Author Topic: It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's Superman's younger, female cousin: Supergirl!  (Read 78245 times)


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I find it more unbelievable that everyone thinks Alex wouldn't let her emotions at being reunited with her dad—thought dead for 14 years but whom she recently learned was alive but trapped within an evil organization—affect her judgment. Yes, she's a trained agent but she's also only human.

J'onn's lack of mind reading Jeremiah can be easily explained by him respecting his friend's privacy. It was only once Jeremiah started acting suspicious that he tried and found out he couldn't.

I'm more concerned with how Jeremiah's cyborg arm made it past the DEO medical exam. I mean, I knew there would end up being something hinky about his damaged hand but an entire cyborg arm? Come on, man.

So, does anyone actually miss James? It's been at least two episodes since we last saw him and I can't say I care one iota. He should join Max Lord and Lucy Lane in the dustbin of departed characters I wouldn't mind never seeing again.

I can understand that to an extent but the way they tried to pull it off just didn't work for me.  I'll admit it was probably because they telegraphed it so poorly.


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I'm more concerned with how Jeremiah's cyborg arm made it past the DEO medical exam. I mean, I knew there would end up being something hinky about his damaged hand but an entire cyborg arm? Come on, man.

So, does anyone actually miss James? It's been at least two episodes since we last saw him and I can't say I care one iota. He should join Max Lord and Lucy Lane in the dustbin of departed characters I wouldn't mind never seeing again.

Yea i had to call BS on them missing his entire arm was cybernetic...

And as to james, i was wondering why we have not seen him in at least 2 eps..
As for Max, i actually liked the guy.
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So winn almost lost his love interest.  Kara lost her job, and daddy was NOT in control by the evil cadmus, but was merely working with them to protect his daughters (neither need protecting imo)..
All in all a disappointing ep, OTHER than for the producer of the newspaper firing Kara for blogging the story after telling her "No you need more sources, ones that can be confirmed"...
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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How could she keep a job at CATCO, she was never there. The DEO can pay her way through life just like they do her sister. Her real life job didn't even factor into the scripts anymore.

Haven't seen the ep yet, so I'm only assuming she lost her reporter job.
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Kara losing her reporter job has been a long time coming and all the over-used tropes are getting so poorly telegraphed that my tolerance for them is almost gone.  The main saving grace of this episode was Alex and her ovaries of steel though.


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I really have to admit thinking to myself: Come on, guys. Let's really take this to the other side of the universe. I'd love to see a moment where one of the cast is somewhere outside of the fishbowl and either trying to find a way home, or the people on Earth are scrambling to find a way to bring them back. We established aliens on Earth. Now it's time to step out into the larger universe, even if for a little trip down the milky way.

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I do keep hoping they do find a way to bring in Green Lantern.  Or Blue Beetle.


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I really have to admit thinking to myself: Come on, guys. Let's really take this to the other side of the universe. I'd love to see a moment where one of the cast is somewhere outside of the fishbowl and either trying to find a way home, or the people on Earth are scrambling to find a way to bring them back. We established aliens on Earth. Now it's time to step out into the larger universe, even if for a little trip down the milky way.

Yeah, I was really hoping Kara would fail to stop the ship from leaving atmosphere and warping to Takron-Galtos. (Which in the comics is an infamous prison world, so I'm not sure I believe Cadmus' spiel about the aliens being able to go home from there.) And then they'd have to do a multi-episode arc of the team traveling into space to rescue Alex. I'm pretty confident in saying upfront that such a story would be much better than whatever they have planned with Teri Hatcher and Kevin Sorbo.

Oh, and can I just say how annoyed I am that Winn's love interest (Lyla? Lyra? Whatever.) is from Starhaven and has no a) Native American ancestry, or b) wings?

I do keep hoping they do find a way to bring in Green Lantern.  Or Blue Beetle.

I doubt either of those will ever happen.
« Last Edit: 07 March 2017, 21:17:49 by roosterboy »


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I know.  All we'll ever likely get is the name drop of Kord Industries in Arrow for Blue Beetle and Green Lantern is right out.  Doesn't stop me from hoping.


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Oh, and can I just say how annoyed I am that Winn's love interest (Lyla? Lyra? Whatever.) is from Starhaven and has no a) Native American ancestry, or b) wings?

I like her actually.
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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Look up Dawnstar or Starhaven.  Personally with how they handled Hawk Girl I'm not put off by them not following the comics too strictly in this case.


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I like her actually.

So do I. But why say she's from Starhaven, a pre-existing planet whose inhabitants have very specific attributes and then not use those attributes?

Look up Dawnstar or Starhaven.  Personally with how they handled Hawk Girl I'm not put off by them not following the comics too strictly in this case.

That's a good point, but then why use Starhaven at all? Why not use some other planet, whether another pre-existing one from the comics or a one newly named just for the show? Fans who already know about Starhaven will be put off by not following the comics and those who don't won't recognize the name anyway, so what's the point? I just don't get it.


  • Colonel
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I understand the need to do things at least a little different from the comics to give those fans something to be "surprised" by but yeah if you're going to include things like that in such a major way it creates more trouble than it's worth if you're not willing to go all the way.

Though unfortunately they do have a cop out in this case.  There's still a better part of 1000 years for things to take shape on Starhaven as outlined in the comics.


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So Lrya, winns GF, is a conwoman, and 'yet again' seems to be only being a baddie, cause someone has her bro..  Or their family is being threatened, or they are doing it to protect XYZ..

WHY The heck can't this show get back to where (like in S1) there were some baddies, who were.. BAD just cause they could be??
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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  • Colonel
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There is Cadmus for that.  Which I have to be honest I do wish they'd get back around to again.

But they have to torture roosterboy first it seems.


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*pant pant pant*

I will willingly sit through a dozen more musical episodes of any and all of Berlanti's superhero shows if we can get a decent live-action version of the Legion showing up in Supergirl for more than just a blink-and-miss-it cameo.

Of course, I know this means that Mon-El isn't long for this show, and that saddens me because I really like what they've done with the character, but sacrifices must be made.

Giovanni Blasini

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Legion of Super-Villains or Legion of Doom?  Because, yeah, I would love to see her throw down against Thawne.
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Legion of Super-Heroes, which both Supergirl and Mon-El were members of in the comics continuity. This isn't the first appearance of an LSH flight ring in one of Berlanti's shows and I'm thinking its prominent appearance in this episode—an ep dealing with Mon-El leaving Kara and Earth—is meant as foreshadowing that he will be following his comic counterpart's exit to the future and the Legion. If I had to guess, I'd go with his mother doing something intended to strike at Kara and Mon-El saving her by taking it on himself. What that something might be, I don't know, since the show hasn't used Daxamites' notorious lead allergy yet but whatever it is, it will likely be something fatal and the only cure to be found is in the future, separating him from Kara and this show.

The LSV would be cool, but there's been zero buildup or ground laid for that.

The Legion of Doom? Those dudes are so damn lame I don't want them anywhere near this show. They sully the good name of that group with their awfulness. They just suck so bad.
« Last Edit: 04 April 2017, 18:38:47 by roosterboy »


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They did bring it up the lead allergy thing, actually. It was back in the episode where Cadmus had kidnapped Mon-El, I think.


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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OK.  So first new ep back..  No sign of Alex NOR her GF.
I kinda liked guardan/winn and that alien chick working together, but man did she majory vibe "Crazy chick" in that bar..
I also kida liked the bonding between Kara and that reporter who fired her..  BUT i hated the lovey dovey bit at the end between her and Lana luthor..
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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Alex was in it...Had to go to knife practice.


  • Colonel
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Lena Luthor is pretty obviously being setup to go evil but I won't be too surprised if they let Supergirl redeem her in the end.


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I found myself wondering how Snapper Carr got his nickname in this continuity, since it's clearly not from his habit of being a groovy dude who snaps his fingers because he's hip and happening. I can't recall if they've explained it on the show or not, probably because this character is so damn boring. I wish they had made him snap his fingers irritably at his underlings when they displeased him as a way to explain it.

"Kara! *snap snap snap* Focus!"
"What am I paying you people for? *snap snap snap* Is this a newspaper or a coffee klatch? *snap snap* Get to work or go be a blogger!"
"Hey! *snap snap snap* Where's that exposé on the sorry state of National City's danish industry? I want it on my desk, stat! *snap snap snap*"

That at least would be more interesting than the way he is now. Shame, too, because I generally have liked Ian Gomez in stuff I've seen him in but here's he's not really given anything to work with.

Oh, hi, James. Still think you suck. Go away now. Bye-eee!


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I found myself wondering how Snapper Carr got his nickname in this continuity, since it's clearly not from his habit of being a groovy dude who snaps his fingers because he's hip and happening. I can't recall if they've explained it on the show or not, probably because this character is so damn boring. I wish they had made him snap his fingers irritably at his underlings when they displeased him as a way to explain it.

"Kara! *snap snap snap* Focus!"
"What am I paying you people for? *snap snap snap* Is this a newspaper or a coffee klatch? *snap snap* Get to work or go be a blogger!"
"Hey! *snap snap snap* Where's that exposé on the sorry state of National City's danish industry? I want it on my desk, stat! *snap snap snap*"

That at least would be more interesting than the way he is now. Shame, too, because I generally have liked Ian Gomez in stuff I've seen him in but here's he's not really given anything to work with.

It probably involved an accident with an red snapper when he went to a seafood restaurant.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

"I think I've just had another near-Rincewind experience," Death, The Color of Magic

"When in doubt, C4." Jamie Hyneman


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I loved this weeks ep.  Lots of quandaries, especially with Olson/guardian wondering "am i really a hero"?
I also loved watching Mon-el face off with his mother (DAMN family ties)..  YES i feel he should have shot her, but ties to one's kin, as we have seen over and over again, will often override common sense..
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
You can't shoot what you can't see.
You can not dodge it if you don't know it's coming.


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So last night's prelude to the finale..  I loved seeing Cat grant back, especially her snarkiness, but i really didn't like how seemed to push the political angle "GEE i just hope you are still democrat at least"... 
I laughed when Cat twigged that Olson was guardian, but does that mean she has twigged Kara is supergirl?
And yet again we see Alex IGNORE an order/rules, when its her family in jeopardy..  I am getting to the point i wonder..  WHAT punishment will she ever get??
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
You can't shoot what you can't see.
You can not dodge it if you don't know it's coming.


  • Colonel
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I'm pretty sure Cat Grant knew before she left based on some reactions and dialogue but never explicitly said so as she respected Kara and what Kara was trying to do.


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I think it was obvious midway through the first season that she was really just humoring Klara's attempts to maintain a secret identity.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

"I think I've just had another near-Rincewind experience," Death, The Color of Magic

"When in doubt, C4." Jamie Hyneman


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I think it was obvious midway through the first season that she was really just humoring Klara's attempts to maintain a secret identity.

Pretty much confirmed in the season finale


Most likely...or possibly the Eradicator...or Dev-Em...or Kru-El...

"If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly

"Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand is where I fall...Stand with me." - The Doctor, The Doctor Falls, Doctor Who

