Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 252927 times)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #750 on: 16 May 2017, 02:55:22 »
I was just thinking that the SLDF could upgrade them before crewing them.
They basically have a blank canvas and having a dozen upgraded pocket battleships would really benefit them.

JAB can start on the upgrades while the SLDF recruits the crews. ::) 8) O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #751 on: 16 May 2017, 13:57:27 »
I hate to point things out to you guys but when you're talking about personnel and resources

“The Great Father commanded that Fenwick become a bastion for the Star League the last holdout for a past civilization all alone in the dark.”  Gloriana Fenwick explained “you didn’t think we would be that hold out with a couple of nuclear weapons and a single WarShip?”  She asked Bannister suddenly looked back at the holo-display and realized that the smaller objects were actually WarShips, more than three dozen of them!

The number of Otey's make up about a third of the number of ships they just found...

I'm not getting much writing done this week I'm sorry to say so I'll answer your points now

GermanSumo - I could tell you I know how they are all going to die but I'd be lying

Blackhorse 6 - glad you noticed

Vition2 - at present they are all the Oteys are standard Stefan Amaris minus the LF Batteries

marauder - yup they need lots of personnel, also ammunition and fuel.  I'll be going into this more in coming updates

snakespinner - upgrades?  Really :))

My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #752 on: 16 May 2017, 14:35:24 »
I was just thinking that the SLDF could upgrade them before crewing them.
They basically have a blank canvas and having a dozen upgraded pocket battleships would really benefit them.

JAB can start on the upgrades while the SLDF recruits the crews. ::) 8) O0

Really the Stefan Amaris-class are quite efficient warships, especially for their time period, the only upgrade I can see them utilizing much would be to replace the small lasers with AMS of some sort.  Munchkinning things out while keeping the general feel of the class could include increasing the triple bays to quads, and upping the sizes of some of the NACs (though I'd want to be careful here, to not increase damage in lieu of decreased range in most areas).  One of the bigger problems is they are already passing their basic fire control limits in many of their arcs, and depending on how integrated that system is to the ship, the upgrade could be more of a complete overhaul instead.

I hate to point things out to you guys but when you're talking about personnel and resources

marauder - yup they need lots of personnel, also ammunition and fuel.  I'll be going into this more in coming updates

I consider ammunition and fuel to be pretty easy fixes, there are probably fairly large reserves of both around the SLDF Protectorate.  As for personnel, if those 3 dozen ships are manned, I would be VERY wary about incorporating them into the current SLDF, as that amounts to a standing force larger than the SLDF's warship navy itself.  At minimum, the doctrinal and cultural differences between the two would cause some level of friction.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #753 on: 16 May 2017, 14:59:27 »
None of them have active crews
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #754 on: 16 May 2017, 15:17:25 »
None of them have active crews

Oh, so they only need to triple their current warship personnel pools.  Perhaps surprisingly, that seems more reasonable to me.  :D

I suspect there's an academy on Fenwick, though they might still be leary about outsiders coming to their world.  So that probably means reopening old academies, there was one on Keid - though that may have been annihilated in the Succession Wars.  Contracting with Subtlety PTCMA might be a good short term solution too.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #755 on: 17 May 2017, 06:38:48 »
hhmmm i didnt imply you were knowing how to kill each and everyone off like george rr ;) :D just seems to me youre brewing something larger in this case down the road

well... crewing these loveboats will take sometime, yeah... but its definetly doable.

more problematic is this: how to avoid letting the clans know about fenswick. if i know the clans well enoguh, they gonna come screaming down that system all at once to eradicate it in the most fashionable way... i could even see them NOT conducting any batchalls for the right to do it. this is pure heresy to them. THEY are the ones the father spoke to. and the fenswick system building/maintaing amaris class boats... woah... :D would be fun watching though. from some distance... in a secure shelter... a VERY VERY secure shelter. and the sldf... well, they allied with the fenswick guys... wouldnt be more favourable to the clans, i guess


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #756 on: 17 May 2017, 07:42:20 »
Pffft.  He might do it as soon as he reads that.  He is entertainingly unpredictable he is!

Now now, Paul.  Dragoncat would never just start a war, 5 years away the SLDF will have a big surprise thanks to the Mouse who Roared!!!  Speaking of the Mouse who Roared, how many trained Naval Personal do they have available?
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #757 on: 19 May 2017, 11:42:24 »
Vition2 - the only active WarShip training schools in SLDF are on Terra and New Olympica, though there is an aerospace fighter school on Thorin.  Though they could technically recruit from any of the Inner Sphere schools.

GermanSumo - since the SLDF itself used two Stefan Amaris in combat during the Liberation campaign I reckon the Clans will be pretty pragmatic about it.  As the Clans often say it's the warrior not the tech that makes the war... then again I can't remember ever seeing a Wolverine BattleMech in a Clan formation...

DOC_Agren - not much personnel but more than one ship.  You'll learn more about Fenwick and what is there in an update or twos time - I won't be leaving the system alone for a while.

Now however an update

Deep Raids
Ashio Prefecture, Dieron Military District
Draconis Combine
1st September 3109

   “Hit them hard!  Push forwards, PUSH them back into the river!”  Leftenant-Colonel Canin McKinnon shouted down the comms from his Prefect BattleMech “destroy them completely!”  He ordered targeting an enemy BattleMech with his Heavy Particle Cannon as two Zibler Fast Strike Tanks flew past engaging more DCMS units alongside McKinnon’s BattleMech a Shadow Hawk LAM converted to BattleMech mode and landed onto the ground with a heavy “thump” adding its weapons to the mix as a squad of Hauberk Battle Armour troopers unleashed their weapons targeting another Combine BattleMech.

   “Bossman, times up!”  Major Luciano McDonald reported from the McKinnon’s Raiders command tank.  Canin McKinnon had been against the expansion of the Fox’s Teeth from their combined arms Battalion to their current combined-arms Regiment but he had to admit the extra resources they had was quite useful.

   “Negative, we can break them completely, have Silver Lance pass to Addicks we can liberate this world!”

   “This comes from Silver Lance Bossman, times up, Captain Dryuan wishes to remind you of our orders and not to extend yourself.”  McDonald reminded him “she said that you can’t take a planet with a regiment and we have a job to do.”  Inside the cockpit Canin McKinnon cursed loudly banging the side of the BattleMech.

   “All units break as per the plan, we’ve won here today people and the DCMS now it but it’s not the plan.”  He said commanding the break-up of the attack.  Their mission now was simple extract as much of their command as possible and move onto the next target.  As per commands from First Prince Burton Davion the newly formed McKinnon’s Raiders Regiment and the FSS Silver Lance, a Robinson II-class Transport, were to go behind enemy lines and raid planets of opportunity.  If they encountered significant resistance they were to jump immediately to the next system and Towne was to be the first of many targets hit as the AFFS attempted to break down the latest Draconis Combine offensive.

   Evacuating Towne the McKinnon’s Raiders four DropShips joined the FSS Silver Lance which held position near the system and then the WarShip and the DropShips escaped via a pirate point jumping to Murchison. There they repeated the same tactics landing far from a populated area attacking the DCMS forces for a short period of time before retreating leaving the system’s defenders hurt and shocked unsure if another attack was due. Over the course of the rest of September the small raiding force successfully raided Halstead Station, Prefecture capital Ashio and Shimonita before joining AFFS assault forces to capture the worlds of Junction and Ludwig.
These successes pale however as the DCMS open a second front invading Gandy’s Luck shattering the Third Ceti Hussars RCT on that world reducing it to a third strength as Gandy’s Luck and New Aberdeen fall to the Draconis Combine.

JumpShip Heart of Kerensky (Odyessy-class JumpShip)
Deep Space, Deep Periphery
4th September 3109

Star Colonel Alex Lassenum stood nervously on the JumpShip Heart of Kerensky as he watched the Overlord C-class DropShip approach the JumpShip.  Nearly three hours before the Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser Rocinate had arrived in the system to Alex’s knowledge the vessel had not left the Colleen system since the Blood Spirits had secretly salvaged it from the York system nearly twenty years before.  Officially the Blood Spirit flagship the vessel was seen by many as little more than a system monitor of the Colleen system protecting it from a threat that had never emerged officially it was Khan Katja Keller’s official transport but she had, to his knowledge, not been on board since it was salvaged.

When the DropShip boarded Star Captain Wesley Sukhanov, the Heart of Kerensky’s commander, had attended the airlock and met their visitor escorting them through the vessel.  Sukhanov was an old man approaching his seventies and would have been retired in Clan military that was not desperate for capable warriors, which thus far he had proven himself to be, entered the gravity deck meeting room and behind him was Khan Katja Keller.  “My Khan what are you doing so far from the homeworld?”  Alex Lassenum asked stunned at seeing the old warrior so far from Colleen if the Society were aware of her presence here they would strike without a moment’s delay.

“If I am not able to leave our homeworld without something falling to pieces then there is something very wrong.”  She replied “and I have a time sensitive mission for you which I trust only to you Star Colonel.”

“Of course, we have been preparing for further operations on Ironhold, there is intelligence that there are nearly a Cluster’s worth of Jade Falcon warriors imprisoned on the world after being captured by the Society from a far flung research outpost.”  Alex said he wasn’t entirely convinced by the intelligence but it was an opportunity to hurt the Society and possibly gain some more allies.

“I am aware” Khan Keller said “however the Falcons, if they are there, will have to wait.  This mission is more important.”

“I understand and am ready to serve” he said his immediate readiness to serve the Clan reaffirming Katja Keller’s faith in him to lead the Watch.

“Tell me what do you know of the Nueva Castile?”  She asked crossing the room slowly.

“It is, or was, a small periphery nation which the Clans have traditionally paid little to no attention to instead concentrating on the invasion of the Inner Sphere.  We have traded for them in the past trading equipment and food for supplies we need to continue efforts against the Society.”

“Correct” Keller confirmed “but what you may, or may not, be aware of is that a very small number of Goliath Scorpion Warriors, Scientists and Sub-castes landed on one of the nation’s worlds and has become integrated into the nation.”

“I had heard rumours, but in those same rumours I heard that the Scorpions split upon reaching Castilian space with elements making it as far as Nova Cat territory in the Inner Sphere where they were destroyed or captured.”

“Aff, a fragmentation did occur so badly that the Scorpions were not able to capture the Hanseatic League instead they have been reduced to holding several enclaves on one of the League’s planets.”

“Another failed Clan” Alex Lassenum commented seeing the scowl of his Khan “I am sorry Khan Keller, I know you value each of the Clans and the reasons behind their creation but I must look at it practically the Scorpions are a dead Clan.”

“I know” she said glancing downwards “but there is an opportunity with these Scorpions.”  She said finally “an opportunity to bring them back into the fold.”  She explained “they have resources and expertise that we require for our Clan’s continued survival and they are Clansmen.  I want you to go to them and to bid for their resources Star Colonel and bring them back to Haven.”

“You think I will need my whole cluster for such a meeting?  We could split elements off to accomplish both tasks Quiaff?”  He asked it had been done plenty of times before in the current state their Clan was in deploying an entire unit to one problem wasn’t always possible.

“Neg, you will take your entire unit.  We believe there are other elements interested in securing the loyalty of the Goliath Scorpion survivors and their resources.”  She said her use of the word ‘loyalty’ had surprised him a Clansmen should be loyal to their Clan and nothing more but he remained silent.

“I understand my Khan” Alex Lassenum said from his facial expression Katja believed he had something else to say.

“Speak your mind Alex”

“My Khan, why are you and the Rocinate here?”  He asked the presence of both was too out of the ordinary for such a mission briefing.

“I have my own mission to attend to” the Khan admitted immediately seeing his concern “do not worry I have no plans of passing, not yet anyway” she said attempting to reassure him “the Osis pride has been spotted.”

“Dezgra” Alex Lassenum spat “Khan Keller, forget the dishonoured Scorpions, the traitors should face everything we can throw at them!”  He snapped the Osis Pride was a Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser crewed by former members of Clan Smoke Jaguar who had fled the Homeworlds when the Inner Sphere destroyed their Clan.  They had returned with the Society leading several attacks against the Clan holdings and now they held positions of power throughout the Society’s armed forces with the WarShip a symbol of their power.

“And we will when the time is right.  I wish to see it before then and make its crew aware that my Clan is coming for them.”  She explained “this is my mission, your mission is ahead of you, now go and prepare your men and your equipment I wish to speak to Star Captain Sukhanov, one old warrior to another.”  The Khan explained sharing a look with Lassenum and then Sukhanov the younger Star Colonel looked between them before leaving the room.

“How are you Wes?” The Khan asked in a far less formal tone when they were alone.

“I’m old” he answered dropping the formality along with her.

“Aff, we both are” she said inclining her head towards the door Alex Lassenum had left through “what do you think him?”

“A rising star for the future but not now” he advised cautioning him on any rash action.

“The future is now, Wes, the future of our Clan rests with men who are ready to make the tough choices.”

“He still misses her” Wesley Sukhanov said referring to MechWarrior Laurel “we spoke briefly about her a few weeks ago after the Raid on Irece.”

“As bad as the reports suggest?”  She asked changing the topic slightly

“Aff, the chemical and biological weapon use did a lot of damage.  The civilian population there live day to day not knowing if the winds will bring fresh air or death and the Society just watch.”

“I heard they have released a newly engineered nova cat Quiaff?”

“Aff, they name it the null cat it is able to completely disappear from sight with some sort of camouflage.  The Society engineered it to resist all of the chemicals on the world and to hunt the human population as well as anything else on the world.”

“Bastards” she commented

“Aye, but they are also idiots” Sukhanov pointed out “from what we could gather the null cat’s days are numbered the native animals are fighting back against them and are winning.  The chemicals we spread in Irece’s atmosphere might just even the playing field over time if the Society don’t realize what we’ve done.”

“They can join each other in their grave” she commented “did you receive my message?”

“Aff, my Khan” he said suddenly returning to formality “I’ve buried it deep in the ship’s computer banks.  The only way anyone will ever locate it is if they know what to look for.”

“And it is still locked?”

“Affirmative as per your commands”

“Very good, Star Captain, I hope you do not need to deliver the news but if you do it has been an honour serving with you old friend.”  She said leaving the gravity deck within the hour she had returned to her DropShip heading back towards the Rocinate while the Heart of Kerensky began its three week journey to the Nueva Castile.

Command Deck, Subtlety (McKenna-class Battleship)
Galatea System, Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
15th September 3109

   For the first time in months the Subtlety was moving under her own power.  The DropShip repair crews of The Repair Crew had repaired all of the McKenna’s damaged hull sections allowing the crew to use the whole ship for the first time they had also done extensive work on WarShip’s armament, engines and internal systems.  Now the Subtley’s entire main particle cannon armament was active while the large assault Naval Autocannons that had supported the particle weapons had been replaced with smaller cannons in double and quad configurations.  The switch had been made to allow training on advanced targeting techniques which were available with an increased number of weapons.  For defence the Subtley’s hull was dotted with an array of laser based and conventional anti-missile systems which would all for training in the different use of point defence while screen launchers had also been added while the ship’s magazines for the AR10 Capital Missile Launchers had been expanded to allow the ship to use the new Rayfin Capital Missile, the heat dispensations systems had been expanded to allow for use of all the new systems while the Battleship’s fuel storage had also been expanded allowing for training of refuelling operations.  These changes along with a massive expansion of the training rooms inside the Battleship had given the WarShip a far bulkier feel than the standard McKenna so much so that already DropShips could tell the Subtley was different from regular vessels of the class.

It had cost the training academy almost all their available funds but overall they had come out with a more capable asset for their training school.  Sitting in the command centre of the Battleship Captain William Leroy-Dietrich watched his crew and the cadets work the systems of the Battleship as they practiced manoeuvres around the Galatea Station.  “Bring the nose down a little, continue acceleration” Lieutenant Gwen Parker instructed the trainees bringing the Subtlety below The Repair Group’s Ratchet Behemoth-class DropShip which was repairing a mercenary DropShip from the Daniel’s Avengers silently the 1.9 million ton WarShip slid below the repair operation giving the workers there a marvellous show as the 1.4 kilometre long vessel slid past.

Without warning the Subtlety’s command centre went from complete control to noise and chaos as the sensors recorded a huge explosion ripped across the hull of the Galatea Station.  “MASSIVE HULL BREACH ON GALATEA!!”  Someone screamed as the hull was blown open compromising several of the gravity decks and at least one cargo bay.  As parts of the hull and cargo drifted away from the station the Subtlety’s sensors recorded organic matter mixed in with wreckage.

“Combat stations, I want to know where that explosion came from, contact the shuttle bays I want rescue ships out there now, external communications get me Captain Erika McLainey onboard the Driver we’re going to need them to seal those breaches then get me the station’s command deck.”  Captain William Leroy-Dietrich called out above the noise of the Subtlety’s command deck around the bridge several of the cadets froze in place not expecting a real emergency.  “Commander Park clear the bridge now!”  He snapped calling on Commander America Park to remove the cadets and for the trainers to resume their normal duties.  “Now get to work those people are going to need our help.”  He said looking at the screens and holo-tank image at the small expanding mess alongside the space station.

   Over the days and coming weeks it was discovered that an explosive device had gotten through Galatea Station’s security and been activated inside one of the cargo bays.  The resulting explosion from the device had breached the main hull and ripped through two of the gravity decks compromising multiple sections of the hull and the station’s defence grid.  In total ninety-four persons inside the space station had been killed, including two members of the recently arrived Daniel’s Avengers who had been enjoying some shore-leave, and over three hundred others had been injured.

Trial of Position
Tukayyid, Clan Space
22nd September 3109

   In a reprisal for Trials against Clan Jade Falcon forces Loremaster of the Clans Thomas Ward is challenged for and killed in a Trial of Grievance Brennley Roshak a Star Colonel from the Falcon’s Eighth Talon Cluster.  At twenty-four she is significantly younger than every other Loremaster to date but her martial prowess is unquestionable and the Clans agree to allow her to replace Thomas Ward as the defacto leader of Tukayyid, the Ebon Guard Cluster units and the Free Guilds based on Tukayyid.  With Roshak’s rise to power it marks the second time that the Falcons have controlled the office in control of Tukkayid.

JumpShip Heart of Kerensky (Odyessy-class JumpShip)
Granada, Nueva Castile
Deep Periphery
26th September 3109

   After several jumps away from the Clan Homeworlds the JumpShip Heart of Kerensky jumped into the Granada system of the Nueva Castile emerging above the system’s star at the nadir point.  Standing at the back of the small bridge Star Colonel Alex Lassenum was immediately confronted by the wreckage of a WarShip.  “It doesn’t conform to any known WarShip Star Captain Sukhanov.”  The helm officer reported as the JumpShip’s sensors scanned the vessel “over six hundred metres in length, five hundred thousand tons” he said looking at the systems “it had an extensive weapons grid conventional and capital weapons.”

   “So it is unlikely an original Star League-era vessel a prototype, possibly one that the SLDF abandoned on their way to the Homeworlds?”

   “Negative there are definitely Clan markers on some of the construction methods used.”  He replied looking at Wesley Sukhanov.

“A turn up for the books” the JumpShip’s Captain muttered looking at Alex Lassenum

   “Aff…” Alex began before the helm officer interrupted.

   “Sirs!” He warned as the JumpShip manoeuvred clearing the WarShip wreckage allowing the screens to display another ship waited at the jump point a Monolith-class JumpShip painted bone white “she identifies as the Whispers of Blake, belonging to the Word of Blake Militia.”

   “What the hell is going on in this system?”  Alex Lassenum wondered beyond the JumpShip hung another ship this one looked close to the size and dimensions of the wreck that the Heart of Kerensky had detected but appeared to have been modified.

   “Communications from the WarShip it identifies as the Scorpio Miracle and it welcomes us to this system.”  Another crewmen said “now that we are here we can join the others on the planet’s surface and the bidding can begin.”

   “The others…” Alex Lassenum wondered quietly what he had gotten into in this system.

« Last Edit: 19 May 2017, 11:43:59 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #758 on: 19 May 2017, 13:12:19 »
WoB WoB WoB..... :))
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #759 on: 19 May 2017, 14:23:48 »
Blakists AND Scorpions working together? A++ DOUBLE HERESY!!!

Excellent update! The Suns strikes back (kinda), shanigans in the homeworlds and now this bombshell!
« Last Edit: 19 May 2017, 14:25:34 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #760 on: 19 May 2017, 20:07:10 »
Daniels Avengers have entered the AU, interesting.
Blakists and Goliath Scorpions together, that's nearly as bad as Nova Cats and Canopians coming together, heresy. ::) :D
The FS fighting back but is it enough. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #761 on: 19 May 2017, 20:35:26 »
looks like we now might know were some crew from those battleships will come from... that McKenna might be able to push so nugs threw the required training.  do you think the SLDF might turn one of the extra BB into a training ship or two back in the Sol system? 

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #762 on: 20 May 2017, 22:45:13 »
I did say that September would be interesting...

The Fesnyng units

The Akagi-class Assault Carrier

My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #763 on: 28 May 2017, 12:28:05 »
I decided to tell the whole periphery story in one section instead of breaking it up through the month.  If it's a little hard to follow let me know and I can break it out into its own story thread with dates for each section.

Refugee Crisis
Altenmarkt Province
Rasalhague Dominion
4th October 3109

   In the space of four days three JumpShips enter the Rasalhague Dominion from the Draconis Combine each carrying full loads of DropShips.  Unlike previous incursions by the Draconis Combine these JumpShips do not carry troops of war instead they are each carrying thousands of civilians who immediately declare their surrender and request asylum within the Rasalhague Dominion.  Without exactly knowing how to take these requests the local Rasalhague Dominion garrison commanders on Accrington, Port Moseby and Buckminster place these civilians in internment camps and call on Alshian for assistance.

Main Meeting Rooms
Granada, Nueva Castile
Deep Periphery
8th October 3109

   It had taken a week to travel to Granada under the escort of the strange Goliath Scorpion WarShip from there they had been directed to make camp no closer than five kilometres from the main enclave and send their commander to the base where they were given a small office to work from.  Alex Lassenum had found their procedure strange but had agreed to go along with it and instead of making any trouble had waited his time until he entered the main meeting room.

   The room was dominated by a wooden circular table which had a hollow centre and was open on one side.  Alex was first to arrive and had been directed by the Goliath Scorpion lower casteman to one of the seats there he waited until the “others” that the Scorpions had invited to this bid, the prize that Alex still didn’t fully know.  Over the course of the next hour three more individuals were escorted in one Alex recognized as a Clan Sea Fox warrior/trader, while another wore what appeared to be Clan fatigues but he didn’t recognize the insignia she wore while the last wore all white robes which Alex guessed made him a representative of the Word of Blake.  Alex remained silent as the others took their seat waiting for the Scorpion to arrive, they didn’t need to wait long before the self-styled Khan of the Goliath Scorpion Clan Ingo Yeh entered the room the representative of the Word of Blake rose to his feet but the others remained seated and quickly the man returned to his position.

   “I thank you for coming” Ingo Yeh said speaking to all of them “the Goliath Scorpions with to rebuild their strength and become the Clan that we once were beginning with the conquest of the Nueva Castile, but to do this we need further resources and weapons.  To that end we are willing to trade three of our four Scorpion II-class WarShips, vessels that are the same class as the vessel that escorted you in, we are willing to trade these to you for the right price and we welcome your bids from the Sea Fox Clan, the Blood Spirit Clan, the Word of Blake and the Stone Spirit Clan.”

   “Stone Spirits?” Alex almost instantly snapped looking at the young woman in the strange uniform “who the hell are you?”  He demanded suddenly ignoring the others in the room.

   “I am Star Colonel Sarah Campbell of the Stone Spirits” she answered defiantly

   “Stone Spirits…” Alex repeated “as in Omega Galaxy?”  He asked rising from his chair “you traitorous bitch!”  He snapped remembering what the people of his Clan had called the members of Omega Galaxy who had abandoned their Clan and the Homeworlds during the assault on York.  Without another word Alex about turned and walked out of the room returning to the side office his Clan had been assigned.

   Several hours past before Khan Ingo Yeh sent for Alex Lassenum.  He walked back along the corridors returning to the meeting room finding only the Khan remaining within the room.  Alex sat down at the same chair he had before and looked at the Goliath Scorpion leader.  “That was quite a display, Star Colonel”

   “I apologise Khan but things that have happened to our Clans has made it easy to lose tempers when confronted by their results.”

   “I know this, Star Colonel, I am the Khan of a Clan that has two Galaxies on paper” he explained the truth hurt far more with only a single galaxies worth of troops and equipment filling out these troops.  “I am willing to trade away the majority of my Clan’s naval strength to keep it operational much like your Blood Spirits once did.”  He explained “now I am willing to overlook your previous outburst but further trouble will not be tolerated.  Do I make myself clear quiaff?”

   “Aff, Khan, quite clear.”  He said

   “Very good, the bidding process begins in three days time, have your bid ready.”


   Over the next three days Alex avoided Sarah Campbell like she carried the plague he didn’t need to see her and be reminded about what her people had done to his Clan.  At the same time he and the small detachment of Blood Spirits that had been allowed into the Goliath Scorpion enclave had tried to learn as much as they could about the others and their bids.  So far they had learned that the Stone Spirits and Word of Blake representatives had made similar offers with equipment and the promise to clear out the Nueva Castile for the Goliath Scorpions on the table.  The Word of Blake representative Demi-Precentor Robert Zurbin had also approached the Scorpions about moving the Clan closer to Terra to co-habit a world the Word of Blake continued to operate from within one of the Succession States.

The Sea Foxes who had come from the Clan’s Coral Skate Khanate, which Alex understood was roughly representative of a Galaxy in the reorganized Clan, had offered the Goliath Scorpions weapons and equipment for access to their WarShips.  When Alex had spoken to the warrior he had admitted that he was surprised to hear that the Blood Spirits continued to contest the Homeworlds believing that all Clan presence had been destroyed.  During their discussion they had also enquired with Alex about the fate of the Armageddon, a Hell’s Horses Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser, which had been taken by the Sea Fox Clan and then gone missing when the Clan evacuated the Homeworlds.  It had been Alex Lassenum’s duty to inform the Sea Fox warrior/trader that the Armageddon, its crew and passengers currently served the Society within Clan space with the ship itself known to be a Society Research facility which would no doubt enrage both the Sea Fox and Hell’s Horses Clans but there was little he could do.

From the Fox trader Alex learned that eight other Clans, not including the Stone Spirits, remained active in the Inner Sphere and periphery and almost all of them had given up hope of returning to the Homeworlds instead they had continued to strengthen their own positions, deepening their ties with the worlds they had conquered and routing out the Society threats that still remained within their Toumans.  In some ways Alex hated the other Clans for abandoning the Homeworlds but in others he envied them for their current good fortune.

When it came to the Blood Spirit bid Alex found himself sitting in the meeting room once more waiting for Khan Ingo Yeh.  He could not offer the Goliath Scorpion survivors the weapons or resources that the others had offered instead he had chosen another tactic – hope.  “Star Colonel, welcome” Yeh began

“Thank you Khan” Alex began “I am not here to offer you weapons or resources.”  He said judging Yeh’s reaction he could tell the man wasn’t too impressed “my reasons are simple.  A Clan that can’t stand on its own is not a Clan.”  He pointed out “I have heard that the so-called Stone Spirits have offered to conquer Nueva Castile for you Quiaff?” Yeh nodded “and once they have finished the will leave you in peace Quineg?  It is not our way to abandon what we have won in combat.”

“Not counting your personal prejudice against them.”  Yeh noted “we do not have the resources to police the Nueva Castile so it is not something I was considering.”

“While I hear that the Sea Foxes are willing to give you the equipment you need.”  Alex carried on showing that his people had paid attention to what the others were willing to provide.  “While the Word of Blake, your wildcard invitation, are willing to offer you a place in the Inner Sphere.”

“Aff” Yeh admitted impressed that the Blood Spirit warrior knew so much.

   “You do understand that if you took their offer you would never be a Clan again.  The Word of Blake were once part of ComStar which was bad but actions that the Word took in the Inner Sphere have made them Dezgra to all Clansmen.”

   “We are not currently considered Clan.  We were Abjured.  We are Dezgra too.”

   “Because of the Serpents, my Clan is willing to overlook that decision.”  Alex admitted he didn’t for certain know if the Old Khan would agree with him on this choice but her choice to fly all Clan flags on Colleen, including the Wolverine’s, made him think that she would.  “We cannot help you conquer this nation it would waste resources that we do not have.  However, we could offer you a place back within the Homeworlds.”


   “Return with us to the Homeworlds.  You will be given territory on our world” he explained “there the Goliath Scorpions will stand with the Blood Spirits.”  He suggested “if your Clan fights alongside mine you will be able to rebuild at a pace your people are comfortable with and  when the Homeworlds are once again ours you will have won your right to be part of them.”

   “And what of the others?”

   “You promised them a weapons demonstration correct?”

   “Aff” Yeh admitted all of the parties wanted to see the Cruisers in action.

   “Then you give them one.”  Alex said coldly taking Yeh by surprise by the change in Alex’s demeanour and the immediate edge to it.


   A couple of days later the Goliath Scorpions had gathered all of the parties together in the main auditorium along with several of the designers of the WarShips and Scorpion traders.  Yeh had ordered his people to mingle with their guests but the numbers of Scorpions had also gone a long way to hiding a number of Blood Spirit warriors who were among the crowd.  To maintain security the Scorpions had deployed several Elementals in full Battle Armour around the room, though no trouble was expected, Khan Yeh was apparently taking no chances.  On large screens images of what the Scorpion WarShips were doing near Granada’s moon.  Alex Lassenum remained near the other negotiating parties waiting for the right moment he glanced across at Khan Ingo Yeh who nodded ready quickly Alex Lassenum acted raising his communicator to his mouth “Echo, Delta, Tango” he said speaking the code phrase which translated simply to “Execute Designated Targets” without a moment’s hesitation Alex drew his sidearm and pointed it at the back of Demi-Precentor Zurbin’s head pulling the trigger on the pistol sending a burst of shots into the Word of Blake officer.  He spun quickly smashing the weapon into the face of Sarah Campbell knocking out the Star Colonel.  However even as Alex surveyed his immediate successes in taking out his two rivals a large blow slammed him in the back rolling out of the fall Alex twisted and got back to his feet only to see the bloodied Demi-Precentor Zurbin standing there looking enraged.  Half of the man’s skull appeared to be missing since Alex’s attack and instead a massive metal plate had been exposed.  The man’s eyes had an almost demonic red tone to them.  Not hesitating Alex fired another burst from his sidearm into the man’s chest shredding the clothing and skin there but this time Zubin didn’t go down instead he looked at the bullet holes and the blood oozing from the wound before raising his right arm towards Alex where his hand had been a large barrel of a concealed weapon had been exposed.  Even as Alex fired again he shouted at the Elementals to act as Zubin’s concealed laser blast tore across the space between him and Alex narrowly missing.  Immediately the two Goliath Sorpion warriors fired bursts of weapons fire into Zurbin from their support machine guns knocking the man to the ground for a second time.  Unfortunately there was no way for the troopers to control the spray of bullets and nearly a dozen other Goliath Scorpions were struck by the weapons fire some fatally. As Khan Yeh crossed the room the entire facility shook as heavy weapons fire struck the ground nearby.

   “You said this would be as bloodless as we could make it.”  Yeh said accusingly looking at Alex as medics rushed in to tend to the wounded.

   “I didn’t expect a monster to rise in the place of the man” he said noting that the bombardment was continuing outside.  “What is happening outside?”

   “None of them expected the WarShips to be so close our shuttle transmissions put them off unfortunately his people are still active and moving away from their landing sites.”  He explained looking down at the fallen Yeh had not agreed with Alex’s plan to use their WarShips to bombard all other visiting parties and to hide where the Goliath Scorpions were going but had eventually agreed.  He hated targeting the Sea Foxes most of all but there was no way to inform them of their plan without the others finding out.  The four Scorpion II-class Cruisers had positioned themselves above the Clan’s enclave running without their main sensors or transponders active instead leaving small craft near the moon to provide fake readings.

   “Fine, we will do it the old fashioned way” Alex Lassenum decided raising the communicator to his mouth “Lassenum to all Spirits get to your Mechs.”


   Nearly an hour later Alex Lassenum was in the fight for his life.  He was seated in his Osteon OmniMech and locked in a battle with the Word of Blake unit while surrounded by Blood Spirit and Goliath Scorpion units.  Despite the orbital bombardment which struck their landing zone the Word of Blake unit had survived and were at this moment pressing against the Clansmen hitting far harder than they had expected.  What did not help was that each of the Word OmniMechs appeared to be of classes that were not in any battle library available to the Clansmen they faced meaning it was nearly impossible to guess their tactics.

   As a group of tightly packed long range missiles slammed into his Osteon Alex turned to see a Goliath Scorpion Linebacker fall under enemy fire.  He turned on the strange looking OmniMech that had attacked the Linebacker and looked at his sensor image from what he could tell it was it was no heavier than fifty tons and had particle cannon weaponry with some sort of blade attached to one of its arms.  That made the Mech at least thirty-five tons lighter than his own assault design.  He targeted the enemy design with his Mech’s four large pulse lasers and burned down the side of the enemy BattleMech burning the armour and removing the Mech’s right arm and leg under the vicious assault Alex’s immediate fire being too much for the enemy OmniMech.  Even as the enemy fell his OmniMech was hit by two gauss rifles which tore over the torso of the Mech ripping into the armour.  Turning he saw something that resembled a King Crab in some ways but had its arms arranged above the chassis instead of below Alex’s warbook named it as a Vanquisher just before two red laser beams burned into his Osteon’s right arm.  Alex fired a group of pulse laser blasts into the one hundred ton BattleMech burning its armour as he cut to the right as his Mech cut through the undergrowth a group of particle cannons from a Word of Bake Brutus Armoured Vehicle cut into his Mech.  Firing his pulse lasers again this time into the tank he felt a wave of heat rushing through his cockpit glancing at his sensors Alex knew he was in trouble with rising heat and slowly being surrounded by enemy unit’s.

   “All units FIREFLY, I repeat FIREFLY” he commanded calling the retreat code “enclave command Omega Delta on my position in two minutes!”  He commanded giving the code for further orbital bombardment as he began to try and back away from the enemy this time only firing two of his pulse lasers this time into the Vanquisher.

   “Star Colonel Lassenum repeat your last!”  The command base’s radio officer repeated Alex cursed inside his cockpit at the man’s use of his name hoping that the Word of Blake hadn’t penetrated their communications.  He was snapped out of his cursing as two more gauss rifle slugs slammed into his Osteon’s ferro lamellor armour.

   “Fine I’ll spell it out to you!”  Alex snapped “all units are to fall back” he said looking at the cockpit clock “and I want orbital bombardment on this position in two minutes!”

   “That is not in the Clan’s agreed engagement instructions” the man replied a moment later.

   “I don’t care we’ve broken Clan Engagement Rules already today doing you stavag!  Tie your targeting on my transponder, find this position and get those ships to fire when I asked.” He demanded firing his weapons this time into the Brutus which had turned its attention on a Blood Spirit Adder savaging the light OmniMech some how the light Adder remained standing under the assault.  Around him he could see units were trying to disengage but that the Word of Blake were continuing to press.  Taking a chance he launched the Osteon into the air flying into the centre of the enemy formation crashing down on top of a squad of Longinus Battle Armour troopers scattering them.  He looked down at his clock and saw 01:30 displayed he twisted the Mech’s torso firing two pulse lasers into one unknown OmniMech before twisting the other way and firing another two pulse lasers into another target as weapons fire continued to fly all around him.  The momentary confusion caused by his jump now over as an autocannon blast scattered across his Mech’s armour causing little damage he smirked thanking the Ferro Lamellor not for the first time as he twisted to face the enemy Mech and fired both pulse lasers again this time at his newest attacker with one connecting with its target he looked at the clock 01:00.. 00:59 ignoring further targets he jumped his OmniMech into the air trying to reverse his jump as missiles flew towards his Osteon.  Landing near his original position he immediately jumped again 00:40 this time stopping to turn and engage another enemy Mech this one identifiable as a lightly armoured Excalibur which his pulse lasers had little trouble exploiting as they burned through the armour triggering an ammunition explosion.  Before the enemy Mech succumb to its internal explosions another gauss rifle shot flew between the two Mechs ripping up the left arm of the Osteon destroying one of the large pulse lasers.  Alex Lassenum ignored the damage firing another barrage of pulse laser fire this time into a Word of Blake hovercraft before launching into the air again 00:20 remaining.

He looked at his distance to two hundred and eighty metres still too close he thought as more laser fire struck his OmniMech.  Ignoring the newest attacker he jumped again intending on increasing the gap as much as possible as his OmniMech rose he felt the Mech rock as more weapons fire struck its back.  Only the Ferro Lamellor armour stopped a breach in the torso armour while one blast struck the Osteon’s head.  On any other OmniMech Alex had piloted it would have meant that he was a dead man but not the Osteon with its torso mounted cockpit.  Unfortunately the loss of the head section also saw most of his instruments including his clock short out as the OmniMech lost its sensors and suffered power failures.  Bringing the OmniMech down in a heavy landing he staggered the Osteon forwards as munitions from the orbiting WarShips began slamming into the ground consuming several enemy units in their initial blasts.  Alex had no idea how close the blasts were landing to him so he staggered forwards completely blind as more naval autocannon and naval lasers tore through the ground near the Word of Blake unit annihilating several of them.

As Alex continued forwards he couldn’t see the bombardment but he could feel it as the ground continued to shake for several minutes he just continued walking the Osteon in the same direction hoping he was heading the right way.  He felt something strike his OmniMech and then what felt like a weight move over his Mech’s back before he could react he heard someone tap into his Mech’s communications system “Sir, you can stop the bombardment has broken the Word’s back and the JumpShip has left the system, it’s over.”  The voice stated after a moment he realized that an allied battle armoured trooper had landed on his OmniMech.

“It is over for now” he said wondering if they had made another enemy.

Medical Ward, Washburn Royal Infirmary
Washburn, District of Marik
Free Worlds League
18th October 3109

   Duchess Lucy Marik lay on her side looking across the bed at the small medical cot where her daughter Kaylee Marik quietly slept.  Behind her father sat on a chair watching his daughter and newest grand-daughter Duke Bernard Buckwell had remained quiet until now “does he know she’s been born yet?”  He asked

   “Yes” she said “he’s surprised at what one night can produce but he sounded happy in the message I got.”  She replied surprised that her husband’s guards and spies had done as she requested and kept quiet about the pregnancy.  “He said he will have to order a review about our security arrangements here.”

   “Over my dead body” her father replied “although he has a point.”  He admitted why the guards had not reported what they had to have known was beyond Bernard Buckwell he hadn’t tried to buy them off but it appeared that these men and women were more loyal to their Duchess than their Captain-General something that likely would not continue.

   “Whatever” she whispered quietly

   “Perhaps it is time to reunite your family.”  Bernard Buckwell said prompting the conversation in the direction he wished his daughter rolled over to look at him “I love having you hear Lucy.  With your mother passing the last few months have been hard I’ve questioned many things but your place is with your husband ruling the Free Worlds League.”

   “Probably not for much longer the elections will see Regulus rule us to our doom they will bring us fully into the conflict with the Capellans broadening our attacks on them.  We will see war on all fronts something this League cannot survive.”

   “That’s all the more reason for you to be with your husband and to show a united front for the nation.  To bring everyone together little Zach has had enough time to recover from his operation it is time that his brother’s and sisters got to know him, including your newest addition.”  He said looking over at baby Kaylee.

   “But, what about you, who will look after you if I’m not here?”

   “Your brothers and sisters are not that far away.  It’s about time I began to bring Matthew up to speed on how to run this place anyway.”

   “Don’t talk like that” she said scowling at him “you’ve got many years to go yet.”  She said not bearing to lose him as well as her mother.  Lucy Marik knew that her father was correct in what he had said ever since Joseph Marik had visited in January she had felt like there was a part missing from her life

Clan Nova Cat Command
Farstar, Nova Cat Occupation Zone
25th October 3109

   Since arriving back on Farstar Katrine Devalis had been in a worse mood than most of her warriors had seen her since she led them to the world and the invasion of the Draconis Combine.  “I should have killed him” she said angrily looking at the reports and then to Galaxy Commander Malcolm West, her strongest supporter and the commander of Zeta Galaxy.

   “Unfortunately the Khan is well within his right to recall the 450th Assault Cluster and the 109th Striker both commander require rest and refit which we still struggle to accomplish here.”  West replied “the four clusters of additional troops that you brought with you should offset their loss.”  He spoke of them like a combat loss.

   “Two combat hardened commands replaced with four Clusters of men and women who have not seen enough fighting and have too many vehicles among them.”  She said disgusted by her replacement units both the 450th and 109th had bled to hold this territory, though she wondered how dedicated they were to her cause.

   “Then we blood them and show the Draconis Combine that there is more in these commands that inexperienced warriors.  I especially look forward to the debut of the Strix and the SM-6 they should work well together.”

   “Aff, the Khan certainly must believe that considering he allowed their developments in the first place.”

   “They are simple weapons” Malcolm West said “we could never use them against the other Clans but against the Inner Sphere, it is something they will never expect.”  He said relishing the new surprise the two vehicles, which were equipped with stealth armour, would bring to a new surprise to the Draconis Combine.

   “We will send them to Leyland and Harshill and show the Combine that we still have claws.”

   “The Sixth Sword of Light and Third An Ting are deployed over those two worlds.”  West cautioned her.

   “Then our four new Clusters will have their work cut out.”  She declared smiling “deploy the Aspect of Glass with our troops they will take care of any naval resistance and provide aerospace fighter support but no naval bombardment, we are not barbarians.”

   “I will ensure the ship’s complement is clear on your command.”  West said leaving the room leaving Katrine Devalis to ponder her next move, despite Khan Canin Rosse’s efforts her people were stronger than ever, she would prove to their Clan that the Nova Cats had the might to take on the Draconis Combine and win.  A few days later the the new Cluster available to the saKhan assaulted Harshill and Leyland assaulting the veteran command of the DCMS losses were high among the troops of the Seventieth Nova Cat Roar Cluster and the Sixteenth Nova Cat Vision Cluster but overall the operation was a success with the Sixth Sword of Light completely destroyed in the fighting and the broken Third An Ting Legion forced into retreat.

   Elsewhere the Nova Cats expanded into two of the worlds of the Cat’s Tail further expanding the Nova Cat’s influence over their periphery region.  The Nova Cat’s expansion both at their Den and in the Occupation Zone further shows that the Clan are not ready sit quietly on the sidelines.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #764 on: 28 May 2017, 15:38:47 »
I'm confused.  the GS are short weapons, but they could make four CA sized warships of a completely new design?  that has to be an interesting back story.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #765 on: 28 May 2017, 16:30:24 »
I suspect the Scorpions managed to salvage a portion of the Lum shipyards and were able to bring it with them in their exodus from the Homeworlds.  Meanwhile they may have been unable to bring an equivalent ground forces factory.

Regardless, very interesting updates - the Dragon seems to be taking it on just about all sides right now, the only real reprieve is on the longer portion of the Rasalhague border, and the Ravens...


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #766 on: 28 May 2017, 18:15:27 »
I know three things.

1) My beloved Whispers.... :)
2) New GS warships? ( Wonder who gave DC that idea? )
3) Dragon Cat writes the best stories, no?

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #767 on: 28 May 2017, 19:48:56 »

3) Dragon Cat writes the best stories, no?

Agreed, I especially am impressed with his ability to keep multiple stories going at the same time.  :)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #768 on: 29 May 2017, 00:26:50 »
Go get'em Scorpions. Kill all the Wobblies! Kill them dead and then melt their metallic remains.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #769 on: 29 May 2017, 01:21:51 »
Kill the Wobbies then sell their remains for scrap.
GS with 4 new warships, TT what have you done.
Great work DC. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #770 on: 29 May 2017, 11:33:29 »
Normally I thank someone before I post what they've added to this AU but this time it was pretty intentional that I didn't thank truetanker for what was coming as he didn't know how I was going to use the contributions I was given.  So I'd like to say Thanks TT for the Scorpion-class Cruisers and the WoB unit.

I'll post the Scorpions stats as soon as I finish off the fluff which will hopefully explain where they came from, I left it out of what I've posted here because it just made it feel really boring and repeating what I'm going to say in the descriptions of the ships.

There will also be more from the homeworlds in the future.

Either way I'm glad you're enjoying the multiple different perspectives that's going on.  I'm going to try and include some more from the Chainelane Isles, Taurians and Magistracy in the future since they seem to be a little neglected unfortunately the Combine, Rasalhague, the Ravens, Wolves and Falcons also have stuff coming up...
« Last Edit: 29 May 2017, 11:35:14 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #771 on: 29 May 2017, 11:55:40 »
The Whispers of Blake can be found in the Non-Canon thread for those that want to play. But the Omega Tau Infantry can only be accessed by PMing me, because:

2x 6-MD troopers
2 MP
Armor divsor: 3
And so on....

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #772 on: 30 May 2017, 02:59:31 »
Excellent update! And it seems the Scorpions are returning home with 4 new warships to help the Clans fight The Society.  Although the presence of the MD worries me greatly, they must still be operating out of the Hidden that remain..well..hidden.

Also this line made me think.

her people were stronger than ever

Does Katrine Devalis view the forces under her command as being separate from the Cats?  This thought makes me think so as it was HER people. Not the Clans, hers. 

Which raises a question. How easy or hard is it  to declare yourself as a new Clan?  Seeing as Devalis does seem to think of herself and those under her command as seemingly separate from the Cats and with a Yardship and the resources they need sans factories, could she one day go "Hey, we're now Clan Golden Honey Badger" or is there some process to go through beyond all the trials ever?
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #773 on: 30 May 2017, 05:40:24 »
Sounds like those visions of Flying Griffins will be a thing soon.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #774 on: 30 May 2017, 17:39:48 »
Marauder - to answer your question. Easy enough it would not be the first Clan created see "Stone Rhinos" there is a precedent for it in this AU but it hasn't been done here
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #775 on: 31 May 2017, 06:08:54 »

I wanna see more of what you've done to my babies....  ;)

And if you want... PM on the way! ( Shh! Quite you hagglers, I don't want to see your groans as DC unleashes more story funs for you to read about! )

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
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That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #776 on: 02 June 2017, 04:10:57 »
Another addition to this AU from Truetaker the Scorpion-class Cruiser
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #777 on: 05 June 2017, 13:41:53 »
I nickname this month Clan November

First Battle of Donegal
Donegal, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
2nd November 3109

   Clan BattleMechs and DropShips fell through the sky as Clan Jade Falcon launched an invasion of the Province Capital.  Above the planet elements of the Fifteenth Lyran Guard Fighter Wing, Lyran assault DropShips and the Aerospace Mercenary unit Agatha’s Protectors were dying attempting to stop Jade Falcon aerospace forces and the WarShips Emerald Talon and Star Ranger as they moved in on the planet.

   On the ground at the Lyran’s command tent General Juliet Simms tried to marshal her own Fifteenth Lyran Guard, the Planetary militia and the mercenary command Blackledge’s Iron Hand.  “Sang-shao Blackledge your people are to hold the east flank of the capital, General Scanlan’s Militia will hold the centre while my Fusiliers will hold the west and act as a flanking element capable of supporting either other force.”  She said confidently the Fifteenth Lyran Guard was significantly larger than either other unit employed in Donegal’s defence.

   “What good is holding the city with three WarShips appearing over head?  We can hold their ground forces but at the threat of Orbital Bombardment we cannot hold.”  Sang-shao Matt Blackledge argued the mercenary was in the fight for money not glorious death.

   “We only need to concentrate on the three clusters that are making landfall” Simms explained “the planetary defence grid will defend us from the WarShips.”

   “Defence grid?”

   “You did not think the Commonwealth would leave us so unprotected did you Mr Blackledge?”  She said smiling fearsly “the Falcons proved at Arc Royal that they are becoming a beast that the Commonwealth will struggle to control in the future so we have taken efforts to protect certain worlds.  On this very world there are eighteen Mark VIII Kraken Defence Missiles each more than capable of punching a hole in those WarShips armour.”

   “That could bring bombardment down on us” the militia commander General Pike Malone stated showing his surprise along with the mercenaries.

   “The missiles will only be used if the Falcons settle into orbit over our cities or their ground forces are going to prevail.  One final act of defiance from Donegal” Simms said proudly.

   “My people have family on Donegal!  We cannot jepordise civilian lives just to prove we will not roll over to invasion.”

   “We must and we will, the decision has been made and it was made by those with more power than either you or I.”  Simms pointed out “if we believe the Falcons will prevail those missiles will fire.”

   “Is this why the Fifteenth was sent here to replace the Fourth Donegal Guards?  And the Thirty-sixth moved off planet?  For one act of defiance?”

   “The Fourth Donegal were needed on Westerstead following the floods last month hundreds of people have benefitted from their presence there.  The Thirty-sixth were needed to shore up the defences on Tharkad.

   “Should Donegal fall…”

   “General Malone, Donegal will not fall.”  Simms stated angrily “now you have your assignments” she said as the ground around them shook they all looked at the entry where an officer appeared.

   “Mam, the Jade Falcons have employed artillery.”

   “Already?  They seem confident.”  Simms noted marching out of the tent leaving Sang-shao Blackledge and General Malone alone.

   “If they break through our lines, bring your troops… and your families and bring then to our lines.  I will do all I can to get everyone out of this mess.”  Blackledge promised the militia commander.

   “You’re a mercenary, Colonel, I should be the one making that offer to you.”

   “General, with respect my people have more experience and better weapons.”  He said nodding his head towards the older man “if everything goes to hell don’t trust that guard to keep your people safe.”

   The three Jade Falcon units assaulted the Donegal defenders intentionally striking the Lyran Guards positions pressing them in waves with BattleMechs and ProtoMechs leading the charge with artillery and combat vehicles supporting them.  The Lyran Guards held firm for the first three days of the battle however as the days wore on they began to break.  Holding the Falcon’s flank was Star Colonel Stannis Rosse and the Fifth Ebon Guard Cluster.  Stannis Rosse and his troops who had been taken by the Falcons in their efforts to rebuild and were of a greater quality than most of the Falcons present and pushed through Guard lines until they reached the Guard’s command areas finding General Simms command lance a quartet of Zeus Assault BattleMechs.

   “I am General Juliet Simms commander of the Lyran Guards, your troops presence here and the actions you have taken will bring the might of the Lyran Commonwealth down on your Clan.”

   “And I am Stannis Rosse of the Falcons you will come down on us just like you did after Arc Royal Quineg?  You are but lambs to our slaughter, prepare too die.”  He said from his Turkina Assault OmniMech’s cockpit even as the fighting continued around them.

   “Your forces cannot take Donegal there are other units which will stop you.”

   “They haven’t stopped us yet” Rosse stated

   “But they will with my help” she stated back.  Around the city and in the mountains beyond capital missiles launched from their silos heading into the sky above them assaulting the Star Ranger, a Peregrine II-class Corvette, above several of the missiles were shot down by the Ranger’s defences before several made their way towards the corvette slamming into its hull ripping into the armour.  One of the missiles penetrated the Star Ranger’s Hull and exploded inside the vessel detonating the small vessel’s fuel reserves blowing the vessel apart.

   On the ground Stennis Rosse saw the missiles rising into the sky and ignored them he knew if they were going into space then he could not stop them and if they were going to arc back around and strike the ground then he would soon die.  Instead of worrying about the missiles he targeted one of the enemy Zeus Assault BattleMechs and fired his OmniMech’s weapons tearing down the eighty ton BattleMech with particle, laser and missile weapons.  To each side of Rosse his starmates joined their fire to Rosse’s and took out the remaining three Zeus BattleMech’s.

Over the following few days the First Battle of Donegal ended with the remains of the Lyran Guards meeting up with the Donegal Militia and Blackledge’s Iron Hand.  The defenders continued to hold the majority of the city and the planet beyond it but the Falcons were there to stay at least for the time being.  With the Star Ranger little more than an expanding ball of metal the Emerald Talon pulled back from the planet while the remaining Falcon ground forces began searching for any of the defence missiles which the Lyrans had buried under Donegal’s surface.  Elsewhere the Falcons captured Biuqui, Krievci, Alma Alta and Cameron from the Lyran Commonwealth as the Clansmen exposed a weakness in the Commonwealth lines.
Clan Council, Council Chambers
Siverdale, Alshian
Alshian District, Rasalhague Dominion
13th November 3109

   At a meeting of all the bloodnamed warriors of the Ghost Bears of the Rasalhague Dominion Star Colonel Josh Snuka felt uncomfortably warm.  He was not used to these events instead he had spent nearly ten years on Outpost at the farthest reach of the Clan’s Dominion of control.  The last three years however things had changed he had won rank and name and now he was among the leaders of their Clan.  Khan Ragnar Magnesson stood in the centre of the oval room as ranks of warriors sat watching him Snuka was a MechWarrior so he, the other warriors of his military branch and the aerospace fighter pilots sat near the front while those of Elemental build sat further back allowing everyone to speak.

   “I believe we can accommodate these refugees, the troubles of the Draconis Combine are not ours and we should not interfere, these men and women are already on our worlds.  We should be prepared to offer medical treatment and food and be prepared to find them work within our borders accept them into our wider family.”

   “And if they do not wish to contribute, Khan, what then?”  Another warrior asked challenging Magnesson’s words.

   “Then we ship them out back to the Combine and let them rot.”  The Khan answered which was received with several stamped feet as people showed their appreciation for his words.  “We could use men and who are looking for an honest day’s living.  Those who want to be here will become productive members of our society.”

   “My Khan there is already raising crime on Buckminster and Accrington” another Ghost Bear warrior near Josh Snuka said he was an older man who looked like he had seen many battles.  Khan Magnesson stepped closer for a moment glancing in Snuka’s direction he suddenly felt much warmer.

   “We will deploy a Claw cluser to each star system to shore up security and support the troops on those worlds.”  The Khan said again another two thumps of the floor followed as several bloodnamed warriors agreed with him.  The Khan stepped away heading back to the middle of the room but as he stepped away answering another question Josh Snuka felt his tempreture rising even further he couldn’t take it it any more and stood up gaining the attention of the Khan for a moment “yes, Star Colonel…?”  The Khan asked looking at him but not knowing the name all eyes turned on him for a moment and Snuka’s felt like the unbearable tempreture would continue to rise.

   “My Khan, may I have a moment please, a call of nature?”  He said making up an excuse such occurrences were rare but the Khan must have been able to see his discomfort and he nodded.  Josh Snuka then took the last step that he ever took as he moved the explosives grafted to his bones exploded literally ripping Snuka and the entire Bloodnamed council to pieces killing the Khan, saKhan and Loremaster along with a hundred others in a fireball.

Clan Raids
Minette Combat Region
Crucis March, Federated Suns
20th November 3109

   With Canin Rosse still recovering from his wounds following the Circle of Equals with Katrine Devalis the Galaxy Commanders of Xi and Omicron Galaxies take it upon themselves to launch Trials of Possession against the Federated Suns with the worlds of Rentz and Kiza targeted by Xi Galaxy while Omicron Galaxy target Gronholt and Hoonaar.  Each world is targeted using standard Clan Trials of Possession which the AFFS defenders agree to fight alongside.  The AFFS lose control over all four worlds but launch a counter attack recapturing Rentz and the world of Morven from the Nova Cats using the same tactic as the Clan warriors.

Clan Trials
Isle of Skye
Lyran Commonwealth
24th November 3109

   In what could only be described as a test of loyalty Clan Wolf deploys the ten clusters that formerly belonged to the Mountain Wolf Clan against the Lyran Commonwealth targeting the “Dubhe Sailent.”  The two Wolf Galaxies fall on their former Steiner allies and the mercenaries supporting them and in five rapid strikes they bring Dubhe, Callison, Wyat, Alchiba and Milton into Wolf territory.

The former Wolves allow the Lyrans and the surviving mercenaries to withdraw from the worlds with their equipment and all personnel who wish to leave showing there is still warden leanings within the units.  Although the actions in taking the worlds and bringing the Clan closer to Terra convince many that their ties to the Inner Sphere are gone.

Free Worlds League Elections
Atreus, District of Marik
Free Worlds League
30th November 3109

   The Free Worlds League elections had been stalemated for hours with Duke Joseph Marik equalled with Prince Lester Cameron-Jones on votes to become the next Captain-General.  If there was no decision made then Joseph Marik would by default remain the Captain-General which many were happy for it to continue.  Sitting with his wife Duchess Lucy Marik the Captain-General had been quite confident until Prince Lester Cameron-Jones had taken the floor.

   “I understand that many of you do not trust me to lead the Free Worlds League.  Many of you believe I have profited from the troubles that have befallen the District of Oriente.”  He said hearning a murmur around the room as many agreed.  “You also believe that if I were to become Captain-General that I would lead this entire nation into war with the Capellan Confederation.”  He said seeing many agreed with that thought “but Duke Marik has something hidden as well for example how his son Zacheriah has recently recovered from a near fatal condition.”  He said looking over at the Captain-General “what many of you do not know is that Duke Marik agreed a deal with Clan Sea Fox to treat his son and in exchange he has agreed for them to take control over Ideyid, Shasta and Mundrabilla.”

   “That is a lie” Joseph Marik said standing up “I have provisionally agreed for them to open trade outposts on those worlds but their local governments remain in control.”  His admission went around the room rapidly and he could tell that it was not a popular decision.  “The Sea Foxes have agreed to work with us to improve our health care systems throughout the Free Worlds League and the cost will be minimal to our nation.”

   “For a continuing fee perhaps you’ll give them more of our worlds!”  One said

   “No worlds have been given to the Clan and no worlds will be.”

   “Until they decide to take them” Lester Cameron-Jones said deciding to speak out what many of them were thinking.  “It’s obvious we cannot trust Duke Marik to be completely honest with this Parliament and you do not all believe in me.  So what are we to do?”  He asked looking around the room “I will show us the path, something that is different from what we currently face and a true departure from what has come before and a true trust in democracy which this Parliament so trusts in.”  He said glancing over at Duke Joseph Marik with a knowing look on his face Lester would not be Captain-General today but neither would a scion of the Marik family.  “So I throw my support behind the one person in this room who has gained the full backing of their nation and I hope you will join me in supporting Prime Minister Abraham Ledford as the new Captain-General of the Free Worlds League.”  He said turning towards the stunned leader of the District of Bowang.

   The support from Abraham Ledford grew over the next few hours until there was nothing that could be said or done that could overturn the decision. By the end of the day the man from the once insignificant world of Bowang was now the new Captain-General of the entire Free Worlds League.

NOTE: The Ebon Guard unit seen on Donegal is completely under Jade Falcon control.  It is one of the units that the Falcons took from the Ebon Guard as part of Trials of Possession a couple of years back.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #778 on: 05 June 2017, 15:37:45 »
Green November Rising?  ;D O0

Great Update.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #779 on: 05 June 2017, 15:46:40 »
New leadership in the League and the clans being clan some more (except those dirty Dominionites  >:D).

Great update!