Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 253010 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1320 on: 04 January 2021, 14:38:10 »
You TOTALLY realize that to SONS of Katherine Steiner-Davion who maybe on opposing sides are just asking to have epic encounter in years ahead. right?  >:D

My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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    • Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1321 on: 10 January 2021, 03:43:59 »
Excellent updates as always! And Alaric's on the rise eh? :D
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1322 on: 11 January 2021, 05:20:11 »
Excellent updates as always! And Alaric's on the rise eh? :D

Thanks, just an earlier and different path for him

Presentation Ceremony, Algonquin Theatre
Jefferson City, Freedom
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
8th February 3115

   The arena was filled with twelve thousand people assembled on a triple tier which faced down on a single display podium.  The owner and announcer of the Algonquin Theatre Wolfgang Bogdanow was both nervous and excited today various companies were showing off the new Mechs which were being presented to the defenders of Freedom with Duke Brandt Simons-Steiner here in person to accept them.  Recently Freedom had been a nervous world with the Rasalhague Dominion and Clans Jade Falcon, Hell’s Horses and Coyote all bearing down towards the planet and Brandt Simons-Steiner’s brother Bodeven had been making noise about taking a more proactive position in defence against the Clans.  In response Brandt had spent money from the Simons-Steiner coffers and was now bringing in a new mixed battalion of forces for the defenders including many new Clan Mechs.  The presentation here at the Algonquin Theatre would put the site and Bogdanow on the map and bring in plenty money in the coming months.

   Now the first Mech a BattleMaster 6C was being presented with its twin cockpit the most stand out feature the Command Console mounted in the head of the BattleMech providing superior command capabilities.  The BattleMaster was an old design but still a favourite across the Inner Sphere which constantly adapted to the changing environment of the Inner Sphere, this version of the venerable Mech featured twin pulse lasers and a short-range missile launcher which provided close in firepower while medium to long range firepower was provided by four light autocannons.  The eighty-five-ton BattleMech turned slowly showing everyone its firepower.  At the back of the Mech there were two extended range small lasers which would add further defence to the Mech.  Because of the half circle design of the Algonquin Theatre the crowd were able to get closer to the eighty-five-ton Mech than most people could be while being safe due to the Solaris VII-style energy barriers which were employed around the entire arena.

   As the applause rang out Wolfgang Bogdanow spoke “Ladies and gentlemen, from a venerable giant to an invader’s Mech which now serves in our defence.”  He said as the BattleMaster thumped out of the arena a far smaller design walked in.  Weighing in at thirty-five tons the hunched over Puma BattleMech painted in the black, silver and brown of Clan Wolf stood proud in front of them all.  The crowd murmured as the OmniMech extended its arms stretching like a human would “the Puma S is a design we will be employing in the future to defend our cities from intrusion and for hunting down Clan Elementals.”  Wolfgang said the Mech was equipped with multiple pulse lasers in the arms but that was not the most horrifying aspect of the Mech, sixteen machine guns covered the arms and torso of the Mech making the Mech more than capable of cutting down multiple infantry soldiers or Battle Armoured troopers in moments.  The Mech turned slowly on the platform flexing its arms and twisting its torso giving people the full experience of the light Mech.  “Built by Clan Mountain Wolf on Gallery the Puma is…” he began to explain more about the Mech when he saw the energy barrier stutter and then suddenly fail “…oh my…” He said his words failing him “ladies and gentlemen, no need to worry we’ve had a minor technical hitch but you’re perfectly safe…” he began to say as the Puma continued its routine but then stopped when facing the Royal box.  For a moment time seemed to slow as the Puma’s machine guns, pulse lasers and torso mounted flame thrower opened fire with a thunderous noise cutting down the duke, his immediate family and hundreds of civilians who were caught in the attack as the Puma’s pilot specifically targeted the area with bullets and pulse laser fire.

   Wolfgang Bogdanow knew he was ruined by the sudden and deadly attack but he’d be a patriot and seal in the Puma long enough to slow it and allow the militia to arrive and arrest the pilot.  Turning to reach for the emergency lockdown button in his control room Bogdanow’s thoughs of financial ruin and his control over his arms failed him in an instant as a burning white vibroblade sliced through his back and penetrated his chest.  For a moment Wolfgang Bogdanow stared down at the blade, his thoughts escaping him as he looked at the weapon and knew the result and then he slipped into unconsciousness and death.

   “One, Two, your clear control eliminated.” The power armoured assassin said allowing the body to fall to the floor her feminine voice and body movement clear even through the power armour.  As she spoke the Puma continued to fire with its arms now turning on staff and guards from around the building showering more areas of the theatre in heavy machine gun fire.

   “Received, link up with Three and evacuate.”  The other person replied as the Puma ceased fire the theatre was on fire, there were hundreds of casualties in the stands and hundreds more scrambling for cover while there were thousands of shell casings at the OmniMech’s feet.  “Four, Five, I am evacuating.”

   “Understood One, the militia are all over the place answering calls you’ll only have a flight of ready VTOLs and some Battle Armour to contend with.”  Four replied the pilot did not like the sound of that but didn’t respond instead he turned the OmniMech and ran down the late night streets of Jefferson City.  Around the Theatre hundreds of private vehicles were trying to get clear of the scene of the attack jamming the roads for ground vehicles.  The thirty-five ton OmniMech was not going to be stopped by traffic jams though and ran through the parked vehicles smashing them to the side or crushing them as it went.

“This thing might be Clan Tech but remember I don’t have the range.”  The pilot said continuing to run the small Clan Mech down through the streets towards the harbour.

“For once you don’t need it, I’ve got you covered” another voice said over the comms.

“We’ve got lift off from city base four VTOLs all different models” another of the team reported.  “They’ll be with you in a couple of minutes.

“I’ll be near the harbour by then, Dominic, feel free to chime in when you’re ready.”  One said breaking their codes.

“Command sent” he replied from several roof tops long range missile and autocannon batteries began to fire into the air at the incoming VTOLs and down at the militia base.  The weapons fire was damaging buildings and starting mini-fires across the downtown city.  Each of them had been hacked to fire on automation until they were out of ammunition.
 “You’re clear Bounty Hunter, they will not brave that storm of weapons fire, you’re clear, we’ll see you after extraction.”

“Affirmative, thanks for the assist” Christopher Grant aka the Bounty Hunter replied smashing his Puma through the gate to the harbour and down one of the piers he ignored the small arms fire directed at his Mech as he threw the Mech off the end of the pier and sunk into the depths of the harbour.  Within a minute the Mech was safely on the floor of the harbour its hull perfectly sealed for this kind of operation he reached over to a detonator control he’d attached to the side of the cockpit and pressed the button detonating explosive they’d placed on the bottom of several of the ships.  As the ships began to sink throwing cargo and people into the water and stirring up the sediment at the base of the water obscuring movement below the waves, this covered his escape into the depths of Freedom’s ocean.

With the Duke dead a power struggle made up of his supporters against those of his brother began on Freedom driving the world into a state of civil war as the local militia was overwhelmed by multiple forces on different sides.  During the following days the Bounty Hunter’s team evacuated with hundreds of other civilians’ intent on escaping the world before things got really bad while for a week Christopher Grant survived on combat rations as he walked his Puma across the ocean bed to a small island.  Emerging at night the Mech was guided across the beach and into a cargo container he then dismounted from the OmniMech and headed to a local motel where he already had a booking.  For a week the Bounty Hunter remained in the motel keeping a low profile as Freedom continued to go through the pains of losing its leader.
While Freedom was an important world to the Isle of Skye the sudden loss of its Duke had destabilized the world.  The Bounty Hunter then left on a DropShip bound for Skye his Puma, which would form part of his team’s payment for this job, would be shipped off the world separately or his employer would send him a new one if it wasn’t possible to send that particular Mech.  Either way the job was done and Christopher Grant was off to his next challenge.

Border Raid
Sarna, Lee PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
9th February 3115

   Madison Liao, Duchess of Andurien, Daughter of Dao-Shen Liao, screamed in anger as the flames consumed her BattleMech and the autocannon fire tore down the left arm of her Cataphract BattleMech.  She had chosen Sarna as a target for her unit’s raid against the Federated Suns but unfortunately the Clinton’s Cutthroats mercenary command which defended the world had been ready for them and were making her people pay for every inch of territory they captured.  Now a Cutthroats Legionnaire BattleMech was chewing her Mech’s left hand side to pieces with its rotary autocannon and inferno equipped short range missiles.  The Cataphract was a traditional Capellan design which had been reborn with new technology she twisted the Mech’s turret-styled torso to track the Legionnaire firing her Mech’s gauss rifle in an attempt to knock down the lighter Mech unfortunately the Legionnaire was too fast for her shot and the supersonic slug went wide tearing up the ground behind the fifty-ton BattleMech.  Now in behind her more autocannon blasts tore into the rear left torso of the Mech breaching the armour and damaging a heat sink mounted there.  Horrible green black fluid exploded from her Mech’s torso running to the ground Madison triggered both of her Mech’s rear mounted medium lasers scoring two hits on the running Legionnaire a small victory and one that only caused minimal damage.  Already the Legionnaire was running past her Mech’s back now hitting the back of her right leg and arm but mercifully missing the torso and the gauss rifle mounted there.  Two short range missiles flew past the Cataphract’s position thankfully missing her Mech which already was struggling with heat build up from the pervious strike and exploded on the ground throwing inferno jelly everywhere.  Moments later Madison’s relief turned to horror as she realized the missiles had not missed and were not meant for her and she saw four battle armoured troopers walk from the flames their armour ablaze the soldiers literally being cooked alive in their armour.  Three of the troopers had the wits about them to drop to the ground and try to knock off the jelly but it was to no effect and none of the squad survived the strike.

   Even more angry at seeing members of her unit killed by an opponent she hadn’t been able to defeat Madison Liao twisted the Cataphract to her right-hand side and unleashed both her Mech’s gauss rifle and particle cannon in an attempt to strike down the Legionnaire.  If only one weapon could hit her enemy, she’d have preferred it to be the gauss rifle with its kinetic striking power the weapon could take an arm or leg completely off the enemy medium Mech unfortunately only the particle cannon struck home damaging more armour on the still fast-moving enemy.  Madison moved her stance and fired both variable speed pulse lasers but neither hit the target as the Legionnaire turned on her again the over head autocannon roared to life as did its arm mounted short range missile launcher.

   As autocannon munitions exploded all over her Mech’s torso several shots hit her Mech’s head rattling Madison’s teeth as she was thrown around the cockpit.  She had no way to prepare for the two short range missiles exploding directly in front of her showering her BattleMech with another salvo of inferno jelly.  The heat levels spiked inside the Cataphract’s cockpit as her Mech’s heat sinks struggled then failed to deal with the rising heat.  Madison like all all MechWarriors wore as little clothing as possible and a coolant vest to help deal with the heat produced inside the BattleMech during battle but even these measures did little to help as the temperature skyrocketed.  In all of her twenty years Madison Liao had never felt such heat but giving into it was the last thing she could do she slapped the system shutdown override and tried to breath while commanding the seventy-ton Mech to move and try to knock off some of the inferno jelly all while trying to track the Legionnaire.

   While she multi-tasked she suddenly melt something off, something burning, she checked the external filters but they had reacted to the external fire and were closed.  She glanced around the cockpit even as more autocannon fire raked down her Mech for no she could probably survive the autocannon rounds if there was fire in her cockpit, she’d be dead in seconds.  Glancing upwards she saw it one of the autocannon rounds had penetrated the cockpit’s frame breaching it and now she was smelling the fumes coming from the fire outside.  Confident there was no fire inside the cockpit she turned back to the fight at hand just as the Legionnaire charged in close to her and swung one of its balled fist hands up, she’d been still trying to locate the source of the smell and given up her situational awareness an easy mistake to make for a young pilot.  It was at this moment that Duchess Madison Liao realized she could do nothing as the Legionnaire’s left then right fist slammed into the Cataphract’s body first came a blow to the chest which ravaged and smashed the armour while the other slammed into the Cataphract’s faceplate.  Fifty tons of attacking BattleMech slammed its fist through the cockpit even if the cockpit armour had not already been damaged it would have likely killed the pilot, the fist punched through the head armour into the cockpit crushing Madison Liao in her command chair.  As the Clinton’s Cutthroat’s Legionnaire withdrew its fist from the Cataphract’s Mech and without control the Mech collapsed in a heap.  The mercenary pilot knew nothing about the pilot they had killed and ran off after the next target as Madison Liao lay dead on the field within hours the invaders had retreated from the world in disarray carrying word of the Duchess death back to the Capellan Confederation.

Throne Room,
Crimson, Salonika
Canopus, Magistracy of Canopus
17th February 3115

   Entering the Throne Room of House Centrella on the world of Canopus Commanding-General Victor Focht was glad to see the joint guard of two Royal Black Watch and two Centrella Rangers warriors snap to attention in unison.  They had not been together for long but already appeared to realize that the best way for them to do their jobs was to work as a team, which was the whole point behind the Star League Defence Force.  For seventeen years Victor Focht had served as Commanding-General of the Star League and he’d never been to the Centrella family’s royal residence nor even Canopus.  It was a beautiful if humid world with rolling hills and forests which covered the deep mines that dotted the landscape.  Wearing his regular duty green uniform Victor approached the Magestix who sat on her golden throne waiting for him.  Magestix Ilsa Centrella was a beautiful woman now approaching her forty-second birthday she wore a gleaming green dress which fit her athletic body well and had golden threads running through it, on her head she wore matching green jewels which framed her head and fit in nicely with her dark skin hair.  As he approached the throne Victor saluted the Magestix and First Lord, she would be his immediate superior for her term as First Lord.

   “Welcome to Crimson” Ilsa said as he approached “I hope you find the facilities we are providing your people here on our capital?”

   “Affirmative First Lord they are very impressive facilities and they have good access ways to all of the cities main transport routes.”  He said appreciative of the Magistracy’s efforts to make them comfortable “I must say I was impressed with your efforts to repair the shipyards in this system they are coming on well.”

   “Thank you, my engineers will appreciate your praise I am sure, we could not continue to rely solely on the Trznadel Cluster Shipyards to provide transport for our realm first the Alliance Aerospace Group’s Bass Shipyards were brought online and now we are closing on having the Diamond Garter Shipyards operational for the first time since the First Star League almost completely destroyed them during the Reunification War.”  She said Focht knew exactly what the point she was making was; that the Magistracy was rebuilding to its previous strength with or without the SLDF’s help.  “What is the status of the SLDF at present?”

   “The largest expansion of the SLDF in many years is underway the Knights Corps has officially been activated within its ranks.”

   “The Knights Corps?”  She asked not familiar with the formation.

   “At present it stands at twenty combined-arms battalions each made up of a company of Mechs, armour and battle armour supported by some aerospace units.  These commands are led by a Knight of the Star League Protectorate and each of these Knights comes from a member world of the Protectorate.  Their mission is to promote the message of peace throughout the Star League nations and help resolve conflicts and assist local defenders in preparing to protect their own land instead of relying on external forces to save them.”  He explained “the SLDF’s plan is for there to be a formation active for every Protectorate world.”

   “Every world?  There are over seventy systems currently claimed by the Protectorate.”

   “Almost ninety now with Ruchbah, Basalt and Kawich in the Federated Suns, Hamilton in the Free Worlds League and both Shiloh and Pheoda from the Lyran Commonwealth all choosing to join the Protectorate this year.”  He explained “the SLDF is dedicated to their defence and while each planet will be provided for with Militia Guard forces the Exarch believed that it was time that the SLDF had a unifying force which could provide additional political and diplomatic powers to deployed commands and systems that needed it the Knights will provide this support.  Each Knight will carry the authority to speak for the Star League Defence Force and the Exarch of the Protectorate worlds giving them much political and resources support.  The Exarch sees them as the Star League’s olive branch force, capable of bringing some peace and security as well as a fighting force.”  He explained alone a single battalion was not a lot of troops but if one of the Knight forces arrived on a planet most nations would learn that they were the lead elements of a far larger force.  Exarch Victor Steiner-Davion had instructed that the Knights Corps do not lead assault forces but instead act as their own travelling support force picking their own destinations and helping where they could, almost like a state sponsored mercenary force.

   “And with all this spent on the Protectorate how much will be spent on other nations defence, such as those of your new First Lord?”  She asked probing, “she like all of the other House Lords? Those that keep your Protectorate relevant and do not rip it to pieces.”  She asked barely concealing the threat despite the Magistracy having not claim to threaten the Protectorate.

   “Magestix Centrella” Victor Focht said intentionally dropping her title of First Lord.  “Already SLDF Engineering Teams have landed on Gallis and are gathering resources that will see them build the largest supply and support facility in this entire region.  The Royal Black Watch and naval forces have also entered your realm to support you and help your nation, the Magistracy of Canopus will benefit greatly from the SLDF’s presence.  At present the SLDF’s main force are moving to help counter Clan threats from Clans Jade Falcon, Hell’s Horses, Snow Raven, Nova Cat and Wolf while all of them press Inner Sphere and periphery targets.”  He explained as the SLDF primarily tried to function as a shield for the Inner Sphere.

Already this week we have seen three more Federated Suns worlds fall to the Snow Raven advance while AFFS defenders had narrowly defended the system of Woodbine from falling.  There were numerous rumours that there was a split in the AFFS hampering defensive efforts.”

   “So, no more forces a shame.”

   “For now, no while you prosecute an attack on a nearby SLDF ally further support may take some time.”  Victor Focht warned, on Terra the Advisory council had raised concerns with the Commanding-General that the Magistracy would try to use SLDF forces against their allies in the Free Worlds League, something Victor would not allow was for his people to get drawn into a regional conflict.

Border raids
Jade Falcon OZ
21st February 3115

   In an attempt to force back Clan Jade Falcon forces away from the Coventry system Lyran Commonwealth forces supported by mercenary commands and two SLDF Regimental Brigades assault the worlds of Krievci, Incukalns, Zanderji and Atocongo with an aim to liberating these four systems.  Unfortunately, Lyran scouts heading into the Krievci and Inckalns systems detect that in both systems the Jade Falcons have WarShips waiting for the incoming forces including a Battleship in each system.  Fearing heavy losses before they even made landfall Lyran commanders call off the attacks on both systems instead fortifying Coventry from attack.

   The attacks on Zanderji and Atocongo however are a complete success as Lyran and SLDF forces invade both systems the 1894th Regimental Brigade of the SLDF splitting its forces to support the Nineteenth Arcturan Guards to retake both systems.  In both cases however the Lyrans find Clan Sea Fox defenders with the Jade Falcons completely gone from both systems the Sea Foxes agree to fight honour trials for both worlds allowing for minimal losses on both sides.  Due to the cordial nature of the engagements the Lyrans and SLDF troops learn from the Foxes that the Jade Falcons have turned over Esteros, Bountiful Harvest, A Place and Morges to Sea Fox forces leaving them only with Sudeten in the region cutting Sudeten completely off from the rest of the Occupation Zone.  While it is a strategy that none of the Inner Sphere realms would be comfortable it does not concern the Falcons as none of the other Clans around them are primarily naval Clans and do not have enough ships to enforce a blockade, while having the Falcons can also use the rite of Safcon to allow for uninterrupted travel.  Meanwhile Lyran and Star League Intelligence scratch their heads and search nearby systems for the garrisons of the four systems which the Jade Falcons had moved without them realizing.

Planetary Administrator’s Office
Gallery, New Stockholm
Halfway Province, Lyran Commonwealth
26th February 3115

   It was cold on Gallery as the world descended into its winter season but then the windswept surface of Gallery was always cold and inhospitable Riko Danvers, the Scientist-General of the Mountain Wolf Clan, hated the world and he hated the Lyran Commonwealth for placing them there.  Apparently, the world’s defences had never been breached it was a natural fortress with hundreds of tunnels underground many of which led nowhere a labyrinth under the cold surface.  Unknown to the Lyrans since the remains of the Mountain Wolves had made Gallery their home, they had converted several of the tunnels to their own uses.

   Placing his thick wolf fur lined jacket over his leather desk chair Riko Danvers immediately felt like he was being watched spinning around to his right quickly he drew a laser pistol from its shoulder holster.  He always carried a weapon and knew how to use it as he didn’t trust the Mountain Wolf warriors not to turn on him someday even if most of them were too inexperienced or too many years old to challenge him.

   “Hello Riko” the figure said sitting on the chair in the far darkened corner of the room even from here he could tell it was a female wearing a Wolf warrior’s duty uniform.  Even in the darkness that his much of her face he could see her bright red hair which he guessed she’d modelled after Natasha Kerensky like so many had over the years.  It took him several moments to realize who the woman was she’d aged more than the years that had passed he could now see as his eyes adjusted to the darkness that her left eye had been replaced with a cybernetic one which was coloured blue like her natural eye.

   “Misara is that you?”  He asked slowly moving his finger from the laser pistol’s trigger.

   “Aff, Riko, it is good to see you again.”

   “And you, how did you get here?”

   “I arrived in the Inner Sphere approximately six months ago and I arrived on Gallery with the Sea Fox transport this morning.”

   “Our people are in the Sea Fox Clan?”  He asked it was a revaluation to him, he hadn’t realized there were potential allies so close.  Each cell of their society was locked off from the others with contact kept to a minimum.

   “Our people are everywhere.  I take it that things are progressing well here, quiaff?”

   “Affirmative, the Kharon and Puma S sales continue to bring in resources for the Mountain Wolves resources that we continue to use to develop new weapons to target our enemies."  He said naming the BattleMech and OmniMech which the Mountain Wolves primarily produced on Gallery the majority of their current production was sold to the Commonwealth and to the Fire Mandrills in the Rim Collection.  "We have also finished work on a new Long Range Missile carrier to support ground forces and sell to our hosts in the Commonwealth.  As they have Clans on every border, they buy lots of weapons and ask little questions it has been quite a boon for our people.”

   “And your control over the warriors?”

   “Absolute” he said confidently even though he didn’t trust them he knew he controlled them.  “When the majority of the Clan rejoined Clan Wolf it devastated our ability to maintain the genetic diversity needed for a Trueborn program as a result we have an increased number of freeborns in our Touman, few of which have the political knowledge to challenge the status quo.”  He explained “a few of our younger members have agitated under the exile we have found ourselves in on this world desiring to fight and defeat enemies of the Mountain Wolves and of the Lyran people but we have been able to keep these desires in check with their able leaders falling to unfortunate accidents.”

   “And the warriors have not questioned these accidents, quineg?”

   “When most of them are near the end of their career or just out of their cannister they barely have any idea on what is going on.”  He said confidently finally putting the pistol away and moving around his desk “we control the Mountain Wolves entirely as you do the Homeworlds.”

   “Not quite” she admitted looking at the floor for a moment “the Clans continue to resist efforts in the Homeworlds and our people have been unable to draw them into a final conflict.”  She said “instead we believe we need to use what you have researched here in your special section” she explained Riko Danvers eyes widened in surprise, while he had tried to get the Lyrans to use the weapon when they hadn’t they’d given the go ahead he’d drawn back from its development, “we will target a population centre on Fasa, somewhere we know they will be and have it run through their population.”

   “It… it has not been tested like that, it was not part of the plan we had aimed to target the Iron Wombs, I have no idea what the effect will be on a primarily freeborn population.”  He stammered shocked at what she had suggested his people had developed the weapon yes but to release them into a general population had not been part of the plan instead they had planned to release it into their enemies Iron Wombs slaughtering their future generations and contaminating their Bloodlines one at a time.

   “Then test it!” She nearly shouted her anger boiling he was sure her cybernetic eye glowed red for a moment to reflect her rising temper.  “We need to know that it will effectively pass from person to person and between worlds, this is most important Riko we need that data we need it to hurt them.”

   “I will have my people do simulations and give us data.”

   “Simulations?”  Misara laughed out loud “you are in the Inner Sphere Riko Danvers you have a wealth of worlds to target… pick one, but do not get caught.”  She warned rising from the chair “I’ll return soon Riko, you had better get that data for us, time is short for all of us.  Now your continued life depends on it.”  She warned him “otherwise if you are unable to pick a target, I will ensure that one of my people release your little plague here among your population and we’ll get the data anyway.”  She threatened leaving the room before he could get answer.  He couldn’t track her down without rising suspicion and she knew it, he needed to work fast or everything he’d built here would come crashing down around him.
« Last Edit: 11 January 2021, 05:33:24 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1323 on: 11 January 2021, 05:20:24 »
Naval Battle, Sovereign (Sovereign-class Carrier)
Winfield, Woodbine PDZ
Draconis March, Federated Suns
28th February 3115

   Two Clan Snow Raven WarShips had jumped into the Winfield system surprising a Federated Suns WarShips and the Fourth Crucis Lancers RCT who were preparing for an attack against the Raven Alliance.  This attack was designed to distract the AFFS as Snow Raven forces launched an attack on Kilbourne tying up AFFS forces while the Ravens invaded.  The combined firepower of the Ravens had destroyed the FSS Bravery, a Federated Suns First Prince II-class Battleship, and now they were hunting down the ground forces DropShips.

   Standing on the bridge of the Snow Raven vessel Sovereign, the first Sovereign-class Carrier which had been commissioned into the Snow Raven navy, Star Captain Hakke Sukhanov watched the Federated Suns counter-attack unfold.  In the Snow Raven Touman Hakke Sukhanov was considered to be a Ristar and had been tipped as a potential warrior for Khanship in the future for himself Hakke Sukhanov ignored such claims.  “Warn the Spartan that the Federated Suns have assault transports in that attack, they should expect boarding parties!”  He warned watching the AFFS LAM and aerospace fighter force throw themselves into their attack against the Spartan and its aerospace wing “instruct our fighters to assist them!”  He commanded the Sovereign had moved around the wreckage of the Bravery and it was attempting to get back into position to support the other Raven WarShip which was when the Fourth had launched its attack ‘they know they are done for but they intend on making us pay for it.’ Sukhanov thought watching as DropShips followed the fighters and LAMs with enough forces in an area a ship could get onto a WarShip and if they did that then all bets were off.

   “Helm bring us into a broadside position with the Spartan” Sukhanov commanded as the vessel began to approach the ongoing battle “weapons to target their DropShips, bring them all down” he said watching as LAMs landed on the Spartan converting into their Mech configuration they targeted the vessel’s hull opening it for Battle Armoured troopers to drop directly from the DropShips into the vessel.  The Sovereign’s weapons brought down three DropShips in rapid succession but the damage was done and Sukhanov could see the Spartan had now been boarded by dozens of Battle Armour troopers.  These brave soldiers had sacrificed themselves distracting the Ravens from finishing off the other ground forces less than two combined regiments would escape the Raven attack crippling the RCT but now the Ravens were about to pay an unacceptable cost.  Watching the attack continue Sukhanov breathed deeply before speaking “weapons target the Spartan with an intent of destroying the vessel.”  He commanded for several moments afterwards you could hear a pin drop on the command deck but the crew did as he asked.  Sukhanov continued to be focused on the Holotank image watching as the Spartan began to slowly list to the port suggesting that there had been an interruption to helm control.  “Anything on the status of the crew?”

   “Continued fighting onboard Star Captain Sukhanov some explosions are coming from within the vessel.” One of the bridge crew suggested as data continued to be gathered on the seven hundred-and-ten thousand ton WarShip.  They were sitting less than three kilometres from the ship and the Sovereign was powerless to assist their Clankin on the other vessel.  Both ships had been damaged in the fight with the Bravery but they should have been able to resist the ground forces counter-assault, the crew of the Spartan should not have allowed them to get close enough to board their ship, as the more heavily armed vessel the Spartan had been the ship that they had targeted Sukhanov was impressed by their bravery after seeing their WarShip destroyed by Snow Raven fire.

   “Loss of contact with Spartan bridge crew!”

“Continued fighting onboard the ship!”

“LAM craft abandoning the vessel and turning towards us!”

Rapid fire reports came through the bridge one by one as Sukhanov stood and watched AFFS forces were attempting to turn their attention now on the Sovereign classing the Spartan as no longer a threat which meant one of two things.  Firstly, that the Spartan had been captured by the invaders or secondly that the vessel was close to destruction Sukhanov had already decided that if the first had happened then he was going to ensure that the second eventuality also happened.

“Gunnery crews, defend us from incoming threats with conventional and sub-capital weapons” Sukhanov ordered “none of them are to close on our vessel.”  He initially ordered “communications try Spartan’s bridge again.”

“No communications, sir, it is possible the transceiver has been damaged.”  The crewman suggested but Sukhannov could see that the Spartan was no longer firing on AFFS targets allowing the remaining fighters to concentrate on the Snow Raven fighters in the area.

“General broadcast for our forces” Sukhanov ordered then after a moment “all Snow Raven vessels in the vicinity of the Spartan clear the space, I repeat clear the space, any Sovereign crew receiving this message are ordered to abandon their ship.”  He said allowing the message to be passed out and understood he watched as the Spartan continued to spin showing no sense of control.  There was also more importantly no counter command to his from the ship, the crew of the Spartan unable to answer him, which made his next decision easier “weapons positions, fire at will on the Spartan, destroy that ship.”

While weapons fire continued to be directed in the defence of the Sovereign from incoming aerospace forces the majority of the WarShips weapons now turned onto their former sister ship.  Naval versions of the BattleMech’s particle cannon spat out from the Sovereign’s weapons positions and tore through the Spartan’s armoured hull.  At this range it was impossible for the crewmen to miss the uncontrolled vessel and particle cannon blasts burned away the armour plate by plate tearing pieces off of the vessel.  Able to coordinate and concentrate their fire the gunners onboard the Sovereign penetrated the Spartan’s armour within two salvos exploiting damage already done by the FSS Bravery and the boarding actions.  Close to the hull of the Spartan a Federated Suns Stinger LAM was vapourized for being in the wrong place at the wrong times as a particle cannon blast tore through the fighter as it slammed into the WarShip beyond.  While the inside of a WarShip was designed to resist damage like the outside of the vessel there was only so much that the vessel could take and the continuous attack by the Sovereign took its tole on the ship.  Even as the Sovereign continued to fire the Spartan’s reactors lost containment and the vessel was consumed by an expanding fireball with explosions sending parts of the Spartan across the jump point.  In time those fragments would fall into Kilbourne’s star and burn up one last time.

With the destruction of the Spartan complete and the Sovereign’s defences holding the remains of the Fourth Crucis Lancers scattered attempting to return to the surface of the planet their forces harried all the way.  The Sovereign recovered as many survivors as they could from the Spartan, the remaining aerospace fighters and surviving DropShips before leaving the system.  From Winfield the surviving elements of the Fourth Crucis Lancers travelled and joined the First Crucis Lancers on Woodbine combining with that command.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1324 on: 11 January 2021, 11:54:49 »
Major oof.  Is there stats for the new Carrier?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1325 on: 11 January 2021, 12:40:49 »
Major oof.  Is there stats for the new Carrier?

Both ships are here they've been around for a bit just little action
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1326 on: 12 January 2021, 14:59:20 »
Excellent stuff and it seems House Davion's getting a bit of a kicking at the moment due to them being dogpiled.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1327 on: 24 January 2021, 11:45:40 »
There are no fish in my pond.
"First, one brief announcement. I just want to mention, for those who have asked, that absolutely nothing what so ever happened today in sector 83x9x12. I repeat, nothing happened. Please remain calm." Susan Ivanova
"Solve a man's problems with violence, help him for a day. Teach a man to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime." - Belkar Bitterleaf
Romo Lampkin could have gotten Stefan Amaris off with a warning.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1328 on: 18 February 2021, 06:41:09 »
Throne Room
Imperial City, New Samarkand
Draconis March, Federated Suns
1st March 3115

Standing in front of Coordinator Hirohito Kurita, the leader of the Draconis Combine, Gunji-no-Kanrei Kaimoto Inokashira knew that he had failed and that his life was forfeit.  The Coordinator could not spare him for this most recent failure he and the Coordinator had been successful many times recently but this failure was unacceptable.  Standing with his head bowed lower than he normally would Kaimoto delivered the end of his report.

“While we have success in the Glenmora, Tallmage and Fairfield systems, New Ivaarsen, Dobson and Le Blanc.  Glenmora, Tallmage and Fairfield systems and we have retaken Benjamin and the Ludwig system.  Unfortunately, the District of Dieron seized Umjiri, Katapha and Junction before our troops could move in.”  Kaimoto Inokashira said bowing even lower the failure to seize three systems before the break away district was another failure which the Coordinator was making him retell.

“The status on Benjamin?”

“After four years of Federated Suns occupation” Inokashira reported from his extended bow “there is little on Benjamin that resembles the world that was taken.  The Federated Suns levelled Fort Shadra, destroyed the Osaka Training Fields and we believe moved the Whitworth Specialty Manufacturing Complex to an unknown location along with the relocation of all of the companies registered employees.”  He said making his report the loss of the factory was a minor one the design had not kept up with modern advances in technology if the Federated Suns wished to waste resources in continuing to build them the Coordinator would not stop them.

“Continue” he commanded not leaving his throne chair

“The lack of resistance in the so-called Benjamin Salient was explained when our forces entered the New Ivaarsen system…” Inokashira said pausing still remained in his bowed position unsure if the Combine wished to hear the rest.

“Continue, in your own words Gunji-no-Kanrei”

“Hai!”  He said answered his Coordinator’s command “on entering the New Ivaarsen system we expected to encounter a WarShip and both New Ivaarsen Regiments.”  He explained “intelligence failed to notice that the Davion Assault Guards and Davion Light Guards were also transiting the system after being driven back by our forces.”  He said trying to make it sound like a victory unfortunately the both knew that the Federated Suns had given up Benjamin due to the Draconis Combine threatening Robinson.  “The Federated Suns forces were prepared for us and fell on the DCS Vincent Kurita, the DCS Osumi and the DCS Shohei Maru.  While our vessels did destroy one of the Federated Suns WarShips and several DropShips all three vessels were forced to sacrifice themselves to save our JumpShips and ground forces.   Our ground forces have returned to our territory and are ready to join the assault on Robinson.”

“Which now teeters on the brink of being impossible thanks to the presence of these elite RCTs and their WarShips being within jumping distance.  How did intelligence fail to realize that the Federated Suns units had retreated from Benjamin?”

“We believe the Federated Suns employed a ruse similar to that of what the Draconis Combine did during the Clan War when facing Clans Smoke Jaguar and Star Adder.  They employed minefields, fixed artillery, dozens of IndustrialMechs and modified vehicles to man fire bases to make them appear to be fully defended when in fact they were not.  While Special Forces teams were employed to in fact strike at the invasion forces early and get their attention before disappearing into the wilderness.”

“I want them hunted down and killed.”

“Several teams have already been killed they made no attempt to surrender or escape the world instead attacking our people when they encountered them, we believe the AFFS left them behind intentionally, this was a suicide mission.”

“You know what these losses mean to the Draconis Combine?”  Coordinator Hirohito Kurita asked the man remained bowed and did not answer.  “By your order you have caused the deaths of thousands of our people and by your order you will wipe the stain from our nation.  Disband the Vincent Kurita Naval Flotilla as your last act as my Gunji-no-Kanrei and then you know what must be done?”

“Hai!”  He answered simply the Coordinator was allowing him the honourable way out to pass one last set of orders and then to commit seppuku, the final act of a disgraced warrior ritual suicide.

“Then be gone, fulfil my orders.”  He ordered hours later the Gunji-no-Kanrei was dead by his own hands and those of his closest aide.  Over the course of the next few days more than a dozen of his personnel staff had also committed seppuku for their failures to the Gunji-no-Kanrei, to the Coordinator and to the Draconis Combine.  By the order of Coordinator Hirohito Kurita, the former commander of the Ghost Regimental Division Marissa Michika became the new Gunji-no-Kanrei of the Draconis Combine making her the first woman to hold the post.

Trial of Possession
The Rack, Stone Spirit Territory
3rd March 3115

   Following attacks into their territory Clan Sea Fox punish the Lyran Commonwealth in several ways firstly they withdraw their entire trade fleet from the Lyran Commonwealth sending it into the nations surrounding the Commonwealth.  Even Stone Spirit space which was considered to be little more than a bandit kingdom by the Clans saw Sea Fox traders appear on their worlds following the withdrawal from Lyran space with the Clansmen even honouring the Stone Spirits with an honour trial in The Rack system where the Seventh Cruiser Cluster win control over the system.  The Sea Fox’s first action once gaining control of the system is to rename it Port Vail, the name in which the world had been known during the First Star League.

   While not classed as a trade embargo officially without Sea Fox traders inside their nation the only Clan technology available in Lyran merchants is that which is produced in the Lyran Commonwealth, mainly by the Mountain Wolves, and that which is taken in combat.
Capellan Raid-in-Force, Outside City of Argo
New Aragon, Bell PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
9th March 3115

   “With respect Duchess, we must retreat from this world!”  Jiang-jun Dan Gun said looking at the Duchess.  Gun was the former commander of the Eighth Capellan Armoured Cavalry.  Former because the Eighth had fallen on this world to the guns of the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT and several mercenary bands that harried them.  Off to the side Jiang-jun Niklas Turunen the commander of Duchess Zeia Liao’s own Red Lancers stood off shaking his head warning Gun that Zeia Liao was not in the mood for this argument.

   “No Jiang-jun, with your surviving forces and those of the Nineteenth Liao Lancers the ranks of the Red Lancers have swelled we have more than enough forces to destroy the Fifth Fusiliers once and for all!”  She said angrily turning towards the planning table in the which sat in the centre of their circular command tent.

   Duchess Zeia Liao had led three Capellan Confederation regiments supported by two WarShips through four Davion held systems crushing militia and mercenary forces along the way in a tour of destruction retaliating against the Federated Suns for the death of her sister Madison.  But here on New Aragon the rage that the Capellans felt had burned out as they encountered an elite AFFS unit which was more than ready for them and equipped for an extended battle.  The Fifth was dug into several positions on New Aragon around the capital city of Argo the Regimental Combat Team had held firm when confronted by the Capellan Forces knocking them back during their counter-assault.  The Fifth had then done what elite forces were capable of and turned a defence into a full offensive pushing through Capellan defences as their counter-attack turned into a full line assault.  The charging Davion forces had first turned their attackers left flank which was held by the Nineteenth Liao Lancers.  The unit had crumbled under sustained heavy fire with its survivors streaming through the lines of the other Capellan regiments in disarray with the Fifth behind them baying for Capellan blood.  With the forces so intermingled the Capellan naval forces in the system were unable to interfere with the ground battle for fear of destroying their own Duchess the Eighth Cavalry had blunted the Fifth’s rampage through Capellan lines but the damage was done combined the Nineteenth or Eighth could field no more than two combined arms battalions less than a quarter of their original strength.  The Red Lancers had gotten off lighter and now stood even stronger than their original strength with the inclusion of the survivors from the other units.

   As Zeia Liao stepped back towards the table the Duchess nor her bodyguards saw what was coming next as Dan Gun at fifty-two years of age swung a lighting fast chop which struck the back of Zeia Liao’s neck.  The blow struck the short lightly built woman and she crumpled into a heap unconscious but alive, just as Dan Gun had planned.  Behind him two guards drew their weapons and fired several shots into his back several of which penetrated his personal armour and body.  As he sunk to his knees Dan Gun knew that his life was soon to end, he looked up at Niklas Turunen as blood began to trickle down his face from his mouth.  “You’re in command now, do the right thing, protect our duchess.”  He whispered before several more bullets hit his body ending his life.  He whispered before slumping to the ground dead.  A medical team rushed in to tend for their duchess who still laid unconscious.  Within hours all Capellan forces on planet were abandoning their defences and returning to their DropShips leaving New Aragon with DropShips, fighters and naval gunfire protecting their retreat and keeping the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT back.  Liao Madness had brought the Capellans to this system and now the bravery of one man, who knew his life was over after he watched his regiment fall, had acted to ensure that some of the attack forces could escape.

   In retaliation to the Fifth’s resistance on New Aragon and his daughter’s death fighting Clinton’s Cutthroats, Chancellor Dao-Shen Liao orders a surgical strike against Sarna targeting the unit that had killed Madison Liao.  In the Inner Sphere where engagements between nations and planets were so common sons and daughters died every day but rarely were those losses felt so high up in a nation’s leadership.  On the 19th March 3115 two unidentified Capellan Confederation WarShips jumped into the Sarna system bombarding six separate AFFS military bases intent on crushing the Clinton’s Cutthroats and any other resistance on the planet.  Thousands died in the bombardment with several wildfires started in the Sarna mountains that would go on for weeks after the attack but unfortunately for the Capellan forces the Cutthroats had already left the system.  Instead, the Capellan WarShips found they themselves under attack as dozens of capital missiles were fired from the surface of Sarna at the two vessels fired from silos buried deep within the mountains of Sarna.  Both vessels sustained several missile hits each but they were able to retreat before AFFS forces could capitalize on the damage.

Dig Site
Riken Minor, Rigil Kentarus
Star League Protectorate
23rd March 3115

   For three months the combined Star League and Interstellar Expeditions team had excavated the huge doors that covered the access point which they hoped led into the recently discovered fortification.  Discovered by a passing SLDF WarShip the base was completely recessed into the surface of Rigil Kentarus moon and had laid undiscovered for centuries.  Unused during the Amaris campaign the facility had laid hidden during the various conflicts that had plagued the Inner Sphere.

   Dressed in a grey coloured suit with matching sun hat Dr Ruben Urtubi walked into the massive five hundred metre across domed tent which the dig crews used as shelter during their work.  Originally from Mexico on Terra Urtubi was used to the heat felt during the day on Riken Minor but some of his colleagues were not hence the tent.  There were massive access doors in the roof of the tent which allowed construction workers to pull large finds out for study elsewhere.  Inside he saw that the crews and their four ConstructionMechs working on the site were waiting for him approaching he saw his lead assistant Monica Meio step out from the crowd.  She like him was from Terra originally coming from the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre she was nearly thirty years younger than him at only twenty-nine years she had dark skin and thick dark curly hair which she wore tied back in a tight ponytail.

   “We made it doctor, we have uncovered the access doors fully.”  She said greeting him

   “Good, very good” he said walking with her towards the facility greeting his co-workers as they approached “are the lifters in position?”  He asked as he reached the pit kneeling down to look at the massive armoured doors which his crews had uncovered.

   “We have four ships ready to assist us when we are ready.”  She said “even if we wanted to blow open the doors, I do not believe we could.”

   “I wouldn’t even if I was held at gun point.  The Star League may be in a rush for us to uncover this place following the fall of Zosma but to rush would millions in revenue and ruin the whole reason we are here.”  He said his group were here specifically because of Clan Wolf’s recent successes the fall of the Zosma system was just the most recent success of the Clan driving the Fourth Knights of the Inner Sphere from the system and shattering a WarShip in the process.  The Star League defenders had taken one of the Wolf vessels with them but the loss of the system was one more blow for the Protectorate.  Now the SLDF hoped to use this place as a fortress, a roadblock, to stop the incoming Clan charge.  If they could get it operational “Call in the cranes!” he called out “we’ll attach here and here” he explained pointing to the top corner on one side of the door “and the same at the other end.  Four pull points as we open our prize.”  He said looking up at the workers around him to smiles.

   As he was speaking the doors on the roof opened and powerful wires were lowered to the ground from four airships which hovered above the facility.  Due to Riken Minor’s low gravity the airships made for the perfect lifting machines capable of lifting far more than they could on a world with heavier gravity.  It took them two hours to securely attach the wires and then another hour on top for them to take the strain of the lift and then another agonizing hour of lifting from the four craft opening the one-hundred-metre-long doors.  Each time the doors were pulled a little further open they made a loud cracking noise as they were forced open against the ancient mechanism’s wishes exposing the cavern inside to fresh air.

   Even as the doors opened Urtubi and his team were crawling over the opening trying to see what was being uncovered inside.  Immediately they knew that they had hit the jackpot with this particular door as inside the cavern they could see the image of an ancient Drost-class Transport DropShip “in the first room!”  Urtubi thought excited by the find primitive even in the Star League-era the Drost was primarily an infantry and cargo carrying vessel which wouldn’t exactly set the Inner Sphere on fire with it being found but the vessel looked like it was in a near perfect condition and it had laid here unseen for centuries and it could be only the first in thousands of finds for Urtubi and his people.

   Before the doors were even fully open Urtubi, Meio and several others had begun dressing in safety harnesses ready for the two hundred metre drop to the bottom of the launch bay aiming to land near the nose of the Drost.  “After you, Doctor” Meio said smiling to him when the two of them were finally ready to enter the bay below Urtubi smiled and then stepped off the edge and the others in his party began to lower him down, it was a slow process and as he was lowered Urtubi took dozens of pictures taking in the whole experience.  The launch bay appeared to be in near perfect condition while the Drost in comparison seemed quite weathered, the vessel had obviously been used extensively and had worked a long hard career.  It also, Urtubi noted, did not have any SLDF markings instead it featured a red and black jester’s head with eyes peering off to the left-hand side a large hooked nose and a had a chinless manacle smile.  It was a mystery that Urtubi would gladly solve.

   “Oh, meu Deus!” Monica Meio exclaimed as she landed several metres behind him still attached to his safety lines Urtubi turned and saw what she had seen a skeleton dressed in a tattered mercenary uniform that featured the same jester’s head that was on the DropShip.  Beside the body laid a what appeared to be a vintage 10mm Heavy Pistol from the SLDF while beside it lay a pen and a stained note.

   Urtubi stood beside the body careful not to touch the body or the note “Welcome to Castle Centaur” he said out loud so his harnesses microphone could pick up the find and leave his hands free to move “the locals do not want guests; the Succession Wars are not their concern.”  He said reading further “I’m struggling to read the last part he said into his recorder looks like “the locals… those ********… do not believe the war is their problem, but now we are here… we will not be leaving, we can’t… they are hiding in this bunker with their traps to defend them” Urtubi said “I hope you have better luck than us.”

   “He killed himself” Monica whispered looking at Urtubi who nodded that was his thought as well.  “But why?  They have weapons, the DropShip has weapons, they could have forced their way out or further into the facility?”

   “It sounds like whomever occupied this place was well dug in.”  Urtubi said raising from the skeleton “my guess is they themselves were hiding from someone when they first came here” Urtubi said looking at the DropShip seeing that some of the dings which he’d seen and thought were from hard work looked like weapon fire damage.  “Maybe once they were down, they had nothing to get themselves back into the air even if they could get out.”

   “You don’t think the locals could still be here?” She asked in wonder.

   “We are here to find out” Urtubi said stepping over to a nearby door finding it freezing to the touch “we’ll uncover your mysteries Castle Centaur.”  He said as others landed inside the bay there had been no resistance to them opening the doors and none now that they were in the facility so Urtubi felt confident the place was now abandoned.

   Within hours however he had an answer to the SLDF’s quest on whether the facility would be useful to them in their defence of the Inner Sphere.  All four access corridors into the hanger were flooded completely scans suggested that they had been intentionally flooded by defence mechanisms built into the facility.  Even if half of the corridors were filled with water the facility would be of little use.  They were inside Castle Centaur but it was only the beginning of a very long process of gaining access to it.

Planetary assault
Beuller, Robinson
Draconis March, Federated Sun
25th March 3115

   In the sky over Robinson there was a titanic explosion as a WarShip entered the atmosphere in an uncontrolled manner there was no sense of celebration as the ship and its crew perished.  Four WarShips had been assigned to the worlds defence now three of them had been lost fighting against the invading Draconis Combine forces including the Avalon II-class Cruiser the FSS Lucian Davion II which had just fallen.  Together the Davion WarShips and their support vessels had destroyed three of the six attacking WarShips delaying the invasion by several days giving the ground troops time to prepare and dig in but that had not been enough.

Now with air superiority over Robinson DCMS forces were dropping through the atmosphere towards the three regiments that waited for them the invasion was not uncontested with several wings of aerospace fighters from the defending RCTs contesting each of the landings but there was simply too many DCMS fighters and DropShips to stop them all.  The remaining AFFS WarShip in the system, the Vincent Davion-class Destroyer FSS Lancaster, was still operational feeding information to a relief force via HPG giving the AFFS forces an advantage.

The relief forces made up of battle-hardened units that had fallen back out of the occupied “Benjamin Sailent” area were en-route and would be here within the fortnight meaning that the ground forces on Robinson had to resist for a short period of time.  Unfortunately, the DCMS knew that their time on Robinson would likely be limited as well which led to their first targets being the Sandoval Family’s home, the Robinson Battle Academy and Robinson Metal Works intent on destroying all three targets before further AFFS troops could arrive.  This invasion was not about occupying Robinson instead it was intended on doing to the Federated Suns what was done to them with the world of Benjamin.  Benjamin had been a District capitol before the AFFS invaded and occupied the world as the Draconis Combine had been unable to retake the world quickly the AFFS had been able to strip it of every valuable industry and every piece of military hardware leaving a husk of a world with only the capability to sustain its own people.  Now the DCMS wanted to turn that back on the Federated Suns and reduce Robinson to the same capability only in a shorter time period.  To hasten these actions the DCMS first used their surviving WarShips and air superiority to bombard the targets from above.
On the ground the First Robinson Rangers RCT, the McKinnon’s Raiders Regiment and the Eighth New Avalon Guards RCTs all threw themselves forwards at the invading units trying to defend the world ignoring the threat of orbital artillery intent on resisting to their last against them five DCMS Regiments.

Meeting Room, Large Gravity Deck
Bel Amica Station (Snowden-class), Trinity Moons
District of Lesnovo, Free Worlds League
27th March 3115

   Onboard the fifty-one-thousand-ton Snowden-class space station Bel Amica Khan Petra Furey leader of Clan Smoke Jaguar and of the District of Lesnovo marvelled at the sight hidden from view few people even knew the Trinity Moons had such a station hidden away deep within their network of moons.  According to the reports she had read the people of the system had purchased the space station from the Taurian Concordat more than a century before and then transported it via JumpShip to this system.  They now used it as their primary construction hub having removed the ore processing equipment the mining station was built around and replaced it with a second pressurized dock capable of building small space stations or DropShips.

And now its presence had brought here JumpShip to this largely forgotten corner of the Free World’s League.  Even though the Trinity Moons had officially re-joined the Free World’s League decades before and they had three habitable moons orbiting the gas giant few people travelled here other than traders looking to purchase some of the systems natively built items.  For decades the system had built their Vulcan 6 and Commonality Space Stations, the primitive Vulcan aerospace fighter, a range of small craft and small DropShips which they had sold across the Free World’s League.
Now Furey had come here and she wanted the system to sign an exclusive contract with the District of Lesnovo to supply at least one Vulcan or Commonality space station for every system in the District, construct two new DropShips for their military one for transporting ground assets and one for aerospace patrol.  And to develop a new aerospace fighter based on the Vulcan Aerospace Fighter which would be upgraded with modern engines armour and weapons bought from Clan Sea Fox Furey had already picked a name for the new fighter the Miletus.  To pay for these vessels the District, and her Clan, would provide the people of the Trinity Moons with weapons and supplies and access to Clan technology.

   The District needed these additional resources to combat the new trade tariffs being introduced by the Districts of Bowang and Regulus who believed that the District of Lesnovo was attempting to undercut them in the FWL markets and was causing tension within the nation with its near continuous raids against the Magistracy of Canopus.

Excalibur (Scimitar-class Missile Cruiser)
Hadrian’s Command, Crucis March
Federated Suns
31st March 3115

   The seven hundred-and-seventy-thousand-ton Nova Cat WarShip Excalibur emerged into the system in a flash having travelled thirty light years in a moment.  The vessel was still painted in the deep red and black like the Avalon-class WarShip hull that the Nova Cat’s had built on from a distance the vessel would look exactly like the Federated Suns vessel it was pretending to be, and with the information that the Nova Cat Watch had seized the Identification Friend or Foe system of the vessel would make it appear to be a Federated Suns vessel on long range sensors.  Standing near the holotable in the centre of the vessel’s command room Star Admiral Alexandria Leroux was proud of her crew they were deep behind enemy lines and the crew had successfully navigated several habited systems without any issues from the planetary systems.  Federated Suns planetary leaders had ignored their transit through the systems even after the Excalibur spent four days in the MacIntosh system and they hadn’t been communicated with instead they’d recharged their KF core and jumped clear of the system continuing their journey.

   “Are we where we expected to be?”  Leroux asked out aloud

   “Affirmative Star Admiral” navigator Allan responded from his station “we are fourteen hundred metres from our expected point of arrival.” While that sounded like a lot considering the vessel had just travelled from one system and into another the distance was a tiny one, she could hear the pride in his voice and he deserved to be happy with their work.

   “Sensor contact on the port side within weapons range, one Peter-class Scout vessel, war book suggests it is the FSS Inquisitor.”  Crewman Sarah reported from her station manning the sensor system.

   “Weapons, destroy that vessel now!”  Alexandria Leroux ordered.  Her command was carried out wordlessly with a salvo of naval-class lasers and autocannon being fired from the cruiser at the far smaller Federated Suns vessel.  The amount of firepower used by the Excalibur was overkill for the five-and-a-thousand-ton vessel penetrating the vessel’s hull mid-way across its upper hull the salvo of autocannon fire tore through the vessels structure shattering it. “Good work, sensors reorientate onto the shipyard facilities gather as much information as we can.” She said congratulating the crews as the Inquisitor’s hull began to expand the remaining pieces of its hull being slowly caught by the star’s gravity in time the entire vessel would fall into the star and be lost.  “Communications, open a channel so the entire system can hear me.”  She said as she saw the Excalibur’s sensors more deeply scanning the shipyard facilities in the system the Nova Cat spy had found this system but its exact composition was unknown.

   “You are on Star Admiral” Andrei said from the communications station.

   “This is Star Admiral Alexandria Leroux onboard the Clan Nova Cat WarShip Excalibur.  Your nation has shown it is capable of resisting Clan Nova Cat.”  She said reading the information the ships sensors were picking up five construction slips at the shipyard, one constructing a massive WarShip which was tentatively identified by the Excalibur’s sensors as a Mercury-class WarShip, beside them were several large habitats and warehouse facilities as well as aerospace launch facilities.  Around them were dozens of DropShips and beyond appeared to be mining facilities they could spend months studying even this small glimpse into the Federated Suns “secret system.”  “My message to you is nothing in your nation is hidden from Clan Nova Cat and we will strike across the stars where and when we wish.”  She said looking at Andrei she drew her hand across her throat cutting the channel.  “They know who struck them, transfer power from the LF battery and take us out of the system before we get a stronger response.  A true battle is not our mission today.”  She commanded within the end of the hour the vessel had jumped clear of the system while the defenders scrambled to prepare for a defence that was not needed.

   Elsewhere in the Federated Suns Nova Cat forces crossed the border invading the systems of Zolfo, Des Aro and Hoyleton engaging various elements of the Third Crucis Lancers RCT which was spread over the area supporting local militia forces and mercenary units.  Intent on ensuring that the Third could not mount any sort of major response the First Nova Cat Guards Cluster targeted the Third’s command base on Tsamma challenging them to an honour trial for a pair of RFL-X3 Rifleman MUSE WIND BattleMechs which the unit was testing.  The two Mechs had been refitted with Clan armour and weapons and were planned by the Federated Suns to be the basis for new variants of the ancient BattleMech.  As the MUSE WIND refurbishment already had so much Clan tech already featured in it the Nova Cats saw the design as a potential refit, they could use for their own Rifleman BattleMechs, many of which they had originally captured from the Federated Suns.

   During the battle on Tsamma the Clan duelling rules of Zellbrigen are rapidly violated by the Federated Suns troops who intend on using their superior numbers of infantry and vehicles to overwhelm the elite Nova Cat unit.  Unfortunately, this also allowed the Nova Cat Guards to concentrate their own fire and employ unconventional tactics against the Davion unit.  Over recent years the unit had begun to become lighter than a traditional Guards type cluster a change made largely by its leader Star Colonel Victoria Fokker, the only person to hold that Raven bloodname in the Clan, who herself piloted a Kestrel OmniMech.  Combining the speed and firepower carried by Clan built machines the used flanking manoeuvres combined with artillery and mass long range missile fire to crush the lighter units of the Lancers and turn their flanks finally surrounding their command elements forcing a surrender of the trial force.

   Had it been a true invasion the Nova Cats would likely have had enough firepower to seize control over the world but that was not today’s intention, like the Excalibur’s mission across the Federated Suns the Nova Cats were proving to the Federated Suns that they could strike when and where they wanted and win.  The systems of Zolfo, Des Aro and Hoyleton would all become Nova Cat holdings as the remains of the Third Cruicis Lancers mustered on Tsamma following the Nova Cat withdrawal.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1329 on: 18 February 2021, 20:25:30 »
I have said before It is time for the Inner Sphere to deal with the Pirate Band the Kitties by extreme measures. 

They have taken "war to" TC including for all evidence support then Ender event that a "Rogue" clan ship caused, they hit Star League forces, and Fed Sun, as well as the DC.

I know that Dragoncat they are your favorite faction, but maybe they need a slap down.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1330 on: 18 February 2021, 21:58:29 »
Man, the FedSuns is their happy hunting grounds. 

Their busy blowing up stuff on other fronts, the Cats waltzs remind them their not something to target once their done playing rough with others.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1331 on: 19 February 2021, 05:55:21 »
I have said before It is time for the Inner Sphere to deal with the Pirate Band the Kitties by extreme measures. 

They have taken "war to" TC including for all evidence support then Ender event that a "Rogue" clan ship caused, they hit Star League forces, and Fed Sun, as well as the DC.

I know that Dragoncat they are your favorite faction, but maybe they need a slap down.

Remember it was a Raven WarShip that went rogue the Spectre

I kind of agree that the Nova Cats need a beating but not that they are Rogue they are being a Clan.  Too long they played nice

As for they need to be taken to terms that's actually harder than it sounds and not just because of author fait

From the start I've adopted the Piranha and shark Philosophy

The shark is big enough to eat anything but vulnerable to being eaten by the smaller fish working together

In universe terms this means House Davion should be trouncing the Nova Cats but they are at war with at present the Combine, the Ravens, the Nova Cats and the Capellans.

Davion was more interested in taking Benjamin than protecting its own Periphery and now Robinson is in trouble too.

As for the Star League yes it should be more active against the against the Nova Cats but they are also facing down the Ravens, Jade Falcons, Horses, Sharks oh and they have the Wolves on their doorstep thanks to the decision to form the Protectorate.  So defend insignificant Davion periphery worlds or help defend Donegal, Coventry and Terra?  It's not a difficult decision it's cold hard facts

There's also the political side of it Davion invaded Benjamin Davion ticked off the Ravens they are starting fights they are struggling to finish.  Now in the Council people don't want to help them they should be big enough to fight their own battles

If Davion becomes First Lord again I think we'll see the Nova Cats dealt with until then they need to retake Robinson as a point of pride and finish the fight with the Ravens and deal with the Nova Cats
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1332 on: 20 February 2021, 00:03:50 »
Right Sure Right
Pirate Gull claimed a Brand new ship just went Rogue and pulled a Endor Style event without Ewoks...  and just after it happen Pirate Kitty hit the TC and then cried when the TC treated them as they should be given what had happen, and got the rest of the Clans to say they would not play ball if the IS handed them beat down they so deserved.

I did send you a plan back then for the TC to brought the pain back to the whole of the clans for agreeing playing the game they want but you choice not to take then plan.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1333 on: 24 February 2021, 03:03:39 »
Excellent stuff as always, that old SLDF base is rather mysterious and I wonder who the 'natives' are.
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1334 on: 12 March 2021, 04:57:42 »
This one's been held back a bit because I've been trying to write the spin off story "Foresight" and hit a bit of writer's block.  Instead I'm pushing forwards with the main storyline (from reading it you may have guessed I got TRO Irregulars this week  ;D)

The last bit was inspired a bit by the Sybil stories and others that have floated about a bit in the past.  But the reality behind those stories (at least as far as that Admiral knows)

Wolf Assaults
Star League Protectorate
1st April 3115

A rebuild Ninth Wolf Guard Cluster re-join Clan Wolf forces assaulting the Star League Protectorate assaulting the systems of Shiloh and Wing.  Due to the presence of two Star League Special Operations Teams on Wing Star Colonel Alaric Ward leads the majority of his Cluster to Wing while the remains of his Cluster along with support elements from the Tenth Wolf Irregulars Cluster assault Shiloh.

The assault on Wing sees the first victory for the rebuild Ninth Wolf Guard Cluster as the Second Special Operations Group are shattered in the victory and the Seventy-seventh Special Operations Group are forced off world after taking a beating delivered by the Wolves who wish to prove themselves.  Due to the presence of so many special operations operatives on the planet the Wolves deploy several Watch operative teams and heavy infantry support units to the world to hunt down any survivors.  As soon as the garrison forces arrive on planet the Ninth move on from the world heading for their next target.

Combat Air Patrol
Keystone, District of Marik
Free Worlds League
7th April 3115

   In the last year Jeremy Kincaid-Cameron had flown several aircraft as he recovered from his injuries, he received on Vestallas but today he was back in a Huscarl OmniFighter flying in active duty for the Northwind Renegades.  During his time recuperating he had been promoted to Captain having shown an aptitude for the administration side of his duties as well as having the combat experience with his new rank he had a lot more responsibilities but they didn’t get in the way of his first love of flying an aerospace fighter.

   His assignment to the Northwind Renegades had come as a surprise. The unit still held much of its traditions from when it was a mercenary command and still only rarely took on recruits from anywhere but the academies on Northwind or from those that shared blood with previous Highlanders.  When he arrived however Colonel Jeremiah Rose had made it quite clear that the Renegades didn’t hold as closely to those traditions as closely other units and that if he did his duty then he’d have no problems within his command.  A month in and so far, Rose was being proven right and Jeremy Kincaid-Cameron had begun to feel at home within the unit.

   Today he was overseeing an SLDF operation supporting the construction of defences on Keystone and below them two Maruhanabachi Carrier Airships and several Tonbo and Bishop VTOLs were working to support the ground troops in their construction efforts.  Kincaid-Cameron turned his fighter to the right circling over the efforts below overseeing the work, today wasn’t a combat assignment just security and as a way of fitting in he was happy to take it.

   “BREAK, BREAK, BREAK, CAP we’ve got an issue down here!”  Suddenly the message broke Kincaid-Cameron’s thoughts.

   “This is CAP, go ahead.”

   “We’ve got a theft of a lance of StrongArm ConstructionMechs by a group of criminals.  Ground support cannot intercept them.  We need support.”

   “Ground control, CAP Talon One, I have a pair of Huscarl fighters up here.  We can lay down support but you need to feed us targets or we’re going to make a heluva mess!”  He warned tightening his flight’s turn to keep them over the area and releasing the safeties on his weapons.

   “Affirmative, Talon One, you have clearance from command to engage.  Target lance is heading east through sector six.  We’re releasing their IDs now, pursue and eliminate.”

   “Understood” Kincaid-Cameron said taking a deep breath, so much for an easy security patrol where the hell were their ground support? “Talon Two, on my wing, you take both targets on right I have left understood?”  He asked the other pilot silently acknowledged his orders taking up the targets while the two fighters turned. “Mamma Bear One, Talon One, we’re travelling through your work space have all traffic aware we’ll be coming through at pace.”

   “Talon One, Mamma Bear, understood good hunting.” The airship traffic controller acknowledged their move as the two Huscarls dived under the airships the two expert pilots avoiding flying VTOLs which were working in the area as they dived to the ground to track down the four stolen ConstructionMechs.  Now flying below one hundred feet they approached the four light ConstructionMechs at pace.  In tandem the two fighter pilots engaged with their autocannons and lasers splitting their weapons against the slow-moving targets.  Talon Two followed Kincaid-Cameron’s targeting aiming for one of the StrongArms legs each with the ConstrctionMechs moving slow there was no way for them to avoid the fire and the Huscarl’s heavy weapons fire rapidly fell.  One laser blast burned through one of the StrongArms legs burning into a nearby building but the collateral damage was light.  One of the other IndustrialMechs remained standing for a moment but Kincaid-Cameron added his ten-tube long-range missile launcher into the mix knocking down the Mech.

“Talon One, Mamma Bear, we’ve got four crippled construction Mechs I can see pilots attempting to get away heading off towards building one hundred metres to their east marking location.  We are not weaponized to target them send in ground pounders and recovery teams.”  He said feeding back to the orbiting Airship.

“Affirmative Talon One, good hunting.”  They responded as the two Huscarls began to rise into the air again returning to their patrol a surprise distraction but as Jeremy Kincaid-Cameron levelled his fighter again and continued the patrol.

Counter Attack
Draconis March, Federated Suns
10th April 3115

   In an effort to cut the Draconis Combine supply lines the AFFS units near Robinson target Lucerne, Franklin and Betterdorf striking the three worlds that had been captured by the DCMS in their push towards Robinson.  Those forces on Robinson attempt to start destroying anything related to the Sandoval or Davion families while fighting the defending AFFS defenders.  In the Lucerne system the DCS Meiyo, Kyushu-class Frigate, and its attached LAM Regiment are obliterated trying to resist the FSS Ian Davion with the frigate completely outclassed by the Mercury-class Battleship.

Arc Royal, Jade Falcon OZ
15th April 3115

   Three mercenary commands the Grey Death Legion, the Carlyle Family Guard and the Snord’s Irregulars combine to strike against the Jade Falcon held world of Arc Royal.  While all three units together combined number over two combined arms regiments they find two Elite Jade Falcon Clusters and several clusters of cadets on the world as Clan Jade Falcon have begun using the world as a training world.

   While the Grey Death Legion and Carlyle Family Guard engage the Eight Falcon Dragoons Cluster the Snord’s Irregulars push the Sixth Falcon Eyrie Cluster out of the former land hold of the Kell Family allowing their scavenger teams access to the site for several hours.  Using multiple ConstructionMechs and heavy lift vehicles the Irregulars excavate a large area within the land hold specifically looking in one location eventually finding what they are looking for.

   Buried deeply below the ruins of the Kell Family land hold they find a hidden hanger which would have only been known by the Kell Hounds themselves.  Inside are dozens of BattleMechs and armoured vehicles dating back to the succession wars.  While outclassed on today’s battlefield with refurbishment these Mechs would easily add an entire battalion to a combat force once prepared.

   With the Grey Death and Carlyle family Guards as well as elements of the Irregulars hold off the Dragoons and Eyrie troopers the Irregulars evacuate the hidden cache to their DropShips before the three units withdraw to Coventry where the Kell Hounds had been based.

   Having used the mercenary raid as a distraction the Kell Hounds themselves had combined with several other mercenary and house units to strike and reclaim the Krevci system for the Lyran Commonwealth.  Several weeks later the Kell Hounds pay the three units for their work on attacking Arc Royal, the commander of the Hounds Colonel Jeremy Kell had known if they were the ones to return to Arc Royal they would have stood and either liberated the world or ceased to be so they had hired the other units to assist them.  The Hounds took several artifacts from the recovered cache, most being Kell Hound heirlooms while the three other units took a heafty payment and salvage from the fighting back to their staging worlds.

SLDF Deployment
Star League Protectorate
29th April 3115

“Listen Governor please, these Drones are not alive!” Admiral Mark Cavannah stressed to the planetary governor who was angry at the deployment of four M5 Casper Drones to the defence of the system.  “The movie Tri-Vids about sentient WarShips defending humanity against Amaris and fighting forces that threaten us, I agree, are fantastic but they are FICTION!  It is beyond the capabilities of the original Star League and the current Star League to produce such craft.”  He said angrily looking at Planetary Governor Jordain Ariadness of Pacifica, or Chara as the star was known, he was by far one of the youngest Planetary Governors in the Star League Protectorate at thirty-two years he had a full head of blonde hair and blue eyes, if he hadn’t gone into politics Cavannah was sure the Governor would have been a poster boy for advertisement campaigns.  Unfortunately, while he was young, he was also a little backward in his thoughts about the drone technology and the Casper WarShips that were being deployed to the system.

“They are still WarShips without crews and without control!  My citizens are afraid these things will see them as a threat as the original Caspers turned on their creators.  My people hate the idea of them over their heads.”  He complained looking at the roof of the building as if it would be possible to see the Caspers through them, which was impossible.

“These WarShips are “Smart" they know how to fly around a star system, they will stop and interrogate IFFs of ships they don't know, but they wont fire on ships that don’t show hostile IDs or are not hostile to them.  Instead, they will ask for direction from your office and from the office of the local defence forces.”  Admiral Mark Cavannah explained “if your orders or those of the SLDF forces present conflict with their prime directive of defending this system, and defending the Star League Protectorate, they will contact Terra via their onboard HPGs for instruction.”  Cavannah explained.

“So, they will not follow my orders if “they” do not agree with them!”  He said angrily “these buggering machines will go to Terra over the local orders and threaten Pacifica with Terra’s desires” Ariadness said annoyed at the prospect.

“They will follow your orders as long as they are not contrary to the desires of the SLDF and the well being of the people of Cha… Pacifica” Cavannah said stumbling over the local name for the world.  “These Drones will do nothing to harm the people of this system you will not even have to supply them” Cavannah explained “we have deployed several DropShips with spare parts, ammunition and fuel.  If something goes wrong with these ships the Caspers will arrange a rendezvous autonomously without need for the people of Pacifica to assist them all of this is funded by Terra and the SLDF.”
“And through our taxes” Araidness pointed out.

“Yes, and through your taxes” Cavannah repeated “Governor, Clan Wolf is getting ever closer to this system.  They could jump in at any moment.  Now your system will not only be defended by the drones you have the Third Knights of the Sphere Regimental Brigade, two full Guard Regiments, the SLS Markov and SLS Caliburn you are hardly under defended.”  He explained Chara actually had one of the heaviest concentrations of SLDF forces after Terra with the addition of the Drone WarShips just adding to this force.  “We are dedicated to your defence Governor, the SLDF will not abandon you.”

“We are just one more wall that is between you and Clan Wolf, if we fall, you’ll have others.”

“We will but we will not abandon you to the Clansmen.”  Cavannah repeated trying to convince the man, Terra couldn’t afford to lose all its protection to the Wolves not with others closing their grip.  “Your system is not the only one to receive upgrades to their defences the systems of Graham and Zavijava will be receiving a similar defence force to your system.  The Star League are investing heavily in protection for your systems.”

“While Clan Wolf continue to naw and nibble at the Protectorates borders?”  Governor Jordain Ariadness “Pacifica has been on the borders of enemies for many years the Protectorate was supposed to bring stability, instead it feels like we have become a target.”

“A target that fights back Governor, the defences of Pacifica or Chara whatever you want to call yourselves this week, will rival that of Hesperus II, Tharkad and New Avalon.  You will have a net above your heads to protect you from the threats that are near us.  We will build a metal shield around our worlds and protect the people below them from the threats above.”  Cavannah said his voice full of passion “you have nothing to fear from us, the Star League is a home worth supporting and fighting for.”
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1335 on: 16 March 2021, 15:51:45 »
Excellent update and great to see folks are still afraid of drones!
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1336 on: 09 April 2021, 06:26:40 »
I have had a little more time to write recently, it's been great so finally an update!

Planetary Assault
Alpheratz, Raven Alliance
3rd May 3115

   Standing on the bridge of the FSS Hanse Davion II, Fleet Admiral Jonathan Raikkonen watched as the other WarShips and JumpShips of his fleet jumped into the Alpheratz system; the capital system of the Raven Alliance.  After recent attacks which had seen the Raven Alliance secure six systems including the PDZ capital world of Woodbine the Federated Suns had classed the Clan/Periphery nation as a credible threat to the security of their periphery border.  The Alpheratz mission was a “Shock-and-Awe” strike designed to make the Ravens understand that striking into the Federated Suns would cost them more than they could afford.  Six WarShips, including the Hanse Davion II, and twelve JumpShips carrying two Regimental Combat Teams and four mercenary units had joined in the strike intended on forcing the Ravens to come to the peace table; or at the very least enter into a cease-fire.

   Looking at his sensor system readouts Jonathan Raikkonen smirked seeing that the intelligence staff had got things right for once there were only four WarShips in the system… “Only” he quietly said to himself from the Holo-table in the CIC there was a time in the Inner Sphere that seeing ONE WarShip in your entire lifetime would have been a life changing experience.  Now in some systems that was still the case but with the numbers of vessels now available in the Inner Sphere it was becoming a far more common experience to see such vessels.  “Readouts on the vessels present.”  He ordered louder getting the attention of the room as he realized the only the four Recharge Stations that served the system were present at the Nadir and Zenith points and none of them were the targets of this attack.

   “The Four Raven WarShips read as One Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser 100% confirmed as the Bontaventure, One Texas-class Battleship 93% confirmed as the Montbatton…”

   “Hold report and confirm why the uncertainty?”

   “Vessel’s profile does not match what our sensors recognize as a Texas-class vessel she’s been modified either cosmetically or with additional capabilities.”  The officer reported from his station “sir, our readings on the two Aegis-class vessels also read as 93% confirmed they have also been modified from the base design.”

   “The Star League had several variations of the same WarShip in operation some of them look nothing like another vessel of the same class could our sensors be thrown off by what they are looking at?”  Raikkonen asked exploring options he’d flown in starships nearly his whole sixty-two years since his parents fled the Clan invasion of their native Free Rasalhague Republic and set up in the Federated Suns as crewmen onboard a trader JumpShip.  He’d been born in space just within the Federated Suns borders and been registered as a citizen as soon as his parents had landed on Addicks officially that planet served as his homeworld even though he’d spend less than a year on its surface in reality he was at home in space.

   “Negative Admiral through the Star League we have records of all variations of Star League and Clan ships these variations in the Texas and Aegis class are unknown.”

   “Understood, ladies and gentlemen I call for your attention, our duty is to get the ground-pounders onto the planet surface to do their work.  We will respect Clan dueling rules if they are willing to once, we are in communication range the Hanse Davion II will challenge the Montbatton regardless of what the Clans have done to her.  The Melissa Davion II will challenge one of the Aegis and the Jennifer Davion will challenge the other leaving the Jackson Davion to challenge the Potemkin should it be looking to join the battle.”  He explained the Jackson Davion would be heavily outgunned by the Potemkin should it be carrying a full set of DropShips however Raikonnen didn’t think the vessel would be used in this battle he’d make it clear that the Federated Suns were not here to claim the vessel in his challenge he wanted to rule it out of the battle quick.  “Our remaining WarShips will engage any aerospace defences around Alpheratz should the Ravens refuse Safcon, which we expect they will, our objective is not to cleanse life on Alpheratz our objective is to secure control over a settlement or a factory which will bring the Ravens to the negotiations table with the Federated Suns and end the conflict between our nations.  Understood?”

   “Yes, sir!”  Came a resounding response from the crewmen in the system.

   “Very well bring us into the system” he ordered across the fleet vessels began to accelerate away from the JumpShips at the Nadir point.


   Five days later the Federated Suns fleet entered into the range of the defenders communications and Fleet Admiral Jonathan Raikonnen made his challenge.  “I am Fleet Admiral Jonathan Raikonnen the commander of the Federated Suns Fifth Fleet and of the WarShip FSS Hanse Davion II.  My vessel carries a proud name and stands to defend its nation I challenge another vessel with a proud name Clan Snow Ravens Montbatton to combat.  This is a solitary challenge to be resolved between myself as commander of the Hanse Davion II and the commander of the Montbatton my vessel against theirs let no other vessel enter.”  As he spoke the commanders of the Melissa Davion II and the Jennifer Davion issued their own challenges against the Lord Death and the White Terror these challenges were to be worded in a very particular way to get the attention of the Snow Ravens and for now to include nothing else.

   “Response from Raven vessels are coming in, it’s the commander of the Montbatton.”

   “Put them on.”

   “Fleet Admiral Raikonnen, welcome to the Alpheratz system, before we accept your challenge, we must know your purpose for being in this system?”  Came the response after the delay in transmission.

   “We wish to end the conflict between the Raven Alliance and Federated Suns through honourable combat.  I have brought the additional WarShips for security and to allow the crews of your additional vessels to gain honour through battle.  Our ground forces will offer those troops you have on the ground that same honour with the understanding that we have no wish of conquest of your world, we bring no plans with us of conquest only to bring an end to the war between our nations as two martial nations should end a conflict.”  He offered giving the Ravens the words they needed he’d have preferred if they could show some force and speak with their enemies ending the conflict with worlds of peace but he knew that the Clansmen would need a battle to keep their warrior caste happy.

   After several minutes a response came through the CIC’s speakers “This is Star Admiral Rayford McCorkell the commander of the Montbatton.  I accept the challenge from with Fleet Admiral Jonathan Raikonnen of the FSS Hanse Davion II with conditions.”  Onboard the Hanse Davion II Raikonnen glanced at his XO who nodded ready to note down what the Ravens were about to say “the Lord Death and White Terror are bound by these same conditions” McCorkell continued “firstly the Bontaventure is not included in the bid for this system if any ship enters within one hundred kilometres of that vessel then Zellbrigen will be classed as being broken and additional Snow Raven forces will join the battle.”  He said to himself Raikonnen nodded understanding and seeing that the Bontaventure was far outwith the engagement zone anyway.  “Second, ground forces are to land on the northern continent where they will engage Raven Alliance forces.”  He said continuing “third should any vessel signal its surrender during battle the opposing side is to accept that decision and not pursue the total destruction of their enemy.”

   “I accept your terms and wish to request Safcon for my forces landing at the Northern Continent” Raikonnen asked knowing full well what the answer would be.

   “Negative, to grant Safcon would mean the fighter pilots on the ground would miss out on the honour of engaging your forces.  Safcon will not be granted from any trial and should your WarShips approach Alpheratz they will be subject to Trials by aerospace defenders.”

   “Well bargained and done” Raikonnen said ending the Clan Ritual showing them this respect would hopefully go a long way to helping cement any decision that came from it.

   “Well bargained and done”


Nine hours later the Hanse Davion II entered weapons range with the Montbatton and found their first surprise of the battle as four Kraken Telescopic Capital Missiles slammed into the Hanse Davion II’s hull the assault surprising and overwhelming the Battleship’s impressive anti-missile systems.  Within moments the FSS Jennifer Davion and FSS Melissa Davion II reported similar strikes as the Ravens revealed that they had copied the Inner Sphere invention and were now deploying them on their WarShips as well.

“So, the Ravens have kitted their ships out with some surprises.”  He said looking at the damage caused fortunately there wasn’t any obvious penetration of the hull.  Raikonnen cursed normally they would’t waste time with screen launchers until they’d seen the missiles fired but the Kraken’s had been fired before they even entered range and been controlled all the way to target. “Time for us to respond in kind, return fire as we enter range, deploy screens and move us in on them.”  Raikonnen ordered as they closed on the Snow Raven Battleship.  The Montbatton was designed to engage a target at range with a range of naval particle cannons, lasers and naval missiles its greatest weakness was its lack of directly forward-facing weapons and lack of missile defences.  While the First Prince Block II was also designed to engage at range with a host of Naval-class gauss rifles, lasers and missiles to throw back at the Clan vessel while also having a ring of screen launchers and anti-missile defences.  It was a slugging match which the newer designed First Prince-class should come out ahead of with its modern defences but after seeing the use of Kraken missiles by the Ravens Raikonnen was taking nothing for granted.

“Sir, naval missiles ineffective!”  The weapons station reported as the missiles reached their target the missiles had been fired probably at the same time as the Krakens had been fired but unlike the attack on the Federated Suns WarShip the missiles targeted on the Montbatton had failed to reach target.  “They have deployed screens and are employing anti-missile defences!”  He said looking over at the Admiral again as further Raven Krakens bore through the Hanse Davion II’s defences and slammed into its armoured hull.  With defences now active the attack was far less effective than before but it still wore into the vessel’s hull.

“Bring us onto their port flank, we’re going to have to close on them, use our capital missiles to support the DropShips and fighters they should have more.”

“Affirmative, Fleet Admiral” the officers replied as the ships range decreased the Hanse Davion II angled towards the Montbatton’s port flank as they closed the Clan vessel turned sharply away from them bringing its broadside of naval lasers to bear on the nose of the Hanse Davion II.  The Federated Suns battleship shuddered as the lasers bore into the vessel’s hull coupled with more lasers, autocannons and particle weapons.  Between the two vessels a dozen DropShips and over a hundred aerospace fighters engaged each other in close quarters fighting.

“Turn our nose off target, bring autocannons into play!”  Raikonnen ordered seeing the armour wear to the front of his vessel.  By turning they vessel, they brought their own broadside into play allowing several naval-class autocannons onto target.  Raikonnen was glad to see them wearing on the side of the enemy Texas even as the Montbatton continued to strike them. “Sensors, I want a detailed scan of the Montbatton if the Ravens have modified her in any further way I want to know!”  He ordered as the the Hanse Davion II rocked heavily from a new impact against the port side.


“Armour breached caused by further Kraken impacts they’ve been targeting the port side with them our defences can’t hold them back!”  The Damage Control Officer (DCO) reported the Kraken was a special type of missile due to the Telescopic cameras which allowed the missile to be “piloted” by the gunners controlling it the Ravens had been coordinating their strikes targeting one section of the Hanse Davion II.  The missiles themselves were heavily armoured and designed to penetrate an enemy vessels defences and armour.

“Air boss, we need the aerospace squadrons to assist in missile defence, we can’t afford to keep taking hits like that!”

“Sir, all squadrons are fully engaged turning them off target now will cause losses!”  The man protested

“I know, but we’re going to lose this ship if they don’t!”  Raikonnen snapped “it’s a sacrifice but it’s one we need, give the damned order!”  He commanded turning to the helm station “give us a nose-broadside swing I want to hit them with our forward armament then turn back on them again!  Our armour can take it.”  As the ship began to turn aerospace fighters and DropShips continued to fight and die around the two ships they were like bugs beside a grand anima.

“We’re going to take a pounding” the helm officer commented but didn’t argue as he begun to swing the WarShip around onto it’s starboard side.  Naval lasers and particle cannons from the Montbatton tore into the WarShips flank and nose further damaging the Hanse Davion II’s armour.  The Federated Suns Battleship responded in kind with a volley of naval-class gauss rifles all while continuing the bombardment of naval autocannons and lasers.  As the Hanse Davion II turned back to display its broadside the Montbatton also shifted position sending a volley of heavy naval autocannon into the Battleship while further Kraken missiles slammed into its damaged port flank.

“Port Autocannons offline! Port links to engineering down!  Hull breach four decks! We’re losing atmosphere! Emergency protocols activated! Our armour is gone.”  The DCO shouted a warning the deployment of fighters and DropShips hadn’t been enough.

Raikonnen breathed heavily as the ship rocked again under bombardment. “Communications Officer, signal the Montbatton, the Hanse Davion II is willing to stand down.” He announced looking around the CIC “We are not surrendering to them this ship can still fight if they want to take us to destruction!”  He said defiantly “but this battle will not be determined up here, it will be determined by the boys and girls we have successfully escorted to the planet.”  He said looking at the sensor screens seeing DropShips carrying their ground forces enter the planet’s atmosphere of the WarShips that had escorted those ships it appeared the FSS Killing Blow had been crippled with its crew abandoning ship from what Raikonnen could make out the four hundred-and-twenty thousand tonne ship did not have the velocity to maintain orbit over Alpheratz; at least the Ravens had allowed the crew to abandon ship safely.

Launch site
Northern Continent/North Country, Alpheratz
Raven Alliance
9th May 3115

   “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen I’m Shakeel Hussein, of the Alpheratz New Freedom Journey, for the last six days and nights Alpheratz has been under attack by forces of the Federated Suns.”  The dark-skinned man in his forties said over the launch of a red-and-black coloured DropShip behind them his greying hair highlighted by the flare from the DropShip’s engines.  “What started with a naval battle just outside orbit continued below on our planets surface.  But this, this was like no battle our people have faced before.”  He said “the Federated Suns forces came here to fight an ‘honour battle’ against the forces of the Raven Alliance.  In a battle which was more like a large duel than a battle of conquest the Federated Suns forces and those fighting for our nation engaged in fifteen battles across the North Country.  Each of these individual battles had very distinct victory conditions with both sides meeting before the battles and agreeing what factors would lead to a victory.  In all the conflicts that I have witnessed in my time as a new correspondent this was perhaps the most ‘civilized’ with not a single civilian casualty in any of the battles.”  He explained as a second red-and-black DropShip this one clearly displaying the insignia of the Federated Suns took off.  “This was not to say that this was a bloodless battle hundreds of brave men and women have given their lives for the Raven Alliance and for the Federated Suns during these battles.  The WarShips FSS Killing Blow, FSS Jennifer Davion and our own White Terror were all destroyed in the naval battle above while in the fifteen battles on the ground more than two Federated Suns Regimental Combat Teams fought against our brave volunteers and Snow Raven warriors.  In the end the commander of the Federated Suns force Marshal Max Riemelt led his forces to six victories against our defenders while the remaining nine battles went to our defenders.”  Shakeel Hussein explained “while this has netted the Federated Suns a production run Deimos OmniMechs for their efforts, the Raven Alliance victories have secured Alpheratz and the gains made during the recent conflict with the Federated Suns.”  Hussein explained as another explosion occurred behind him this wasn’t unexpected as a huge Conquistador-class DropShip shot along the ground and took off heading towards orbit.  Hussein was silent as the roar of the DropShip’s huge engines carried it into the upper atmosphere.

   “Now the Federated Suns leaves the Raven Alliance in peace.  In the days of the Succession Wars a nation state would fight until it was exhausted but now in the time of the Clans a battle for honour leads to the end of this wasteful conflict between our nations.  The Federated Suns has lost the battle for Alpheratz and it has lost the war with the Snow Ravens but both sides have agreed that there will be no further conflict between us.”  Hussein said as a group of ten Raven Alliance aerospace fighters flew over the camera “at least now.  I am Shakeel Hussein, of the Alpheratz New Freedom Journey, reporting live on the 9th May 3115.”

Trials of Possession
Rasalhague Dominion/Coyote OZ
Occupation Zone
11th May 3115

   In a series of Trials of Possession several worlds are exchanged between the Rasalhague Dominion and Clan Coyote.  Both sides restrict themselves to honour trials of no more than a Cluster engaging the other Clan in the battles.  In all the Coyotes come out on top over six trials adding four systems Mozirje, Feltre, Basiliano and Thannhausen to their occupation zone while the Rasalhague Dominion seize control over Carse and Glauzzo from the Coyotes.  In these battles the ground fighting is seen as little more than training for the Clusters involved with no collateral damage taken by any of the forces involved.

Nuclear Incident
Sudeten City, Sudeten
Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
19th May 3115

   A nuclear explosion envelops Sudeten City, the official capital of the Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone, the casualties are massive but less than they would have once been as the Jade Falcons had spent the last ten years all but abandoning the city and Sudeten itself.  For decades the Jade Falcons had been giving up parts of their occupation zone to forward their goals deeper in the Inner Sphere and Sudeten had been strip mined by the Falcons for all of its worth.  During that period of time only a single garrison cluster had been based on the world while all other scientists and leadership had moved elsewhere in the OZ.

The Jade Falcon Watch begin a short and an immediate investigation into the explosion but for all intensive purposes the Falcons abandon Sudeten once and for all soon afterwards allowing the Hell’s Horses to take control over the radiated planet.  Within days of the Hell’s Horses take over they command all survivors from Sudeten City to abandon the grounds of the city and move elsewhere on the planet naming Sudeten City as a no-go zone for the population of the planet.  A Hell’s Horses investigation suggest that the explosion could have been caused by an undermaintained Jade Falcon reactor which may or may not have been tampered with by unknown persons.

Resource Raids
Magistracy of Canopus
22nd May 3115

   In a series of raids McCoy’s Malcontents pirate band raid several systems of the Magistracy of Canopus striking at Kleinwelt, Thraxa and Vixen taking salvage from all three systems as they continue to try and rebuild the Mechs that are stored on Whittington.  In each of the battles Amanda Cavalcanti is allowed by Schuyler McCoy to join the unit in battle in her restored Griffin GRF-1A despite being someone who had been coopted into the unit she fights for the unit and does not attempt to leave the pirate band.  From the resources taken in the Magistracy the Malcontents’ techs restore a Koschei and an Icarus II BattleMech to operational status adding them to the defences of Whittington.

Trial of Possession
Savonburg, Draconis March
Federated Suns
28th May 3115

After recent victories by the Nova Cats claiming the systems Kiza, Rentz, McRae, Rosiclaire and Vandalia and Federated Suns counter attacks which claimed Hortense Hogdell and Jessup the Nova Cats and Federated Suns agree to end the current conflict between them on a world not touched by the recent combat.  On the world of Savonburg Khan Canin Rosse meets with Field Marshal Paul Bowmen of the Federated Suns Crucis March.

With a simple Trial of Possession fought over by the Delta Keshik and Bowman’s own First Tikonov Cossacks RCT the “war” comes to an end between the two nations with the Federated Suns force victorious ending the conflict between them.  The fighting has told both sides several things the Federated Suns has realized that it is not the nation that can fight on multiple fronts and they have now seen the Nova Cats as a threat.  While many within the Federated Suns desired to see the Nova Cats kicked back into their Den the nation has been battered on all fronts and needs time to regain its strength.  While the High Command of the Federated Suns is confident of a victory against the Nova Cats over the long term the wars with the Raven Alliance and Draconis Combine have sapped the AFFS strength and desire for battle.  The Nova Cats could wait until their next conflict.

The Nova Cats have secured what they wished to in the production world of Crofton and gained retribution for the attack by Tyler’s Terribles against their nation overall they have lost control over several systems and have lost a lot of bloodied troops but they have also gained valuable experience.  Internally within the Clan they have also realized that they need to deploy bigger formations of ground troops and bigger WarShips to counter those of the Federated Suns.  During the battle for Savonburg the Nova Cats deploy clan-tech versions of the Gallant and Thanatos BattleMechs in battle both already produced on Crofton showing the worth of the world to the Clan.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1337 on: 09 April 2021, 15:21:35 »
Oof, Davions didn't get away easily from that fight. Their going need to learn some new tricks to handle anti-missile systems like that.

Nuclear incident sounds like WoB survivors are mingling among the Occupation zone.
« Last Edit: 12 April 2021, 05:46:43 by Wrangler »
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1338 on: 09 April 2021, 18:23:53 »
Oof, Davions did get walkway easily from that fight. Their going need learn new tricks to handle anti-missile systems like that.

Nuclear incident sounds like WoB survivors are mingling among the Occupation zone.

They lost about 15-20 systems I don't have may map at hand but they lost quite a bit

As for the AMS crews they didn't expect Mass Kraken T attacks
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1339 on: 12 April 2021, 05:02:56 »
One thing I forgot to mention previously the Ravens Suns conflict was the brainchild of Vition2.  Originally Vition2 was going to write it and have a few more twists but they have dropped off recently I hope they are well as my only contact is here on the forums.

Based off our notes I wrote a story I could use but credit also belongs to Vition2
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1340 on: 12 April 2021, 05:48:33 »
One thing I forgot to mention previously the Ravens Suns conflict was the brainchild of Vition2.  Originally Vition2 was going to write it and have a few more twists but they have dropped off recently I hope they are well as my only contact is here on the forums.

Based off our notes I wrote a story I could use but credit also belongs to Vition2
If he does come back, you should use Google Docs and share the file so uh oh can work on it jointly.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1341 on: 16 April 2021, 06:40:53 »
Base camp, Eagle’s Talons
Las Halles, District of Oriente
Free Worlds League
8th June 3115

Dropping into the atmosphere the four purple, red, blue and white painted Screamer Land Air Mechs descended quickly through the snow storm brewing above the surface.  Eldest daughter of the ruling family on Oriente Duchess Sophie Halas led the flight of craft towards the ground.  The four craft were specifically painted to look good from the ground with the paintwork intricate lines which spread from the nose of the aircraft down to the tail.  However, once they converted into their AirMech or BattleMech configurations the paintwork would be at different angles which it was thought would break up the look of the Mechs on visual identification and give the MechWarriors an advantage over range.

High over the base camp of her new unit the Eagle’s Talons Special Operations Unit the craft banked into a tightening circle as they descended on fusion fire.  The fifty-five-ton LAM was the largest of all built Land-Air-Mechs and while slower than smaller LAMs they were better armoured and they were well armed with a pair of extended-range lasers and two five-tube Multi-Missile Launchers.  In a fight with a dedicated BattleMech or aerospace fighter of the same eight they would be outmatched but neither of those dedicated platforms could come near to matching the others capabilities.

“Eagle One to Talon Base, requesting permission for Eagle Flight to land on main tarmac.”  She transmitted as they approached the ground base.

“Permission granted” the tower replied with a well practiced calm the four craft were expected arrivals at the base.  Constructed during the period of time that the First Kathil Uhlans were briefly based on the planet there were several hangers which would house a unit’s vehicles, BattleMechs and Aerospace units.  These were constructed away from each other in an effort to soften the blow should an enemy bomb the base blindly.  There were half a dozen other buildings constructed across the base which had the command, briefing, accommodation, training and maintenance facilities.  A single control tower had been built near the long runway which ran between the various facilities.

“Understood, Eagle Flight proceeding to landing.”  She said as they approached the base the four craft began the conversion process from aerospace fighter to BattleMech a couple of hundred metres from the ground.  Being onboard the craft as the automated process began was a strange sensation for a pilot, even someone who was used to the process like Sophie Halas.  First the velocity began to slow dramatically as the engines ceased their forward thrust turning more velocity to vertical power holding the craft aloft with brute force instead of aerodynamics.  The rear of the craft broke into two halves with various parts of the legs beginning to form as they did the wings of the craft broke in half with the other halves of the two wings turning downwards beginning to form the Mech’s forearms.  Finally, the cockpit sections of the aircraft bent forwards giving the AirMech its final hunched appearance additional thrusters at the rear of the craft kept the forward momentum while ground facing jets kept them aloft.

During the conversion process a pilot was most at risk with less control over the defence of their craft and more concentration being placed on the craft’s heading and stability.  Any attack during the conversion process could prove fatal to a Land-Air-Mech with damage causing a failure in the craft or a crash either of which could kill the pilot.  Today there were no such threats however as Sophie authorized the onboard computer to continue the conversion process with the back of the LAM straightening above the extended legs, the remaining flat surfaces of the wings moving backwards onto the back of the BattleMech’s arms and shoulders as the arms fully extended.  The nose flipped under the cockpit of the Land-AirMech as the cockpit itself moved forwards away from the back of the craft and turned into the vertical configuration of a BattleMech finally settling in position with an audible “clunk” together the four BattleMech configured LAMs.

In formation then walked towards one of the hangers with a “follow-me” civilian truck turning onto the road in front of them guiding them towards their berthing facility joining their comrades in the Eagle’s Talons newly formed Land-Air-Mech Battalion.  “Welcome to Eagle’s Talons, Eagle Flight.”  The tower said finally as they entered the hanger.

Border Raid
Main Street, Stone Spirit Territory
11th June 3115

   During an invasion of the Main Street system the First and Sixth Stone Clusters of the Stone Spirit forces supported by the General Stuart, an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser, the Stone Spirits invade the system taking control of it from the First BattleMech Regiment of the Obsidian Lancers Brigade.  As an opener to the battle the Stone Spirits intentionally jump one of their Invader-class JumpShips into one of the JumpShips based at the main jump point obliterating both vessels in a spectacular explosion.

   Fighting for their lives the Obsidian Lancers successfully kill Eli Furey the leader of the Stone Spirits gaining themselves a lull in the charge by the invaders.  The remaining Obsidian Lancers withdraw from the system meeting with a recently arrived Obsidian Lancers JumpShip which had arrived from the Elume system.

   With their leader dead there is an end to the immediate fighting between the former Clan force and the Lyran Commonwealth as a new leader is elected.  Unlike the Clans the force instead elects a new leader with former Star Colonel Tanya Furey becoming the new Commander of the Stone Spirits.

Promotion Ceremony, Thunder Complex
Bowang City, Bowang
District of Bowang, Free Worlds League
14th June 3115

   The Promotion Ceremony more resembled a wedding than a military procedure as music played in the Grand Hall at the Thunder Complex.  Situated in the centre of their multi acre estate on Bowang the Thunder Complex was the base of operations for the mercenary command the Thunder Road which had been contracted to the District of Bowang for several years.  During this time, they had expanded their facilities to better incorporate their unit’s needs and bring up its standards in living, training and care.  In recent months John Wrangler had overseen the opening of a new school facility which trained future members of the mercenary command and welcomed in local members who wished to learn more about military life as well as regular studies.  Those natives who graduated from the Wangler Training College could become members of the unit or return to civilian life with training certificates which would be recognized by the world of Bowang thanks to agreements in training which the Thunder Road had agreed with the government.

The Grand Hall itself was situated near the command building of the base and was the unit’s primary meeting chamber for ceremonies and unit briefings.  Inside the Grand Hall every member of the Thunder Road Mercenary Command and several members of their allies the Chaos Irregulars were present in their best uniform of clothing to watch as Lt Colonel Naomi Renee Wrangler took command of the Thunder Road from her father John Wrangler.

   The Grand Hall was built like the Lyran Commonwealth’s throne room and it was large enough for a BattleMech to stand inside.  Today there were two BattleMech’s present John Wangler’s one-hundred-ton Thunder Hawk on the left in front of the gathered crowd and Naomi Renee Wangler’s Black Watch OmniMech beside it.  Colonel John Wangler stood in front of his Thunder Hawk he was nearly ninety years old and had finally decided that today was the day for his retirement, while he still piloted his Thunder Hawk on occasion in practice, he hadn’t engaged in actual combat with it for several years instead concentrating on assisting with training at the Thunder Complex.

   As tradition of the ceremony demanded Naomi stopped in front of her Black Watch as her father waited for her in front of his Thunder Hawk her blond hair tied back over behind her grey uniform as was tradition for the unit the jacket of the uniform which was open, showing a simple white shirt underneath, had animal fur had been sowed into the left shoulder and this extended down the arm of the jacket running through the elbow and to the wrist cuff.  “Lt Colonel Naomi Wrangler reporting as commanded.”  She announced standing at attention.

   “Naomi Wrangler, you stand in front of the Thunder Road” her father began as he spoke the entire unit stamped their feet which in the words of the unit “brought the thunder” to the room. “You are entrusted with their command; how do you answer?”

   “I am ready to walk the Road and bring the Thunder.”  She said reciting the words each person spoke as they accepted a promotion.  As she spoke the words the unit responded in stamping their feet making more noise that echoed in the chamber.

   “How say you Thunder Road, can she lead you?”  John Wangler asked turning to the gathered group.

   “Hail!”  They shouted united accepting her leadership the old man smiled broadly knowing their answer before they spoke, she had led them in combat several times and each trusted her judgement.

   “Colonel Naomi Renee Wrangler, The Thunder Road are yours to command.”  He said his eyes watering in pride as he stepped back away from her.

   “It will be my honour” she said to her father as the unit stamped their feet again as she turned towards the unit as the noise quietened.  “I am proud to serve with all of you and I am proud to take command of this unit here today within the Thunder Complex.”  She said as the crowd again on que stamped their feet.  “I am also glad to have our allies the Chaos Irregulars present.”  She said acknowledging the presence of Lt Colonel Jocoam Chowla and Lt Colonel Ariel Peregrine-Simpson who represented the unit.  “And today I am announcing a new expansion to our unit’s chorus.”  She said making her deal public for the first time, so far only her father and select advisors had known about the changes that were about to fill the unit.  “Lt Colonel Chowla and Lt Colonel Peregrine-Simpson please.”  She said welcoming them up beside her both of them wore their best clothing with the Chaos Irregulars command.  “Call your troops in.”  She ordered Jake Chowla clicked his hand-held radio twice and the doors on either side of the chamber which were used to get her the two BattleMechs inside slowly swung open.

   From either side of the room the two battalions of Chaos Irregulars entered the room the troops all wore their best civilian gear and after they were all present Naomi stepped clear of them in front of both units.  “We have fought with the Chaos Irregulars on several battlefields.  Their unit has been through a lot, as have the Thunder Road.”  She said as there was another rumble from stamping feet, this one smaller than before as the crowd reacted with surprise at the presence of the Chaos Irregulars.

   Jake Chowla stepped forwards from the Chaos Irregulars beside Naomi to address the surprised command “your commander said The Thunder Road!”  He roared looking at the command and his own people in a sweeping motion this time both the original Thunder Road and several members of the Chaos Irregulars stamped their feet together in a combination of habit and surprise at the interruption.  Naomi acknowledged his action with a nod of thanks Jake Chowla was at times impulsive and this appeared to be one of those moments, he’d come a long way since the death of his wife fighting the Whispers of Blake.  There was times when he struggled with it, this she knew this both he and Ariel had made clear when they first discussed today’s meeting and it was something that Naomi had agreed to help him deal with in the future.

   “Today I am announcing that the Chaos Irregulars are formally joining the ranks of the Thunder Road.”  She said this time her words brought almost stunned silence “their unit has been through a lot in the last few years and combined we will be able to forge forward along a new Road together!”  She announced this time there was no thunder but instead an immediate applause and cheers as both the Thunder Road and former Chaos Irregulars realized that Jake Chowla’s interruption had been one to make them realize who they were.  That this was a merger of commands the old ways were not going away instead they were being enhanced by their new combined numbers which would give the Thunder Road more than a regiment of BattleMechs and two combined arms support battalions.

Terrorist Incident
Ferihegy, Kaumberg Theatre
Alarion Province, Lyran Commonwealth
28th June 3115

Following the announcement of the death of Lindon Ashley, a former leader of the Democracy Now movement in the Lyran Commonwealth, who was in prison on Kaumberg. The movement announce their responsibility for an attack on Ferihegy shattering one of the sealed Arcology settlements on the world.  In the Ferihegy Primus settlement more than five thousand people perish in the explosion which causes damage to the dome protecting the population and from subsequent nitrogen-cyanide poisioning as Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces attempt to help them.  Democracy Now warn that they will continue to target Lyran facilities until the Commonwealth accept that democracy not the feudal rule of the Steiner family is the better route for the Lyran people.
« Last Edit: 16 April 2021, 15:30:03 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1342 on: 16 April 2021, 06:49:07 »

An update for mercenary units for The Thunder Road mercenary command is here
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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    • Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1343 on: 19 April 2021, 14:34:25 »
Great updates as always, the FedSuns ended the war with the Snow Raven's in the best way without any undue loss of life or more worlds lost, giving them time to take a breath and look at redressing their forces. Superb writing :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1344 on: 10 May 2021, 05:24:56 »
Time for July and time to move things on a bit.  For anyone who took interest before in my Solaris Racing League post the first part of this story has been told before but I've cleaned it up a little.  For the original championship the story is on the following link.  The rest of it will be added into the main story with little changes here and there.

Solaris Racing Event
San Bardo Canyon, Equatus
Solaris VII, Independent Clan Territory
7th July 3115

   On a sunny day on the world of Solaris VII a Lexan Oceanic Series Luxury VTOL flew high above the San Bardo Canyon on the mountainous Equatus continent far to the east of Solaris City.  The area had long been used as a training ground by MechWarriors preparing themselves for the hardships they would encounter in Solaris’ famous Arenas while more recently Equatus had become home to a large number of the Clan Wolf population who were based on the world.  Today, however the canyon was going to be used for an entirely new event intent on bringing in new audiences from Solaris and across the Inner Sphere.  From the rear cabin of the aircraft announcer Rick De Graff stood in front of the Tri-vid camera wearing his customary navy suit and multi-coloured bow tie waiting for the broadcast to begin.  The Lexan was designed for long distance travel and had a fully kitted out set of luxury passenger quarters normally allowing the passengers to travel in complete comfort, but today the comforts had been pushed to the side or completely replaced with tri-vid cameras and six crewmen from the Solaris Entertainment Company.  The red light behind the camera turned to green and the broadcast began.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen my name is Rick De Graff and for the last thirty years I have commentated on the various competitions that have taken place here on Solaris VII.”  He said beginning the broadcast in his customary manner.  He’d spoken to the people of Solaris for three decades and he “knew” what they liked.  Newer broadcasters had constantly tried to get him to change his style but De Graff was set in his ways and had no plans in changing.  “I stayed on with the Leagues when the Clans came to Solaris and have seen them go from strength to strength, even though the Clan culture is completely at odds with the life of Solaris they understand the need for a good fight.”  He said pausing few of the “natives” on Solaris liked the new Clan populations that had augmented their population but they all understood that the Clans simply had more firepower than anyone else around them and could hold the world in a far stronger grip than they currently did if they wished.

“But now, today we have the debut of a new organised competition on Solaris based out of the San Bardo Canyon here in sunny Equatus, I bring you the Solaris Racing League!  Gone are the days of two pilots racing to show who has the fastest aircraft in a straight line and gone are the guns!"  He said drawing another difference between the SRL and other racing competitions on Solaris.  "Now they need skill and they need the crowds to win in a competition fully supported and sponsored by the Solaris Entertainment Company and TD Investments.”  He announced as two conventional aircraft flew past the Lexan rocking it slightly with the wind caused by their passing external cameras on the aircraft cut from De Graff to show the two multi-coloured aircraft banking away and towards the canyon.  “Featuring conventional aircraft of various sizes and capabilities the Racing League will be almost unique on Solaris in that we won’t be using weapons on any of the aircraft taking part.”  He said pausing for a moment wondering just how the population would take to a competition with no weapons fire?  It wasn’t the only competition on the world that didn’t use weapons conventional vehicle stock car racing still consisted of drivers racing without weapons but those kinds of races saw the vehicles themselves used as weapons in almost every race.  “Each craft will be expected to carry these weapons or appropriate weights to represent them and to ensure that the race judges and ourselves are kept in contact with all craft each has been fitted with a Slave C3 system allowing us to take data directly from the aircraft and from specially fitted video cameras on each aircraft.”  He said as the camera again cut from De Graff now switching to a camera fitted onto one of the two aircraft which had flown past the Lexan previously.  Now the two aircraft were down in the canyon below flying in close formation as low as they dared with one aircraft slightly further ahead of the camera carrying aircraft.  The two craft changed direction several times as the canyon terrain changed before switching to a wire frame image of the aircraft showing the stress being put on the aircraft.

“We’ll also all be able to follow the action from camera crews situated around the course and from drone craft positioned waiting for the competitors.”  He said finally as the camera switched back to De Graff in the flying studio.  Beside him in the studio images showed camera equipment that had been set up around the canyon as perfectly timed shots of the formation flying races flew past.  The two racers then flew past a hovering VTOL covered in cameras which was also monitoring them.

   “The rules are simple the winning aircraft will be the one with the fastest time through San Bardo Canyon, each aircraft will also gain points for completing each challenge while remaining under one and fifty hundred metres, anytime spent above this height will result in point deductions, these points will be result in subtractions or additions to the finish times at the end of the race.  “Any aircraft that leaves the canyon will be disqualified.”  He explained

   “Now let’s see the course!”  He said and Rick De Graff’s image was replaced by images taken from one of the racing turbine powered aircraft as De Graff narrated.  “Initially the flight will involve a forward dash through the firebreak between the Redwood and Riverbank Forests.”  He said as the aircraft began to fly through the trees with greens, browns and oranges flashing past the wings of the aircraft as it flew. “Our competitors will then raise up the right-hand side of the canyon walls staying as low as they can before entering a natural formation known as Hamilton Tunnel.”  He said as the small aircraft entered the tunnel.  Now natural light was replaced with artificial light as the aircraft changed direction inside the man-made tunnel. “The pilots will navigate in a tight downward spiral through the tunnel avoiding any obstacles and keeping their speed up” he said as the pilot avoided several rock formations inside the tunnel and then dodged between two sets of containers” before they exit and sprint past the northern edge of Riverbank Forest.”  He said as the light changed again and the aircraft was illuminated from above by natural light.  Camera images changed showing the aircraft flying above them though the daylight air above the canyon floor the cameras panned to show the aircraft now flying over water and De Graff continued his commentary.

“After crossing over Forss Water the competitors will then fly up over the Solaris Steps where we’ll have spectators camped out waiting for them.”  The camera then cut to people already camping out on the natural stone Solaris Steps which were bathed in sunlight “those people are in for a treat.”  De Graff said as the image shifted to the aircraft which flew from the tunnel over the choppy river then up over the stone steps missing the crowds by several hundred feet as the crowds cheered. “They’ll climb to one hundred metres and dart through the Loch Gateway” he said as the aircraft flew through a stone archway which faced onto the open water below.  “They’ll then fly over Loch Scramclate banking to the left around Grant Island where we’ve got more people waiting for them” again the camera showed crowds gathering this time on beach-built bandstands. “Each aircraft will be expected to do the pilots own chosen signature move in front of the crowds at Grant Island with bonus points voted by you being awarded to each pilot after the race is complete.”  He said as the racing aircraft did a simple barrel roll over the crowds below.  “These points will go towards each pilot’s own personal ranking score which will count towards their season points.  After their excursion over the waters of Loch Scramclate they will fly through the firebreak of Sibster Forest before climbing to the final area of the competition.”  He said as the small craft flew between the trees of the forest again the various colours of the trees flashed past the wings of the aircraft before raising into TD Investments Stadium an artificially flattened area in the Canyon Wall which had multiple built up bandstands waiting “In TD Investments Stadium, along with you at home, we have 7,500 people waiting for them there each pilot can again preform their signature move and be awarded additional points for their efforts before hitting the finish line.”  He said as the aircraft finally through the stadium doing further barrel rolls as it did in front of the waiting crowds.

   “Without further waffling from me here comes our first competitor” he said as an HL-15 Hellfish Light Attack Fighter flew into the area.  The craft’s wing edge tilt-rotor turbines pulling it through the air while the pilot could be seen in the forward bulbous cockpit the Solaris sun glinting off of the twin tailed rear boom.  “Allow me to introduce Koskova Yartseva piloting a Hellfish Light Attack Fighter from Silver in the Free Worlds League, let’s see how he gets on.”  The small ten-ton aircraft flew through the trees before diving down into Hamilton Tunnel inside gun cameras from the small aircraft showed just how close the tiny ten-ton aircraft came to the obstacles inside the tunnel.  “The small Hellfish is perfect for this type of close quarters flying and is able to avoid everything in the tunnel with ease.”  Turning left Yartseva expertly brought the craft down through the tunnel and out the other side then across the water before climbing up over the Solaris Steps tipping his wings ever so slightly as he passed over the heads of the spectators “KEEP your heads down there!”  De Graff called out as the spectators cheered at the aircraft passing by the Hellfish didn’t stop it continued on diving through the Loch Gateway and then over Loch Scramclate.  “Here come’s Yarseva to our first display area what will he do for the crowds?”  Turning towards Grant Island as the aftcraft quickly flew past the crammed spectator stands on the island’s western edge flicking the VSTOL controls Yartseva brought the engine nacelles up into a hover turning his fighter to face the people below as he did causing the aircraft to do a near perfect reverse turn as it moved past the island one hundred metres below.  “HA!  Using the Hellfish’s VSTOL equipment to pull an entirely unique move in the spectator region.  The crowd down there are going to be in for a treat with the rest of the competitors.”  He then flicked the engines back into normal flight function and accelerated away from Grant Island banking again to the left towards Sibster Forest.  “Here comes Yarseva towards the homestretch and here in TD Investments Stadium!”  De Graff said as the crowd below his aircraft went wild in anticipation the cameras showed the small Hellfish flying between the trees then pulling upwards towards the bandstands of TD Investments Stadium.  As the small aircraft flew into the stadium area the Hellfish’s engine nacelles again slowly turned pointing upwards bringing a halt to the craft’s forward movement as it did so allowing the craft to turn in a full 360 degrees before finally pointing to the exit of the course.  “Well ladies and gentlemen there we have it the end of the first competitors run and a time on the board now everyone knows what to beat.  Remember ladies and gentlemen your vote from home can make all the difference for all Solaris Residence you can instant message on the numbers below to cast your vote at the standard calling price.  The pilot has done his best job now its up to you to enhance his finishing position.”

   Over the course of the next hour eight more competitors flew through the course each piloting their own type of aircraft.  Most of the competitors were based on Solaris and had been seen flying in the adhoc events that had taken place on Solaris before but finally it was Jonnie Mjalby from Aubisson in the Rasalhague Dominion piloting an ASF-23 Protector Aircraft that won the first organised league race on Solaris VII.

   “Congratulations to Jonnie Mjalby for his victory here at San Bardo Canyon on Solaris VII.  I hope you enjoyed that ladies and gentlemen because this debut season is not done, we’ll have another race which will take place in Dunnet Forest on October 22nd.  You can click on the link below to find out how you can be a spectator at that event and stay tuned to the Solaris Entertainment Sports IV for an interview with Jonnie Mjalby and some of the other cometitors with me Rick De Graff.”

Trade mission, DCJS Vancouver Sun (Tramp-class JumpShip)
Richmond, The Havens
16th July 3115

   The Draconis Combine registered trade JumpShip Vancouver Sun jumped into the Richmond system for a standard trade mission arriving in a flash of light at the Zenith point.  The Captain of the ship Invar Lofgren floated in the micro-gravity into the small CIC of the vessel as the jumpsail was being unveiled to begin the days long recharging process.  Unlike many JumpShips the Tramp-class did not have a cockpit-styled “bridge” but instead had a larger bowl-shaped combat centre similar to that on a WarShip with several stations dotted around the room manned by members of his crew.  “Anything to report?”  Lofgren asked his bridge crew

   “Hai, Captain” Lt. Commander Masao Suzuki said in response unlike a DCMS vessel the Vancouver Sun was not a military vessel and did not follow military ranks, in fact Lofgren refused to use the Japanese ranks of his native Combine in protest for what had happened to his family in the Free Rasalhague Republic.  “We are being approached by a group of ten tightly grouped aerospace fighters, they are of Clan design.”

   “Clan design?”  Lofgren asked aerospace fighters were concerning, he had a few of his own craft onboard this JumpShip for self defence but his pilots were trained to defend agains pirates not Clan bred and trained pilots. “And where did they come from?  We are on the wrong side of the border for them to be here.”  He demanded answers “extend sensor concentration identify the source of these fighters.”  He ordered looking at the sensor data himself he saw they had a few minutes to check the situation.

   “Captain Lofgren we are detecting a Carrier-class DropShip at the edge of sensor range.  The vessel does not identify as a Rasalhague Dominion vessel, our sensors cannot identify the tag.”

   “Understood, communications attempt to raise the aerospace fighters, identify us to them.  We are a civilian vessel we have no interest in contesting Richmond if Clan Ghost Bear have decided to take it from the Combine.  This is not our fight and we will leave if they let us.”  Lofgren said making his decision the Vancouver Suns’ DropShips carried various trade items that the people of Richmond generally bought but if the world was being contested then he wouldn’t be sending his people to the planet today.

   “Incoming message!”

   “This is Captain Akira Tempest, the commander of the approaching aerospace fighter star, we represent the defence force of Richmond and The Havens.  These worlds are claimed by The Havens all threats will be met by our defences.  Traders are welcome to our worlds.”  The voice responded Lofgren was taken aback he’d never heard of The Havens nation before.

   “This is Captain Invar Lofgren of the trade JumpShip Rainbow Sun, forgive me, I have never heard of your nation.  My vessel is a trade ship, we carry weapons only to defend ourselves and our cargo and we do not carry weapons of war.”  He said watching as the aerospace fighters continued to close.

   “The Havens have gained their independence from the Rasalhague Dominion.”  Tempest responded “we have freed from the constraints of the Dominion and offered the chance to forge our own future.”

   “We are an independent vessel we will not threaten your worlds.  My family comes from the Rasalhague worlds, as do many of those on my crew, we now live on this ship.  “While I cannot speak to that of the rest of my crew for now, I would be willing to trade with you going forward depending on the terms available.”  He said as he watched the aerospace fighters approaching as the sensors updated it showed them turning away from the JumpShip.

   “We welcome friendly traders to our nation” Captain Tempest responded “I will allow you to speak with your crew, we will welcome you to Richmond if you decide to continue hostile acts will be dealt with harshly however you are free to leave if you wish.”  He said as the aerospace fighters began peeling off heading back towards the Carrier which continued its approach.  “Good luck, captain.”

   Invar Lofgren watched as the fighters continued to move away as the communications cut off, he looked around his crew wondering how many of them would be willing to take on another challenge in this “new nation” The Havens.  He’d wondered for years about taking the Rainbow Sun beyond Combine borders but the DCMS kept them under contract doing work.  “Lt Commander Suzuki assemble the crew, if we decide to trade our cargo with Richmond it is unlikely, we will be welcome back in the Combine.  These ships are our home but it is a choice that all the crew must agree to.”

   “Hai, Captain” Suzuki responded he was proud of his Combine heritage but he was loyal to the ship first hours later the crew of the Rainbow Sun proved that they too were loyal to the ship of the Combine and they chose to trade with Richmond and remain in the Barrens.  Both of the JumpShips trade DropShips headed in system leaving the Rainbow Sun to recharge at the jump point with its Leopard CV-class vessel still attached that vessel carried the JumpShips six aerospace fighters and was unsuitable for trade missions.  On the planet the traders based onboard their two DropShips are welcomed with open hands and given generous prices.  On Richmond they are given contracts to take cargo deeper into the new nation of the Havens which spreads from Richmond to Santander and to Outpost beyond and has eight systems in total.

   Within days of the JumpShip Rainbow Sun jumping deeper into the Havens and its disappearance from Combine trackers the DCMS send out search parties into the Havens only to be rebuffed by the nation’s defences.  The Rasalhague Dominion then launch attacks against Schuyler, Garstedt, Turtle Bay and Rockland with Star Colonel Ramille Bekka, a Ghost Bear ristar, leading the attack on Turtle Bay announcing to the Combine that the Rasalhague Dominion had released the Havens from their rule, but they would allow the Draconis Combine to counter attack against the nation should it choose to try and conquest as an option but it would not allow the Combine to attack first and take over.  This new nation was still heavily linked to the Dominion through trade and unlike many of the other worlds in the area had been provided with the means to provide for their people on their own and encouraged to cooperate with the worlds around them.

Command Council, Stone Spirit City (Forbidden City)
Strabo, Outpost 27
Stone Spirit Space, Periphery
17th July 3115

   In the heart of what had once been a Rim Worlds Republic training ground based on the First Star League-era Forbidden City laid the Stone Spirit Command Council Building.  It is an imposing structure that had been built on the rubble of dozens of buildings which the Clan force had destroyed when they had arrived on the world and chosen to make this city their new Capitol.  While it stood ten stories tall the building looked more like a bunker than a command facility with sloped walls on either side extending several hundred metres in three directions from the summit to the ground.  A BattleMech or armoured vehicle could ascend up the side of the building from the ground if it needed to. On the one slopped side the building had a completely flat face with a single massive entrance at the front of the building which was tall enough and wide enough for any BattleMech to walk through.  On either side of the entrance were statues the size of a QuadMech both were identical a massive Stone Rhino with droplets of blood engraved across its body.

   Walking into the main auditorium Commander Tanya Furey approached her three Galaxy Commanders each of them saluted with standard Star League Defence Force salutes, the Stone Spirits having abandoned the Clan salute when they arrived on Strabo.  “Report.”

   “Commander, all of our Galaxies are now at full strength.  Further production and recruits will go to strengthen these units until you decree, we should raise further Galaxies.”  Jasper Osis reported he commanded the Stone Spirit Galaxy and next to Tanya was their most senior commander in both rank and age as he approached sixty-two years old his short hair now long gone leaving only his scarred and well tanned head.  Tanya nodded her understanding.

   “Galaxy Commander Leroy Church?”  She asked the next senior Galaxy Commander who was more than ten years Jasper Osis’ junior and commanded their Rhino Galaxy.  Unlike Jasper Osis Leroy Chuch still had some of his youthful looks while his hair was short there was still colour as well as gray while he remained as fit as a person ten years his junior.

   “Commander, the disarray of the Fire Mandrills forces continues following the death of Khan Natasha Faraday on Sapienza to a Lyran sniper.  We believe Loremaster Jordan Truscott will ascend to command the Clan while efforts by the Mandrills to secure Sapienza continue against the Fesnyng forces based there.”  He said describing the Lyrans irregular warfare unit that had been supporting the local militia forces.  “Truscott is a former Serpents warrior and before that he served in the Star Adder Clan.  He said sharing his disgust for that group that all Stone Spirits felt for the Adders.  “We believe that once he has cemented his control over the Fire Mandrills, he will take full control over the Rim Collection.”

   “I’m surprised that the Mandrill population hasn’t demanded that for years before now” Tanya Furey commented “it is Clan technology that is propping up the Collection and the only reason they have had any success.  Their future is Clan.  Please continue Leroy”

   “In the confusion Edmine, Brank and Oporto from the Fire Mandrills as per tradition we have taken bondsmen from the Eleventh Rim Regulars, Second Rim Regulars and Third Rim Regulars as well as Isorla.  We have reinforced our positions awaiting the Fire Mandrill response.  Also, per your orders a JumpShip with all forces we are not claiming is being returned too the Fire Mandrills.  With what we have taken from the Fire Mandrills we could potentially raise another Cluster or two of our forces with new recruits bulking it out.”

   “Excellent, well done.”

   “Galaxy Commander Boques” she said finally looking at the youngest of their Galaxy Commanders Kari Boques was only thirty years old ten years younger than Tanya Furey blonde haired and blue eyed she could have been a model if she hadn’t been born into the Clan life.

   “As per your orders the last of our forces have abandoned Port Vail to Clan Sea Fox.  They are settling in well.  Lushann and Elba in the Lyran Commonwealth have fallen to our forces.”  She said giving them her quick short report.  Unlike the fighting between the Stone Spirits and the Fire Mandrills there was no need to return the dispossessed defenders of the two Lyran worlds they would instead be left to languish on the worlds under Stone Spirit rule until they proved their worth.

   “Unfortunately, I do not carry as good news” she said looking between the three of them “unlike the relations and respect we have faced with the Fire Mandrills and now the Sea Foxes we are being stonewalled by the Clan Council on Tukayyid with our approaches rebuffed.”  She explained “we have had better responds from Von Stranges World, the New Oberon Confederation and from the Ragnarok Union but each of them while they serve as trade partners, they will not bring us further into Clan society.”

   “Will they ever accept us?  We are two Clans made into one.  We have because of what we have lost been forced to abandon much of the genetic engineering that they all follow.  We may never be accepted into Clan society again.”  Jasper Osis said the Stone Spirits simply didn’t have the resources nor the scientific minds to build defences and build up a genetics program.

   “Unacceptable” Tanya Furey stated “they accepted the Fire Mandrills when that Clan only held part of the Rim Collection!  That Clan was on life support and still they were welcomed back in with open arms!”  She said angrily “I will not accept double standards; the Stone Spirits are rightful heirs to the honour of the Blood Spirits and the Stone Rhinos.  No, they will accept us back in.  But first we will make a mark that they cannot ignore.”  She said “firstly, I will send a message to Khan Truscott once he has gained control over the Fire Mandrills and subjected the Collection.  I will make it clear to him we will continue what we have started in our recent battles and offer them the honour they deserve as a Clan of Kerensky.”  She said gaining nods from the others around her “then we as one Clan will strike at Swartklip and eliminate the Star League Defence Force garrison there, we will destroy the pretenders on that world and we will prove standing in their blood to our brethren we belong.”

« Last Edit: 10 May 2021, 05:36:28 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1345 on: 10 May 2021, 05:25:06 »
Gibbs, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
19th July 3115

   What had started with news on the invasions of Upona, Westerstead, Callisto V and finally Donegal had quickly been followed with an invasion of Gibbs by Clan Jade Falcon forces.  By the sounds of what Captain Aksel Youngblood was hearing the entire remains of the Donegal province excluding Tharkad had been attacked by the Clan in an all-out assault which was sending the Lyrans reeling.  The Crescent Hawks had been assigned to protect Gibbs along with Carlton’s Cavaliers a reinforced combined-arms unit and the local militia forces.  Gibbs had long been the site of a JumpShip construction yard but companies had been streaming out of the system for months following intelligence that a big Clan push was coming leaving only the skeleton remains of the construction site above the planet.

   Now that the Falcons were here the Crescent Hawks needed to escape the all-out assault.  Fortunately, no Falcon WarShips were present but that could only last so long.  Aksel had already secured them a JumpShip which was waiting in a pre-organized spot ready to evacuate the unit, an additional DropShip captain had also signed on with his own crew to assist in evacuating as many of the people from the planet as they could.  Walking from his command tent towards his Shadow Hawk LAM which stood waiting for him his communicator bleeped before he could make it ten steps to his ride.  “Youngblood go!”  He called back

   “Sir, we have a single Ryoken II approaching the base its painted in Clan Wolf colours.”

   “Clan Wolf?  Are you sure?”

   “Confirmed Captain, Clan Mountain Wolf, its just standing beyond the gates.  The pilot wants to speak to you.”  The guard said Aksel looked at his Mech and wondered what was going on he knew Clan Mountain Wolf had traders on the world, he’d heard they had been working to try and get the shipyard facility transferred to their holdings on Gallery but he didn’t know why they’d want him.

   Soon after Aksel arrived at the gates to see the Ryoken II standing there silently waiting for him he found it strange that the seventy-five-ton BattleMech was so silent when the entire world around them was fighting.  “I am Aksel Youngblood, commander of the Crescent Hawks, how can I help you MechWarrior?”

   “My name is Tassa Kay, I am looking for transport off this rock.  I heard this was a good place to look.”

   “What is a Clan Mountain Wolf pilot doing here?  I heard your unit was engaged with the Falcons and militia.”  He asked suspiciously

   “Ha, the Fourteenth Mountain Wolf are not my command, I’ve no intention on fighting and dying with those Clansmen!”  She said laughing her germanic accent suggested she was a native of the Lyran Commonwealth. “the MechWarrior that previously piloted this Mech chose the paint-job, I would not have.  I fight for myself and I am looking to leave Gibbs to continue the fight elsewhere.”  Suddenly there was several explosions at the far side of the base.  “From where I am sitting, I think you can use the help” she said the Crescent Hawks and local defenders numbered less than a company of Mechs he could definently use additional help.

   “Jade Falcon forces approaching perimetre!”

   “You want a ride?  Prove to me you are use in a fight!”  Aksel shouted launching his own Shadow Hawk into the air converting the Mech quickly into its aerospace fighter mode joining the other Crescent Hawk pilot who was already airborne.  He saw he didn’t need to communicate further with this Tassa Kay as she’d also launched her Mech into the air and was engaging a Jade Falcon Mech with paired the particle cannons mounted on her Mech.  “Crescent Hawks the Ryoken II is allied we need to hold the Falcons at the perimetre until the DropShips are ready to go!”

   For the next thirty minutes the Crescent Hawks fought, and died, for every metre of ground as they defended their own Leopard-class DropShip and an Aurora-class DropShip which was parked on the tarmac beside it.  In that time the unit’s civilian support staff and dependents gathered and boarded the vessel while the unit fought off the Clansmen above Aksel and his wingman Amanda Tracy provided air support for the defenders until they were finally ready to escape.

   “Kay this is Youngblood, unless you want to be left behind get onboard that Aurora now!”  He ordered as the Wolf painted Ryoken II completed a death from above maneuver crushing a forty-five-ton Shadow Cat OmniMech under its feet.  The seventy-five-ton BattleMech’s feet tearing through the green painted armour of the Clan Mech as it crushed the Shadow Cat into the ground.

   “I am not finished yet!”  She screamed angrily sending short range missile fire into another Falcon Mech “these honourless dogs deserve more.”

   “We’ve given enough!  I’ve lost three people on this world we’re not giving them more blood.  If you want a ride off this planet, you are!”  Youngblood communicated “Trenchant, give Kay another minute to get onboard then close doors and initiate take off!”  He ordered flying around above the DropShips.  “Crescent Hawks fighting withdrawal get onboard the Gold Rover, now!”  He commanded his small unit couldn’t hold for long.  He saw the three surviving MechWarriors scramble onboard their Leopard-class vessel he spared a glance at Panuwat Selanon’s Spectre BattleMech, unfortunately he wouldn’t be leaving this world with the rest of the unit two other MechWarriors had died defending the DropShips but Aksel knew neither of them personally they had arrived on the base days before and agreed to help the Hawks escape.  As the last of his MechWarriors boarded the DropShip the Gold Rover’s engines engaged and the vessel began to run down the runway away from the fighting shrugging off Jade Falcon fire as it went.  Moments later the Trenchant followed the Leopard accelerating across the runway escaping the world Youngblood was glad to see the Ryoken II was not being left behind.  “Amanda head to orbit, we’ll dock there!”

   “Affirmative, see you soon.”  His wingman answered turning her LAM towards space Aksel accelerated his own aircraft following.  Soon after they were in orbit and Youngbloods sensors immediately began screaming as four light Jade Falcon aerospace fighters were detected approaching.  Aksel and Amanda’s LAMs couldn’t handle multiple aerospace fighters their machines were designed for specialist situations not open combat.  He was responsible for all of the people onboard all of the ships present he couldn’t lead them to their deaths, he knew that could happen when they left the Kell Hounds, but he needed to find a way out for them.

   “This is Aksel Youngblood of the Crescent Hawks we are trying to leave this system; I request safcon” he communicated asking the Falcons for safe passage from the system.  He didn’t expect it to be granted but he had to try holding his course forwards he was prepared to do all he could to stop the Clan fighters.  When there was no answer, he accepted today he’d die but he hoped he could help the two DropShips could escape.

   “Crescent Hawk DropShips turn to course one-eight-three repeat turn to one-eight-three Asterix Flight will cover!”  A new heavily German accented female voice came across the communications channel the two DropShips and LAMS turned immediately and the sensors lit up showing the new contacts on sensors.  Six locally produced TFN-5H Typhoon Heavy Aerospace Fighters and a DropShip approaching each was painted in the colours of Lockheed-CBM of Gibbs which was primarily a light blue, with a yellow and red striped pattern and their weapons were already active engaging the incoming Jade Falcons with missiles, particle cannons and laser fire.

The mass assault from the Lockheed fighters overcame the Clan fighters rapidly knocking the four craft out of the fight.  Behind the Typhoons came their Leopard CV-class Aerospace Fighter Carrier DropShip together the seven craft flew past the Crescent Hawks continuing to fire into the disabled Clan fighters until they were nothing but wreckage remained.  “Thanks for the assist” Aksel communicated before watching the force come around behind the Crescent Hawks joining them in formation.

“You’re welcome Leutenant Kelly DeBrusk of Lockheed-CBM.”  The pilot said introducing herself.  “We’ve had to abandon the shipyard facility to the Clans, I’ve got dozens of civilians on the DropShip and we’re looking for a way out of this system, any chance of repaying our assist with one of your own? I’m sure Lockheed-CBM will pay up if you are anywhere near Tharkad?”

“Our next stop” he replied “we have a JumpShip waiting I’ll have coordinates transmitted it’s time we leave this place.”  He said as the three DropShips and eight fighters turned away from the burning planet below.  Fortunately, the Falcons WarShip which was assigned to this invasion had remained at the captured shipyard facility on the far side of the planet allowing the ships to escape to their Invader-class JumpShip.

This invasion by Clan Jade Falcon sees Khan Jana Pryde personally lead the assault on Donegal which sees the destruction of the Second Royal Guards RCT, the death of Lyran Commonwealth General of Armies Admiral Michael Washington, the crippling of the Star League Defence Forces First Kearny Highlanders and the destruction of the 789th Striker Regimental Brigade.  Stories of the 789th’s sacrifice on Donegal to save Duke of Donegal Nejama Beersheba-Marsden from capture by the Falcons and the fighting retreat put up by the Second Royal Guards and First Kearny Highlanders increase support by the Lyran people for the Star League Defence Force and the Steiner crown.
The Battle of Donegal also sees the destruction of two Jade Falcon WarShips including the Mississippi-class Battleship Jade Spear and four Lyran Commonwealth WarShips including the LCS Elfurt, an Indefatigable-class Battleship.  While the attacks on Gibbs and Donegal robs the Lyran Commonwealth of many major production facilities of aerospace fighters.

In all the attacks the Jade Falcons invade eight systems losing multiple clusters as they push through the Lyran defenders shattering multiple commands and driving the Lyrans back while also blooding several other new formations.  The invasion also leaves Tharkad, capitol of the Lyran nation, perilously close to the Clan border.  The loss of Donegal, Gibbs and the threat to Tharkad leads to questions in the Commonwealth regarding the viability of the leadership remaining on Tharkad.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1346 on: 10 May 2021, 07:21:53 »
Enter wacky Tassa Kay, hopefully her mercenary career will be longer lived and just as lively as the original canon one.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1347 on: 16 May 2021, 08:58:13 »
Landing Operations Gold Rover (Leopard-class DropShip)
Cold Creek, Tharkad
Halfway Province, Lyran Commonwealth
3rd August 3115

   An icy wind blew through Captain Aksel Youngblood as he stepped clear of the Leopard-class DropShip Gold Rover making him wrap his thick fur lined brown jacket around his black and red duty uniform jumpsuit; on the left arm of his jacket like the jumpsuit below were the emblems of the Kell Hounds and the Crescent Hawks.  The usual Tharkad snow was heavy in the air above them but so far it hadn’t begun to fall but it was only a matter of time.  The unit had been diverted from Tharkad city to Cold Creek a city of fifty-million in the north-east of the Lockheed-CBM facilities for a landing due to traffic in and out of the primary spaceports.  Already his Crescent Hawks had lost the services of Leutenant Kelly DeBrusk and her aerospace fighters who had broken formation as they approached Tharkad.  The squadron were returning to the Lockheed facilities to reconnect with their primary employer Aksel couldn’t complain they had pulled the Crescent Hawks out of an uncomfortable situation over Gibbs saving themselves and the entire unit.

Aksel would have preferred to land at Tharkad City so he could access the main Mercenary Bonding office but there was an auxiliary office here in Cold Creek which would do.  Even at a relatively small spaceport like the one here at Cold Creek everything appeared to be in commotion with conventional aircraft and multiple aerospace craft leaving and arriving as the Crescent Hawks two ships came in for a landing.  Due to the traffic their DropShips had been left far from the terminal facility instead they were parked in an open waiting area.

Not remaining in the cold for long Aksel made his way into the waiting Slipper LX-Series hover taxi which would take him where he needed to.  Immediately Aksel was hit by the warm air from inside the vehicle the driver barely waited for him to close the door before accelerating away from his unit’s two parked DropShips pushing Aksel back into the comfortable cabin seats the Slipper was built to carry four passengers and a decent amount of luggage.  As they drove Aksel noticed the activity he’d noticed on their approach continued throughout the facility.  “Welcome to Tharkad, boss, where we heading?”  The young man driving the vehicle asked over the gentle hum of the hover engines as they exited the spaceport grounds following about a dozen other vehicles.

   “Thank you, the Lyran Mercenary Bonding Office.”  Aksel said tapping his credit-chip against the vehicle’s exchange reader on the flip up screen he saw a small amount was debited from his Lyran account.

   “No problem, boss, be ten minutes or so” the young driver said keeping his eyes on the busy roads they turned away from the spaceport and onto the city by-pass the hovercraft effortlessly gliding over the permafrost and snow underneath.  There were two rules that everyone on Tharkad had to remember for every journey bring something that could power through the snow or something that ignored it.  The Slipper was perfect for the task able to ignore the snow below as it coasted gently down the road slipping in between the traffic with ease.

   “The roads seem busy” he said making small talk as he glanced around it was mid-afternoon, he’d been to Tharkad a dozen times and rarely were the roads this busy.

   “Lots of changing coming following the Archon’s announcement.”  The driver said his eyes not leaving the road as he moved the hovercraft between the lanes of traffic the snow storm that had been threatening when Aksel landed was now falling heavily adding to the mounds of snow that covered the roads and making visibility difficult out of the forward screen.  The Slipper’s driver was obviously well experienced with the weather and was making quick progress along the road.

   “Sorry, what announcement?  I’ve been out of the loop since the fall of Gibbs.”  He said mentioning the world they’d fallen back from normally a DropShip downloaded local news as it travelled into a new system but Aksel hadn’t bothered to check it instead he’d spent time planning the Crescent Hawks next moves and checking on the repair schedules.

   “Archon Jessica Steiner is running with her tail between her legs.”  He said glancing back at Aksel before looking back at the road “she’s announced all government facilities and critical production facilities are to be moved off of Tharkad within the next three months to the world of Carlisle.”  He said naming a world in the Alarion Province far from borders on all sides.  “With them there’s going to be hundreds of people moving deeper into the Commonwealth, it’s a huge undertaking.  It’s fine for the big wigs able to move at the drop of the hat, the rest of us have to stick around with our families and see things through.”  He said as something popped up on his screen and the Slipper’s speed suddenly cut as the driver turned his vehicle to the left. “Sorry, boss, I’m adding a couple of minutes your trip” he said pulling the vehicle off of the main lanes and onto one of the side lanes cutting their speed even further.  From behind the taxi a military convoy covering three lanes suddenly thundered past dozens of vehicles carrying heavy armoured vehicles.  “They are going to turn Tharkad from this nice little ice ball we have into a frozen bunker intended on slowing any invader to a standstill, it’s going to make these streets a nightmare for visitors and journeys a lot more expensive for everyone.”  He said as the last vehicle thundered past suggesting that he and everyone else would be paying for the choices that were made.  “The Falcons taking Donegal really ruffled some local feathers” he said moving the vehicle back into the fast lane accelerating the Slipper.

   The announcement hit Aksel like a ton of bricks, Tharkad was once the untouchable icy jewel at the heart of the Lyran Commonwealth it had never been invaded it had never touched by the major conflicts of the past, now with the movement of the Clans the world sat on the border of an aggressive enemy which so far had not been stopped by Inner Sphere defences.   To hear that Tharkad would no longer be the heart of Lyran Government was a blow even to a mercenary like Aksel Youngblood.

   “The military types think things could get really grim by the end of it, even bringing in the Błyskawica they don’t have much confidence.” He said as the vehicle turned off the by-pass onto the side streets military and police vehicles were in heavy presence even on the side streets.  The mentioning of the Błyskawica was a piece of pride for the Lyran people it was a weapon of build by their enemy which had been captured and turned against them.  The ship formerly served the Jade Falcons as the Emerald Talon, and had been re-named for an ancient weapon of resistance used on Terra during one of the many pre-space conflicts it would stand as a symbol of Lyran resistance against Clan Jade Falcon.

   The hover taxi cut through the traffic before pulling up in front of the Lyran Mercenary Bonding Office there were offices like this in most cities on Tharkad each of them reporting to the central one in Tharkad City.  The idea being that not all mercs would flood to the same place resulting in less conflicts of interest arising Aksel Youngblood wasn’t entirely convinced it but he didn’t have a say in it so he worked with the system.  “Can you wait?”  He asked standing beside the Slipper, the cold windy streets were busy with vehicles vying for places in the traffic, after seeing the commotion in the town he wasn’t convinced he’d get another taxi fast.

   “It’ll cost you, boss, driver’s market today.”  The young man suggested Aksel leaned into the back of the taxi and tapped his credit-chip against the reader then tapped it again.  “You’re the boss” the driver said smiling surprised at Aksel’s generosity.

   Wrapping his winter jacket around him Aksel rushed across the courtyard outside the Lyran Mercenary Bonding Office entering the glass fronted building he saw dozens of people milling around.  He quickly got through the queue and headed to the reception desk.  Behind the desk was a pretty young woman dressed in a light grey suit, white shirt and Steiner-blue tie with her blonde hair tied back into a ponytail.  “Good afternoon, sir, welcome to Cold Creek Mercenary Bonding Office.  I’m Assistant-Bonding Officer Yvon Carpenter.”  She greeted him as an equally young man behind the desk squatted behind her grabbing some folders before moving off.

   “Thank you” Aksel said remaining standing in front of the table “I’m Captain Aksel Youngblood of the Crescent Hawks.  I’m looking to speak to the Bonding Officer.”

   “Unfortunately, due to changes in Lyran Commonwealth Mercenary Procedures the Officer has moved to the world of Carlisle.  This office is currently dealing with requests submitted prior to the Archon’s announcement on 29th July 3115.”

   “There is no-one here that I can speak to?”  Aksel asked surprised as someone else moved behind the desk grabbing more items.

   “Unfortunately, due to changes in Lyran Commonwealth Mercenary Procedures this office will close once prior requests have been dealt with.”  She said essentially repeating herself “I can make you an appointment to see the Bonding Officer at Tharkad City?”  She offered

   “Yes, that would be great.”

   “What size is your command at present?”

   “Currently two lances” he answered the young woman looked up at him “we’ve recently been fighting the Falcons and taken some losses.”  She typed into her system “I can set you up in Tharkad City on the 21st September?”

   “That’s more than a month away!”  Aksel explained surprised “I’m a merc commander, I need work to keep food in our stomachs and our equipment in working order.”  He said thinking he may even have to take the unit back to the Kell Hounds for support of they couldn’t help him on Tharkad.  He hated the idea of having to return to the Hounds so soon but it might be necessary.

   “Unfortunately, only a registered Bonding Officer can agree additional contracts for now all I can I can offer you is a closed contract agreement based on Tharkad which will see your unit join in the defence of Tharkad should there be an attack on Tharkad.”  She offered his face must have told the story that he wasn’t interested in it, garrison work on Tharkad would see his unit thrown into a meat-grinder of a battle should it occur.  “I can also offer you a closed contract agreement based on Freedom serving the Lyran Commonwealth Bonding Office and the Isle of Skye Bonding Office.”  She said reading the screen “this contract will pay at a level dependent on your commands needs and will be a garrison and raiding contract based on the needs of the local bonding officer.”  She suggested

   “Sounds better” he admitted the chance of taking his unit against the Clans sounded far better than garrison work.

   “I can pencil you in?”  She asked Aksel nodded “The Crescent Hawks how many DropShips?”

“Three DropShips and one JumpShip available” he said before realizing the departure of the Lockheed-CBM pilots they’d arrived in system with three ships it at least made more sense to say they were the same as they’d arrived.

“You have your own JumpShip?  Excellent are they bonded to the unit or contracted.”

“Currently bonded for non-combat operational transport.”  He said there were two forms of contract with most JumpShip captains one contract that would see them assist in moving the unit from A-to-B but be used in other operations when not needed.  The JumpShip would assist in movement into a disputed system but specifically would not join invasion fleets.  The other saw JumpShips being contracted as part of the unit.

“Very good.  As part of the pre-contract, you will be paid for the fuel spent travelling to Freedom.  Further terms will be agreed on Freedom with the Mercenary Bonding Officer.”  She said he nodded his agreement.  “If you agreed please sign here” she said handing over the electronic pad and stylist Youngblood glanced down through the document.

“Looks really good” he said beginning to sign “are you moving with the office to Carlisle?”  He asked making small talk as he finished the signature.

“Not likely, the bonding officer has already left, they’ll hire locally for assistants that way people will know what is available on Carlisle.  There might be a need in the Tharkad City office but I’ll likely have to look for something else.”

“Ever fancied working for a merc outfit?”  He asked handing the pad and stylist back.

“Not really?”

“Well, my outfit is small but if you want a job, I could use a new Chief Negotiator, we’re at the spaceport look for the berthing for the Crescent Hawks and the Gold Rover.  We’ll be leaving in three or four days the offer is on the table until then.”  He offered reaching out she was a friendly sort of person and his unit could use some support staff, especially ones who could help with negotiations.

“Thank you for the offer Captain, I appreciate it.”

“Thank you for your help, Yvon have a good day.”  He said departing he made quick movements back towards the still waiting Slipper Hover taxi.  “Thanks for waiting, back to the spaceport please.”  He said getting inside tapping his credit chip again the driver smiled broadly seeing the charge come off, he’d obviously not been expecting further payment.
The journey back to the Spaceport was uneventful Aksel continued to speak with the Slipper driver about what was going on Tharkad.  He found out the driver’s name was Niklas Devereaux and he’d driven taxis and other delivery vehicles around Tharkad for four years.  He also wasn’t convinced that the Lyrans could hold back the Falcons.  As the Slipper pulled up in front of the Gold Rover “well, I don’t know how you and your family feel about mercenary commands Niklas but we’ll be here for another three or four days.  I’ve got space for you and your family if you want transport off world?  We could probably find some space to tie this baby down too.  I won’t throw you into combat if you don’t fancy it, we can always use people who just want to work on our base worlds.”  He suggested seeing the young man’s face lighten up

“Thank you for the offer, I’ll speak to the wife and get back to you Captain” he said as Youngblood stepped out of the taxi and headed back onboard the DropShip at the top of the ramp stood Tassa Kay waiting for him, she’d already agreed to remain with the unit for their next assignment at least and when he left, she was overseeing the repainting of her Ryoken II.  She was beautiful like a reborn Natasha Kerensky with dark red shoulder length hair, she wore her black leather jacket closely to her and despite the cold she was still wearing a white crop top underneath displaying her toned stomach.  If Aksel Youngblood wasn’t a happy man he’d pursue her in a minute.

   “Welcome back” she said greeting him “how did it go?”

   “Thanks, we’re not staying long, a couple of days then we’re heading to Freedom.  I got us a short-term raiding contract; we’ll head out when the ships are re-fueled.  We’ll get more details from the office on Freedom.”  He said walking into the DropShip as the doors closed behind them.

   “Good, I never did like staying in one place too long.”  She said back to him as they walked.  Three days later as planned the unit boosted off the surface of Tharkad with two new crewmen with both Yvon Carpenter and Niklas Deveraux accepting terms with Aksel to join the Crescent Hawks with Niklas wife, daughter and Slipper all joining them as well.  At the rate things were going with Aksel’s own daughter Jezebel and now Niklas’ daughter Cherie he might have to think of setting up a school as well.

   Almost as soon as the two DropShips arrived in orbit a call rang through the Gold Rover “Captain Youngblood to the bridge, Captain Youngblood to the bridge!”  The call repeated several times finishing just as Aksel arrived on the bridge.

   “What’s up? We’ve barely left Tharkad.”  He asked glancing around the cockpit monitors displayed what was happening outside the ship but they were pretty useless even their other DropShip, the Trenchant was tiny on the video screen.

   “We have and incoming transmission from them” Captain Frank Connolly said indicating to the sensor screen which showed a Leopard CV burning hard towards them, Aksel glanced at the data and saw it was the Apennines the same ship that had carried the Lockheed-CBM pilots.

   “Seriously, put them up” he ordered the communication channel crackled until it filled the room.

   “This is Lieutenant Kelly DeBrusk, former employee of Lockheed-CBM to Captain Aksel Youngblood of the Crescent Hawks.  Sir, we’re requesting to join formation and a place within the Crescent Hawks the Lockheed offices on Tharkad are all but abandoned we don’t have a home at the moment.”  The aerospace fighter squadron pilot said as the ship continued to burn towards them.

   “Captain, slow our speed, have the Trenchant do the same and put me on.”  He ordered Connolly who nodded “Lieutenant DeBrusk, I’ll speak with my new head negotiator and have her draw up some contracts for your people.”  He said pausing and thinking, he needed to figure out how to deal with their former employers too. “And I guess we’ll contact Lockheed with your contract termination papers.  We’re heading for Freedom, welcome aboard.”  He said signalling to Connolly to cut the channel “any more surprises?”  He asked as the third DropShip joined the Leopard and Aurora-class ships in formation heading to the jump point.

Border conflict
Military District of Pesht, Draconis Combine
8th October 3115

   On the far periphery border of the Draconis Combine Clan Lynx launch heavy raids against the systems of Echo, Lonacuning and Sayer.  The system of Lonacuning falls almost without a battle as a group of weekend warriors attempt to resist the incoming Clansmen.  Both Echo and Sayer offer more resistance however with two Pesht Regulars Regiments and the Seventh Ghost Regiment defending these two worlds.  The invasion force against Sayer is led by a determined Lynx force commanded by Star Colonel Zdeno Deleportas who commands the elite-rated Lynx Spirit Cluster and the former Rasalhague Dominion WarShip the Lioness.  The York-class WarShip was one of the Rasalhague Dominion’s oldest WarShips and was once part of the Smoke Jaguar Clan.

The Lynx Spirit Cluster has been recently rebranded from the 201st Nova Cat Spirit Cluster which was part of Upsilon Galaxy which broke away from the Nova Cat Clan to join Clan Lynx.  The entire Upsilon Galaxy in Clan Lynx has been re-branded as the Lynx’s new Lynx Spirit Galaxy with each Cluster re-branded and reinforced as part of the new Clan.  Part of this reinforcement is an entire star of armour units and an entire star of conventional infantry forces which bulk out the command’s numbers significantly.  While a new assault BattleMech named the Bjorn is seen among all Lynx forces.

According to both Draconis Combine and Star League Defence Force Intelligence organisations the Bjorn is built primarily in the Rasalhague Dominion.  This eighty-ton BattleMech is capable of a running speed of sixty-four kilometre per hour and a jump capability of up to one hundred-and-twenty metres.  The Mech is armed with a pair of large lasers, an autocannon, a Mech-sized mortar and a flamethrower.

On Echo the two Pesht Regulars units push back against the Lynx force holding their positions with the Twenty-first Pesht Regulars Regiment essentially being sacrificed in the defence of the world with its survivors folded into its sister regiment the Seventeenth Pesht Regulars.  The governors of Echo called on Pesht to further support their defences.

Executive Meeting Room, Cenotaph Box
Jungle Arena, Solaris VII
Independent Clan Space Inner Sphere
21st August 3115

   Below inside the Jungle Arena on Solaris VII a grudge match between two Mechs from Tanderek Stables and two Mechs from Cenotaph Stables was being fought as MechWarriors worked out their differences in the only way they knew how.  Tanderek Stables had links to the Capellan Confederation while Cenotaph was linked more closely to the Federated Suns and more particularly St Ives Allard-Liao family.  Standing taking a passing interest in the game below Star League Protectorate Leader Exarch Victor Steiner-Davion instead was deep in his memories as he remembered standing in this box with his friend and Solaris VII legend Kai Allard-Liao, while Victor was booked into this Stable’s box today under an assumed name the current owners knew exactly who was here and had been honoured to host their founder’s friend.  Kai Allard-Liao had been a gifted MechWarrior and fought in dozens of games on Solaris VII winning the majority of them while also serving in the original Clan War with Victor which was where the two of them had become fast friends a friendship that had lasted until Kai’s passing in 3081.

   “You’re far away again” his wife Danai Centrella-Davion said quietly squeezing his hand she had known Kai Allard-Liao more by reputation than by experience.  She’d met him during the later stages of the Clan war when she’d first met Victor but she hadn’t become close friends with Kai as Victor had.

   “Just remembering this world brings back a lot of memories.”  He said quietly “and remembering just how old I am.”  He said quietly squeezing her hand back.

   “Solaris independence makes it a good place for a meeting, less prying eyes.  Even the Clans respect the right for anyone to travel to the Game World and enjoy the games.”  She said the Clan Watch knew Victor was here even though he’d arrived under an alias his face was recognizable anywhere in the Inner Sphere, but as long as he didn’t interfere with what was happening on Solaris, the agreement between the Star League and Clans was that they would leave him alone to enjoy the games.  “And you’re as young as you feel, don’t let anyone tell you your old.”  She said jokingly.

   “Ha, I wish that were true and I could remain as beautiful as you are.”  He said turning towards her embracing his wife since they had left the Federated Suns and entered the Protectorate, she was the one person he trusted absolutely.  On the arena floor Saviour Mech recovery vehicles were removing the fallen Tanderek BattleMechs with the remaining Cenotaph BattleMech making a victory tour of the arena.

   “How do you think this will go?”

   “I fear badly.”  Victor admitted watching the wreckage continue to be cleaned “Unfortunately I cannot give Ilse everything she wants.”

   “Hesperus II” Danai said quietly naming one of the most important worlds in the Lyran Commonwealth.

   “Yes, Skye currently has devolved powers of self-government simply because Tharkad allows them to.”  He said “if Tharkad wanted to take back the Isle they could even with the Falcons pressing them.  I will not give the Isle a reason to start a Civil War in the Commonwealth over Hesperus II.  Even if it would benefit the Star League.”

   “We could hold Hesperus II; it would be a great boon to Protectorate production.” She suggested playing devil’s advocate for him, while she was not part of the Star League Protectorate’s political structure, she was a key part of his.

   “Yes, we could” he said quietly “but the Protectorate was formed to protect the worlds under its charge.  I will not use it offensively against a member state.”  He said “to do so would break the Star League and to break the Star League would break any sort of support structure we have that holds us together against the Clans.  The Protectorate is not ready to become a new Hegemony, despite what Stone suggests.”  He said naming Director-General Devlin Stone the leader of the Star League’s Kittery Prefecture who recently had vocally been calling on the Star League to push through the Capellan Confederation and link the main protectorate with his worlds in Kittery.

   “Which returns us to Skye, you won’t help them break from the Commonwealth.”

   “I won’t cause a war.”  He said “I have started plenty of them in the past.  The Isle of Skye has its own decisions to make about its future.  If it finds a way to peacefully separate from the Commonwealth then I would entertain it but for now we can only offer them support through the Lyran state.”

   “What’s left of it.”  She said quietly continued rumours out of House Steiner made it absolutely clear that Tharkad was being turned into a fortress world intent on holding out against any invader regardless of the damage that was done to it while the nation’s leadership was moving to Carlisle.

   “House Steiner can hold.”  He said still proud of his heritage “and they have a better chance of holding with both Skye’s and our help.”  He suggested “we just need to make Ilse see that.”  He finished off as there was a knock at the door moments later his assistant arrived announcing the arrival of their guest Duchess Ilse Kelswa-Aten, the Duchess of Skye and the Duchess of Tamar (in-Exile).

   As Victor Steiner-Davion had suspected the Duchess of Skye wished to break the entire Isle of Skye from the Lyran Commonwealth using the firepower of the Star League Defence Force to make House Steiner give up their claim to Hesperus II and the Mech factories based there.  With five Clans pressing the Isle from various directions Ilse believed the only way to ensure their freedom was to look for assistance beyond the Lyran realm as House Steiner geared its defences to holding Tharkad and Coventry.  The Exarch went to great pains to explain to Ilse that using Star League forces to attack a member state was not the way to ensure the freedom of her people instead she needed to work with the Lyran Commonwealth and Star League to push back against the Clans and only together could they blunt the Clan push.  Instead of pushing for the Independence of the Isle Victor suggests another meeting takes place between the Star League, Skye and House Steiner to push back against the Clans.

« Last Edit: 16 May 2021, 08:59:46 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1348 on: 16 May 2021, 08:58:25 »
Basic Training, Police Headquarters
Tellman IV, Raven Alliance
28th August 3115

For years the Snow Ravens and Outworlds Alliance had slowly morphed from being a periphery state and Clan into one nation known as the Raven Alliance.  During those years of transition, the dominant Snow Ravens who had grown to rule the nation had allowed small independent units to continue to operate within their borders protecting the worlds that needed help but that the Ravens didn’t want to spare main line units on.  One of these small units was known as the Thermo Police a unit that had served and protected dozens of Outworlds Alliance worlds for decades providing a roving Police force which units using limited resources.

In recent years losses had seen the Thermo Police significantly reduced in members making future operations unlikely, but now the Ravens wished to see the unit restored to its former strength and continue its work in protecting the Ravens periphery worlds and to explore the Outworlds Wastes.  To support these efforts a group of young enthusiastic warriors and a couple of aged veterans had been assigned to boost up the numbers of the unit.

Walking towards the Thermo Police’s Headquarters building through the built-up snow outside MechWarrior Karl of Bloodhouse Kanter saw an imposing red brick building with multiple black and white painted vehicles parked in front of it most of them looked like they were modified civilian cars and transport vans instead of military units.  From the front, the building looked like it was bigger than most in the area and it extended backwards several hundred metres into where there was a large hanger which held the unit’s BattleMechs.  While the building was imposing it had not been Karl’s choice to join, He’d passed his first Trial of Position with only a single kill which had earned him the position of a MechWarrior but hadn’t given him much of a choice of assignments.  Instead, while some of his sibkin were headed to the Draconis Combine of Federated Suns units Karl was headed to the periphery border, When Karl had heard of the assignment he’d begun to plan, he still desired an assignment a front-line unit so he could win honour for his Clan and have a chance at competing for a Bloodname.  To do this he would make the most of the situation he was in and ensure he was successful.

Entering the facility Karl and the other eight recruits were confronted by a room that looked like it was about three hundred years old and out of some sort of ancient fictional drama, ninety percent of the room looked like it was made of dark wood with a tall central desk manned by a clerk in the middle of the room with doors behind leading deeper into the facility and a set of stairs that led up either side of the room to upper floors, there were also doors down each side of the ground floor leading to further rooms.

This main room was filled with people some were civilians who were sat on benches that run the length of the wall he’d entered at, others were who looked like staff members were dressed dark blue uniforms and what must have been prisoners dressed in orange jumpsuits, who were being moved by those in blue between rooms.   The room was dominated by an imposing figure of a man dressed in tradition looking clothing made of thick layers of weather resistant cloth which would serve him well in the icy wastes of Tellman IV.  Other than his clothing Karl noticed was his age, the man was at least a hundred years old, but despite his age he stood tall and proud and he wore a thick braided mane of hair which was tied back behind his head in a knot which only added to his size.

“I am Kotori Nostra, the Commandant of these Headquarters, before your minds hurt you no, I am not a former member of the Nova Cat Clan and I do not follow visions.”  He said his large frame was matched by his deep voice.  “My parents were from Clan Nova Cat and were part of a Clan intelligence mission Intelser which scouted the Inner Sphere before the Clan Invasion they did not abandon the Clans they were left to fend for themselves as were many of the Intelser members after that mission was completed.”  He explained Intelser was a mission that was launched by the then exclusively Homeworld based Clans in 2984 it was designed to gather intelligence on the Inner Sphere. “I and my family carry their name to honour their service and their lives, if you trueborns have a problem with it deal with it as I will not be changing for you.”  He said defiantly bloodnames were sacred to the Clans but this man did not care and despite his age he could probably give the Ravens a fight for it.  “And to answer your next question yes I am actually that old I was born in 3010 and I have served as a MechWarrior defending those who need it since before many of the warriors who you are descendant of.”  He said chuckling to himself as he saw the surprise cross many of their faces. “I expect as much discipline in these Headquarters than the discipline your Sibko trainers would have expected.  You are warriors in your Clan’s eyes but I will expect you to excel in our training which you will pass before you are allowed in the field.  We are here to serve and protect the people of the Alliance and of those who cannot protect themselves.  We do not accept that the weak simply should perish, Clan Snow Raven’s leaders have seen to allow us to continue with those goals, I expect all of you to respect our choices or you will not last here.”  He said as behind him from a set of stairs that led off to the right of the room walked another older man, he was younger than Nostra but still old by accepted Clan standards.

“Now that Commandant Nostra has introduced himself I am Captain Alec Oak, I am the commander of the unit when it is in field, welcome to the Thermo Police.”  He said looking him over Karl could tell he was a MechWarrior despite being older than most warriors he had seen he was built like someone who could look after himself.  “Prepare yourselves for some of the most intense training you have so far experienced, we with the Thermo Police are expected to serve and protect those we meet and do things that no other combat unit are capable of.  We will have to solve problems on our own we will not always encounter enemies who are willing to fight by your Clan rules and we will not always be able to follow the path of honour.”  He warned them Karl didn’t like the sound of what he was hearing but he was a lowly MechWarrior without a Bloodname if his Clan’s leadership supported the idea then he too would try the way of this strange unit.

“Do not expect all of the rules you learned in Clan school to help you with this unit, you need to be adaptable.”  Alec Oak continued warning them all about what Karl had been thinking about, this was not a typical Clan unit assignment. Karl glanced around his fellow recruits the two older Raven warriors would probably be right at home here they didn’t need to prove themselves as a success to their Clansmen instead they only needed to survive until they met an honourable death, he and the other young recruit could learn to adapt and fight honourably within the rules of their own unit, but he wondered about the five ProtoMech warriors who were part of the unit.  ProtoMech pilots were far from the most adaptable of warriors instead acting as a collective unit to engage enemies the enhancements built into their bodies made them weaker when separated from their machines over long periods but allowed them to absolute control nearly merging completely with the machine they piloted.  He wondered why they had been assigned here since they could be a liability on the field.

“Over the next few weeks, you will collectively learn how this unit operates and we approach situations, you will learn the rules and laws that we live by.  You will be tested mentally and physically I expect you all to succeed.”  He said before turning and climbing back up the stairs leaving them with Kotori.

“You will be billeted in the Headquarters” Kotori said his deep voice “you have classes beginning tomorrow followed by several physical challenges and vehicle maintenance.  It is a full schedule; I am sure you will all do well.”  He said Karl thought he saw a smirk on the old man’s lips Karl didn’t know what he’d let himself in for but he was ready to try.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1349 on: 16 May 2021, 16:26:16 »
Woah, didn't expect House Steiner in that much trouble this soon. Man...

Thermo Police sound like it will be fun.  Name keep making me think of Miami Vice for some reason.  ;D
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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