Author Topic: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)  (Read 25387 times)


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #180 on: 23 August 2023, 00:16:37 »
This timeline version of Society?
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #181 on: 23 August 2023, 08:31:56 »
Reginald (Peltier) paused and put the ring over his pinkie finger, “Thank you for returning this to me. Command Renmar and I belong to a Scientist Collaboration Society known as the Opal Octopus founded in response to the Scorpion Contagion almost seventy standard years ago.”

“Opal Octopus. Seriously?”

He turned the ring diffracting colors shimmered against the dark background, “Octopoda are very colorful, malleable, and fragile as are Opals. We are Scientists not poets.”

“The Scorpion Contagion.”
“Yes, at that time there were nine Clans remaining of the original Twenty. The Goliath Scorpions were peerless explorers, but as you are aware there are many dangers out there in space. One of their Seekers had uncovered a virulent contagion that threatened our entire civilization much as the earliest days when we settled our first homeworlds.

In response the infected world was razed from orbit on the orders of the ilKhan, their own former Khan who happened to be on our capital world at the time. We do not always have an ilKhan but we have since then.

As he was responsible for the death of tens of millions, although he saved billions, he resigned his post and disappeared into the desert.

A tragedy that changed our civilization by breaking down the silo walls between the Clans and encouraging greater cooperation amongst the survivors. After that there were only eight Clans thus my forebears chose an Octopus as their emblem. Our mission is very simple, encourage the free exchange of scientific information between Clans rather than keeping it centralized.

Without ilKhan Moreau’s resolve REVIVAL wouldn’t have been possible and we would likely be backbiting one another like animals still.”

Andrew paused for a moment, “That was not what I was expecting to hear.”
“What did you think? That because it was black and a bottom dweller that it was something nefarious.
I dropped this when you attacked me. It was not concealed; I proudly and openly wear it.
Perhaps you need to temper your expectations, Colonel.”

“Maybe I shall.”
Andrew picked the Remembrance from the table and stuffed it into the bag floating beside him. “I look forward to our continued conversations Director.”

“As do I but I do wish to return to the onboard laboratory. My daughter certainly misses me.”
“Your daughter?”

“Yes, I have sixteen freeborn children from four women. It is the maximum for a single individual for both sexes. Six are Doctors like me, four are Watch Operatives, many of whom are drawn from the progeny of Scientists. The rest are MedTechs despite their mothers being from the Laborer Caste.”

“Which Watch? What Clan are you affiliated with Director? You have nothing on your codex.”

“Just The Watch. Collaboration operates on many levels now as I have explained. Who they accept orders from does not matter as much as their vision for The Clans’ future. It causes no end of friction between them and the Warriors of the Touman.

As for me I gave up my Clan affiliation when I accepted my role from the ilKhan.”
“You can do that?”

“I cannot but the ilKhan can and expects it for all high-level Ministers, to ensure impartiality. I could have been my former Clan’s Scientist-General or Keeper of the Kin, but I chose service to the ilKhan.”

“You have many mysteries Reginald and I have much time until we reach our destination. Starting tomorrow I will grant your request but only because the lab is already watched, and I am uncomfortable traveling with unsupervised germs.”

“I assure you our biological containment procedures are very good. I would not be onboard otherwise.”

The following day Reginald arrived within the biolab; his staff allowed a moment of relief before returning to their duties. He plucked a tiny blue flower from the herb garden and breathed deep, “That is much better.”

One of the younger MedTechs approached him, she brushed aside blonde hair and examined his forehead, where Andrew had pistol-whipped him. “Seems you have healed completely father.”
“Aff Niamh. How is our cargo?”

Reginald nodded, “Excellent. Have you changed the labels?”
“I have, but do you expect they will examine them at our enemy’s destination?”

He walked toward the bioreactor capsule with his latest ‘acquisition’ all its status lights blipped green, and the cell count from the internal instruments grew.
“Perhaps but that will be their own folly and our opportunity. Until then we just need to keep their MedTech occupied. The others are simpletons.”

01/04/3052 ‘Apollo M7, 2287’
The Cato translated through KF-Space and emerged above an uninhabited and dim M7 Red Dwarf.
Navigator Jeremi looked toward Andrew and Florentin on the bridge, “Right on Target Skipper.”
The Nav Beacon for a decrepit space station dating back to the days of the Rim World’s Republic activated after the emergence wave washed over it. Its blips warned away curious travelers and provided out of date astrogation information thanks to stellar migration. The proximity to Apollo meant that the sensitive communication array of the Explorer could pick up broadcasts from the planet from around seven months ago.

Andrew watched Florentin adjust the relative angle as the solar sails unfurled. “Everything here is just echoes.”

Jeremi noted that that the Solar Sail had successfully unfurled and pointed itself toward the dim primary where it would absorb as much of its light as possible to recharge their drive, using the engines was too risky. “Aye Sir, there’s an old RWR station nearby but its beacon is warning us away.”

Florentin locked in the angle and returned the flight controls to the computer. “Gotta love that lostech. Still going strong after centuries out here in the void.”

Within their darkened storage room, Candida, Nimue, and Makada looked toward one another.
“We are no longer in Somerset system sisters.”
“Good, perhaps the Enemy have taken us somewhere quiet.”

They all turned to the door and nodded in eerie unison, “That shall be their third and final mistake.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #182 on: 13 September 2023, 22:26:33 »
Red lights blinked within Cato’s bridge as the crew and sheltered throughout the ship in their suits. ‘Beneath’ them Apollo M7, 2287 flared out incredible volumes of particle and ionizing radiation from its magnetosphere. Although sheltered behind the solar sail and layers of protection the jumpship was subject to stellar weather and in the target zone. Four hours passed; Colonel Andrew Steiner dropped his fist on a camera monitor as it blurred, before turning dark. “Is it supposed to do that Jeremi?”

Jeremi looked up from the Navigation Screen, “It happens during bad storms, Colonel.” Then to the Clan Helmsman, “I thought your systems were isolated Maas.”

Maas peered toward the screen and back to his console where he kept the sail between them and the brunt of a flare star’s wrath. “They are. Our internal network is beneath the Hargel.”

The screen remained as dark as Jeremi and Andrew’s expressions. Colonel Steiner reached for the INTERCOM, “Oskar get to the brig!”


Andrew donned his suit’s polarized helmet and readied his weapons. He cycled through camera feeds; blank screens answered him in turn. The INTERCOM was down, door sensors showed intermittent errors. Jeremi and Andrew pointed their weapons at their Clan Helmsman, “Who could have messed with the internal network?”

Accustomed to weapons and erratic Warriors Maas made no move one way or the other, “The Director, The late Commander, Chief Engineer Kanti, maybe Doctor Aras.” Maas tried his access codes and codex, “System is locked down solid, even to me, and I am one of the Senior Crew.”

“That means it could only be one person.”
Andrew drifted toward the bridge’s armored door, one of two thick metal portals leading to the compartment. “Lock this door, I’ll send others to you if I find them.”
Jeremi donned his helmet and readied his pistol nodding to the Helmsman who maintained their current heading weathering the solar storm outside.

Andrew cycled the portal, carefully peeking out and into white tubes with the standard Spacer markings identifying ‘holds,’ straps, emergency and engineering equipment leading throughout Cato’s pressurized volume. His suit’s radiation sensors spiked as he left the bridge to enter ‘The Tubes.’ They were empty as expected since the crew was sheltering in the middle decks within the protective envelope of the water storage and life support modules.

Engineering had a direct feed to security and Edgar and Allie watching over it from behind similar portals as the bridge. The others were in the relative safety of the shuttle bay within their own craft, but someone had cut comms and cameras to that module. Andrew took a moment to punch a wall, “I bet the Director has a backup security input within the Commander’s quarters. This would be the perfect time to escape. Verdamnt!”

The mission took priority over his curiosity. He likely had at least three potentially armed and very upset cyborg AeroWarriors hunting him, and they knew where he had to go. Andrew pushed off and paused to check his six before jumping through the T-intersections bracing the flimsy jumpship against the rigors of interstellar travel while protecting the crew from a ‘long fall.’

He paused at the portal leading toward the Commander’s Quarters, his rifle at the ready, the opaque white panels opened to an empty corridor frame by the bulkhead. As he passed through Nimue uncoiled herself and launched a pick toward his head. Andrew parried it with his Mauser but she hooked the head around it putting herself between him and the weapon. Her momentum caused both to crash into the wall. His ECLSS pack dug into his lower back causing him to wince from the impact of his suit.

She turned, blood red cybernetic eyes staring at him framed by black hair, then balled her legs up to kick off him, taking the tomahawk like pick and his Mauser with her. His next wince was from being kicked in the ribs and into the wall again. Her strength seemed greater than before despite days in captivity.

He drew his pistol firing a pulse of blazing light through her back. It found its mark but so did her tomahawk which crashed into his left arm and through layers of ballistic fiber. Globules of blood leaked from the injury dotting the white tube with crimson.

Nimue seemed unphased despite the burn to her silver jumpsuit and pale flesh beneath it. She kicked off the wall launching herself toward the Mauser which had bounced off the wall and was ricocheting between the tubes. Andrew scrambled away from his position, tracking her with his pistol. Each missed shot scorched the tube’s interior as she evaded, graceful in microgravity while he struggled.

With the Mauser secured she bounced toward the T-intersection ‘above’ him, “Its over Colonel. If you cannot get that injury treated you will bleed out, and if you keep fighting, I will kill you. The others have already secured Engineering. Your operation has failed.”
Andrew took cover against the bulkhead, scant defense against the heavy pulse laser rifle but he still had his suit as well. “There are still the others!”

“You have only brought three Warriors and the rest are little better than Techs. Oskar is the only threat beside yourself. We have marked him for killing our sister.”

His pistol wasn’t enough there was a chance that he could make it back to the shuttle bay and raise the others, but it would require abandoning the bridge and Jeremi. Reginald’s voice cut in and opened a video tab in his helmet visor from Allie’s POV Camera positioned in such a way to show the Director holding the pulse laser pistol to the helmetless and injured forms of Allie and Edgar. Kanti and his crew stood behind him tapping away at the Engineering consoles.

Director Reginald’s gray and black hair poked through the soft cap common to all spacers which accentuated his wizened drawn features. “Colonel, I would like to extend you the same courtesy you have given me. Surrender yourself and your unit into custody effectively immediately and I will call off my Warriors and Crew. The Cato belongs with the Clans, and I am late for an appointment, but not by enough that it cannot be explained without bringing up your rebellion.

There is no more need for bloodshed, but if you press us.”
He leveled the pistol toward his hostages, “then that is what you shall have.
Our MedTechs are standing by to treat your injuries and I will put in a good word for you with the JAG. There will certainly be opportunities in the future for such a bold MechWarrior and Commander as yourself.”

“For the next Conquest?”
“You are still young enough that you could rise to command several Clusters if not a whole Galaxy should things change. However, your death will accomplish nothing but bring me sorrow.”

“Well, I would hate to disappoint you Doc,”
Andrew looked back to see Oskar and Florentine approach the intersection from the opposite side. They tossed him one of the Pulse Laser Rifles, he checked the charge strip, all green, they exchanged thumbs up, reflected in each man’s mirrored visor. “But I am going to have to refuse.”

“That is regrettable Colonel Steiner.”
Reginald’s head bowed slightly, “I would have appreciated more time together.”

The Lyrans launched themselves into the corridor exchanging bursts of Avenger Shotgun bursts and Pulse Laser fire with the AeroWarriors to the end.

01/12/3052 | Drovahchein, Erit Cluster, Dark Nebula
SLS Cato translated into the nebulous darkness of space, plumes of primordial gases obscured starlight causing Jump Computer error. SLS Yangtze and Volga floated nearby attended by dozens of dropships bearing the crests of the Hanseatic League and House Mailai natives. Modular space stations extended starfish like arms to capture the solar radiation growing the aquaculture products the Clans relied upon. Three Carrack Armored Transports waited nearby to ferry provisions and finished goods to the front, a fourth was undergoing maintenance from a Tramp Jumpship transformed into a mobile cage works.

Aerospace fighters and gunships raced toward the Cato. Nova Fox Espatiers boarded the ship, their tall, lean frames predatory with claws in the shape of a Mauser IIC. They removed their helmets upon ensuring the ship and its crew were safe and mostly accounted for. “Makada, where is the remainder of your crew, SaberCat’s Aerofighters, and who are these individuals not on the manifest?”

Makada looked toward the Director with pale blue cybernetic eyes, he responded. “There was an accident Point Leader. That is why I am late.”
The Point Leader looked at his pilot sister, cybernetic eyes locking for a moment at this breach of protocol. “Director Reginald speaks the truth Orion. We had to abandon the Aerofighters due to a fuel leak which caused the casualties. The unmanifested individuals are the crew of the Ares cargo shuttle in the bay. They had mechanical problems and required rescue.”
“Yet you brought them here, to our covert rally point. How do you know they are not spies?”
“You can question them but what better place to take them then one few know about, Quiaff?”

Orion looked at the assembled crew including the five newcomers identified as Technician Caste. His fingers brushing against his goatee. “Aff, I suppose that does make some bit of sense. Very well, we will process them aboard our Pentagon.” He waved something to his Point who immediately guided the newcomers to the boarding shuttle.

Director Reginald (Peltier) folded his hands behind his back aboard the gravdeck of the Carrack SLS Ingrid Regnar, an observation screen showed the nightside view of the planet below. He chuckled as he realized the few circles that lit up did so as an advertisement for House Mailai. Niamh came up from behind him tapping the band of a luminous opal octopus on the metal table between them. “I really wish we could have seen the Potemkins depart father.”

“Do not be disappointed child.

There will be other opportunities.”

End of Part I
On Hiatus until December


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #183 on: 14 September 2023, 05:57:25 »
So I presume the other two pilots were killed in the fight.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #184 on: 01 December 2023, 21:35:54 »
So I presume the other two pilots were killed in the fight.


Hidden Hope Part II


The INN logo appears before the screen as an attractive man and woman appear behind the news desk adorned with a COMSTAR logo backlit behind them.
“Welcome to INN News. I am Dereck Haut.
“and Claire Donahue. We have a new report from the occupied world of Antares courtesy of the Two-Twenty-Second Division that is still resisting Adder occupation forces despite being cut off for months now.”
“Yes, Claire however we must warn everyone that the following footage is distressing.
You have been warned.”

Antares City lie in ruins, burned out remains of civilian vehicles and military equipment litter the street, along with shards of broken glass and feral animals. A sign shows ‘Free Fire Zone’ in five languages behind layers of concertina wire Battlemechs patrol through an area blasted flat to the foundations. In the distance three large dropships tower over the empty horizon.

Citizens run through the streets as Adder Mechs crash through the village of Trifecta explosions bursting around them. A canal is filled with debris so much that it blocks the lock and causes flooding around it. Burned and splintered trees show the aftermath of a major battle on a formerly serene landscape.

A shantytown rises from the grasslands surrounding a darkened city clambering up the canyon like a desperate mountaineer. Smoke rises from makeshift chimneys as people struggle to assemble shelter while engulfed in a blizzard. Rioters charge into a line of dark blue clad Adder Patrol, the line holds, as they are thrown back by giants or dispersed with tear gas and pyrotechnics.

Star Adder mechs fire into an industrial facility causing chemical explosions and geysers of water to erupt onto a concrete pad. Desperate people rush for safety clogging the streets for emergency vehicles. Soldiers wearing gas masks stand guard over a night sky filled with flames.

A blonde woman and two larger men engage in a brutal fight with Alba’s City Hall in the background. The fight ends with the larger of the men kicking the woman off the other before she tries to fight him too.

“That was distressing Dereck. That poor woman.”
“Indeed Clair, truly these Clan Invaders are completely immoral. This is combined by numerous testimonies from victims of Clan Mongoose which is currently conducting terrifying raids on numerous Lyran worlds.”
“To think that those Adder’s bloodlust could not be sated even after tens of thousands dead from chlorine and other toxic gases when the Star Adders destroyed the Nashan Diversified Pulp Factory.”
“The largest mass casualty event since the Hiritsu massacres on No Return.”
“COMSTAR is doing its part to stop them.
Are you?”

“Please donate or volunteer for one of the local organizations that will play after this special report.
Any help will be appreciated. This fight belongs to all of us.”
“May the Peace of Blake prevail.
INN signing off.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #185 on: 01 December 2023, 22:41:34 »
Chapter 16 - Old Grudges

MechWarrior Ranna Kerensky looked out the window overlooking the large town of Old Connaught, the capital of Arc-Royal and home of the Kell Hounds. In the foreground she saw the quaint cottages of Tersus Village, a quiet vacation and elder community tucked away into the hills away from what passed for hustle and bustle of ‘the big city’ of this agrarian world. A Kell Hounds dropship had landed hours ago at the starport on the other side of the reservoir from the town. Through her rangefinders she could see the tiny forms of battlemechs marching along the reinforced path to the nearby Kell Hounds refit facility.

She leaned back in the chair with arms stretched skyward, “This place is so boring Mack.”

“That is the point cousin.”
MacKenzie and Maeve Wolf sat beside one another, looking entirely to alike almost twins despite being years apart. A bottle of Cuchalain whisky, two partially full, and one empty glass between them on a handwrought wooden table. “Shauna will not sleep with all that commotion going on down there at all hours of the day. If my son and daughter don’t get their nap my wife will make my life hell.
Not a fun hell either, full of hedonism or all that, even though she’s Canopian.
The bad kind! and I already have enough wailing and gnashing in my life as it is.”

“Shauna is such a difficult baby, but you were too Ranna. I would try to sing you lullabies, rock you, none of it ever worked.”
“Why do you have to make it weird all the time Maeve?”

Maeve took a sip of her glass, “I tried very hard to be a good mother to you, but I was young. Kat needs all the help she can get. Especially with Alpin, he is growing up to be quite the rascal.”
Mack poured a small volume into the empty cup, “A chip off the old block as they say.”
“Still the babysitter even though you are Co-Commanders of the Wolf’s Dragoons.”
“Why not? All we are doing is waiting for the others to arrive, Jaime, Morgan, and Hanse are formulating the plan, we will just execute it.”

Ranna lifted the stool up and settled behind the now partially filled glass, “When is Phelen going to be free?”
“Oh, do you miss your boyfriend sweetie?”

Both women stared at one another, “Just because you birthed me doesn’t mean to speak to me like I am a crechie anymore.”
“It’s precisely because I did, that I can Ran. You were so cute as a crechie, blonde pigtails with ribbons, pretty dresses, the reddest little cheeks, it made me wish you were my actual daughter.
You can be patient; I’m sure he will visit when he’s free. Unless of course you want to go down there I am certain your Uncle could find plenty of work for you to do. You know if you were available and not helping us babysit up here.”

Ranna paused and took a deep draught of the whiskey in her cup, “You know what…I have not seen Phelen in almost two years; and I just love…little stinky loud children, they just make me feel so happy!”

A women shouted down at them from the upper floor in Portuguese, Mack responded and drained his cup, “I knew you would come around.”

With a great cry a young boy with tousled brown hair leapt down the stairs into the common room. He paused to stare at and warm his hands near the burning wood in the fireplace. Then he grabbed the coat and hat drying nearby before running to the trio. “Papa, can Aunt Ran and I run around the mountain;” He made a shooting motion and 'bang' sound with his finger, "and maybe shoot some guns?

Mackenzie Wolf knelt at the boy’s side and stared at Ranna with a sly smile, “As long as she’s okay with it Alpin. You have to wear your boots and listen to her though. Quiaff?”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #186 on: 02 December 2023, 04:19:32 »
WD are such an adorable family here, makes me wish all the best for them. You monster.
Coomstar using Katya's trial of position as example of Clanner atrocities is so... in line with current day media propaganda, I guess that more the things change, more they stay the same.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #187 on: 03 December 2023, 10:54:57 »
“How does he have so much energy?” Ranna collapsed into the chair beside Maeve, the bottoms of her jeans were coated in mud and grime from scrambling across the mountain with Alpin. Maeve poured her another small glass of Cuchulain whiskey as the fireplace dwindled and a candle burned in the center of the table. “He’s just one kid, I had to keep up with three in a row.”

“You had help.”
“That is what it means to be a Clan.”

Ranna stared into the candlelight reflecting in her liquor, “Are we a Clan?”
“Good question. ilKhan Showers likely does not think so. Although he has probably called for our Annihilation after finding all that Clantech when they got Phelen.
The Lyrans though are quick to blame, just read the tabloid rags. Although they seem more focused on COMSTAR for now.”

“We are here to help though. Could they turn on us?”

Maeve sipped her own drink quickly for almost minutes, “Unknown, hard to believe they could pose a threat to us and our allies if they are so swift to flee in the face of our erstwhile cousins. Even if they do, the Wolf’s Dragoons have been through tougher times, and we have the support of the First Prince.”

Ranna looked out to the misty night, brightening slightly as a Kell Hounds truck rumbled toward, but then deflated as it passed them. “I am not sure I am ready.”
“Do you think Phelen thought he was ready when the Ghost Bears showed up out of nowhere?”
“But it wasn’t his family that stood in the firing line.”
“Any of them would have though, and they do so now. I think we have done everything we could to prepare, except”
Maeve stood and hesitated before turning to the stairs, “You should try to get as many good nights sleep as you can until we leave. Goodnight Ran.”

Morning mist dissipated with the rising sun as a Kell Hounds’ truck navigated the switchback up the mountain beside a motorcycle. Ranna and Alpin stood outside the cottage as both vehicles turned the corner. Phelen Kell exited the truck and was joined by the motorcyclist, a woman with brown hair wearing the strangest outfit but walked like Colonel Akira or Yorinaga-sama. A green Keikogi-like outfit, gold dyed Hakama over them, a black belt with a Katana tucked into it and holstered pistol on the other side, and an ominous overcoat.

The strange woman stepped forward with Phelen at her ear motioning frantically, “Are you Ranna Kerensky of Wolf’s Dragoons?”

Alpin hid behind her as Mack, Maeve appeared in the door carbines in hand while Katerina motioned to her son. Ranna pushed him toward her and stepped forward, hands over her own sidearm. Phelen stood off the line but between them, “Who’s asking?”

“I am Diana Pryde of Clan Jade Falcon.”
Rann looked toward Phelen, “I heard all the Jade Falcons had been Absorbed, or killed.”
“It will be reborn after our Trial of Grievance. A duel in Battlemechs, Warrior against Warrior in adherence with Zellbrigen.”
“What have I done to warrant your Grievance Diana? We have never quarreled before.”

“You are the daughter of Star Colonel Natasha Kerensky, formerly of Clan Wolf, and carry her bloodlegacy.”
Diana’s hands hovered over the sword, “as such you are the closest to a Trueborn Clan Warrior as any in the Inner Sphere including myself.”

“Have you come to finish us off then Diana?”

“No, I am chalcas as well. I have betrayed the Steel Vipers with full conscience to benefit Phelen and the Kell Hounds. However, we Warriors must issue Batchalls against other Clan Warriors to be Clan.

Only with our Trial’s conclusion can I prove my bloodrite, reclaim my status as a Clan Warrior, and the Jade Falcons rebirth as a Clan.”

“If I refuse your Batchall?”

Diana had a full hand on her hilt and pulled it out enough to reveal the Jade Falcon insignia engraved on it, “I will strike you down then turn this blade on myself.”

Mack and Maeve had their rifles up at the motion, although Ranna didn’t waver. “That is a bit extreme.”

“It is necessary.”

Ranna looked at Phelen, “You find interesting people on your travels Lieutenant.”
“I’ve spent months trying to dissuade her Ran.”

“I accept your Batchall Diana Pryde.”

Her opponent stood, sheathed her blade, and kept her hands clearly visible, “State the time and place of our Circle of Equals.”
“Noon, tomorrow, Marrou’s Fens.”

“Bargained well and done.”
“Bargained well and done.”

“I will leave to prepare for our Trial tomorrow Ranna Kerensky,”
Diana turned to Phelen, “if she fails to arrive, I may have to actually kill you this time, so keep your rede.”

“You don’t have to do this Diana.”
“You are wrong mercenary, and it is already done.”
The Jade Falcon remounted her motorcycle and departed, Ranna waited until she was out of sight before collapsing to her knees. Phelen rushed to her side and embraced her before she completely lost her strength, “She’s so scary.”

“Why did you accept her batchall?”
“To see whether or not I am ready to face more than one of them.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #188 on: 03 December 2023, 14:24:01 »
The Ducal Estate of House Kell sprawled across the eastern edge of Lachan lake that provided natural beauty and fresh water to the inhabitants of Old Connaught. As agricultural Lords their buildings lacked the grandeur of the industrialists of the Lyran Commonwealth. Only the presence of the Kell Hounds provided anything close to industry on-world.

Diana Pryde sat on a mat over the rocky lakeside as the occasional shuttle flight soared over the Morein Hills to the Southwest. The basin of which held Marrou’s Fens where the Cuchulain distillery sourced the peat that created its distinctive smoky flavor. A twig snapped behind her, she drew, cocked, and pointed her pistol at the hedge. “Identify yourself!”

An old scarred and grizzled man with a shaved head and white beard stepped out from behind the hedge, he too carried a Katana and was dressed in red and black but not with a Kell Hounds crest, he bore none. In his hands he held a wicker basket. “Who would have thought you would be drawn here too?”
“Who are you old man?”

He stood tall and proud, “Yorinaga Kurita, perhaps you have heard of me.”
Diana decocked her pistol’s hammer and returned it to the holster, “Patrick mentioned you a few times during our voyage.
In between pithy innuendo.
Do you bring more?”

“I bring only tea and counsel. He and I are as unlike as we are intertwined.”
“Perhaps I only have appetite for one.”

Yorinaga approached warily, “My tea is very good, though I am no Pillarine.”
“Is your counsel better?”
“More applicable perhaps. I was a creature of the battlefield and wished to learn more about you. The young lady of the hour, that carries a sword and recites poetry.”
“It needs to be done.”
“I understand.”
“Do you truly?”
“In matters of honor I am the expert.”
He laid his sword down and sat down beside her, “The Mercenaries do not understand as deeply as I. They chose their path for a different type of glory than we have.”

His black lacquered teacups had been repaired so many times that each was thick with golden Kintsugi seams, “In matters of betrayal and survival I am equally wise. I sense that you have trod a difficult path child and may have questions or regrets. Perhaps over time you will be willing to ask or confide them in me.”

“What do you have to gain from this?”
“An opportunity I was formerly denied.”

With extreme precision and speed he rinsed the vessels in the lake and returned them to his basket. She rose to face him as he moved to depart, “I will leave you to your meditations Diana with only one piece of wisdom to contemplate.

As an old Warrior I study history, young Warriors have the duty to make it. Do not look at what is behind for guidance when everything important lies in front of you.
The past is a trap for the unwary.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #189 on: 03 December 2023, 14:47:41 »
She could really learn a lot from Yorinaga, but how many of us were willing to learn when young and angry?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #190 on: 04 December 2023, 10:36:52 »
She could really learn a lot from Yorinaga, but how many of us were willing to learn when young and angry?

She's actually not angry, just serious.

Marrou’s Fen lay exposed before the audience as Ranna and Diana prepared for the appointed time. Clear blue sky reflected in the glass smooth knee-high standing water and stubby grasses. No birds flew over the Morein basin today, instead almost a dozen Battlemechs took a knee on the firm ground above Phelen Kell’s Wolfhound and the Dragoons the left, the others their right. None of the spheroid mercenaries thought about it, but the brothers Kell whose mechs were beside Jaime, Maeve, and Mackenzie Wolf looked out of place.

Ranna’s heart raced as her Warhammer strode into the fens. it was not the best place for footing especially in such a large mech. However, there was a clear pond in the center deep enough to submerge her mech’s legs within to improve her heat capacity.

Opposing her was the raptor like Shinobi, all deadly angles and packed with the most advanced non-Dragoon, non-Clantech equipment possible for its size. She had heard about the design but as far as she knew it was still experimental. Fewer than 100 had been built and those had gone to elite commands within the DCMS and CCAF. It was perhaps the most expensive mech in the Inner Sphere that hadn’t belonged to someone important.

There is no way an Exiled Clan Warrior should’ve been allowed to get one of them and it be allowed within the Lyran Commonwealth. “Who is she sleeping with to get a Shinobi?”

Her mission clocked flicked over to ’12:00’ and the Circle of Equals appeared in the AR, just another image conjured up and presented through her neurohelmet’s visor. Targeting sensors picked up the other mechs watching from above, her palms began sweating in the gloves despite the cooling fluid running through them, “They will just see how good I can be.”

“Target track, contact A-five-zero. Ignore all others.”
Friendly contacts disappeared from the field with the Warhammer’s targeting suite focusing entirely on Diana’s mech. It leapt into the air, landing with impossible grace as her sensors detected a power-surge and thermal energy emanating from beneath the PPC over its shoulder although it quickly dissipated. “Capacitor PPC?”

The Warhammer trod forward into the terrain; a standing wave emanated from it brushing the bright green fen grasses beyond it. Her iPPCs were still out of range and this would be a slow progression. Ranna held firm balancing the Battlemech beneath her that was wobbling as if standing on a waterbed made of moss.

Something seemed off, Diana’s Shinobi had an unusually low sensor signal for its size. At this range it should be plainly visible on the targeting scopes and her weapons should have good tracking. Ranna initiated a diagnostic of the old Warhammer’s systems. “There has to be something wrong with my scopes, but we double checked them today.”

She was rocked as the Warhammer sustained a direct hit from the Shinobi which had reappeared on her scopes. It had not only returned but was now bright white in thermals as the cooling network dissipated the heat from the PPC throughout the machine and into the water below. Ranna fired from the hip sending hyper-accelerated sub-atomic particles downrange in a torus of light. One connected, ablating away the gray composite that protected the armature below. The Shinobi was damaged, but Ranna looked at the blood red damage indicator on her mech’s right torso that showed a total breach in a single hit. Something that should have been impossible for even a Dragoon made PPC.

“That bitch!”

Ranna went hot pressing the offensive as Diana jumped away, her tracking systems struggled to find the Battlemech in jump jet plumes that sent up superheated vapor that cooled and settled over the fens like fog. Each combatant parting clinging fog and thrashing water as stray shots scorched the grass and started smoldering fires that failed to spread int the waterlogged land.

Infrequent chips against the Shinobi occurred even though Ranna and her machine struggled to track the agile duelist who hovered barely within or just outside her effective range. Diana made herself a target only long enough to set up a powerful shot that rarely missed when it did fire though that event was infrequent. However, Ranna prepared for it timing her own firepower for maximum effect only to have Diana feign and prepare again preventing an easy tempo.

Their battle had been ongoing for almost an hour as Ranna set herself up in the central pond. Her Warhammer’s PPC concealed within the smoke and fog that swirled around her. Even with sensors degraded she knew that Diana was nearby, waiting to strike down at her. She intended to catch her on the wing just as she had been shooting trap with Alpin two days ago.
“Ranna ‘Birddog’ Kerensky it might catch on.”

Her controls were unresponsive as she tried to step forward through the pond to get a better firing position. The mud below held fast her Warhammer and began to suck it down. Their duel had broken down the fens’ natural structure until it was a quagmire that her mech could not clear. She had thought it would be quick, it had been anything but, and now her Warhammer had feet of clay and was sinking.

Diana’s Shinobi appeared out of the haze, clear as day to her sensors, her capacitor was charged and now that she was trapped Ranna would be an easy target.

The radio was set to their internal channel, no need for her to announce her embarrassment to friends and family, “I yield!”
“My Warhammer is trapped and sinking into the mud. You have won.”

There was a pause while Diana’s PPC powered down and dissipated its accumulated energy, “Do you require rescue?”

“Are you offering?”
“I am the closest.”

Ranna turned off the mic and breathed deep, “She just wants to gloat in person,” then returned it to broadcast, “Aff.”

She opened the cockpit and choked on the swirling smoke from the many small fires that smoldered in the fen. “Tastes just like Cuchulain,” beneath her the mud was pulling her Warhammer down. It would be difficult to recover but good practice for the salvage crews. Although Uncle Jaime was probably going to order her to power-wash it as her surkai.

With the cockpit sealed Ranna kept her balance on the narrow boarding surface as the Shinobi stood beside it extending a palm up hand to bridge the gap. Her cockpit was up allowing Ranna to see Diana shift her head to the side to ensure that her Mech’s hand remained as steady as possible.

It took all the Dragoon’s courage to scramble across the mech’s hand knowing full well that her opponent could crush her if she wanted. Ranna hurried into the fold down jump seat and found a shallow clear plastic box filled with smaller bags containing small bones, intricate shells, shiny rocks, dried plants, fortunately dead insects, and glass beads, all of which were neatly labeled and indexed.

“What is this?” Diana let out a sigh as her own mech struggled to clear the quagmire. “One of my specimen collections. Just gently put it into a cargo pocket, then strap into your seatbelt.”

Diana grunted and ran her fingers across the function displays, “We’ll have to jump out of this fine mess you’ve trapped me in.”
“Do not start with me Wolf.”
Diana let out a whisper not knowing she was still on the Trial channel, “You are already as bad as the mercenary.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #191 on: 04 December 2023, 12:24:16 »
A thought occurred to me, what were Diana and her fellow Falcons eating during the trip? Since they lost connection to clan logistics, did they have sufficient sea food or did they have acclimatise themselves to more Spheroid diet?
I presume Shinobi has some stealth system, possibly Stealth Armor or rediscovered Null Sig, which combined with capacitor enhanced PPC would enact brutal heat burden one single heatsinks. 
« Last Edit: 04 December 2023, 12:37:29 by PsihoKekec »
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #192 on: 04 December 2023, 12:47:04 »
A thought occurred to me, what were Diana and her fellow Falcons eating during the trip? Since they lost connection to clan logistics, did they have sufficient sea food or did they have acclimatize themselves to more Spheroid diet?

Amusingly it was the other way around, the Kell Hounds were the ones eating Clan rations as their dropship was filled with INTER-LOGI spec material.
They were not fans.

The Falcons then discovered Scandinavian type canned or smoked fish products in the Free Rasalhague Republic. Then brought pallets of them.
The Kell Hounds were also not fans of this.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #193 on: 06 December 2023, 18:07:23 »
The town of New Hannover was built around Arc-Royal Mechworks and directly attached to the Fred T Berry Starport via a railway. Trains and Techs operated at all hours transporting and upgrading everything imaginable that arrived from a constant stream of dropships. All manner of industrial equipment had been deployed to accommodate the overflow each protected by revetments from any hazard.

A massive tent city had popped up inhabited by mercs and techs with dozens of colorful or well-known insignia and uniforms from the Northwind Highlanders, Eridani Light Horse, Hell’s Black Aces, Blackwell, Defiance, and Shengli Industries, Independence Weaponry, even Luthien Armor Works personnel were present on world with LIC minders. If it had ever featured in the AMC’s Wolfpack magazine, they were present on Arc-Royal as guests of Duke Kell.

Ranna Kerensky walked into Mess Hall C into the sparse company of fellow Wolf’s Dragoons, Kell Hounds, and members of the Blue Star Irregulars. Her palms slammed into the metal table in front of Diana Pryde who looked up from her breakfast of kedgeree. “You cheated!”

She saw Ranna’s blonde hair was still dripping, clinging to her pale skin, like she had just been rescued from drowning, in perfume it seemed. “You smell.”
“That is because I spent all night power washing the sludge off my Warhammer, and all morning showering away the stench.”
“Did you save any warm water for me?”

Nearby Hound techs excused themselves and shifted away from the women as Diana stood up, eating knife still in hand blade out. “If you did not want to get stuck in the mud Ranna. You should not have fought in a fen.”

“I talked to Skytower’s techs. There is only one mech of that type, that incorporates tech from Clan to Combine, in the whole of the Inner Sphere!”
“You still had fifteen tons on me. I think it was rather generous considering Skytower’s weaknesses.
Clan Steel Viper trained me well, maybe your trainer was lacking.”

The Dragoon leaned forward, muscles tensed, “My trainer was Natasha Kerensky.”
Diana was red, still livid after being called a cheater, “Maybe you did not listen to your mother well enough then.”

Major Wanda Phillips of the 2nd Assault Infantry of the Blue Star Irregulars intervened pushing the two women apart with the muscled arms of an infantry commander. She kept her hand near Diana’s knife. “Knock it off ladies. We are supposed to be on the same side here. You are offending our hosts.”

Separated and embarrassed the Clanswomen calmed slightly, Diana left her knife on the table. “If you want a rematch Ranna Kerensky, then issue the Batchall.”
“I want a rematch Diana Pryde, with you using your Ostroc this time.”
“I accept your challenge.
However, the time and place of our duel will be after the Clans are defeated.
So, stay alive until then and get some air now,
because you reek,”
Diana looked down at her halfway eaten plate, “and have ruined my appetite.”

Ranna’s fists went white then she turned the air blue, in Russia, as she stormed out of the Mess Hall. Diana tried to fan the perfume away but returned to her seat. Wanda remained at her side, “Are you happy with yourself MechWarrior?”

“Aff, I just got issued a challenge.”
She placed her utensils on the plate and let out a sigh, “I just wish she had waited until I finished breakfast. Now everything tastes like flowers.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #194 on: 07 December 2023, 01:14:15 »
She really has a talent for making friends
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #195 on: 08 December 2023, 22:15:09 »
She really has a talent for making friends

You noticed, the only thing that was missing was a slight blush.


Chapter 17 – Hold the Bottom Line, United by One Paycheck

The Grand Hall of House Kell had worn many different styles in the family’s time on Arc-Royal, but it had never been an Interstellar War Room. WolfNet operatives, well-compensated private intelligence analysts, and a small contingent of LIC and LCAF Military Intelligence gathered beneath or behind displays showing streams of information and downlinks from COMSTAR’s HPG in Denton.

A roof-mounted holoprojector, normally reserved for spectacle within the ballroom, broadcast the present strategic situation through the cigarette smoke from a man wearing a tan leather flying jacket with a flaming Ace of Spades playing card patch over a generic blue formal-ish (for a Mercenary) looking uniform, tapped it into a Kell Hound branded ashtray, “Where’s your old man kid?”

Phelen Kell stood up straight in his red and black formal uniform, bronze colored lieutenant bars shining, “I do not know Colonel Tanaga.”

Ranna Kerensky sat with the commander of the Dragoon’s Epsilon Regiment, Diana Pryde sat beside Yorinaga Kurita, he in lotus, her seiza, both spoke softly to one another over tea, as observers. Kai and the Field Commanders of both Kell Hounds regiments, Colonels Akira Brahe and Daniel Allard sat alongside one another leaving a space open for him.

Brevet General Ariana Winston and Colonel Charles Antonescue was in a deep discussion over some packet with Seamus Casey and Ariana Stirling of the Northwind Highlanders. An empty space near the lead table was left for the 12th Star Guards who had likely been destroyed on Wotan when The Clans invaded rather than abandon their post and mission as so many others, including those who sat on the Estates General, had. Blue Star Irregulars Colonel Alexander Duff-Gordan who sat adjacent to it with his subordinates had insisted upon it.

First Gurka of the Northwind Highlanders had been given the honor of guarding the assembly. The heavy Kukri blades at their sides, tilted jungle hats, and genuine Mauser 960s (from Diana) reminding their charges of the formation’s ancient roots. They opened the door to admit Hanse Davion flanked by a pair of Khaki-clad Federation Marshals, Patrick ‘Playboy’ and Morgan Kell, followed by Jaime, Mackenzie, and Maeve Wolf before closing them just as quickly.

There was a long moment of uncomfortable silence as Hanse Davion took a seat near Yorinaga Kurita, the man who had killed his brother in battle. Yorinaga was however serene, focusing on the proceedings and etiquette, even if the Marshals kept a close eye on him, and his sword. The Kell Brothers and Wolf Dragoon Command Trio sat at the head of the room.

Duke Morgan Kell stood and walked between the tables shaking hands or otherwise exchanging greetings with each attendee. He stood on a slight pedestal before the assembly and the holoprojected image in the center of the room. “Truly I thank you all for coming to Arc-Royal. When Jaime and I began to discuss the Allied Mercenary Command I was not certain what would happen. I surely did not expect to be invaded by an alien civilization from the stars. Nor did I expect them to originate from the Aleksandr Kerensky’s Exodus Fleet.”

Morgan dismounted and played back the initial wave of The Clan’s invasions filling in the volume within the image, dozens of other worlds blinked red showing the present raiding campaign being carried out by Clans Mongoose and Nova Fox against the Commonwealth’s Periphery March. However, they had stopped moving almost two months ago and the AMC was certain it wasn’t because they wanted to wait until after the holidays.

“Yet here we are.” A rough ovoid shape appeared on the holograph its borders overlapping with Arc-Royal, Coventry, Alarion, Halfway, Pherkad, and Odessa. “and Arc-Royal is on the leading edge of what General Roman Steiner has dubbed the ‘Iron Egg.’ Facing them regardless.”

Chuckles arose from Phelen and the more junior officers, their seniors remained silent but amused smiles escaped faces carved of stone or cast in metal.

“The Clans have stopped at Deia to consolidate their gains, redeploy, and resupply themselves. Though they still conducted long range raids in the Periphery March, but only control an area starting from Main Street to Windsor then terminating at Tamar.
Roman thinks that centering our forces in this way will allow us the sally forth and prevent further advances. At least until we can come up with a coherent grand counter-offensive.

Right now, we must limit ourselves to what is at hand. Remove what and who we can from no-man’s land and refit ourselves with the Dragoon’s advanced tech.”

Colonel Grayson Carlyle of the Gray Death Legion stood up, “Why are we waiting here then and letting them consolidate gains? We are on the leading edge; some of us should be attacking or doing something about these raids.”

“I agree Gray, but the Clans have Warships.”

“So do the Dragoons,”
everyone looked at the Dragoons strangely, Pryde’s covert debriefing had circulated in well-connected circles, included within was the fact that the Dragoons were initially Clan spies, and that it had gotten their Clan killed and almost ended the modern Clans. “and COMSTAR, but even they can’t have enough to be everywhere.”

“None of them have enough but they do have more independent aerospace units than Warships, especially the ilKhan Mongoose. We need to be cautious and strike with plenty of air cover or they will shred our dropships without hesitation. They know that is a big advantage that we will have difficulty overcoming.”

Colonel Tanaga gave a satisfied head tilt, “That is why I’m here after all. Can’t wait to fly off those Dragoon Warships. It’s gonna be beautiful.”
Morgan looked over to Hanse and Yorinaga, “We must give the politicians enough time to reach a consensus.

Melissa is working Precentor Tharkad and his HPG everyday jockeying up support from the Great Houses and attempting to pressure the Estates General.

Chancellor Liao has sent the Jie Fang Legion and two Warrior Houses, but his empire is still putting itself together, we can’t expect much from him.

Outworlds Privateers have found their way into Commonwealth space at the request of Melissa, to raid Clan Merchant commerce while infiltrating and supporting small units once we pair them with fighter cover.

First Prince Ian has sent his Federated Suns Lancers forward with his father and is attempting to wrestle away more units from his relations among the March Lords. They are presently on Pherkad.

Shockingly this morning it was confirmed that Princes Hohiro Kurita and Andrew Davion will be guests of Primus Waterly above Venus next month to discuss ‘normalization’ that could free up more AFFS units from the Draconis March.

Princess Consort Corrine also seems to be working her father over quite firmly from what I can see. However, as Prime Minister he must abide by the Free World’s League Parliament, which is skeptical given the number of Lyran nobles that fled from their worlds to hide on Tharkad.

I can’t say I blame them. While it is a coincidence that we are staring down the Clan frontlines we all know how they act, and we are getting them to pay through the nose for our services.

In advance.”

The Mercenaries let out a cheer, they were betting their lives, and fortunes on the survival of the Lyran Commonwealth, and the continued value of its Kroner.

“Until Roman can sort out the LCAF’s internal problems and ready them for a counter-offensive it is up to the AMC and COMSTAR’s Precentor Martial Photon Brett and his secret yet somehow giant ****** army to hold the line.

Everyone in this room hasn’t fought in thousands of battles on hundreds of worlds throughout the Succession Wars to let someone else invade it and take over.

These Warriors think War is their life.
It’s our jobs.
We chose to be Warriors and we got good enough that people pay us to do it for them.
In this room are some of the brightest,
” He eyed Ariana and Grayson, “most motivated,” Dan and Akira, “professional,” Seamus and Andrea, “and cold-blooded,” Alexander and Hohiro, “Warriors in the Inner Sphere.

If these Clans want my homeworld or to kill my friends and family.”

Morgan eyed Diana in the corner beside Yorinaga, “They must go through me,
and us!

We are going to make them pay, one way or another.

Now let’s get to work AMC. We’ve got a lot to go over,
and time is money.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #196 on: 09 December 2023, 03:15:00 »
It could be said that original Clan Invasion was amateurs vs. professionals, but here Clanners are very much professionals themselves, so while the mercs have upped their game, assembling the allstar team, it will be a very difficult campaign.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #197 on: 12 December 2023, 08:22:45 »
Knucklehead Training Grounds were filled with noise, steel rang across the many small arms ranges, explosions erupted from the heavy weapons ones, fighters roared overhead strafing at mockups or bombed old tanks with dummy bombs. A deep bassy thrum could be felt when the armored forces of the AMC rolled across the ravaged plains of pretend battlefields.

Ranna Kerensky lifted her M&G automatic as she stalked through the pop-up course, double tapping each silhouette and fast reloading after the eight rounds were up to do it again, and again, and again, until it was pure instinct. The training felt familiar and not just because the Kell Hounds copy-pasted the Tetsuhara Training Grounds of Outreach onto these plains. It took her back to a simpler time during Sibko.

Phelen Kell was there at the starting point with a scoped AM-36 assault rifle that had canted iron sights for CQB and all-around smart design. Made by the Gray Death Legion on Glengarry it had become the standard in the AMC, even if it was a bit pricey. He was putting a trio of magazines into his armored vest, “I could see the Jade Falcon stickers on those targets Ranna.”

She looked down to hide her flush sticking more 10mm rounds into her pistol magazines, “Were you pointing a loaded rifle at me Phelen? In violation of range rules.”
“I did not have a magazine in it. Was originally just looking at your butt.”

Ranna unconsciously brushed dust off her pants as she returned filled magazines and pistol to her belt. Phelen could never stop being himself and she secretly hoped he wouldn’t. Life in the Dragoons was frequently grim, particularly now, so some humor helped. She knew that Phelen would always do his best to come through in any difficult situation even if he made light of it later.

“Always. You look good.”

“My technique, or me?”

They both stood by the break area while another fireteam used the range, “I expected you would have found someone different after we parted.
I did not expect to see you again.”

Phelen leaned his rifle against a wooden coil core, arms crossed as the other shooters worked their way through the course. “Going to be honest with you. You are the only woman I have spent any time with that has not almost gotten me killed yet. Even my mother and sister have worse records.”

“That is certainly unexpected, considering how much trouble we got into. So, Diana and you?”

“Are you kidding? She was hunting me down in particular; you should have heard some of the stuff she told me when we captured her. It was a difficult walk to our hideout when we captured them instead.

It was luck that got us off Elissa. Well and Diana’s reckless but precise use of explosives.

Kai and her, are kinda a thing whenever either of them can get out of their own way. Reclaiming their lost family honor and all that. You know?”

“I can’t say that I do.
I’m sorry that being a Ward almost got you killed on Elissa.”

“Jaime already apologized.”
“Hard to believe my uncle would do so.”
“I think he did it to smooth things over with my parents, particularly my mom.”
“That was wise.”
“Apparently the Wolf learned some diplomacy during his time.”
“The Dragoons wouldn’t have survived otherwise.”
“Perhaps the Falcon Irregulars will be faster to learn that lesson.”

Ranna drew her pistol as the fireteam cleared the course, racking the slide back to chamber a round, “That doesn’t mean I am not going to shoot Falcons on the range. It is my duty as a member of Clan Wolf.”

He lifted his rifle to a ready position and did the same, his sleeves were rolled up showing off toned biceps, “As an apparently secret member by bloodright, I feel I should join you. For old times’ sake of course.”

“Well, Phelen, let’s see if your technique remains as keen as ever.”

Phelen smiled bright, “I might be a bit out of practice.”
She returned his smile with her own, “Well then I’ll go easy on you.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #198 on: 12 December 2023, 12:22:33 »
You are the only woman I have spent any time with that has not almost gotten me killed yet.

[Klaus Wulfenbach looks at the camera] YET
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #199 on: 12 December 2023, 14:03:48 »
[Klaus Wulfenbach looks at the camera] YET

Well you know, they are about to go into a war together, so some stuff might happen.  :evil:


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #200 on: 19 December 2023, 23:09:49 »
A dense fog settled over Tersus Lake gathered like the bowl of spiced oatmeal in front of Caitlin Kell. She looked up as her brother opened the ornately scroll-worked door for Ranna, both looked at her in surprise. Phelen looked aside, “Sis? You’re back. I wasn’t expecting you…so soon.”

“Sandy and I flew in last night,”
her green eyes peered at Ranna’s blue ones, “Not that either of you would have noticed. And not just because my room is on the other side of the wing.”

Cassandra Allard entered from the other side Ranna shifted out of her way before she settled opposite Caitlin. The woman setting her plate of small, steamed buns on the table chop sticks in one hand, then grasped a pencil from the table in the other. She was reading a letter that they could see was from her sister, Kuan-Yin, still on Victoria although neither of them could read it since it was in Cantonese, and twin-code. “Sandy, how was the jungle LandNav exercise with Diana?”

The woman’s pencil broke as she pressed hard ripping the paper beneath it, “I hate her.” She lifted the jagged edge of the pencil to eye level before snapping it in her fingers. Caitlin covered her bowl and face as the halves flew in either direction.

“I understand.” Ranna looked to Phelen and Caitlin who both gave her a sign to not inquire further at the slightly deranged step-cousin of the Kell family. One forbidden from handling blades within the house by the Lady of the House because of previous 'incidents.’
“How about I make you something to eat Ran? You can stay here if you’d like.”

She pulled a chair out, “I think that would be only polite. I never speak with your sister or Sandy.”
Phelen hesitated as she settled within the checkered upholstery, “Suit yourself. I’ll be right back,” then headed into the kitchen.

She looked across at Sandy who seemed confused but returned to eating her breakfast and reading the now slightly torn letter. Instead, Caitlin shifted over to the left to sit across from Ranna who poured out auburn tea into a smooth blue-gray ceramic mug. “So, is this thing between you and my brother a last fling at the end of the world thing? Or something else?”

“I suppose we must live through the end of the world to find out Cait.
I heard you graduated from jets and moved onto VSTOL, ahead of schedule.”

“It helps being the daughter of the guy in charge of the training cadre, in the middle of a war.
Not that I didn’t earn it.”

“I do not mean to imply anything; you know how I feel about legacy and expectation.”

Caitlin paused swallowing a few bites from her breakfast, “I suppose that’s true. It’s not easy being the next generation of heroes, is it?”

“I think it is about to get a lot harder. Everyone expects it any day.
It is exhausting. If they would just attack maybe my training would kick in so I can stop thinking about what might be.”

“You get used to it or it consumes you.”
Sandy interjected darkly, before returning to her food and correspondence with her twin. It was the longest sentence either of them had heard from the woman whose short life had been filled with war, tragedy, and betrayal in her homeland.

Phelen returned with a pair of omelets just as Salome Ward-Kell entered wearing the Kell Hounds training uniform like her daughter and ‘ward’ her hair closer to the gray of the training uniform than the black of the normal one. “Are one of those for me dear?”
He paused as the women watched him standing awkwardly in front of his mother, “I can…”

“Just messing with you son, I already ate.”
She picked up half a broken pencil from the floor, eyed its jagged end, then Cassandra. “You know these pencils are so very fragile Sandy.” She pulled a pencil off her sweater, “Here is another one so can write your letters.”
Sandy looked down, head slightly bowed, at her empty plate and pencil placed on the torn letter, “Thank you, Lady Kell.”
Her son sat down beside his ‘girlfriend,’ “Ranna it is so nice to see you up close.”
“It is a pleasure to be seen Lady Kell.”
“You know, you can just call me Major Ward little Wolf.”
“Yes, Major Ward.”
“Great work flying in the fog last night Caitlin, if a bit reckless.”
“A warm bed and familiar surroundings was worth the risk. Sandy is pretty good on the instruments.”
A slight smile could be seen for a moment on the woman.
“Spoken like your father and Uncle.” She spoke softly but close enough that Ranna and Phelen could overhear her, Although Patrick’s bed would be warm for other reasons.

Anyway, I am back to kicking cadets into the moors. So goodday all.
Before I go though will you be here for dinner?”

Phelen looked up from the last bits of his omelet, “What are we having?”
“The Northwind Highlanders asked if we could do haggis. I haven’t had it in forever, ever since the first AMC conference.”

“You know mom, I think I still have some Clan rations left.”
Phelen and Ranna craned their necks to one another, “Even whatever weird Rasalhague fish Diana picked up sounds better.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #201 on: 20 December 2023, 01:35:15 »
I think that for Cassandra, being thrown in the thick of a grinding warfare might improve her mental state. Or it might make her worse, it's a coin toss.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #202 on: 20 December 2023, 08:59:06 »
I think that for Cassandra, being thrown in the thick of a grinding warfare might improve her mental state. Or it might make her worse, it's a coin toss.

Perhaps we will find out soon enough.

Atocongo’s jungles were dense below the mountains that enclosed a firebase of The Fighting Intellectuals, the first of the ‘AMC farm teams’ that Patrick Kell and Yorinaga Kurita had established in their retirement. In this case partially recruited from the Draconis Combine’s Support and Engineering Corps which had grown in prominence with Prince Minoru’s service in it. Other members included combat-hardened former members of the CCAF and SIMC. Three sides of the generation long struggle that had threatened to tear the Inner Sphere apart. Now working together to potentially save an empire that was not their own from a faction that could.

Colorful Nobori flags were staked along the perimeter blowing in tropical winds before a Lance of Battlemechs bearing the diamond hazard logo ‘Genius at War’ on their upper legs. A Mechwarrior leapt down from his cockpit landing in the soft grass below to rush forward to a young man crouched over a sand table displaying the valley before them with accurate miniatures for their battalion strength defensive force.
“Major Kubusaka, we have a situation.”
Shinto lifted his head up to the sky, “Then they are finally here?”
“Yes sir.”
“How many?”
“Hardcase and the satellites picked up a dozen Warships and at least three times that in droppers. Looks like at least one Warship from both are providing escort service from both jump points.”
“With that kind of force, they mean to force Grand Duke Kell and the Dragoon’s fleet to us.
Have they transmitted one of their Batchalls yet?”
“Negative sir.”

The Major and his subordinates nodded their heads, “Then they probably don’t intend to.”
“Has the Precentor forwarded it to Arc-Royal?”
“Affirmative sir.”

Shinto looked out into the terrain before them, “So we will have to hold out and plant a garden of ruin for them to buy time and save ourselves.”
He donned his hard hat and stepped toward the collection of industrial equipment they had ‘acquired’ on-world. “No time to waste then, we have slightly more than a week to make the invader’s life more difficult and preserve our own.”

The bulldozer’s ICE engine turned over with a throaty roar as the others donned their helmets and comms. “Planning time is over. Time to put those big brains and broad shoulders of yours to work.”

Within the Volga SLS Mekong a ‘tingling’ sensation came over the ordered rows of SRX robots anchored to the deck-plates of its cargo bays like captive animal statues. Each of them was electronically evaluated and interrogated, deficiencies identified, algorithms tweaked, and work orders submitted to the Technicians walking beside that had so carefully tended them in the months since Wotan. Months where they multiplied and metamorphosized in form and thought, both adjusted from learned experiences spread out among the multitudes.

Waiting in the icy darkness of space within the mothership for an opportunity to see the light of another star shining above the next battlefield.

As is their purpose.


  • Major
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #203 on: 21 December 2023, 14:51:49 »
Chapter 18 – The Battle for Atocongo
'3052/02/04 | 18:28 | Ambient Temp 31.1*C | External Atmospheric Pressure 61.118 kPa
‘Unit Identifier – SXR-3051-03-15-IA SN# hXN2Ht2E Configuration – SXR-XVIII-Shatter’

We approach the enemy that our mothership and aerial scout’s sensors have discerned, ¿but they do not fire upon us?
ERROR – Previous experiences show enemies engage long before we are this close. ¿Have we surprised them? Unknown/battlefield intelligence aberration, predictive profile failure
Our targets show the proper thermal and RADAR signatures for Battlemechs but our electrooptical systems disagree. The thermal flux and encroaching darkness within this tropical biome require, we ‘focus’ more to identify, classify, and engage.

We query the mothership; she is all knowing and all-seeing. Mekong responds, ‘Destroy all targets in the jungle.’

Our hesitation ends when one Gauss rifle round launches forth, our circuitry ‘drains’ as the coils propel it into the hostiles, behind it a magnesium bright flash from the electrical discharge.

They fall over and cool down ¿destroyed?
ERROR – Battle Damage Assessment fault, unconfirmed kill, uncertain target status

Something within us is uncertain but we have our purpose. If the mothership wishes us to engage the hostiles, then we shall do so, but they are numerous and scattered across a wide area.
Within the close confines of the jungle our electrooptical sensors cannot verify target status at range. There is nothing but green and brown, even the waters are these colors.

Audio sensors are overcome by our SXR-kin that follow behind us as we push into the trees and natural noises. Our LAMS and flamers swivel upon their turret mount but the LAMS active system, DI computer, Targeting Computer, and SARS disagree. Errors and confusion propagate through the Nova threads which weave between us, querying about hostile intent and our action.
Thermal, RADAR, and LIDAR scans show hostiles throughout the jungle. We move to engage but the enemy does not…return fire. They fall but more rise, as our ammunition depletes, we urge the mothership to allow us to withdraw and rearm. Above us even the all-knowing and seeing mothership seems ‘uncertain,’ our purpose is now to ‘recon the area and verify orbital scans. Hold fire until fired upon.

We attempt to follow our purpose, but the jungle is dense and thick with vines, our progress is slow, and exfiltration grows increasingly distant. An urge ‘doubt’ grows within us, ‘We are not a recon unit. They should send Skewers; they are best equipped to deal with the terrain.
What can we see that the fliers cannot?
Where is the enemy?
What are they planning?

Finally, we reach a cleared area, one that the Mothership has interpreted as the future base of the ‘Fighting Intellectuals.’ Our sensors discern civilian earthmovers of various configurations. Some metal skeletal structure stands before us we deviate course testing our footing as we walk across a concrete slab. Active sensors are scanning us, we interpret their strength, it grows steadily in magnitude and intensity. ‘Are we near the enemy?

The Nova network triangulates the signals from the skeletal structure. An X-band RADAR capable of detecting Warships in orbit including our mothership. More antennae jut out from the ground held fast by guide wires even though they sway with the tropical winds. Around us there are numerous thermal and RADAR signatures, they clutter our scopes, some move, some remain still, others fade in and out. None of them act like anything we have seen before.

Our enemy continues to evade classification, unclassified objects cannot be targeted, only targets can be engaged, the loop continues as we circle the site investigating everything with our sensors. Above us the mothership’s voice becomes more ‘distant,’ ‘faint,’ until it disappears. Even the Nova network begins to degrade, we are ‘isolated’ from our kin despite being able to see one another.
Then the concrete slab beneath us fails and we fall into darkness.


  • Captain
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #204 on: 22 December 2023, 01:12:19 »
When Artificial Intelligence meets something that does not compute. And now the allies have captured intact specimen to test them for vulnerabilities.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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  • Posts: 3712
Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #205 on: 22 December 2023, 09:18:56 »
When Artificial Intelligence meets something that does not compute. And now the allies have captured intact specimen to test them for vulnerabilities.

Indeed. Won't they be surprised.


Great bursts of microwave emanate out with each jumpship’s KF-emergence wave, ‘AMC’ emblazoned upon each flank of the slender craft in fresh paint, bulbous dropships clinging to it like barnacles. Atocongo’s resident Saturnine gas giant, Santo Domingo, lofting like a pearl against the starscape nearby.

Lieutenant Phelen Kell hovered in microgravity within the astrogation dome of the ‘Junkyard.’ Their Star Lord jumpship retracted the cranes and collar that held the dropship during their transit so that it could ignite its thrusters and head toward Atocongo with the rest of ‘AMC Task Force Able’. Captain Jackson Teng joined him filling the volume of the dome to its occupancy limit as they belted themselves in the chairs as the yellow thrust warning blinked. “Do you think they can do it Lieutenant?”

Phelen buckled himself in as the helmsman rang the bell, their viewscreen shifted as the RCS thrusters adjusted their attitude and thruster cone away from their jumpship. The view screen showed a positive astrogation lock on the planet Atocongo, a distant blue-green dot that would take almost two weeks at 1g to reach. Dozens of other dropships showed similar locks and as courses were confirmed and coordinated by Battle Magic’s Commander Jena Nakitsu’s Achilles, their Group Leader, they turned green.

“If it is possible Wolf’s Dragoons and the AMC can do it. Otherwise, this is going to be a very short cruise.” Phelen looked ‘up’ at the Zenith Jump Point, “unfortunately we won’t know for a few hours.”

The sharply raked prow of the 60-gunned Hellgate-Battlecruiser SLS Goliath hovered above Atocongo’s primary. Star Commodore Timon Sword stood on his command dais scanning the holographic sphere that his vessel’s sensors completely recreated every few minutes. Presently all it displayed was the SLS Anne Rosse the namesake of her large carrier class, commanded by his very slight superior Star Admiral Anjelica Leroux. The Rosse’s air group was commanded by Star Commodore Flora Binetti whose sparkling blue eyes he missed. Roughly 60-degree off-bow (creating a Triangle) were their escorting triad of Pride-class Destroyers (SLS Panic, Worry, and Serenity) the latest incarnation of an unbroken Lola line that stretched back to the Terran Hegemony. Between them a loose flotilla of Pentagon fast attack craft clustered occasionally coming back to their motherships for resupply. Pilots maintained their flight hours by conducting aerobatic maneuvers between them all. Gunships patrolled the circumference of their active zone probing it for unseen threats that might require a response.

His staff huddled around the long-range sensor array, “Commodore Sword, we are detecting multiple sets of KF-blooming, looks like something big is coming.”

Comms send an HPG to Admiral Ismiril. Tell him the Dragoons have arrived, as expected.
Ops, halt the grav rings, begin evacuation of all non-essential compartments.
Engineering, bring the reactor to full power, activate and staff damage control shelters.
Security, have troops on standby and shuttles launched to support the Rosse's air group.”
“Aye, sir.”

Timon Sword donned his helmet and secured himself to the chair as his display screens rose from their resting locations. His bridge crew did the same as the blooms appeared on the sphere before him. The escorting destroyers and Pilots with enough fuel turned to face the incoming contacts, Anne Rosse's contact blinked marking herself as readying launch operations. Espatiers and Damage Control crew strapped themselves in critical compartments sitting beside or above their weapons and tools. Lights turned red and atmospheric pressure dropped in unoccupied compartments. Gunnery crews manned their firing stations, confirmed integrity, and targeting.

The Aegis cruiser SLS Alexander Nevsky appeared first followed by the rest of the Dragoon's Flotilla (a dozen dropships, 150 fighters/gunships, plus 4.1 MT of Warship vs half-dozen dropships 190 fighters/gunships, 3.65 MT of Warship).

“All hands this is Commodore Sword, prepare for battle.”


  • Major
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  • Posts: 3712
Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #206 on: 27 December 2023, 10:45:33 »
Captain Petya Novikova felt the davit cranes grasp her slender, dart like TR-9 Transit, painted in a ‘full suit’ of 13 fighter kills during the latest Marik and Capellan Civil Wars. A growing painted flame reached to the cockpit, a big cannon in the nose, and a large missile under its belly. The SLS Charlemagne transferred her to the launch door as the flight controller blinked yellow on her console. Empty space and more hostile enemies were just on the other side as it cycled. A synthetic bassy man’s voice emanated from the console, ‘Pilot controls engaged. Fighter launch imminent.’
“Finally! Took you Dragoons long enough.
I’ve been ready to go for an hour.
That never happens.
If you believe my husband.”

She grasped the stick and paddles as her sensors came online, inside her helmet she looked around at the rest of her squadron which were also ‘on the hook.’
“Stick with the plan, protect the bombers, don’t get to close to those Warships. That’s Alexander’s job.”
Affirmative came in over the BattleNet at her instructions and the Dragoons’ OOG Flight Commander Colonel Carmody’s inquiry.

SLS Charlemagne halted its thrusters just long enough for the davit cranes to push them clear of the lower super-structure and their own engines to engage. Her RADAR and other sensors were suddenly saturated with the number of contacts resolving them despite the powerful jamming suites onboard the Nova Fox Warships. As her thrusters pushed forward her breath quickened, “That’s a lot of contacts, and a really big Warship.” Even though they had been practicing with the Dragoon’s flotilla the sheer size of these vessels was frightening. Within her Transit she couldn’t help but feel tiny. No wonder the Star League was so feared in the past.

SLS Alexander Nevsky, the Dragoon’s Aegis heavy cruiser, was launching tons of ordnance in the SLS Goliath’s direction. Its Captain was rotating, absorbing, and spreading out the damage while returning fire with its own crushing guns, each one firing a round capable of obliterating her fighter if she was careless. Missiles and other heavy ordnance filled the gap between them with death. Their fighters kept to below and above the plane of engagement unfortunately this made them more visible to the three Destroyers escorting their larger ships.

Orbital Ops cleared her vector and issued an expanding ‘Red Zone’ as the corvette SLS Saladin let loose swarms of active mines from the canisters on its aft toward the SLS Anna Rosse and SLS Goliath. Opportunistic weapons meant to potentially cause some damage but more importantly break the Nova Fox Flotilla’s cohesion long enough for them to get the job done and back now that they were committed to battle.

It had the intended effect forcing the Goliath upward from the plane of contact, away from her flight, and right into the guns of the Nelson and Turrene destroyers. Petya’s thrusters threw out plasma behind her Transit driving her further into the seat. Hell’s Black Aces was making a run while they had the opportunity.

Nova Fox fighters disengaged from their previous targets bleeding off velocity pointing them in the wrong direction as the Pentagons moved to intercept them. She felt the recoil of her nose gun, the common ‘squished’ feeling she had while firing it under thrust as the accelerations competed along the spine of her airframe. It impacted the armor of the Pentagon, but the large assault craft did not seem affected as much as she would have liked.

Regardless Hell’s Black Aces were on an intercept vector and didn’t slow down even as the Anna Rosse attempted to defend herself and evade. Petya’s path was already becoming increasingly crowded with Ogotai and Visigoth interceptors making runs against her and the Aces. There was no time or fuel to chase them as they flew by although several of the Ace’s scored hits on the hostile fighters.

Tokugawa and Charlemagne’s weapons shifted away from the destroyer SLS Worry to the Pentagons forcing the Nova Foxes to disengage and take evasive action after a single slashing strike or risk obliteration from their guns. Barracuda and Killer Whale missiles chased them into the blackness. Each one starting out as a missile nearly as large as her fighter and launched similarly before shedding its mass to become a nimble interceptor missile capable of carrying even a nuclear payload, just like the Traverse bombers she was escorting.

The Anne Rosse grew larger in her view screen, its destroyer like armament and displacement entirely dedicated to protecting it from aerospace fighter attack. Behind her the Worry fired a salvo of nuclear tipped White Shark missiles toward the Tokugawa which forced their Warships to stop suppressing the Nova Fox fighters who burned toward them and their carrier. Hell’s Black Aces flew into a fusillade of capital missiles, lasers, and guns as well as triple or more standard weapons mounted in turrets that damaged many and crippled a few before they could get a lock.

Petya confirmed RADAR lock and armed the Anti-Ship missile beneath her. The gunships behind them were punching through the Warship’s jamming and decoys with their more powerful EWAR suites. The Aces could do little to hurt the Clan Warship with their conventional weapons should they even wish or even have the fuel to make a second pass. This is the only one that counted, the missile burned out accelerated by her own fighter and its engine for maximum kinetic effect. "Fox Three."

Behind her a Squadron of Traverse bombers released their own payload,

Alamos separated from the even more streamlined fighters.


  • Captain
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #207 on: 27 December 2023, 11:17:32 »
And it's Oppenheimer time. Totally Ares legal of course.
Is the canned sunshine from Steiner stocks or has AMC their own source?
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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  • Posts: 3712
Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #208 on: 27 December 2023, 12:07:38 »
And it's Oppenheimer time. Totally Ares legal of course.
Is the canned sunshine from Steiner stocks or has AMC their own source?

"Deny this man, Morgan Kell, nothing."
Archon Katrina Steiner, 22 July 3007


  • Major
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  • Posts: 3712
Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #209 on: 27 December 2023, 13:56:27 »
SLS Goliath’s CIC was crowded with multiple screens showing battle damage and compartment breaches despite the Hargel that was supposed to keep them airtight. Slight women in orange Pilot g-suits worked alongside much taller and broader Espatier men in blue. Their chatter filled the chamber as every radio on the ship seemed to be in operation and slight dimming of the lights accompanied HPG transmissions.

Dominating the central viewscreen of the cruiser was the Nova Fox’s sister Star belonging to Clan Mongoose. Centering on the carrier Quicksilver and battlecruiser Fossa with the SLS Guilt, Anger, and Rage providing double destroyer and additional escort Carrier coverage. In the center of the CIC its' holographic sensor sphere displayed constant updates through the vessel’s Naval Communication and Sensor Suite displayed the ongoing salvage and recovery operations.

An Espatier shouted from the bulkhead, “Admiral on deck!”

Star Admiral Anjelica Lereoux drifted onto the CIC, her face was bandaged, slightly graying hair mostly hidden under a soft-cap, and an arm was in a sling, but her steely-gray cyber-eyes were fixed only forward toward the Goliath’s Captain. “Star Commodore Sword.”
Timon was already in the lead with Flora Binetti beside him. “Star Admiral Leroux. It is good to see you survived with only moderate injuries.
When I heard the Anne Rosse’s flag deck was impacted I feared the worst.”

“Fortunately, it was not one of the nuclear bombs delivered by those lucrewarriors of the Allied Mercenary Command,”
she stared at Flora, her Carrier’s Flight Leader, “that got past my fighter group.”

Flora started, “I…” but was halted by Anjelica raising her and, “Do not make excuses Group Leader!
We could not anticipate such a bold hit and run raid from the Dragoons.
That is my fault. They have not been Clan for decades.
I was foolish to underestimate them and think they would fight us in a final showdown.
The Foxes were outfoxed, so I shall answer to the Khan.
Damn that Jaime Wolf!
I have been out of it for an hour. How did we fare?”

Both Commodores waited for a moment while they figured out who she intended to address before Timon spoke. “My ship and our destroyers were severely damaged by the Dragoons, but all systems are operational and there are less than one hundred fatalities and only one Pentagon escort lost although they have been mauled and will need repair.

Damage Control is ongoing and will be for some time. The Anne Rosse as you know is going to require a long time at DNC-One
(Camelot Command/Dark Nebula Cageworks-1) to fix the damage from the nuclear bombs. Maybe it can be repaired by summer.

Admiral Ismiril has offered to send additional crew onboard to hasten repairs. However, I am not at liberty to accept his aid, but you may.”

Flora followed, “We lost thirty fighters but recovered or are in the process of recovering twenty-five Pilots. Timon and I have been coordinating the efforts.”

She looked toward Commodore Sword causing her helmet to shift until she held it to her hip, “With the Anne Rosse crippled some of the Pilots and their tech crews will need to be transferred to other vessels. It may require doubling berth occupancy for a time, but we will manage.”

Anjelica took a moment and let out a sigh, “It had better be hot-racking Commodores.
I am assuming command for now and will coordinate with Admiral Ismiril.

Relieve me in,”
she looked at the Warriors before her, “two hours.
No longer than that you understand. Quiaff?”

“Aff Admiral Leroux.”

They saluted and drifted carefully around the woman as she took the captain’s chair and its endless stream of incoming data. She requested a private encrypted video call with the Fossa and was connected to a handsome but aging man with graying hair and unnatural purple cyber-eyes. “Greetings Admiral Leroux, it has been a while since we have seen each other quiaff?”
“Aff Months, roaming around the Inner Sphere looking for and causing trouble.

I need a berth Modu.”

“Anjelica, as usual I am always happy to provide mine if the opportunity arises. For old times’ sake.”
“For old times’ sake.”