Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)  (Read 328080 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #600 on: 20 February 2014, 20:50:40 »
Woah, a lot things happening here!  Is the SHD-X3 Shadow Hawk LAM going to be flyable?  Other bi-mode variants weren't exactly very workable without Air-Mech mode.

Thank you I knew there was something I missed, now sorted (yes it can fly and it can make full use of LAM mobility - modern technology does wonders).
« Last Edit: 21 February 2014, 20:38:35 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #601 on: 21 February 2014, 20:41:34 »
So here comes 3090, time to begin another year.  As always I welcome any comments and I hope you enjoy.


Snow Raven Assault
Kesai VI, Bryceland PDZ
Draconis March, Federated Suns
4th January 3090

   Learning that Burton Davion was threatened and along her border Khan Sterling McKenna, the WarShip Ark Royal, a Conqueror-class Battle-cruiser, and three clusters of Snow Raven warriors traveled to Kesai VI dropping on-top of the Draconis Combine forces.  In a week of combat the Snow Ravens drove off the Draconis Combine Ryuken regiments forcing them off world.  Khan Sterling McKenna orders that the Federated Suns survivors were to receive full medical support and could keep the equipment they still had however any equipment the Ryuken Regiments or Davion Guards had lost in combat would belong to the Ravens.

   After discovering that Kesai VI still had the remains of several SLDF settlements and facilities Sterling McKenna orders the Snow Ravens to maintain their presence on the world officially taking it for Clan Snow Raven despite Burton Davion's protests.  Several days later the Snow Ravens reveal what has happened on Kesai VI to the Federated Suns High Command and return the survivors of the First Davion Guards.  The Snow Ravens also inform the Federated Suns that Kesai VI is now a Snow Raven holding and that they would be wise not to attempt an assault against it.

Border skirmish
New Kyoto, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
10th January 3090

   As the fighting continues on New Kyoto Colonel Angel Bodez commander of the Second McCarron's Armoured Cavalry is killed in combat.  Elizabeth McCarron officially takes command of both units effectively merging the First and Second units into a single command.  As the Marik-Stewart forces are continuing their resistance to the Isle of Skye defenders and mercenaries and have continued to fire on SLDF forces Commanding-Admiral David Natale officially orders the Eridani Light Horse to support the McCarron's Armoured Cavalry.

Marian Hegemony Expansion
14th January 3089

   Surprising each of their neighbours Marian Hegemony Leader Aleksandr Ward announces that the Marian Hegemony has expended its holdings to five newly colonized worlds situated between the Marian Hegemony and the Rim Association.  The world of Johann, Marius, Julius, Sean and Katrina are each named after a former Caesar of the Marian Hegemony and significantly increase the territory of the much depleted periphery realm.

   Each is to be garrisoned by a Battalion of Ward's Hunters to stop anyone being tempted to raiding these new worlds no intelligence agency notices a change in the Marians defences on other worlds indicating newly formed units.  No-one realized that the Marians had the resources or the manpower to garrison these worlds.

Naval Testing Grounds
Asteroid Belt, Sol System
Star League Protectorate
19th January 3090

   Recently launched from the Titan shipyards around Saturn the second WarShip to bare the name SLS Unity City slowly moved into the Sol System's asteroid belt.  Originally launched from the Tamarind Shipyards the vessel a Unity-class Frigate had undergone extensive refit at Titan before being sent to the asteroid belt for testing.

   On the bridge Captain Charlie Norton supervised his crew as they moved into the initial testing position the six hundred thousand ton vessel WarShip easily avoiding the larger asteroids and caring little for the smaller pieces of rock.  For this test only one system aboard the ship would be tested since aquiring the Unity-class vessel the SLDF scientists had refitted the vessel removing the six AR-10 Multi Purpose Capiral Missile Launchers instead placing a new system.

   “Captain we are in position Barracuda Launchers Alpha and Beta armed and loaded” his executive officer Command Carol Moralis reported.

   “Understood Commander open all launch doors” he ordered “Lt Ford pick your targets.”

   “Yes sir” the young dark haired officer reported “weapons stood by and ready to fire.”  He said moments later.

   “Alpha launcher first Lieutenant, fire at will” Norton ordered.  From the port side six Barracuda capital missiles launched from the same launcher targeting six different asteroids.  two of the six asteroids were struck by the Barracuda fire.

   “Mr Ford, I'm going to give you a pass because that was the first salvo however I want better results this time.   Ready Beta Launcher”

   “Standing by on Starboard side Barracuda MCMLS looking for better results this time sir.”  Ford said more confidently.

   “Fire when ready” Norton ordered moments later the second launcher fired this time six missiles exited the starboard side.  Refining the targeting four of the six missiles struck their targets destroying the asteroids creating dozens of smaller shards none that would cause anyone any trouble.  “Mr Ford you are getting better at this.  Helm move us to position Zulu.  Mr Ford final salvo please.”  He said as the Unity City moved over into its second firing position over a larger asteroid.  The Frigate slowly rolled over presenting its Starboard side with a clear line of sight with the asteroid.  “Fire!”  Norton ordered Ford activated the firing controls this time the six missiles were targeted on the single asteroid making a large crater deep within the piece of rock.  “Analysis”

   “Sir, all six missiles it target within twenty-nine metres of target coordinates.  All missiles have exploded as per standard Barracuda detonation.  Approximately total damage equivalent to an light naval autocannon.”  Ford replied “not the most effective weapon against a single target but it does give launch options against multiple targets.”

   “Yes it does, send all your data to the analysts Mr Ford.  Have the gunnery crews check over their equipment and forward their own findings.” Norton said as the Barracuda MCMLS was still an experimental system it would take some time before it was certified for use in combat.

   “You know if they made a version of this weapon with Killer Whales instead of Barracudas this could be a really nasty weapon.”  Ford commented on “mix that with some Santa-Anas...” he whispered thinking of mixing the weapon with nuclear weapons.

   “Keep dreaming Mr Ford” Norton cautioned “first we'll make the Barracuda version work.”

Federated Suns Counter-attack
Federated Suns/Draconis Combine border
23rd January 3090

   Following the attack on Kesai VI House Davion launch a full assault into the Draconis Combine striking out at the worlds of Igualada, Huan, Thestria, Misery, Elidere IV, Bergman's Planet, New Aberdeen and Harrow's Sun.  Led by the Davion Assault Guards and the Robinson Rangers Regiments supported by six mercenary commands and five WarShips the Federated Suns show how seriously they have taken an attack on the heir to the throne.  In orbit over Thestria on the 24th January the Davion forces encounter the WarShip DCS Takashi Kurita, an Omi Kurita-class Super-carrier, the vessel and its fighters blunt the first Davion offensive on the world destroying the FSS Lucian Davion, an Avalon-class Cruiser.  A second strike at the world the world on the 30th January led by the FSS Audacity, a First Prince-class Battleship, supported by the WarShips FSS Latha Paschel, a Congress-class Frigate, and the FSS Stephenson, a Davion III-class Destroyer.  Against the three Davion WarShips the DCS Takashi Kurita has no chance however the crew have been ordered by the Coordinator not to retreat.  Refusing to give up the vessel charged forward even as its aerospace fighters are being destroyed in swaths by the Davion capital ships ramming the Stephenson destroying both craft.

   Following the heavy losses on Thestria the Davion High Command was ready to step back from its offensive however First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion ordered an assault on Matsuida on the 31st January.  Joining the battle along with the First New Avalon Guards RCT and the FSS Pegasus Victor Steiner-Davion shows that if the Draconis Combine wishes to hurt the Federated Suns they will have to go through him, despite his connections and respect for the Draconis Combine's society.

Imperial Palace, Imperial City
New Samarkand, District of Midway
Draconis Combine
25th January 3089

   With Federated Suns overrunning several of their worlds causing death to countless amounts of Draconis Combine citizens Vincent Kurita had little to celebrate as 3090 began.  However as the first month of the new year came to a close a new life brought him some joy.  Duchess Tami Kurita, his wife, gave birth to their first child Akira Kurita the healthy baby boy bringing screams of joy to the halls of the Imperial Palace.
« Last Edit: 21 February 2014, 22:27:46 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #602 on: 22 February 2014, 19:31:13 »
Good to see the Pegasus is still kicking ass and taking names  O0
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #603 on: 16 March 2014, 12:33:54 »
Good to see the Pegasus is still kicking ass and taking names  O0

The Rycon is still MIA though...   ^-^

For anyone interested I noticed a major error in my timeline going forward I'm pretty sure I'm okay with the material thus far but it's ground down work going ahead as I've had to edit out a whole chain of events.  Hoping to get an update shortly.

Also if anyone's interested I have a 'working' JPG Map that shows the state of the Inner Sphere in 3090.  It's too big and too messy to put on the forums but if anyone wants a look I can email it to you as long as your willing to forgive its state.  Send me a PM if interested.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #604 on: 16 March 2014, 18:05:29 »
Border Skirmish
New Kyoto, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
4th February 3090

   Following continued clashes on New Kyoto and the Eridani Light Horses assistance to the McCarron's Armoured Cavalry the Free Worlds League raiders retreat from the system returning it to the worlds defenders.  Linked together by combat rumours persist that Elizabeth McCarron is romantically involved with the Eridani Light Horse executive officer however both units refuse to be drawn on answers about their commanders.

Basecamp, First Royal ComGuard Regimental Brigade
Althena's Choice, Taurian Concordat
8th February 3090

   After nearly two years in the Taurian Concordat the First Royal ComGuard Regimental Brigade the unit prides itself in having two solid years with the Taurian people defending several worlds from aggressive pirate attacks and helping prepare several worlds from future troubles. 

   While preparing to return to the Star League Protectorate Royal ComGuard units prepared to lift from the worlds of Althena's Choice, Dicallus and Charleston.  On Althena's Choice General Peter McGillaray marshaled his First Royal ComGuard Regiment this deployment had gone well.  His unit was blooded in Star League colours but he was proud of their performance on this deployment they had all done very well.  Looking down at the exercise yard he watched as the technical staff loaded munitions and spare parts onto a pair of Prime Movers.  Once everything was loaded onto the DropShips they would have a seven day burn to the jump point to rendezvous with the JumpShip then on into the Federated Suns where they would meet up with the remains of the Brigade off Dicallus and Charleston.  They would also meet up the SLS Truce of Tukayyid, a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser, which had been assigned to the unit for this mission.

   “Sir! Sir!” One of his officers Captain Sebastian Riccardo shouted running towards him “Sir” he repeated “we have incoming signals BattleMechs and Aerospace Fighters unknown markings!”  He said stopping in front of the General.  Moments later one of the perimetre watch towers exploded as a swarm of Long Range Missiles struck the tower knocking McGillaray off his feet.  As the General regained his feet he could see several BattleMechs were approaching the north-west corner of their base each of the Mechs was a Clan design and painted in the dark blue-and-white of Clan Nova Cat.

   “They waited until we were loading the regiment!”  McGillaray snapped angrily “we're going to kill them all Captain, you understand that?”  He asked grabbing the man by the shoulders “we're going to kill them all!”  He said as he released Riccardo's a sniper shot rang out moments later a bullet caught General Peter McGillaray by the side of the head.  The commander of the First Royal ComGuard Regiment fell to the ground immediately he was dead before he hit the ground.  There was a scream but it wasn't from the General instead Sebastian Riccardo was the one looking down at his fallen commander.

   Several hours later the attack had been repulsed with the aggressors destroyed or forced to retreat Colonel Jean-Eric Bottas, McGillaray's executive officer, had taken full command of the Brigade.  Analysis of the wreckage of the enemy Mechs, Battle Armour and Aerospace forces all pointed to Clan Nova Cat being the perpetrator.  Sebastian Riccardo's testimony that McGillaray had ordered them to 'Kill them all' brought great sway with the remains of the regiment.

   Bosting off the planet on schedule the First Royal ComGuard Regiment rendezvoused with their JumpShip and instead of turning towards the Federated Suns the unit headed out into the periphery.  Using the onboard HPGs aboard their JumpShips the First ComGuard Regimental Brigade met in the periphery ignoring their previous recall orders.  Instead Colonel Bottas spoke about McGillaray's final words to make the Nova Cats pay with blood for their attack on Althena's Choice and the pride of the unit, there need to prove themselves.  After several days they agreed with a counter attack plan.

LexaTech Industries
Irece, Irece Prefecture
Military District of Pesht, Draconis Combine
21st February 3090

   With Land Air Mech technology returning to the Free Worlds League through Gilmour MilTech the Draconis Combine choose to add additional investment to their own surviving LAM factory on Irece.  Damaged by Clan Star Adder during the Clan Invasion the Adders had taken little interest in the factory after they ensured it was disabled and not a threat they had moved on.  When Irece had been liberated LexaTech Industries had moved back into the facility fortunately for the company they had been able to repair much of the damage that had been done and had returned to producing the Stinger Land Air Mech.  Unfortunately even with the funding from the Combine Government they had still been restricted to constructing only a few operational Mechs a year with much of the assembly restricted to hand construction.

   Following a successful ISF/DEST operation on Talitha against Gilmour MilTech the Draconis Combine government had enough information to rejuvenate the LexaTech plant.  Buying a larger stake in the company the Combine armed LexaTech with the knowledge taken from Gilmour allowing for upgrades to the factories on Irece to more automation resulting in greater construction capabilities.

   By the end of 3090 LexaTech planned to be able to produce upwards of a Company of STG-A10 Stinger LAMs for the DCMS Regular military and additional of the more advanced STG-A11 which features extended-range lasers and double heat sinks for ISF and DEST operations.

Medical facility
Quantico Island, SLDF Command
Liberty, Star League Protectorate
22nd February 3090

   At the Star League Defence Force facility on Liberty Colonel Andrea Kincaid gives birth to twins, a boy and a girl, Jeremy Kincaid and Nicola Cameron her first children by Bannister Cameron.  The children named in an effort to keep both family lines alive.

Reprisal Strike
Trade Colony, New Aega
Nova Cat's Den
28th February 3090

   Looking for revenge for the attack on Althena's Choice the First Royal ComGuard Regimental Brigade supported by the SLS Truce of Tukayyid, the Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser assigned to its escort, jump into the New Aega system of the Nova Cat's Den.  Unlike other Nova Cat systems New Aega is officially an open system welcoming visitors for trade.  When the SLDF JumpShips and their escorting WarShip the Nova Cat defenders did not immediately react it was a fatal mistake.  Immediately the Truce of Tukayyid opened fire on the Nova Cat's Future Triumph obliterating the Vincent Mk.42-class Corvette in a single salvo.  Turning their Naval Autocannons on several JumpShips the Truce of Tukayyid forced each of the ships to surrender before a single communication is sent.

   Once the JumpShips had been neutralized the Star League Defence Force troops traveled in system landing on New Aega they quickly overwhelm the trade post and destroy the Fourth Nova Cat Regulars Cluster seizing the entire trade colony within an hour of landing.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #605 on: 17 March 2014, 01:19:23 »
For some reason I don't think the Nova Cats are going to like this. }:) O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #606 on: 17 March 2014, 13:36:05 »
For some reason I don't think the Nova Cats are going to like this. }:) O0

for some reason i think this is a false flag operation  >:D


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #607 on: 17 March 2014, 15:49:14 »
for some reason i think this is a false flag operation  >:D

Makes me wonder who has enough Clan tech on hand to pull off such an operation, and who would benefit by having the SL and NC at each other throat?

Methinks the 1st RCG should have checked the bodies of the alleged Clanners before stomping on a hornet's nest without back up.
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #608 on: 18 March 2014, 19:54:14 »
Makes me wonder who has enough Clan tech on hand to pull off such an operation, and who would benefit by having the SL and NC at each other throat?

Great questions wish I had answers for you...  ^-^

Methinks the 1st RCG should have checked the bodies of the alleged Clanners before stomping on a hornet's nest without back up.

Nice shorthand methinks I'm going to need to use that.  1st RCG it is thanks.

Former Free Worlds League
Oriente Protectorate
14th March 3090

   Following a ten times increase in pirate raids against the worlds of the former-Free Worlds League the Oriente Protectorate announces that the worlds of Wisconsin, Yanchep, Kearny and Vikindu would fall under their protection until further notice.  The Oriente Protectorate's leader Captain-General Jonas Halas announces the formation of the Fourth Halas Militia and the hiring of the Pandora's Box Mercenary Battalion to protect these worlds.

Border Skirmish
Menkalinan, Independent World
Former Free Worlds League
25th March 3090

   Following the successful integration of Berenson into the Rousset-Marik Alliance the Ninth Rousset-Marik Militia attempted to also welcome the world of Menkelinan.  Unfortunately other forces appeared to wish for the world to declare loyalties for the Capellan Confederation.  Initially the fight is an irregular one with letter campaigns, organized demonstrations and rioting however when open fighting breaks out Federated hired mercenary command The Arcadians.  A battle-hardened unit The Arcadian's had officially been sent by Capellan March commander Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek to end the fighting on the world and bring stability to the Federated Suns border unofficially Hasek had made it clear that should the world's population choose to join the Federated Suns mercenaries were authorized to drive the Rousset-Marik forces from the planet.  As the unit arrived on planet the Rousset-Marik Militia forces warned them off however they did not engage them Colonel Grieg Parker approached Brigadier Michael Penne, commander of The Arcadians, both sides agreed that it would be up to the population of the world to decide where Menkelinan's future laid The Arcadians commander agreed to keep his mercenaries confined to the capital city and the main spaceport while local militia forces and the Rousset-Marik Militia controlled the rest.

Nova Cat Counter-offensive
New Aega, Nova Cat's Den
29th March 3090

   In response to the First Royal ComGuard Regimental Brigades attack on New Aega Khan Canin Rosse had ordered an immediate response from Nova Cat defences.  While the Nova Cat Irregulars Cluster which was on New Aega had been able to put up some resistance they were not enough to stop the SLDF troopers.  Stepping clear from the Overlord C-class DropShip Star Colonel Wrecken Rosse commander of the Fourth Nova Cat Guards Cluster scanned the sky from his new OmniMech's cockpit.

   This OmniMech was the first in a new line of Nova Cat Medium OmniMechs known as the Wendigo it was based on the Avalanche design captured from the Draconis Combine but this design was built from the ground up with Clan technology.  Wrecken Rosse himself wasn't convinced the Nova Cat's needed the design they had the Shadow Cat and the Huntsman which were the stalwarts of their medium force while the Avalanche, now being produced by the Nova Cats, was serving in the garrison units.  The Wendigo was surplus to their requirements Wrecken had accepted the “honour” of piloting the first OmniMech produced to appease the Khan but in Wrecken Rosse's opinion it was just another symptom of the Nova Cat's inaction the Clan had sat in slumber for too long they needed to act.

   “This is Star Colonel Wrecken Rosse to Star League Defence Force units your decision to attack this world was an error you will not survive.  Currently Nova Cat WarShips are engaging your Black Lion and all your JumpShips have been secured by our forces there will be no escape.”  He said broadcasting to all units within range.  “I call on you to surrender now...” he ordered waiting several moments for a response “so be it.  I bring three further Clusters to this battle the Fourth Nova Cat Guards, the 450th Assault Cluster and the Nova Cat Dragoons each of them will face you in battle.”  He said moving the Wendigo several steps forwards clearing the way for the others of his Cluster to exit the DropShip.  All around Nova Cat DropShips were slowly descending through the air Wrecken Ross had been ordered by Khan Rosse to keep the Star League troops honest but not to assault them directly.  He didn't completely agree with Khan Rosse's decision to leave the SLDF troops active on a Nova Cat world but orders were orders.

   Even as the Nova Cats were leaving their DropShips long range weapons fire filled the air very few of the shots were actually striking Nova Cat units or DropShips but the First RCG Brigade was making it clear  what they thought of the Nova Cat reinforcements.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #609 on: 18 March 2014, 21:02:27 »
The Rycon is still MIA though...   ^-^
I've given you multiple possible configurations for the Rycon, complete with matching back-stories to explain what happened to her; all you need do is pick one.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #610 on: 19 March 2014, 10:07:16 »
I've given you multiple possible configurations for the Rycon, complete with matching back-stories to explain what happened to her; all you need do is pick one.

I have already
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #611 on: 25 March 2014, 17:47:16 »
Grand Council Meeting
City of Andre, Tukayyid
Clan Territory
5th April 3090

   Entering the room Khan of Clan Coyote Carl Heller stepped passed the lower caste announcer immediately the man dressed all in black “Khan of Clan Coyote Carl Heller” he said immediately the eyes of the other Khans transfixed on him Heller did his best not to smile.  Khan Nathan Fetladral nodded towards him the Wolf Khan had kept the Coyote's secret – their survival.  Now a year later the Coyotes were established on five Wolf worlds including their capital Weingarten of the Clans the Ghost Bear Khan, Bjorn Jorgensson, and the Hell's Horses Khan, James Cobb, looked most surprised at the announcement of Clan Coyote.  Heller knew that Khan Fetladral had informed the Sea Fox Khan of the Coyote's survival so the lack of surprise on Hanna Coston's face was not a surprised.  Khan Diane Pryde of the Jade Falcons was trying to look uninterested but Heller could tell she was furious which alone made today a good day.   Meanwhile the Snow Raven Khan made a far better show of their disinterest, which was nothing new for the Clan which had always kept themselves separate from the others, the Nova Cat Khan meanwhile looked distracted no doubt due too the fighting currently continuing on New Aega.  The Nova Cats and Coyotes had little dealings with over the years, more so since the Nova Cat's occupation of the Tortuga Dominions, the Coyote's new place in the Inner Sphere likely meant little to the Nova Cats either way.

   “Now that we are all here please be seated.”  Khan Hanna Coston their host said as each of the Khans sat she raised her arms “welcome to the City of Andrey, named for our Founder's brother, and to these chambers.  There is a place for each of you here and for future Clans should we seek to restore Nicholas Kerensky's dream.”  She explained

   “That dream was for an ilClan, I do not see a new ilKhan nor one Clan leading all others.”  Diana Pryde pointed out.

   “The dream was for a unified Clan society.  We have lost this with the loss of Strana Mechty and of the Council Chambers there.”

   “We have not lost Strana Mechty...!”  James Cobb snapped angrily a Galaxy of Hell's Horses troops were unaccounted for in the Homeworlds as were a Galaxy of Jade Falcons.

   “Does any Clan here hold territory there?”  Diane Pryde asked quietly “the Homeworlds are lost to us.”  She said dryly typing several of the buttons on the table in front of her “this video was recorded by the last Jade Falcon BattleMech to leave Ironhold six months ago.”  She said the screen showed the external view from a BattleMech cockpit under heavy fire from multiple directions against the Mech there was images of Steel Viper, Star Adder and Cloud Cobra BattleMech each working together to hem in the Jade Falcons.  A Turkina OmniMech exploded a couple of hundred metres away from the DropShip as it backed away from several enemy Mechs.  “We have moved to the Inner Sphere, we have left the past behind us, this is our future.”  She said looking around “Hanna Coston I applaud your Clan's efforts.”

   “It is the efforts of all our Clans that is important” Carl Heller said “it is important to the survival of our Founders dream and of our own.”

   “An interesting thing to say for a Clan we thought was dead.”  Bjorn Jorgensson said

   “Aff” Carl Heller said “my Clan has gone through many changes.”

   “And it will go through many more” Canin Rosse said “we are the Clans.  This room, this place, feels like it is part of our Clans and part of the Founder's vision.”

   “Each of your Clans are invited to send civilians, traders and scientists to this world.”  Hanna Coston said “a new Ebon Guard will be formed at a full Galaxy in strength.  Again I invite each of you to send warriors to test into its ranks.  The Ebon Guard will defend this world from external attack, internal fighting that threatens the safety of this world or its people and the Disease Research Facility our Clans have already constructed here.”

   “Who will rule this world when we are not here?  Each of us has our own territory to be concerned with we cannot be expected to rule this world independently of our own people.”  Canin Rosse pointed out, it wouldn't even be possible for them to rule the world one at a time since the travel distance between Tukayyid and all the Clan realms varied greatly.

   “A new Clan Loremaster will need to be elected they will oversee the administration of Tukayyid and command over the Ebon Guard.” Hana Coston said.

   “I nominate Clan Jade Falcon Loremaster Bryan Pryde” Diana Pryde immediately said without a thought.  For several moments she waited for a second however there was not one.

   “Khan Pryde, none of us will support another Jade Falcon Loremaster the shadow of Kael Pershaw is still too great”  Khan Nathan Fetladral explained.

   “I nominate the Hell's Horses Loremaster Chin Cooper for this position.”  Carl Heller said

   “I will second it” Nathan Fetladral said.  Around the table the other Khans each agreed with the nomination none were all that interested in having one of their own administering Tukayyid, the world had too many memories for most of the Clans, perhaps in time the place would have more to offer the Clans.

Peace Negotiation
Nova Cat Embassy, Avalon City
Crucis March, Federated Suns
8th April 3090

   With the fighting on New Aega Clan Nova Cat had increased its defences around its embassy in New Avalon with Elementals in full Battle Armour standing on guard at all entrance points.  It had been reported that at their base on the New Scotland continent the Nova Cats had deployed OmniMechs to defend their firebase.

   The SLDF diplomatic car drove up to the gates an SLDF flag on one side of the car while a white flag of non-agression flew on the other side.  The Elementals stepped to one side allowing the car entry.  After the car had passed the main gates closed again ceiling the Nova Cat enclave off.  The car stopped in front of the embassy's main doors and its drivers, dressed in all black suits stepped out under the watchful gaze of yet more armoured Elementals.  From the rear of the car stepped an oriental woman dressed in a gold lined cream dress her dark hair tied up showing off her beautiful skin.  She moved slowly up the steps into the main embassy with the two drivers behind her as escort.  Both Elementals stepped aside to allow her entry inside she was met by a man and a woman both wearing the Clan Nova Cat dress uniform, a black jumpsuit with pattered leather shoulder pads.  “Welcome Duchess Allard-Liao” the male said welcoming her “I am Star Colonel Grayson of Clan Nova Cat, this is Star Commander Sonja, we will be representing Clan Nova Cat.”

   “Thank you for the welcome, If I may ask what is the reason for the armoured Elementals?  Our belief was that the Federated Suns and Clan Nova Cat had a peaceful relationship.”  She left out that the Federated Suns had explicitly requested that the Nova Cats did not have BattleMechs and Elementals within Avalon City, something the Nova Cats had recently chosen to ignore three times.

   “You can never be too safe” Sonja replied.

   “We should go this way” Grayson said stepping into a side room Vanessa followed closely with Sonja entering the room last.  Melissa's two guards took up positions at the doors as the two Nova Cats and Vanessa took their seats.

   “I have been asked by the Star League Defence Force High Command as an independent intermediary to negotiate the safe release of the First Royal ComGuard Brigade from your custody”  Melissa began.

   “We have no idea what you are on about” Sonja replied defensively.

   “The First Royal ComGuards Brigade were the unit that attacked your colony world of New Aega after Nova Cat forces raided Althea's Choice.

   “We raided!” Sonja shouted angrily “we did nothing of the sort!  We do not need to listen to Inner Sphere lies.”  She said turning to head for the door.

   “Sonja, sit down and be quiet.” Grayson said firmly although he was superior in rank to her there seemed to be something else between them.  Sonja appeared to be younger than Grayson but both were warriors battle hardened through life in the Nova Cat Clan so their ages were hard for Melissa to gauge but she guessed they were both in their mid-twenties.  “Duchess, Clan Nova Cat has no knowledge of any attack on any territory outside of those we have claimed as our own.”

   “Then how do you explain the attack on Althea's Choice?” Melissa asked interrupting “they wore Nova Cat uniforms and had Clan BattleMechs and Vehicles.”

   “That is beyond our power to answer” Grayson admitted “as for the Royal ComGuard Brigade neither they or the SLS Truce of Tukayyid are in our possession.  Both have so far resisted and avoided out capture.”

        “Then would we be able to negotiate for their safe passage off New Aega, with our greatest apology?”

   “Neg” Sonja answered “if they wish to leave they still have their DropShips and their have their weapons they can fight their way free.”

   “We do not wish to antagonize your Clan further.”  Melissa said

   “Unfortunately that has already occurred” Sonja said bluntly raising from her chair a second time walking from the room.  This time Grayson did not try to stop her.

   “How can we end this peacefully?”  Melissa asked

   “Duchess, I do not believe that this is a time for peace.  Our Clansmen feel our Clan has been in slumber too long.  To survive we must expand, we must fight like true Clansmen.  I do not believe my father agrees with this but there may be little that even he can do to stop this now.  The First RCG Brigade will have to keep themselves alive for now.”

   “But the SLDF do not wish to continue this fight.  It was a rash decision by a unit angry that they had been ambushed on Althea's Choice.”  Melissa stressed Grayson nodded his agreement understanding her.

   “In the same position I could see a Nova Cat unit making similar choices unfortunately this is currently what we are left with your unit will remain on New Aega until they can fight their way clear of that world.  After this meeting we will be closing this embassy and moving to our New Scotland Firebase.”

   “You are cutting off diplomatic relations?”

   “Neg, we are moving to more appropriate surroundings.  From this meeting forward Duchess Melissa” he said dropping her surnames as he raised to his feet “you will be negotiating with a Clan which is at a state of war.”  He said moving towards the door “I am sorry we could not have spoken longer.”  He added glancing back to her.

   “As am I Galaxy Commander, I am sorry this did not go better.”  She said moving towards the doors “I hope that this course of action is not the undoing of your Clan.  Then without further words Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao made her way from the embassy returning to her vehicle.  Soon after she had left the Nova Cats completely abandoned the embassy and its grounds locking down the facility so others could not access the compound and its buildings without destroying it.  Travelling across New Avalon they retreated within their fire base without further words to the local AFFS Garrison.
Nuclear Incident
Menkalinan, Independent World
Former-Free Worlds League
22nd April 3090

   The tense truce on Menkalinan between the Ninth Rousset-Marik Militia, The Arcadians Mercenary Regiment and the local militia forces is shattered by the detonation of a nuclear weapon which wipes out the planetary governor, most of the ruling council, the entire planetary militia forces and sixteen thousand civilians.  The detonation confuses everyone on the world the Rousset-Marik Militia commander Colonel Sherlock Bainz declares the world for the Rousset-Marik Alliance however The Arcadians disagree stating that recent communications between the local government and the mercenaries had indicated they would prefer to join the Federated Suns.  Fighting breaks out between Arcadian infantry and infantry of the Rousset-Marik Militia as the two sides try to help the local population counter the devastation caused by the nuclear detonation.

Taurian Reinforcements
New Aega, Nova Cat's Den
28th April 3090

   On the orders of Baron Cham Kithrong the Taurian Nomads and the Taurian Renegades Regiments launch an assault against New Aega in support of SLDF operations.  Arriving at a pirate point identified by SLDF Intelligence the Taurian's Star Lord-class JumpShip attempts to avoid Nova Cat WarShips.  Although the JumpShip is successful in delivering the DropShips and escaping without damage the Taurian DropShips are immediately attacked by Nova Cat aerospace fighters as they enter the atmosphere.  A Taurian Intruder-class DropShip is hit by weapons fire and loses control during re-entry the three thousand ton spheroid disintegrates over the New Aega skies as the ship is lost with all hands.  The remaining DropShips make landings near the occupied trade colony and quickly move to join the SLDF troops who have dug in around the Nova Cat facility.

   With Khan Canin Rosse out of the Nova Cat's Den on Tukayyid saKhan Michael Drummond takes personal command of the Nova Cat forces on New Aega.  Landing with his Vision Keshik he orders the Nova Cats to cease going easy on the SLDF troops seeing the Taurian reinforcements as a direct indication that the SLDF force had established an invasion beachhead.  Intending on pushing the invaders from their foothold the Nova Cat clusters on planet increase their attacks on the 1st RCG Brigade and their Taurian allies.
« Last Edit: 03 May 2014, 08:59:02 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #612 on: 25 March 2014, 19:24:42 »
Huh, the Taurians and the SLDF fighting miracles ever cease?  :o
Made by HikageMaru


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #613 on: 26 March 2014, 00:48:32 »
Taurians and SLDF and Nova Cats, now let the fun begin.
Who will kill who. >:D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #614 on: 26 March 2014, 02:00:28 »
I've been frantically catching up with this and its bloody superb!  Rational Inner Sphere and Clans are rational!  Is there a fully written up version somewhere that can be downloaded?  I'd love to print this out and read it when i'm on night shift next week.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #615 on: 26 March 2014, 23:15:32 »
Huh, the Taurians and the SLDF fighting miracles ever cease?  :o

Taurians and SLDF and Nova Cats, now let the fun begin.
Who will kill who. >:D

Strange bedfellows but the reasons... will become clear in time

I've been frantically catching up with this and its bloody superb!  Rational Inner Sphere and Clans are rational!  Is there a fully written up version somewhere that can be downloaded?  I'd love to print this out and read it when i'm on night shift next week.

Only really on the forums I have a full version written up on an Open Office document but it currently goes over 1300 pages  :o (addictions come in many forms) it also goes far into the future of where the timeline currently is which I'm currently clearing through and making slight adjustments to as I noticed a couple of bits my younger self wrote which I now currently don't like.

I've also got a working map.  Unfortunately it's not the tidiest of creations as I have been editing it for a long time but if anyone wishes an upto date map PM me with your Email and I can send you a copy.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #616 on: 26 March 2014, 23:21:09 »
Without delay we reach May, hope you enjoy what happens...  small note I didn't write all this myself James Tanaga assisted greatly with the direction the Fire Mandrills are heading - I originally had written them off but they now have a place due to the efforts made.

Planetary Conflict
Menkalinan, Independent World
Former Free Worlds League
4th May 3090

   With the fighting between The Arcadians and the Ninth Rousset-Marik Militia on Menkalinan getting out of control Colonel Carmen Lakewood, commander of the Fifth Royal Battle Armour Corps on New Canton, orders the deployment of the the Thirtieth, Thirty-First and Thirty-Second Royal Battle Armour Battalions as a peacekeeping force.  Formed as the Third Royal Battle Armour Regiment under the command of Colonel Karen Middleton the unit is ordered ensure fighting does not continue within urban areas and to assist with clean up operations of the recent nuclear detonation on the world.

   Making a quick jump from New Canton to a pirate point within the Menkalinan system The Thirty-second Royal Battle Armour Battalion of the Third Royal lands in public view of the population and of the two fighting units.  Announced as a peacekeeping force Major Nicola Wittburn, commander of the Thirty-Second Royal Battle Armour Battalion, she calls on the units fighting over the city to fall back.  Two days later as fighting continues all over the planet and in urban areas Colonel Karen Middleton lands her remaining two Battalions in the rear areas of the Rousset-Marik Militia and The Arcadians.  The two Battle Armour Battalions disrupt both sides attack forces causing them both to fall back.  Colonel Middleton informs both sides that should they continue to conduct combat operations then they would be considered hostile to the SLDF.  Both sides agree to a cease fire that would allow the planet's population to recover from the nuclear detonation and the fighting.

   On the 19th May following an extended cease fire the interim planetary government announces they would be seeking membership in the Star League Protectorate and that they would be calling for a permanent SLDF garrison.  Colonel Karen Middleton announces that the Third Royal Battle Armour Regiment will stand by the government's decision and fight off any threat to these wishes, be they foreign or domestic.  She gives both the Ninth Rousset-Marik Militia and The Arcadians Regiments until the end of May to remove their troops and equipment from the planet.

Invasion of All Dawn
Rim Collection
8th May 3090

   Star Colonel Aemelia patiently sat in her Great Wyrm, anticipating the coming battle. For the last two weeks, the Sea Fox traders had gathered the needed Intel on All Dawn’s defenses while she planned the upcoming operation. Her selection as mission commander by Kindraa Leader Cassandra Faraday was a shock to her Fire Mandrill brethren, though not to her. It made sense, she thought, for she was the lone member of the Mandrills to have participated in the Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere decades earlier as a member of Clan Smoke Jaguar.

   That last thought brought a grimace to her face. Nearly thirty years ago, she was left behind on a planet and forced to survive on her own when the Smoke Jaguars retreated from the Inner Sphere. For two years, she survived on her own, with just her Great Wyrm for company as she kept away from the population centers and the Inner Sphere mercenaries guarding them. Then, wanting to return to Clan Space, she undertook Trials of Possessions to return to Clan Space, eventually returning with one of the reborn SLDF units. Once home she finally accepted what she had refused until then to accept. Clan Smoke Jaguar was indeed dead. While she readied herself to commit seppuku, she was found by members of Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga who had heard of her escape from the Inner Sphere and had come looking for her. That day, she became a reluctant Fire Mandrill warrior.

   For the last twenty-five years, Aemelia long kept to herself. Many within Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga were confused by her refusal many a time to compete for a bloodname. She knew the truth though. She was an utter failure of a Smoke Jaguar and should have died in the Inner Sphere, should have kept fighting even when it was only her and her BattleMech remaining. Her survival, a betrayal of everything her former clan stood for, only heightened that belief. In surkei, she had refused a blood legacy refused to allow her genes to be used to birth future traitors into the Clan's ranks.  She was thrown out of her thoughts. “One minute to landing. Repeat: One minute to landing,” a voice called out in her earphones.

   “Aff,” the old warrior answered back. Switching channels, she spoke. “One minute to landing. Are you monkeys ready?” As the warriors in her supernova answered back, some with some rather colorful epithets, she couldn’t help but smirk. Calling a Fire Mandrill a monkey was suicide to those outside the clan the members of Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga had long grown used to her humor though and seemed to thrive on her words. That didn’t mean she was not looking at a few Trials of Grievances when this battle was over. Alone in the BattleMech's cockpit she allowed herself a small feral smile the Jaguar spirit still burned within her. When the monkeys figure out she did this on purpose just for the Trials of Grievances, she knew she was going to pay for it. Now, though, she couldn’t care less.

   “We still going with this dezgra plan of yours Jaguar,” asked one of her nova mates.

   “Aff,” she answered back, not the least put out by that nickname many have for her. “It is the only way to minimize casualties, on both sides.” She knew full well her mission. Her forces were charged with the capture of the planet’s spaceport and its HPG station and the SLDF personnel with as few casualties as possible. Though the HPG was operated by the SLDF Department of Communications, a mercenary crew of fourteen medium and heavy BattleMechs called Kirk’s Devil Dogs was contracted with protecting it. Unfortunately, that meant they too were technically SLDF personnel and had to be treated as such. For that reason, she had been given strict orders to minimize their casualties if at all possible.

   As she felt the DropShip land, she spoke into her radio. “Alright monkeys. Remember. No killing the Sea Foxes they are as close to an ally as we may have in this region."  If allies were even possible after the troubles in the Homeworlds.  "And try not to kill the dezgra mercenaries.” She said nearly as an afterthought, she could see in her scopes the DropShip doors opening slowly, she led her warriors out.

   On the tarmac, she could see two mercenary Mechs, a Panther and a Phoenix Hawk, standing at attention besides a car with military flags and black utility vehicles. Zooming in on the car, she could see two Sea Fox merchants and a pair of Elementals in Battle Armour beside a man that, if she remembered correctly, was Governor Von Hauss.  Zooming out, she saw roughly twenty men and women standing in front of him in two signal file lines and some personnel manning some sort of communication instruments. Must be members of All Dawn’s militia forces, she thought.

   At this, her feral smile broadened. The Sex Fox Star Captain had ensured her that he and his senior merchant had managed to trick this Governor Von Hauss into thinking a Sea Fox Khanate wanted to establish an enclave on the planet. She was skeptical of the merchant clansmen, but seeing was believing, she knew that Loremaster Faraday had promised the Sea Foxes access to any and all Rim Worlds caches the Kindraa discovered in the region from now and for the next fifty years hardly a partly price.

   As she stopped her Great Wyrm about a hundred meters away from the two Mercenary Mechs, she aimed her full complement of weapons at the Phoenix Hawk. Just as the governor stepped into a full salute, she fired a full alpha strike of lasers and pulse lasers at the Mech in a surprise attack. Everything within her screamed at this attacking being wrong but it had to be this way together with the Mechs in her supernova, she quickly crippled both old Mechs. As both Mechs fell, she looked towards the ground and could see her Elementals marching in around the Governor and his honor guard no-one was fighting which pleased her the plan had worked.  Looking more closely she saw the two Clan Sea Fox Elementals stood their weapons raised at the Governor and his aides the Sea Foxes had done their part too.

   “Get them lined up on the ground. Star Commander Brian, assign a point to watch over them. Quiaff?” Not waiting for an acknowledgment, she switched frequencies. “The stravag governor is in custody. Specialist Trinaries commence phase two.” Looking at the ground, she could see the Sea Fox star captain give her a thumb’s up, signifying his personnel now controlled the air tower. One less obstacle to worry about, she thought.

   She quickly led her supernova into the city while the Third Battle Cluster landed.  She and her warriors were heading to the primary base the mercenaries used when a voice called on her speakers. “Tau Echo Two here. The base is under our control.  HPG secured.”

   That was fast, she thought. “Tau Echo Two confirm the last.”

   “We captured the base with no casualties. Eight Mechs, repeat eight Mechs are out of the fight. Also captured are techs and most of the pilots. Be advised, techs report they are not, repeat not, part of the mercenary force.  All SLDF personnel have put up no resistance.”

    “Roger. Sending Beta Nova over to you.” After sending Beta Nova to strengthen the star of Elementals, she switched over to the radio frequency used by the mercenaries. “Attention remaining mercenary elements. This is Star Colonel Aemelia of Clan Fire Mandrill. Governor Von Hauss has been captured, as have most of your comrades and the HPG. Surrender now or be destroyed. This is your only warning.” She didn’t have to wait long, for the remaining four Mechs were already under heavy fire from a trinary of Fire Mandrill aerospace forces.

   With their beachhead established the rest of Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga began their landings Loremaster Cassandra Faraday continued to defer to Aemelia's command of the invasion allowing her to direct the conquest.  It took the warriors of Faraday-Tanaga another two weeks to put down all the resistance on the world however as the Clansmen allowed the locals to continue their own lives mostly unmolested the people of All Dawn accepted their presence.  At the Nadir and Zenith points the Kindraa's WarShips interdicted any Civilian trade JumpShips further increasing the Kindraa's pool of transport vessels while keeping the Fire Mandrill presence a secret.

   With this concealed presence the Fire Mandrills were able to land their civilians onto the world of All Dawn occupying one of the old abandoned Rim Worlds Republic settlements.  The buildings were hardly perfect but they were a true second start for the people of Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga.  Crucially they also kept the Clan population separate from the local population preserving both cultures.  Standing in what was now her new office and home Loremaster Cassandra Faraday wondered how her people would maintain their culture so far from the worlds they were born she did not know where next to go but she was determined to make it happen.

Negotiations, St Ives Compact Embassy
Avalon City, Crucis March
Federated Suns
14th May 3090

   The Embassy of the St Ives Compact was not used as often today as it once was during the time of Melissa Allard-Liao's grandparents the Embassy was like a home away from home for the St Ives's leaders.  During her father's time the Embassy had been used occasionally but had mainly been maintained by the diplomatic staff today and for the last two months it had been like another home for Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao.

   Today the Embassy played host to a foreign visitor for the first time in years the Embassy was being used for an official function with the visit of Star Colonel Grayson Nova Cat.  Officially they were meeting to try and resolve the issues between the Nova Cats, the SLDF and the Taurian Concordat instead they'd ended up speaking more about each other.  Melissa had convinced herself that the more she knew about the Nova Cats the better she would be able to resolve the conflict.  “So you're a freeborn warrior?”  She asked reaching for her glass of St Ives Royal Wine she had imported for the Embassy she was surprised a freeborn had been given such a position on New Avalon.

   “Aff” he answered trying to ignore her contraction as he studied his own glass of wine.  It was a strange tasting drink but as his Khan, his father, had instructed him before this assignment he was sampling Inner Sphere society.

   “Is it not strange for a freeborn to raise to such a rank and a position in the Clan world.”

   “The 'Clan World'” Grayson repeated amused at the terminology.  “In some Clans freeborn warriors have no limits on their rank.  It is the warriors capability that determines where and how high they can raise.  Since the Clan's return to the Inner Sphere such practice has become far more common.”  He said thinking of Phelan Kell nee Ward, Diana Pryde and Ragnar Magnesson as prime examples each was a freeborn that had risen to leadership positions within different Clans through various means.  Grayson hoped that some day he would raise to such a position, but first he needed to win a bloodname, unfortunately so far the Clan Council had so far refused either him or his sister Sonja a Trial of Bloodright  although they had not forbidden them either.  “I also had more motivation than many to succeed.”  He explained

   “How so?”  She asked moving her finger around the rim of her glass.

   “My father is an important warrior, my mother is part warrior, part explorer and part administrator...”

   “Sounds like quite a woman” Melissa admitted.

   “She is” Grayson admitted he wondered if Melissa knew his heritage, he wondered if many within the Federated Suns knew.  Grayson's mother was Yvonne sister to Victor Steiner-Davion First Prince of the Federated Suns he knew in some circles of Inner Sphere society that would make him a challenger, or a threat, to Prince Burton Davion for the right to lead the Federated Suns.  It was something the Watch had cautioned both he and Sonja on before they came to the Federated Suns and something he was keenly aware of, even tonight, he represented his Clan at all times.

   “So is it true that...” she said pausing wrinkling her nose slightly as she thought for the words “that Clan warriors care nothing for relationships or love just combat?”  She asked glancing away Grayson laughed immediately covering his own thoughts before noticing she looked annoyed at his response.

   “I apologies” he said reaching over to touch her hand before pulling his hand away “I am a product of one of those relationships” he explained “my father despite his position within our Clan loves my mother.  Everyone knows that within the Nova Cats” he said, he left out that few outside the Nova Cats were aware of Canin Rosse and Yvonne's true relationship or at least they didn't flaunt it.  “I know about these things, I feel those emotions, just like any other man.”

   “Perhaps we should move to one of the study rooms, they are more comfortable?”  She suggested raising Grayson rose instantly from his chair immediately ready to move.  “Relax Star Colonel the enemy Cluster is resting at the moment” she said laughing Grayson joined her in what he assumed was a polite laugh.  He had left out that although he understood what love was he had little experience with it.

   Melissa quickly led him to the study area it was an extravagant waste in Grayson's opinion with wooden paneling along the walls, thick curtains, several book cases packed with paper books that had likely never been read a roaring fire provided all the light for the room while a single brown leather sofa sat in the middle of a deep green carpet.  Either side of the sofa was a glass table no doubt for the books that whoever was “studying” in the room.  “Impressive” he lied glancing around the room.

   “I always thought it was an underused waste, when I was a child I suggested to my father that he should tear it all out and replace it with a Mech simulator.”  She said sitting down on the sofa pulling her legs up under her.

   “Kai Allard-Liao hardly needed a simulator his exploits in the cockpit were well known throughout his life.”  He said glancing around the room seeing only the entrance they had come in.

   “I didn't want them for him, I wanted it for me.”  She said smirking he could see the look in her eyes that what she had said was truthful.

   “And what do you pilot?”  He said trying to keep this meeting focused on business.

   “I have piloted many BattleMechs in my time” she said “my father's Centurion once or twice when I was younger but primarily I have used a Men Shen OmniMech.”

   “A Capellan design” Grayson pointed out placing his glass down on a table the wine was too sweet for his tastes.

   “And what of it?”  Melissa demanded placing her glass on the table beside her “a Mech is a Mech” she said grasping Grayson's hands with her own “in the hands of the right warrior it is a killing tool like no other man has ever created.”  She said continuing to hold his hands

   “Hands can also be used for building” Grayson said turning his own so his fingers matched hers “and many other things” he said looking straight into her eyes.

   “Many other things” she repeated together they reached forwards with their hands, their bodies and hearts each grasping at the other for companionship and company.  Together in the room they were undisturbed by anyone else within the Embassy although most must have known what they were doing.  Their bodies interlocked in love and lust they slept on the sofa not moving as the flames of the fire died out their bodies spent.

   In the morning their professional hats returned no agreement had been made regarding the fighting on New Aega but a connection that was not there before had been made.  Grayson bid Melissa a polite goodbye before returning to the Nova Cat base on the New Scotland continent leaving the St Ives Duchess to her own thoughts.

State Expansion
Former Free Worlds League
19th May 3090

   Since the break-up of the united Free Worlds League a small corridor of nine independent planets had existed between the Rousset-Marik Alliance, The Oriente Protectorate and the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth.  These worlds had been in no mans land within none of the three states staking a claim on them and the worlds befitting from the increase trade from the nations around them.  This arrangement was shattered by the Rousset-Marik Alliance moving onto Bernardo, Ibstock and Holt.  Officially this is due to increased amounts of Capellan raiding on those three worlds in recent weeks, raiding that neither The Oriente Protectorate or Marik-Stewart Commonwealth had seen any evidence.

   In an effort to maintain border security The Oriente Protectorate moved troops onto the worlds of Ling, Gomelsa, Sorunda and Lungdo.  While the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth moved to secure Asellus Borealis and Asellus Australis again in the name of border security.  Because all of these worlds had enjoyed trade and defence from each of their surrounding nations on several of them there was economic, social and defence changes causing severe friction with their new owners.  On the worlds of Holt and Sorunda especially so bad were the riots and problems that the Rousset-Marik Alliance and The Oriente Protectorate were forced to declare martial law on both worlds to put down the riots with military troops.  Word of these crackdowns leaked back to the other nations of the former-Free Worlds League leading to several military operations being launched between the former Free Worlds League states although none become full blown incidents the raised tensions in the area do not go unnoticed by the neighbours of the Free Worlds League.

Dominion Terminal One
Rasalhague, Rasalhague District
Rasalhague Dominion
26th May 3090

   Recently returned to the Rasalhague Dominion capital from Tukayyid Khan Bjorn Jorgensson was even more focused on getting back to Rasalhague Dominion based achievements the Sea Fox Clan could be pleased with their endeavors but so were the Ghost Bears of the Rasalhague Dominion.  In an effort to build up his nation's sense of achievement Khan Bjorn Jorgensson called a Clan Council onboard the Ghost Bears most recent addition a Dominion Terminal space station based at the Nadir Point of the Rasalhague system.  At 1.75 million tons the Terminal was on the large scale of space stations produced by anyone covered in thick armour with multiple weapons the station was an important part of the system's defence however it also served as a way point and repair facility for cargo DropShips and a recharge station for WarShips and JumpShips.

   “This station is the future of the Rasalhague Dominion” Bjorn Jorgensson explained standing on one of the ten massive gravity decks that ringed the station “with them we will be able to defend our systems without the need for having WarShips in each system.  The first and in most cases battles in a system will be on board one of these stations.”

   “Even given the firepower of this station it cannot hold off a dedicated assault force.”  One called out.

   “Neg it cannot, but it can delay an invasion force long enough for defenders to react instead of our civilians paying for the cost of invasion.”  He rebutted.

   “Until one is lost then we will all have to pay the cost” another said

   “Only a dedicated assault or nuclear weapons would destroy one of these stations.  Even the Draconis Combine are not stupid enough to employ nuclear weapons against us.”  Jorgensson pointed out becoming annoyed at the Council's obvious opposition.  “These stations will not just be places of defence.  With their energy banks these stations can facilitate rapid movements of our JumpShips and WarShips, if you will imagine these stations could form a visible spine of our nation, rapid movement of ships and trade can only bring economic benefits.”  He said few could argue with that the idea of moving supplies from one side of the Rasalhague Dominion to the other in days instead of weeks using single JumpShips as transport instead of multiple vessels was not something many could ignore.

   “Constructing these stations means that our JumpShip, WarShip and ground force production will fall.”  Ragnar Magnesson the saKhan pointed out loudly, a lot louder than he needed to than just for the Khan to hear, Jorgensson allowed him to continue “however I believe it is something that we Ghost Bears can endure.  Our Clan is proud of our commitments to each other, our feeling of family, these stations will defend our Clan, they will support our Clan and they will bring our Clan closer together.  I cannot see any reason why anyone would oppose them.”  He said allowing his points to sink in before speaking again “I will also answer all Trials of Refusal regarding plans of their deployment – Personally.”  Everyone knew of Ragnar's capabilities in a Mech cockpit there were no further complaints as the saKhan retook his seat.

   “Our next station will be constructed in the Radlje system” Bjorn Jorgensson announced “Dominion Terminal Two will be online by mid 3094.  From there we will move to Predlitz and so on until our nation is linked Rasalhague to Orestes, our nation will be one.”  Despite the Ghost Bear Khan's predictions and deep seated belief in the project following the meeting the Ghost Bear Labourer castes confirmed they expected the project of uniting the District Capitals of the Rasalhague Dominion to take 40-50 years assuming the project continues without delays or conflict problems.
« Last Edit: 03 May 2014, 09:05:55 by Dragon Cat »
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #617 on: 27 March 2014, 06:59:00 »
Nice writing Dragon Cat, do you have stats for your Dominion Terminals?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #618 on: 27 March 2014, 22:33:43 »
Nice writing Dragon Cat, do you have stats for your Dominion Terminals?

Thanks, in an answer working on it.  The initial design I got off the forum a long time ago - thanks to whoever designed it  O0 my apologies forgetting who :-[ I've long decided that it wasn't completely what I wanted but a very good start.

With a little help I'm hopefully going to have the design ready for viewing within the next few days.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #619 on: 28 March 2014, 06:05:11 »
Thanks, in an answer working on it.  The initial design I got off the forum a long time ago - thanks to whoever designed it  O0 my apologies forgetting who :-[ I've long decided that it wasn't completely what I wanted but a very good start.

With a little help I'm hopefully going to have the design ready for viewing within the next few days.
Well you could use M9 Battle Station as basis for it if you really want cut corners getting your fully functional and operational Dominion Terminal built.  Give it the Motto Dominion Terminal - Destination, Annilihation...  [brew]
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #620 on: 28 March 2014, 09:28:55 »
I'm sure the bears could rebuild a M9, add more stuff to it in the space formerly taken by the drone controllers and computer systems. Also I'm supprised the McKenna's Pride has not turned up, I can't remember what happened to her in the WotR, if I recall she survived and is still over Strana Mechty, but that could be me getting ships mixed up.  If she made her way to Wolf space with the body of Kerensky onboard it would be a huge publicity coup for the Wolves.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #621 on: 28 March 2014, 14:14:15 »
Would be more a coup for the Inner Sphere clans then specifically Clan Wolf, since the battleship is staffed by all the clans rather then just Clan Wolf.

James Tanaga

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #622 on: 28 March 2014, 17:46:24 »
Well you could use M9 Battle Station as basis for it if you really want cut corners getting your fully functional and operational Dominion Terminal built.  Give it the Motto Dominion Terminal - Destination, Annilihation...  [brew]

The Dominion Terminal in the flesh

I'm sure the bears could rebuild a M9, add more stuff to it in the space formerly taken by the drone controllers and computer systems. Also I'm supprised the McKenna's Pride has not turned up, I can't remember what happened to her in the WotR, if I recall she survived and is still over Strana Mechty, but that could be me getting ships mixed up.  If she made her way to Wolf space with the body of Kerensky onboard it would be a huge publicity coup for the Wolves.

In canon she did survive and ended up back over Strana Mechty.  In this timeline she's MIA along with the Prinz Eugen.

Would be more a coup for the Inner Sphere clans then specifically Clan Wolf, since the battleship is staffed by all the clans rather then just Clan Wolf.

James Tanaga

It was last known to be crewed as canon with members of all active Clans.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #623 on: 28 March 2014, 19:39:20 »
Nova Cat Fire-base
New Scotland, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
8th June 3090

   Deep within the Nova Cat Fire-base on New Avalon Star Colonel Grayson looked over reports sent from the Nova Cat Watch that pointed to a build up of SLDF units within the Federated Suns.  The remains of the Second Star League Defence Force Division, composed of the Fourth Sirian Regimental Brigade,  Second Sirian Regimental Brigade and the Third Sirian Regimental Brigade had all been assigned to forward positions as had three SLDF WarShips.  These assignments made perfect sense as the Royal ComGuard Regimental Brigade belonged to the Second Division.  None were within striking range of the Nova Cat's Den however the build up was worrying.

   The doors opened and Star Commander Sonja entered “Star Colonel” she said approaching the planning table saluting.

   “Star Commander” he replied equally as formally.  Her visit was obviously a professional one instead of his sister.

   “Sir, I have been reassigned to New Barcella” she said he nodded he had seen her newest orders.  “I wished to know if you needed anything further from me before I left?”

   “Neg, Star Commander, I have everything in hand.”

   “I wished to confirm that we knew where we stood with our negotiating position, Quiaff?”  She asked pushing him.

   “Aff, there is nothing between us and our negotiators.  We are an innocent party in this situation however if they attempt to push us Clan Nova Cat will retaliate with its full force.”  He said grimly Clan Nova Cat was willing, if required, to engage in a full conflict with the SLDF and beyond.

   “I wished to make sure there was not something between you and their primary negotiator.”  Sonja said pushing again Grayson looked directly up towards her.

   “Nothing more than what is professionally required” he said calmly he was sure she knew of his visit to the St Ives Compact Embassy and of his meeting with Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao.

   “Very good” Sonja replied “by you leave? Sir” she said coming back to attention she said saluting again.

   “Granted” Grayson said saluting Sonja in return his sister nodded before moving out of the room.

Star League Advisory Council Meeting
Terran System, Terra
Star League Protectorate
14th June 3090

   Following extended negotiations between the Star League Advisory Council and Clan Sea Fox it is agreed for Clan Sea Fox to provide the Star League Defence Force with two hundred Pelican Landing Craft each to be constructed and delivered by Clan Sea Fox.  It is also brought to Clan Sea Fox's attention that the Intrepid-class Troop Cruiser being repaired by Clan Sea Fox in the Terran system required moving due to additional civilian and military traffic in the area.  With SLDF assistance the Sea Foxes move the still crippled Intrepid-class vessel from outside Terran orbit to an location near the gas giant Neptune.

Eighteenth Star League Games
Solaris VII, Star League Protectorate
20th June 3090

   Over the course of two days the Eighteenth Star League Games are played out on Solaris VII.  During the Games unknown MechWarrior Renate Richter piloting an experimental design known as the YGG-4X Yggdrasil.  The design weighing in at one hundred tons features hardened armour, Triple Strength Myomers and Clan designed Mech Talons in a series of attacks Renate Richter stuns her opponents to win each of her matches without anyone else coming close.

Peace Negotiations
Misery, Draconis March
Federated Suns
22nd June 3090

   In talks held by the SLDF on Misery the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine negotiate a peaceful outcome to their ongoing conflict.  On that world that was so important to the outcome of the Fourth Succession War  now helped end another conflict.  The Federated Suns agreed to retreat from the worlds of Royal, Capra, Kaznejoy and Marlowe's Rift however they retain control of all worlds they had captured during the recent conflict.  The Draconis Combine complains that the SLDF favours the Federated Suns as First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion is the current First Lord.  They stay short of filing an official complaint with the SLDF.

Third St Ives/Capellan Confederation War
Capellan Offensive St Ives Compact
28th June 3090

   In a surprise blitzkrieg the Capellan Confederation assaults the St Ives Compact starting the Third St Ives/Capellan Confederation War.  In the initial attacks Warrior House Tsang Xiao leads the First Liao “The Zion” Lancers on an assault on Brighton overwhelming Devon's Armoured Infantry in six days of conflict.  The Capellan troops eliminate the entire Devon's Armoured Infantry taking no prisoners.  The Second Liao “The Styk” Lancers lead an attack on Vestallas while the St Cyr's Armoured Cavalry assault Milos causing the destruction of the Fourth St Ives Lancers Regiment.  Across the St Ives Compact troops move to their war footing positions within the Federated Suns Capellan March and on the Star League world of Kittery troops prepare for a larger conflict.
« Last Edit: 03 May 2014, 09:06:30 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #624 on: 28 March 2014, 22:20:48 »
 O0  yay a second update this week!  a third st ives/cappellan war?  looking forward to more!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #625 on: 29 March 2014, 16:45:07 »
You can always rely on the Capellans to start something.
One day they will finish what they start. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #626 on: 30 March 2014, 01:06:10 »
O0  yay a second update this week!  a third st ives/cappellan war?  looking forward to more!

See what happens when I get a holiday Quaff?

You can always rely on the Capellans to start something.
One day they will finish what they start. O0

They might do this time...

Third St Ives/Capellan Confederation War
St Ives Compact Claimed Space
9th July 3090

   In response to the continued assaults against the St Ives Compact Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao rushes back to her nation.  En-route she hires Khasparov's Knights and Blanc's Coyotes Mercenary Regiments to bolster her nation's defences however neither unit is expected to arrive before mid-September.  In the mid-term the Federated Suns loan the 12th Vegan Rangers Alpha Regiment, the Cunningham's Commandos and the Vanguard Legion to bolster St Ives defences.

   These mercenaries arrive in the St Ives Compact the Third Liao “Alcol” Lancers land on Hustaing and the Fourth Liao “St Andre” Lancers land on Denbar.  Opposing the St Ives defenders on Hustaing the local defences fold rapidly while Denbar continue to hold against the Capellan forces. 

   While St Ives defenders move to counter the Capellan attacks the Capellan WarShips CCSS Marcus Baxter and the CCSS Kali Liao, both Impavido-class Destroyers, jump into the Nashuar system ambushing the SIS Justin Allard, a Davion III-class Destroyer, although the Justin Allard damaged from previous combat it is able to heavily damage both Capellan vessels before being destroyed.  The two Capellan vessels retreat from the Nashuar system before St Ives assault DropShips arrive to rescue survivors from the destroyer.  The destruction of the Justin Allard robs the St Ives Compact of its last combat capable WarShip.

Graduation Ceremony, New Avalon Institute of Sciences
Avalon City, Crucis March
Federated Suns
11th July 3090

   As another class passes out from the NAIS Duchess Jaylen Davion graduates with honours with a Law Degree.  She is assigned to the Federated Suns Military Justice Department and receives a promotion to the rank of Captain.  Despite her name, and her education, she is given a couple of support cases to work on.

Break-away State
Magistracy of Canopus
28th July 3090

   As Capellan Confederation troops conquer the worlds of Vestallas, Denbar and Indicass from St Ives forces destroying Second Janissaries Regiment on Denbar and the St Ives Academy of Martial Sciences Training Group and the local militia forces on Vestallas are destroyed by the Fifth Liao “Old Kentucky” Lancers Regiment.

   By HPG message to the entire Capellan Confederation and beyond Magestix Ilsa Centrella announces that she has made multiple requests to her brother for additional support in dealing with raids from the Rim Association and from the Marian Hegemony but that she has received no assistance.  She announces that the people of Canopus have paid their due to the Capellan Confederation and that they will pay no more to support a Chancellor who wishes only to see more worlds brought under their control.  With this HPG she announces that all former Magistracy of Canopus worlds and the conquered Free Worlds League systems of Thurrock, Fagerholm, Piriapolis, Butzfleth, Aspropirgos, Gouderak, Umka, Vakarel, Eleusis, Obrenovac, Russchegg, Saonara, Ayn Tarma,  Rohinjan, Glevakha and Payvand had broken away to reform the Magistracy of Canopus.  She announces that all Magistracy Canopus military units and the WarShips MCS Magistracy, MCS Belisong, and MCS Katara would be answering to Canopus.

   By mid-August all nearby nations except for the Capellan Confederation have recognized the reborn Magistracy of Canopus as a new nation.  The Magestix requests that the Star League Council confirm them as a member state First Lord Victor Steiner-Davion agrees however he announces that the Magistracy of Canopus will not have any voting potential within the Star League at the next Council and their membership will have to be confirmed by the other member states.
« Last Edit: 03 May 2014, 09:08:20 by Dragon Cat »
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #627 on: 30 March 2014, 05:05:53 »
*can already hear the howl of rage from Sian from here*  Great updates :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #628 on: 30 March 2014, 23:36:58 »
Third St Ives/Capellan Confederation War
St Ives Counter Attack, Denbar
Occupied territories, St Ives Compact
1st August 3090

   The St Ives Compact led by Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao launches a counter-attack on the worlds occupied by the Capellan Confederation.  Supported by the SIS Geneva, Melissa Allard-Liao's personal Artemis-class Escort Vessel, the First St Ives Lancers land on Denbar opposing occupying Capellan Confederation troops.

Rosse Bloodname Grand Melee
Phillip Drummond City, New Barcella
Nova Cat's Den, Periphery
3rd August 3090

   Above all other competitors Sonja Nova Cat stood victorious in the Grand Melee.  She had been denied a Trial of Bloodright and been forced to enter a Grand Melee on her return from New Avalon.  She had fought off the other fifty entrants to fight her final battle against an angry Trueborn Sonja had used the warrior's anger against him forcing several mistakes in their unarmed fight all of which led to his eventual loss.

   Now with the battle over she was Sonja Rosse of Clan Nova Cat a member of the Clan's elite Khan Canin Rosse entered the room.  “Congratulations on your victory Sonja, I am proud.”  He said approaching.

   “Thank you my, Khan” Sonja replied formally turning towards him saluting.  “I believe that Grayson should have deserved this opportunity.”  She said thinking of her older sibling still on New Avalon.

   “He will get his chance.”  Canin Rosse confirmed “if you had not taken this opportunity now then the possibility existed that you would not get the chance again.”  The Khan informed her “there are those who oppose you even having this chance.”  He said quietly “we are sending you to New Aega to fight with the units based there.”

   “You are hiding me away, Quiaff?”  She asked angry that there were those within the Nova Cats who would oppose her father. “I can fight my own battles.”

   “Aff, you can” he said reaching out touching her chin gently “however you cannot fight my battles.  Remember you fight the battles you can win?” She nodded agreeing although she'd have preferred to stay and fight engaging those who would threaten her home was just as good. “Good, you leave tomorrow morning.  I believe your mother wishes to congratulate you.”  He said and without further words he turned and he left Sonja had realized when she was younger that her father was a man of few words when it came to relationships.  You could see that he cared but he rarely put those feelings in words.  Now however she would be the one to display some feelings as she engaged her Clan's enemies.

Federated Suns Offensive
Capellan Confederation Claimed space
8th August 3090

   In an effort to get the Capellan Confederation's attention the Federated Suns launch an offensive against the Capellan Confederation intent on drawing attention.  Officially the Federated Suns troops are securing the St Ives border region and supporting an ally unofficially the Federated Suns response seems pre-planned.  As mercenary troops move into St Ives claimed territory the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT supported by the FSS John Gordon and the FSS George Michael Hasek, both Congress Block II-class Frigates, launch an attack onto Jacson threatening the Capellan Commonality Capital of Victoria.  At the same time the the Sixth and Eighth Syrtis Fusiliers RCTs launched assaults on Jonzac, Verlo and Manapire again each of the attacks is supported by WarShip forces.

   Finally on the Nineteenth in an attack similar to the one that he preformed on Kaznejoy in 3087 Prince Burton Davion, now a Colonel in the AFFS, leads the First Kittery Borderers RCT, Delta Company, the Fox's Teeth and the WarShips FSS Melissa Davion and the FSS William Davion, two Avalon-class Cruisers.

   On the ground the First Kittery Borderers opposed the Fifth Liao Lancers Regiment.  The Old Kentucky Lancers opposed the Federated Suns unit while the Fox's Teeth escorted Burton Davion to the planetary HPG.  From the HPG station Burton sent a message to Sian just like he had from Kaznejoy to New Samarkand in 3087 the Federated Suns Prince sent a message for the Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation that should they continue their attacks then the Confederation will pay a high price.

   The reaction from Sian to the message was to send the CCSS Tikonov and CCSS Sian, two Tikonov-class Carriers, while the fighters from these two ships quickly overwhelmed the Federated Suns fighters, DropShips and the two Avalon Cruisers.  While the two Avalon's continued to battle against the Capellan craft and their fighters several of the Capellans descended into the atmosphere attacking the AFFS ground troops clearing a path for the Fifth Lancers to escape the world.  As the ground forces escaped the Capellan fighters bombed the HPG station, the Governor's mansion and three of the Kittery Borderers DropShips into oblivion.  Neither of the attacks harm Burton Davion or causes heavy losses to the Kittery Borderers but they showed that the Capellans are not done with Vestallas.

Third St Ives/Capellan Confederation War
St Ives, St Ives Compact
22nd August 3090

   With the Federated Suns becoming involved in the St Ives/Capellan Confederation conflict no new attacks occur against the St Ives Compact however fighting continues on Nashaur, St Loris and Denbar.  From the fighting on St Loris the Centrella Rangers Regiment goes AWOL from Capellan Confederation pledging loyalty to the Magistracy of Canopus.  The Regiment formally known as Kingston's Rangers had been renamed in the honour of Naomi Centrella by Chancellor Sun-Tzu Liao.  Now with a new Chancellor and a reborn Magistracy of Canopus the unit had decided they were unwilling to continue to serve Dao-Shen Liao's “illegal” attack on the Confederation's neighbours the unit leaves its post heading for Canopus.

   Although the fighting is winding down Duchess Melissa Allard-Liao, and the First St Ives Lancers, are both confirmed as missing in action on Denbar.  The Capellan Confederation has blockaded the system with two WarShips and several assault DropShips refusing any access even through civilian channels the St Ives Compact approaches the Federated Suns for further assistance however the recent strikes against Capellan worlds have stretched the AFFS.  On St Ives Duchess Kuan-Yin Allard-Liao takes control of the St Ives Compact until Melissa is recovered.  With over half of the St Ives Compact occupied, five line regiments destroyed and their naval flagship destroyed however the St Ives nation is a broken one.

Throne Room, Davion Royal Palace
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
29th August 3090

   With the Nova Cats refusing to speak with the Star League Defence Force since Duchess Vanessa Allard-Liao had left for St Ives the Federated Suns were the only way for someone to try an open communications with the Clan.  The Nova Cats had been ignoring all calls from the Federated Suns on every level up even as far as the Office of Paul Bowman, Field Marshal of the Crucis March.  With little further to do First Prince Victor Steiner-Davion stepped in demanding the commander of the Nova Cat Garrison report to the Throne Room of the Federated Suns.

   Entering the Throne Room wearing his duty uniform Star Colonel Grayson walked towards the Federated Suns throne where the First Prince sat.  Grayson stopped at a respectful distance but did not salute he was not a citizen of the Federated Suns and would not be spoken to like one.  Surprisingly Victor Steiner-Davion did not remain seated on his throne instead he stood up and stepped down standing opposite Grayson.  “Star Colonel, I think we need to discuss the situation between you Clan and the SLDF on New Aega.”

   “Neg, it does not concern the Federated Suns” Grayson said calmly in a mater-of-fact way.  “We have a disagreement with the Star League Defence Force due to an offence that they caused against us the Federated Suns are not involved.”

   “I am not just speaking to you as the First Prince of the Federated Suns, I am also currently First Lord of the Star League Defence Force.”  Victor stated

   “Aff, I am aware” Grayson replied his annoyance rising “however I would respectfully say that you should check on  your troops before you try to make up for what they have done.”

   “I already have” Victor replied ignoring Grayson's anger “the Department of Military Intelligence and the Star League's Military Intelligence Corps are working over what set off the First Royal ComGuard Regimental Brigade.  However your continued refusal to allow them to leave New Aega makes it difficult to get a full picture of what happened.”

   “When they began this they did so like pirates they will be treated in kind they will remain our guests on New Aega.  Any force that attempts to assist them will be classed as hostile and engaged.”  Grayson replied pausing for a moment glancing around the throne room knowing what was expected of him “we will reopen our embassy out of respect for our hosts.”

   “Thank you, Star Colonel” Victor replied

   “May I inquire what happened to Duchess Allard-Liao?”  Grayson asked slightly awkwardly it felt strange asking for something from someone, anyone, it wasn't the Clan way.

   “There are problems within the St Ives Compact, she is currently attending to affairs of state.”
Victor explained Grayson could tell that it wasn't the whole truth but he remained silent as Victor continued “she is currently missing in action.  Before she left she said that you were an honourable man, like your father” Victor said pointing out that he knew about Grayson's connection to Khan Canin Rosse.

   “I do as my Clan demands of me.”  Grayson said trying to show he was unmoved by Victor's words of praise.  Without waiting for Victor to continue he turned and marched back out of the throne room.

   “Of course” Victor replied when he didn't signal to the guards at the door they stepped aside allowing the Clan warrior to exit the room.  “One of these days one of them will kill me.”  Victor whispered looking at the door after it had closed before returning to his duties.
« Last Edit: 21 December 2014, 08:03:18 by Dragon Cat »
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL)
« Reply #629 on: 31 March 2014, 01:48:13 »
This is positive for the CC.
They look like gaining the small St Ives Compact and lose the much larger Magistry. :D ;D
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.