Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 328071 times)

Dragon Cat

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My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #901 on: 18 December 2014, 13:06:38 »
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #902 on: 20 December 2014, 03:39:40 »
Am I going to have to go back and re-work the Black Prince?

The SLDF has no intention on sharing the technology as quickly as the Federated Suns has decided to share the Lithium Fusion Battery Mk II.  Also since you can't refit this technology onto designs it would be a Mercury II-class Battleship if it were included.

By the time the Federated Suns gets the technology it would be worth them adding the
Lithium Fusion Battery Mk II
Naval Repeating Gauss Rifle

(Only LF II is available so far)

Update time - can I end 3094 before the end of 2014??  That is the goal.

Secluded Warehouse
Blue Diamond, Arcturus Theatre
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
9th June 3094

   Consciousness returned to Captain Aoife O'Kyan slowly in the darkened room.  She realized quickly that she was naked and on some sort of cold metal surface she had no idea how she'd gotten her and although she was uncomfortable she did not shy away from whoever had taken her here they'd obviously seen her naked already instead she readied herself for a fight.  “Aoife O'Kyan born in New Glasgow on the world of Skye in 3070.”  A voice said but she couldn't see them “instead of joining any Lyran commands when she was sixteen years old she chose to join the LCAF enrolling at the Nagelring where she attained perfect grades despite being the Skye heritage and the intolerance for the War College is infamous for.”  The voice said, it sounded like a male but Aoife still couldn't see him, “because of her heritage she would not be assigned to the Lyran or Royal Guard Regiments.  Instead she was assigned to the Twentieth Arcturan Guards RCT.”  He said stepping into view the man looked old in his eighties or order he was dressed from the neck down in a green power armour suit that had  several C-Bill signs on it, the mark of ComStar's currency that had been adopted by the SLDF and was used across the Inner Sphere along with the nation's individual currencies, the power armour was famous across he Inner Sphere and periphery and had been for more than a century.

   “What do you want with me?”  She asked defiantly the Bounty Hunter picked targets who were wanted dead or alive by someone.

   “During her time with the Arcturan Guards she went from being a MechWarrior to the rank of Captain under the tutelage of General Aiden Gray.  She excelled at being a warrior and officer of the Arcturan Guards fighting both Clans Wolf and Jade Falcon remaining with the unit even when word of the death of both her parents...”

   “So you know a lot about me” she snapped “if your going to kill me you should end it now.”

   “In her time with the Arcturan Guards she has destroyed and killed a total of thirteen enemies, six MechWarriors, a tank crew of three and an Elemental point of four members.  She had been reprimanded twice by her superiors for not caring about the collateral damage caused during her operations whether they be Lyran natives or those on occupied planets.”  He said stepping forward closer to her he was even older than she'd suspected his eyes however were full of life.

   “I needed to get the job done”

   “And they were ants under your boots?”  he said

   “Exactly” she said coldly

   “Excellent” he said back “there remains a question for you before I decide if this has to be taken further.”  He said his hand moving to his sidearm.

   “What's that?” she asked expecting him to not let her finish.

   “Are you happy?”  He asked “taking orders, fighting other peoples wars, giving a crap about those ants under your boots.”

   “No” she admitted she just wanted to get the job done.  She'd watched her General Aiden Grey be passed up for promotion by the arrogant nobility the most recent being Thomas Hogarth's promotion to the position of General of Armies, the man was an imbecile which showed everything that was wrong with the Lyran Commonwealth.

   “Then you have a choice.  You can follow me and begin a new life leaving your past behind you forever or you can go back to being a drone of the Steiner estate.”  He said turning walking out an open door that was directly behind her.  She was a member of the LCAF she had made commitments and sworn an oath to the Steiner family but it wasn't what she wanted neither was Skye its policies were too closely aligned with Tharkad's, even if they wouldn't admit it.  Standing up she turned and walked through the exit following the Bounty Hunter out of the warehouse either to her death or to something new.

Trade Negotiations, FSS Audacity (First Prince Block II-class Battleship)
Ramora, Raven Alliance
15th June 3094

   With First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion negotiating with the Nova Cats over the rights for the Mark II Lithium Fusion Battery technology Prince Burton Davion had opened negotiations with Clan Snow Raven.  Unable to take the new prize of the fleet Burton had still been able to take the FSS Audacity one of the Federated Suns two First Prince Block II-class Battleships.

   Negotiating for the Snow Ravens was Khan Sterling McKenna.  The negotiations continued at a pace with Sterling McKenna and Burton Davion agreeing terms quickly.  Unlike the Nova Cats who had been willing to exchange one of their Bug-Eye Surveillance Craft for the technology the Snow Ravens are unwilling to trade away any of their WarShips or their under construction vessels.  Instead the Snow Ravens agree to trade a five binary strong Cluster of Wusun OmniFighters.  These craft recently deployed by the Snow Ravens offer a deeper glimpse into OmniFighter construction for the Federated Suns allowing them to continue to refine their designs under the project name RIGID NIGHT.  Rumours are abound that the AFFS are developing two new OmniFighters known as the Cutlass and Rondel however neither design has been seen in operation.

   Following the negotiations Burton Davion and Sterling McKenna remain in each others company for an extended period on board the FSS Audacity and then on board Sterling McKenna's vessel the Montbatton.  Neither the Snow Raven or AFFS crews react adversely to the couple being together although both are careful to maintain their professionalism in public although rumours of their private activities was rife on both vessels.

Public Announcement
LCAF Command, Tharkad
Donegal Province, Lyran Commonwealth
19th June 3094

   At a press conference in front of the mass media of the Lyran Commonwealth General of Armies Thomas Hogarth announces that the Fifth Donegal Guards RCT supported by the LCS Yggdrasil assaulted and destroyed a Stone Spirit force in the Scauld system as part of the LCAF's retaliation against the new force on their periphery border.  Hogarth announces that the Yggdrasil and the Donegal Guards Regiment will be remaining in the Commonwealth's periphery region to keep an eye on the Stone Spirits and Fire Mandrills who had “camped” out on the Lyran's periphery border.

   Several commanders in the LCAF question the use of an RCT and Battle-cruiser against a system that had no known ties to the Stone Spirits.  Many within the LCAF believe that an LIC team or one of the Commonwealth's Peter-class scouts would have been better suited to tracking down Stone Spirit targets for larger commands such as the Fifth Donegal to strike at.

Nova Cat Raid
Broken Wheel, Filtvelt Coalition
29th June 3094

   In an unprovoked and unsanctioned raid Galaxy Commander Elson West of Clan Nova Cat leads Sigma Galaxy's command Keshik in a raid on the Filtvelt Coalition world of Broken Wheel.  In the battle that followed Elson West's Supernova was surrounded and destroyed by the Third Filtvelt Guardians and the mercenary command McCandless' Wranglers.  Although the remaining Nova Cat forces cause significant damage to the defenders and are able to retreat off planet the Third Guardians are able to salvage several of the downed Clan machines which become prize possessions within the unit.  One particular piece of salvage a cobbled together Elemental suit is placed on display at the Third Guardians command base showing their pride in their accomplishments.  The unit unofficially takes on the name “The Elemental Slayers.”
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #903 on: 20 December 2014, 04:36:16 »
When the Audacity's a rockin don't come a knockin. ::) >:D :D O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

JA Baker

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #904 on: 20 December 2014, 05:01:07 »
When the Audacity's a rockin don't come a knockin. ::) >:D :D O0
One by one, the Clans are discovering that once you go Davion,  you can never go back again  ^-^
« Last Edit: 20 December 2014, 05:03:09 by JA Baker »
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #905 on: 20 December 2014, 10:39:31 »
"the Elemental Slayers"? now THERE is a cheesy name XD

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #906 on: 20 December 2014, 20:20:26 »
One by one, the Clans are discovering that once you go Davion,  you can never go back again  ^-^

When the Audacity's a rockin don't come a knockin. ::) >:D :D O0

 [metalhealth] [##]

"the Elemental Slayers"? now THERE is a cheesy name XD

They are a periphery unit...

Contract Announcement
Bowang, Bowang Free Trade Sphere
Former-Free Worlds League
5th July 3094

   Intent on showing that the Bowang Free Trade Sphere intended on keeping Clipperton over a long term the new Prime Minister Allison Kaning announces a new three year contract with the Wolf's Dragoons with the Athena remaining in the Clipperton and the world's defences being augmented by the Dragoons Zeta Battalion and the units of the Seventh Kommando Special Operations command.  As part of the Dragoon/Bowang agreement the shipyards of Clipperton would repair the crippled Dragoon Congress Block II-class Frigate Beowulf although this only left the WarShip Wolf Pack to defend Outreach the Dragoon's Homeworld was protected on all sides by the SLDF.

Mercenary Raid
Stone Spirit space, Periphery
10th July 3094

   Under the direction of the new General of Armies Thomas Hogarth elements of the Twelfth Armoured Legion Regiment scout the periphery worlds of Lushun and Jibbet finding Stone Spirit forces have moved in on these worlds.  The Twelfth Armoured Legion's forces using mostly Thunderbolt BattleMechs and Fulcrum Hovertanks to out gun or out move the Stone Spirit forces before falling back.

   The intelligence gained from these raids show that the Stone Spirits have pushed onto most of the Periphery worlds near the Lyran Commonwealth and the Rim Collection.  In response to the continued raids by Lyran and mercenary forces the Stone Spirits return to the world of Main Street this time intending on remaining on the Lyran world to reinforce their point the Stone Spirit landings are supported by their Samarkand II-class Carrier the Major Spirit.

Border Raid
Sadalbari, Military District of Dieron
Draconis Combine
14th July 3094

   In a border raid the First McCarron's Armoured Cavalry engage the Second Dieron Regulars Regiment.  The two forces spar on the jungle world for nearly two weeks before the mercenary command retreat back into the Federated Suns' Draconis March the raid proves one thing the the McCarron's Armoured Cavalry's commander Elizabeth McCarron, that her unit needs further combat to improve their capabilities.

Delivery Room, Royal Hospital
Samantha, Taurus
Plannagan's Nebulea, Taurian Concordat
22nd July 3094

   On his capital world Protector Erik Martens-Calderon felt powerless in his arms he cradled his newly born daughter but through a small observation window he watched as the life drained from his wife Sonja Rosse-Calderon.  The lead surgeon left the delivery room approaching the Protector “My lord” he began “I am afraid that we can do little further for her other than make her comfortable.”  He said glancing down “she does not have very long sire.”

   “Thank you, may I sit with her?”

   “Of course sire” he said backing off allowing Erik to enter still cradling his daughter.  From what the doctors had explained during the delivery of their daughter Sonja had suffered from internal bleeding.  The doctors had tried for nearly six hours to repair the bleed however they had now admitted defeat now she was slipping peacefully away.

   Erik moved beside his wife sitting near her still cradling his daughter who was mercifully quiet.  “Hey” he said quietly looking into Sonja's eyes “how you doing?”

   “Not great, how is she?”  She asked glancing at their daughter.

   “Beautiful, just like her mother” he said.

   “You're going to have to take care of her for both of us” Sonja whispered as a tear ran down her cheek.

   “No, you're going to be with us a long time” he said back “I can't lose you” he whispered back.

   “No option I am afraid” she said “this is one Clan bitch that knows when her time is up.”

   “No” he said the Protector breaking down in tears looking away from her.

   “You listen to me Protector” she said raising her hand to his chin towards her “you need to be strong for her.  And you need to be strong for yourself, you can't give up on life because of me.”

   “I'll never love anyone else like you” he promised her.

   “I should hope not Erik Martens-Calderon, if you do I will come back to haunt you” she said the strength in her arm failing as it drifted to the bed.

   “Sonja...” he whispered seeing the life draining form her “she needs a name...” he said glancing at their daughter.  They had discussed child names several times but now all that they had talked about had gone from his mind.

   “She needs a strong name Nicoletta” she said giving her child the name of the Protector who had led the Taurian Concordat during the Reunification War.

   “A strong name for her strong mother” Erik said looking down at their daughter “Nicoletta Sonja Calderon” he had said giving her a full name Sonja had refused to take the Calderon name or give up her Bloodname but Erik had no intention on antagonizing his wife's former Clan by the use of the Rosse name.  “Nicoletta, meet your mother” he said leaning forward with his daughter “Sonja...” he whispered but he saw that his wife's eyes had closed and that she had stopped breathing “...I love you” he said kissing her forehead “and she loved you” he said kissing his daughter's forehead before moving away.

Executive Box, Twenty-second Star League Games
Star League Stadium, Solaris VII
Star League Protectorate, Lyran Commonwealth
31st July 3094

   Below within the Star League Stadium Solaris VII MechWarrior Roman “Yojimbo” Kota was dominating the Twenty-second Star League Games in his highly customized Hachiwara however for these games there was more interest in one of the executive boxes.  There representatives of the SLDF, Lyran Commonwealth, Isle of Skye and MRBC were meeting to discuss a permanent memorial to the dead world of Galatea.  The MRBC and Isle of Skye both like the idea of a space station and trade post while the Lyran Commonwealth and SLDF are more interested in replicating what Galatea had on another world.  Several hours after Roman Kota had been crowned champion of the Twenty-second games the four factions eventually agree that the Galatea Station would be a more appropriate memorial, although such a creation is several years away.
« Last Edit: 20 December 2014, 22:39:47 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #907 on: 20 December 2014, 21:21:59 »
Nice update!   Just had to give a bitter sweet happiness to Protector Erik Martens-Calderon!  Although thinking back or looking ahead, in the next century, there might be a Protector of the Taurian Concordat that is distant cousins of the Stiener-Davion's!  Still sad....  But still looking forward to your next one!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #908 on: 20 December 2014, 21:28:22 »
Nice update!   Just had to give a bitter sweet happiness to Protector Erik Martens-Calderon!  Although thinking back or looking ahead, in the next century, there might be a Protector of the Taurian Concordat that is distant cousins of the Stiener-Davion's!  Still sad....  But still looking forward to your next one!

A realm that could be united under 1 ruler from Edge of Steiner Space out thur Taurian Space
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #909 on: 21 December 2014, 10:14:41 »
Excellent updates, even with the sad passing of the childs mother.  Lets hope the Nova Cats dont go RAEG MODE and do anything silly.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #910 on: 21 December 2014, 12:49:55 »
Fun and interesting updates Dragon Cat. Wonder how the death of Sonja is going to effect that corner of the Inner Sphere.

James Tanaga

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #911 on: 21 December 2014, 12:59:22 »
Nice update!   Just had to give a bitter sweet happiness to Protector Erik Martens-Calderon!  Although thinking back or looking ahead, in the next century, there might be a Protector of the Taurian Concordat that is distant cousins of the Stiener-Davion's!  Still sad....  But still looking forward to your next one!

So far distant that it probably won't even occur to her!!  Considering Sonja's heritage isn't really common knowledge.

A realm that could be united under 1 ruler from Edge of Steiner Space out thur Taurian Space

Let's not go there  :D

Excellent updates, even with the sad passing of the childs mother.  Lets hope the Nova Cats dont go RAGE MODE and do anything silly.

Fun and interesting updates Dragon Cat. Wonder how the death of Sonja is going to effect that corner of the Inner Sphere.

James Tanaga

Find out soon

Bonus Time:

My thanks to Blacknova for creating the design and Corsair_SG for modding it for me

My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #912 on: 21 December 2014, 20:48:53 »
Its too bad Sonja died, i take it her birth of her child was too much for her?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #913 on: 21 December 2014, 23:27:48 »
Its too bad Sonja died, i take it her birth of her child was too much for her?

Kinda surprised she died this way as well. I kinda did the same thing to my mom when I was born (an 11 lbs infant will do that it seems), so 1000 years of medical advancements didn't help? Clotting agents and self-cauterizing scaples are advancements in the last 50 years that should have saved her, even if it left her unable to have more kids.

Maybe the Protector isn't living up to his title, if he has a bunch of thumbless butchers for his wife's OB.

RIP Nova Cat
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #914 on: 22 December 2014, 09:17:54 »
More details on Sonja Rosse passing will come

New update time

R&D Lab
Cerberus, Raven Alliance
3rd August 3094

   The Raven Alliance complete testing on their most recent weapons innovation the Capital Pulse Laser.  In three sizes like the Standard type of Capital Laser this pulse variant produces more heat, is heavier and has a reduced range over the standard weapon however much like the standard pulse lasers it is far more accurate at all ranges.

   With the newly deployed Splendid-class having a large capital laser array and significant other Snow Raven vessels using capital lasers the Clan sees several uses for the future deployment of the weapon system.

SLDF Deployment
Bordon, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
11th August 3094

   Following a raid by the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and heavy fighting which had caused severe damage to the world's capital city Conde-sur-Vire the Second Royal Regimental Brigade of the SLDF is deployed as peacekeepers.  The Marik-Stewart and Isle of Skye forces are pushed back by the SLDF forces out of the planetary capital effectively annexing the system for the SLDF the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and Isle of Skye forces remain on the planet but without access to the planetary spaceport.

Scouting Mission
Pillory, Periphery
14th August 3094

   The Rim Collection/Clan Fire Mandrill continue to scout periphery worlds near them and the space claimed by the Stone Spirits trying to establish how close they were to the Collection.  In an effort to disguise their mission the Rim Collection deploy the Second Battle Cluster a unit made up of Rim Collection and Fire Mandrill warriors and equipped exclusively with Lyran produced BattleMechs, OmniMechs and armoured vehicles.  The Rim Collection believing that should their force be discovered they will be mistaken for a Lyran Commonwealth unit.

   On scouting the world of Pillory they find local settlements that had been abandoned for years.  Before the Second Battle Cluster had arrived in the system someone had scavenged what was left at the settlement taking what was useful and destroying everything else.  Unable to take anything from the system the Second Battle Cluster fall back intent on heading through the Garotte system on their way back to the Rim Collection.

Trade Deal
Alpheratz, Raven Alliance
22nd August 3094

   Seeing how rapidly the Federated Suns has shared the Lithium Fusion Battery Mk II with its neighbours the Snow Ravens realize that it cannot be long before the Sea Foxes gain the technology and make a healthy profit.  Instead of allowing the Foxes or Nova Cats to profit from the new Technology the Snow Ravens make a  deal with the Foxes trading it for a healthy supply of Harjel, which will continue into the new century, and other supplies.

Command Meeting
Pristine, Sterling
Former-Free Worlds League
23rd August 3094

   In what was the Mayor of Pristine's office saKhan Ranna Kerensky stalked around her office her Wolf Spider Keshik had scoured Sterling for answers to the question of where the Ghosts of the Abyss had disappeared to.  Following their first engagement with the rogue mercenary command the Wolf Spiders had lost contact with their enemy then they had almost magically disappeared.  Ranna Kerensky had ordered the planet searched for potential leads while she had sent a message to Arc Royal addressed to the new Khan of Clan Wolf (in-Exile) detailing everything that her Wolves had discovered.

   She had been pleased with what her people had accomplished but now she was angry.  Looking at her commanders “what do you mean escaped?  We have their DropShip in the spaceport Quiaff?”  She demanded looking at Star Captain Eric Radick who was now effectively the executive officer of her double trinary sized unit.

   “It appears that the remaining warriors of the Ghosts of the Abyss commandeered a Mule-class vessel that was collecting farming equipment for the world of Autumn Wind.  There is a Battle Armour production facility on that world it is possible they will attempt to gain reinforcements or repair equipment there.”

   “I think not, recall all our forces, we will pursue them.  Our JumpShip can take a direct route through abandoned systems to Autumn Wind.  We will be waiting for them when they arrive.”  She said angrily.

   “saKhan, we have pushed them to the point of destruction...” Eric Radick he said, he and the other warriors were tired she knew this was not a challenge to her leadership just an opinion.  A younger Ranna Kerensky would have likely attacked this man right there and then squashing his opposition before it began however her many years with the other Exiles had taught her many things patience being one of them.

   “We will not stop until we are avenged and every last one of them is dead.”  She answered him

   “And should we fall saKhan?”

   “Then our blood will go on eternally with Clan Wolf.  These “Ghosts” have given us what every Clan Warrior dreams of a chance to live and die how we want.”  She explained she'd thought about what would happen if they all died many times and the conclusion she had reached was simple she didn't care if she lived or died.  She had a bloodname, all the members of her Keshik did, every single one of them would live eternally with Clan Wolf they would be remembered by their Clan as doing something that was right.

   “We should not waste time” Eric Radick said seeing Ranna Kerensky smile as he agreed with her.  He did not want to die on this saKhan's mission but if he did fall then he would die proudly as a Clan Wolf warrior.

   “To Autumn Wind” Ranna Kerensky said heading from the room.  Within the hour they were back on board their DropShip blasting off the surface of the planet.  The Mule-class DropShip carrying the remains of the Ghosts of the Abyss was still in the system heading for their JumpShip however the Wolf JumpShip was closer at a pirate point.  The Wolves would be ready to leave the system before the commercial JumpShip that would carry the Ghosts of the Abyss' DropShip as the Wolves knew the route of the JumpShip they could be in position awaiting the mercenaries.
« Last Edit: 22 December 2014, 09:20:05 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #916 on: 22 December 2014, 11:26:30 »
 ;D Another new tech for warships!  I'm looking forward to see what other warship designs come out of all this! (Even if the old models are redesigned to a Mk II level)  Nice update!   Oh, So I take that the Serpent Clans are no more?  Hope to see the Stone Spirits develop their Clan!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #917 on: 22 December 2014, 12:53:42 »
Hope you guys test those new Naval Pulse Lasers, that could easily break stuff in game balance. 

Then again, you won't worry about fighter squadrons swarming you either!  :D
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #918 on: 22 December 2014, 14:03:09 »
;D Another new tech for warships!  I'm looking forward to see what other warship designs come out of all this! (Even if the old models are redesigned to a Mk II level)  Nice update!   Oh, So I take that the Serpent Clans are no more?  Hope to see the Stone Spirits develop their Clan!

Elements of the Serpents are in the Periphery and elements of them may have survived in the Homeworlds.

WarShips featuring the new tech will appear slowly.  The majority of it is in the development stages for example the Snow Raven Naval Pulse Laser prototypes are currently mounted in an asteroid.

Hope you guys test those new Naval Pulse Lasers, that could easily break stuff in game balance. 

Then again, you won't worry about fighter squadrons swarming you either!  :D

Dropped the fighter element I wasn't going to have it then I added it changed my mind again!!  Keeping the accuracy bonus.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #919 on: 23 December 2014, 07:18:53 »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #920 on: 23 December 2014, 10:28:12 »

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #921 on: 23 December 2014, 16:01:26 »
This will be the last story update for this thread before the Christmas period (which I get to work yay for me  :-\) to all the readers and commenters on this thread I hope you have a happy festive period and I hope you return.

Martial Olympiad
Defiance, Crucis March
Federated Suns
3rd September 3094

   Following the canceled Martial Olympiad of 3091 the competition resumes in the Defiance system headed by First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion.  On the ground new Rasalhague Dominion saKhan David Bekker and the Second Polar Bear Strike Cluster lead the competition the entire way winning the trophy outright on the ninth day of competition, a Martial Olympiad record for modern times.  In space the DCS Draconis Rift, a Kyushu-class Frigate, and the SLS Morgan Hasek-Davion, a Davion III-class Destroyer, lead the competition with the Draconis Rift's Stinger LAM contingent giving the Draconis Combine vessel an edge.  Towards the end of the competition the SLS Morgan Hasek-Davion's experience allows the SLDF vessel to pull ahead of the DCS Draconis Rift winning the competition although some of the DCMS contingent speak of a “fix” having the SLDF winning their own competition, which was hosted in the Defiance system, in a ship that was originally built in the Federated Suns.  These claims gain little attention from the SLDF, the First Lord or many of the other competitors as the competition winds down and the various units return home.

High Orbit
Sudeten, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
9th September 3094

   The clear night's sky over Sudeten is lit up as two vessels jump in at a pirate point not far from the planet.  The people of Sudeten were used to such displays from the Jade Falcons who enjoyed showing their dominance over the planet and its population.  Since the Lyran Commonwealth/Wolf (in-Exile) attack the Jade Falcons had been increasing such displays cracking down on public disorder and on anyone who had broken the rules.

   Today was different however as they Jade Falcons were cracking down on no-one instead they were showing off the two ships were newly constructed at the Dark Nebula Shipyards.  Both were of the Patriot-class, an upgrade of the Aegis-class developed by Clan Nova Cat, how the Jade Falcons got the construction statistics is unknown however it is widely believed that the Sea Foxes were responsible.  Regardless the Sudeten's Sabre and Ironhold Remembered are powerful additions to the Jade Falcon navy and although Clan Jade Falcon has never been known for its naval prowess these are additions that the Clan intends to show off.

SLDF Deployment
Inarcs, Inarcs Theatre
Coventry Province, Lyran Commonwealth
27th September 3094

   In response to the Jade Falcon assaults on Melissa and the Stone Spirit attacks on Main Street the SLDF deploy the First Division's Third Brigade, Bolton's Rangers Regimental Brigade, and the SLS Invincible, a Tharkad-class Battle-cruiser, to the world of Inarcs supporting their Lyran allies.  This deployment is intended on showing that the SLDF still supports its member states defence against the Clans.  The Bolton's Rangers are one of the best equipped and experienced units while the SLS Invincible is one of the SLDF's largest vessels.

   Supporting the SLDF forces are a squadron of Interdictor-class “Pocket WarShip” assault craft and an aerospace based mercenary unit, the Sirens of Edyimon, commanded by Colonel Serenity Chiba.

Cremation Ceremony
Royal Crematorium, Samantha
Hyades Cluster, Taurian Concordat
29th September 3094

   Rumours had spread across the Taurian Concordat that Clan Nova Cat had moved an entire Galaxy and several WarShips to the Davetal system.  Across the realm people had begun to worry about the Nova Cat's motives something increased by the arrival of the Severn Leroux in the Samantha system had multiplied worries.

   Khan Canin Rosse, who was on board the WarShip, broadcast a message to Taurus requesting the Protector's agreement to allow him and the Delta Keshik to land on the planet to pay their respects to one of their fallen.  Protector Erik Martens-Calderon had agreed to the landing rights despite disagreements from some of his military advisers.

   The Nova Cat's had been escorted through the system and landed outside the capital without incident.  Now they stood with the Taurians respecting the Taurian customs.  Khan Canin Rosse stood beside the grieving Protector of the Taurian Concordat as they watched his wife's body sheathed in white cloth slowly burn in the traditional funeral pyre.

   “She was so strong” Erik whispered holding his newly born daughter looking into the flames fighting for an answer to what had happened to his wife.

   “I read your medical report Protector, there was little to nothing you could have done.” Canin said in a low voice “when Sonja was young she suffered an injury during a quarrel with a trueborn youth.  Our scientists believed they had repaired the damage done however they did not expect her to ever experience child birth.”  He said watching the fire completely consume his daughter's body, beside the Khan a civilian Nova Cat woman with graying dark hair broke down in tears the Erik had thought the woman was one of those scientists but he'd noticed Canin Rosse was tightly holding her hand.  “The stress was too much for their repairs even after all these years the human body is a resilient one but not resilient enough.”

   “No not enough” Erik echoed the Khan's words.

   “At least she survives though the blood of others” Canin said gruffly “your daughter and those born into our iron wombs.”

   “There will be others that she will live through?”  Erik asked surprised Sonja was a freeborn he hadn't expected her to be carried into the Clan's eugenics program.

   “Aff, she is a Bloodnamed warrior, if not by her birth by her acts as a warrior.”  Grayson said “she will live on Protector.  She will live on in your life too” he said glancing down at the child “remember her, Protector, we will.”  He promised turning to the Taurian leader nodding to him before moving off through the crowd.  The civilian female woman hovered over them for a moment.

   “She's beautiful” the woman said reaching out touching the child's cheek before withdrawing “Erik take care of her” she said she had a familiar accent but one that the Taurian leader could not place.  She spoke to him as if she were his and the Khan's equal not just a civilian without another word she made her way through the crowd following the Nova Cat leader.  All through the crowd the other Nova Cats slowly broke off and headed away without another word exchanged between them the Nova Cats returned to their DropShip and left the planet.  Once back in orbit the Nova Cats returned through the Samantha system under escort by the Taurians and then they left the system returning to the Davetal system leaving Erik and his people in grieving.  Sonja's ashes were scattered into the winds over Mount Calderon the day after by Erik she had liked the remoteness of the area when she had visited finding peace there.  Erik had planned to offer some of the ashes to the Nova Cats however dead seemed to be the end for the Clansmen their interest gone with the individual their efforts placed into the future of that warriors genetics.  The Protector could honestly say he did not understand it then again he could also say that he had never completely understood his wife either.
« Last Edit: 25 December 2014, 04:14:40 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

David CGB

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #922 on: 23 December 2014, 18:35:44 »
This will be the last story update for this thread before the Christmas period (which I get to work yay for me  :-\) to all the readers and commenters on this thread I hope you have a happy festive period and I hope you return.

Martial Olympiad
Defiance, Crucis March
Federated Suns
3rd September 3094

   Following the canceled Martial Olympiad of 3091 the competition resumes in the Defiance system headed by First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion.  On the ground new Rasalhague Dominion saKhan David Bekker and the Second Polar Bear Strike Cluster lead the competition the entire way winning the trophy outright on the ninth day of competition, a Martial Olympiad record for modern times.
Now that is a good Martial Olympiad IMHO....
Federated Suns fan forever, Ghost Bear Fan since 1992, and as a Ghost Bear David Bekker star captain (in an Alt TL Loremaster)

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #923 on: 23 December 2014, 19:12:40 »
Nice update. While I enjoyed the Martial Olympiad, my favorite part was the Nova Cats making it in time for Sonja's funeral pyre. Very touching if I may say so.

And have happy holidays, everyone.

James Tanaga


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #924 on: 23 December 2014, 19:43:48 »
Very nice update before the holidays!  It was nice to see the closure on the death of Sonja Rosse.  Seyla!  Thanks for your stories!

Happy Holidays to you and everyone!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #925 on: 23 December 2014, 21:44:05 »
Dragon Cat have a merry Christmas even if you have to work

Nice update
I think it is funny that Erik has no idea who Sonya mom was!!!
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #926 on: 23 December 2014, 22:45:30 »
Dragon Cat have a merry Christmas even if you have to work

Nice update
I think it is funny that Erik has no idea who Sonya mom was!!!

Eh, he found out from memory during their first meeting. He just didn't recognize her.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #927 on: 24 December 2014, 09:49:13 »
Great and touching update, Dragon Cat.  Have great holiday!!!!
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #928 on: 27 December 2014, 04:06:17 »
Eh, he found out from memory during their first meeting. He just didn't recognize her.

Pretty much, she's a lot different from the young woman who was in Victor's shadow on New Avalon.  The last many in remember seeing of Yvonne was when she was partying her way across New Avalon with Danai Centrella following her arrival in the Federated Suns.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas.

Time to get back to my goal of finishing 3094 before the end of 2014.  My thanks to James Tanaga for the assistance with part of this update.

Battle site
Autumn Wind, Independent
Former-Free Worlds League
6th October 3094

   Another particle projection cannon blast slammed into the left hand side of Ranna Kerensky's Timber Wolf ruining the Long Range Missile rack there fortunately it was little loss as the launcher had been empty for hours.  The Wolf Spider Keshik's plan to ambush the Ghosts of the Abyss Mercenary Command had backfired on them almost completely.  Two days ago the Wolves had begun their landings on the planet only to be hit from several locations on the ground.  Their DropShip had been struck by enemy fire and forced to make an emergency landing Katya had lost half her technical team and two MechWarriors before her Mechs had even deployed on the surface.

   Her forces had then been hit continuously for two days harried from place to place unable to stop to repair or rearm.  Death would almost be a welcome release from this battle.  Now the Ghosts of the Abyss had landed and joined whoever was attacking them pushing her Wolves to the point of destruction.  She had ordered a point of her Elementals to head to Autumn Wind's capital and overrun the HPG then to send her unit's position to the Exiles in the Lyran Commonwealth she hoped they would be successful striking out with one of her Mech's large lasers knocking back one of her opponents.  She glanced down at her sensor display only three other Wolves remained standing and they were surrounded on three sides their Mechs had their backs against a cliff Ranna knew there was no escape they would die as Wolves in combat.

   As more weapons hit her Timber Wolf Ranna fought for control triggering her Mech's pulse laser and machine guns as she did spraying the ground with weapons fire as her seventy-five ton OmniMech stumbled around as if it were drunk.  She hit the communications system “Ghosts of the Abyss, your days are mark...” she began screaming into the microphone as a particle cannon struck her Mech's cockpit incinerating the saKhan.  Within moments of their saKhan's death the remaining two Wolf MechWarriors also fell under the massive amount of weapons fire.  In the planet's capital city the Exile Elemental point broke into the planetary HPG station commandeering the station to send a message via the civilian HPG network.  The Star League Department of Communications operators of the station offered the Exiles sanctuary and transport back to Wolf (in-Exile) territory but the warriors had already decided their fate exiting the station as soon as it was confirmed their message had been send.  Within minutes of being in the open facing their enemies the last members of the Wolf Spider Keshik were killed in a hail of weapons fire ending their hunt for the Ghosts of the Abyss in failure as the rogue mercenaries disappeared into the Free Worlds League.

Vacation spot
Averrant City, Crossing
Draconis March, Federated Suns
13th October 3094

   While taking a break from the hustle and bustle of Robinson Duke Tarncred Sandoval and his family are targets for an assassination attempt by elements of the First Ghost Regiment of the DCMS on the holiday world of Crossing.  Only a timely intervention by the Duke's personal regiment, the First Robinson Rangers RCT which had been in training on one of the planet's moons, saves the the Draconis March's leader and his heir the fifteen year old Elaine Sandoval.  The First Ghost Regiment are forced back by the Robinson Rangers and forced to abandon the system or face destruction.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #929 on: 27 December 2014, 04:07:57 »
President’s House
Gillfillan’s Gold, Rim Collection
14th October 3094

   Jerry Able headed into the compound that was the Rim Collection’s President’s House, visibly tired from having to take part in the campaign. While he publicly demanded an election, the public he knew was behind him. Very much so, for the last polls showed he held a forty percent lead over the closest other presidential candidate, Congresswoman Megan Hunt of Hiberius.

   Unlike his daughter, Karen, he approved full-heatedly of the election. He just wished it wouldn’t take so much energy out of his aging body. Still, he was proud of his nation, his people. Tomorrow was the election, and already the larger voting centers were reporting lines as people began showing up so that their vote may be heard.

   Only two things worried him at the moment. The Gold Herold, the newspaper company owned partially by his family, had begun printing articles that at least heavily implied his family should inherit the Rim Collection. He well knew it was Karen’s influence and the Able name that had the Gold Herold in the palm of Karen’s hands. With the Gold Herold being the second largest newspaper on Gillfillan’s Gold, and beginning to branch out to other worlds within the Rim Collection, Jerry knew he would have to keep a close eye on the newspaper.

   The second thing that worried him, though, was the Stone Spirit attack on Caldarium and their near destruction of the BattleMech factory complex producing the Rim Collection’s sole assault BattleMech at the moment. Karen was on that world, now, overseeing the deployment of a large number of the Collection’s reserve assets. She had reported that morning the factory complex had only just finished being cleaned from radiation and would begin to be rebuilt sometime next week.

   That had given his eldest grandson, Charlie, who ran Able’s Arms, Limited, a desire to get into the BattleMech production business, specifically to replace Rim Motors as the primary supplier of assault BattleMechs. That was mute until the young man actually supplied a design for just that. Still, he already had to publicly stand impartial between the upcoming fight between Rim Motors and Able’s Arms, less he be seen as not wanting to support the vastly popular Rim Motors. His latest speech had seen to that.

   In the same speech, he also outright told everyone his plan to attend the upcoming Star League conference, where he would push for trade with the Star League Protectorate and the other Inner Sphere states and seek aid against the Stone Spirits. That had been met with applause and, he knew, had caught Megan Hunt and the other three presidential candidates off guard. While he knew it likely sealed his victory in tomorrow’s election, it also was a firm reminder that they needed allies, even with the Fire Mandrills at their side.

   He was pulled out of his thoughts and stopped, leaning against his damned cane, as he heard his name. Turning around, he saw the Fire Mandrill Khan, Aemelia Showers, storm her way towards him, followed closely behind by Fire Mandrill Adjunct Lysa Djerassi in her wheelchair. By the look on both clanner's faces, he knew whatever they wanted was certainly not a social call.

   “Congratulations on you finally becoming Bloodnamed and your elevation to Khan of the Mandrills, Khan Showers,” he congratulated the clan woman with graying hair. His congratulation was answered with a short, clipped nod from the khan, as befitting the one even her clan called the Cat, in respect for her past as a former Smoke Jaguar warrior. “I gather this is not a social call, quineg?” He asked the woman, using the clan term to show his respect of her.

   “Neg, President Able. This certainly is not!” the clanner woman all but snarled at him. While both respected each other for their individual abilities, it reminded him he did not have as close a relationship with this woman then he did with the previous two leaders. And that showed, for only days after her elevation to what should have been Kindraa Leader of Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga, the old woman instead declared the reformation of Clan Fire Mandrill under her command. While worrying, he knew it was only a pride issue with the weak clan and not anything more disturbing then that, for the clan would keep to their word to help protect the Collection.

   Sighing to himself, he decided to lead the two clan women to his private office, as he did not want to deal with them in a public environment. “This way then, ladies. And you will have to excuse my slowness. Still need this damn cane to get around with, after all,” jostling the wooden cane he hated very much towards his office as he spoke to them. He still clung to his pride as a MechWarrior, after all.

   Once in his office, Khan Aemelia Showers wasted no time to inform him of why she demanded to speak to him, as he quietly sat down in the comfortable sofa in the room. “Earlier today, Master Merchant Heather of the Steelsoul Khanate, based here on Gilfillan’s Gold, informed us of Evangeline Clarke being unable to convince her clan to allow my Mandrills to maintain our control over Armory Epsilon.”

   “Armory Epsilon,” he asked questioningly. While his status as President of the Mandrills meant he knew much more than the regular civilian would about the Collection’s resident clan, Aemelia’s recent reforms within the clan meant even he did not know everything about the Mandrills.

   The wheelchair-bound Lysa Djerassi answered his question in place of her khan. “Armory Epsilon produces our Masada infantry fighting vehicles and the new Koshi BattleMechs we have begun to trade with the Collection’s permission with the Free World Remnants and the Star League Protectorate, President Able.”

   That answered everything now, for he had heard the other Sea Fox Khanates were not happy at the Steelsoul Khanate for allowing the Mandrills to produce the light BattleMech. “Is All Dawn at danger of being attacked by the Foxes, Khan?”

   Both clan women looked at each other, seemingly in an unspoken conversation, before the new Fire Mandrill khan responded to his question. “Unlikely, for the moment. Knowing the Foxes, they will merely declare a Trial of Possession against my clan for Armory Epsilon itself rather than attack All Dawn full out. Still, if and when they do come calling, my clan is too spread out and weakened to properly protect the factory complex, as it is just not worth risking our enclave on All Dawn.”

   “What can the Collection do to help with this situation Khan?” he asked the Fire Mandrill khan. “It is not as if we are in a position to come to your aid without weakening the Collection’s borders ourselves.”

   “I know that!” yelled out Aemelia as she slammed her fist on his desk that she was leaning on. The motion caused three of Able’s protective detail to check on them. Only after Able waved them off did they leave, closing the door to the room. “Forgive me, President. It is just irritating to be this weak!”

   “Yes it is,” he acknowledged to the clan woman, calming her down. It reminded him of just why she was called the Cat by her people. After allowing the clanner to collect herself, he continued the conversation. “What are our options if and when the Foxes decide to show up, as you delicately put it earlier, Khan?”

   “Fight, President Able. What more can we do?” she answered. By the worn voice of the clanner woman, Jerry knew the woman was tired of having a fight at every turn and yet, he noted her voice still held great conviction in it. It was what interested him the most about the Mandrills and the clans. They just didn’t quit, even when they should, for they were a prideful lot.

   Which brought him back to the situation at present. Allow the far more powerful Foxes to take Armory Epsilon would badly hurt the Mandrills and potentially lead them closer to the Collection or cause them to separate from his nascent nation. Yet stand with the Mandrills and risking the Collection to an attack by the Foxes would cement the alliance with Mandrills far further. It was a gambit that could potentially make or break the Collection at a time where the Collection was only just branching out. A very big risk, to say the least.

   And yet, with the Mandrill Khan here, he knew it meant the Mandrills were desperate. And that gave him options. Perhaps now was the time to both cement the alliance with the Mandrills and further the Collection’s need to rebuild and recolonize the planets nearby? He decided it was.

   “You ask for aid from the Collection and yet, you do not give what the Collection needs,” he admonished to the two clanner women. Waving them down before they could get riled up, he continued. “The Collection has asked your clan time after time after time for assistance with using your large JumpShip fleet, which I hear is nearly all still wasting away over All Dawn and Timbuktu by the way, for help to build our nation’s economy.”  Jerry knew the reason for the Mandrills to be clustered around these worlds; should they need to they could use them to evacuate the Collection. “Where is the promised medical aid? And just as many times, your Mandrills have denied our requests. And yet, here you two are. Whatever should I do, ladies?” He hoped to shame them to finally get them to agree with those two demands.

   “Careful, Able!” Khan Aemelia Showers growled at him. “My warriors are dying for your Collection we came to your aid without hesitation on Caldarium and brought Timbuktu under your control!”  She snapped back “my technicians are helping to rebuild your out of date production lines to match the Lyrans! My clan-“ he cut her off then.

   “Your clan calls for aid, Khan, yes you have helped us but you could do so much more.”  Jerry Able said “I will offer you a solution we will help you counter the threat from the Foxes but we NEED those JumpShips.  And we NEED you to share your medical technology with us.”  With those JumpShips they could improve this nation one hundred times over night; and the medical technology could save thousands.  “I only remind you of that because, at the end of the day, my Collection and your Clan Fire Mandrill need each other, Khan. The Collection and the Mandrills MUST stand together! Or we will end up being destroyed by the threats at our border. I will order the last of our reserves to Caldarium, allowing your clan to rest and refit and be able to defend All Dawn against its enemies, whether they are the Spirits, the dezgra Lyrans, or the honorable Foxes! Think of that when we ask for aid from your clan, Khan. My Collection, as you put it, answered your call for aid. Will the Fire Mandrills answer ours, quiaff?”

   That solves two problems, Jerry thought to himself, it allowed the Rim Guards likely to finally get much needed combat experience and possibly get Congresswoman Megan Hunt off his back.  She'd wanted her own troops to fight for the Collection for months it might cost him votes but it was worth it.  This would allow the battered Clan Fire Mandrill Touman to recollect itself on All Dawn rest, refit and rebuild.  He could see his impromptu speech had shaken the Fire Mandrill Khan, while out of the corner of his eyes, Lysa Djerassi seemed to be holding her breath. He knew he was taking a risk angering the Mandrill khan; but he deemed it a worthy risk.

   Moments passed by, as the Clan warrior in front of him seemed to debate with herself on how to handle Able. Finally she gave her answer with only one word “Aff,” all the while grimacing to herself the Mandrill Khan did not like the idea of her forces retreating; and she wanted revenge against the Stone Spirits for their attacks.

   Able nodded to himself before slowly picking himself up and making his way to his desk. Clicking on the comm he spoke into it “Connie, this is Able. Get me priority HPG contact with Hiberius. I need contact five minutes ago.” All the while, he stared down the Cat, the Crusader Mandrill who now led a clan of largely neutrals who cared not one bit for the traditional Crusader/Warden philosophical split found in the other clans what they did care about was each other and their survival; two things he had just offered the Khan.

   As they waited for HPG contact with Hiberius, homeworld of the Rim Guards, he watched as Aemelia clenched her fists before nodding to him and he responded in kind.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3