Author Topic: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)  (Read 25841 times)


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #270 on: 07 March 2024, 15:28:22 »
Chapter 24 – Best Laid Plans
The Great X Operational Theater spread out from Kandersteg and Krievchi to Adelaide and Parakoila in an irregular trapezoid on WDS Tarantula’s display screen. That same screen showed Allied Mercenary Command forces heavily engaged by elements of Clans Star Adder, Nova Fox, and Mongoose, recently arrived from the Anti-Spinward Khartoum Theater. Antares lay on the most spin-ward bound, bordering the wedge where Precentor Martial Photon Brett-Marik’s COMGuards were seeking to liberate the industrial world of Sudeten. That made it a key forward supply and communications node, and the 37th Strikers on world were severely undermanned according to, admittedly dated ROM intel, no new updates had arrived in months.

Complicating the Clans’ lives was the mission of the Wolf Spiders and Wolfsbane Independent Battalions of Wolf’s Dragoons, and that made it MechWarrior Ranna Kerensky’s mission too. If it could lead to a hasty liberation of Sudeten by the COMGuards then so be it.

The Tarantula and Wolfsbane entered the atmosphere its heat shielding glowing incandescent from the heat of reentry. Two Squadrons of Aerospace fighters were on standby for the hazardous final approach to their landing zones near the ruins of Antares City which had been thoroughly leveled during the initial invasion. From orbit neither Overlord detected any dropships at the largest starport on world which had been obviously expanded during the months of occupation to serve as a major supply base. Each dropship landed at their own LZ to increase coverage and converge on any threats that presented themselves.

Ranna disembarked her Warhammer onto the spongy plains just outside Antares City. A spring rainstorm had covered their approach and was just about to depart the area.

Something just felt off. Star Colonel Marcos Radick, Commander of the 37th Strikers according to ROM, had a Wolf Bloodname but had never answered any of their hails nor issued a challenge to the Dragoons. Instead, their radio transmissions were met with an uneasy silence. Despite that there were clearly signs of activity on world with thermal and magnetic anomalies detected on approach. Something was down here, and it was the Dragoon’s job to clear them out, then destroy any supplies they couldn’t carry out with them.

They had just established a two-kilometer perimeter around the dropship before a radio call came in from above. “Wolfsbane, Spiders this is Wedgetail Actual, we have incoming bandits approaching from all angles. Vectoring to intercept.”

Her sensors picked them up as well, ‘ARAG Oh Oh Five.’ Appeared on the IFF transponder codes along with twenty incoming bandits from SLS Anne Rosse’s Air Group, the same ship the Dragoons had disabled over Atocongo. Behind her the Tarantula’s engines ignited sending forth plumes of smoke and steam beneath a river of fire under iron gray skies. Their dropships were static targets on the ground, but were sturdier and faster than the normal Overlord but not quite as capable as the Clan’s Overlord-C.

“We will be waiting for your extraction call Wolf Spiders, Tarantula going evasive.” It launched into the sky, and they could see the Wolfsbane’s plume as well. Johnny Castle’s Crusader was in the lead of her Star, its missile launcher arms pointed toward a sky where an unseen battle took place between the outnumbered Dragoons and Nova Foxes. “Keep your eyes on a swivel Spiders. We are still on mission. Seek and Destroy, then we go home.”

Parachutes billowed as they approached one of their ejected pilots, until their dropships returned, he was on the radio on a mech’s jump seats. Anhur VTOLs hovered around the city shuttling in between the Dragoon’s perimeter to recover ejected Nova Foxes. They raced back over the forest before disappearing into the undulating hills still covered in drizzling rain. Dragoon mechs kept a distance from any of the burned-out buildings along Antares City’s outskirts. “Keep wary of Elementals.”

Ranna’s Warhammer stepped cautiously the outskirts of Antares City bled out into a massive green space that had been partially burnt out during the initial invasion, but which was now overgrown. Something was watching her, she felt it, but there was no sign of Clan Mechs nearby in the snarled forest or rubble. She was being hunted by something or someone.
“I don’t like this Major.”
“I’m with you MechWarrior. Our intel was bad. Adapt and Overcome.”

The clouds broke and were replaced by a swarm of Donar attack helicopters rising above the hills. Their insectoid silhouette was disturbing but the Series 7j Extended Range Large Laser that served as its stinger sold the concept. With its nearly unmatched range and a helicopter’s mobility the Donar was a serious threat to smaller mechs, and only foolish ones would treat it otherwise. Two of the ten attackers had something even more dangerous on their rotor mast and it was only a few moments before the artillery they were calling down had an even bigger impact that anything the lasers could manage.

First cluster munitions separated from incoming missiles and shells. Caught between artillery and attrition by the attack helicopters the Dragoons were in a bind. They withdrew into the maze of burned-out buildings which gave them cover from Star Adder firepower and cut the effective range of their enemy’s weapons to closer in parity to the Dragoon’s own. Artillery ebbed as the Donar’s orbited the city hovering just outside even their own weapon’s effective range. “They want us in here.”

Ranna’s Warhammer had taken several blows from artillery and helicopters, but it was still in good shape. Others were far less fortunate, Wolfsbane had been hit hard by Long Toms, the Spiders had been shelled by smaller guns including some man-portable mortars. Their enemy was fighting smart, like the SLDF would have, not like the Clans had according to what her mother had told her about the old ways. “This is not the way Marcos Radick would have challenged them, the Strikers must have gotten a different commander between the ROM intel and now.”

Magnetic and Thermal boogies appeared on her scopes and the seismic sensors built into her Warhammer’s feet detected something heavy nearby. The meshed Battlenet of the Spiders and Wolfsbane was suddenly filled with urgent and firm commands, warnings, and shouting.
“They’re behind us!”
“Kraken rising from the rubble. Shoot it, shoot it!”
“Is that a King Crab!”

Even from dozens of blocks away Ranna could hear the distinctive double boom of Ultra Autocannons and hollow whistling of LBX submunitions. The whooping of Donar rotors grew louder as their crews sensed opportunity. Artillery returned but each shell spewed out FASCAMs and billowing white smoke preventing the Dragoons from aiding their companions, dislodging the swarming Elementals that ripped mech armor with unfeeling claws, or punishing them for trying to escape the killzone before they were swarmed by attack helicopters.

Ranna was separated from the rest of her star in the confusion. Comms grew more erratic as nodes went dark. Infantry fired down on her Warhammer with every imaginable form of weapon from the upper floors of buildings. Everywhere she stepped seemed to be either swarming with Adders or mined. The 37th Strikers were not undermanned, if anything they seemed endless against the Dragoons that had been sent to assault Antares.

Her breath grew ragged as she engaged in a constant claustrophobic search for Major Castle or any friendly unit only to find hostiles. A running battle with a pair of Conjurers saw the loss of her Mech’s right arm and critical damage to its legs before they jumped away in search of more formidable prey. Her ammunition was depleted as surely as her stamina after an almost two-hour long engagement, but she was still keen, high on adrenaline and sharpened by fear.

Nightfall neared and her hopes brightened with the fading sun. She could bail out, hide and get somewhere for extraction. Command needed to know what happened, to send a rescue mission and a regiment.  No! An RCT!

Phelen had done it, she could too. Couldn’t she?

Her Warhammer slowly lowered itself to sit on the ground with its back against a blasted apartment building. Since she had shut it down, maybe they lost track of her in the chaos, or were finishing off the rest of her unit. Ranna descended the chain ladder and sent it reeling back up to her cockpit.

Carbine in hand and bail-out bag on her back she stalked through an alleyway, eyes on every shadow, in the darkness of the abandoned city the only noise was of dripping water and stray beasts. “If I can get to the forest, I might be able to evade them.”
At the end of the alleyway, she looked around the street and saw one of the shadows detach itself. Her carbine was aimed at it, but she felt something pointed at her back. How did she miss them?
 “Drop it MechWarrior.”

Not even one block, she released her grip on the weapon and felt it pulled away by another. The detached shadow, a small man no taller and as pale as she, walked toward her. His heavy battle rifle and climbing grapnels marked him as a Mountain Auxiliary before the patch on his shoulder was visible in the moonlight.

He looked at her cooling vest and saw the Dragoon and Spider insignia plus her name ‘R. Kerensky’ stenciled across the right breast. “Kerensky? The Star Colonel will no doubt be interested in meeting you. It’s a long ride to her HQ.”


  • Major
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #271 on: 07 March 2024, 22:55:43 »
Ranna Kerensky rode on a very uncomfortable saddle in front of Meto, the long haired and colorfully tattooed leader of the strange Chainelaine Auxiliaries, on a gray Percheron that clip-clapped its way over the pavement. A proud charger outfitted with crude tack including a rifle scabbard to supplement the axe strapped across the man’s back along with many grenades looped into the saddle. Only a dozen of the fifty Mountain Troops were on horseback, the rest walked beside mules burdened with deflated but heavy-duty canvas saddle bags pulling along a heavy mortar on a small creaky carriage.

They passed a loose collection of softskin Elementals who towered over the Auxiliaries and Regulars standing as tall as Meto’s charger. The clopping of the horses and creaking of the carriage drew their eyes to the Meto’s Star of 50 Warriors. “I did not expect to be paraded through town on horseback like a captured Princess.”

“That’s not something my culture does. That is an Aeryn tradition.”
Meto said jovially.
One of the muleskinners spoke out at the statement, “We do not tie her very tight; she must at least pretend to put up a fight for her brothers’ sake until we are out of town. Then we all get drunk.” More laughter came as they spoke to each other in some kind of strange pidgin that did not put Ranna at ease.

“Why do you have horses?”
“We are used to riding them from our time on Irdmach and stole these from some absentee Lyran nobleman on Baker Three. Do you see the condition of these roads after two Battlemech fights? Once we are done, we are bringing these back home as part of our reward.”

Asphalt was cracked and uneven throughout town, Ranna watched as a pair of women argued with one another on how they should bypass the obstacle on their wide hipped hack motorcycle. Ranna’s eyes were drawn to the M-PPC affixed to the front of the sidecar in a pintel mount, what a strange choice of armament for motorcycle troops. Meto’s men walked where it was easiest and waved to the women who glared back at him before pushing the bike back and turning it around to find an alternate route.
“I cannot argue with your wisdom on the matter. The Clans do not keep livestock, how did you get them here?”
“A strange Biosecurity Scientist ensured they were disease free before clearing us to transport them in the cargo bay. He took a DNA sample too for later Iron Womb breeding calling our mounts ‘fine battle ready specimens.’ The Laborers were displeased at needing to clean everything up, but everyone else was happy when we departed.”

Through their journey they were met with salvage crews with quadruped Loadermechs that were like giant spiders with plasma cutters and other tools in their robotic mandibles, women in heavy exoskeletons pried off some components, and large flatbeds were loaded by crane before towing away fallen Dragoon and Adder Mechs to the Starport. MedEvac Anhurs (Heka, very clearly marked with white paint and a red Ankh) flew across the battlefield toward distant aid stations.
“How many died?”
“Unknown, we turned our radios off while we were stalking your Warhammer.”
“You were just waiting for me?”
“Our mortar ran dry after the initial bombardment.
We were not going to attack your Battlemech with only grenades and grappling hooks.
We are brave, not fools. We expected you to attempt an escape and were in no hurry.”

“It was the longest we have had for lunch all week.”
One of the walkers said as he shifted the mattock on his back, “We’ve been digging in since your unit was detected on orders from the Star Colonel.”

They took a detour to avoid the column of Battlemechs returning to the Starport for repairs. “Apparently, she has a blood feud against your unit and a reward offered for any prisoners.”
“Why? What have we done to her?”
“We did not ask. She has a temper; we mostly talk to Commander Presley or the Coregn.”

They passed by weatherworn signs that showed the danger of the free-fire Starport Exclusion Zone. Minefield signs were tucked into the trenches between rows of berms topped with rusting concertina wire. A Blood Asp was silhouetted by moonlight, the sharp angles and large shoulder mounted Gauss cannons very apparent against the stars.

Military Police units trained machine gun on them as they approached but waved them through after confirming their identity. More MRAP style MP vehicles awaited around one of the prefabricated Quonset type buildings that occupied the tarmac. Damaged equipment went one way, injured personnel another, returning units a third way, and POWs awaited a fourth fate.

Meto helped her down but that did nothing to ease her nerves, not only did the Star Adder Colonel have a grudge against the Dragoons but she had no idea how that would manifest. She steeled herself as they brought her forward to where Coregn Hecate, a small tan woman with intense gray eyes looked her over, “Kerensky?”

She put on her sternest look, Seventh Kommando had trained her for this situation. No matter what they threw at her it wouldn’t work. “Ranna Kerensky, MechWarrior, Wolf’s Dragoons, Service number A-U-B-six-four-one, Birthdate June Eight Thirty-Thirty.”

Hecate opened a box of valuables on the table beside her showing them to the Chainelanders, before passing the whole thing to Meto. “Good find Star Commander.
Our Star Colonel will be pleased.”
“Always glad to be of service Coregn.”

Ranna kept her eyes forward as the woman circled her, “Are you certain you wish to be difficult?”
“Ranna Kerensky, MechWarrior, Wolf’s Dragoons, Service number A-U-B-six-four-one, Birthdate June Eight Thirty-Thirty.”
“Very well, take her away Watch Operative. I will inform Star Colonel Kerensky of our latest prisoner’s details.”

A pair of heavily equipped Commandos stood on either side of her and turned her toward the stockade. It took everything for her to not panic and make a futile run away from her fate.

‘Star Colonel Kerensky, oh no!’


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #272 on: 08 March 2024, 01:47:51 »
The headcase sure learned a lot from Adam and Comguards.
Has ROM left any operatives behind, like that cybernetic WMD enthusiast? Though I reckon security here would be much tighter than what Phelan faced.
Shoot first, laugh later.


  • Major
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #273 on: 08 March 2024, 08:18:51 »
The headcase sure learned a lot from Adam and Comguards.

Not really, the Six Clans are all homologs of the Great Houses and COMSTAR, Star Adder fights like the FedSuns would fight given similar capabilities. (HH=CC, NF=CS, SV=DC, GB=LC, Mongoose=FWL) No one gave Katya command of the air support, artillery, and engineers before now.

Has ROM left any operatives behind, like that cybernetic WMD enthusiast? Though I reckon security here would be much tighter than what Phelan faced.

There are certainly more Clan Warriors on world than Phelen but there is still the whole getting off planet problem. As for COMSTAR, well the remnants of the 222nd and its ROM Demi-Precentor still hasn't been defeated despite Katya's efforts (as hinted at in the Diversion episode).


  • Major
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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #274 on: 11 March 2024, 14:45:02 »
Ranna watched the crimson Clan Daggerstar flag as it waved proudly before her from behind the apartment window. Her third day of imprisonment in Alba dawned but below its people went about their business, as usual, boarding the trams that took them to distant places within the hillside city. Beyond city limits smoke rose from hastily built houses as their residents sought to cut the biting early morning chill.

She had to admit Alba was a logical place for Star Colonel/Planetary Governor Katya Kerensky to place her headquarters now that Antares City was ruined. From her overflight in she had seen it had ample power and water due to its dam and food from the surrounding fields, easy access by rail, road, and canal to the main Starport, and defensible terrain that would make it difficult to assault. The biggest threat was from inside, but there were no signs of defensive works meaning the invaders felt secure. Sheriff Jason’s deputies patrolled regularly but they were wearing soft armor and carrying only light weapons.

Based on what COMSTAR had released to the public none of this should be true. Antares’ citizens should be living in fear of their oppressors with atrocities everywhere. The AMC was supposed to liberate it, and instead Wolf’s Dragoons walked right into an ambush. However, nothing in the city seemed amiss as far as she knew.

From her vantage point Ranna saw the VTOL landing zone set up in the upper square of the city in front of Katya’s Headquarters in City Hall. VTOLs landed there all the time dropping off every manner of cargo and waking her up in the middle of the night. Also visible was the street leading to the hotel which served as the Clan Warriors' dormitory/barracks. Opposite her on the square was the former COMSTAR building, now occupied by the Clan’s Central Logistics and Intelligence Organizations. Beside it a Polizei Station warded the entrance to the upper square and helipad. There was only a fenced off checkpoint leading upward but that was the case with any government area in the Commonwealth nowadays.

How she wished she had binoculars to determine what she was up to while on the street but up on the seventh floor she couldn’t make much out. Ranna caught a glimpse of the sunrise and was instead thankful that they had basically put her under house arrest rather than stuffing her in some dungeon like they had done to Phelen.

Just because her cage was nicer however didn’t make it any less so. It was a cramped studio apartment that probably belonged to a student prior to Clan Occupation, and ever so much smaller and significantly less decorated than her own flat in Harlech City on Outreach. As a Dragoon she could always live on Remus but there was always a hope that she could make her own place in the Inner Sphere like Mack had done. Now that she was a Clan Bondswoman however that felt like a distant dream.

The waiting is what was killing her. She knew the Dragoons are what had caused the Wolves’ Absorption by the other Clans, Jaime had been preparing them for almost two decades. Katya was perhaps misguided but not wrong to harbor a blood feud with them.

Ranna had no idea what that woman had gone through in the Homeworlds. How old was she when the Star Adders came? Even if Katya might be her enemy, she was still ‘family’ or could be, and that was both good and bad. Most of the Elders who knew of that place had died during the Dragoons’ constant campaigning over 48 years and not of old age. They had just started their ninth generation of Sibkos and each of them now had combat experience. She had however overheard the guards at the Starport saying there were only twelve KIA and as many wounded after their ambush. It could have been far worse or maybe she was just evil and liked the suffering.

“No, I will not yield. The others will come for us. They always do.”

A knock was heard on the door, it was the female MP that served as her guard. “Get decent Bondswoman. You are going for a walk.”
“They always come.”

The guard escorted her through the dorm hallways, still were adorned with Hillside College Tempests’ logo, but its posters were replaced with propaganda broadsheets printed in great numbers by the paper mill just outside of town. Ranna had not realized that this building had become the dormitory for so many of INTER-LOGI’s local facilitators. She could have mistaken them for students and their instructors if it weren’t for the pentagonal emblems on their uniforms. If it weren’t for the prison orange outfit, she had even she could have blended in. An escape plan came to her mind before their trip ended at one of the college’s meeting rooms.

She sat down in one of the gaudily colored chairs, an urn of tea, pair of plastic mugs, jam cups, and steaming croissant wrapped in wax paper lay beside her. Her guard left her there, “No cuffs or anything?”
“If you try anything bondswoman. You will get what you deserve. I am waiting outside.”

Her stomach grumbled, after days of terrible microwavable meals something tasty was right there in front of her, “This is all a manipulation.”

There she waited for, fifteen minutes probably, the steaming pastry lost its heat but continued to give off aroma. She felt the urn that was still warm but not scalding hot. It was an idea but probably one of the worse ones. The door opened admitting a blonde woman taller than she with piercing blue eyes, a deep blue uniform, air of authority, and warrior’s grace. Ranna couldn’t see any weapons on her whatsoever, but the Star Colonel’s crest on her cap was polished.

It was as if Ranna had seen her future self, Katya was not even 30 as far as she could tell. They could’ve been sisters in another time. Katya paused to look at her as well, and suddenly Ranna was incredibly uncomfortable. “You look a mess Ranna.”
‘I don’t look that bad! I checked the mirror.’
Katya sat across from her pouring herself and Ranna a cup of tea from the urn, “No appetite this morning bondswoman? I do not normally have time or company for breakfast. Antares will not run itself nor aid the Clans’ war effort without mine.”
The Dragoon had nothing but silence while Katya sipped on her tea., She sensed irritation in the Star Colonel, but Katya kept her cool when faced with her noncompliance although Ranna saw the effort that required. If Katya had thought to have a friendly chat with her prisoner, she might leave without getting it, and she seemed mildly upset about that.

Ranna had so many questions welling up inside of her about Katya, her friends, the Homeworlds, the Wolves, and so much more. She had someone sitting right across from her right now that might be able to answer them, that might see her as a potential equal. There was only two other people that treated her that way right now, Diana and Phelen.

Katya stood up after finishing her tea, “Very well Bondswoman. If you need more time or forceful persuasion then so be it, but you are not getting off this planet unless I let you, so banish the thought.”

As she reached for the door Ranna spoke up, “How long have you been the Commander of the Strikers?”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #275 on: 15 March 2024, 10:18:00 »
Star Colonel Kerensky halted at the question her hand on the door. Ranna saw her struggle with something and realized she was either foolish or cunning to save her question for the end of the conversation. “Why do the Dragoons keep asking me that?
I took command on December Eleventh Thirty Fifty One.”
“Our last reports were from December Tenth. ROM said their sources went silent by new years.”
“You launched an assault on such dated intelligence?
I thought the Dragoons wiser, but perhaps that is the fault of your freeborn Commanders.”

How dare Katya insult her family! Ranna was furious and her hands tensed, but there would be no winning a fight against the Star Colonel.

“My Watch Section has recovered partial intercepts from (Precentor ROM) Senaca directed toward a Demi-Precentor Rabia and from her so they still possess an HPG despite my best efforts. This Rabia has tried to kill me no less than five times, using a variety of methods and remains at large, and if I find her there will be no quarter for her. ROM has killed many people I found useful.”

Ranna saw that Katya struggled to contain anger, and sorrow maybe. ROM must have done terrible things and likely had attempted more to earn such ire from the Star Colonel.
“Our conversation is complete; there is work to do.
If your allies are so obliging to free up my calendar, we can continue this conversation but until then I need actionable information from your superiors.

Presently you, Ranna Kerensky, are more useful to me as a hostage. So that others might come and fall in my traps, so I can finally be rid of them.”

She turned the knob and began to open the door as Ranna shouted, “We are Wolves too!”
Katya opened the door, “The Wolves are dead.
I know because I was there at their Twilight when the Adders came.”

Ranna sat in the studio apartment eating microwave shrimp and rice watching Clan propaganda and the main square. They even had a morning cartoon to explain the basics of clan living to occupied citizenry while justifying the invasion as one of pragmatic self-defense and liberation. She paid more attention to the delayed INTELSTAR briefings that reported back her former present while in transit to Antares. Assuming the broadcasters were telling the truth they reported that the AMC was suffering reversals throughout the Great X theater.

A Clan Corvette had even attacked Arc-Royal which was seen as a great coup against the AMC after the Anna Rosse was damaged by the Dragoon Warships. Ranna worried and hoped that Phelen, Diana, and the others were safe. The Kell Hounds were managing the home-front and protecting their own world and the AMCs reserves sourced at market price from the League.

Her own family was in the field fighting against unknown and increasingly dire odds as the Clans shared Katya’ enmity for the Wolf’s Dragoons and their allies. Maybe they weren’t alone. If Katya spoke the truth, then ROM might be complicit in their recent reversals.

The Dragoons had HPGs and Warships, the AMC had supplanted the MRBC after its scandals during the last war. COMSTAR was not fighting the Clans out of the goodness of their heart or with righteousness on their side. Photon’s army hadn’t materialized from nowhere, and Primus Waterly hadn’t put him in charge of it without reason.

Perhaps they saw rivals and sought to remove them using a variety of means, as Rabia had tried with Katya.
Now if she could just convince her of that, then she might be able to rescue the others in the process.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #276 on: 15 March 2024, 12:44:27 »
To what extent are Comstar sharing intelligence with Lyrans and AMC?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #277 on: 17 March 2024, 08:02:44 »
To what extent are Comstar sharing intelligence with Lyrans and AMC?

Well you know 'if it is available' they will coordinate with WolfNet (and private contractors in the same business) and the LIC because 'we are all on the same side against this enemy menace to the Inner Sphere'

As opposed to the one right there in the middle of it.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #278 on: 25 March 2024, 13:59:55 »






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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #279 on: 26 March 2024, 01:15:31 »
Were his sources really silent for ten months?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #280 on: 28 March 2024, 22:02:35 »
Were his sources really silent for ten months?

Well now that is the question isn't it. To bad WolfNet and pals are busy.

Interlude - No Man's Land, part 1
04/25/3052 Tomans, Contested
The Fitzhugh sea glistened with oil and the skies were blackened with smoke from burning oil rigs just beyond the horizon concealing the ongoing battle for air superiority. Hydrocarbon compounds caked over the white and olive camouflage of Clan Ghost Bear's 243rd Battle Cluster of Rho Galaxy and forced the 517th Colonial Auxiliary to don their gas masks as they deployed against the incoming armored assault. Equipped with mobile Conjurers and Hellbringers the Clan Mechs of the 243rd fenced with the 'lightweight' 3rd Lyrans while artillery, field guns, and armored battles ripped into blackened earth outside Ronel City.

"So Total War has come to Tomans and this is what it looks like."
Lyran General of the Armies Roman Steiner did all he could to not be affected by the carnage as he monitored the situation via the deployable satellite dish in the Death's Head cockpit of his modified Atlas-RS. He had been in a major war before against the Combine in his early years but this was different. The Clans would not yield, they sought to impose their dominion over his home empire, and he had to stop them.

Beside the mobile HQ that traveled alongside him was a Cyclops, its advanced C2 suite providing even more situational awareness of just how many Ghost Bears were on world...more than expected. Two Zeus Battlemechs completed the Command Lance but there were dozens of other mechs and armored vehicles in various states of resupply as technicians, wearing shemaghs to keep out the smell and particles, rearmed anything that came to them. 3rd Lyran's Headquarters had occupied Tomans' Militia base but it had been severely damaged during their breakout two days ago. The Ghost Bears hadn't time to crater the runway so it continued to serve as the main airbase supporting their ongoing push to reclaim the capital city, its HPG, and starport. It was also their main medevac station, helicopters and trucks constantly delivered wounded from across the battle area for treatment and further evacuation.

"Roman we have a problem." One of the Zeus' turned toward him. General Zardetto whom he had fought alongside when facing the DCMS, back when they were fresh faced officers, more than 20 years ago.
"What is it Paul?"
"Ghost Bear Headhunters with one of those Kodiaks in the lead. They snuck around the remote sensors we put on the Western Flank."

Roman pulled up the latest feed from one of their scout planes showing ten Ghost Bear Mechs, some with Elementals onboard, approaching their position. "And we have just committed our reserves. Cunning bastards. Let me just stow my dish and we'll face them together, just like the old days." He hesitated to open the hatch and let the acrid air back in but did it anyway, carefully folding the dish back into its traveling position. Any updates on the ground could be handled by his staff but a Binary of Ghost Bears required direct intervention and favorable terrain.

Fortunately he knew where some was and allowed his IFF beacon to operate in the clear alerting the Ghost Bears of his presence. They halted for a moment before cautiously adjusting their course toward the fallback position, far away from the rest of his headquarters. The Binary halted just as it was almost in visual range, a man with two claw tattoos raking down to almost his eyes appeared in the display. "General Roman Steiner I am Star Colonel Agoh Forrester of Clan Ghost Bear. By revealing your presence you have invited our Trial and by leaving your headquarters you prove to be a man worthy of respect. Unlike many of your compatriots who flee at the sight of our Warriors or cower behind walls of men or stone.

My sensors determine you have six mechs in your present command. I will match them if you desire to fight us honorably according to our ways."

"My six mechs are heavier than yours Star Colonel and my Warriors as worthy. You can bring all your might upon us. For I am the architect of that wall and your ruin. I shall endure and answer this and all challenges until your kind have been scattered to the stars and my home world freed of its occupiers."

Agoh's face twisted and contorted as if he had received a grievous insult. His mechs were no lightweights yet General Steiner insisted that they could overcome them with an almost two to one advantage and insulted him.

The insolence!

"Very well then General. Bargained Well and Done."


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #281 on: 29 March 2024, 01:47:57 »
I reckon in many ways the mechwarriors have the mentality of medieval knights, so while I'm sure that Roman takes the burden of command very seriously, the chance of getting medieval has it's appeal to him, even with all the risks for the overall war effort.
« Last Edit: 29 March 2024, 01:56:19 by PsihoKekec »
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #282 on: 29 March 2024, 21:32:17 »
I reckon in many ways the mechwarriors have the mentality of medieval knights, so while I'm sure that Roman takes the burden of command very seriously, the chance of getting medieval has it's appeal to him, even with all the risks for the overall war effort.

Indeed, that is basically how I have portrayed all MechWarriors in my stories. Roman is not a "let them come if they can" kind of commander, he's much more "let's see if they can stop me," or he was as a younger man and it is why he is respected. Unfortunately his pugnaciousness and past scandals did not win him many friends among the Estates General.


No Man's Land, part 2
Roman’s Demi-Company
AS7-Roman, CGR-S7, ZEU-6A, ZEU-6T, CP-11-A, GOL-6H
Agoh’s Binary
Kodiak, 2 Hellbringers, 2 Arctic Cheetahs, 2 Pack Hunters, 3 Conjurer (1 B, 2 Prime), Star of Elementals

General Roman Steiner stretched out his shoulder within his cockpit before adjusting his neuro-helmet and throttling the reactor powering his AS7-RS2’s to full power. He looked over as the rest of his team assembled around them as the Ghost Bears approached at speed with Forrester’s Kodiak in the lead. His Atlas’ Death’s Head faced toward the shaped monocular cowled head of the Cyclops beside him as they both raised handheld missile launchers that look pulled off the Zeuses in his formation. “You ready Aaron?”

Fifteen missile warheads emerged from the cylinder. "Toepoppers, locked and loaded. You got another dispersion plan or paint by numbers?”

“The Clans lack subtlety, go ahead and fill the chokepoints we spotted before. They may have the same mass as us, but I think Agoh is none to fond of me.”
“I wonder where you’d get that impression General.”

Dozens of missiles filled the skies each spreading out multitudes of mines the size of large ration cans that spiked themselves into the dirt. The bombardment continued until that ammunition was depleted. They switched to smoke concealing Kurtz’s Charger and Carmine’s Goliath in the woods to their flank, the others steeled themselves for the incoming Ghost Bears about to break through dense white smoke…and come into range.

Explosions could be heard as the opening wave blinded by the dense white smoke blundered into minefields. When they cleared the smoke using their jump jets Aaron tagged one of them in mid-flight with his Cyclops’ Gauss Rifle. Its hyper accelerated ovoid round left a magnesium bright flash and sonic boom in its wake that sent the Pack Hunter and Elementals riding upon it into an uncontrolled crash.

Laser Pulses, Particle Beams, and every type of Missile struck across the machines who had misjudged their distance while engulfed in smoke. Slowed by damage and facing a Lance of Assault Mechs they attempted to escape into the nearby woods. One of them was sent skyward by an upper cut from the Charger’s mace and another ablated away by the Goliath’s Heavy PPC.

Kurtz cleared the woods his Battlemech tapping the mace into his Mech’s other hand like the brutal Gladiator he had one been. “And I’m not even warmed up yet.” Carmine’s Goliath towered over the pines like some wild beast sending forth its needle like missiles toward fleeing Arctic Cheetahs and evasive Elementals.

White smoke dissipated revealing the Star Colonel’s Kodiak in its pristine glory, bear’s jaws and six arms were painted around the shoulders as if the Warrior were some Tribal Champion of yore. “Perhaps you are not so respectable General Steiner, to hide behind smoke and deceptive weapons.”

“I would like to be the first to apologize for rarely living up to other’s expectations Star Colonel Forrester. Now we have the duels you desired, Six verses Six, all that remains is to see who is the superior MechWarrior.”

Agoh’s formation waited just outside weapon’s range but within visual range. “The Forrester Bloodhouse has been with Clan Ghost Bear since its founding. I am of Trueborn of its thirtieth generation.”
“I believe I am of the twentieth generation of House Steiner, and we have been MechWarriors for a much longer time than your Clan has existed.
You are about to find out why we have endured so long.”

Opposite him the Kodiak bared its menacing claws like some gigantic mechanical predator. “Or I will take this opportunity to win my Clan a great victory by defeating one of our enemy’s Champions.”
“You are the one that has not moved toward me Agoh. Might you be afraid of what we are capable of?”
“I am a Trueborn Warrior of Clan Ghost Bear, there is nothing I fear within or outside my Battlemech.”
“Then you will have no opportunity to learn from your mistakes.”

The twenty Delta Dart missiles built into his Crusader-K like arms loaded as Roman’s HUD marked targets for them. They descended from the hill in unison a mobile wall of sharpened steel and flinted jaws. Astoundingly for the Clanners they strode over their own depleted minefields to maintain formation and momentum, seamlessly rotating the lead element as one received damage.

Agoh’s Conjurers jumped around the flanks firing off their Series 44h Pulse Lasers in mid-air while attempting to evade the incoming fire. While precise and powerful the dense armoring of the Lyran Battlemechs sputtered beneath the scorching laser pulses but did not yield. They were in fact ignored in favor of other foes. Under the withering assault the more heavily armed Hellbringers walked backward trading fire with their four PPCs as their armor melted away exposing structure that too was slagged and left burning upon darkened earth pockmarked with craters and smelling of white phosphorous and crude oil.

Their unit might have been enough for a LCAF line unit staffed with peacocked dandies in the biggest mech but there was nothing general issue with Roman’s Companions. Each mech has received the latest upgrades available to the industrial superpower. Ton for ton they had more firepower and armor than almost any Battlemech in the Inner Sphere could muster, piloted by hardened veterans willing to take the blows and deliver them in kind with fear.

One of the Conjurer’s strayed to close only to get its right side and most of its weapons utterly obliterated by Carmine and Aaron’s firepower. What was once a fearsome Ghost Bear Binary eroded away to dust and blackened debris under the onslaught. Roman and Agoh closed upon one another within the carnage drawing them into striking range. At such a range he switched his LRM launchers to deadfire warheads that had traded their range and accuracy for more explosive payload. Explosions erupted across both mech’s chests causing damage that would killer lesser machines.

Roman was not fool, he knew each of the Kodiak’s crushing claws could rip apart the Death’s Head he now occupied. His Atlas, a BattleMech commissioned by Aleksandr Kerensky himself, was emblematic of the Lyran Commonwealth itself. Like the Atlas or Akuma, the Kodiak was a weapon of intimidation. It looked scary but it was just a modified Banshee and not even the 3S, that was scary. He was not afraid, but the Clans should be. They felt they should rule the Inner Sphere and he was about to prove how wrong they were.

The Ghost Bear made his final move, it was clear to Roman that Agoh’s mech despite its durability was reaching its limit and he let the machine come within arm’s reach. A final volley of weapons fire opened more holes in both Battlemechs exposing the critical structure and rippling myomer musculature beneath.

With a final motion Roman counter-punched a claw with his mech’s right arm letting the other slip across and tear into his mech’s upraised left shoulder. His left fist though had crushed the armor on what would have been the Kodiak’s forehead with a hammer-fist, one of the only types of strike that could bypass the pauldron like weapons bays. Agoh’s Mech fell to his left to land on the ground and dragging the claw across the Atlas’ left side in the process.
“That one was for Sarah.”
With their Commander KO’d and with little effect on their targets the Clans withdrew but demanded their MechWarriors back. Roman rolled the Kodiak with his mech’s feet, “Take them and spread the word, then get off my planet.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #283 on: 03 April 2024, 08:06:30 »
I don't think they will heed the last part of his message.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #284 on: 07 April 2024, 10:25:12 »
I don't think they will heed the last part of his message.

It never hurts to ask.

Chapter 25 – Confluence
Ranna’s Notes

As I look out the window onto the central tram station, I see that the Patrol has begun wearing heavier ballistic armor and carrying battle rifles, an upgrade from their normal equipment. My bodyguard/captor has also expanded her kit with a well-fitted plate carrier and submachine gun in addition to her pistol. Why have they increased their vigilance and firepower?

INTER-LOGI’s Civil Infrastructure Unit has delivered heavy highway barriers up here to cordon off the government square more closely. Armored Elementals patrol the central square along with more numerous motorcycle units and gun trucks. Anhur and the heavier Sekmet deliveries have increased to almost nightly which is causing all manner of problems that the INTER-LOGI staff I have been berthed near complain about.

Despite the increase in vigilance Chloe, my ‘escort,’ has been apparently ordered to integrate me via association with the rest of the young Clanners in this dormitory. My suspicion is that because I am the youngest in my unit, thus supposedly more pliable, and with promise as a possible bloodnamed candidate. The cafeteria food is superior to anything microwavable, I don’t have to wear orange, and they even gave me back some of my possessions with the new fatigues and exercise clothes.

I still worry about the others, but don’t ask. As far as they are concerned, I am ‘warming’ up to them. It is also closer to the norm of what I am used to growing up on Remus, but I must remember I am a captive not a cadet.

The security situation outside must be escalating dramatically since there are now Chasseur MPF and Cyclone MLRS tanks supporting the Star of Mechanized Infantry now encamped in the central square. A Horus Air-Search/Track RADAR and Multiple Communication Antennae have now been deployed atop the Polizei station apparently craned down via the CIU’s heavy lift VTOL. Civilians apparently are coming under increased scrutiny in the ration lines, but according to the mess room discussion there has not been a large security event warranting such behavior.

After almost ten days as a captive my guards allowed me to exercise in what was once the college’s gym. It’s not outside but it was good to have an opportunity to move more freely even if I was following the Trainer’s orders along with many junior patrol officers. I suppose they do not want their potential Abtakha Warrior to wither away or perhaps they are just looking for an opportunity to cause me pain and see me sweat. There was fortunately no hot water ration in the showers thank heavens as I really should have stretched more in my dorm room, but frozen meals provided sufficient relief.

Instead, I watched the animated kid’s show The Adventures of Clan Spaniel and what passed for period dramas from the Rememberances (Remembered in Gold, Prinz Eugen Putsch, The Eight Hundred, Fall of the Usurper) or soap operas (Star Crossed, Secrets of Strana Mechdy) starring members of the Artisan Caste. They were surprisingly not terrible, but certainly tragic victims of Khan censorship and poor writing.

The Present
04/29/3052 Mid-Day

“Time to go for a walk Bondswoman.” Chloe’s voice went through the intercom, she clicked off ‘The Wilds of Tokasha,’ a soap opera set on a fictionalized more habitable but at least as dangerous version of the dark jungle world that Diana was from, as fast as she could. A show featuring a torrid love triangle between a fearless jungle princess, the young man she rescued from the wilds, and the girl he left behind.

The policewoman opened her door, “The Star Colonel wants to speak with you.”
“About time.”
“Do not give her an attitude this time, or you might end up with the others.
In far inferior circumstances.”

We set out across the central square avoiding the dozens of soldiers and support personnel from almost every type of agency or organization including those further afield. “It is good to finally be outside. Why is everyone here?”
“You will find out from Katya.”

City Hall was a fortress with a Star of Armored Elementals and two massive Carnivore tanks positioned about it. Ahead of them were Sheriff’s Jason’s burly Deputies and just behind them were the lean, deceptively dangerous Espatiers that accompanied Senior Clan Commanders when not training Watch Operatives, fighting the Clan’s enemies, or stealing hearts if the shows she had been watching to kill time were accurate.

After so long stuck inside the sun felt warm and so did the breeze as it passed over the forest. From the upper circle one could see the green returning to the forest. “Do we have to go inside?”

A push settled it as we passed into the atrium filled with pullout plastic tables upon which all manner of communication and sensor consoles or maps lived. Uniformed runners passed between the many conference rooms and at least one MP, like Chloe, was posted outside each door but two were posted outside one door the Planetary Governor’s, formerly of the late Mayor of Alba.

Behind that door Star Colonel Katya Kerensky stood at the window looking out toward the dam that powered this city, its industry, along with the mobile HPG complex, planetary satellite communication arrays, and the powerful aerial and space search sensors that had tracked the Dragoons throughout their journey. Katya accepted Chloe’s salute before she stepped out of the room. There was no chair for Ranna but still Katya sat in hers behind a desk filled with communiques and maps.
“I suppose they are coming for us then?”
“Four Regiments including Zeta if our partially decrypted ROM intercept is to be believed.”
“That is almost the entire deployed strength of the Dragoons!”
“Exactly I have directly contacted ilKhan Shower’s staff. Reinforcements are already en route.”
“I won’t be enough, ROM could be lying, the more I think about the less it makes sense.
There’s still time, I would rather you not die needlessly cousin.”
“I am not a Wolf; I am a Star Adder and you severely underestimate us Ranna.”
“But I do not underestimate you Katya! I know you are a good Commander and doubt ROM, but must act on what you have, or more likely what Rabia has given you.

The more Touman Warriors deployed here the weaker those fighting the COMGUARDs pressing toward Sudeten and if the Dragoons are sending four Regiments, then the AMC has committed their reserves and left Arc-Royal unguarded or the Front undermanned.

It doesn’t make sense, Mack and Maeve do want to recover me I’m sure, but they wouldn’t endanger the whole campaign for it. That is not the Dragoon’s way. We are used to losing people.”

Among the books on the desk was vol.ii of CHP’s Encyclopedia on Aleksandr Kerensky ‘Early Career and Letters to Katya’, which was widely seen as the least martial of the tomes as at least vol.i. had action at the Nagelring. It was instead filled with Aleksandr’s early failures and how they eventually led to his promotion to Lord Protector and heartfelt letters written during their courtship as he was always on the move and some later ones to his possibly dead wife and sons while on campaign during the Star League Civil War. “You are not lost yet.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #285 on: 07 April 2024, 12:01:19 »
at the window looking out toward the dam that powered this city, its industry, along with the mobile HPG complex, planetary satellite communication arrays, and the powerful aerial and space search sensors

Why do I have a feeling that at the peak of fighting, somebody will try to breach the dam?
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #286 on: 07 April 2024, 12:37:36 »
Whaaa! That would never happen. What kind of amoral monster would even contemplate such a thing while potentially possessing the means to do so?


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #287 on: 07 April 2024, 17:52:50 »
I think the Anton Chekhov Memorial Dam is perfectly safe  :tongue:

As always, thank you for sharing this story. Let's see what game ComStar is playing here...
Jude Melancon lives!


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #288 on: 13 May 2024, 14:57:19 »
Ranna breathed in the resinous smell of the woods blowing in and stirring up dandelions through the bullet cracked window of their MRAP truck. ‘The Outskirts’ as Chloe had called it looked more like a frontier village than the modern hilltop city of Alba that rose above it, or the Star Adder military outpost that occupied the former timberyards that had been looted to build it. Search/Track RADARs, Microwave Rectennas, Sprawling Satellite Dishes, innumerable configurations of Radio Antennae, an HPG Mast attached to a mobile generator truck, and Air-Defense Arrow IV batteries were deployed from superheavy trucks and crawlers to rise above a fence line patrolled by Military Police Gun-Trucks. Heavy duty tents had been deployed for personnel, and a group of Mobile Field Bases were roughly assembled on pads reinforced for logging trucks and other heavy equipment, like Battlemechs.

The convoy rounded toward a collection of Battlemechs from four different Clan units and the defeated Wolf’s Dragoons. Left behind in continuing churn caused by the active front Antares was supporting. Overflow from the larger maintenance depot at Antares City’s Starport if the Dragoon mechs on 12x12 Civil Infrastructure Unit’s Heavy Engineering Flatbeds were any sign. Their guard detail disembarked and spread out as the Star Colonel slipped out of her own vehicle donning her now signature beret. Chloe needed to put her shoulder into it to move the heavy door and slip down the high truck until only the top of her torso was visible from the inside. “Time to move bondswoman.”

She slipped across and landed amidst the churning diesel engine in tan fatigues adorned with the same patches as a Star Adder MechWarrior. In this uniform she looked almost like Katya if she was slightly shorter sans burgundy beret and pistol in the holster attached to her cooling vest, now devoid of its Dragoon markings and noticeably without Star Adder ones. Katya beckoned her forward and walked beside her for a bit in silence as they observed the Technicians of INTER-LOGI at work, stacks of armor plates zoomed about on flatbeds, sparks shot out from the reshaping of metal, ammunition carefully loaded by drones under the supervision of ordnance personnel, and some in HazMat suits recharged heat sinks with coolant and other essential fluids.

Ranna kept quiet, as usual feigning meekness to her bondholder and present Military Governor of the planet. It was easier that way, Katya had no problem expressing herself directly if necessary, and it was in her best interest to earn her trust and access until the cavalry came. What she would do after that had to yet to be determined. Hers was a complex day-by-day operation because her bondholder was a mercurial woman and she stepped lightly to maintain balance and her freedom. The Star Colonel was already under pressure from the saKhan to support two Theaters at the same time with hardly any resources although more were en route, but no one knew whether they would be enough.

They arrived at one of the Mobile Field Bays to see a Warhammer. Natasha Kerensky’s Warhammer-6K still in its red and black Dragoon colors where undamaged. Large sections of bare metal were exposed though where the Technicians had repaired battle damage but not repainted the panels. There were also twice as many missile tubes and an underbarrel laser system that wasn’t there before beneath the PPC emitters.
“We made some adjustments to your Warhammer bondswoman.”
“Oh, you shouldn’t have.”

She heard a faint snarl, and quietly regretted the contraction included in her idle minded comment. “Well, it is done.”
“Natasha Kerensky did not need Clantech to become the most feared MechWarrior in the Inner Sphere for almost twenty years. Do you think I might?”
“Perhaps I do. You have not given the best showing of yourself. Losing to the chalcas Diana and being swiftly incapacitated by my trap. In time perhaps I think you could manage to earn a place, but you might be held back by your half-freeborn parentage.”
“Joshua Wolf impressed another Katya well enough fighting Mongoose on Circe to earn his place in the Touman and be trusted by the Khan. I will do the same.”

A Binary of Tomahawk IIC fighters buzzed them and circled back to land on the improved runway that the CIU had laid out alongside the river that was more commonly used by the Nova Fox contingent from the Anne Rosse. Ranna heard the conversation between Katya and the Mongoose reinforcements recently arrived in orbit under the command of Galaxy Commander Taney.

Ranna couldn’t hear the private conversation between them, but Katya was fuming at the end. “Well, if you can hold your own against this irritating Mongoose then perhaps you have a chance to impress me. You will ride with me for now.” Katya motioned to round up the convoy and head over to where the Titan had stopped dwarfing the fighters and smaller dropships positioned there.


Ranna walked beside Katya Kerensky on the asphalt which was still warm where the aerodyne Titan landed and taxied to its location. Its oblong form rested on dozens of wheels atop the large ferrocrete pad that had been poured to withstand the incredible thruster heat and mass of one of the Clan’s Overlord C dropships. Twenty fighters, mostly sleek Tomahawk IICs, with a Squadron of heavy folding wing Chippewa IICs of Mongoose Epsilon Galaxy Commander Asa Taney nestled beside it, like chicks next to a broody hen.

A patrol unit of Chasseur MPFs and MP gun trucks approached the dropship as the Espatiers onboard disembarked in light armored exoskeletons. Mongoose Warriors waited for them harsh shadows on scarred faces in the fading daylight. In the center of gathering was a collection of male Aerospace Pilots from one of the three bloodhouses of the Pilot Genotype that resulted in AeroWarriors for both sexes, a rarity among an Aerospace Corps otherwise dominated by women.

She, Chloe, and the freeborn female Warriors were not tall by any standards, but they all had height on GC Asa Taney and his contingent. Katya and the trueborn female MechWarriors were closer in stature to the unarmored height of Mongoose Espatiers that fingered their Mauser IIC lasers as the rival Star Adders approached. Ranna suppressed the urge to reach for the empty holster on her vest. All she need was the misfortune to witness a friendly fire incident firsthand.

Katya kept a respectful distance to the shorter Pilot who separated himself from his bodyguards, all hands were kept near their weapons, Star Adders and Mongoose might be on the same side but that didn’t mean that friendly fire or accidents were unheard of there were centuries of bad blood between them.

“Galaxy Commander Taney, welcome to Antares.”
“Star Colonel Kerensky, it is my distinct pleasure to come to your Clan’s aid.”
“Antares is a strategic planet for all the Clans Asa. If the AMC or ComGuards take it from us the front could immediately collapse all the way back to Waldorff.”
“I am very aware of the threat Katya. Khan Norizuchi has personally ordered Epsilon to hold this world at all costs until additional reinforcements including the SLS Brahmaputra, and its robots arrive next week. My assault ships and fighters should be sufficient to ward off the Wolf Warships while my ground forces and yours will contest any planetfall.”
“I am not certain you grasp the threat that Dragoons pose Galaxy Commander. My bondswoman has become vital in understanding that they should not be underestimated.
The Dragoons have been shepherding their strength and letting other AMC forces take the risk.
They will fall upon this world in force.”

Asa circled Ranna his cybernetic eyes taking in every detail that she sought to keep hidden. “So, you have found another missing Wolf Katya.
I recognize the family resemblance; this Bondswoman is one of yours.
Do not get to attached to her and lose sight of our mission.”
“My mission is clear, hold Antares until I receive alternate orders. I have defensive plans and forces already in position.”
“I am assuming command of this operation Star Colonel. This mission is far too vital to REVIVAL to be left in the hands of an inexperienced Senior Officer.”

Even Ranna felt the insult, and she was not fond of Katya having been on the wrong side of her plans. Asa was not much older than Katya, early 30s at most, hell nearly half the population of the Clans were born post Wolf War there was hardly anyone but inexperienced officers.

“With all due respect sir. I have been preparing this plan for months.
Preparations that resulted in the defeat of two Elite Dragoon Mech Battalions in a single day.”

“It is already done on order of the ilKhan. If you wish to contest it Star Adder, declare a Trial of Refusal.”

Asa kept his hand close to the belt at his belt, a stout Rondel like those on the harnesses of the Espatiers. Ranna had seen Pilots duel with these before, they were incredibly dangerous, as their wielders trained nothing but speed and decisive action moving faster than the eye could see. Katya had her right hand on her pistol grip and the left relaxed at her hip.

“I will listen to your ideas Galaxy Commander, but I retain absolute control of my Warriors and plans. If you wish to throw Mongoose Warriors boldly into the firing lines of Zeta Battalion’s Battlemechs, be my guest.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #289 on: 14 May 2024, 01:26:38 »
I see their unity of command is as about as good as at WWII IJN and IJA combined operation.
« Last Edit: 15 May 2024, 01:25:06 by PsihoKekec »
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #290 on: 14 May 2024, 22:28:15 »
Ranna adjusted the cooling vest, her now SLDF Olive Drab Warhammer’s weapons had been disabled by a software lock until she completed her Trial of Position. Star Colonel Kerensky found it cumbersome to carry her bondswoman around, thus Ranna found herself on a lengthening leash tied to her bondholder or her Hellbringer. That Omnimech was configured similarly to Ranna’s Warhammer, and she couldn’t shake that was likely a purposeful choice. Her leash even extended to the Mech’s DI computer, locked as it was in low power mode with just enough sensors to operate safely and a remote kill switch.

Antares City looked more like a ruin now than when she had landed nearly a month ago before Katya’s forces defeated them. She looked around for familiar insignias but found none, most of them had redeployed to the forward operating bases the Adders established after occupation. Mongoose Epsilon Galaxy had fully deployed their ground contingent of lightweight high speed Mechs for which they were known who moved in strange bird-like formations across the cleared ground.

They passed by a high razor fenced area that looked much like a POW camp. Some prisoners milled about in the square under the close observation of watch towers manned by auxiliary infantry. To her relief they didn’t seem to be in overt distress, but they did stare at her Warhammer. Their looks which filled her with guilt at having the privilege of watching TV in a comfortable college dorm when not doing Katya’s gopher work while they suffered. She whispered to herself, “I’ll find a way to get you out. Don’t give up.”

The airspace above the Starport was thick with aerodyne Nova Fox dropship freighters and the spheroid combat transports of the 37th Strikers and Epsilon Galaxy. Green and Red running lights revealed their presence in an otherwise light disciplined site as the freighters pulled into their established parking ramps. Aft cargo ramps were lowered to disgorging an army of well-drilled quadruped war machines. These machines, the SXR Autonomous Battlemechs, followed a signals truck to the marshalling area before setting down like so many big cats at rest, their bug like camera arrays followed Katya and my Battlemechs as we passed between them.

The only thing that she knew about them was that they were the same types of robots that had exterminated the 12th Star Guard, utterly fearless, and equipped with some of the most advanced weapons and sub-systems in the Touman’s inventory but possessed limited tactical acumen. Katya didn’t trust them preferring Drones under the control of operators rather than Scientist’s projects, knowing Diana Pryde that seemed reasonable.

At Central Command Asa Taney presented his grand plan to stop the Wolf Dragoons which was good because Alba’s Deep Space Sensors picked up the Jump Signatures of the Charlemagne, Tokugawa, and Nelson escorting a massive AMC multi-unit task force later that night.

General Maeve Wolf issued her batchall,

Complete Surrender


Total Annihilation.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #291 on: 15 May 2024, 01:36:16 »
massive AMC multi-unit task force

So I presume it's not just Dragoons that are coming, they are probably the majority of the force though.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #292 on: 15 May 2024, 21:00:29 »
So I presume it's not just Dragoons that are coming, they are probably the majority of the force though.

Patience, Patience, all will be made clear shortly.

05/12/3052 20:57
Alba was blacked out in both lights and the electromagnetic spectrum as much as it could be. Ranna looked up at a sky filled with falling stars and the milky way from the dormitory roof alongside dozens of other curious young Clanners. She peered through rangefinding binoculars up at the volume of space above where angry motes of light, Clan Mongoose’s Naval Star led by the Hellgate Battlecruiser SLS Fossa (Anne Rosse Carrier SLS Quicksilver, Pride Destroyers SLS Spite, Regret, and Dismay) operating alongside the Volga Armored Freighter SLS Brahmaputra and a five ship of Dragoon (SLS Charlemagne, Tokugawa, Nelson) and COMSTAR Warships (CS Acheron and Discord) along with Carrack Protected Transports (CS Hachiman and Sian) recently arrived via a Lagrange jump, all fighting for the orbital supremacy.

Since it was dark, and she was on the outside of the crowd no one paid Ranna heed, but she was always listening. “Where did those COMSTAR Warships come from?”
“Is it not enough that the Dezgra Dragoons use stolen Warships? Now they work with the Blessed Order. Disgraceful.”
“Admiral Ismiril would have made short work of them otherwise. He is still on the ilKhan’s short list to replace Admiral Masters, and not just because they are both Mongoose.”
“The Dragoons ran away above Atocongo for fear of the Fossa.”

All the intelligence briefs from Katya’s desk flooded back to Ranna, the local Demi-Precentor, known as Rabia had something planned, and the arrival of four COMSTAR Warships and their escorts to ‘aid’ the Dragoons was rather ‘convenient.’ Ranna put down the binoculars letting them rest on the strap, “What is she planning? How has she convinced my mother to help her achieve it?

Katya must suspect something is up. If only I could contact her, but she’s in the field due to the comms acting up.”

The team of military policewomen assigned to facility security climbed onto the roof in search of all their missing youths. “Curfew is in effect!
Get back to your rooms and maintain light discipline. Further instructions will be issued by the Sheriff in the morning.
Ensure your kit is clean and packed in case it is needed.”

Ranna looked up as a large falling star descended over the highlands possibly a large piece of wreckage joined by a shower of spark like streaks. Their light briefly illuminated the city, reflecting off the shimmering river meandering through the valley below. She was the last one off the roof escorted by Chloe back to her room. The policewoman closed and locked the door as she entered and assumed her nightly watch.

05/13/3052 02:24
A thump roused Ranna from her sleep, she reached over to the small utility knife on her cooling vest. Everything was dark, but she heard the lock release and handle jiggle. The door opened and a woman in an MP’s uniform stood in the door with a blood red vest light. Another one sat stiffly with her back against the wall behind them, head down. “Chloe what is going on?”

The woman in front twisted to the side and pointed toward the stiff one behind her, “Do not worry about her sweetheart. I just drugged her; she will be fine by mid-day.”

“Who are you?”
“You do not recognize me.”
She removed the helmet, switched the vest light to a moderate intensity white light, then released her very non-regulation length, and unlike Chloe, brown hair from its bun before forming it into a ponytail through a soft cover. “Frankly I am disappointed Ranna Kerensky of Wolf's Dragoons.”

She lurched forward and wrapped her arms around the other woman, “Diana, I could kiss you.” Ranna was gently pushed backward, “You would not be the first woman to do so tonight.”
The uniform collar had a lipstick mark the same shade as Diana’s, she didn’t give her a chance to ask the question. “It was the most expedient way to secure a disguise and discern where they were holding you.
I drugged her too, so do not feel bad.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Rescuing you obviously.
Extraction Ops have apparently become my specialty.”
“I mean instead of Phelen or…anyone else really.”
“Your boyfriend is engaged in the follow up to this operation on Twycross. I volunteered my Clan’s services to General Wolf. You owe me a duel. I will not allow Katya Kerensky to take you away or get you killed before I am satisfied.”
“How do we get out of here?”
“The rest of my unit is securing transportation to an exfil point. Our shuttle is hidden nearby. You can probably fit into Chloe’s uniform, and I have an extra set of handcuffs if you did not want to use hers.”
“I want to get my battlemech.”
“Impossible, we could not disguise a large enough spacecraft to carry a Warhammer.
We managed to sneak in due to the orbital battle. It is a mess up there right now and the rest of the combat transports are inbound.
This place is going to be a battlefield come daybreak and it will become more difficult to escape. We must move fast and light, you can get another Battlemech.”
“But it will not be Natasha Kerensky’s.”
“But it will be Ranna Kerensky’s!”

Diana hissed, “Hurry up and don your disguise. We do not have time for a detour.”
“No something is up tonight. I feel it, tomorrow will be to late to deal with it.
Would you leave your phylactery bracelet behind?”

The Falcon unconsciously pulled back her left arm where the beaded bracelet with an empty vial hanging from it dwelled. “My bracelet is not a seventy ton thermonuclear powered combat robot. Do you want to get out of here or not Ranna?”
“I do, but I will not leave my Mech behind for the scrappers.”

She looked out toward the airbase lost in the darkness, “It is so far away and there is an army of Clan MPs and at least seven checkpoints between it and us.”
Ranna removed Chloe’s plate carrier and helmet before unbuttoning the woman’s blouse, “Exactly and we are going to look just like them.”

She sighed looking down at the white reflective stripes on Chloe’s otherwise identical blue fatigue pants. They were both issued the same type of taller calf-height black boots that all the female soldiers from MPs to VTOL Pilots preferred. Inside the pockets she found keys that could start up any of the motorcycles in the parking garage.
“You can drive.”
These keys clinked as Diana snatched them out of the air, “You would of course make me drive to the place I do not want to go. Makes me wonder if the Steel Vipers would reclaim me if I surrendered.”

Her cooling vest and neurohelmet were loaded into the rucksack and she clutched Chloe’s SMG in the other hand. Ranna gently slapped the back of Diana’s shoulder. “Relax, I have your back.”

They closed the door on the mostly undressed woman inside, locking the door behind them.
“How encouraging,
because that devil may care attitude has never led me on a near disastrous operation. I understand so much more about why Phelen is smitten with you now.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #293 on: 16 May 2024, 00:47:18 »
I reckon Rabia has in plan something that will result in destruction of both forces (looks at Chekov's Memorial Dam), unless some meddling kids mechwarriors interrupt the dastardly plan.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #294 on: 16 May 2024, 14:27:02 »
An MP motorcycle with two riders motored running dark and silent as they approached the iron gate that covered the entrance to the former Nashan Diversified timberyard, now mostly empty ersatz Clan airbase. Its contingent of Nova Fox fighters were either lost or docked above on their dropships. Katya’s attack helicopters were deployed forward with the rest of the 37th Strikers and most of the motor and tech pool was secreted in the forest in between.

Orbital space remained contested above squadrons of fighters jockeyed for position, warship crews engaged in repairs, and all were held in reserve for the eventual escort or interception of the impending invasion force. The MPs guarding the gate stepped forward but unlike the others they didn’t reach for a flashlight and instead had their carbines readied, “This is a restricted area, present ID, and state your business.”

Diana took the lead as Ranna held a gloved finger just over off her SMG’s trigger as she handed them the documents, both women looked similar enough and every female Warrior had grown their hair out since Katya wasn’t a stickler for the rules and regs, except they looked to perfect. “We are searching for saboteurs on orders of the Sheriff.”

Something about them seemed off, Ranna fought her training, everyone was a threat here, but this was the first time someone had felt off. They were so close; Diana slipped her hand back to her sidearm as the MPs neared but Ranna pushed it back. The guards kept a clear line of fire between them as a machine gun truck pulled up behind them with a remote turret on the roof. “There are no saboteurs.
Patrols have been running the perimeter all night. We would’ve seen them.”
At that utterance the other woman looked strangely at her companion who contorted herself.

Ranna clutched Diana’s vest as she gripped the handlebars, “I hear that some can hide in plain sight or become invisible.”
“We think you might have missed a few.”

“Shoot them!”
The cycle’s high beam headlights flicked on, blinding the truck and its weapon’s operator. They sped off to Ranna fired back at the guards dropping some but unfortunately only hitting them on the vest. Both ROM women rallied and jumped into the truck which burned rubber and engaged its headlights while Diana turned hers of and evaded incoming machine gun fire erupting around them.

“I told you something was up!” Ranna screamed over the intermittent fire and return fire she was doing with her pistol.
“I never said you were wrong. I just DIDN’T want to get involved!”
She fired off a few shots toward the headlights that both blinded her but gave her a rough idea of the target zone. “Well, we are involved now.”
“All I wanted was a quiet night where I can get off easy, meet some people, try on some new clothes, have a few drinks, perhaps handle a few rough characters if necessary, and then everything goes according to plan. Is that too much to ask!”

More truck began to appear with red and blue flashing lights, “What are the odds we can convince them that ROM had replaced a patrol?”
“I’d say poor as long as our opponents can speak.”

Ranna pulled the last magazine from her chest rig, the ones in her BDU pants were already expended. “You wouldn’t happen to have more ammo then, would you?”
“You already used your one twenty!? And its still not handled!?”
A burst of machine gun fire ripped into the asphalt beside them sending up chunks of bitumen selling the point.
“It’s an armored truck Diana!” Ranna fired in the direction of the driver’s window squinting in the light as she unsteadily held it out while racing along the runway. “These pistol rounds aren’t going to do anything to it.”
“There’s a compartment in the saddle bags with a flare gun. Ensure it is loaded then pass it up.”
“What are you going to do with a flare gun?”
“Sink an armored truck while playing chicken with a bunch of machine gunners.”
“Don’t worry they won’t shoot if the truck is right behind us, crossfire and all.”

The river was coming up quickly, more gun trucks took up position nearby to cut them off, deploying even more armed guards on the side of a desolate darkened runway with only a single N&D branded Cavalier Fast Courier Dropship parked alongside. Their lights concealed the fact that the perimeter fence was right there and not much further beyond it was the N&D canal where timber was barged in and out of Alba. Ranna passed the flare gun forward, “Hang on!”

They kept speeding onward into the barricade before Diana powerslid the bike beneath them lining up a shot against their pursuer. She held fast to the saddle beneath her as the blinding projectile splattered incendiary material onto the front window. Sparks erupted as the racing motorcycle’s frame hit the asphalt below as Diana failed to regain control, slowing just enough that Diana and Ranna were tossed onto but not smashed into the runway.

MPs scattered as a speeding MRAP smashed into their lighter jeeps and a motorcycle flipped out of control toward them. Both women slid across the tarmac turtling up on their armored vests and trying to keep their head and limbs off the ground coming to a stop just as they heard a splash and gargle as the heavy MRAP sank to the bottom.

Their vests were ripped up and both women ditched them right before the remaining MPs rushed to their location, pulling them to their knees and handcuffing them in the process.
“Hey! Hands off!”
“Yeah, we are on your side.”

Both were pulled to their feet and shoved into the back of a jeep beside the legs of a machine gunner as the jeep rolled back to base. Two more waited to see if anyone in the MRAP came back to the surface. Its heavy doors were hard to handle in goods times and would only be more difficult if you were surrounded by water, but they did have an air supply in the cabin assuming it was still intact. It was however unlikely that a salvage truck would be onsite anytime soon with the impending combat, so they had time.
Ranna whispered, “Where is the rest of your team?”
“If they were paying attention.
Already inside.”


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #295 on: 17 May 2024, 00:30:36 »
Nice mess Ranna got them into, I guess when in sibko they had the ''Audacity and Temperance'' lecture, she dozed off before the temperance part.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #296 on: 17 May 2024, 03:59:33 »
At any lecture it is more likely she was making googly eyes at that cute Kell boy.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #297 on: 17 May 2024, 06:09:51 »
Those Kells are a menace.
Shoot first, laugh later.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #298 on: 18 May 2024, 08:23:33 »
Those Kells are a menace.



“Oh! That hurts.” Ranna screeched as the sleep deprived MedTech on call finished spraying the antibiotic ointment to her roadrash. “Yeah, well you should have thought of that before falling off a motorcycle onto asphalt.”
“It was not my decision.”

“Of course not! None of this was! Ranna Kerensky was utterly innocent of the whole situation.”
Diana said from the opposite side of the bench, each woman had a single arm free with the other one was handcuffed to a table leg. They were presently back-to-back for ease of access for the MedTech but unlike Ranna Diana didn’t flinch when the spray was applied.

A tall and imposing woman entered possessing the distinctive battle scars from prior service as an Armored Trooper visible around the tunic and armored vest. The large revolver on her belt added to the menace of Phoebe, who had the misfortune of being nominated as the acting Patrol Commander despite being the equivalent of a JAG Officer and was clearly unhappy about it based on her tone. “I suppose birds of a feather do flock together.”

The MedTech took her leave exchanging a worried look with the larger woman as she departed. “Bondswoman Ranna…Star Colonel Kerensky will be furious when she learns you sought to escape. She had high hopes for you, and you have thrown her hospitality back into her face.”

“Inquisitor, I suppose it is too late to convince you that Diana attempted to kidnap me.”

Phoebe laughed and stared Ranna down, “I think so, but I salute your feeble efforts.”
She stood up and circled to Diana, “And her accomplice, the Freeborn Traitor Diana.”
“That is Diana Pryde, Khan of Clan Jade Falcon. Show some respect Inquisitor.”

Her laugh boomed in the confined space, she stopped and stared down Diana. “Oh? Am I in the presence of a Khan? What an honor.
You should not have come back ‘Khan Pryde.’
There is a substantial bounty on you for your high treason.”
“My mother always did tell me I was valuable.”

Ranna almost chuckled, Phelen was clearly having corrosive influence on her rival’s stoicism. Like Phelen however glibness only earned her a mild backhand to the face. She had to do something before it was something more substantial.
“We are more valuable to you right now than you know.”
Inquisitor and Ranna were face to face again, “In what way bondswoman?”
“The people in that MRAP were ROM and were trying to kill us to protect themselves.
You should do a sweep of the facility to see if they left anything behind.”

She strolled about as Ranna and Diana’s heads followed her before they got in each other’s way and elbowed one another. “That would be rather convenient for both of you.
Instead of trapping and probably killing my people, if you were instead the saviors of the rest.”
“It’s true. I did not want to come here; I was content to leave you all to your fate.
COMSTAR did not tell us they were coming and yet here they are.
I have no reason to lie to you considering I am now stuck at ground zero, so we are presently on the same side.”
“Do not attempt to sway me by using your Watch pysops Traitor. The Sheriff will come to collect and process you later. I have the mind to just take you outside and shoot you now, but I do not have that authority.

As for you runaway Colonel Kerensky is presently involved in preparations for our impending glorious victory against your traitorous kin. Perhaps she will give you the opportunity to grovel before her for clemency when she is done.”

Phoebe slammed the door behind her, and they heard the lock click behind her leaving them in the vacant storeroom.
“I hope you are happy Ranna.”
“Well Diana, perhaps the Dragoons will provide the distraction your team needs to bust us out and take over some mechs to escape to friendly lines.”
“With luck they will do so before whatever COMSTAR has planned can be enacted.”

At the Alkan Ridge Hydroelectric Dam, the Clans’ CIU (Civil Infrastructure Unit) dawn watch took over for the midnight watch. They looked toward the rising sun, above them aerospace forces were once more engaged as the AMC Invasion Force neared, in the hinterlands beyond the garrison and recent reinforcements prepared themselves for the coming battle. Behind them in the remaining night of the dam’s shadow, something unseen and strange emerged from the water which flowed over it as easily as light itself.


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Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Reply #299 on: 18 May 2024, 09:44:41 »
“It was not my decision.”

Yeah sure, this side mission was totally Diana's idea.
« Last Edit: 02 June 2024, 02:40:14 by PsihoKekec »
Shoot first, laugh later.