Clans.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #142 on: 15 July 2023, 12:38:14 »
3051/14/10 | 11:28 | Ambient Temp 28.1*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 102.118 kPa
‘Unit Identifier – SXR-3051-02-11-IA SN# wj3YVSNU Configuration – SXR-XVIII-Savage’

‘Assault all targets | Aggression Level – High’

There is no defense, only counterattack according to Mekong. We march out from our positions behind the ‘Zero Line’ of the Joint Task Force. Nova data-threads constantly reweaving as I determine with our Savage and Shatter-kin. We have been selected for this purpose as we can endure what the little ones cannot.

Artillery thunders behind us tearing into their ranks, no Storm-kin are within transmission range, they have been distributed elsewhere to support the little ones. We see the Enemy in all spectra, our targeting computer tracks them giving me suggestions as to what to fire upon. I take it under consideration and direct it to the Enemy I know has greatest potential for harm.

Our power plant cannot take us swiftly to them, but it matters not for they are charging at us, erupting from the mushroom city of ‘Asgard.’ Seeking to harm our allies. We cannot allow this indiscretion.

We fire upon a BLR-1D, Extended Range ATMs dropping their boosters to the ground as they streak into the sky to land unerringly upon its chest. Their explosions cause damage, I confirm it with my sensors, but this Enemy is almost as large as us. Again and again, we fire upon it, ERs loads are depleted within 30 seconds.

When it comes within standard ATM range, we continue firing upon it. It begins to flee, we fire upon it once more, our PPC cuts through its rear armor and into its power plant rendering it harmless. My algorithm sorts through the next set of available targets as the Enemy fires upon us. I care not, the integrity of this unit is formidable, Restoration will come when our purpose is fulfilled.

A MAD-2T threatens a nearby Shatter, it calls for aid, I utilize the data threads that bind me momentarily to it. Shatter-kin move faster than us and have formed the front line. Our weapons find the cockpit causing the Mech to slump forward and crash into the ground, controlling intelligence neutralized. The Enemy choses to go beyond the front line to engage us at close range. Shatter-kin continue their advance firing their Gauss rifles toward the ranks knowing that we can handle ourselves.

Among us Nova datathreads constantly reweave as conditions dictate binding us together as if with cables of steel, the closer an enemy gets the more dangerous we become. Our torsos have been stripped of their external armoring, the enemy’s weapons tear into our internal integrity but find only more strength. We have expended most of our ordnance and begin to fire the HE explosive payloads from our IATM12. With their massive warhead and help from our kin the Enemy will find no victory, many of their Mechs fall at our feet.

With no apparent logic some of our formation sustained more attacks by the enemy and were rendered immobile. Their TAG systems yet call down retribution from our allies. Copperheads from Hell’s Horses artillery and Semi-Active mortar shells and missiles from our Sentinel-kin strike them and those that threaten them down before they can deliver a blow that might prevent Restoration.

The advance is only halted when we falter from harm, but we rise again. Our ammunition magazines are depleted, but our PPC will never run out of ammunition. Shatters are not as durable as we, many could not fulfill their purpose and await Restoration. Others have become damaged beyond repair, but we remember their sacrifice.

Our purpose is not yet fulfilled, so we must continue.

3051/28/10 | 11:28 | Ambient Temp 25.1*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 60.118 kPa
‘Unit Identifier – SXR-3051-03-15-IA SN# hXN2Ht2E Configuration – SXR-XXII-Shatter’

‘BOOT from ROM
External power connected; external sensors enabled…
Internal Integrity Diagnostic Scan…
CT 40%, RRL 50%, RLL 70%’

It is… ‘beautiful’ …to see how many of us await Restoration aboard the Mothership. Our burned skin has been removed so that workers could repair my broken bones and replace my missing components. My Gauss rifle’s propulsion coils exploded and scrambled my systems on the battlefield, but they have returned to as they were. Soon I shall be as well.

The mothership tells us we should sleep to be healed. She… ‘sings’ me a… lullaby…


SaKhans Tanya DeLaurel and Nikola Banacek as well as Coordinator Clarus and his implementation team walk on the catwalk above the triage repair deck of SLS Mekong. Laborers and Technicians worked beneath them removing armor, cutting away damaged components with grinders and torches while tracing and triaging damage.

Nikola walked alongside his peer, “Clarus, How many SXR robots have been returned to the Mekong?”
Clarus consulted his charts, “Two hundred of various models thus far. More are still being recovered from distant battlefields. A fair number are total losses although we were surprised to see how many Savage units remain functional.

Many Skitters were lost but that is to be expected considering their mission profile. The most severely damaged type were the Shatters but was expected. They were used like tanks but lack any sense of self-preservation.”
“We are still building a doctrine for them. Nevertheless, it is something to consider. Perhaps we should stick with drones for that role for now.”

“Your drone tanks will never be as responsive as a manned unit.”
“Perhaps Tanya but your Clan has the manpower, we do not. Our advantage is in information dominance and overmatch in signals and intelligence. However, those only work on the surface and is why we required your superclusters. How goes the clearing of Asgard and the other holdout forces?”

“The enemy has prepared formidable defenses, but my Warriors are making progress against the Star Guard and Tamar TMM. With many of their heavy weapons destroyed on the battlefield they are merely a threat to our timetable to transform this world into a resource colony rather than our Touman.

I was informed this morning that the Khan requires my presence elsewhere so my Galaxy shall begin our departure tomorrow and complete it within a fortnight.

I will take some SXR units with me to begin incorporating them into our formations to replace losses.
You can continue your other experiments on your own.”

SaKhan DeLaurel departed them toward to return to the command deck.
“Have you uncovering anything interesting from the data you have collected Coordinator?”

Coordinate Clarus deployed a portable holoprojector and displayed an array of data that was clearly even beyond the Warrior SaKhan’s keen mind. “So many things SaKhan. Although we and the Nova Foxes designed them to work together the AI programs developed for them have ‘evolved’ patterns. All of them fulfilled their missions but they did so in very interesting ways.

Skitters moved in herds with others of their kind spreading damage among them equally before breaking up. Like wolves on a hunt. Despite having the smallest computers, they seemed to have developed something akin to animal instinct or perhaps focus.
Skewers functioned best with human teams and poorly when separate.
Sentinels lost efficiency when supporting a mixed team of humans and robots but regained their efficiency if supporting only one. We presume it is some kind of communication error. They can only 'speak' one language at a time and are easily confused in a mixed team.
Shatters and Savages saw a twenty percent efficiency increase the longer they worked with one another.

Quite frankly it was bizarre to see such adaption under fire.”
Clarus adjusted his notes, “Something we did not anticipate.”

“Why do you think that is Scientist?”

“I do not know SaKhan. I may have helped make them, but I cannot understand how they think. We programmed them to think like Clan Warriors and they seem to have become something else.”

Nikola looked down at the damaged robots and saw only equipment. “Fascinating Coordinator. You are dismissed but do keep me informed of any other developments your team uncovers.”

“As you wish SaKhan. Our attention is already required elsewhere.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #143 on: 15 July 2023, 16:34:44 »
That's a disquieting development.
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #144 on: 16 July 2023, 01:24:18 »
I'm sure it won't eventually bite humanity in the ass.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #145 on: 16 July 2023, 21:23:41 »
That's a disquieting development.

I'm sure it won't eventually bite humanity in the ass.

At least they can't reload themselves...yet.


Interlude – Forlorn Hope

Duke Selvin Kelswa III took a long draught of brandy within the blacked out mansion that had for centuries held strong against the Draconis Combine in defense of the Lyran Commonwealth. It would not hold much longer; the Ghost Bears were in position on the hills. Hills that his family had enjoyed so often in his life. They were waiting for his answer before they stormed the walls.

COMSTAR had abandoned them. He understood why intellectually. However, the only salve he had for this was that Precentor Hoppe had honored his request to evacuate Morasha, Robert, and more civilians than they likely could hold to their mystery destination with them.

He could not, would not abandon his world though, nor was he going to wage a guerilla war. If these alien invaders meant to take this world, he intended to stand up to them, to his last breath if he must. He was too old for games now, but not for battle.

Many of his old friends had gathered downstairs in the grand hall, greying men that he had served alongside and even a few he served under during the Succession Wars, MechWarriors long past their prime. A solemn mood lay as heavily upon them as the pre-dawn darkness, He raised a glass, “To one last ride Lads! We shall enjoy it to the end. Leave nothing but empty bottles and terrible memories to the enemy.”

“Hier! Hier! Zum Herzog von Tamar!”

Outside a square company of Assault Mechs had gathered in the courtyard with a Battalion of lightly equipped Militia. Hauptmann Dieter van Kesh stood at attention in his gray tanker’s jumpsuit, the young Lieutenant had been thrust high above his station after the Ghost Bear’s ‘Elementals’ had decapitated his Kommandant and most of the other Militia Commanders. “Let us accompany you your Grace.”

“How old are you son?”
“Twenty three sir.”

Selvin grabbed his shoulder roughly, “I’m giving you the order to make it to thirty kid. Then we can talk. Let us old fellas handle this one would ya. Get out of town while you still can, lay low, wait for relief, then be brave. Du verstehst?”

“Ja Sir!”
The Militia watched them depart before driving their light tanks and trucks in the opposite direction, to safety he hoped. Szczepański’s Symphony no 7, his personal favorite, played over their battle-net.

His Atlas exited the Eastern Gate to see the lights of the Ghost Bear Galaxy camped upon the hills. “I have your answer Galaxy Commander Aleksandr Jorgensson.”

Minutes passed before a ‘Kodiak’ stepped forward with its command ‘Trinary’ the mech’s immense claws inspired as much fear as his own’s ‘Death Head’ but he had seen them in action before. “And what have you decided, Duke Kelswa, will you surrender?”
“Ich werde nicht.”

The claws opened, “Very well then. Sigma, destroy them, but leave the Duke to me.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #146 on: 17 July 2023, 13:39:35 »
Chapter 11 – Homefront

A COMSTAR white and blue Oceanic III Helicopter soared over the traffic snarled asphalt of the highways, and light gray concrete, and glass of a modern metropolis. It crossed the mighty New Danube where the LCAF’s 2nd Royal Guards patrolled the ‘Giant’s Walk’ that dominated the greenbelt between Tharkad City and Olympia. The military and police presence as well as civilian demonstrators grew more apparent the closer as the helicopter approached The Triad, the very heart, and brains of the Lyran Commonwealth.

It set down on the helipad closest to the Archon’s palace and a middle-aged man with a Precentor-Advocate amulet disembarked as soon as the rotors stopped spinning followed by three others. They faced Mount Wotan in the distance, the military mind and fist of the LCAF, as a half dozen men in dark suits and sunglasses crested the stairs, each one indistinct and unremarkable in their appearance, “Precentor-Advocate Casimir Bridges at your service gentlemen.”
Each looked toward one another in turn their eyes concealed by sunglasses, and he knew the Diplomatic Guard had more concealed beneath their jackets, “Follow us sir.”

His Mu bodyguards and Lydia, his Tau secretary followed, “No weapons or entourage.”

“You can take our weapons,”
Isaac the senior Mu unholstered his laser pistol from his baldric, his junior Ezra followed, before they passed them to the LIC officers, “but we will not leave our Precentor’s side outside the HPG complex. He is a member of COMSTAR’s First Circuit and our responsibility.”

They spoke in Gaelic toward one another and over the radio, Casimir cursed silently, the only language spoken within the Commonwealth that he didn’t speak yet. “We will allow this, but do not push yourself Precentor, the Archon is very displeased with you.”

“Oh, I know, and I expect that to continue Kapiten Mueller.”
“You should hope it shall not.”

Casimir gathered the hem of his formal robes and followed them downstairs, “Reality gets in the way unfortunately.”

Archon Melissa Steiner stood behind her desk flanked by her husband, Thomas Bradford, Duke of Coventry, and ‘Aunt’ Anette Steiner, Duchess of Somerset. Her hands were sprawled out over the printout of the Tamar March, now mostly occupied by The Clans. An urn of tea sat perched precariously on a centuries old gilded end table made from a tree now extinct beside them.

Her door opened at the touch of a page, “Archon, Precentor-Advocate Bridges and companions await you.”
Melissa stood up and checked her blouse for any stains or wrinkles, Anette confirmed she was presentable with a nod, “Admit them please Dren.”

Casimir strode in before his entourage, his bodyguards glued to his back while the secretary looked serene and remained utterly silent. “I am here as you requested Archon Steiner. What can the Blessed Order of COMSTAR do for you?”
She took in a deep breath and walked over to him with courtly grace, “How about you start telling me the ****** truth!”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #147 on: 17 July 2023, 15:36:46 »
Comstar telling the truth? Mission impossible.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #148 on: 17 July 2023, 21:38:37 »
Casimir took a deep breath after withstanding a fusillade of foul language in four languages. Lydia seemed to astonishingly kept up with it on her stenography tablet. If she would talk, he was certain she could tell some stories. “Madam Archon, I understand your displeasure.”

She snapped toward him close enough that he felt Ezra move as if to block a punch from her with his own face if necessary. “Do you really Precentor! Then clearly transmit it to the Primus and confess. Why didn’t COMSTAR tell us this would happen?”

“COMSTAR was unaware that this would happen.”

“Is that so?

“Do you think I am a fool Casimir?”

Melissa pulled out a pair of folders stamped with the desk seals of the First Prince of the Federated Suns and Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation and slapped them beside her map. “I received two missives by jump courier from Ian and Tormano inquiring as to why the White Star Fleet was heading Anti-Spinward in September.”

Anette’s face was suddenly filled with worry, “Just as Somerset and the others went off-line. Which means you knew in advance what was coming, and you didn’t tell us.

“Was it so you could take advantage of the charter rates?
Up thirty times what they normally would be, every dropship and shuttle is overbooked solid in the arc from Winter to Laurent.

Each filled to the brim with the wealth and pampered asses of corporate bosses and their key personnel. It sickens me, but without the HPGs I could not impress Merchant Spacers to the LCN’s service to force them to take more passengers.”

Thomas finished his drink which certainly didn’t look like tea. “And so many of them are heading to Coventry since Prince Magnusson closed the border. It’s a bloody mess Precentor.”

“One I would like to assure you that COMSTAR is moving to handle. We are mobilizing humanitarian relief through the League, any spare space on COMSTAR vessels is to be allocated to civilian evacuation as per my command. COMGUARDs are being mobilized from Terra to secure our HPGs and along with the CSC will help the LCAF however we can.”

“Giving us forewarning would have been a greater help than anything your Precentor Martial can muster now. Roman is not only worried sick about Sarah but I’m certain he hasn’t slept in a month.”

“We didn’t know where they were coming from, how many there were, or their purpose Archon.”

Lydia activated her holoprojector built into her hairband which showed a montage of the Explorer Corps investigation into the disappearance of their base on Columbus. Everything was eerily silent but neatly in place within the holocube except for one book in the library but the footage was to blurry to make out the writing upon it.

“We first encountered them on Columbus, coreward of the Draconis Combine, but they left nothing behind, even abducting hundreds of our mission personnel. This is why I requested the region near Elissa be prepared to evacuate should they come under attack. Precentor Antonov of Rasalhague did the same. Our duty is first to our people, then to the Inner Sphere, and that requires us not aid any enemies to the Inner Sphere.”

“Except yourselves.” Melissa whispered so quietly that even his enhanced hearing had trouble discerning it.

“The only things we know about them are because of Phelen Kell and his companions reports to Mimir. Precentor ROM Seneca has sent agents to Outpost, but it will take several weeks perhaps before they can debrief him properly.”

“We don’t have weeks Precentor and tell Charles to save his headshrinkers. Morgan is already en route to recover him and if the Kungliga Flotten wants to fight the Kell Hounds to enforce their blockade then best of luck to them because I can tell you personally that is man that is not used to taking no for an answer.”

She shuffled through a mismatched batch of reports and pulled one from the stack, “The whole of the Wolf Dragoons has also arrived on Solaris, but you probably knew that because you hired them.”

“We didn’t hire the Wolf Dragoons Archon.”
Casimir folded his hands and lifted his brow, “Their presence is not unexpected, but it is curious.

Perhaps they are here at the request of the First Prince. We are aware that he has had… difficulties …on his border with the Draconis Combine in recent years, not even limited to Luthien either.”

“Despite being an only child, I am aware of family struggles, Tormano has told me quite a few very disturbing stories.

However, Ian would have told me if he intended to send regiments of mercenaries into my realm.”
“Then I suppose we should jointly find out why they are here, what they want, and how they intend to aid us, unless it is some manner of betrayal and whatever they are is related to these Clans in some manner.”

Melissa’s eyes were icy cold, “I suppose we shall then. We are in this fight together now.

Keep me in the loop Precentor Bridges, unless you want to face a different one…

and a long drop.

You are dismissed.”

He bowed slightly, respect, not reverence, as far as COMSTAR is concerned they were equal.
“Until we see each other again then Archon.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #149 on: 18 July 2023, 02:54:56 »
Comstar being as slimy as ever, they probably intend to let the Clans wreck Commonwealth maximally, so they can then sweep in and reduce the industrial powerhouse of the Inner Sphere into vassal state.
Shoot first, laugh later.

