Author Topic: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.  (Read 15523 times)


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Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« on: 10 January 2016, 06:10:21 »
The Grand Old Queen of the Fleet

Class – Dreadnought Class Battleship.
Length – 890 Meters
Displacement – 960,000 tones
Crew Compliment – 1160 with room for 70 passengers


“To the men and women of Humanity’s cradle: Attention.  This is Fleet Admiral James McKenna aboard the warship Dreadnought.  The destruction of the islands near Scotland and Australia was accomplished by the combined fleets of the Alliance Global Navy.  I gave the order to open fire and I am just as ready to give similar orders should anyone on Terra attempt to jam my message to its people….  Fellow Humans, it is time that we cease to behave in the violent ways of Homo Sapiens and begin to behave in the ways of Homo Stellaris, men and women of the stars…”

Those words said on the bridge of the Dreadnought on June 2nd 2315 were part of the speech that marked the beginnings of the military coup by Admiral James McKenna that replaced the old leadership of Terra.  Marking the birth of the Terran Hegemony and it was the battleship Dreadnought that saw the Hegemony’s birth; on the 27th of December 2766, she witnessed its death.

The TAS Dreadnought was the first ever true Warship class built and had her keel laid down in 2300 in the Sol System.  A vessel of her size and type had never been built before, whilst some merchant ships had been armed, there had not been a dedicated platform to carry weapons and be strong enough to resist them.  Commissioned by Admiral James McKenna and with the resources of the Terran Alliance at his beck and call he brought together scientists, engineers and dozens of companies to bring his vision to life. 

At 890 meters in length the Dreadnought was huge for the time and combined with her 960,000 tonne mass she was the largest spacefaring craft built by the hand of man.  Her hull plating was capable of withstanding naval weapons and nuclear attacks but despite her great size she was capable of generating 2.5g of thrust at full speed, making her fast for her size.

The class was designed to patrol and protect the Terran Alliance and 5,000 tonnes of fuel and a massive 172,316.5 tonne cargo bay gave her considerable range although because of her weapons loadout a huge chunk of this cargo was taken up with ammunition for the classes’ weapons as well as the parts for the guns themselves.

For weapons the Dreadnought relied entirely on ballistic weapons, with NAC-20’s in triple turrets and NAC-10’s in quadruple mounts covering every approach although she was better at fighting broadside on where she could bring 8 x NAC-10’s and 6 x NAC-20’s to bare on a target.  This preference for broadside fighting also set the tone for Terran Alliance vessels and in turn the Hegemony and finally Star League’s battleships all of whom can trace their ancestry back to the first Warship and first space going Battleship, the Dreadnought.

Designed at a time when aerospace fighters as we understand them didn’t exist, and the ‘fighters’ of the time were armed shuttles with nowhere near the performance of Aerospace fighters that would replace them.  The Dreadnought was also armed to counter these threats and every single arc of the Dreadnought had a pair of quad turrets with AC-5’s and a pair of quad turrets with AC-2’s.  By todays standards this is laughably light anti-fighter weaponry, but at the time it was more than enough and throughout her long years of service the weapons battery was never altered even as she slipped further and further into obsolescence. 
Unfortunately this ballistic heavy weaponry whilst impressive when firing also consumed a huge amount of ammunition and this was the biggest drawback to the class as they had to carry a considerable amount of ammunition on board with all the dangers associated with that. 

Finally the Dreadnought could carry 24 small craft or combat shuttles herself, but she was built before Dropships and docking collars had been developed.  These small craft would be replaced with fighter bays during refits but the Dreadnought never carried dropships.

For her size the Dreadnought has a very large crew compared to later vessels, this though I personally feel is due to a lesser degree of automation as well as her in essence prototype nature.  One thing of note is that unlike later SLDF ships the Dreadnought carries a large compliment of Marines on board for defence and boarding actions and add another weapon to her arsenal.  Indeed the 270 marines she carried is rather unprecedented and isn’t exceeded until you start looking at the Leviathan Class, and with her mass of shuttles the Dreadnought could probably launch a very dangerous boarding operation.

Service to the Hegemony and beyond.

Fifteen years after her launch Fleet Admiral McKenna ordered the destruction of two uninhabited islands, one of the coast of Scotland the other off the coast of Australia and threatened to bombard the planet with his fleet unless the leaders of the warring factions on Terra stood down and surrendered.  With his passionate speech broadcast across the Sol system the Admiral swept the old leaders of Terra from power and began the formation of the Terran Hegemony.  The Dreadnought and her six sister ships were the most powerful black water vessels in space but the Dreadnought was replaced as Fleet flagship by the brand new Black Lion a battlecruiser that entered service in 2315.  The Dreadnought class went on to serve the nascent Terran Hegemony well, securing their borders, crushing any who still wished to follow the old leaders on Terra or who sought power for themselves in the Admirals Campaigns of ‘Persuasion’. 

During this time the Dreadnought herself saw heavy service and fought in battle after battle as part of the Hegemony navy, both giving and taking tremendous damage.  The Dreadnought was nearly lost to a massive on-board fire when a crippled DCMS aerospace fighter did kamikaze into the battleships primary cargo decks during a battle over Cylene during the Age of War.  For her part the Dreadnought earned more battle stars on her pennant as well as suffering more battle casualties than any other ship in the fleet and the hard fighting Dreadnought would spend in total nearly 40 years undergoing battle damage repairs in dry dock from her various actions during her centuries of service to the Hegemony.

Despite their constant battles though, no Dreadnought class ships were lost in combat but two were lost due to navigational errors or misjumps whilst a third was decommissioned and scrapped due to engineering faults that crippled her.  The survivors of the class saw repeated overhauls and refits that kept their computer systems equal to modern vessels whilst keeping their armament, layout and hull the same, but these refits could not stop the march of time and the formation of the Star League saw the constant series of Service Life Extension Programmes come to an end. 

By 2571 the Dreadnoughts were quite simply obsolete, replaced as the premier battleship of the Hegemony by the Monsoon class in 2368 the surviving Dreadnoughts soldiered on despite their growing obsolescence and the class was consigned to the Reserve fleet, the first step towards being decommissioned and scrapped.  The Reunification War helped save the class and three of the Dreadnought’s sisters were reactivated, given a SLEP and sent off to war alongside the Hegemony’s fleet, but this was the last hurrah of the class and the survivors when they came home were decommissioned and slowly scrapped or used as target hulks.

But fate was kind to the Dreadnought her fame as the flagship of Admiral McKenna, founding father of the Hegemony saved her and instead of the breakers fusion torch she was moved into the Terran system to become part of the Luna Air, Space and Stars Museum.
Unlike many museums ships though the Dreadnought was kept in front line condition and fully crewed by veteran starsmen who would be assigned to the battleship for their last tour of duty before finally retiring and she was always commanded by a Rear Admiral.  Despite having some of her launch bays turned into display areas the Dreadnought also maintained a mixed air wing of aerospace fighters from different eras and these would take part in displays around the vessel for visitors.  It was perhaps not a fitting end for a ship that had fought so hard and expected to die in combat, but it was an honourable retirement for the Grand Old Queen of the fleet.

Blaze of Glory

On December 27th 2766 the Star League died, betrayed from within and caught by surprise the Sol system was consumed with fire as the Rim World navy fought the surprised and outnumbered Star League Defence Force ships in the system.  Because of her age and that she was ‘merely’ a museum the Dreadnought was ignored in the opening hours of the battle, but even as nuclear fireballs surged to life on Terra the fully manned and operational Dreadnought under the command of Rear Admiral Marin Castillo started to move.  The ship whilst fully manned did not have a full ammunition or fuel load aboard and with her guns empty the Dreadnought could contribute little to the battle except be another target for a nuclear missile.

Instead Rear Admiral Castillo took on as many refugees as the Dreadnought could carry before moving out of Luna orbit and away from the battle.  Her destination was Tranquillity Base where she docked and started taking on fuel whilst also jettisoning everything not of use like gift shops and display pieces.  At the orbital station, dozens of unarmed and defenceless civilian dropships and jumpships, caught up in the fighting had flocked round the base and the scarred old Dreadnought for protection and under the watchful gaze of the Grand Old Queen the small ad-hoc fleet moved towards Jupiter where they docked with the Deep Range Gunnery Station, a huge ammo dump and firing range for the SLDF to take on ammunition.  Fully armed and fuelled up the Dreadnought and her convoy jumped out of a pirate point near Jupiter as Terra fell to the forces of the Rim World Republic and ‘Emperor’ Stephan Amaris, the convoy though carried thousands of civilians and military families to safety.  Or so they presumed.

What followed was a three week long odyssey, the Dreadnought and her charges would jump from system to system trying to get out of Hegemony space, eventually heading towards the Lyran border.  During this time the Dreadnought and her veteran crew also launched attacks on weak Rim World forces at jump points in an attempt to help more civilians escape the chaos consuming the Hegemony. 

After nearly three weeks the Dreadnought’s convoy had swollen to nearly 30 jumpships and over sixty dropships, all packed to the gills with civilians and the wounded.  But their luck could only last so long.  In the Wyatt system the Dreadnought and her convoy were engaged by a superior force of Rim World warships that outgunned the old warship.  Despite this Rear Admiral Castillo ordered the Dreadnought to engage the Rim World forces whilst the civilian vessels headed for the jump point. 

In the ensuing thirty minute long battle the Dreadnought gave all she had, but was overwhelmed by the forces arrayed against her. With her engines gone, her jump drive dead and most of her weapons batteries silenced the Grand Old Queen finally succumbed to her wounds as her magazine exploded, although it is believed that Rear Admiral Castillo ordered her scuttled.  If she was destroyed by enemy action or in an act of defiance by her crew remains unknown as there were no survivors from the battleship.  But her sacrifice enabled her civilian charges to escape to Lyran space and bring word of what was happening within the Hegemony to the worlds beyond its borders. 

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Old age should burn and rave at close of day. 
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

And the TAS Dreadnought did not go gentle into her long good night. 


Game wise the Dreadnought by modern standards is certainly nothing amazing, she’s more a big cruiser by later standards but is still surprisingly ‘fast’ capable of generating as much thrust as a McKenna or Farragut class battleship, making her ‘faster’ than the common cruiser of the final period of the Star League the Sovietskii Soyuz class.  Built for a time before bracket firing was a thing the Dreadnought class is built for close in slugging matches and her NAC batteries give her a fearsome punch whilst allowing for bracket firing in later years as her computer systems would have been updated to take this into account and her triple and quad batteries of guns allow for some bracket firing much like the Lola class destroyers.

Covered by 1,147.5 tonnes of standard armour the Dreadnought’s armour is equal to later heavy cruisers but is outclassed by the ships that succeeded her whilst her structural integrity of 60 makes her rather lightly built for a battleship but she is fairly hard to threshold because of her protection if you’re a fighter or dropship.

85 – Bow and fore sides. (9 to Threshold)
80 - aft sides and aft (8 to threshold)

Unlike many SLDF ships the Dreadnought can engage fighters with her AC5’s and 2’s but this is really little more than harassing fire and should not be relied upon to kill fighters, leave that to friendly aerospace assets.

The Dreadnoughts AA defences are weaker than the later Aegis and Black Lion I classes, the Aegis boasts thicker protection to protect her against fighter weapons whilst the Black Lion I featured long range missiles to engage the fighters as they came in.  But compared to later vessels, she’s not actually that bad considering that light AA weapons were rarely a thing on SLDF battleships.  Sure compared to 3067 and onwards vessels she’s got a weak flak battery, but against SLDF ships, she’s above average for all of them.

Really the Dreadnought is a simple ship, get in close and smash apart anything that looks at you, when introduced there was nothing that could match her and even her successor the Black Lion I class had less protection.  The closest competitor to the Dreadnought was the Davion Defender class Battlecruiser which you can read about here -,38802.0.html

The Defender has a heavier punch but has horrifyingly weak structural integrity and paper thin armour, against a Dreadnought it’s a case of who shoots and gets a good solid hit in first wins as both ships are quite fragile with the Defender being even more lightly built.

Other contemporaries include the Flight I Aegis cruisers who boast better protection and roughly equal firepower but are far slower and produce less thrust than the Dreadnought, allowing her to control the engagement more and of course the Black Lion I.  The Black Lion I is arguably a superior vessel with slightly heavier throw weight and the same AA defences but being able to throw six Killer Whale missiles at long range at a target is invaluable in a time when ships are defenceless against them.

And whilst no longer a battleship in terms of her mass by modern standards, she’d still be a nasty ship to face purely because of brute firepower making her a potent if, admittedly rather dull NAC beatstick.

One mildly interesting thing of note is that the fleet that threatened to bombard Terra was apparently 14 ships strong, but I do not know what ship classes these were save the Dreadnought. I don’t know if any of her sisters were in service at this point, there was probably some Dart Class light cruisers and other unknown vessels.  We’ve also never had any stats or details on the ‘armed merchant ships’ that get mentioned a few times, like those that engaged the Cameron class battlecruiser SLS St Joan for example, but we can imagine that these armed merchantships would have been part of the Alliance’s fleet.

Regarding the eventual fate of the class, we know that two suffered miss-jumps or ‘navigational errors’.  It could be possible that out there somewhere, cold and dead in some unknown system far from the light of the Star League and Hegemony a Dreadnought class ship hangs in space a tomb for its crew who died in the service of the Hegemony and Star League.

The history of the Dreadnought is CLEARLY inspired by the modern TV show of Battlestar Galactica which tells the tale of an old ship set aside for retirement as a museums leading a convoy of civilian ships to safety.  Add a healthy dash of HMS Warspite and you have TAS Dreadnought.  Whilst the ship itself is a bit dull and simple really, it’s her history and legacy that makes her who she is.  It makes her a part of the history of the Battletech universe and not just some warship, instead, she’s a legend.

Art by -

Suggested music for the Dreadnought;

As always comments and thoughts are most welcome.
« Last Edit: 10 January 2016, 06:29:05 by marauder648 »
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #1 on: 10 January 2016, 07:31:04 »
An excellent read, good sir.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #2 on: 10 January 2016, 13:31:36 »
nicely written.

About the only vehement objection I have to the Dreadnought is the really ugly artwork. It does *not* look like a BT ship at all. And as with many of the artist's other works, it would've been much better off without the solid-looking drive plume.


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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #3 on: 10 January 2016, 13:57:57 »
I take it we don't have canon names for the other 6 ships in the class?
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #4 on: 10 January 2016, 14:06:16 »
Built for a time before bracket firing was a thing the Dreadnought class is built for close in slugging matches and her NAC batteries give her a fearsome punch whilst allowing for bracket firing in later years as her computer systems would have been updated to take this into account and her triple and quad batteries of guns allow for some bracket firing much like the Lola class destroyers.

Those NAC batteries are extremely long ranged for a close range slugging match. Not to mention 40 and 60 point hits. That sounds less like a slugger and more like an artillery platform, especially paired with the marines and shuttles.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #5 on: 10 January 2016, 14:39:13 »
Those NAC batteries are extremely long ranged for a close range slugging match. Not to mention 40 and 60 point hits. That sounds less like a slugger and more like an artillery platform, especially paired with the marines and shuttles.

Have you ever looked at an old ship-of-the-line like HMS Victory? It's basically a huge artillery platform in broadsides with lots of little boats and marines...
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #6 on: 10 January 2016, 14:53:08 »
Those NAC batteries are extremely long ranged for a close range slugging match. Not to mention 40 and 60 point hits. That sounds less like a slugger and more like an artillery platform, especially paired with the marines and shuttles.

True but without bracket firing to reduce the hit numbers, which wasn't a thing until the Reunification War, then this limits the long range hits to 'Oh blimey that actually hit!' and despite her MASSIVE cargo bay the Dreadnought carries not really enough shots for long range speculative fire.

This means that you can't really rely on long range wallops until the Reunification War SLEP to upgrade their fire control computers to take bracketing into effect.  This limits the range of the guns and means the Dreadnought like many ships of her time have to get close to get a decisive result.
« Last Edit: 10 January 2016, 14:57:36 by marauder648 »
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #7 on: 10 January 2016, 14:58:32 »
I take it we don't have canon names for the other 6 ships in the class?

And sadly not, in Dragoncat's timeline the Raven's found the SLS Hood a Dreadnought class ship in an uninhabited system and are reactivating/repairing her but that's (sadly) not canon.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #8 on: 10 January 2016, 15:45:41 »
True but without bracket firing to reduce the hit numbers, which wasn't a thing until the Reunification War, then this limits the long range hits to 'Oh blimey that actually hit!' and despite her MASSIVE cargo bay the Dreadnought carries not really enough shots for long range speculative fire.

Defining range by the existence of bracket firing isn't really a comment on the ship. Every ship built before the Reunification War would be a short range brawler by that definition. The fact that quad mounts of NAC 10s are used instead of single NAC 40s allows a possibility of long range combat that shouldn't be ignored because of range brackets.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #9 on: 10 January 2016, 21:49:54 »
Maybe NAC40s hadn't been invented yet?


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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #10 on: 10 January 2016, 22:41:37 »
Excellent article, Marauder648.

Only thing i regret, aside from not knowing what names of the other six ships were.  Is having the ship's record sheet.  Heavy Metal Pro i have doesn't work now, but it be nice have canon record sheet to use. 

As for sister ships at time of McKenna's coupe that ended the effective Terran Alliance civil war. Perhaps the Fourth World War.

As for any ships with Dreadnought.  Its big question mark. The Dart was build in 2305, is only ship close enough to be around.  Maybe Dart's prototype could have been around,  but the Black Lion (1) and Bonaventure -Class Corvette were built in 2315 and 2317 respectively, which would being only ones i can find young enough to be around.  The Cruiser Class "Heavy" Cruiser ended up being a retro warship based on old pre-Hegemony plans ended up arriving late in 2325.

« Last Edit: 23 January 2016, 12:38:16 by Wrangler »
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #11 on: 10 January 2016, 23:06:47 »
About the only vehement objection I have to the Dreadnought is the really ugly artwork. It does *not* look like a BT ship at all.

Indeed, it looks rather inspired more by the same source a good deal of its later fluff was derived from, without getting close enough to risk copyright infringement.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #12 on: 10 January 2016, 23:50:48 »
Defining range by the existence of bracket firing isn't really a comment on the ship. Every ship built before the Reunification War would be a short range brawler by that definition. The fact that quad mounts of NAC 10s are used instead of single NAC 40s allows a possibility of long range combat that shouldn't be ignored because of range brackets.

The way I look at the gunnery is basically WW1 ships.

At the start of WW1 most navies planned to engage at about 10, maybe 12,000 yards and had not really shot beyond this range.  They chose this range despite the fact the guns could easily reach out far further but as the range went up, accuracy went way down.

Yet at the Battle of Dogger Bank the RN ships opened fire at 22 - 23,000 yards much to the concern of the ships gunnery officers as they had NEVER shot at those ranges whilst moving at flank speed.  The results were as expected, shots all over the place and not coming near a target, but as the range dropped hits started being made, but they were not decisive, and in the War most battles took place at around 10-12000 yards for sustained gunnery (sometimes closer).

After the war the USN, IJN and RN went long range gunnery mad and started training and developing systems for it.  This in Btech is the invention of the bracket firing technique and protocols for the fire control computers by the SLDF, a technique and technology that remained propritary of the SLDF. 

Along comes WW2 and then you're engaging at far greater ranges with far greater accuracy.  And this happened with the SLDF, once they had the bracket firing tech/systems they started focusing on long range battles whilst retaining some shorter ranged guns (the single NAC-40's on the Texas for example). 

The bracket firing was never shared with the House lords and they basically remained in the WW1 era.

Long range firing could be done, pre bracket firing, but even if the weapons had the range, they had issues aiming the thing.  So sure they could engage at long range, but its more hope and hit rather than real accuracy, basically 'if we fire enough, somethings gonna hit!'

But despite that Warships have cargo bays that in some cases you can loose a super liner in, they have limited ammo and in some cases very small ammo supplies, so firing these long range shots with high to hit numbers could mean that you MIGHT get a hit or two, but when you're at proper engagement ranges, you're either out or running low on ammo.
« Last Edit: 10 January 2016, 23:57:32 by marauder648 »
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #13 on: 11 January 2016, 15:34:46 »
To be honest, I would have opened up on McKenna with nuclear warheads when he started firing on Earth since he's clealry gone rogue.  I don't think his speech is terribly persuasive either-'Stop fighting or I'll kill you?'  That's just the same old might makes right argument that everyone else is using, what makes you special?
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #14 on: 11 January 2016, 16:02:49 »
To be honest, I would have opened up on McKenna with nuclear warheads when he started firing on Earth since he's clealry gone rogue.  I don't think his speech is terribly persuasive either-'Stop fighting or I'll kill you?'  That's just the same old might makes right argument that everyone else is using, what makes you special?
Regarding nuclear warheads, marauder said this: "Her hull plating was capable of withstanding naval weapons and nuclear attacks". It could be inferred that the nuclear warhead delivery technology at the time was not capable of engaging the modern WarShip sufficiently to be a threat until modern capital missiles were used to deliver them.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #15 on: 11 January 2016, 16:52:28 »
The Alamo, which is the pretty common anti-ship weaponry, came into existence 100 years before the Dreadnought. And technically, yeah, the Dreadnought is proof against the Alamo, but that's not too hard (you only need 10 capital). However, if the Alamo crits, its going to instant kill the Dreadnought.

Then again, its probably shorter to list the WarShips that wouldn't be an instant kill in that case :)


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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #16 on: 11 January 2016, 17:01:53 »
Excellent article, Marauder648.

Only thing i regret, aside from not knowing what names of the other six ships were.  Is having the ship's record sheet.  Heavy Metal Pro i have doesn't work now, but it be nice have canon record sheet to use. 

As for sister ships at time of McKenna's coupe that ended the effective Terran Alliance civil war. Perhaps the Fourth World War.

As for any ships with Dreadnought.  Its big question mark. The Dart was build in 2305, is only ship close enough to be around.  Maybe Dart's prototype could have been around,  but the Black Lion (1) and Bonaventure -Class Corvette were built in 2315 and 2317 repectively, which would being only ones i can find young enough to be around.  The Cruiser Class "Heavy" Cruiser ended up being a retro warship based on old pre-Hegemony plans ended up arriving late in 2325.


Essex I class?


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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #17 on: 11 January 2016, 19:12:10 »
Essex I class?
Too newish.  She was commissioned in 2351.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #18 on: 11 January 2016, 20:19:22 »
The Alamo, which is the pretty common anti-ship weaponry, came into existence 100 years before the Dreadnought. And technically, yeah, the Dreadnought is proof against the Alamo, but that's not too hard (you only need 10 capital). However, if the Alamo crits, its going to instant kill the Dreadnought.

Then again, its probably shorter to list the WarShips that wouldn't be an instant kill in that case :)
Pooh, BattleTech Wiki (sarna wiki) didn't list the intro date for Alamo! >.<
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #19 on: 11 January 2016, 20:49:07 »
“To the men and women of Humanity’s cradle: Attention.  This is Fleet Admiral James McKenna aboard the warship Dreadnought.  The destruction of the islands near Scotland and Australia ..."

So he took out New Zealand?

Good read by the way ...


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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #20 on: 11 January 2016, 22:35:47 »
So he took out New Zealand?

Good read by the way ...
It was mentioned that those islands targeted were unihabited. So smaller ones near New Zealand or AUstralia :P
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #21 on: 12 January 2016, 09:00:21 »

As for any ships with Dreadnought.  Its big question mark. The Dart was build in 2305, is only ship close enough to be around.  Maybe Dart's prototype could have been around,  but the Black Lion (1) and Bonaventure -Class Corvette were built in 2315 and 2317 repectively, which would being only ones i can find young enough to be around.  The Cruiser Class "Heavy" Cruiser ended up being a retro warship based on old pre-Hegemony plans ended up arriving late in 2325.


Pretty much this. Mostly Darts and possibly the first of the Black Lions to enter service.


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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #22 on: 12 January 2016, 17:59:07 »
Too newish.  She was commissioned in 2351.

Just knew it was a first gen era warship


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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #23 on: 12 January 2016, 18:09:54 »
Just knew it was a first gen era warship
No worries, I'm bitter that Cruiser-Class didn't get to be part of the original run of Warships. Least there would been explanation of what ships were there.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #24 on: 13 January 2016, 11:45:32 »
I'm glad folks enjoyed reading this article, it was a good one to research :)  And aye it would be nice to know the name of the other ships of the Class.  But going off the naming convention of the Monsoons (Barham, Thunderer, Richielieu etc) we can probably guess that the Dreadnoughts shared names with warships from history so there might have been a Hood, Conqueror, Danton, Bismark, Ise and Constitution for all we know :)
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #25 on: 22 January 2016, 11:25:56 »
About the only vehement objection I have to the Dreadnought is the really ugly artwork. It does *not* look like a BT ship at all. And as with many of the artist's other works, it would've been much better off without the solid-looking drive plume.

To be fair to the old girl, in universe she was designed and built literally centuries before many of the other warship designs. As the first ever of her kind. No one knew what was going to work or not. Frankly, I'd be surprised if she wasn't radically different from "Modern" SLDF and 3050+ House designs.


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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #26 on: 22 January 2016, 18:07:21 »
To be fair to the old girl, in universe she was designed and built literally centuries before many of the other warship designs. As the first ever of her kind. No one knew what was going to work or not. Frankly, I'd be surprised if she wasn't radically different from "Modern" SLDF and 3050+ House designs.

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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #27 on: 22 January 2016, 19:59:26 »
I wish more art was done with the Dreadnought and other ships in that Reunification War book.   I'd like see where turrets for its numerous guns are hidden.

I'm still hoping 3057R record sheet book, if it comes out will include the ships didn't get record sheets.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #28 on: 23 January 2016, 00:04:20 »
I for one love the Dreadnought's art, its different to the superb 3067 warship art but isn't the mangled etch-a-sketch shapes of the 3057 SLDF ships, the revised ships art at the back blows those butt ugly monstrosities out the water.
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Re: Warship of the Month - January - TAS/THS/SLS Dreadnought.
« Reply #29 on: 23 January 2016, 03:16:16 »
So he took out New Zealand?

Good read by the way ...

As long as there's a reason we're on the maps this time. :P

Personally I like the Dreadnaught, even the artwork. It does what the fiction needs it to do and to be quite honest I love how Battlestar Dreadnought made it's get away from Terra. :D

