Can't some of us approach his superiors with the idea of developing a TEAM of people who can approve of the designs? Herb could lead it, but the load of work could be shared.
Keep some perspective: up until...geez, the middle of these short little XTROs...technical readouts were filled out by such committees of writers. The developers (primarily Herb) gave an outline like:
20-ton Davion 'Mech
30-ton Clan 'Mech
40-ton Kuritan tank
50-ton Steiner 'Mech
Basically, the table of contents was drafted and then the developer(s) said, "Send me your solicitations!" to the writer pool.
Then writers sent in short synopses on how they'd make cool 'Mechs out of the list provided.
Then the developers would say, "
Okay. Joel, your idea for the 20-ton Davion 'Mech was coolest, so you get it. Nick, your solicitation for the 30-ton Clan 'Mech was awesomest, so you write it. Mike, your idea for the 40-ton Kuritan 'Mech was coolest, you write it."
The individual assignments would be written and sent back to the developer (by which I mean the poor bastard assistant developers who then had no time to edit, fix, and review the writings before having to make them look presentable by 3 weeks in the past) so they could be reviewed by fact checkers for continuity and conformance with rules.
Then the book would be published.
However, something invisible to me - and I was assistant developer on a couple of TRO:Upgrades - was that there was apparently conflict between artists and writers. Artists took a long time to draw things, while writing came in quickly, and maybe reading differently than the artists had been told to draw to. I did see some fallout in the errata forums: "
But, oh great Herb, why does the Mechajuggernaut have 3 gun barrels on its left wrist when the stats clearly show it only has 2 medium lasers there?" Errata'ing artwork is nigh impossible.
So, recently, Herb has taken to providing all stats in advance to make artists happy. This worked out quite well in TRO:Prototypes, since he was basing things on previously published XTROs and just needed to publish slight tweaks. Mind you, writers still write: Herb offered writing slots as described above, and writers filled in the blanks. For example, I wrote XTRO:Marik front to back in the old school style - Herb offered the whole XTRO and I got it with my solicitation. In TRO:Prototypes, new style, I wrote the text accompanying the majority of the XTRO:Marik designs that re-appeared (tweaked by Herb) there.
Herb's new system just handles stats, and those are almost unimportant matters. I mean, virtually every combination of 'Mech weapons and stats have been tried on internet forums and ye olde newsgroups like What brings units alive is the fluff supplied by the writers. If you're concerned about awesome stats, you're missing what captures readers' eyes.
BattleCorps, which is in the business of moving fiction, just puts more emphasis on the fluff: submitting kewl mecha is missing the point. Do that here, on the public fan forums.