Author Topic: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons (Pic Heavy!!!)  (Read 45519 times)

Alex Keller

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Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons (Pic Heavy!!!)
« on: 31 January 2011, 16:37:23 »
I don't have a blog, but I still wanted to document my current Battletech campaign.  We"re doing the Tempest Rising campaign from the Wolf & Blake Starterbook.  My girlfriend just started playing, so she's playing the role of Stacy Church, and I'm her XO (Jacob Kincaid).  I also play as the gamemaster, so I've been doing the opposing forces.

The Widows start off with a full complement of twelve battlemechs.  For the most part, every warrior has what they"re given in the starterbook with the exception of Eirene Rondema, Max Hendrickson and Halle Yost.  Eirene's Gallowglass is replaced by a WR-DG-02FC War Dog.  Max's Cobra is replaced with an old TBT-5N Trebuchet and Halle'ss Talon is replaced with a CDA-3F Cicada.  Other than that, everyone is the same.

We've been playing with advanced TacOps rules and also using the fluff and quirks from both the Starterbook and StratOps.  So, for example, Halle's Cicada cannot torso twist, cannot punch, and suffers a +2 penalty when attempting to stand.  But Halle's sniping ability gives her a -2 to-hit modifier when she fires just her PPC at medium or long range.

We've been using the Warchest Point system which is much easier (and faster) than C-Bills.  So we started off with 150WPs and a lot of inexperience!  Our goal was to complete all the Touchpoints as quickly as possible.  I don't have a camera so I'll post pics when my GF remembers to bring one.   

Mission #1: Supply (-75WP)
Hall, WoB Protectorate
28 January 3073

Black Widows:
Capt. Stacy Church (1/2)   ZEU-9WD Zeus-X
Halle Yost (2/3)         CDA-3F Cicada
Russel Madison (3/3)      LCT-6M Locust

Protectorate Militia:
Adept Nicholas Brandt (3/3)   BJ2-O Blackjack
Sergei Mechlan    (4/5)      INI-02 Initiate
Alys Hannigan (4/5)      MON-67 Mongoose
Trevor Cochran   (4/5)      WSP-3L Wasp

#1 Search Objective (Reward: 100WP)  – use ‘mech’s sensors to scan which bunker has the goods
#2 Resist! (Reward: 100WP) – 2 mechs survive at least 10 turns

Special Rules:
Salvage – Dragoons get salvage rights!
Commander – Adept Brandt is 3/3

Game Setup
We use my GeoHex mat (72x33 hexes) and my new collection of hex-based hills from Wild Child Games to create a sharp looking, dynamic battlefield.  Lots of trees through the hills.  The supply bunkers are located on the far side of the field in between a large lake and a large forest.  The Protectorate Militia are have staked out the area and they appear ready for the Dragoons.

Turn 1:
Stacy sprints towards the middle of the field.  Halle sprints a full 16 hexes and Russel sprints an amazing 28 hexes using his special ability.  The Protectorate Militia attempts to find sniping nests in the hills.  No LOS.

Turn 2:
Stacy runs, putting herself in the middle of a valley that leads to the Protectorate supply base.  Halle uses her Cicada’s amazing 240 meter jumping capability to jump up onto a level 3 hill with some tree coverage. Russel’s Locust sprints again, as he skirts along the left flank and into enemy range.  The Blackjack is now in firing position but Russel’s +6 movement modifier and Halle’s +4 modifier ensure that all incoming rounds miss.  Stacy, at extreme range, scores a huge heavy PPC shot onto the Blackjack’s torso and an LB-10X slug round takes more armor off an arm, thanks to her alpha strike bonus.  Halle demonstrates just how effective her sniping skills are, using her ERPPC to deadly effect. The Blackjack weathers the storm, but scores no hits. The Initiate is slow and has a hard time moving into firing position with all the trees.  The Wasp waits while the Mongoose protects the rear from an anticipated flanking attack by the Locust.

Turn 3:
Stacy advances further through the valley and alpha strikes the Blackjack. Ouch. My girlfriend is taking a liking to Stacy Church. Halle moves closer and into another sniping nest but her PPC misses the Blackjack thanks to partial cover. Russel sprints into the enemy base camp and begins scanning 3 of the 4 buildings.  The Mongoose is unable to land any shots on Russel and the Initiate is floundering in the woods.  The Blackjack finally scores a hit with an Ultra AC/5 on the Cicada. 

Turn 4:
The Initiate and Wasp arrive on scene to drive Russel out of the base.  The Mongoose pursues but is unable to score hits on the speedy Locust.  Adept Brandt, alone and outgunned, exchanges blows one more time with Halle Yost and is seemingly ignorant of Stacy Church’s advance.  The combined fire from Stacy and Halle strips all the armor off the Blackjack’s left torso and punch into the delicate insides.  Adept Brandt falls down. 

Turn 5:
Adept Brandt gets back up and runs into the safety of the woods.  Halle is now in position to fire down into the base camp, with Captain Church just behind her.  Russell runs back into camp, but the Blakists are preparted and the Initiate and Mongoose both score a couple of laser hits on Russel.  Russel remains standing and successfully finds the hidden supplies.  Church and Yost miss on difficult shots into the base camp. 

Turn 6: 
Russel runs like hell and no one can catch him.  Halle is also difficult to catch, using her jumpjets and ERPPC to make a fighting retreat back to the home edge.  Stacy also turns around and runs back to the dropship.  None of the Protectorate lights can get through the forest fast enough to catch up with them. 

Turns 7-10:
The Widows stick around the home edge, not really having to worry about pursuing forces.  The Initiate wastes a few rounds of LRMs, but hits nothing but dirt. 

Stacy and Russel both earn an experience point (XP) and Halle gains 2 XPs for her skilled jumping and sniping.  The Dragoons also net some useful ammunition.

WPs Earned: 200WP
Repairs: -75WP (Locust)
Total WP: 200WPs 
« Last Edit: 21 November 2011, 18:13:19 by Alex Keller »

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #1 on: 31 January 2011, 17:54:23 »
Mission# 2: Flank (-75WP)
Hall, WoB Protectorate
30 January 3073

Black Widows:
Capt. Stacy Church (1/2)   ZEU-9WD Zeus-X
Fancine (3/3)         GRF-6S Griffin
Calvin Magdaleno (2/3)      BLR-4S Battlemaster
Halle Yost (2/3)         CDA-3F Cicada

Lt. Jacob Kincaid (2/3)      UZL-2S Uziel
Lt. Eirene Rondema (2/3)   WR-DG-02FC War Dog

Great House Militia: (Roll of 2 = 2 Heavy & 3 Medium)
Lt Francois D’Arman  (3/4)   PTR-4D Penetrator
Dan Haskell (3/4)      OTL-6D Ostsol
Jennifer Bradley (3/4)      SHD-5D Shadow Hawk
Stephanie Cox (3/4)      ENF-6M Enforcer III

Tristan McPhee (3/4)      BJ-2 Blackjack

#1 Destroy (Reward: 150WP) – Destroy Penetrator and Ostsol
#2 No Quarter (Reward: 200WP) – Cripple/Destroy all forces

Special Rules:
Salvage – Dragoons get salvage rights!
Forced Withdrawal – House unit withdraws when half force is destroyed or crippled

Game Setup
The GeoHex mat is mostly bare, with a city in the middle.  I’ve got several buildings from JR Miniatures as well as a custom made ‘Mech hangar.  The Great House lance is hiding in the city, and there are only two hills to use as cover on approach. The enemy home edge has a few level 3 hills and some trees, but that’s it.

Turn 1:
Stacy and Calvin advance (run) up the center towards town.  Francine advances up the right side, using her supercharger to go a full 10 hexes.  Halle sprints to take cover on the left flank.  The militia units exit the hangar bay, and are slow to move to position for fear of risking a fall.

Turn 2:
The Penetrator jumps into a firing position and exchanges long range fire with Halle’s Cicada.  The Shadow Hawk jumps into a position behind a large building, shielding herself from massed fire from Stacy or Calvin.  The Enforcer and Ostsol advance down the right side, focusing fire on Francine.  The extended range fire doesn’t hit anything. 

Turn 3:
Halle jumps up on top of a level 4 skyscraper and fires down on the Penetrator.  The Penetrator takes a PPC hit on the left arm and is unable to score any Large Laser hits on the nimble Cicada.  The Ostsol scores some hits on Francine, but the Griffin’s laser reflective armor shrugs it off.  (Large Laser does 2 points of damage when glancing blow & laser reflective armor).  Francine concentrates her fire on the Enforcer and scores a hit on the Enforcer’s head with her snub nose PPC.  The Shadow Hawk emerges from behind the building and is immediately hit hard by Stacy’s heavy PPC.  The left torso is breached and a crit takes out some RAC/5 ammo.  CASE saves the pilot and ‘mech but it’s effectively neutered and begins to retreat under forced withdrawal.  Calvin moves towards the left flank to try and help support Halle against the Penetrator, but he can’t get a shot between the buildings.

Turn 4:
The militia get relief in the form of an old Blackjack, but it’s going to take some time for it to move up to help.  Meanwhile, the Shadow Hawk begins retreating back through the city.  The Enforcer and Griffin continue to jump around the hill just outside of the city and the Ostsol comes dangerously close to the Griffin.  (At this point I explain to my girlfriend that each of the Ostsol’s punches can be devastating. Her laser reflective armor is brittle and takes 2x damage, and the TSM equipped Ostsol does 2x damage, so she’s potentially looking at two 24 point punches if she can’t run away.)  Stacy veers to the right and starts alpha striking on the Ostsol.  Calvin, in a sniping position on the opposite side of the field, realizes he’s not going to be able to keep up with the jj equipped Penetrator and moves towards the hill, sniping with light PPCs at the Enforcer.   The Ostsol scores more laser hits on the Griffin, but it doesn’t do much.  Meanwhile, the Ostsol soaks up some heavy combined damage from Francine’s Griffin and Stacy’s Zeus, but he remains standing. The Penetrator can’t get into medium pulse range of Halle’s Cicada, so they both exchange fire.  Halle’s gunnery skill of 2 and -2 bonus for sniping are really coming through, and her +4 movement modifier is making it difficult for the Militia commander to get a hit.

Turn 5:
Jacob and Eirene arrive on the right flank, just in time to catch the Penetrator and retreating Shadow Hawk out in the open on Main Street.  Eirene’s gauss rifle and large pulse laser both score, but it is Jacob’s light AC/5s that do the most damage, score a critical hit on the Penetrator’s left arm and knocking out the focusing lens of the large laser housed inside.  But not before one of the lasers catches Eirene’s War Dog in the head.  On the hill, Francine attempts to distance herself from the TSM activated Ostsol but she can’t escape him.  She stands next to Capt Church and the Ostsol runs right up next to her.   The lasers fire on Stacy’s Zeus but score no critical hits.  Stacy savages the Ostsol with a heavy PPC, LB-10x and 2 medium lasers.  The Ostsol survives and attempts two punches but the running and Francine’s jumping made it just too difficult to connect.  The Enforcer and Calvin exchange fire, neither score much.  The Blackjack advances but isn’t quite able to contribute yet. 

Turn 6:
The Ostsol backs up, but so do Stacy and Francine.  Their combined fire take down the zombie mech and the Widows are half-way to completing their first objective.  In town, Jacob advances down main street to take fire away from Eirene, who retreats after her cockpit was blasted.  The Blackjack scores an AC/2 hit against Jacob. Jacob returns fire, hitting with his light AC/5s and his Streak 6.  Undeterred, the Penetrator advances, hoping to use his two banks of medium pulse lasers to score more hits on his chosen prey.  The Shadow Hawk is not far out of town, but cannot manage to get any hits against Jacob.  Eirene’s gauss misses, and so does her large pulse laser!  She does not have much room to maneuver in and the Penetrator seems to be trapping her in a corner.   Calvin comes to the rescue, having decided to avoid the jumping Enforcer and concentrate on the Penetrator, who is no longer protected by larger buildings.  Calvin’s RAC 5 and light PPCs pepper the Penetrator, but nothing punches through.   The Penetrator’s medium pulse lasers chew up the War Dog’s arms and torso. 

Turn 7:
The Shadow Hawk is now out of the picture, having put a large hill between him and the firefight in the city.  The Blackjack refuses to enter the city though, content to jump and snipe with his AC/2s.  Jacob engages and comes out the better, scoring more autocannon and medium pulse laser hits on the Blackjack.  Eirene has backed herself into a city corner, there is no place to go unless she wants to retreat off the board.  The Penetrator advances into medium range for his pulse lasers and both mechs alpha strike.  Again, Eirene takes 5 medium pulse laser hits around her torso and arms.  The Widows breathe a sigh of relief.  Her gauss rifle and pulse lasers open up huge holes in the Penetrators armor.  Calvin pours more fire into the Penetrator’s right flank, taking out a medium pulse laser.  Halle jumps right behind the Penetrator and alpha strikes, taking out all the rear armor on the left torso side, and taking the left arm off.  Stacy moves closer but can’t seem to score a hit.  Francine starters her duel with the Enforcer III. 

Turn 8:
Jacob and the Blackjack exchange more blows, though the Blackjack doesn’t connect on much and his mech’s outdated heat sink system is woefully outmatched.  The Blackjack takes 10 more points of damage for every 2 points he scores.  The Penetrator realizes he’s in trouble now, but it’s too late.  He’s surrounded by 4 angry Widows, who pummel him with weapons fire from all sides.  His mech is cored out by PPC, laser, autocannon, gauss and missile fire.  He manages to hit Eirene a few more times with his pulse lasers, but Eirene has the last laugh as she kicks in his cockpit.  (Eirene is vicious!)  The Enforcer sees the writing on the wall and attempts to disengage and retreat, but she’s caught on the wrong side of the city.

Turn 9:
The Enforcer tries to make a run for it, but she’s gunned down by Stacy, Francine and Calvin.  Halle leaves to help Jacob take down the retreating Blackjack.  Eirene gives everyone a scare when she decides she’s going to run through town to try and block the Enforcer’s escape route and she falls down.  Fortunately, she doesn’t get any more hurt.  Jacob continues to pour fire into the Blackjack, but he’s now sustained moderate damage himself. 

Turn 10:
Halle and Jacob finally take down the Blackjack as he was just 120 meters away from freedom. 

We decided to repair Eirene’s wounded War Dog.  Francine’s Griffin won’t get any repairs despite taking many hits. (I silently question Capt Church’s judgment on that one, then not so silently question her judgment and she confirms she’s the Captain and I’m just the XO).  Stacy’s Zeus gets two full clips of LB-10x ammunition and it’s expensive to repair the damage the Ostsol gave it.

WPs Earned: 350
Salvage: Ostsol +70WP, Enforcer +65WP
Repairs: -60WP (War Dog), -80WP (Zeus)
Total WP: 440WPs 


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #2 on: 01 February 2011, 04:38:47 »

SB Wolf and Blake is fun. Watch for those end Missions thou. They get tough.

I like that your using the  advanced Strat/TacOps rules for mechs they add a while different level to the game.

Can I ask how come some of the warriors started in Different mechs that their normal rides?
« Last Edit: 01 February 2011, 04:41:39 by markhall »

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #3 on: 01 February 2011, 11:35:40 »
Thanks!  Yeah, I know we've been kinda lucky with our random dice rolls to determine opposing forces.  Things could be pretty rough if we had to face assault mechs.

The reason that Eirene, Max and Halle are in different rides is because I don't have miniatures for the Gallowglas, Cobra and Talon.  But I do have a War Dog, Trebuchet and Cicada, and those seemed the next closest thing.

Precentor Ollie

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #4 on: 01 February 2011, 11:55:29 »
Awesome battle report.  When I visit the Philippines again, I will get my friends to play a massive Battle for Outreach game.  After all, they are big fans of the Wolf's Dragoons.  Seeing your battle report just game me more inspiration on pulling this off.
Clanner, I accept your challenge to a duel...with my friends.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #5 on: 01 February 2011, 13:19:03 »
Thanks!  Yeah, I know we've been kinda lucky with our random dice rolls to determine opposing forces.  Things could be pretty rough if we had to face assault mechs.

Preaching to the converted mate. When our group played it was an easy start. Then one the Wobbies themselves showed up it jumped in difficulty.

The reason that Eirene, Max and Halle are in different rides is because I don't have miniatures for the Gallowglas, Cobra and Talon.  But I do have a War Dog, Trebuchet and Cicada, and those seemed the next closest thing.

You could always just Sub in Minis for the ones you don't have.
But you're probably better off without the Cobra.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #6 on: 01 February 2011, 13:26:33 »
We need pictures! We want to see this battlefield!!

Author of 32 Battletech short stories including "The Lance Killer," "Hikagemono," "Negotiation," "The Clawing," "Salvage," "The Promise," "Reap What You Sow," "Family Ties," "The Blood of Man," "End of Message," "Heroes' Bridge," "Kurodenkou," "Thirteen," "My Father's Sword," "Evacuation," "Operation Red Lion," "A Matter of Honor," "State of Grace," "Operation Blue Tiger," "A Warrior's Fear," "Shadow Angels," "Murphy's Method," "End of the Road," (IAMTW 2019 Scribe Award nominee!), "Tales of the Cracked Canopy: Blind Arrogance," "Laws Are Silent," "No Tears," "Tales of the Cracked Canopy: Shadows of the Past," and "Three White Roses."
Novels -- Icons of War, Elements of Treason series, "Vengence Games." Upcoming: "In the Shadow of Dragons" and "Poisoned Honor" (WoR #1)

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Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #7 on: 01 February 2011, 14:29:07 »
We need pictures! We want to see this battlefield!!


You will!  My gf has a camera so we'll take pictures.  Next up is Touchpoint: Elgin...


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #8 on: 04 February 2011, 05:35:11 »

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #9 on: 29 March 2011, 12:56:27 »
Mission# 3: Touchpoint Elgin Part 1 (-300WP)
Outside Vikram
Elgin, WoB Protectorate
29 January 3073

A team of Dragoon Seventh Kommandos were present on Elgin when one of the few remaining Wolfnet operatives made contact with them, offering vital intelligence on Word of Blake troop movements in nearby space in return for a safe extraction to Arc-Royal.  Although the Sevens were able to link up with the Wolfnet operative and his team at a secret WoB intelligence facility, their dropship transport was discovered and destroyed by the WoB Protectorate Militia.  It was only luck, then, that the Widows’ Jumpship was recharging innocuously at the nadir jump point when the Sevens sent their call for help.

Captain Church ordered an immediate burn for the facility and while her dropship slipped past enemy aerospace forces, she attracted the attention of an entire Protectorate Militia Level III.  Captain Church ordered Lt. Rondema and Lt Rolfe to protect the dropship from further aerospace attacks while she took her command lance, still damaged from the recent fighting on Hall, into the secret WoB intelligence facility.  She arrived just in time, too.  The first elements of the Protectorate Militia had arrived… 

The GeoHex mat has river down the middle which splits into two forks and rejoins, creating an island.  The river is surrounded by a thick forest of trees, making the tiny island an ideal location for a secret WoB intelligence facility.  There is a dirt road that runs the length of the map, with a bridge connecting the island to either side.  Fortified bunkers protect the road.  An underground facility houses the WoB’s intelligence collection facility, and there are two supply bunkers and a power generator also on the island.

Black Widows:
Capt. Stacy Church (1/2)      ZEU-9WD Zeus-X
Lt. Jacob Kincaid (2/3)       UZL-2S Uziel
Francine (3/3)                  GRF-6S Griffin
Calvin Magdaleno (2/3)      BLR-4S Battlemaster

Seventh Kommandos (Active Turn 7)
Badger Tracked Transport (4/5)
Badger Tracked Transport (4/5)
Badger D Tracked Transport (4/5)
Badger D Tracked Transport (4/5)

WoB Protectorate Militia Level II – “Vikram’s Heroes ”
Acolyte Brinn Martinez (4/5)           BLF-21 Blue Flame
Adept Khalid Mohammad (3/4)    GUR-2G Gurkha
Padilla Heavy Artillery Tank (4/5)
Zephyr Hover Tank (4/5)
Bolla Stealth Tank (Invictus) (4/5)
Phalanx Battle Armor (4)

WoB Protectorate Militia Level II – “Rolling Thunder” (Active Turn 7)
Demi-Precentor Nick Tehler (2/3)   T-IT-N10M Grand Titan
Adept Sarah McAfee (3/4)      TDR-9M Thunderbolt      
Schrek PPC Carrier (4/5)
Schrek PPC Carrier (4/5)
Demon Tank (4/5)
Demon Tank (4/5)

#1 Get them out! (Reward: 500WP) – At least two of the Seventh Kommando units exit
#2 Objective raid. (Reward: 200WP) – Successfully scan the supply bunkers

Special Rules:
Condition Feral – Dragoons get +1 modifier to gunnery or targeting if automatically lose initiative. Bonus lasts until enemy unit is destroyed.
Forced Withdrawal – House unit withdraws when half force is destroyed or crippled

Turn 1:
Stacy Church and the Widows sprint towards the island facility.  The WoB Militia forces are swifter; but they stick together on the road. 

Turn 2:
Stacy Church and the Widows continue their headlong sprint towards the facility entrance.  Stacy makes radio contact with the Sevens, telling them to pack their gear and head out immediately.  Whitehorse, the Seventh Kommando commander, responds and tells Stacy they’ll be out in a minute. The WoB Militia, continues to run towards the facility at a fast clip, perhaps a bit more cautious since they lost contact with the facility a day earlier. 

Pic 01

Turn 3:
Calvin Magdaleno takes his hulking Battlemaster into the forest on the right flank.  Lt. Jacob Kincaid and Francine take the left flank.  Stacy stands guard along the dirt road.  Adept Mohammed in his Gurkha has arrived at the facility and he cautiously enters.  The rest of the Level II is right behind him. Mohammed walks right past a team of Sevens hiding in the western road bunker.

Pic 02

Turn 4:
 â€œCONTACT!” Francine screams as the WoB forces stream into the facility and open up on her Griffin.  The Zephyr uses its sophisticated Targeting Acquisition Gear to paint the ‘mech and a huge Arrow IV artillery missile strikes Francine’s Griffin, nearly tearing off the entire left arm.  Undeterred, Francine scores a hit on the lead Gurkha, and Stacy’s Zeus rains lightning and thunder as the heavy PPC and autocannon strip away all the armor on the Gurkha’s left side, opening up and damaging internal structure.  The damage is too much for the young militia warrior and the ‘mech falls down on the road, further damaging the ‘mechs left arm.   

Pic 03

Acolyte Martinez, aware that their facility has been compromised, orders the Bolla transport to take their battle armor to the underground command bunker. The Bolla is peppered with autocannon and laser fire from Madgaleno’s Battlemaster, which is now halfway submerged in the river.  The Bolla responds in kind, using its two MML-9s to devastating effect.

Pic 04

Turn 5:
The Zephyr tank whizzes past Calvin, but not before Calvin is able to score a critical hit, knocking the vehicles’ crew unconscious.  The Battlemaster, having fired nearly every weapon it it’s considerable arsenal, heats up.  The militia Gurkha stands up and retreats, taking cover behind Acolyte Martinez’s Blue Flame.  Both ‘mechs score hits against Calvin’s Battlemaster, including a large laser to the head, but the advanced reflective armor reduces the damage considerably. The Bolla takes more shots at the huge beast, but it refuses to go down.  The Phalanx soldiers exit the tank and some of them make their way towards the underground facility. 

Pic 05

Turn 6:
The Black Widows use their Condition Feral to devastating effect. Calvin blows a huge hole in the Zephyr, his RAC-5 scoring all hits on the right side against the immobile vehicle.  Stacy and Francine open up on the Bolla, coring it from the front and touching off a magazine of MML ammunition.  The Phalanx soldiers scatter from the explosion but are otherwise unharmed. 

Pic 06

Pic 07

The WoB mechs, now holding the dirt road and waiting for support, combine their fire against Calvin, but the river provides sufficient protection and Calvin’s Battlemaster is spared any significant damage.   Lt. Jacob Kincaid joins the Battle and fires his accurate LAC-5s at the Blue Flame, but the Flame is protected by the solid partial cover of a supply bunker.

Pic 08

Pic 09

Turn 7:
The Sevens are now in their APCs and they race for the facility exit.  But the Phalanx troops are blocking the way.  Stacy, Francine and Calvin combine their fire and take out all the WoB troops in less than 10 seconds, flashes of incredible energy vaporize the WoB troops before they have a chance to escape to the protection of a bunker.

Pic 10

Meanwhile, a slower heavier WoB Level II finally makes its way onto the battlefield.  The Dragoons need to leave now…

Pic 11

Turn 8:
Stacy Church drops the Gurkha at extreme range. Her accuracy in an alpha strike is uncanny.  Three of the Seventh Kommando APCs are able to clear the bridge and make it to safety, but the last falls prey to the Padilla tank.  The medium pulse lasers took out enough armor and internal structure to cripple the transport.  The team of Sevens hop out of the transport.  Their pleas of “help!” and “don’t leave us!” are heard by Stacy Church, but Stacy makes the decision to leave them.  There’s nothing she can do for them. 

Pic 13

Calvin is the last to leave.  He believes he could have saved at least some of them by picking them up.

Pic 12

Turn 9:
The rest of the WoB units are now in the facility.  Adept Martinez in her Blue Flame corners the Sevens.  The Sevens are rounded up and shipped out for interrogation….

Pic 14

Turn 10:
Lt. Rondema’s Fire Lance and Lt. Rolfe’s Recon Lance await the return of Stacy Church and the remaining Seventh Commandos….

Pic 16

Pic 17



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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #10 on: 30 March 2011, 02:50:30 »
Oh Dear.

Bad luck for the 7th.

Looks like it was a hard game for the players

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #11 on: 30 March 2011, 09:36:30 »
Yeah, the decision to leave the team of Sevens behind was actually a bit hard on the Widows Player.

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #12 on: 15 May 2011, 13:42:03 »

While Stacy Church is leading the rest of the Seventh Kommandos back to the dropship, Michael Ramirez and the rest of the Widow's fire support lance are holding off a probe from a Blakist level II of light mechs.

Black Widows:
Lt. Eirene Rondema (2/3)   WR-DG-02FC War Dog
Orrin Fletchter (2/4) DV-7D Dervish
Michael Ramirez (3/4) ARC-8M Archer
Max Hendrickson (3/4) TBT-7M Trebuchet

Capt. Stacy Church (1/2)      ZEU-9WD Zeus-X (Enters Turn 2)
Lt. Jacob Kincaid (2/3)       UZL-2S Uziel (Enters Turn 2)
Francine (3/3)                  GRF-6S Griffin (Enters Turn 2)
Calvin Magdaleno (2/3)      BLR-4S Battlemaster (Enters Turn 4)

Seventh Kommandos (Active Turn 2)
Badger Tracked Transport (4/5)
Badger Tracked Transport (4/5)
Badger D Tracked Transport (4/5)

WoB Protectorate Militia Level II
Adept Mace Tyrell (4/5) MON-76 Mongoose
Zander Prunty (4/5) HER-5C Hermes II
Jalen Thorn (4/5) OTT-9CS Ostscout
Charles Meao (4/5) HER-4M Hermes
Alonzo Evening (4/5) MCY-102 Mercury
Michael Syria (4/5) HSR-500D Hussar

WoB Protectorate Militia Level II – “Rolling Thunder” (Active Turn 7)
Demi-Precentor Nick Tehler (2/3)   T-IT-N10M Grand Titan
Adept Sarah McAfee (3/4)      TDR-9M Thunderbolt     
Schrek PPC Carrier (4/5)
Schrek PPC Carrier (4/5)
Demon Tank (4/5)
Demon Tank (4/5)

#1 Get them out! (Reward: 500WP) – At least two of the Seventh Kommando units exit
#2 Objective raid. (Reward: 200WP) – Successfully scan the supply bunkers - FAILED

Special Rules:
Condition Feral – Dragoons get +1 modifier to gunnery or targeting if automatically lose initiative. Bonus lasts until enemy unit is destroyed.
Forced Withdrawal – House unit withdraws when half force is destroyed or crippled

The Widows Support Lance did a fine job holding off the light Level II, primarily because Lt. Rondema's War Dog used her ECM to prevent the light mechs from using their many ER Medium lasers and C3i at longer ranges. 

As soon as Stacy Church arrived, she took down a Mercury with one shot, taking out a leg with her heavy PPC and damaging the pilot.  The next turn she cored out the engine on the Hussar.  The Mongoose was brought down by Lt. Rondema's gauss rifle.  Jacob's Uziel was able to take out the Hermes II, forcing it to withdraw.  The remaining Ostscout and Hermes fled.  Stacy was able to get all her troops aboard the dropship before Blakist reinforcements arrived.

Here, we see Michael Ramirez using partial cover and the rest of the Widow Support Lance forming up to prevent a Mongoose from flanking.

An overview of the action, the Hermes has run around the dropship to flank the Trebuchet while other Blakists snipe from long range.

Michael Ramirez takes on an advancing Hermes II

Orrin Fletcher has a difficult time targeting the fast moving Hermes

Stacy Church and the rest of the Command Lance arrive with the Seventh Kommandos.  A Blakist Mercury goes down with a single shot from Stacy's Zeus.

The surviving Blakists retreat in the face of the advancing Widows

« Last Edit: 15 May 2011, 13:50:20 by Alex Keller »


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #13 on: 17 May 2011, 04:45:48 »
this is excellent, thanks so much for posting it!
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #14 on: 18 May 2011, 01:42:03 »
Awesome report  ;)

Not the vastness of space, nor the Wolf's obstinate howl, will stay us from our righteous goal.
We are Crusaders and will trample all who stand in our way!


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #15 on: 23 May 2011, 23:04:43 »
Awesome battle reports, looks like the two of you are having lots of fun.  :)

Wolf and Blake was the first book I bought upon my very recent return to playing Battletech, and I'm collecting Stacy's Black Widows now. I have the Black Widow's Command Lance box and a Gallowglas for Eirene, and I'm going to order the rest Payday. The only change I'm making is to sub a Catapult for Max's Cobra. I just don't like the Cobra mini and I don't want to pay archive prices for one. Hopefully the Catapult won't be considered cheesy.

I'm looking forwards to more of your Battle Reports!

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #16 on: 23 May 2011, 23:15:40 »
Thanks, Maxie.  We substituted a Trebuchet for the Cobra.  I didn't have a Cobra and didn't like the miniature anyways... so the 'ol Trebuchet seemed like a good replacement.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #17 on: 23 May 2011, 23:18:30 »
I think the Trebuchet is a fine replacement. I was glad to see that someone else doesn't like the Cobra.

I can't wait for the next report!  :)

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #18 on: 23 May 2011, 23:31:26 »
We just worked out the Black Widow's Chaos Campaign finances and it looks like they're going to be able to continue to the next Touchpoint.  It's going to be a very tough battle and I have a feeling that not all the Widows are going to make it...


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #19 on: 24 May 2011, 03:44:17 »
I think the Trebuchet is a fine replacement. I was glad to see that someone else doesn't like the Cobra.

I don't think you'll find yourself alone in this line of thinking.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #20 on: 25 May 2011, 00:21:38 »
What is this next and most Ominous touchpoint?

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #21 on: 26 May 2011, 00:50:56 »
Touchpoint Saiph...  and a run in with a battle hardened merc unit with something to prove against the Widows. 


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #22 on: 27 May 2011, 21:50:50 »
I believe in Stacy Church.  Still, looking forward to see how this turns out

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #23 on: 05 June 2011, 21:20:37 »
Mission# 4: Touchpoint Saiph (-400WP)
Wu Bo Feng Highlands
Saiph, WOB Protectorate
20 March 3073

Black Widows:
Command Lance
   Capt. Stacy Church (1/2) ZEU-9WD Zeus-X
   Lt. Jacob Kincaid (2/3) UZL-2S Uziel
   Fancine (3/3) GRF-6S Griffin
   Calvin Magdaleno (2/3) BLR-4S Battlemaster
Support Lance
    Lt. Eirene Rondema (2/3) WR-DG-02FC War Dog
    Orrin Fletchter (2/4) DV-7D Dervish
    Michael Ramirez (3/4) ARC-8M Archer
    Max Hendrickson (3/4) TBT-7M Trebuchet
Supply Convoy
    Badger Tracked Transport (5/6)
    Badger Tracked Transport (5/6)
    Badger D Tracked Transport (5/6)
    Badger D Tracked Transport (5/6)

Mercenaries “Feingold’s Finest”: (Roll of 1 = 2 Medium, 4 Heavy & 2 Assault)
Command Lance
    Capt. Alexander Brandt (3/3) EMP-6D Emperor
    Lt. Bjorn Sorenson (3/3) FLS-8K Flashman
    Misty Compos (3/3) VTR-9K Victor
    Sarah Zellers (3/3) CTF-3L Cataphract
Support Lance
    Lt. Trevor Wilson (3/3) RFL-5M Rifleman
    Harvey Johnson (3/3) CPLT-C4 Catapult
    Vic Haskell (3/3) CN9-D Centurion
    Mary Trask (3/3) VND-3L Vindicator

#1 Covert Ops(Reward: 500WP) – At least 2 Badgers make it across the map to the other side - SUCCESSFUL
#2 Point to Prove (Reward: 400WP) – Cripple/Destroy half of Mercenary force - SUCCESSFUL

Special Rules:
Condition Feral – Dragoons get +1 modifier to gunnery or targeting if automatically lose initiative. Bonus lasts until enemy unit is destroyed. +1 bonus to consciousness checks.
Forced Withdrawal – Merc units withdraw when crippled

Game Setup:
The GeoHex mat has a dirt road running down the middle, with a lake and river blocking the north side and a thick forest blocking the south side.  Some large hills cover the northeast side of the mat. The Black Widows must escort the supply convoy from the west to the east.  The merc unit is blocking their way.

After the Widows’ harrowing rescue and escape from Hall, the Widows were in dire need of resupply.  Many of the ‘Mechs, including Stacy’s own Zeus, did not have much ammunition left in their ammo bins.  Fortunately, the Wolfnet operators provided the Widows with the location of an old Wolfnet supply depot on Saiph.  The Widow's commander, Capt Stacy Church, just needed to sneak the supplies out past the defending Blakist Protectorate militia and mercenary units in the area.  Unfortunately, a young upstart mercenary unit on patrol discovered the Widows and thought they could make a name for themselves (and some extra money for the bounty on Stacy Church) by taking them down. 

At first glance, it looked like it was going to be a bloodbath.  Stacy Church needed to pull out all the stops to come out on top in this one.  She did not disappoint. Using the forest for cover, Church dispatched her lighter 'Mechs while her heavy hitters walked up the road in front of the transports.  The opposing mercs, known as Feingold's Finest, had ample time to set up sniping positions in the hills just north of the roadway.  Capt Feingold and his XO marched out in front to score some heavy damage.  It looked like disaster for the Widows when Calvin Magdaleno's Battlemaster was hit by several SRM's and LB-10X pellets in the head.  He went down and didn't respond to his lancemates' calls.  Blinded by rage, Stacy Church rushed to the forefront of the battle and her heavy PPC seared the head off the offending Vindicator.   In a furious flurry of lasers and missiles, the Widow Support Lance took down a Cataphract and Flashman in rapid succession.  Feingold's own Emperor came close to shutting down as he held his finger on the trigger, desperately hoping his paired RAC-5 autocannons would ward off the advancing Widows.  His 'mech overheated and with the loss of the Rifleman, Feingold signaled his remaining units to stand down.  Calvin Magdaleno was immediately evacuated to the dropship and is listed in critical condition. 

A view of the battlefield

The Black Widows (Command and Support Lances) & supply convoy (Badger Transports)

Feingold's Finest scrambles to find firing positions along the roadside

The Widows discovery the trap and scramble into action!

Capt Church orders the Widows into the forest.

And there was A FIREFIGHT!!!  The Widows and Finest engage at range. The Flashman is singled out while Max Hendrickson's Trebuchet takes minor damage.  The Trebuchet, Griffin and Dervish are jumping about in the forest.

Capt. Feingold's battle line is exposed, his support lance is having trouble hitting.

A Finest Victor moves in to score some hits against Orrin Fletcher's Dervish, but his Gauss misses at such a close range.  Lt. Jacob Kincaid moves his Uziel in to assist, pouring laser and autocannon fire into the Victor, forcing the Victor pilot to take a knee after sustaining significant damage, thereby preventing the Victor from kicking the Dervish.

Capt. Feingold finds himself dangerously exposed as he attempts to cover the withdrawal of the Flashman and Cataphract.

Feingold orders his troops to concentrate fire on the Battlemaster that keeps advancing down the road.

Massed fire brings down the Battlemaster.   A Badger crew disembarks to check on the young Mechwarrior.  They find him bleeding and unconscious, his legs seem to be crushed under the control panel.

Feingold loses a Cataphract in the exchange.

Furious at the loss of her warrior, Stacy Church races forward.  The Victor tries to stop her but Lt. Rondema's War Dog puts him down with a Gauss Rifle to the arm and Large Pulse Laser to the head.  The convoy of Badgers add to the Victor pilot's misery with a withering hail of medium laser fire.  The Victor's Gauss Rifle explodes, further injuring the Mechwarrior, rendering him unconscious.  The Victor crumples to the ground and Rondema kicks it's leg off for good measure.

The result of Stacy's battle charge.... her PPC took off the Vindicator's head. 

The Widows continue along the forest.

Here you can see the Widows finally downed the Flashman and Rifleman in the back. 

At this point, Feingold's Emperor is having serious heat management issues as a missile knocks engine shielding surrounding the 'Mech's fusion engine.

Max Hendrickson's Trebuchet has significant battle damage.  He closed up close to the cliff face to avoid the Catapult's hail of LRM-20s.  Capt Feingold surrendered soon after Max and Jacob Kincaid downed the Rifleman.

« Last Edit: 05 June 2011, 22:36:02 by Alex Keller »

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #24 on: 05 June 2011, 22:34:21 »
The Widows are now in a good financial position.  They were able to repair and rearm all mechs.  The Dropship is repaired from some minor damage it sustained in the escape on Hall.  Spirits among the Widows are low, however.  Calvin Magdaleno remains in critical condition and he will most likely not be joining his lancemates for some time.  Both his legs were broken and he suffered a punctured lung.  Capt. Church arranged for a team of Sevens to take him into their care where he will be healing for the next several months. This is particularly devastating for Calvin Magdaleno as he languished in a MASH unit for most of a year after the bombing of Harlech in 3067.  Calvin's Battlemaster, the Ramon, is being held in trust by a team of Sevens.

Capt Church, recognizing she was short a trooper, sent a request for a replacement to General Maeve Wolf.  General Wolf replied with a list of potential recruits from respected AMC mercenary outfits in the region. Amongst the list of potential recruits, Capt Church decided to visit Kristofur Blaine, formerly of the 13th Stalking Horse. The 13th Stalking Horse was known for their near fanatical hatred of the Word of Blake as well as their unorthodox tactics. Church had fought alongside Blaine in combined AMC operations and remembered his performances there.  Blaine was quick to sign on and he is currently getting used to his new ride...   

a refurbished MAD-4S!

« Last Edit: 05 June 2011, 22:47:32 by Alex Keller »


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #25 on: 06 June 2011, 03:23:25 »
A nice new Addition to the unit.
Shame about the circumstances.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #26 on: 06 June 2011, 04:30:17 »
Awesome, loving your terrain, keep it coming.
"I think it was two ninjas taped together to make one giant ninja!"

The First Proserpina Hussars were eager to fight the Smoke Jaguars, but the commanders assigned them to attack worlds held by Clan Nova Cat instead. They faced a hard fight on Kanowit, but took Mualang by winning a round of miniature golf. This obviously minimized further losses.


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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #27 on: 06 June 2011, 09:55:32 »
Excellent battle report. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #28 on: 06 June 2011, 23:38:41 »
It'll probably be a couple weeks before we can get the next scenario in, but it's Touchpoint: Formalhaut if you're following along.  The last Touchpoint was 20 March 3073.  This next one is 29 July 3073... so we've got some time.   ;)

Alex Keller

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Re: Tempest Rising: Wolf's Dragoons
« Reply #29 on: 06 June 2011, 23:43:22 »
A nice new Addition to the unit.
Shame about the circumstances.

Thanks, yeah I think she'll like how the new MAD-4S works.  Calvin should be good to go by the time the Widows finally meet the Opacus Venatori in April 3074.  It'll have been a year after his injury.