Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 253014 times)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #30 on: 27 April 2016, 11:33:48 »
Excellent update, and loved the varying stories from across the Sphere.  It seems that the Falcons basically gutted their coreward worlds of everything to support their massive offensive and the Horses have seen this and taken advantage of it.  The threat to Sudeten though is something the Falcons CAN'T ignore, as its their main supply point for Mech's in the Sphere. 

So now they are caught between two fires, the opportunistic Horses and the Lyrans and SLDF, which way do they turn?
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #31 on: 28 April 2016, 02:34:00 »
The INN was an interesting way of commenting on some stories.
Morgan seems to be following in the footsteps of his father. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #32 on: 01 May 2016, 18:53:03 »
I'm glad you enjoyed the INN report my idea was to give a snapshot of the Inner Sphere without showing a bunch of different scenes the news of course puts their own spin on it adding a little random element to the story.

My thanks to marauder648 and James Tanaga for some help with the Hyde and Hiberus parts

AFFS Invasion
Liao Commonality
Capellan Confederation
11th August 3103

   In a coordinated effort AFFS units strike at Styk, Pleione, Poznan and Gan Singh each of the worlds is targeted by two AFFS or mercenary units supported by FSN WarShips.  Supporting the units of the Capellan March the Second New Avalon Guards RCT, Third Robinson Strikers LCT, the First New Ivaarsen Chasseurs LCT and the First Dragonlords Regiment all assist in the assault on the four worlds.  For the first time in years units from the Draconis March are involved in combat against the Capellan Confederation destroying an entire battalion of the Holdfast Guard on Gan Singh and the Ninth Liao Lancers on Styk.

Two days after the initial attacks the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT, First Davion Guards RCT, the Fourth and Ninth Crucis Lancers RCTs supported by the FSS Pegasus, a Columbia-class Battleship, the FSS Gold Archer, a Robinson Block III-class Transport, the FSS Jerome Davion and FSS Samuel Davion, both Avalon Block II-class Cruisers, assault Liao.  The three of the WarShips were supported by half a dozen assault DropShips and hundreds of aerospace fighters as they faced off against the CCSS Sian, a Tikonov-class Carrier, and the CCSS Nikos, a Feng Huang-class Cruiser/Carrier, and their attached air wings as the ground forces, escorted by the FSS Gold Archer, streamed towards the surface intent on attacking the defenders.

Although the Capellans had an advantage in the numbers of aerospace fighters the AFFS WarShips had more capital guns giving them an overall edge.  While the ground forces dropped directly on top of the defending Dynasty Guard, Renshield’s Dragoons and the Fourth Capellan Defence Force Regiments engaging all three commands at point blank range.

   On the ground across the battle-line explosions rocked BattleMechs as the two opposing Succession States fought several miles south of the City of Desu.  In his brand-new Templar III OmniMech Prince Burton Davion fought with the other members of the First Davion Guards turning to the right he cut into the side of a Dynasty Guard Emperor with his assault Mech’s chain whip.  The huge chain whip swung around the side of the Emperor smashing the armour mounted there Burton immediately followed up with his Mech’s array of torso mounted pulse lasers not waiting to watch three of them burn across the Capellan design he kept his Templar moving accelerating using its supercharger.  Behind the Templar III as the Emperor twisted its torso attempting to track Burton with its autocannons and lasers nearly three dozen long range missiles and several large laser blasts struck the Emperor blasting through the armour and the leg structure smashing the limb knocking the mighty ninety tonner to the ground.  The Emperor’s autocannons tore up the ground near the Mech's feet as it fell towards the ground while lasers and autocannons from the other AFFS Mechs around struck the Emperor tearing open the assault Mech.

   Prince Burton Davion was already moving forward launching his Mech into the air on its jump jets firing the torso mounted particle cannon into a Raven BattleMech.  The man-made lightning bolt burned through the cockpit of the smaller Mech and the Prince had already moved onto his next target a sixty ton Po armoured vehicle.  The Mech’s stealth armour masked it from his Templar III’s sensors but the Prince ignored his sensor and the Po’s autocannon tearing into his armour instead charging up to the tank swinging his Mech’s right arm mounted hatchet down on the turret of the Po.  The force of the hatchet’s attack split the Po’s turret as the weapon buried itself deeply in the armour.  Burton immediately followed up with his attack with the torso mounted pulse lasers which burned deeply into the tank’s armour.

Behind Prince the AFFS rest of the troops struggled to keep up with the heir to the throne who was already moving on from the crippled Po to another Capellan target as it appeared nothing the defenders fired at the Templar III seemed to be able to stop it.  To everyone on the battlefield it was obvious that Prince Burton Davion was making a statement that he was more than just his father’s son who would inherit the throne he was also a more than capable fighter.  With aerospace fighters in the air overhead the Prince continued to fight against the Capellan forces routing them over and over.

Nearly three hours after their initial landings the AFFS had secured a beachhead on the planet with the Capellan defenders in disarray.  Despite the victories of the Federated Suns attackers and their charging Prince none of the defending commands had been destroyed.  In orbit the CCSS Sian, CCSS Nikos and FSS Jerome Davion were drifting hulks broken by enemy fighter attacks and naval weapons fire.  The remaining ships the FSS Pegasus, FSS Samuel Davion and FSS Gold Archer were all still operational but they burned from enemy attacks including nuclear detonations on or near their hulls.  All around the WarShips was wreckage and bodies from the WarShips, aerospace fighters and small craft destroyed or disabled in the naval battle.  The initial battles for control over Liao were over the war to win the planet had just begun.

Conflict Line
Hiberus, Rim Collection
19th August 3103

   “Ladies and gentlemen, I am Clint Goldberg reporting for the Interstellar News Network; today we are embedded with the First Rim Guards CCT on Hiberus.  Yesterday morning elements from the First and Second Rim Lancers CCT under the command of Galaxy Commander Andrew Brecht landed on the planet officially to assist Hiberus in defending against a spate of pirate attacks that have struck the system.”  The reporter said from behind a barricade.  “The leadership on Hiberus has stated that the Lancers presence is purely a ploy by President Karen Able to bring some of her style of authority to Hiberus.”  He said looking around the camera followed where he was looking at either side of the barricade there were entrenched BattleMechs, Armoured vehicles and infantry.  “Until now the Lancers have remained at their DropShips on the outskirts of this city the commander of the Rim Guards Galaxy Marshal Mandy Hall, relative to Congresswoman Megan Hall, has said she will order her troops to open fire on any of the Lancers who attempt to enter the capital or any of the Guards bases.”  Again the camera panned over the troops this time finishing looking down the street across from the entrenched guards.

   “Here we go” Goldberg said as a Marshal BattleMech stepped into view the medium Mech was painted in the colours of the Rim Collections Lancer Clusters. “We’re tapped into the Guard’s communication grid.  Everything you hear coming up will be between the warriors of the two sides we have no control over what is said.”

   “This is Andrew Brecht of the Rim Collection’s First Rim Lancers we are here to assist in the defense of Hiberus.  I have orders, from the President and the Preident’s Council, for my unit to garrison this world in accordance with the Collection’s National Defense Act.”  He said his Mech standing at ease opposite the defence line.

   “The Hiberus national government and the leader of Hiberus Megan Hall have stated on numerous occasions that Hiberus does not need assistance from offworlders to garrison our home.”  The guards commander replied gruffly.

   “You will need our assistance as the Second Rim Guards are being redeployed by order of the President” the Lancer officer said as more vehicles and BattleMechs stepped into view.  “Hiberus joined the Rim Collection when you became part of a greater whole.  The government that you answer to is passing orders you will answ…” he said his words trailing off as the galaxy commander’s sensors detected a weapons lock from one of the Guards Mechs “you don’t want to do this” he warned the Marshal and the other units behind it taking up a more defensive stance “we are on the same side.  Lancers no-one, and I mean no-one, fires unless I order it.”  He broadcast on an open channel “this does not have to happen” he warned.

   Suddenly there was a massive explosion but not from any of the Mechs instead the camera panned into the air and onto descending Fortress and Titan DropShips.  As they descended several BattleMechs lept from their Mechbays falling to the ground using their jump jets to slow down before landing.  Suddenly between the two Rim Collection military units stood a massive ninety-ton Blood Asp OmniMech painted in the colours of Clan Fire Mandrill on the OmniMech’s left knee was a unique crest.  “This confrontation between the Lancers and Guards has been interrupted by Clan Fire Mandrill” Clint Goldberg said “ladies and gentlemen if you are just joining us we are on Hiberus embedded with the First Rim Guards CCT.”  He said explaining what was happening “a confrontation between the Rim Guards and Rim Lancers seemed inevitable but that has been interrupted by the unannounced arrival of Clan Fire Mandrill.

   “This is saKhan Jonathan Banacek of Clan Fire Mandrill to the collected forces of Hiberus I bring with me the First and Seventh Striker Clusters and my Ash Keshik. My Warriors and I have been authorized by my Khan to stop any conflict on this world by any means necessary.”  The MechWarrior said the Blood Asp flexed its massive arms and torso slightly over one shoulder was a massive autocannon while both arms ended in what looked like a type of large laser.  From two side streets additional BattleMechs bearing the crest of Clan Fire Mandrill could be seen making their way to support the saKhan.

   “You have no right being here” the commander of the Rim Guards said angrily her troops moving their attention between the Rim Lancers Mechs and the Blood Asp.

   “I have every right Clan Fire Mandrill became part of the Rim Collection.  Under the agreement made by our Clan and the Rim Collection we can react to anything we deem a threat to our Clan’s survival.  Civil conflict between factions of this nation threatens our Clan and we will not allow that.”

   “The President is power crazed…”

   “Hiberus threatens our security…” the two began to say simultaneously.

   “SILENCE!” Banacek said interrupting them both “you are the guardians of the Rim Collection act like it.  Galaxy Commander Andrew Brecht, your Warriors return to your DropShips until tensions are lowered. Galaxy Marshal Mandy Hall, get your men and women off the street and back to your base.”

   “You cannot order us around” the Guards commander replied the Fire Mandrill saKhan did not reply in words instead the Blood Asp’s torso twisted towards the Guards position levelling its weapons behind the saKhan and all around them further Fire Mandrill units had flanked the Guards defence line.

   “I will not repeat myself” the saKhan said as the transmission cut out.

   “Ladies and gentlemen” Clint Goldberg said breaking in as the camera continued to look at the Blood Asp “it would appear that Clan Fire Mandrill have a lot more say in what happens in the Rim Collection than anyone ever thought before.  Today we have seen the Clan faction stop a civil conflict before it started.  Tomorrow could we see a Fire Mandrill leader of the Rim Collection or a new occupation zone?  The Lyran Commonwealth and the nearby Erdvynn Province must look into the Rim Collection and wonder exactly what is going on inside their neighbour’s borders.  I am Clint Goldberg of the Interstellar News Network, thank you for joining us on Hiberus tonight; we will keep you up to date on this evolving story.”  He said finally as the camera focused on the Rim Collection troops who were moving off to either side finally the camera focused on the Fire Mandrill Blood Asp once more before the camera faded to black.

Flaming Monkey, Overlord C-class DropShip
Hiberus, Rim Collection
20th August 3103

   It had taken almost forty-eight hours but finally the two opposing commanders of the Rim Lancers and Rim Guards sat opposite each other.  Both had insisted in taking with them an aid and neither had relinquished their weapons.  As a result saKhan Jonathan Banacek had placed a point of five Battle armoured Elementals around the room.  The Elementals had been ordered by Banacek to eliminate all four of the Rim Collection officers if things got out of hand.

   “Yesterday should not have happened” Banacek began once he realized the Rim Collection officers were not going to break the silence none of them replied “you are the guardians of the Rim Collection you need to act like It.” He said berating them slightly.

   “We have the right to defend our homes if threatened it is a signature feature of the Rim Collection’s charter agreements.”  Mandy Hall replied angrily

   “Which is why we are here, to protect all of the planets of the Rim Collection” Andrew Brecht said passionately believing what he was saying “it is Hiberus paranoia that almost brought us into conflict nothing more.  President Able wishes for all planets of the Rim Collection to be fully committed to our nation and to each other.  Hiberus needs to learn to trust us all.”

   “Trust is hard to come by when you have been alone for so long.”  She said referencing the years that Hiberus had survived as a sustenance level colony isolated from trading routes and the HPG communication grid fending off against pirate attacks with armour and infantry as their only defence.

   “We were all alone once and we all have to accept change.” Jonathan Banacek said “I was a Star Adder, I was then a Sphinx Raptor and I am now a Fire Mandrill warrior but I am also a Rim Collection citizen.  We are no longer alone.”  He said swallowing that thought for a moment he was a Clansmen and unlike those who had been born into the Fire Mandrill Clan he had a very set direction he believed his Clan should follow.  He wanted his Clan, the Rim Collection and everyone else to know about the direction he through they should take his entrance to the would-be battle on Hiberus had been a statement of intent.  For now he would play his Khan’s game and play nice with the Rim Collection but the future would see his Clan rise to greatness once more.

   “I will agree to move the Second Rim Guards to the posting the President’s Council has ordered” Mandy Hall said reluctantly.  “The First Rim Guards have been asked to take a tour through the Edvynn Province” she said looking between Jonathan Banacek and Andrew Brecht seeing neither disagreed with him “they have recently had a lot of trouble from pirate forces, possibly Lyrans in disguise or possibly something else, perhaps we can convince them that standing alone is not the best course.”  She suggested the other two men nodded their agreement.

    Several hours later the Second Rim Guards began packing up their equipment and personnel preparing to withdraw from Hiberus.  A few days later the Fire Mandrill’s 300th Sentinels Cluster arrived to replace the saKhan’s Ash Keshik and supplement the defences on the planet.  The 300th’s mission on Hiberus would be to watch how the Rim Guards and Lancers left on the planet reacted to each other and ensure no trouble broke out.  Finally a week after the reorganization of defences began on Hiberus the First Rim Guards lifted off the planet outbound to the nearby Edvynn Province.

Hyde, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
22nd August 3103

The hypersonic slug of a gauss rifle round slammed into the ground and gouged a trench six meters long, mud boiling and steaming from friction of the rounds passing before the round finally was halted.  They’d advanced rapidly against the Lyran defenders but to Captain Gilles Ravel this felt all wrong.  While the Isle of Skye had broken into the NAIS bunker on Hyde it hadn’t been used by the AFFS in more than twenty years.  The NAIS officials had called for revenge against the Isle of Skye and the DMI had been far too ready, in Gilles opinion, to charge into a fight.

“I’d say they have found the range wouldn’t you?”  Leftenant Erik Wilkinson said his Longbow standing nearby. 

“Shuddup Erik, keep an eye on your HUD.”

“Yes Cap.”

The night sky was lit by blue, red and green flashes of laser and particle fire.  The bright yellow of autocannon tracer rounds and the orange/red of missile exhausts as AFFS troops in their ‘borrowed’ machines closed in on the lab they had been sent to destroy.  The defenders, elements of the Third Isle of Sky Guards though were not giving an inch.

“Bravo this is Delta, should be getting good targeting telemetry now.”

“Roger that Delta, keep moving, don’t let them get a bead.”

“Just bring the rain Bravo.”

There was a small hiss as the covers for the Naginata’s three fifteen tube Long Range Missile Launchers snapped open, the C3 computer talking with the missile launcher, uploading data at a ferocious rate. 

“Alright open fire!”

The fire support lance of a Naginata, Longbow and Witworth began volleying missiles at the distant Lyran Mech’s, the dull roar of the launchers in the cockpits of the machines in no way justifying the violence they were unleashing.

Even though their targets were obscured Delta, a dedicated recon lance was feeding them targeting data, the white flashes in the distance coming thick and fast as the volley found its target.

“Target right!”

“Got him boss!”

“Nail that son-of-a-bitch!”


Kommandant Valka, battalion commander of the Third Isle of Skye Guards Second Battalion, grinned as he watched one of the attackers machines get caught square on, the Mech, a Cataphract was being torn apart by sustained fire from his Command lance but still its pilot somehow kept the Mech on its feet despite its right arm being all but severed at the shoulder and fire boiling out of the shredded chest.

An electronic bleep told Valka what he needed to hear and he pressed a button on his Hauptman’s right HOTAS control.  The massive Ultra 20 autocannon let out a long sustained BRRRRRRT! The two machines momentarily linked by fire before the Cataphract simply came apart, the ammo finally cooking off as the 70 machine simply ceased to exist above the hips, its death blast throwing the area into stark relief for a few brief seconds.

“Herr Kommandant.”

“Go Kaptain.”

“We’re being hit hard, they’ve got some C3 units pinning us down, we can’t move out without getting god knows how many missiles fired at us.”

“Understood, hold there and don’t let them near the bunker!”

“Jawhol Kommandant!”

With a Company to hold the ground and their comm’s jammed against a considerable number of attackers Kommandant Valka was glad for his infantry support and that the rest of the Regiment was on its way.  ‘Hold until relived’ simple enough.

“Have these bastards ID’d themselves yet?”

“Not yet Sir, just a lotta Cappie and Snake machines and tank support, about a battalion’s worth.”

“Hauptmann Wolfe’s tanks are engaging them.”

That made the Kommandant grin, someone in their wisdom had put a quartet of Gurtelier’s with the Regiment little more than two months ago, the four tanks were dug in near the bunker with the infantry and would be a great anvil.

“Alright, move out, relaying checkpoint Quebec.”

“Target! Dragon, range…six thirty seven!”


There was a hydraulic whine as the turret turned slightly, the gun elevating, the heavy CLUNK-THUD of a round being chambered into the Poland Gauss Model A Gauss was followed by the whine of the capacitor drawing from the reactor, building up a charge in three seconds.

“Up!” An odd phrase, one from Terra’s past used by tank crews to indicate their main weapons were ready to fire.

Peering through her sight Hauptmann Wolfe looked at the glowing thermal image of her target even as it spat a bolt of particle light at them.  “Fire!”

Her gunner, Private Luis stomped down on the firing pedal and both, linked into the tanks damn advanced and achingly expensive FCS hammered back the fire they were reciving. 


“AMS Engaging!”

“Ours or the bunkers?”





In the air above the battle Leftenant Mokate grunted as he pulled the stick back hard and to the right, throwing his ‘borrowed’ Mengqin into a hard right turn, his ‘bitching betty’ warning system nagging about a missile lock, the rear mounted small pulse laser automatically tracking and engaging the SRM’s that the computer detected would come close.

“Get this…rhhnn…scum off my ass! Where’s our bloody top cover?”

His fighter’s rear facing radar and cameras showed the Thunderbird; some variant that dropped the LRM’s and went for Streak’s SRM’s straining to follow his move, the pilot caught out by the sudden sharp turn of his opponent. 

Before the big Lyran bird could bring its nose around another fighter slotted into its six and let rip, the Lyran fighter bucked and jerked as the Slayer’s lasers and auto-cannon chewed and melted armour on its port wing and the Lyran bird fell away trailing smoke.

“Sorry boss got a bit busy.”

“Alright…Theta, drop in low and hammer those damn tanks! Our boys are counting on us so hit them hard and hit them often!”  Viewed from above the battle lines were a confused mess, intermingled Mech’s hammering away at each other in one area, others had Mech’s blazing away at targets they could only see on their sensors as faint heat blooms and vague outlines. 


It took a further three hours for the Federated Suns forces in their disguise to finally breach the bunker complex that was their target, with two of the Gurtelier’s burning outside the main entrance and the other two withdrawn with heavy damage.  With the area secured a mauled Akuma smashed the doors in with a heavy kick allowing their infantry and Special Forces to enter the facility.


“It’s virtually empty Sir…there’s a couple of pallets of equipment marked for delivery to Defiance Industries that’s it, otherwise it’s been stripped.”  The trooper said again as they moved through the facility, there should have been an entire DropShip’s worth of experimental cargo inside the facility.  And not it appeared that all the technology had been removed to Hesperus II or some other Defiance Industries research station.

A static blurt muffled the assault commanders anger as he turned the air blue in his Mech’s cockpit.

“Say again Sir…you broke up.”

“I said all forces withdraw…  Call in the DropShip we need to get off this rock.”  He ordered the remaining Isle of Skye forces were closing on them and this mission was not a suicide mission and they could not be captured.  One of the bean counters back in the Federated Suns could figure out if the costs they’d paid today had been worth it and if taking on Defiance Industries was really in their interest.

AUTHOR NOTE: Yes Burton's piloting a Templar III B with a hatchet and chain whip why because it one of the cooler designs in TRO 3145 and it sounded a lot of fun
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #33 on: 02 May 2016, 02:28:36 »
Excellent stuff Dragoncat, and thank ya for including my wee drabble.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #34 on: 02 May 2016, 02:39:53 »
And here I was thinking that Burton was just getting kinky.
Nice battle for Liao, that should get the Cappies attention. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #35 on: 02 May 2016, 03:45:30 »
Another good update to the AU.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #36 on: 08 May 2016, 23:20:44 »
Medical Wing, Steiner Royal Palace
Arcturus, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
9th September 3103

   Archon Jessica Steiner and her husband Admiral Patrick Doyle become parents for a second child as Isla Steiner is born at the Steiner Palace on Arcturus.  With the death of their first child Blaine Steiner and with Jessica Steiner’s recent decision to step away from active service in the LCAF she hopes to be able to concentrate fully on her daughter’s care and development.

   While the Lyran Commonwealth celebrate the birth of an heir to the throne the LCAF also have something else to celebrate.  Since 3094 the Lyrans had been in possession of an Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser which they had discovered crippled in the Sweet Water system.  The Aegis had previously belonged to Clan jade Falcon and gone missing in 3087.  Sweet Water itself was inhabited by the passengers and crew of the Aegis and since their discovery the Lyrans had worked with them to turn Sweet Water into a prosperous colony world.  At the same time the Lyrans had worked with the former-Jade Falcons to repair the vessel enough to move it from the system and finally their work had paid off.  With a flash of light the Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser Sweet Water, formerly known as the Blue Talon, left the system heading for the Alarion system.

Briefing, District of Oriente Wing
Atreus, District of Marik
Free Worlds League
12th September 3103

   On the Capital of the reformed Free Worlds League Duke Jonas Halas listened to his five military advisors as they sat around the planning table.  Duke he mused for a moment he was Captain-General of Oriente the guardian of fifty-nine worlds, billions of Free Worlds League souls, the supreme commander of nineteen regiments and eleven WarShips.  But under the agreement of the reborn Free Worlds League he like the leaders of the other Free Worlds League Districts could hold a position no higher than Duke only the elected Captain-General could be refered to differently.  But that was not what was being discussed today.

   “The recent Capellan Confederation attempt to retake Liao was unsuccessful with the CCSS Kali Liao completely destroyed during the assault while their ground forces were turned back from the planet.  During the attack the Capellans were able to destroy the FSS Samuel Davion which had been damaged in the first battle of Liao.” Admiral Benjamin Summer said briefing Jonas Halas before retaking his chair.

   “Our analysts believe that the Capellans have stripped the majority of their house troops and mercenary forces from the worlds of Vertabren, Suzano, Asuncion, Krybacken and Zion leaving minimal defences.”  General Stormy Hutton said standing replacing the Admiral.  “We believe there is heavy fighting on Zion and Krybacken as the AFFS attempt to break House Liao’s supply lines.  While the mercenaries on Asuncion have indicated to our operatives they do not plan on being destroyed trying to keep House Liao’s fading war effort going.”

   “So you both believe that our forces can overwhelm these five worlds with minimal losses?”

   “With the WarShips Ipswich, Cole Harbour and Kearny in support we will be able to move against the Capellans without disrupting our other WarShips.”  Summer said “the Santorini Battle Group can remain at New Delos and provide support if required.”  He said naming Oriente’s only Thera centred group of WarShips.

   “We can send two regiments to each planet without damaging our defences.  A combination of our own and mercenary forces” Hutton said “if the rumours regarding the mercenaries on Asuncion are correct we should have an onsite reserve force immediately.”  His confidence was catching but it didn’t take much to catch Halas’ attention or convince him to cause damage to House Liao.

   “Go” Jonas Halas said after thinking for several moments “we strike and we strike hard.”

   Three weeks later the District of Oriente strike at the systems of Vertabren, Krybacken, Asuncion, Suzano and Zion.  As expected on Asuncion the mercenary regiment Bret’s Bombardiers accepted they were outmatched by the Oriente troops and agreed to turn over the planet of Asuncion as long as Oriente provided them with transport well beyond the Capellan borders.  The commander of the attack on Asuncion General Ryan Deveraux personally promises the mercenaries that he will arrange for them to travel to the Galatea Station.  Vertabren, Krybacken and Suzano fall quickly to the Oriente troops who are dedicated to the swift conquest of the systems.

The only real resistance comes on Zion where a three way fight breaks out between the Fourth Fusiliers of Oriente, the Capellans Third Capellan Defence Force and Irregular House Davion forces led by the McKinnon’s Battalion and Avanti’s Angels Mercenary unit.  For nearly a full month fighting occurs between all three sides with none able to put down the other forces.  During the fighting the people of Zion take up arms themselves intent on defending their own people if necessary they are able to commandeer the local HPG and call for assistance from the SLDF.

In early January 3104 Star League Defence Force help finally arrives in the form of the First Knights of the Inner Sphere Brigade and the WarShip SLS Invincible, a Tharkad-class Battle-cruiser.  Although the Knights of the Inner Sphere have been out of combat operations for a while the sheer numbers the brigade brings to the system are able to bring an end to the fighting with Zion officially joining the Star League Protectorate.

With Oriente and the AFFS units withdrawing from the system the remaining commanders of the Second Capellan Defence Force find that their regiment had been abandoned by the Capellan High Command and that no unit would be sent to recall them.  While the SLDF offered the warriors of the Second a place within the SLDF the Capellans are aware that their unit would be split up instead Sang-shao Matt Blackledge negotiated with the SLDF for passage to Galatea Station, turning over a battalion of stealth armoured Mechs and vehicles to the SLDF to pay for the rest of the unit to make it, on Galatea Station they would form the mercenary command Blackledge’s Iron Hand.

Loading Dock
Sheridan, Wolf Empire
22nd September 3103

   There was many things that Dana Carlyle had expected in life but one thing she hadn’t expected was moving medical equipment onto a DropShip for Clan Wolf.  Nor had she ever expected to be treated with so much contempt from another human being.  As she moved the equipment from place to place one of Clan Wolf’s finest stood guard watching her not lifting a finger to help instead he barked orders to Dana and the other staff members of the Provider.

   After moving what seemed to be the thousandth box into the DropShip Dana headed back into the warehouse entering the room she immediately felt an arm around hers turning her around and into a darkened corner.  “Hello Doctor” the deep male voice said before planting a kiss on her lips.

   “Marc?” Dana said pulling back from him “what are you doing here?  I didn’t even know you were on the planet!”

   “Well I didn’t know you were here either.”  He said easily using the same contractions she did they had spent a lot of time together during his recovery on board the Provider.  The trueborn MechWarrior had done exactly what Clan warriors were not supposed to do he’d felt something for a freeborn.

   “Bull, there’s no way you didn’t know I was here.”

   “Do you have to use so many contractions?”  He asked he sounded irritated but ended up his question with a smile showing he wasn’t that annoyed.  “So maybe I knew you were here and maybe I volunteered to escort this supply run just in case I bumped into you.”

   “You came looking for me” Dana stated teasing a little “why?”

   “Honestly I wonder that myself” he admitted “but I was drawn back to you.”  Marc said “seems we have a connection that I do not really understand.”  He said kissing her again

   “Connections of the heart rarely make sense” she admitted kissing him back “you are going to get me into trouble with our slave driver…” she said glancing out the door not seeing the warrior who was guarding them.

   “I gave him some time off” he explained “and I might have told the others to take a break, would not want to harm their delicate hands.”  He said kissing her hand.

   “So we have time…”

   “Yes a little” he said their little time turned into several hours of time in the warehouse and in Marc’s nearby ground car.  They then returned to their duties serving Clan Wolf surprisingly nothing was said to Dana when she returned to work instead there was more being said about the warrior who had been guarding them.  He’d been found unconscious in a dark corner covered in locally made alcohol apparently with no memory of what had happened Marc’s “giving him a break” she guessed.  She had no idea what Marc was up to or if she’d see him again for now all she could do was get back to work loading the DropShip ready to return to return to duty on board the Provider with a memory of what had happened on Sheridan.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #37 on: 09 May 2016, 02:14:46 »
Excellent stuff as always, seems love can bloom eh :)  Also the Cappies must be sweating a bit now, with the FedSuns and FWL nomming up systems.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #38 on: 09 May 2016, 09:03:52 »
 O0 nice update!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #39 on: 09 May 2016, 19:14:26 »
Thank you again, Dragon Cat!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #40 on: 10 May 2016, 02:48:37 »
The Cappies just letting a regiment go like that.
They really must be having problems. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #41 on: 14 May 2016, 11:18:12 »
The Cappies just letting a regiment go like that.
They really must be having problems. O0

Not really letting go more cut off - the unit felt abandoned and now its got a far longer life ahead of it...

Update for the weekend

Planning Rooms, Capellan March HQ
Kathil, Kathil PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
5th October 3103

   “ATTENTION!”  One of the security officers called out from the door across the planning room officers that were standing turned to face the call while those that were sitting sat straighter.  Walking through the various officers and screens Duchess Kym Hasek entered the command room she was walking with a cane as she continued to recover from her injuries sustained in the crash on Victoria.  At the table Field Marshal Nathaniel Hasek stood beside Colonel Richard Steiner, her husband, Richard watched her move through the room and he could see the differences in her walk.

   “Welcome back to Kathil Duchess Hasek” Nathaniel greeted as Kym stopped and saluted.

   “Thank you Field Marshal” she replied as the two men saluted her she like Nathaniel she spoke loud enough for the officers in the first level of officers to hear.

   “Welcome home” Richard said she gave him a strange look for a moment before answering.

   “Kathil may be where we will command our military but it isn’t my home.  New Syrtis always will be.”  She answered Richard had lived here since the Uhlans had almost been destroyed fighting the Capellans their son Andreas was here and she would be stationed on Kathil for the the duration of her recovery but Kathil would never be her home.  “What’s out status?”

   “As we predicted with our core forces directed to the conquest of Liao our forces have had to retreat from Victoria.”  Nathaniel Hasek said glancing at Richard Steiner, it had been the young man’s plan to strike at Liao thinking it would break the Capellans but it seemed there was still some fight in the Confederation.

   “We also believe we will lose Jacson and Yuris within the next month.”  Richard added again the two worlds were already highlighted green it wasn’t a huge surprise to lose the two worlds the Capellans had been raiding them for months and even with the significant support from the navy if the ground forces didn’t withdraw the AFFS would likely lose the units stationed there.

   “To add to our troubles the Concordat have launched attacks on Rollis and Corodiz” Nathaniel added Kym Hasek felt the pain of each loss almost as much as when she’d been injured on Victoria.

   “How far back could they push us?”  She asked looking down at the map below although Nathaniel Hasek was the ranking officer in the Capellan March and Richard technically outranked her Kym was still the Duchess of New Syrtis and it was her March.

   “We suspect that we will lose Bromhead, Carmichael, Horsham and Mendham by the end of the year” Richard Steiner said highlighting the planets which extended from the Taurian Concordat border to the Capellans.  “If the Capellans and Taurians continue to work together we may lose systems as far as Ridgebrook by the end of 3104.”  He said highlighting another five systems.

   “Is there any good news?”  Kym said feeling a little hollow at the thought Richard’s plan had netted them Liao but they’d lost so many more systems.

   “Now that the District of Oriente has hit the Capellan Confederation’s flank Prince Burton Davion is using his success on Victoria as a springboard.”  Nathaniel Hasek said changing the map to show the other side of the Capellan Confederation.  “Forces under his command have struck at Shensi, Hunan, St Andre and Shipka.”

   “What is the level of Capellan resistance?”  She asked looking at the map

   “Significant” Richard replied “in the Hunan system the FSS Ardan Sortek sustained significant damage to Capellan fighter attacks while the Wild Geese lost two DropShips fighting their way onto St Andre.  We believe that the mercenary’s commander was killed on one of their DropShips.”  He said “the Lexington Combat Group have also taken heavy damage defending Lee from a Capellan counter attack.  While the militia's of Moravian, Cammal and Monhagen have all reported increases in Capellan raids.”

   “They are aiming for Kathil” she said looking at the worlds that had been attacked.  We seize Liao and they retaliate by aiming for here.  They want to cripple the Capellan March.”

   “What they should be doing is aiming for Burton Davion’s units the Prince is the one on the move.”  Richard said frustrated it had been his plan to push the Capellans from Liao instead of trying to hold Victoria.  He’d given up any hopes he had of travelling to Liao to personally lead the offensive but now he wished he was there instead of on Kathil.

   “So what you’re saying is that despite the fact that we’ve bled as much as Burton Davion and that is was the Capellan March’s actions in seizing Victoria in the first place that gave us this opening that Burton Davion will claim all the glory from this operation?”  Kym asked sharply she wasn’t frustrated instead she was angry.

   “Duchess” Nathaniel Hasek said butting in his use of her title showing his intent to get her to look at things from a bigger perspective “that is not what is meant by what Colonel Steiner has said.  As Richard quite rightly points out Burton Davion is taking it upon himself to push the Capellans beyond the goals of the original operation.  His forces are driving back the Capellans for now and so if the Confederation was smart they would strike at Burton instead of us.”  The Field Marshal explained

   “Indeed” Richard said agreeing with the older man “instead they are continuing to assault worlds around Victoria intent on driving us back and trying to make us believe they’d try to attack Kathil.”

   “You don’t think they will?”  Kym asked more civily this time with a small apologising smile.

   “No” Richard “Kathil is too heavily defended we some of the Federated Suns best ground and naval forces available not counting the reinforcements we could call.  At present they think we are rolling back from Victoria but if they went anywhere near any of our core worlds they’d find out exactly what we have in reserve.”  He said drawing his hand over the worlds near Victoria “if we’d tried to hold those systems we’d have lost most of the regiments based there.”  He said bluntly “we all knew that when Liao was selected as a target.  Any Capellan commander that takes a minute to think about it will realize that much.”

   “But will the Chancellor?”  Kym asked “in the meantime what’s out plan?”

   “We continue to be the distraction” Nathaniel said “while the Prince hits the Capellans from one side we hold the Chancellor’s attention and if necessary we give up a couple of systems” he said seeing Kym’s distaste for the idea.  “But in doing so we’ll break the Confederation if they keep pushing us.”

   “And if they stop?”

   “We’ll still hold Liao and it will be in a far more secure place than Victoria ever was.”  Richard said confidently bringing a full smile from Kym.  The Capellan March and the Federated Suns had the Capellan Confederation under control.  The Taurian Concordat’s recent attacks were worrying but the AFFS could deal with them once they had out lasted the Capellans.

Aether, New Quarter
Fronc Reaches, Periphery
12th October 3103

   The screen came up slowly showing a man with greying hair a black blazer jacket and a blue/black checked shirt with the top button open.  “Ladies and Gentlemen I am Governor Ellis Von Danzuch leader of Aether.  Today I speak to you as a man with a broken heart but one who is determined to do what needs to be done.  Over the course of the last few months my world has seen its defences stripped to the bare minimum as the Taurian Concordat attempts to prosecute an illegal war against the Federated Suns, another member of the reborn Star League.  Our leader Protector Erik Martens-Calderon is being drawn down the wrong path by military warmongers who believe that we can match the Federated Suns.  Ladies and Gentlemen I am sorry to say that we cannot” he said glancing down at his feet for a moment before looking back up “the Federated Suns can and will return our attacks and when they do they will destroy our military as they have done repeatedly for centuries.  The Taurian Concordat should concentrate on defending the worlds it currently commands instead its border worlds have been abandoned.  I have learned that Portland, Sananda, Argos, Carthage and Hellespont have been treated like Aether their defences stripped and their mercenary support reassigned.”  He said again looking to the floor before looking back up to the camera “so over the last three months we have collectively reached out for support and found some from the Fronc Reaches.”  He said glancing to the ground for a third time before returning his gaze to the camera “so with a broken heart it has fallen to me to announce that the worlds of Aether, Portland, Sananda, Argos, Carthage and Hellespont are withdrawing from the Taurian Concordat and joining the Fronc Reaches.  Together we will form the New Quarter of the Fronc Reaches and we will take our new state to new heights progressing with the colonial expansion and combined defence effort that turned the New Colony into the Fronc Reaches.  We pray that the Taurian Concordat leadership will see our succession not as a rebellion but instead as one intended on turning the nation around and back to the core values that made the Taurian Concordat great.”

Joslyn Armstrong, Vulcan 6-class Defence Station
Wildwood, Magistracy of Canopus
23rd October 3103

Most systems of the Inner Sphere and Periphery lacked any sort of space defences Wildwood had been lucky to purchase a Vulcan 6-class Space Station from the Twin Sons system of the Free Worlds League’s District of Lesnovo.  Nightly the fifty-six crewmen monitored the jump points while the space station’s six aerospace fighters patrolled the area around the four thousand ton station.  Wildwood was rarely visited by passing JumpShips but its position close to the disputed territory between the Magistracy and the Marian Hegemony meant the people trusted the crew of the Joslyn Armstrong to defend them.

Commander America Park reclined on the chair in the command centre listening to the systems of her space station as she read a delightful romance novel which had arrived from Canopus.  It was by one of her favourite Canopus based authors Marg Bunbury and followed the story of an intrepid Magistracy Armed Forces aerospace fighter pilot who fought off enemies of her home while falling in love with a dashing JumpShip commander.  Suddenly alarms sounded in the command centre as the the station's sensors detected multiple incoming vessels.  “No… no, no, no” she whispered releasing her pad which floated away “wake up Riccardo” she said looking over at the other person there the younger man woke up with a start “we’ve got trouble!”
“Marians?”  He asked

“If it is they’ve gotten something really big” America answered as there was a massive flash of radiation and light.  Suddenly a huge one thousand four hundred-and-five metre long McKenna-class WarShip entered the system “oh my gosh” she whispered looking at the huge vessel it was painted in the same deep greens used by the Star League Defence Force but it lacked any form of insignia to indicate where its loyalties laid.  Moments later there were four more flashes behind the WarShip as four Tramp-class JumpShips joined the battleship.

“Jesus” Riccardo said “look at her she looks like she’s been through hell” he said looking over the McKenna her hull was blackened by scorch marks and pieces of the hull were completely missing.  “We’re receiving a hail” America nodded and he activated the communications system.

   “This is Captain William Robert Raphael Leroy-Dietrich the commander of the Subtlety Profitable Training College of Military Arts to Magistracy space station we mean no hostile intent.”  The man’s voice announced “we request passage through the Magistracy of Canopus we will remain on station until Magistracy authorities arrive in system.  Any hostile action against the Subtlety or any of our JumpShips will be met with the use of the maximum force available to our WarShip.  She might look like a wreck but I promise you looks can be deceiving.”

   “We’ve got aerospace fighters in the air” Riccardo said watching his screens several tiny aerospace fighters had launched from the McKenna’s battered green hull.

   “We need to speak to the planet and to Canopus” America Park said watching the massive battleship unfurl its jump sail behind it the JumpShips were doing the same they'd be here for a while.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #42 on: 14 May 2016, 12:19:53 »
 O0 Wow! Nice update!  Nice to see the Political fall out for the TC and a new group with a McKenna class Warship!

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #43 on: 14 May 2016, 12:20:11 »
Where does a 'Training College' get a McKenna?

Should be interesting finding out.
Cheers for the update DC.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #44 on: 14 May 2016, 12:22:02 »
Subtlety Profitable Training College of Military Arts
McKenna-class WarShip and 4 Tramp Jumpships

Interesting college, I wonder who runs it
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #45 on: 14 May 2016, 12:34:39 »
Awesome update but who the hell are the Subtlety Profitable Training College of Military Arts and how on earth did they get a Mckenna O_o
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #46 on: 14 May 2016, 13:07:10 »
It originally came from here

But has a few changes
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #47 on: 14 May 2016, 14:37:56 »
I was scrolling up to read the posts, first thing i saw, zeroing in. 
Quote from: DragonCat
to Canopus” America Park

First I Think is . o O ( ''There a America themed fun park on Canopus?'' )
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #48 on: 15 May 2016, 04:58:23 »
It originally came from here

But has a few changes

Interesting thread.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #49 on: 15 May 2016, 15:15:55 »
Things are very interesting on the Fed Suns Eastern Front this year (and, of course, last year as well).  Sounds like a hammer is readying to fall on the Capellans, I wonder if they have overextended themselves - I've done the count and they've (re)captured 15 worlds and serious fighting is still happening on Sirdar.  Meanwhile the Fed Suns have captured 7 and look to gain another 4 shortly. Free Worlds League captures 4 from the Capellans and the Star League 1.

The wildcard Taurians seem to be doing well on their end too, with a capture of 10 systems to a loss of 6, and while the 10 systems are likely of higher quality than the losses, that the losses are not from combat is quite telling as to the state of the Concordat.

Looking forward to seeing more.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #50 on: 17 May 2016, 18:40:35 »
Life Fire Testing Grounds
South of Houston, Borghese
Arc Royal Theatre, Lyran Commonwealth
2nd November 3103

   “Scientist you have a strange sense of live fire testing” Star Colonel Tim Lassenem said smirking looking at the engineer who had accompanied them to Borghese.  They had landed four hours before and barely made a single move towards the planetary capital instead they had marshaled their forces giving the defenders plenty of time to prepare their defence.

   “It is the best test of these units” Scientist Ayer said “the Lyrans and their mercenary scum will not be prepared for our little surprise.”

   “These units are very important to our Clan’s development Scientist” Lassenem said raising the binoculars to his eyes as the Hell’s Horses units moved forward a single Star of Mechs, a star of quad battle armour and two stars of wheeled vehicles.

   “I know how important they are it was our people who helped build them.”  He said as the Hell’s Horses engaged the Lyran and mercenary defenders.  Immediately Tim Lassenem could see the Advanced Tactical Missiles mounted on the Solace Light Missile Tanks open fire.  Between the ten vehicles two hundred-and-ten tactical missiles flew from their turret mounted launchers blanketing the Lyran troops.  Under their fire the Buraq star ran in twenty-five quad battle armour suits unleashing their own missile attacks on the enemy.

   “Magnificent” Tim Lassenem said watching the attack unfold even as the five Parash BattleMechs closed on the enemy Arrow artillery missiles flew over the top of the units after being fired moments before from the Hadur Fast Support vehicles which had remained nearby along with the rest of their forces.  As the missiles landed around the Lyran forces causing yet more confusion the Parash Mechs stepped into the battle firing their large pulse lasers.

   “We are reading several equipment failures” Ayer said looking at his screens.

   “They are engaged in combat I am not completely surprised” Lassenem said watching the battle unfold from this far was not what he would have preferred to be involved in the battle but it was not his time.

   “These failures are not only being caused by Lyran fire” Ayer snapped angrily drawing a look from the Star Colonel “I apologies” Ayer said immediately not looking up from his screen “we have lost three points of Battle Armour and the weapons on four of the Solace.”  Ayer reported

   “I can see that” Tim Lassenem said watching as a gauss rifle slammed into one of the Parash BattleMechs.  Although the slug did not appear to penetrate the Mech’s armour it staggered backwards away from the enemy the Mech barely remaining standing “what is wrong with them?”  He demanded watching as another Mech recoiled almost as if it was in pain after being struck by a laser blast.

   “It is the enhanced imaging!” Ayer said looking at the data “the feedback is far worse than we expected.”

   “Fix it!” Tim Lassenem ordered the flustered scientist.

   “I can’t not right now we need to evaluate the data” Ayer said looking up “today has helped us we can perfect these units in time.”

   “So your team can use the data to complete our designs?”  Lassenem asked waiting until the scientist looked up at him.  The scientist realized the Star Colonel was furious with him Ayer quickly nodded.  “Good then your service has been appreciated” he said drawing his sidearm and quickly shooting the man in the head.  Lassenem looked at the other scientist who stood nearby “this experiment is over recall your troops before you lose them all.”  The Star Colonel commanded raising his radio “First Horde Cluster do your duty and finish the job.”  He said all along the battle-line BattleMechs, vehicles and Battle Armour of Lassenem’s Cluster moved forward as one opening fire with missiles, particle cannons, lasers and autocannons.

   Reeling from the initial Hell’s Horses assault the attack of the First Hoard Cluster was far too much for the Lyrans.  The First Horde Cluster tore through the Fourth Commonwealth Guards, the militia troops and the mercenaries arrayed against them the Cluster’s warriors eager to show that they should have been allowed to complete the world’s conquest without the little scientist experiment.  The First Horde MechWarriors and Elementals had been at the heart of the Mongol Doctrine that had taken hold of the Hell’s Horses Clan and they let loose their anger on the defenders.  As they overran the Lyrans the First Horde went through the battlefield from downed Mech-to-Mech, vehicle-to-vehicle slowly ensuring that every defender was dead.  As an example to the planet’s population Star Colonel Tim Lassenem personally saw to the deaths of the planet’s civilian leadership.

Raider Assault
New Home, Star League Protectorate
12th November 3103

   The Avanti’s Angels mercenary battalion surface on New Home supporting Baron Shienze, an employer from early in their career.  The combined-arms force stays true to their reputation going on the assault against a pirate force which had been causing problems for the planet’s local Guard Regiment.  On the battlefield for the last time Colonel Marcus GioAvanti marshals the mercenaries to victory from his Cestus BattleMech leading from the front Major Michelangelo GioAvanti, Marcus’ son, leads the Angels main force during the battle cementing his leadership of the mercenary battalion.

Planning Room, Night Talon (Nightlord II-class Battleship)
Morges, Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
20th November 3103

   Khan Ruel Chistu stood looking data screen at the Horsemaster, an HH-class Yardship, as it moved closer to the crippled Silver Talon.  The Nightlord II-class Battleship had lingered in this system for far too long and it was needed in the Jade Falcon Touman.  Behind him saKhan Jana Pryde stood near the planning table.

   “We’re over-extended” Jana said looking at the table

   “Damn your contractions speak properly” Ruel demanded looking back over at her Jana Pryde was a young woman full of life and fire her short blonde hair arranged evenly around her face.

   “We’re over-extended, we are over-extended, it does not make an ounce of difference our Touman has not grown enough to match the territory we have.  Even with the territory we have traded to the Hell’s Horses for the use of the Horsemaster we need more combat units.  The fighting on Blumenort, Sargasso, Biuque and Wroclaw is sapping more of our strength.  From what I have read about the front-lines we’re unable to capture either of Biuque or Wroclaw just a waste of resources.”

   “Sigma Galaxy has completed its transition into becoming a Front-Line unit while Tau Galaxy is almost operational.”  Ruel Chistu countered watching the Horsemaster complete its docking with the crippled Battleship.

   “We need to increase production of BattleMechs and Battle Armour and we need to get Omicron Galaxy operational.”  Jana said frustrated slamming down her notputer the Jade Falcon Touman was stretched thin even graduating this year of Falcon cadets and accepting a record number of armoured vehicles into their Touman they were struggling to control the populations under them.

   “The Sea Foxes have approached us again” Ruel Chistu said he knew their production stats and that the Sea Foxes wished to take control over Roadside and Kooken’s Pleasure Pit adding to the territory they had taken control over recently.  “We could use the equipment they are offering…”

   “We could” Jana Pryde agreed “rumours suggest they have approached the systems of Wotan, Golandrinas, Bone Norman, Barcelona and Newton Square.  They are picking over all the worlds that we have released in recent years.”  Jana Pryde said disgusted at the thought that the Foxes were even looking at those planets she’d have happily seen them die away.

   “Who cares” Ruel Chistu said finally turning around from the screen “we need the assets they want a pair of worlds I care nothing for!”  He said his temper flaring.

   “You seem to have made up your mind?”  She asked calmly

   “And if I have?”  Ruel Chistu challenged “do you wish to try and change my mind?”  He asked stepping closer to her he was big a big warrior for a MechWarrior and could be very intimidating but she was faster.  In a blink of an eye the young saKhan had her legs wrapped around the Khan but not in attack instead her lips quickly found his in a deep embrace.  They had been involved when Ruel Chistu was a Star Colonel and Jana Pryde a young firey Star Captain it was purely physical but they both liked physical.  With her legs locked around him Ruel Chistu moved the Khan quickly slamming her against the bulkhead wall Jana Pryde moaned “well he probed looking at her.”

   “No I’m not going to you will be getting rid of two planets we don’t need” she answered as he turned her back towards the planning table the saKhan’s body sending papers flying.

   “Your damned contractions” Ruel Chistu commented

   “Horrible aren’t they?”  Jana Pryde said leaning forward opening the top of his uniform jacket.  Over the next few days the Sea Foxes moved forces onto Roadside and Kooken’s Pleasure Pit a few weeks later Wotan, Golandrinas, Bone Norman, Barcelona and Newton Square the Jade Falcons paid little attention to the Sea Fox moves instead they benifitted from nearly three clusters of Mechs, armour and battle armour and continued to have secure shipping lanes through Sea Fox controlled space.
« Last Edit: 17 May 2016, 19:50:24 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #51 on: 17 May 2016, 18:52:08 »
This scene is particularly big and needs its own post.  It came originally from marauder648 who came up with the idea of the battle and provided most of the work I just played about with it and expanded it.  So my thanks to marauder648

Operation Doolittle
Sudeten, Pirate Point between Sudeten and the moon Saar
Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
23rd November 3103

The Werewolf flashed into existence, her Lithium Fusion battery already charging up to jump in an emergency as the WarShip’s main drives fired.  If somehow anyone missed the massive thermal radiation flare of the ships arrival, no one missed what came next as it was broadcast across the entire system.

“Attention defenders of Sudeten and Warriors of Clan Jade Falcon, this is saKhan Declan Kerensky of Clan Mountain Wolf, I bring with me three full Clusters of Mountain Wolf troops as well as the WarShip Werewolf we challenge you for possession of your resources, your Mech’s and Sibko’s.  With what forces do you propose to defend your Capital World and dare to face the jaws of the Wolf?”

“You and those of your ilk are little more than dezgra Mercenaries, if you want our world we will face you with everything you have.  Not one mongrel will live to see the sun rise!”

The link terminated with a static hiss and Kerensky grinned broadly, turning to the Werewolf’s commander.  “I guess that means we will not be granted Safcon, launch the dropships and aerospace fighters, I will be with our forces on the ground, I leave the naval battle entirely in your control.”

“Status change! We have pre-emergence neutrinos!”


“One million kilometres off our port bow.”

Conducting an in system jump the CJF Falcon’s Nest, a Texas-class Battleship, and one of only two left in known existence made her entrance in a white flash, her engines already firing, DropShips detaching.

“You had best get to your Dropship; we will hold them off and engage any targets of opportunity.”

Kerensky nodded and then saluted “Happy Hunting Star Admiral Scott Conners.”

The three Wolf Overlord C’s burned hard towards Sudeten, the Werewolf fighters flying top cover as well as the Isegrim Smaug that was already firing at distant targets with her sub-capital missiles

The three Overlords hit the ground, their ramps spilling forth Mountain Wolf Mech’s issuing their challenges to the Falcon defenders as they formed up and moved out.  Fighters from the Werewolf were busy guarding the ship so it fell to those of the Titan Carrier Hercules’ Strength to watch over the ground forces whilst the Smaug clawed her way skyward on pillars of fusion fire to join the battle overhead. 

Landing eighty kilometres north of the Capital city the Wolves moved out en-mass whilst the Falcons scrambled to meet them, alert klaxons blaring in dozens of Mech Hangars and in the fortifications surrounding the Olivetti Works.


Onboard the Werewolf the Wolf gunners were enjoying the targeting practice against the Jade Falcon installations and shipping.  “Target in range!”


Brilliant blue beams of particle fire blazed through space, melting the thin hide of Forge 12/Q, a largely automated refining plant for endo-steel.  The structure, many thousands of tonnes in mass came apart, disintegrating as its structural integrity failed; brief flashes of fire marking where the particle bolts had ignited the stations atmosphere

“Range to the Falcon’s Nest?”

“She is entering extreme range for our guns now and is turning to bring her broadside to bare on us!”  One of the Wolves called out

“Match her course, have the Smaug and Garm stick close to us and provide anti-missile protection, guns rip her open!”


As the two goliaths fought over the space around Sudeten with naval weaponry below on the planet the Wolves and Jade Falcons engaged each other with smaller but no less deadly weapons.

“Falcon scum you face Star Captain Iwona Chistu!  Step forwards and meet your death!”  Oh sure she KNEW she was hamming it up, perhaps she’d watched that Spheroid children’s cartoon a bit too much but still.

“Missile lock. Missile lock. Missile lock. Missile lock!”

A Falcon Night Gyr had answered his challenge and Iwona grinned, keying her Night Wolf’s weapon systems as the two Mech’s thundered forwards.  It had not been any formal battle of old, rather a rapidly escalating series of meeting engagements when Stars and Binary’s ran into each other. 

“Star Captain, there are some Falcon tanks moving to the north east, permission to engage?”

“Wipe them out, keep them from flanking us!”

There was a yowl as the Night Wolf’s Advanced Tactical Missile’s got a good solid lock and the Mech shuddered as it began volleying missiles.


Behind the Jade Falcon lines at the Olivetti Works Factory a less intense conversation was taking place as a Warrior looked at a prize that even the Wolves knew nothing of.  “Sir, they are barely ready, these are pre-production prototypes, the Shrike has only moved from its construction bay to where it is now.”

“But they are armed and operational Quiaff?”  He asked looking over the BattleMech that stood beside him it was as if a Jade Falcon had inhabited the design.

“Aff, but I must advise strongly against their deployment, testing has only barely begun and we do not know of any kinks and flaws, yes they can fight but we do not know how well.”  The Chief Technician glanced at his comrades for assistance but they did not want to draw the wrath of the Elemental.  He didn’t want to push the designs before they were ready. 

“They are avatars of the Clan; I will give you three Stars of my finest Mech Warriors.  We cannot let the Dezgra Wolves close with this facility; these machines will drive them back in ruin.”


“It is the Khan’s will.  Do you wish to go against the orders of your Khan?”  The Elemental turned slowly, his Myomer hand flexing, EI tattoos glinting in the harsh factory lighting.


“Good.  You have a fine Codex; it would be a shame to rip you apart.  You have your orders, brief my men and ensure these Mech’s are ready!”


Despite the rush on the planet’s surface to counter the Wolves in space the Jade Falcon WarShip Falcon’s Nest appeared to be far less interested in attacking the Wolves.  “Sir they are turning again.”  One of the Wolves reported slamming his fist down on his console.  The Falcon’s Nest could fight the McKenna in a straight up battle with a chance of victory but the Texas was playing a strange fight.

“What are they playing at…we are tickling one another at this range, we try closing, they withdraw, we withdraw they try closing.”

The ship shook slightly as naval lasers struck the Werewolf burning the WarShip’s armour “minor hit on the starboard nose quarter, the armour absorbed the blow.”

“Sir I am requesting permission to bring half our fighters on board to refuel and re-arm, my pilots have been out there six hours.”  The Werewolf’s aerospace and DropShip fighter controller requested from her console the pilots were not the only thing suffering the fuel levels were low on all of their fighters while ammunition levels on the several fighters were almost completely empty.

“Permission granted, the Falcons are content to dance at range anyhow. What about the forces at the Falcons orbital facilities?”

In the holo-tank the prize, the huge conglomeration of factories, plants, forges and slips for fighters, DropShips and Mech’s, the ugly but utterly functional Falcon’s Roost Orbital Assembly Plant glowed a brilliant green.  Out of range for now and shielded by a wall of fighters and a dozen assault DropShips that must have had orders to hold position no matter the provocations sent against them. 

There was a small cheer from the gunnery section Star Admiral Scott Conners glared at them angrily they were far from a true victory.  “Sorry Sir! Enemy Noruff destroyed, it was skirting the edge of our engagement range with two stars of Fighters taunting us, the fighters are withdrawing, we showed them” the commander of the gunners reported triumphantly a smile beaming from his lips.

“Very good, well done, keep firing at any target in range” he said at least someone on the ship was happy.


Below Conners’ WarShip battle the fight had turned into a slugging match as the planet’s heavens opened and rain began to fall soaking the combatants.  The Jade Falcons were throwing everything at the Mountain Wolf positions. “Target right!  Damn it...and front! All Tango Units open fire, gut the bastards!”  Star Captain Martin Ward cursed firing his Mech’s particle cannon at a Jade Falcon BattleMech.  “Die dezgra scum!”

“STAR CA...”

Even as they tried to turn one flank of the Jade Falcons an enemy Bane 4 BattleMech smashed trees aside its broad feet sinking into the wet ground, its pilot ignoring the stinging fire from a Mountain Wolf Ice Ferret and focusing on another target, suddenly almost at once the Bane let rip with its massive ultra-class assault autocannons with a roaring burst of sustained fire.  The high explosive shells tore into the Highlander IIC catching the Mountain Wolf BattleMech dead to rights even as the Jade Falcon warrior opened fire with its missiles.  Even as the assault BattleMech crumbled and fell over like a dropped sack of cement the Jade Falcon Bane exploded under the combined fire of three Mountain Wolf Wolf Mech’s, Zelbringen was not in force, the Falcons viewed the Wolves as at best Mercenaries, and both sides were not holding back.
There were no battle lines, no neat lines of advance or retreat, just a huge confused and utterly undignified brawl that would remind those of who had seen the ROM’s as being as ferocious as the Trial of Annihilation of Clan Widowmaker, in the woody, soaked hilly terrain the two Clans were ripping into each other with a ferocity born of deep boned hated, no quarter asked, and none given.

With their DropShips fairly close the Wolves were quickly cycling Mech’s back to reload and re-arm and with the Skyreach mountains on their right flank the Falcons could come at them from two directions and the Mountain Wolves were on guard.  Salvage teams were already hauling crippled Falcon Mech’s and tanks onto the DropShips as the pressure built all around them there was a feeling that the Falcons were finally starting to get organised rather than attacking in a fury.

“saKhan we have dug in and are holding them off but the Falcons are pushing along the entire front of our perimeter.  Ironfur and Golden Eye Stars are firing arrows and supporting the DropShips, losses are…acceptable, at the moment.”

“Thank you Star Captain Andrew Radick, my Command Star will take its place on the line whilst you fall back to rearm.” The saKhan said stepping his Mech into the breach its feet sinking into the soaking mud saKhan Kerensky felt sorry for the ground bound Warg Battle Armoured troopers who had to wade through the mess.

“Aff saKhan.”


Elsewhere behind Jade Falcon lines MechWarrior Roshak bit back a curse even as he pounded the top of his Eyrie’s main sensor display.  The Mech was achingly new, it had walked precisely eight hundred and three meters since it had been made and was still in its standard matte grey finish with no camouflage applied.  The enhanced Star had set out from the Olivetti factory, only having to halt when the Jade Hawk’s right leg actuator froze up, forcing them to leave the machine behind.  Down to three Eyrie’s, two Gyrfalcon’s and a Shrike with the Jade Hawk being towed back to the factory on a huge flatbed recovery vehicle they were now finally approaching the battle zone, all be-it from an unexpected direction.

The Mech shook as its jump jets fired, the splayed wings in the left and right torso adjusting and moving almost organically to improve the airflow and stability of the jump before it thumped down, the thirty-five tonne Mech accelerating smoothly up to full speed.  With his EI tattoos the Falcon warrior could almost feel branches rubbing against ‘his’ sides as the Star moved through the woods that marked the start of the Skyreach range, of course it was just sensor feedback but it did feel good.  The three Eyrie’s ran in a hunched forwards gait, sleek, aggressive and powerful.

“Claw Star, targets ahead, strike hard but do not over extend yourself, these Mech’s are the future of the Clan, do not waste them or you WILL answer to me.”

“Aff Star Captain!”


“Targets!”  One of the Wolves screamed seeing the incoming contacts from another vector.

“What? There is nothing there but mountains.”  The Star Captain said searching the trees through the rain looking for the targets.

“I am getting thermals Sir.”

“Understood, all Grey Stalker elements, prepare to engage!”

“Sir…I am not getting anything in the Warbook on the contacts.  Seismic indicate a mix of lights and mediums with one assault but that is all.”


The few glimpses by the Wolf Mech’s sensors was all the computers needed, it came up with UNKNOWN for the smaller machines but kept calling the other Mech an Onager, all be it of an unknown configuration the Jade Falcons had been busy.

“Okay, it seems we have some new Falcon toys to deal with.  They will be our salvage.  Move out!”  saKhan Declan Kerensky ordered as the rain continued to beat down on the both sets of combatants.

Two Stars of Wolf Mech’s, all be it with some in a damaged state moved out to engage the six Falcon unknowns and it was a ‘learning experience’ for both sides.  The Wolves learned about the firepower of the other machines whilst the Falcon Warriors had to adjust to their machines abilities, outnumbered the Falcons stuck together before launching a counter attack.

“Kevin on your right, small winged bastard!”

“Aff!” The Adder’s foot stomped down as the Mech turned hard, pulse laser blitzing bright blue bolts at the Falcon machine, cutting a gouge across its stylized chest before it fired its jump jets, the wings on its back shifting eye blink fast.

“They’ve got Partial Wings; they will out jump us in this weather and terrain!”

As the Falcon Mech landed out of sight there was a yell on the radio.  “Stravag! That bastard just kicked me!”  One of the Mountain Wolves shouted his Linebacker was in trouble, one of the Jade Falcon Mechs had come out of the woods and rain and engaged the OmniMech.  Blazing away with its short ranged weapons the Falcon Mech stomped to a halt before raising its left leg and raking down the side of the Linebacker’s leg.  Two meter long talons of dense, hardened metal gouged chunks out of the Linebacker’s leg, the Mech jumping away before the heavier Wolf machine could turn.

“Seems the claws are not just decorative…honourless scum!”  The Wolf reported struggling to keep his Mech upright.

“Target down! Target down! Nailed the bastard!”

Star Captain Marc Vickers Warhawk shook as the big Falcon unknown raked it with a volley of lightweight autocannon fire.  His Bravo config machine’s Gauss rifle thundered a shot back, taking the Falcon machine in its right torso, his fire being returned by a pair of ER Large lasers as the Clan Mech jumped backwards trying to disengage.

The Mech clearly had the Falcons laser heat sinks fitted, as it jumped and fired it was shrouded by plumes of jade green light that showed up clearly as the sun set.  It was quite striking, but it made the Mech easy to track in this rain even without the aid of his machine’s sensor system.  Vickers bit back a curse as his next Gauss shot missed, the Falcon machine having no such issue as it pelted his Mech with more laser fire. 

“Sir! The Falcons are pulling back; we got one of their lights and damaged the rest.”

‘Ahh…so that’s why you’re jumping…’  Vickers thought as he glanced at his unit’s details.  The Falcons had targeted wisely, going after his damaged elements, killing a Linebacker, a Mad Dog and Kit Fox.  A good exchange for them.

“Let them go, but I want that one we downed towed back to the DropShip if needs be, our Scientists will want to see this.”  Vickers ordered looking at the downed Mech.  Above the Jade Falcons and Wolves the rain which had been pelting them throughout the battle seemed to instantly dry up Vickers almost laughed.

“Aff Star Captain!”


Even as there was a lul in the battle and the weather below in space the battle continued between the Werewolf and Falcon’s Nest. “Sir we are cycling the CAP, they will be space born in ten minutes.”

“Understood, keep an eye out for any Falcon adventurism, not that they are being bold.”

“Sir! I am getting pre-emergence neutrinos!”  Another crewmen called out from across the command centre.


“Above Sudeten Sir, at the planets jump point” the Mountain Wolf reported as the Werewolf’s powerful sensors detected the new ship arriving.

“So that is why they were playing the waiting game…twelve hours of fencing whilst they waited for reinforcements.”  Conners cursed angrily wishing he’d taken his McKenna and slaughtered the Falcon’s Nest before now and damned the circumstances.

“Emergence in 3…2…1” the warrior called out as another one-and-a-half million tonne warship burst into reality, her IFF broadcasting loud and clear, Identifying her as the CJF Turkina’s Might.

“Sir! We have an unidentified Warship; it appears to be a Texas class…or based on one at least.” One of the Wolves said looking at the Werewolf’s sensor readouts the ship was a Texas but it wasn’t.

“Get me the saKhan immediately!”  Connors ordered on the tactical holo-display the Falcon’s Nest came about, engines flaring brightly as the two Falcon WarShips moved to trap the larger McKenna between them.

“Link established.”  On his headset the Werewolf’s commander heard the distinctive sounds of gunfire.

“What is it? I am a bit busy at the moment.”  saKhan Declan Kerensky ordered under the sound of further gunfire as his OmniMech was damaged by the Jade Falcons.

“saKhan we have had a new enemy WarShip jump in system, it is another battleship, type unknown.  We are significantly outgunned up here.”  Conners reported

“Can you hold them?”  The saKhan asked his frustration clear through the headset they had never come here to conquer Sudeten but the Wolves were caught up in the fight disengaging now felt wrong.

“Neg, not without endangering this ship and risk losing the entire raiding force, we need to withdraw.”  The Star Admiral reported as his WarShip shook heavily from long range capital missile fire from the Jade Falcon vessels.

“Damn…understood.  All Mountain Wolf Forces, this is saKhan Declan Kerensky, the situation has changed and we are now going to withdraw.  We have bloodied the Falcon’s nose and claimed a fine bounty of captured equipment.  Fall back as planned and then lift off. Nothing heroic, our Clan needs warriors, not dead martyrs.”  He ordered on the ground around the saKhan several Wolf Mechs opened fire with long range missiles loaded with FASCAM munitions these had been held back for the entire battle until now.  The Mountain Wolves proceeded to coat the battlefield in mines even as they fell back.

“Star Admiral, how much time have we got?”  He asked as more weapons fire struck his OmniMech.

“Two hours, maybe two and a half before they are both within firing range, their first Texas had withdrawn to effect repairs and is now moving to intercept with its comrade.”  Star Admiral Connors reported watching the screens as if the two WarShips would

“We will be there, the Jump drive is charged?”

“Aff, then we can burn to a pirate point and leave.”

“Aff, I will make sure that all our forces are aboard before we depart.”

The Mountain Wolf forces withdrew, star by star, binary by binary back to their landing zones continuing to deploy FASCAM munitions all across the area.  The Wolves had deployed so many mines that it would take the Falcons months to clear them all and even then the area would still be a hotbed for accidental deaths caused by remaining FASCAM munitions which lay hidden.  The Mountain Wolf’s sudden and well planned withdrawal caught the Jade Falcons by complete surprise allowing more of the Wolves to escape a fact that would result in the death of the Jade Falcon Galaxy Commander in the weeks that followed.

Despite their preparation, the Wolves did not get away freely, leaving the better part of two Trinaries behind on the surface of Sudeten, whilst also suffering heavy losses among their Elemental’s and Warg equipped units which had gotten bogged down in the retreat and overrun by the Jade Falcons.  True to his word Declan Kerensky was the last to board his DropShip in his heavily damaged Dire Wolf.  Another vicious aerospace battle saw the Titan class carrier Hercules’ Strength destroyed in a ramming attack whilst the Isegrim Howler was disabled and later captured by Falcon Elementals. 

Dogged by Jade Falcon forces the Mountain Wolf DropShips retreated from the planet whilst the two Falcon battleships maintained their pursuit of the Werewolf.  Finally the Wolves reached their pirate point and were able to jump clear of the system escaping the Jade Falcon trap.
In material terms the costs were about even.  For the loss of two Trinaries as well as moderate damage to the Werewolf as well as the loss of two DropShips with a third having to be decommissioned due to heavy damage the Mountain Wolf forces destroyed about a Cluster’s worth of Falcon forces, destroyed four DropShips and one orbital factory as well as claiming a few Stars worth of salvage.  The damage to the Falcon’s Nest was not so extensive requiring a month’s repairs.  The Falcons also claimed that they revealed their newest battleship the Turkina’s Might in a pleasing fashion, her guns firing in anger for the first time against a live target.  More important was that production at Sudeten was not overly affected by the raid, even if they did spend considerable resources digging additional defences round vital facilities.
« Last Edit: 17 May 2016, 19:01:04 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #52 on: 17 May 2016, 20:35:11 »
 O0 Nice update Dragon Cat and Marauder648!


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #53 on: 18 May 2016, 10:37:48 »
Interesting that the Horses are developing Mecha-clanner as per the OTL all be it a fair bit earlier thanks to there being no major disruption due to the jihad.  I would assume the horses are also working on Quadvee's?
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #54 on: 18 May 2016, 11:32:08 »
Great update, I really do like that at least the last couple of years have seen some major changes to the geography of the map.

A question, there seems to be 5-6 worlds in a strip behind the line that can be drawn between Kooken's Pleasure Pit, Roadside, and Barcelona.  Have the Falcons abandoned/pulled back from Black Earth, Beta VII, Hot Springs, Blackjack, Goat Path and maybe Alyina?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #55 on: 18 May 2016, 12:13:12 »
A little Q&A

Interesting that the Horses are developing Mecha-clanner as per the OTL all be it a fair bit earlier thanks to there being no major disruption due to the jihad.  I would assume the horses are also working on Quadvee's?

More due to the lack of Republic era peace the Inner Sphere and Clans are both pushing to get one up on each other.  IMO the Parash and Skinwalker are two designs that could really set the Clans apart from the Inner Sphere.  The Horses are obviously the first two to play with the concept and as was seen in this little fight it's a long way from being a workable unit.

Quadvees are stuck in drawing board hell and will be for a while

Great update, I really do like that at least the last couple of years have seen some major changes to the geography of the map.

A question, there seems to be 5-6 worlds in a strip behind the line that can be drawn between Kooken's Pleasure Pit, Roadside, and Barcelona.  Have the Falcons abandoned/pulled back from Black Earth, Beta VII, Hot Springs, Blackjack, Goat Path and maybe Alyina?

The Falcon Touman isn't big enough so they've withdrawn from worlds they don't care about

Newton Square, Barcelona, Bone Norman, Black Earth were all abandoned and have subsequently been occupied by the Sea Fox Clan.  Similarly the Sea Foxes have taken control of other worlds.  If you are looking at the Clan OZ the Sea Fox Clan currently "control" from Newton Square to Toland and Steelton across and from Bone Norman to Kooken's Pleasure Pit, Alyina and Apolakki downwards. 

The Hell's Horse retain Butler (and the shipyard) and all the worlds beyond it to the Rasalhague Dominion.  While the Jade Falcons retain control over the Dark Nebula (and the shipyard)

The Hell's Horses and Jade Falcons see this as beneficial because they get a buffer state between their Occupation Zones and trade from the Foxes.  The Foxes meanwhile are allowing most of these worlds to retain a lot of autonomy up to and including furnishing them with conventional infantry weapons, armour and vehicles.

Hopefully that helps feel free to ask anything further anytime
« Last Edit: 18 May 2016, 14:15:28 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #56 on: 18 May 2016, 13:49:01 »
That's pretty much exactly what I was looking for, the "technical" political alignments of those worlds, I could have seen some of them turning nearly completely independent for a while.

As for the reasons why the HH and JF are okay with the SF picking up the pieces and getting more territory, I fully understand that part.  Both of them have relied on them fairly heavily by this point, and it looks like that's only going to increase on the JF front... at least until they can manage to get themselves another decently sized factory world (which I don't think is going to happen any time soon, if at all).


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #57 on: 18 May 2016, 15:46:15 »
Are there stats for the mobile yard HH1?
Daniels Avenger                Clan Coyote
General Jennifer Daniels    Galaxy Commander Jim Skyes
                                        Omicron Galaxy
Clan Wolf in Exile
328th Assault Cluster(the Lion Hearted)
Star Captain James Sword

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #58 on: 18 May 2016, 16:32:32 »
They were on this site but can't see there here on OurBattleTech as well:

Technically the Forge HH-1 but more often than not refered to as the HH-1
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #59 on: 18 May 2016, 18:59:19 »
I'd have always thought that the HH1 was a modified M-9 w/o the SDS Control and most of that station's Naval weapons. To make room for more storage / habitat space.


Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016