Author Topic: It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's Superman's younger, female cousin: Supergirl!  (Read 78231 times)


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I think it was obvious midway through the first season that she was really just humoring Klara's attempts to maintain a secret identity.

Well based on her hidden quip (after Kara was off to a fire rescue), it seems she DOES know..  So your thought was spot on..

As for the ep.  I liked the sup vs supe fight, but hated how they made clarke almost brainwashed into it (silver kryptonite really??), LOVED the smackdown between Kara and the queen, but KNEW if queeny lost there wouldn't have been an honoring of the deal...

Though i wonder.  With Cat telling Kara to 'tell supergirl, to tell olsen to stop being guardian', will we see him suit up next season??
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Considering that Kara tried to keep him from it earlier this season and how well he listened, I think he'll be back.
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That was a hell of a finale. Loved it.

Although I will say I'm disappointed they got rid of Mon-El so soon. I was hoping he would, as Clark postulated he might, have built up a tolerance having been on Earth for several months and the lead poisoning wouldn't affect him until some time next season. I was hoping the finale would end with him in his own uniform that looked like the comic character's classic outfit. Also a little annoyed they sent him off in his ship after they took pains to introduce the Phantom Zone projector last episode. Though maybe the light tunnel he seemed surprised by and disappeared down leads somewhere into the future rather than in space. Fingers crossed!

I'm also rolling my eyes a bit at the tease for next season. Why do these shows insist on making every single threat somehow tied into the hero's origin? The Flash had Reverse Flash, Zoom and Savitar, all of whom had some connection to Barry and either his origin or his powers. Arrow had Merlyn, Slade and Prometheus, and even the League and Damien Dahrk were loosely connected to Oliver's backstory. Last season Supergirl had her relatives as the villains and this season was connected to the destruction of Krypton. There are so many more threats out there that could be used. Hell, Superman even name-dropped Warworld in this episode. Why do the writers have to limit themselves so much when there is a whole universe of possibilities out there? Gah, so frustrating!

Still, the finale itself? Awesome. Simply marvelous.

Oh, and the villain teased for next season? Not Doomsday or the Eradicator, who are Superman villains not traditionally associated with Supergirl, but rather Reign, an actual Supergirl villain and also the final word uttered in that scene.
« Last Edit: 23 May 2017, 16:25:08 by roosterboy »


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One of the BIG things that irked me is they didn't in anyway shape or form, touch on ANYTHING to do with how Alex flat out REFUSED the president's order to fire the big gun o doom, giving the enemy time to launch more attacks AND allowing it to be destroyed..
SO I HOPE to hell they don't just gloss over it...
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I'm also rolling my eyes a bit at the tease for next season. Why do these shows insist on making every single threat somehow tied into the hero's origin? The Flash had Reverse Flash, Zoom and Savitar, all of whom had some connection to Barry and either his origin or his powers. Arrow had Merlyn, Slade and Prometheus, and even the League and Damien Dahrk were loosely connected to Oliver's backstory. Last season Supergirl had her relatives as the villains and this season was connected to the destruction of Krypton. There are so many more threats out there that could be used. Hell, Superman even name-dropped Warworld in this episode. Why do the writers have to limit themselves so much when there is a whole universe of possibilities out there? Gah, so frustrating!

It seems to be a superhero thing: an archnemisis has to have some sort of close tie to the main character, no matter how unoriginal or contrived.  The hero has to have some sort of personal reason to want to fight them: merely wanting to do so because stopping evil is in their job description isn't enough.
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It is the trend with most superheroes these days.


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It seems to be a superhero thing: an archnemisis has to have some sort of close tie to the main character, no matter how unoriginal or contrived.  The hero has to have some sort of personal reason to want to fight them: merely wanting to do so because stopping evil is in their job description isn't enough.

That's fine... for the hero's archnemesis. It's been that way forever.

But these days—say, for the past 10 years or so in the comics and ever since the Arrowverse started up on TV—that's the way it's been for every villain. It's a trend that is tiresome and lazy and uncreative, especially given the deep bench of pre-existing characters available to choose from.

Probably the worst example I can think of from the comics is Geoff Johns' run on Green Lantern. The Sinestro Corps War was good but then after that every major storyline was about how the Guardians were shady or there was something rotten at the core of the Corps or some big secret from the Lanterns' past was coming back to haunt them. The stories weren't about the Green Lanterns patrolling the spaceways and fighting evil and defending the defenseless; they were about the inner workings of and troubles within the Corps or problems the Lanterns brought upon themselves. Got real old, real quick.

Same thing with Arrow and The Flash. Every season, we get another iteration of "Oh no, Oliver is/isn't/might be/doesn't want to be a killer and he pushes his team away only to welcome them back in time for the big finale." Every season, we get another iteration of "Barry is an idiot who messes things up and someone close to him ends up being the Big Bad and Barry has to defeat them by running faster than he ever has before." Now, with Supergirl, it's 1) Kara's aunt and uncle want to take over Earth, 2) survivors from Krypton's sister world want to take over Earth, and 3) some creepy Kryptonian cult sends a baby to Earth to... apparently take it over.

I don't know about everyone else but even though I enjoyed this season of Supergirl (not so much Arrow and The Flash, sort of for Legends), I'm really ready for change.


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That was a hell of a finale. Loved it.

Oh, and the villain teased for next season? Not Doomsday or the Eradicator, who are Superman villains not traditionally associated with Supergirl, but rather Reign, an actual Supergirl villain and also the final word uttered in that scene.

I agree that the finale was great.

As to the next season's villain, I keyed off the word "Reign", but not knowing of a Supergirl villain actually named that, I immediately went to the "Reign of the Supermen" storyline...

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S3 big bad casting news:

‘Supergirl’: Odette Annable To Play Reign In Season 3 (link)


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The show is back, but Mon-El is not. I like the colder, harder Supergirl over the overly happy and naïve version of her.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
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Eh.  She got a bit annoying at times.  But at least it felt better than some of the other stuff they've tried to do with her.


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Oh yeah, it’s the ****** Legion of Super-Heroes!  :D

We already know about Mon-El and Saturn Girl and that Brainiac 5 has been cast. I’m trying to get some screencaps of the panels in that ship to see if I can figure out what other members might be showing up in future episodes.

Bit bummed that Saturn Girl isn’t blond and that she’s married to Mon-El :o but I can live with those changes. At least Mon-El being married to someone else opens the door for Kara to fall for Brainy. He had sure better be green, though.

Between this emerging storyline on Supergirl and the introduction of Ralph Dibny on The Flash, I’m really enjoying those two shows this season. Arrow is boring the snot out of me (I’m now 3 episodes behind) and Legends of Tomorrow is edging into the same territory (2 eps behind on that one). It doesn’t help that Damien Dahrk is back on Legends either.


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The only reason I can tolerate Damien is because the actor is managing to make the over the top evil at least somewhat enjoyable to watch.

But back to the topic at hand.  Reign.  I get the feeling I know exactly how this is going to unfold and it is going to be a very tired cliche ridden ride.


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Sooooo much good about this week's episode:

- Seeing the Legion in action. Granted, it was only two Legionnaires plus Brainy in their ship, but still.
- Reference to Ayla Ranzz (Lightning Lass) and her home planet of Winath.
- Reference to the Blight.
- Brainiac 5 being all awkward around Kara because it's obvious he has a crush on her.
- Brainy didn't look half as bad as the promo pics made him look.
- Flight rings! Although, to be fair, in this ep they seemed more like float rings, but whatever. I'm sure they'll get more use in episodes to come.
- Streaky!
- J'onn masquerading as Kara and having to discuss frickin' Jimmy Olsen's love life.
- Frickin' Jimmy Olsen did not don his Guardian getup to try and fight Reign.
- There are still several more Legionnaires in stasis on the ship, so we could see more of them later this season. I still haven't been able to get a good freeze frame of the monitor panels to see if any of the remaining symbols are legible.

A few things that weren't great but that I suppose I can live with:

- Why the purplish splotches of makeup on Brainy? He should have been greener. And that wig totally sucks.
- The LSH uniforms had way too much black, not enough color. Although I think it could have worked for Imra if they had trimmed hers in pink or fuchsia instead of a dark purple that almost blended in with the black. And it would have called back to her classic comics costumes. Black and purple is not only harder to see, but it also makes me think Kid Quantum rather than Saturn Girl.
- Saturn Girl is now a telekinetic instead of a telepath? Okay, at least there is precedence for some level of TK ability in the comics, though she has been identified far more with telepathy since her creation. And I get that TK is far easier to depict on screen than telepathy.
- The writers are intent on hooking up Lena (great character) with frickin' Jimmy Olsen (super-dud). I get that they really don't know what else to do with them, but why not just get rid of frickin' Jimmy? That dude is useless.

And one HUGE bad thing:

- Streaky is a black cat rather than orange! This will. not. stand. I demand justice!

Overall, though, good episode. And I'm geeky enough to admit to getting rather emotional at various points during the ep.


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And one HUGE bad thing:

- Streaky is a black cat rather than orange! This will. not. stand. I demand justice!

Back when I watched the Arrowverse shows, I had a joke with my brother that anyone who was a redhead in the comics was black on the shows. Wally West (and the entire West family), Jimmy Olsen and so on). This just confirms it.
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Sooooo much good about this week's episode:

- Seeing the Legion in action. Granted, it was only two Legionnaires plus Brainy in their ship, but still.

I am liking the legion, especially the gal.  (mon'els wife) but the guy who plays brainiac, seems a little dumb for someone supposedly being so smart..

- Flight rings! Although, to be fair, in this ep they seemed more like float rings, but whatever. I'm sure they'll get more use in episodes to come.

Not being up on the full backstory of these people, i thought the rings were done well..   Kind of lantern like though.

- J'onn masquerading as Kara and having to discuss frickin' Jimmy Olsen's love life.

"UHH, don't you ever ask me to re-do this!"
Frikken funny!!

- There are still several more Legionnaires in stasis on the ship, so we could see more of them later this season. I still haven't been able to get a good freeze frame of the monitor panels to see if any of the remaining symbols are legible.

I certainly am wanting to hear them name the others..
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So....  For the foreseeable future, Supergirl will be wearing a suit of armor with an opaque visor.

Did they have to write Benoist out for a few episodes?
I'm rarely right... Except when I am.  ---  Idle question.  What is the BV2 of dread?
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So....  For the foreseeable future, Supergirl will be wearing a suit of armor with an opaque visor.

Did they have to write Benoist out for a few episodes?

She was doing a the Carole King musical on Broadway.

Plus they usually do episodes that are light on the main star while the season's crossover is filmed, so that may have had something to do with it too.


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A little treat for you SuperGirl fans out there.

As some of you may or may not know, this show is Filmed in and around the Greater Vancouver Regional District here in British Columbia Canada. One of the favored filming locations for a lot of TV Shows seems to be the new City of Surrey City Hall, a site so popular it is used for all External Shots of the Good Doctor.

That aside, last week, they were doing filming for an upcoming episode of SuperGirl which looks to involve a fight of some sort between Superman and a Evil/Black suited version of Superman?

Anyways, wifey filmed some of the photography as it played out, so here are some...spoilers? I guess for Supergirl :D

AGENT #575, Vancouver Canada


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A little treat for you SuperGirl fans out there.

As some of you may or may not know, this show is Filmed in and around the Greater Vancouver Regional District here in British Columbia Canada.

Moving the filming up to Canada was the reason that Cat Grant stopped being a main character, as Calista Flockhart refuses to do major filming projects outside of California.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

"I think I've just had another near-Rincewind experience," Death, The Color of Magic

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That aside, last week, they were doing filming for an upcoming episode of SuperGirl which looks to involve a fight of some sort between Superman and a Evil/Black suited version of Superman?

That would be for this season's crossover, titled "Elseworlds", which will also introduce Lois Lane and Batwoman to the Arrowverse.

They have also released pics of Oliver Queen as Flash and Barry Allen as Green Arrow.  (Sadly, Legends won't be part of the crossover this time.) Should be fun!


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Legends is getting harder to watch now that Constantine is part of the crew.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
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Moving the filming up to Canada was the reason that Cat Grant stopped being a main character, as Calista Flockhart refuses to do major filming projects outside of California.
Her departure was a loss.  I loved how she switched from boss-zilla to a mentor at the drop of a hat. Sometimes she did both at the same time, but she did it without the whole, "I'm abusing you for your own good," shtick.  The other neat and fun part was how you were never 100% certain if she was talking to Kara or to Supergirl. At least until the end.
I'm rarely right... Except when I am.  ---  Idle question.  What is the BV2 of dread?
Apollo's Law- if it needs Clan tech to make it useable, It doesn't deserve those resources in the first place.
Sure it isn't the most practical 'mech ever designed, but it's a hundred ton axe-murderer. If loving that is wrong I don't wanna be right.


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Legends is getting harder to watch now that Constantine is part of the crew.

Yeah, I’m not too keen on this version of the character. There’s just something about Matt Ryan’s portrayal that grates on my nerves. And then there’s the fact that nobody pronounces his ****** name correctly.


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I've been enjoying Constantine on Legends :)


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I've been enjoying Constantine on Legends :)
So you're the ONE
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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So you're the ONE

No, that's me because I also enjoy his portrayal of the character...

Then again, I never read the original comics so I'm getting to know the character without any preconceived biases...I also enjoyed the animated Constantine film I got a couple weeks ago...

"If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly

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The animated Constantine movie is voiced by the same actor.

There was a live-action Constantine movie awhile ago(thinking in the 2000's)...played by Neo ;)


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The animated Constantine movie is voiced by the same actor.

There was a live-action Constantine movie awhile ago(thinking in the 2000's)...played by Neo ;)

Hated that latter one...

"If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly

"Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand is where I fall...Stand with me." - The Doctor, The Doctor Falls, Doctor Who


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The animated Constantine movie is voiced by the same actor.

There was a live-action Constantine movie awhile ago(thinking in the 2000's)...played by Neo ;)

Hated that latter one...

"If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly

"Who I am is where I stand. Where I stand is where I fall...Stand with me." - The Doctor, The Doctor Falls, Doctor Who