Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 253360 times)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #870 on: 03 September 2017, 19:42:08 »
remember don't poke the Rasalhague Dominion...   8)

Right now they are acting out like "revenge" that makes them dangerous...  They don't care what happens they just want to make someone pay, they don't care who. 
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Blackhorse 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #871 on: 06 September 2017, 01:28:25 »
Pffft.  I don't go to Sian, I don't fight for wackos, and I ain't afraid of no bears!


Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #872 on: 07 September 2017, 15:39:52 »
 :'(My thanks to marauder for the Shirke piece and Vition for the Raven part

Minette New Service, HPG Broadcast
Minette PDZ, Crucis March
Federated Suns
4th July 3110

“In conclusion is there an unidentified WarShip moving through the Crucis March?  We do not know.  So far all we can confirm that JumpShips have seen shadows and radiation surges in places there should be nothing.  Neither MIIO or the Federated Suns Naval Command are willing to comment on rumours nor are they willing to confirm deployments of naval craft in the territories of the Federated Suns however everyone is advised to be wary and report anyting that they believe to be suspicious to the relevant authorities.”  The broadcaster said as the transmission ended Stefan Banacek glanced over at Star Captain Gerry Harper.

“See what I said to you this ship has not even engaged an AFFS unit and already there are rumours.”

“How are we supposed to avoid being cornered by them if already they talk about us?”  Harper wondered beginning to wonder if attempting to run through the periphery instead of the Federated Suns.

“This ship is like a technitians multi-tool” Banacek suggested but Harper didn’t seem to grasp the idea “you need to stop thinking like a Star Captain of Clan Snow Raven.  You need to think like a pirate” he said seeing Harper’s disgust “your ship is a jump capable tool which is able to travel through multiple systems with a full battery charge you don’t need to travel close to stars.”

“We still will need to engage JumpShips, DropShips or land on planets to gather resources to keep this WarShip operational.”

“Aff, but the Sceptre does not need to approach a system we could send land teams…”

“And again we need to rely on your forces?”  He asked irritated at the man over the last week twice Banacek had suggested his unit be used in action while the Sceptre remained out of contact with their enemies.

“Neg, given the AFFS interest in our whereabouts the appearance of an Overlord C-class DropShip on any planet will gain attention.”  He suggested to which Harper nodded “instead I suggest we jump into the outer reaches of a system and deploy small teams on small craft.  They head into a star system and land on a planet there they make small trades and act like traders while we remain silent in the outer reaches of the system.”  He said “that way we can gather intelligence without the AFFS knowing of our position or plans.”

“That can only go so far, we will have to engage them.”

“Aff, but at our time and our choosing”

Raven Clan Council Hall
Raven Alliance
12th July, 3110

Taking his place on the podium Khan Vir Sukhanov addresses the council with optimism, “After our successful invasion of the Combine, I now bring both good and bad news to the council.  Despite efforts to reinvigorate the units I must remove three clusters from the rolls of the touman, to that end Epsilon Galaxy’s Solahma cluster, the Eighth Garrison cluster, and the Fifteenth Battle cluster have been disbanded.”  He lets these words sink in before continuing, “In better news, I have expanded the units assigned to the Watch, the remains of the Eighth Garrison form a core to the Second Rangers.  And we have removed the Combine as a threat to our borders, thanks in no small part to Star Admiral Rhai McKenna, whose leadership devastated the local Combine fleet.  She has recently been placed in charge of our first Arbitration-class warship, the Dauntless.”  Vir intentionally does not mention that her rise was due to his error in calculating the aggressiveness the Combine would display.

Now came the more controversial part, “As many of you know, we have a new Galaxy Commander among us, may I formally introduce Astrid Ramora, previously commanding the Fourth Guards.”  Murmurs are heard throughout the chamber as he includes a new Bloodname in her introduction, near the back a pair of hands clap as Star Colonel Bran McTiernen looks on with expectation and commitment to his new commanding officer, this singular clap grows to a roar as the rest of the council takes part.

The rest of the council finishes without serious uproar, but lays out the current state of the clan.  The creation of a second bloodname Raldamax had been granted to a ProtoMech pilot who had defeated two opposing BattleMechs in single combat.  News of this had spread quickly through the Touman with ProtoMech pilots already vying for the right to gain this new Bloodname and add their own genes to its heritage.  The report from the Quatre Belle yards was frustrating indicating that the Dauntless would not be ready until 3112, and while repair has been started on the slips the yard will not be back to it’s prior capabilities for another year or two.

Later in the month, Nexus Ri hosts the first pair of trials over the worlds disputed by the Ravens and Combine.  The first trial results in a Raven loss as the Alpha Battalion of the Ryuken-Go dispatches their opposing Ninth Raven Garrison, though the match is very close as the Ninth’s aggression nearly causes the Ryuken’s left flank to collapse, only being held through experience and sheer determination.  The second trial pits the Beta Battalion against elements of the Seventh Raven Garrison, it quickly turns into a battle of maneuver eventually leading to the quicker clan units placing the Combine units in an extremely disadvantageous position, Beta surrenders with very few actual shots being made.  The results of the trials put Pondicherry back in the hands of the Combine and Rushaven back in the hands of the Alliance.

Loremaster of the Clans office
City of Andrey, Tuyakkid
Independent Clan territory
13th July 3110

   Star Colonel Arnesta Devalis stood nervously in front of Loremaster of the Clans Brennley Roshak the younger woman.  “There are things that we need to know that we currently do not.”  She said explaining Arnesta’s presence in her office.

   “We are allowed the trial against the other Clans and the Inner Sphere.”

   “Aff, but we cannot learn all we wish to learn from Trials alone.”  Roshak explained “even the Clans themselves are not completely aware of some of the troubles we face.  Which is why I have chosen to form a new Watch, one belongs to Tukayyid, one which serves our interests and those of the Clans.”

   “And one that the Clans ae not aware of Quiaff?”

   “Aff for now Star Colonel until we have learned what we need to protect ourselves and the other Clans.”

   “Deception is not honourable.”

   “Neg, it is not, but if it was not effective then the Inner Sphere would currently belong to us which it does not.”  Roshak replied “I do not like the need for a Watch but I do see the need for one.”  She said “you have been selected to form and command these warriors.”

   “An honour” Devalis replied with not a hint of sarcasm “I am a warrior I am not a spy.”

   “Then you will need to learn to be both Star Colonel” Brennley Roshak said moving around the desk to look at the other officer “I need you to be both Star Colonel the safety of Tukayyid depends on it.”

Testing Hanger
Hamarr, Sudeten
Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
17th July 3110

Chief Scientist Heymer and her staff all bowed as Khan Jaina Pryde entered the hangar.  Save for a few Technicians and Labourers the group of Scientists, the Khan and a hulking brute from her Keshik were the only people in the hangar.
“My Khan, thank you for taking time out of your schedule to come, we are all honoured by your presence.”

“Trying to butter me up before we begin are we Chief Scientist Heymer?”  Khan Pryde narrowed her eyes, but there was the hint of a smile on her lips as the Scientist bowed once more, not meeting her gaze.

“Neg my Khan, I am merely speaking the truth.”

“Indeed… now, what do you have for us?”  There was a cold edge to Pryde’s voice, she was not one to reward failure and with the resources diverted for this latest project, failure was not an option for any involved.

The Scientist smiled nervously and gestured towards a large display screen. 

“As you know, the Turkina has been our premier Assault Mech since 3052 but we feel it has come to the end of its development cycle barring major and extensive redesigns.  As this would not be cost effective, we took the approach of looking at using an existing chassis as frame for a replacement or at least to act as a supplemental machine as the Turkina is far from obsolete.”

The holo sprang to life, showing the familiar shape of an Onager. 

“We took the Onager chassis and stripped it…”

“Hopefully of its Improved Jump Jets” the Khan’s bodyguard interrupted, his words a threatening rumble that was laden with menace.

“Aff!  Whilst powerful they are too heavy to be efficient on so large a machine.  So instead we stripped it to the skeleton and reinforced the main joints whilst adding five tons of mass.”  Scientist Heymer tried not to sound too scared, but soon settled back into her steady, calm way of speaking.

The image of the Mech rotated, showing it being reduced to a skeleton before it started to grow and change.  The Chief Scientist handed over to one of her colleagues who talked about the engine and the changes there but all could see the Khan was either getting bored or becoming impatient with the deluge of ‘minor details’.

“Yes but what of the weapons and performance?”  The Khan sounded bored, not a good sign for those giving the presentation.

“Our initial prototype featured a gauss rifle but we have replaced it with an imported Hell’s Horses HAG-20.  As time goes on we hope to open production of the weapon ourselves…” She began but the Khan’s glance made it clear that it was a topic for another day.  “Keeping the same tactical paradigm as the Gyrfalcon that is now entering service this new Mech is built to engage at long range with precision weapons fire.  Spheroid Mechs or those used by the Dominion tend to be crude clubs; this is a rapier to be wielded by our expert and honourable Warriors.”

The Scientist nodded and there was a dull rumble as one of the Mech bay’s blast doors slid open and light spilled out.  Perhaps it was intended but the result was quite impressive as a large bipedal Battlemech came into view, floodlights illuminating its freshly painted armour, proudly baring the jade green of a Turkina Keshik Mech.  The Mech’s left arm was a long multi-barrelled type of HAG, whilst a large laser sat in a flexible mounting on each shoulder. 

The right hand was a hooked claw, based in part on the Onager’s but instead of straight, almost scissor like blades, this Mech’s hand actuator was shaped into a trio of sharp looking claws, their tips painted a deep red.

The Scientists had clearly put considerable work into the shape of the design, long gone was the bulky, inelegant frame of the Onager.  This machine was far sleeker despite its greater mass and its cockpit wasn’t some blocky affair but shaped more like a bird of prey’s hooked beak.  This avian look was massively reinforced by the huge Partial Wing system, locked into its combat configuration, splayed and raised, the undersides a brilliant yellow.

“Magnificent… Is it ready to be taken out for testing?”  Khan Pryde drank in the sight of the Mech before her.  It was an avatar and a weapon, a towering monster that would strike fear into those who saw it and inspire those who followed it; she sounded and looked a bit awed.

“Aff my Khan, all weapons are active and a full war load is on board.”  Heymer stated proudly, glad at the reaction from the Khan even as her face dropped as the Falcon’s leader walked passed her, heading towards the crew gantry to climb into her Mech.

“My Khan, if you will head this way we will be able to observe the Trial between this Mech and its opponent a Turkina Prime.”

“I will be taking it into battle.”  It wasn’t a request, it was an order.

“But… this is a live fire exercise...”

“I agree my Khan; we should let the test pilot take it out.”  That came from Star Captain Victor Malthus and at his voice Khan Pryde stopped and turned her face as cold as the void.

“You doubt my abilities quiaff?”

“Neg!” Warrior and Scientist stated at the same time.

“Good. Do not tell my opponent who they are facing, or you will face me I wish this to be a true test one which the other warrior does not hold back from.”

“A-aff my Khan” Chief Scientist Heymer said as Khan Pryde got onto the gantry lift.  She was suddenly immensely glad they had installed the Clans first full head ejection system into this new Mech.

“If anything happens to her, I will hold you personally responsible.  Do I make myself clear Chief Scientist?”  The Khan’s bodyguard was behind Heymer, she didn’t hear him move, but she felt the grip of his hand on her shoulder and could see the alarmed looks from some of her colleagues who would not dare help if the Warrior decided to punish their superior for any failure, real or perceived.  The Scientist nodded slightly, her throat suddenly dry.

“A-Aff…I accept any and all responsibility.”

“Good.  The Khan likes you, but fail her and there will not be enough left of you to identify your body.  Am I clear?”  The Star Captain’s voice was even, steady, he wasn’t making a threat, he was stating a fact.


“Reactor Online, Sensors Online, Weapon systems Online, All systems nominal.”  Moving into the Circle of Equals the Mech was running well.  It only took her a few minutes to get use to the cockpit layout, to configure the weapons into her own firing patterns. 

“Warrior! I am Star Captain Andreas, your defeat will swift, yield and I may take you as my bondsman!”

The broadband transmission came from a Turkina, Khan Pryde’s sensors showing it moving into the circle.  The squat, broad profile of the Turkina was totally familiar to any Jade Falcon Warrior or anyone who faced them, it was an old design, but it was still formidable.

“Star Captain Andreas, you are old, you have failed to earn a Bloodname, you have failed as a Warrior and your defeat here will be the last failure of your life.”  Pryde shot back, hoping he didn’t recognise her voice. 

“So be it, you will not get any mercy from me!”  At that the Turkina broke into a lumbering walk, its broad feet thumping into the grassy ground of the Trial arena.  Activating up her ECM, Khan Pryde broke her machine into a run, rapidly accelerating to a full 64kph as her defensive systems alerted her to a missile lock from the still distant Turkina.

“Not bad, but not in range…” Pryde muttered, steering her Mech into a dense copse of trees, the ECM throwing out false targeting information and ghost targets for the Turkina to try and track.

“Hiding in the woods like a Spheroid coward eh?”

She gave him her ‘answer’ by stomping on the jump jet pedals and there was a rumble as the jump jets fired.  The partial wing snapped into position, going from its vertical position to horizontal as the jets fired.  The wings moved and shifted, working to increase airflow over them, whilst little thrusters on the tips of the wings fired, adding stability whilst the Mech leapt through the air. 

The Khan twisted her Mech’s waist, grunting as she ignored the shaking from the jump even though it was far smoother than her usual Grand Summoner's jumps.  At extreme range, she picked out the Turkina, the Mech’s fire control systems and targeting computer working seamlessly to highlight the distant Mech before she fired.

A pair of bright green lances of laser light raked across the Turkina’s right side, leaving a pair of glowing furrows near the right shoulder.

Even as Pryde’s Mech thundered earthbound the Turkina was returning fire, a blizzard of LRM’s as well as both ER PPC’s reaching out towards her Mech.

One of the LRM salvo’s, spoofed by the ECM failed to lock on properly, missing cleanly above and behind the Mech as it fell towards the ground.  One particle cannon blast ripped into the top of some of the trees, blasting them into kindling.  But the other LRM and PPC found their target, the energy bolt venting its anger against Khan Pryde’s Mech’s chest, whilst eight missiles cratered armour across the Mech as its clawed feet slammed into the ground. 

She knew she was faster and more agile, but the Turkina was more heavily armed, she knew to ‘trade’ with it would be a losing game with terminal consequences.  Not a game Khan Pryde wanted to play.

Using the rolling hills of the testing ground she moved towards the big contact of the Turkina, both Mech’s stomping towards one another at full speed.   Breaking out of cover Khan Pryde was already turned to face her target and she mashed the firing triggers as the crosshairs pulsed a healthy blue indicating a lock.

Still at long range for Clan combat, or ‘true’ fighting range as many Clan Warriors tended to think, the HAG let out a snarling blurt of hyper-velocity slugs, joined by a pair of ER laser bolts.  The slower Turkina had to turn its whole body, its lack of a waist assembly, sacrificed to make it a squat target was caught seemingly by surprise.  It seemed the Star Captain Andreas had underestimated his opponents speed. 

The volley of HAG slugs raked across the Turkina’s right flank and arm, the impacts sparking even at this distance whilst her lasers left let more glowing gouges in the armour of the right arm and torso. 

The Turkina stopped, twisting as fast as it could, the twin LB-5’s hammering their answer to the incoming fire, whilst both PPC’s spat bolts of bright blue lightning at the Khan’s Mech, the 95-ton machine staggering as it rocked under Khan Pryde’s fire.  One LB-5 round slammed into the Khan’s Mech, the rest of the fire going wide, punching smoking holes in the ground or going wide, hitting nothing but air and Khan Pryde grinned.

“No wonder you have not earned a Bloodname, you cannot hit the broadside of a Dropship!  Let me end your shame!”  Her voice was full of malice as she fired again; pressing down on the jump pedals again, throwing her Mech into another long, but controlled jump.

A volley of missiles shot under her Mech and she grinned, her Mech’s sensors telling her that one of the particle cannons in the Turkina’s right arm was disabled as the HAG walked a volley of slugs across the Turkina.  Still one particle bolt and a cluster of LB-5 rounds caught her Mech in the leg and arm, but the partial wing was already working to control the descent as she opened the range with her jump. 

Khan Pryde took her time now, using her longer ranged guns to hammer at the Turkina whilst its responses were becoming weaker. Another blast from her lasers saw the Turkina’s right arm fall away at the elbow, the mangled limb trailing myomer and cables.  She laughed as she slowly, carefully ripped the other Assault Mech to shreds, a battle that ended in a huge blast as the LRM ammo in the Turkina’s torso was ripped open by a volley of HAG fire.   

The crippled Mech fell onto its face, smoke belching from its ruined torso, one leg scraping the ground as it tried to stand. 

“Star Captain Andreas, know that you faced Khan Jaina Pryde this day, and know that you fought well.  Your defeat has ushered in the arrival of this Mech to the Tourman, and know that you die with honour.”

It was child’s play to target the Turkina’s cockpit as the Mech stopped struggling, there was no reply from the downed machine, and as she fired, Khan Pryde knew there would not be one.  “Chief Scientist Heymer, I am most pleased with you and your colleagues work, how soon to begin construction?”  Khan Pryde was grinning dried her hair with a towel having dismounted from the Mech whilst Tech’s and her Scientists practically ran over to her to make sure she was unharmed.

“We have six prototypes complete now and…”

“You have five, this one is mine.”

“I stand corrected my Khan, with your authorization we can send the prototypes to our production facilities. It is then a matter of resource allocation and tool construct…”

“I asked for an answer, not detailed description.”

“Six months, perhaps five if we can disperse the design team to help set up facilities here on Sudeten and on Ark Royal.”
“Make it five and you will receive all the materials you need to build the future OmniMechs of our Touman.”  All the Scientists perked up at that prospect, their somewhat nervous smiles becoming more genuine, less concerned despite the extra workload that had just been dumped on their shoulders.  They started talking excitedly before the Chief Scientist Heymer silenced their chattering with a chop of her hand before speaking into the radio again.

“And have you thought of a name for the new Mech my Khan?”

“I had thought of Golden Eagle, but neg, it shall be called the Shrike.”

“A fine name, my Khan.”

“Of course it is Chief Scientist, I chose it after all.”

Khan Pryde heard the sycophantic laughter from the clearly relived Scientists and Technicians, there wasn’t going to be any sudden promotions due to the death of their leaders and they were happy they had both delivered a Mech the Khan liked and thereby avoided her wrath.  But Khan Pryde paid their relief no heed, her focus was on her new Mech, while not the OmniMech her Grand Summoner was her thoughts were already turning to what they would accomplish in battle together.

Trial of Possession
Qandahar, Qandahar Prefecture
Military District of Pesht, Draconis Combine
24th July 3110

   Katrine Devalis was in her element her Nova Cats were facing off against the Draconis Combine Mustered Society on the world of Qandahar.  After their Batchall the DCMS commander with two regiments of troops had agreed to meet Katrine Devalis in a limited Trial of Possession which she was currently winning. In the air above the Draconis Combine lines DropShips suddenly appeared over the First Amphigean Light Assault and the Fourth Ghost Regiment.  “This is Katrine Devalis” she said from her Deimos OmniMech’s cockpit “you lose great honour bringing in additional troops Combine commander.  I will also lose honour and match your numbers.”  She said

   “It is you that has lost honour Nova Cat these troops are yours” the Amphigean’s commander said Katrine focused her OmniMech’s sensors on the DropShips seeing one of them was a Vanguard-class vessel.  She knew that would be only one person and immediately changed to the Nova Cat Galaxy command frequency.

   “You steal my honour!  You stavag son of a bitch I let you live!”  She stated angrily watching as Nova Cat BattleMechs and Battle Armour dropped from the DropShips engaging the DCMS forces as they fell.

   “You are wasting precious time Katrine Devalis” Khan Canin Rosse said as his own Dragon Cat OmniMech fell from the Vanguard blasting holes in a Draconis Combine Quickdraw.  “We have many things that we must discuss.”  He said as the OmniMech came in for a landing.

   “Aff, we agreed to meet after these trials” Devalis said turning gunning down a Panther blowing the light BattleMech to pieces.

   “These trials were unnecessary I informed you of such.”  He replied “your actions simply provoke further responses from the Combine which we do not currently need.”

   “The Dragon is not ready to respond.”  Katrine said “we are ready.”  She said the Nova Cats had continued to make small raids but Qandahar and Kamarod were two further indications to the Draconis Combine that their Clan was not just a nuisance but also a threat, while their Khan seemed to want to make the Clan look unthreatening.  It was yet another thing that they would discuss on their trip to Tukayyid.

   With the addition of Khan Rosse’s forces both Quandahar and Kamarod fell quickly with the First Amphigean, Fourth and Sixth Ghost Regiments all destroyed by the Nova Cat forces.  With both systems secured Khan Rosse and saKhan Devalis quickly left the system heading for Tukayyid.
« Last Edit: 08 September 2017, 07:37:13 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Major
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #873 on: 07 September 2017, 17:00:57 »
Pffft.  I don't go to Sian, I don't fight for wackos, and I ain't afraid of no bears!

You would love to go drop in on Sian!!!  Don't lie

Don't make me look up for your old quote Father Bowman
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Blackhorse 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #874 on: 07 September 2017, 23:49:44 »
You would love to go drop in on Sian!!!  Don't lie

Don't make me look up for your old quote Father Bowman

The Litany of the Fox never said anything about landing on Sian... ;)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #875 on: 08 September 2017, 05:04:23 »
Wow, that was very good entry! Shrike story was my favorite, it gave Jaina Pryde more character.  Shrike OmniMech will be interesting look at since the original wasn't one.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #876 on: 08 September 2017, 07:38:48 »
I forgot Vition wrote the Raven part too  :-[

Wrangler all of the "bird" designs will get their moment
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Major
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #877 on: 08 September 2017, 14:38:24 »
The Litany of the Fox never said anything about landing on Sian... ;)

It has been a # of years, maybe I am misremembering it. 
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #878 on: 09 September 2017, 03:09:51 »
I wonder whats got the Cat Khans going to Tukkayid, and why she didn't just challenge him there and then.  Great update and it was a honour to have my drabble included :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #879 on: 26 September 2017, 17:07:46 »
Alright Ladies and Gentlemen (there has to be a couple of each on here surely) after a short hiatus here's the August update

Hamilton, Hell’s Horses OZ
8th August 3110

   “It preformed well within our expected perametres” The technicial said looking up at the BattleMech “we are ready to move to the next stage of development, Star Colonel Colin.”

   “It is up to the Khan’s choice” the younger lightly skinned man said looking up at the Parash BattleMech “you are correct it did well after years of testing it was nice to see it at war.”

   “Not just your Khan’s” a third darker skinned woman said on her uniform she wore the insignia of Clan Wolf.  “Remember, Star Colonel, Clan Wolf helped bring this technology into the fold it is only right that my Clan sees the benefits of it also.  We wish to see the full development of this technology.”

   “For all of the Clans” Star Colonel Colin replied as the tech looked between the two Clan warriors “that was the plan to bring this technology to all of the Clans quiaff?”

   “Aff, I believe that was the Khan’s plan.  Once the Wolves and Horses benefit then all Clans will see the rewards of our labours and we will be remembered.” The female warrior replied “however plans can change” she admitted “I was assigned here to oversee the development of this technology the victories here and elsewhere prove its worthiness.”

   “I wonder why you did not develop this in your own Occupation Zone?  You have plenty combat opportunities there.”

   “Aff, but opportunities too close to those who may steal it, we have no interest in the enemies of the Clans gaining access to this technology.”

   “I thought this technology originated in the Inner Sphere?”  The tech said gaining a glare from both of the warriors “of course I may be wrong.”  He said making a hasty retreat.

   “You will have to have him and the other techs eliminated.”  The female warrior said “we cannot have the Clans believing this technology is not ours.”

   “The truth will come our eventually, Star Colonel Kya, if we do that then the project will be delayed while further technicians are trained.”

   “Aff, I understand but secrecy must be maintained.”  The Hells Horse Star Colonel nodded they would have to begin again.

High Command Meeting
Imperial Palace, New Samarkand
Military District of Midway, Draconis Combine
10th August 3110

“Coordinator, the Nova Cats are in a precarious position and are far from their core territories.  If we were to strike them at the right position we could break their supply lines drive them from our Periphery regions before they become too entrenched.”  Warlord Minamoto Yoshitsune of Pesht said.

“Are you trying to counter my commands?”  Coordinator Akira Kurita demanded looking at the man.  “We have already deployed troops to the Federated Suns border their focus is on Benjamin our troops are ready to fall on their lines.”

“The Nova Cats threaten the stability of my region Coordinator. I must do my duty to the people of Pesht and the people of the Draconis Combine.”  The older man said “however the decision is ultimately yours.”  He said bowing his head.
“Gunji-no-Kanrei Kurita your suggestion for our course of action?”

“While Warlord Yoshitsune’s council is wise” he said looking at the other Warlord who nodded his thanks “our troops are already in position to strike the Federated Suns to have them move again would delay any offensive by a matter of weeks.”

“And in weeks the Federated Suns could be on Benjamin!  We need to turn them away.”  Warlord Tsion Ben-Judah of Benjamin said he was still angry that the Coordinator had not deployed troops to Benjamin to begin the counter-offensive.  He had settled for another attack on the Draconis March.

“I agree Pesht is a large region” Akira Kurita said “we need the forces based there ready to counter the Bears, Ravens and Nova Cats an offensive at this time.  We will support Pesht’s defence but for now we need to break House Davion’s assault into our territory.”  He said turning from Warlord Yoshitsune to Gunji-no-Kanrei Kurita “command the assault to go ahead as planned.”  He commanded making his decision final.  Hours later regiments launched into the Federated Suns attacking Capra, Cassias, McGehee and Udibi by the end of August the weak mercenary defensive line is shattered by the Draconis Combine’s offensive with two units Aaron’s Eradicators and the Second Dismal Disinherited are completely destroyed in the fighting and several others driven back.

Estate’s Generals
Tharkad, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
14th August 3110

   At a meeting of the Estates Generals on Tharkad Archon Jessica Steiner receives the support of the worlds of the Lyran Commonwealth but she realizes that her realm cannot continue to take the losses that it has over the last few years.  In an effort to bring the Estates Generals back on side Archon Jessica Steiner authorizes assaults by Lyran and mercenary forces against five worlds still held by the Stone Spirits and two held by Clan Jade Falcon.  The Lyrans are successful in capturing all five Stone Spirit systems and Clermont from the Jade Falcons unfortunately these successes does not reduce the threat to Coventry, Donegal, Tharkad, Odessa or Arcturus.

   In an effort to appease the Estate Generals and the Provincial leaders Archon Jessica Steiner agrees not to form additional Lyran Guard or Lyran Regular units and instead, with money taken directly from the Steiner family funds, she forms new units named for the Provincial capitals.  As a result the Coventry Cuirassier’s, the Alarion Airborne Assault and the Halfway Mechanized units are all added to Lyran rosters though each is only two regiments in strength and they are among the weakest in all of the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Force’s.

Caesar’s Hearth (Overlord-class DropShip)
Deep Space, Periphery
20th August 3110

Aboard the Overlord Dropship the MDS Caesar’s Hearth there was a mixture of nervous fear and nervous excitement.  Ahead the tugs moving the THS C. Sagan fired their thrusters one last time, bringing the ship to a halt before moving to a safe distance.  One old Leopard remained attached to the ship’s hull it was home to the repair crews working inside the partially active ship.

Whilst her hull plating still needed to be painted the decontamination and replacement of the main hull was finally complete and tech’s had been swarming over her insides, rewiring the vessel, they were replacing time worn computer cores and data systems with those the Marian Hegemony had acquired, stolen or purchased at considerable expense.

“My Caesar, we can begin at any time.”  Caesar Aleksandr Ward nodded at Sister Cassandra’s voice and gentle hand upon his shoulder.  She was just as excited as he was, but like the leader of the Marian Hegemony, she wasn’t showing her emotions.

“The word is given, begin single reaction ignition.”


“Alright! We’ve got the go ahead.  Make sure the Fomalhaut’s Blade has a steady feed, we don’t want a bloody power surge, not now!”

A chorus of affirmatives answered the Chief engineer, watching the techroom a raised platform above the reconditioned reactor room.  Four of the ancient GE-2000 ‘Millennium’ type reactors dominated the chamber, old tokomak types that were so integral to the ship that simply removing them would have meant more time and resources consumed.  So, the Marians and their support from Interstellar Expeditions had instead set to getting the old reactors working bringing the ancient ship alive.

Several hundred tons of superconducting magnets that would have powered regiments worth of gauss rifles were painstakingly installed and fitted over a period of months once the aft section was at least air tight.  All they needed was one, just one to work. 

“Systems check!”

“Coolant systems online.”

“Fuel pumps active and in lockdown.”

“Magnetic fields building their charge.”

“Computer systems online, all good!”

The chief engineer grinned ‘Well, no guts, no galaxy…’ he thought “begin fuel feed!”  There was a soft rumble as the fuel pumps activated, feeding a stream of massively pressurized hydrogen into the heart of the reactor.  The partially metallic hydrogen slush was grabbed by the reactors magnetic coils, twisting the gas into invisible torus shapes in the pressurized chamber of the reactor.

“Initiating laser ignition in 3…. 2.... 1!”  There was a warm blue flash from within the reactor and a steadily rising hum that seemed to run through the whole ship.


“We have plasma ignition!  Magnetic field is holding!  Temperature at… 200 million Kelvin and going nowhere!”  The tech reported triumphantly.  That was the number they needed to hear, the reaction was self-sustaining, a helical blaze of blue light held in place by immensely strong magnetic fields, fed by super pressurized hydrogen.  “Sir, do we have permission to feed into the ship.”

“Damn right you do!  Bring it up to 50% and let’s get some life into the old girl!”  The Chief engineer said whilst quietly praying ‘please don’t blow up… please don’t blow up…’

“Roger! Disengaging batteries… now! Activating feed… now!”  The lights across the C. Sagan dimmed for a moment before blazing once more, re-wired computers came online and the whine of the reactor changed its pitch to a dull deep rumble as the C. Sagan came to life once more.

Outside the ship’s running lights came on, the lights that illuminated her name blazed whilst the massive rotating section started to move.  Aboard the Caesar's Hearth there was cheering, applause and toasts to the Caesar, his wisdom and of course to the Marian Hegemony.

“My Caesar! This is a great day, the Sagan lives.”  A fawning minister said, bowing as low as his age would allow.
“No, not the C. Sagan, the Stellaris Rex lives.” Caesar Aleksandr Ward replied his eyes fixed on the battered hull of his ship, already thinking of what he could do with his prize.  And then he glanced at Cassandra, and he knew she was thinking exactly the same thing. 

She glanced down as she felt her hand taken in the Caesar’s and she nodded.  “A good name my Caesar.”

“Well I can’t call her Cassandra’s Might… perhaps an escort vessel for her though…”

“Oh so you see me as an escort hmm…?”

The younger man snorted “Never.”  Cassandra squeezed Aleksandr Ward’s hand slightly and the younger man turned looking at his assembled ministers.  “Gentlemen, ladies, this is a great day for the Hegemony and for us all.  Aaron I want to know who was the engineer responsible for today’s test?”

“A Chief O’Brien my Lord.”

“Promote him two ranks, and everyone on his staff up a rank, I think some lands could be given to the Engineer in reward for his hard work and dedication.”

“My Caesar is generous.”

“Hah, no, your Caesar understands that hard work should be rewarded, unless you disagree.”

“Never my Lord!” The minister of Finance said, eyes bulging in alarm.

“Good. See that you don’t.” Ward said, looking back out at the Hegemony’s greatest achievement under his guiding hand, a cold smile on his lips.

SLDF Conference Room, Intelligence Center
Milligan’s World
Shared World, Star League Defence Force/Raven Alliance
25th August 3110

Major General Aaron Scarborough entered the conference room to a lack of military decorum he was used to while hundreds of light years from the Star League Protectorate he still expected SLDF officers to act like professionals especially those on the front-line.  Commanding the Third Special Operations Group of the Blackhearts division had been the best years of his life his assignment to Milligan’s World and the Combine/Raven border felt very much like a demotion, though his rank said otherwise.  He had managed to retain a company of the Third SOG in his reassignment.  The strange virus which the Ravens quickly dispatched had raised eyebrows back on Terra, and a one of the First SOG’s NBC groups had been temporarily assigned to him to study the make up and origins of the virus.

But he was here to receive a report from one of the units assigned to surveil the trials, settlement, and construction of Nexus Ri.  Captain Delanie nodded as he entered, “Welcome, sir, thank you for coming on such short notice.”

“Thank you, Captain, we’ll exchange pleasantries later perhaps you can now get on with your report” Aaron sighed taking a seat.

“This may change things, there appears to be more going on between the Ravens and the Combine than we expected.”  Aaron sat up straighter, his curiosity piqued, and waited for the Captain to continue.

“As you know the Ravens and Combine set up Nexus Ri as a way to combat their differences in a way less destructive than their last couple of... spats.  While we currently believe the trials here have been winding up, we don’t think they’ve reached their peak yet - there are still a half a dozen worlds the Ravens are likely to trial over and at least three the Combine wants back.  In the last trial, over the world of Brasha, we noted something strange, if you’d please look to the screen.”  Delanie motioned to one of the walls, turning on a screen taking up much of the its area.

On the screen around 20 clan ‘Mechs exchanged fire with a battalion of Combine ‘Mechs displaying the insignia of the Fourth Sun Tzang.  Interspersed here and there, were battle armored troopers of both sides, what appeared to be a short star’s worth against a company of Kuritans, including a platoon of Kishi battle armor.

“I didn’t think the Kishi were being assigned to training units.”  Aaron noted.

“They aren’t, or they shouldn’t be, their production is still very limited and the disruption caused by Sceptre didn’t help matters any.  If you look closer,” the screen zoomed in on one of the Kishi, “the paint here around the unit crest is newer than that further away, and if you notice, the BattleMechs on both sides are pointedly ignoring the battle armor.  Often, in similar situations a BattleMech will take pot shots at battle armor, but there is none of that here.”

“So, the BattleMech trial was a cover for another trial - that doesn’t seem particularly clan-like.  This looks flimsy to me; you wouldn’t have brought me in on this unless you had more.”

“Yes, within hours of the Ravens ‘winning’ Brasha back to the Alliance, the star lord-class DCS Dragon’s Maw jumped out of system on its normal schedule back to New Samarkand.  It never made it, instead, an identical ship arrived on its schedule, but its IFF codes returned DCS Shadow of Luna.  We were able to retrieve some grainy images from a spysat we have near the transit point, showing this” Delanie indicates the screen again.

A pair of massive DropShips detached from the Star Lord, at first glance appearing to be run-of-the-mill Behemoth-class dropships, but there was something different about them, the lines were smoother, and the engines seemed slightly more efficient.  Then it clicked, “those weren’t made in the Inner Sphere, what happened to them?”

“We don’t know, Behemoths can’t land and take off from planets repeatedly so typically they will drop their cargo at an orbiting supply station.  We have eyes on all of these and didn’t see the DropShips approach any of them.  New Samarkand is a very heavily populated system though, and they could have ended up nearly anywhere.”

“Redouble your efforts in the New Samarkand system, figure out where those two DropShips went.  We need a better presence in Nexus Ri, and I have just the idea for how we can do that.”  Maybe this assignment won't be so quiet after all.
In the coming week Nexus Ri had hosted another pair of trials, in addition to the one mentioned above, none of it bode well for the Combine.  They lost both Brasha and Cerberus while failing to retake Tabayama.  In response, to this the Combine surprises the Raven units as they are changing defenders assigned to the planet resulting in a mixed battle including both the leaving Ninth Garrison and the arriving Second Garrison.  Lack of coordination results in the Combine succeeding in taking ownership of Weisau.

Early in September, the SLDF trials for an enclave, and while neither the Combine nor the Ravens want them they acquiesce to the trial, though the potential enclave is very heavily limited.  The SLDF unit backed by members of the Third SOG who disrupt the Raven and Combine formations, striking at officers with extreme precision and winning the day.

My thanks to Vition (Raven) and marauder (Marian) stories.  The contributions are most welcome.
« Last Edit: 26 September 2017, 17:31:44 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #880 on: 26 September 2017, 19:42:16 »
nice update, wonder what the up with those Big boys.   that is a lot of cargo space.   ;)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #881 on: 26 September 2017, 21:47:28 »
I feel like things are starting to get set up, I'm looking forward to seeing when the next foot falls.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #882 on: 27 September 2017, 01:07:28 »
Great update :D  The stew's bubbling nicely it seems.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #883 on: 27 September 2017, 13:30:03 »
I love them but i FEEL like the feddies are reaching to far and are about to get there teeth kicked in. Unless it is all a ploy of some kind ???

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #884 on: 27 September 2017, 16:57:13 »
Timeline note: for those of you not fully aware of how this works.  Vition2, marauder648 and James Tanaga (to name a few) have made fantastic contributions to this timeline but none of them fully know what's planned overall.  They are in anticipation/dread for the most part about what I'm doing as everyone else do their comments are genuine not leading anyone on. (No one suggested such I just want to be clear)

As for what happens next I'm not a huge fan of spoilers yet I'm not a huge fan of being in the dark so I'm going to go down a middle ground

Right now is what I'm terming as a Cold War stage it's kind of like the Third Succession War small but intense conflicts that are honestly not going far - not the most gripping and I'm sorry for that but it's very deliberate.

In the future the timeline returns [to the blessed path where the righteous will stand and the sinners will fall] >:( I really need to get that fixed ::) ;D

No in all honesty there is a couple of things going to happen that will redefine this timeline and how it's future plays out - stay tuned
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #885 on: 27 September 2017, 17:43:50 »
Sounds Intriguing.  ^-^
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #886 on: 03 October 2017, 19:25:27 »
There's bits and pieces from me, James Tanaga, Vition2 and marauder648 so here we go enjoy

Supply Raid
Dothan, Point Barrow Combat Theatre
Crucis March, Federated Suns
2nd September 3110

   After two months of cloak and dagger operations sending small teams to gather intelligence on systems of the Federated Suns periphery the Sceptre had reached the point where it needed to raid a planetary system of the Federated Suns.  With the intelligence they had already gathered the system of Dothan had been picked by Star Captain Gerry Harper, Quinn Shu and Stefan Banacek as a likely target where they could gather the food and supplies required to keep the Sceptre and its crew operational.  Stefan Banacek’s Blood Asp OmniMech stood watching as Elementals from his unit loaded cargo trailers with crates of food and barrels of water.  Two days before he had landed on the planet and defeated the planetary militia now his unit was in control of the spaceport and the local population.  So far resistance had been minimal.

   “Control to Sierra One!”  Came an almost panicked reply he knew that it could not go so easily for long.

   “Go ahead” he replied calmly long ago learning that losing ones temper was not the best way to deal with a combat situation.

   “Sceptre has sent a burst transmission their long range sensors detected a Federated Suns Davion III-class Destroyer at the Nadir Point and DropShips making a run for the planet.”  Control explained neither was of great concern the Davion III was no threat to the Sceptre, which was currently hidden in deep space, and the DropShips would take several days to get to the planet.

“Why the urgency?”

“Additional ground forces have been detected approaching from the south, at least a combined-arms Battalion.”

“You could have started with that!”  Banacek snapped “command trinary move out we will fight a rearguard action to buy time to load the supplies we need into the DropShips.”  As well as their own vessel the Konstantin Banacek’s team had captured an old Leopard-class DropShip from the spaceport although it was barely space worthy with a little work the vessel could prove useful in the future.

An hour later Stefan Banacek turned his Blood Asp to the right targeting a Shadow Hawk BattleMech with his arm mounted lasers.  The opal coloured beams of the heavy lasers burning through the BattleMech’s right torso and arm armour.  Moments later a tightly packed group of six short range missiles tore into the BattleMech knocking it to the ground.  Stefan glanced at his OmniMech’s stores he was out of gauss rifle ammunition and down to his last half dozen reloads of his short range missile system but they had succeeded in their mission his trinary of BattleMechs, vehicles and Battle Armour had successfully turned back attacks from an enemy that had superior numbers and they had bought the DropShips enough time to load up the supplies they needed.  “Sierra One to Control” he called out

“Go ahead, Sierra”

“Bring in the cargo haulers, I want to strip the wreckage of any useful technology and ammunition, it may be a while before we are able to do this again.”  He commanded turning to survey the battle moments later his OmniMech was struck by a flight of long range missiles which punched holes in his torso armour but fortunately did no lasting damage.  Ahead he saw the last four BattleMechs approaching three were medium class designs while the fourth was a sixty ton Merlin BattleMech.  “This is Stefan Banacek stand down or we will destroy your force.”  He said his enemy must have known they were outmatched but continued to approach a particle cannon shot flying high over the Blood Asp.  “As you wish” he said keying in his entire unit but leaving the general frequency also open “all units the last of the defenders are approaching they may expect us to show them honour as Clan warriors are known for.  But what these people need to learn and what all of the Federated Suns need to learn we are not Clansmen!”  He said as further fire from the approaching four Mechs was fired at his unit still no-one fired maintaining their discipline “which is why I now command… FIRE!”  He said in one clear command the entire unit fired as one in a terrifying display of concentrated fire from the combined arms unit all four BattleMechs were torn to pieces, two of the MechWarriors successfully ejected from the hail of fire which was falling on them but none of the BattleMechs remained standing following the engagement.

With the defenders destroyed and their cargo loaded Stefan Banacek’s unit quickly extracted itself from the planet and headed to their rendezvous with the Sceptre which waited ready to leave the system.  By the time the AFFS reinforcements and their destroyer escort arrived at Dothan the rogue Strike Cruiser had already jumped from the system.  Days later across Dothan and from there across the Federated Suns gun camera footage of Banacek’s forces tearing apart the final lance of defenders on Dothan was repeatedly broadcast by news agencies leading to demands of immediate action in response as worlds cried out for additional defences.

Trial of Possession
Orestes, Coyote Occupation Zone
7th September 3110

Elements of the First Rasalhague Bears Cluster burned in system, escorted by the WarShip Silverdale which provided cover for their forces.  Around the force several assault DropShips supplanted the WarShip’s firepower.  Approaching the planet the Silverdale came to a halt well outside weapons range of the ground as the DropShips entered the atmosphere.

On the ground the Coyotes 120th Striker Cluster and the Tenth ProtoMech Assault Cluster opposed the landings, with aerospace fighters battling over the landing zones, filling the sky with broken and burning aircraft.   The first cluster to touch ground on Orestes came under attack from a large number of ProtoMechs supported by Stars of light and medium Mechs.  Still the First Rasalhague Bears pressed on, it being a Rasalhague unit held firm, pushing back the Coyote attackers. 

The biggest battle though was the fight for the Odin Manufacturing plant. Fought miles away from the site the Seventieth Striker Cluster squared off against the further elements of the 120th who were backed up by the formidable defences outside the factory that were in turn manned by solhama troops.

The Commander of the First Rasalhague Bears Cluster Star Colonel Clementine Hall fell, her Kodiak II beheaded by a lucky hit during the melee as the two Clan forces collided whilst Star Colonel Lyla Bekker, of the Coyotes, was killed as her Savage Coyote erupted into flames and exploded as her ammo cooked off.

At the main Trial site elements of the Coyote Thirty-fourth Striker Cluster attempted to make a flanking assault on the Bears to catch the invaders in a deadly crossfire.  Unfortunately for the Coyotes the Striker Cluster ran into the attached First Tyr Cluster who were acting as a tactical reserve in case the Coyotes broke their bid.  With both Clans showing that they were ready to violate the original trial’s bid a mass melee quickly broke out as an entire Coyote light BattleMech star was crushed in mass fire by the Bears.

With both sides now fighting heavily the trial quickly spiralled out of control with entire stars eliminated on both sides.  Dominon aerospace support was called in to silence the guns of the Orestes plant and suffered heavily in doing so but the Arrow turrets were silenced, all be it for heavy cost with large elements of the Bear force destroyed around the factory and elsewhere with the factory secured but with the Rasalhague Bears defeated in the main trial the battle was essentially a draw.  The surviving senior Rasalhague Dominion Star Captain, an Eileen Bekker, from the First Rasalhague Bears Cluster requested Hegira and was granted the request.  Because both sides had violated the Trial the Coyotes allowed the Bears to remove their salvage and granted them a ransom of a production run from the factories the Bears had captured during the fighting.

Elsewhere along the Coyote/Rasalhague border the two Clans exchanged several worlds with Kobe, Kranston and Hyperion captured by the Coyotes and Satalice and Nox captured by the Bears.  Meanwhile recently captured Bondsman Morgan arrived on Alshian to begin his service with the Rasalhague Dominion.

Lyran Assaults
Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
14th September 3110

With the Jade Falcons perilously close to Coventry the Lyran High Command order their regiments do something about it.  In an effort to relieve the threat on Coventry Lyran commands target Biuqui, Krievci and Wroclaw.

Both recently formed Coventry Cuirassiers Regiments supported by the LCS Thomas Fredrick Bradford, a Commonwealth-class Light Cruiser, target the world of Biuqui targeting elements of the Second Falcon Jaegers Cluster on the world recapturing it.

The Twenty-fifth Arcturan Guards RCT supported by the LCS Graf Markol von Hild, another Commonwealth-class Light Cruiser, strikes the world of Krievci targeting elements of the Third Falcon Hussars Cluster.

On the back of a successful streak of battles the LCAF’s Nineteenth Donegal Guards attempt to wrest control over Wroclaw but they run into the rest of the Third Falcon Hussars along with the Fifth Ebon Guard Cluster.  Although they are able to crush the remaining Third Falcon Hussars troops the Nineteenth are overwhelmed by the Fifth Ebon Guard units.

Trial of Possession
Outskirts of Phillip Drummond City
New Barcella, Nova Cat’s Den
21st September 3110

For fifty-two years the world of New Barcella had remained exclusively the domain of Clan Nova Cat with no other faction even knowing the location of the system that was until three days before when the Snow Raven WarShip Vienna Singer, Vision Seeker-class Battle-cruiser, had arrived in the system along with several JumpShips carrying ground forces.  The Snow Ravens had immediately declared a Trial of Possession over production from one of the Nova Cat’s factories with three Nova Cat Battle-cruisers closing in on the Vienna Singer the Ravens had taken the surprising step to request safcon which the Nova Cats had agreed to.

Now three days later Star Colonel Ilfanesh Deleportas sat in her Nova Cat II OmniMech facing off against two binaries of Snow Ravens.  She saw an Omen BattleMech approach the Nova Cat lines her Nova Cat II’s weapons outranged the Omen’s and immediately she targeted the Raven BattleMech with both her Extended Range Particle cannons following up moments later with the OmniMech’s pulse lasers burning armour off the Omen’s torso and legs.  The Raven Omen stalked forwards engaging with its pulse laser but missed its mark the Nova Cat II defended by the ECM system.  Ilfanesh turned to the right moving several paces clear of her previous position striking out with both particle cannons causing more damage to the large assault a wave of advanced tacticle missiles struck out towards the Nova Cat II but the anti-missile cannon mounted over the cockpit shot down several of them before they could reach the OmniMech leaving only six to strike the armour.  Ilfanesh cursed as she continued on her path flanking the Omen striking out with the pulse laser one struck the left leg of the Omen burning armour but it was not enough to stop the assault BattleMech which struck out with more ATMs, its pulse laser and LBX-class Autocannon.  The pulse laser struck the Nova Cat II but the laser reflective armour lessened the hit, missiles were cut from the air protecting the OmniMech but there was nothing to stop the autocannon blow.  Striking low on the Nova Cat II’s left torso the autocannon smashed plates but didn’t penetrate its protective skin.  Ilfanesh stopped her path instead turning and heading across the Omen’s path hitting the BattleMech with another two particle cannons shots these two shots were enough to penetrate the hull burning the gyro.  As the eighty-five ton BattleMech fell laser, missile and autocannon fire filled the air but none threatening any of the Nova Cat units Ilfanesh kept her guns on the downed Omen for several moments but when the pilot began to shut down their BattleMech she turned towards another target.

As the Nova Cat II turned the anti-missile system automatically activated cutting down several short range missiles which had been fired by a group of Elementals.  She didn’t hesitate firing the pulse lasers into the point of Elementals cutting down two of the troopers before the point could jump clear.  The remaining three troopers tried to close on the Nova Cat II firing another salvo of short range missiles towards the OmniMech but this time the anti-missile system cut them all down.  Ilfanesh tried to backtrack away from the remaining three Elementals triggering both particle cannons and ignoring the heat build up as she cut down another of the Battle Armour troopers.  The remaining two troopers tried to jump onto the OmniMech but Ilfanesh was ready for them swinging the left arm she smacked one of the genetically modified troopers out of the air sending him flying.  The last Elemental attached themselves to the Nova Cat II’s hull but she was ready for him dropping to the ground Ilfanesh rolled the OmniMech quickly crushing the last Elemental.

Standing her OmniMech up Ilfanesh Deleportas saw that the Battle continued to turn against the Snow Ravens with the Nova Cats pushing against the remaining Ravens at all points.  “This is Star Colonel Ilfanesh Deleportas of the 453rd Pouncer Cluster to the Snow Raven commander your positions are compromised you have fought well, I offer you Hegira, it is time to accept.”  She said targeting a Raven Flamberge BattleMech but holding fire.

“This is Star Captain Lorenzo Magnus Clan Snow Raven accepts your offer.  All units of the 101st Raven Battle Cluster stand down.  Nova Cat commander the field is yours but we will return.”  He warned from the Bondsmen taken from battle the Nova Cats learned that the Ravens had found out where New Barcella was from warriors captured from Katrine Devalis troops.

High Orbit
Erdvynn, Erdvynn Province
29th September 3110

Star Admiral Malcolm Lynn studied the tactical screen closely. Three weeks ago pirates from the Zeta Sisters, the four systems claimed by the Lyran Commonwealth Rimward of the Erdvynn Province and Rim Collection had crossed into Erdvynn Province, taking the capital world of Erdvynn and the systems of Yidtall and Calvados. Afterwards, the dezgra pirates had burnt alive the prisoners, government officials, the Collection ambassador, and the technicians manning the Hyper Pulse Generators. For that reason, the Collection and Mandrills had sent nine clusters and the RCS Resolute to recapture the worlds.

He shook his head. Now was not the time to think of past events, he decided, as he once again concentrated on the task at hand.  “Communications!” he yelled out. “The pirate warship still sending out HPG pulses, quiaff?”

“Aff, Star Admiral,” Wendy, the Collection Freeborn Technician manning Comms station confirmed. “Still no luck in breaking their encryption” he nodded to himself, expecting as much, as he watched the enemy warship seemingly flee from the system, albeit leisurely. When the Resolute and the five clusters it was protecting arrived in system, they found the months-missing LCS Bolin, a Lyran Merchant Corvette in system. Now, even with twelve in-bound Titans and Titan Monitors and over a hundred fighters, it still was continuing its leisurely withdrawal.

“The dezgra pirates are indeed planning something,” he mused out loud. Yet, the only thing they could do was to wait for the dezgra to spring their trap. It was slightly unnerving, but it couldn’t be help. “Comms, notify Galaxy Marshall Justine Truscott the dezgra have a trap and advise her to break off her approach to Erdvynn.”

“Aff!” was the woman’s answer.  Minutes later, just as he noted the sometimes temperamental Galaxy Marshall had acquiesce and ordered her DropShips and fighters into a roving pattern in orbit of Erdvynn, the dezgra pirates had sprung their trap.

“Radiation spike!” yelled out Eric, the only other Warrior on the bridge. “Right behind us!” he added.

“When it rains it pours,” Malcolm commented quietly before speaking up authoritatively. “Helm, turn us about portside. Tactical, have our gunners begin sequential fire and order our fighters neutralize any the pirates have.”

Just as the largest Mandrill WarShip began its portside turn, the IFF program onboard the RCS Resolute finally tagged the unknown pirate warship “IFF confirms! Enemy warship is the WOBS Erinyes, a Newgrange yardship!” Eric yelled out.

“What in the-” Malcolm’s question was cut off.

“The Erinyes just opened fire with its forward weapons.  Energy output is off the scale…” Eric yelled out “it can’t be” Malcolm heard him whisper.

“Helm! Break off the turn and full power to engines!  Sensors track that incoming and feed to tactical, Tactical station full defensive fire” he snapped Malcolm knew the RCS Resolute’s only chance was to try and shoot down the ordinance that was coming towards them.

He felt the RCS Resolute charge forward.

“It’s an ASTEROID sir” Eric said “we can’t avoid it our momentum is too great.” He confirmed Malcolm ignored his contractions as the information sunk in.

Malcolm closed his eyes, as he accepted the answer. “Can we evade via lifepods?”

“Aff, barely,” was the Warrior’s answer.

Malcolm opened his eyes and looked over the now-eerily quiet bridge. He could see all were looking at him. He looked at Wendy and Nick, the two Collection Freeborn on the bridge, before turning back to his screen, resolving to save the lives of as many as he could. Tapping it, he initiated ship wide Comms. “All hands abandon ship! I repeat! All hands abandon ship! Right ****** now!”  He looked up to see the bewildered bridge crew. “I doubt any of you have a hearing problem.” In seconds, the bridge crew had evacuating the bridge, leaving only Malcolm and Eric.

“I just activated auto-fire on all guns facing the asteroid Star Admiral, anything that cannot hit it is going to bear on the Yardship or whatever the hell that monstrosity is” the younger Warrior reported out. “I’m staying Star Admiral,” he added out.

Malcolm nodded at him. “You are a true Warrior Eric.” The other man nodded and both were quiet for a moment as Malcolm tapped his screen to show a picture. A picture of him standing behind a woman sitting in a chair, his hand on her shoulder. Her name was Andy, a Freeborn Collection woman he had met in the days after the Clan had arrived on All Dawn. Along the Resolute’s hull evacuation pods began to leave the carrier Malcolm looked at Eric.  “Tell me Eric. Who do you fight for?”

“I fight for our Clan and the Collection, Star Admiral,” was his reply before he turned to face Malcolm. “And now I will die for it.”  He said watching the screen the Resolute’s fire was not stopping the incoming ordinance and the WarShip’s sensors had just registered a second massive launch from the Erinyes.

Malcolm nodded. It was as good an answer as he would hear from the young Warrior. “A noble answer, Eric I fear mine is a greedy one.” He said Eric glanced at the picture still held in Malcolm’s hand.

“Who is she, Star Admiral,” the younger man asked.

“My wife and unborn daughter,” was Malcolm’s simple answer. Eric was about to ask another question but then both disappeared in a ball of fire, as the asteroid struck midway across the hull of the RCS Resolute causing massive damage.  As the ancient WarShip twisted and burned a second asteroid slammed into the vessel’s hull and destroyed the vessel.

For another hour and a half, the remaining Rim Collection forces fought tooth and nail for survival against the Erinyes and the Bolin, intent on holding both pirate warships off while their ground forces desperately made there way back to their JumpShips and began emergency jumps clear of the system.  Several of the Rim Collection pilots and escort DropShips would not be leaving the battle as they fought a desperate rearguard to defend the ground forces escaping.

Nexus Ri
Shared World, Border world
Draconis Combine/Raven Alliance
30th September, 3110

On Nexus Ri the trials between the Combine and Ravens continued as the two nations continued to experiment with their new relationship.  With the SLDF trialing for, and winning, an enclave on the planet itself adding another element to the world’s make up.  Elsewhere on the border the two nations battle over several other worlds.  While none of the worlds change hands, with the Ravens keeping control of Kazanka and Suianheer, while the Combine retains Zlatousi and Quantraine both sides see their troops pushed to their limit.

To keep the fighting from escalating into another all out war the Ravens and DCMS maintain brief and discrete monthly communications giving the other a little feedback about the current situation.  From both sides there is near continuous complaints from the Ravens at the use of “dishonorable” combat tactics and strategy from the Draconis Combine warriors however neither nation is ready for another all out war and nothing further is made of the complaints.

Further along the Draconis Combine border the Nova Cats take control over the system of Tarnby defeating the DCMS defenders this makes up for the Nova Cats defeat by Clan Sea Fox in a Trial of Possession in Falakuma system where the WarShip Tiglon was heavily damaged by a new Sea Fox WarShip the Mastera, an Isurus-class Missile Destroyer.
« Last Edit: 03 October 2017, 19:29:21 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #887 on: 04 October 2017, 02:46:27 »
Lots of movement in this update. Great job everyone!  O0

Have me wondering what's going to happen on the Bear and Dragon borders.

James Tanaga


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #888 on: 07 October 2017, 10:38:42 »
Timeline note: for those of you not fully aware of how this works.  Vition2, marauder648 and James Tanaga (to name a few) have made fantastic contributions to this timeline but none of them fully know what's planned overall.  They are in anticipation/dread for the most part about what I'm doing as everyone else do their comments are genuine not leading anyone on. (No one suggested such I just want to be clear)

Hmm, thought I had replied to this earlier, guess not...

I'll say regarding this is that I pretty much only know what happens in the snippets I end up writing for DC, and sometimes these change enough that the consequences I was intending change  ;D.  I'll give a couple examples and then the only time I think I've actually been given a headstart on some information.  First, I know that something bad is going to happen to the FedSuns, DC has pointedly mentioned this throughout this thread for the past 2-3 years of in-game time (so nearly a year IRL).  Second, I've intentionally seeded hooks into the storylines I write, likely the most apparent is the Sceptre going rogue - but I had zero input on what happened after it jumped out of New Samarkand.  Other inclusions have been whether or not the Ravens actually have antimatter mines, who actually gave the order for the Combine Flotilla to attack Quatre Belle, and the virus on Milligan's World - regarding each of these, I have ideas for the second and third, but am leaving the first entirely up to DC.

As for the only time I got notice before something actually was put into the thread which was not also directly forecast in this thread itself is that I happened to build and write the fluff for the Isurus-class Missile Destroyer at just the right time for the Nova Cats to have something else bad happen to them (I knew something was going to happen to them 27 hours ahead of the September post, but no details).  The Ravens finding New Barcella was both more and less than what I was thinking/hoping - it has a lot bigger long-term consequences than the "satisfaction" of a couple of annihilated clusters/warships.

Lastly, much of the big stuff that ends up going down is forecast in some way.  DC does a great job (imo) in forecasting that something is going to happen without letting too much of the specifics slip.

I'm still waiting on pins and needles for whatever will end up dropping on the Fed Suns.   ;)

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #889 on: 07 October 2017, 14:17:36 »
Similar with me. DC usually likes what I write, but will make some changes to them. Usually the changes are small, but sometimes he adds something big I was NOT expecting at all.

Also, I tend to write the Rim Collection updates for the most part, and sometimes I do need some clue on what he has planned on that particular border. Most times, they're vague, offering just enough information for me to work with, but not enough to figure out what he has planned.

And still sometimes I shock even him and he loves an idea enough to change his original plans to include said idea. The Stone Spirit Incursion and Kelly Varnay popping up comes to mind.

Actually, I'll use the above as an example. I noticed when DC posted maps, unit and warship listing for the end of 3105, I noticed they had left their Stone Spirit border rather lightly defended for a Clan border. I wrote an outline on my idea for the incursion. It was a full-out Clan assault to make their own Occupation Zone. DC liked the idea a lot, but didn't want a full OZ on the border, merely a couple worlds. That eventually morphed into the Stone Spirit Incursion. Only information I ever got out at the time was to the extent of: this will set my plans back; here's what the Spirts have facing against them and yes this counts as much of the Lyran reserves; no your Mandrills CANT take advantage of the situation; sure, Erdvynn Province can exist; no warship losses to the Lyrans; and you cant kill the Archon's husband. During the writing part, I realized I didn't want to do Stone Spirit PoV (something I do now regret) and so stuck with using Lyran PoV.

My problem? I didn't want to keep to just the Archon's husband or another figure that was fleshed out, but a new character that we can instantly relate to. I remembered the Varnay Rebellion and presto. An exiled soldier that is finding acceptance within Lyran space. One that was the leader of what I envisioned as what could be found within the Lyran militia forces, that DC morphed into an experimental new unit. One that has since grown to include others. And the fun part? I got to destroy warships even though he originally said no. Why? Because it worked out better and he wasn't afraid to both change his plans up and let me have fun in his sandbox.

I will be honest. I was bummed when my first ever time writing people thought was bad and decided just to keep myself from writing again. My wife had to talk me into presenting my idea of the Mandrills surviving into the Inner Sphere to DC. DC said he had them planned to be destroyed, but let's see what we could do. That was more then three years ago. I am still writing Rim Collection scenes. And now I am comfortable in writing.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #890 on: 07 October 2017, 21:25:59 »
Love to read about the insight from Vition2 and James Tanaga on writing their stories and seeing what Dragon Cat does with it!   :D :D  Keep up the great stories and looking forward to your next update!!! 


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #891 on: 09 October 2017, 06:12:17 »
It's the same for me.  I love Dragon Cat's AU and way back when my muse was inspired and I wrote a lil short story of an engagement in the AU that had already happened (it was a naval battle IIRC) and thanked him for writing such an awesome AU.

He then put that into his AU and we got chatting, and much like James and Vition was invited to write bits and bobs for the story. I'd be given a brief outline and then would go from there, at which point DC would then edit, change or alter as needed.  I've also sent him wee drabbles and bits and bobs and these have or have not been added.  Its fun writing for DC this way and i'm honoured that he's put my rubbish in this TL and helped it to create bigger hooks like the discovery and salvage of the Endeavour class explorer C. Sagan for example.  This helps link the Marian's to other forces who wish to remain hidden, at least for now.

And I'll tell you one thing, I wasn't expecting to see the Eyrinyes make an appearance.  But when she does, boy does she know how to catch everyone's attention.
« Last Edit: 09 October 2017, 06:14:39 by marauder648 »
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #892 on: 09 October 2017, 07:34:34 »
I agree completely, marauder.  I've been trying make time and money to make a private publishing of Dragoncat and his talented contributors into black & white print.  Heck this been more balance Battletech universe than the canon one!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #893 on: 09 October 2017, 08:35:05 »
I agree completely, marauder.  I've been trying make time and money to make a private publishing of Dragoncat and his talented contributors into black & white print.  Heck this been more balance Battletech universe than the canon one!

Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #894 on: 11 October 2017, 12:54:50 »
Well Done 1 and all {>{>

and to DragonCat you have 1 hell of a universe going and nice you allow others to play in it, if I could write better I might try, but I would hate to bring this down
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #895 on: 11 October 2017, 20:58:06 »
I thank my co-writers and other contributors it wouldn't be the timeline it is without what has been contributed (and what I've begged, borrowed and stole)

DOC_Agren - even if you had an idea, an event, a character, a unit you wished to see feel free to PM me anytime.  If I can fit something in I will (though it might not come out as you expect) and in your own words lets get on with this "hell of a universe" (it CGL's really I'm just having lots of fun with it in this sandbox)

A contribution from Vition2 on the Raven border included in this update

Trial of Possession, Burn in
Zortman, Sea Fox Territory
Wolf Empire
2nd October 3110

On the Clan Wolf DropShip Prowler Star Colonel Xera Ward looked at the screen in front of her the Sea Fox warrior on the screen looked furious.  “You wished for safcon and it was granted Star Colonel now what is it Clan Wolf wish with Zortman?”

“Zortman has been a Sea Fox holding for too long” the dark skinned warrior said “the Ninth Wolf Lancers Cluster is here to claim this territory.”  She said seeing the shock on the Fox warrior brought a smile “I gather that had I declared my intentions when I entered this system safcon would not have been granted, quiaff?”

“Aff” the Fox admitted “what forces do you bring to this Trial?”

“I bid two combined-arms binaries of veteran warriors to this Trial I am ready to transmit their codex data.”

“I will match your bid Wolf, we will meet in one week at Lustig Pass, I will transmit our codex and location data.”  He said in response.

“Seyla” Xera Ward responded

“Seyla” the Sea Fox responded


On the ground of Zortman Wolf and Sea Fox forces fought each other trading blows as they danced around each other.  In the centre of the formation Star Colonel Xera Ward moved her Tomahawk II OmniMech carefully towards her enemy’s forces gutting an enemy Shadow Cat OmniMech with her paired arm mounted HAGs.  The rapid fire gauss rifles tore through the forty-five ton OmniMech even as a gauss slug ripped into the Tomahawk’s torso.

She stepped forwards targeting a Stormcrow now engaging with the large lasers only one found its mark burning down the Sea Fox’s left leg.  The Sea Fox OmniMech ran around Xera’s OmniMech hitting the Tomahawk II with both of its large lasers burning the assault OmniMech’s armour the fast moving OmniMech quickly switched to its medium lasers burning more armour away unfortunately the heat build up cause two of the mediums to go wide and slowed the Stormcrow’s run.  Xera smirked knowing that this was the moment and fired both HAGs and both large lasers only one HAG and one large laser found their marks the gauss slugs ripping down the right side of the Mech peppering the fifty-five ton OmniMech’s leg breaching the armour.  Xera was satisfied to see the knee actuator explode as several slugs slammed into the exposed skeleton the Tomahawk’s laser added insult to injury as it burned over the Stormcrow’s torso and struck the underside of the cockpit.  Behind the Stormcrow Xera’s other fire tore up the dirt as they missed everything around them the Stormcrow continued to limp faster than the Tomahawk could run but the MechWarrior must have known that his time was coming to an end and began to retreat firing its lasers against the Tomahawk’s armour.
Planting the Tomahawk II’s legs firmly Xera tracked the retreating Stormcrow with her torso twisting to follow the lighter Mech she then triggered one of the HAGs which tore open the back of the Stormcrow moments later the cockpit exploded open and the pilot flew from his falling OmniMech.

Xera turned her assault Mech to see a point of Elementals swarming a Nova OmniMech cutting and burning the Sea Fox Mech’s armour.  Off to the side a Sea Fox Solitaire fired on the Elementals burning two of them from the Nova’s form.  Xera angrily twister her Tomahawk II onto the Solitaire and fired one of the HAGs along with both medium pulse lasers cutting down the light BattleMech before keying her microphone “Sea Fox commander your troops have broken Zellbrigen, this is now a Wolf trial to win, all Wolf forces forego Zellbrigen and engage targets of opportunity.”  She commanded on a general frequency beginning a general melee.  Across the battlefield Wolf and Sea Fox units began to coordinate their fire rapidly cutting each other down with the Wolves rapidly gaining the upper hand in the fight.

Royal Marriage, Imperial Palace
Imperial City, New Samarkand
Military District of Midway, Draconis Combine
11th October 3110

   At the Imperial Palace on New Samarkand Coordinator Akira Kurita announces his marriage to Julia Kurita.  The announcement comes as a complete surprise to the entire Draconis Combine who did know that Akira was involved with anyone leading to the belief that it was an arranged marriage, which was not uncommon in the Draconis Combine.  Little is said about Julia Kurita or her past and other than the marriage ceremony she is rarely seen.

   Alongside this announcement is news that the DCMS have successfully captured Damevang, Choudrant, Rowe and Tishomingo as they push deeper into the Federated Suns Draconis March.  Elsewhere along the border the DCMS fail to capture Hagiwawa from the AFFS showing that the AFFS resolve along that part of the border remains as strong as ever.

Poseidon, Sea Fox-class Arcship
Pirate Point Gamma, Nexus Ri
Shared World, Border World
Draconis Combine/Raven Alliance
13th October 3110

After having transferred around a third of its cargo to Falaknuma, the Poseidon its escorts and members of the Predator Khanate ground forces traveled rimward, arriving over Nexus Ri in the middle of October.  “OvKhan Vewas, preliminary scans show that the reports are correct, Nexus Ri has significant deposits of germanium.”

“Good, this excursion will not be a waste of time” OvKhan Carlos Vewas replied, then he called up Star Colonel’s Sigmund Marsh and Aegal Faulk, “Star Colonels, the Seventh Cruiser and Fifty-eight Combined Strike Cluster are available to fight for our victory on Nexus Ri.”  He said looking between them “what are your individual bids?”

Both Star Colonels engaged in a contest of bidding Star Colonel Sigmund Marsh eventually won the bidding with a very aggressive bid of a single binary consisting of a single BattleMech point, two aerospace points and the remaining a mix of ProtoMechs and battle armor.  In reserve another binary of the Fifty-eight Combined Strike Cluster were available to support should it be required.

“Commander of the Raven Alliance forces on Nexus Ri; I am Star Colonel Sigmund Marsh commander of the Fifty-eight Combined Strike Cluster of Clan Sea Fox.  We want access to the resources of this planet and have determined that your Alvarius Enclave is the ideal location.  The following forces are bid, with what forces will you receive us?” OvKhan Marsh then transmitted the list of his forces including the codices of the warriors who would be involved.  He had done some research on the planet below noting this location as the second largest Raven enclave, and the only enclave located on a small island continent victory would grant the Sea Foxes will have ownership over the entire continent.

About an hour later the Raven reply arrived, “A binary of the Second Raven Garrison Cluster will meet you in the trial area of the Third Canyonlands.  You are reminded that this is a shared world should you win your Trial you will have same expectations and rights as the other occupants of Nexus Ri, the Combine, SLDF, and we Ravens.”

Star Colonel Marsh, eager to receive the higher degree of autonomy quickly confirmed the bidding and stipulations.  He then sets his senior Star Commander to the task of preparing for the trial.  Continuing to study the terrain that they would battle over it quickly becomes apparent that the trial location would be ideal for ambushes and the terrain rough enough that even BattleMechs would have difficulty navigating the area, not to mention the near uselessness of aerospace assets.  He had included a single point of aerospace forces purely to counter those of the Raven Alliance.
The battle itself was played out over three days, with the Ravens having a significant advantage in force composition for the first two days and knowing the terrain somewhat better than the Foxes.  In a series of skirmishes they managed to pull off a number of ambushes, slowly bleeding the members of Predator Khanate.  However at the end of the second day, the OvKhan Carlos Vewas authorised the use of the Fox reserve forces as the Sea Foxes pull out all the stops to win the enclave adding a star of ProtoMechs into the conflict despite the honour loss it costs the Foxes.  This gives the Sea Foxes the mobility they need to capture the enclave.


As the technicians and labourers transferred equipment to the Alvaris Enclave OvKhan Marsh noted the size of the enclave for the small number of inhabitants’ present and little infrastructure that the Ravens had invested in it.  Already members of the Sea Fox scientific caste had assessed a nearby vein of germainium that their engineers could exploit unfortunately it was not as large as he had expected.  He had also discovered that calling in reinforcements to the trial had cost the Sea Foxes control over the other islands of the continent as the Ravens saw it as a violation of the trial.  The Sea Foxes would contest the Raven decision but it was just the beginning of a long journey.

Elsewhere the border tension between the Draconis Combine and Raven Alliance died down though continues to smolder beneath the surface.  The last two trials of the official border world’s occurred with the Combine winning back Valentina and the Ravens recapturing Bad News.

Fourth Battle for Tamarind
Tamarind, Wolf Empire
15th October 3110

Missiles, Lasers and autocannon fire filled the space around Tamarind as WarShips, fighters and DropShips engaged each other.  Past the aerospace battle DropShips carrying ground forces attempted to make it through the Wolf blockade around Tamarind.

“Sir, the side of the Therese just exploded there are explosive decompressions on several decks!”  The FWLS Sardis sensor operator Joseph Milaki reported to Duke Robert Brett-Marik as the WarShip was hit with naval laser fire.
“Sire, Werewolf is coming around again if its broadside aligns with ours… Sire, this is a fight we cannot win.”  Captain Rachel Leacar said attempting to get the Duke’s attention.  They had expected the Lola IV-class Destroyer Wolf Hunter and the assault DropShip squadrons what they had not expected was the Werewolf or the other two Lola IV-class Destroyers to enter the system during their burn-in even as they spoke the Arctic Wolf, another Lola IV, passed over the position of the Free Worlds League DropShips unleashing its naval particle cannons and autocannons on the formation wiping out the Tenth Tamarind Militia, a third of their ground forces.

“Have our aerospace fighters engage the Arctic Wolf cover their retreat” Duke Robert Brett-Marik ordered “today is not our day” he said.

“Helm alter our course away from the shipyards, have the Tamarind and Abbey cover our flank defensive fire against the Werewolf.  We’ll still take hits but we’ll just have to weather them.  Send all SAR crews along with the Juan Carlos to the Therese recover everyone they can then rejoin with us.”  Captain Leacar said watching the holotank as the Sardis began to turn to starboard the two accompanying Impavido-class Destroyers moving to the WarShips port side as the Werewolf turned her port side weapons towards the Sardis’ position.  Even as the Sardis and her escorts turned away the Werewolf’s particle cannons opened fire two of the weapons hit the Tamarind’s port side while another hit the Abbey.  Of the remaining nine weapons four missed completely while another two cored through an Overlord A3-class DropShip while the remaining three tore through the Sardis’ armour.

The massive Thera-class Carrier shook as the particle cannons tore open the ship’s side.  Alarms sounded out in the Command Centre.  “Hull breaches sections forty-two through forty-five!”  The female officer at damage control sounded out “emergency bulkheads have closed no information on casualties.”

“Continue our turn” Leacar commanded “status of Tamarind and Abbey?”

“Both have heavy armour and internal damage, Tamarind has lost fire control and there is a report of fire onboard Abbey.”

“If they need additional assistance we’ll give it to them once we are clear of the battle.”

“Sir, Arctic Wolf is incoming on our position” another officer called out as the Arctic Wolf approached the Sardis firing its forward autocannons, lasers and particle cannons.  The smaller WarShip cut across the hull of the large carrier sustaining several heavy hits as the Sardis’ gunners engaged the vessel.  The Arctic Wolf passed over the Sardis and continued heading away from it both vessel’s rear weapons continuing to engage the other vessel as the range between them extended.

“Further damage reports from sections nine, thirty-three and seventy-one further bulkheads secure.”

“She can take it” Robert Brett-Marik said loudly so the crew could hear the confidence he didn’t feel.

“Arctic Wolf is out of the fight, they’ll get her working again but not in time to engage us, Werewolf is turning to engage again.”

“Have Tamarind and Abbey maneuver behind our bulk we will shield them.”  Leacar ordered watching the display the McKenna-class WarShip was moving to engage them again with its broadside.  She looked at Duke Robert who just nodded his agreement watching the screen as the two smaller Impavidos moved to keep the Sardis between them and the Werewolf.  As the holotank updated it showed the Tamarind had broken formation and was passing under the Sardis heading directly towards the Werewolf.

“What are they doing?  Order them back into position, we have already lost enough today!”  Robert commanded but it was too late the Tamarind was already accelerating too much for it to make a difference.  The Impavido closed on the Werewolf firing its weapons as it closed however the Werewolf’s armoured hide was too thick for a single attack to threaten it with critical damage.  As the Tamarind closed there was a burst of energy from the Werewolf’s broadside as all twelve heavy naval particle cannons fired as one.

On the holotank in front of Duke Robert Brett-Marik and Captain Rachel Leacar watched as the FWLS Tamarind disintegrated under the Werewolf’s assault.  Particle Cannon impacts tore into the nose and forward armour burning great gouges in the hull.  As the Tamarind’s hull continued forward capital missiles struck the destroyer’s side before a second salvo of particle cannon fire almost literally tore the front of the Impavido from its hull.  Robert looked at Rachel and lowered his head “Captain, please recall our fighters and DropShips… and ensure our ground forces have rendezvoux coordinates.”  He commanded before leaving thecommand deck the Battle for Tamarind was over.

Mindstar Industries Shipyards, High Orbit Niops VIII
Niops, District of Lesnovo
Free Worlds League
22nd October 3110

   High above the world of Niops VIII the newest and possibly most important facility in the District of Lesnovo came online.  Standing in the command section Director Linda Roy stood beside Duke Raymond Brewer-Cameron-Jones “our facilities are fully operation we can begin JumpShip and DropShip production within the week all we await are resources which Niops can initially provide…”

   “And the District will keep this place going” the Duke replied confirming what she hoped would be offered “I hear you have had interest from Private Corporations as well?”

   “That’s correct as Mindstar is a business we have had interest from local mercenary commands and transport companies.”

   “Including some wider ranging multi-nationals?” Duke Raymond asked pointing out he knew where some particular interest had come from.

   “Interstellar Expeditions have approached us” she admitted looking him in the eye.  If he had been twenty years younger she would have been his type willing to stand up for what she believed in. “Duke Raymond if Mindstar does not accept private commissions we will not stay solvent.”  She said looking at the screens displaying the shipyard “I know you are very proud of what has been built here and I know that you authorized work visa for personnel from across the Free Worlds League to assist in making this place operational but unless you want to pay all of my creditors off and all of the wages due by this facility it’s my company and my contracts.”

   “Agreed” Raymond said looking at the screens there was only a single JumpShip slip so far and it would be busy for months with District business.  “You may make the deals you need to make however any deal made by agencies based beyond our borders must be cleared by my office.”  He said

   “I can work with those guidelines”

   “I’m glad to hear that Ms Roy, we’ll do great things together.”

Clan Announcement, City of Pineville
Vega, Altenmarkt Province
Rasalhague Dominion
28th October 3110

After weeks of equipment and personnel being brought into the world of Vega the system was a hive of activity with the Alshian, a Leviathan 2-class Battleship, and two Bergan-class WarShips in the system along with twenty assault DropShips.  On the planet’s surface at the newly constructed “Planetary Council” building in the newly constructed city of Pineville on the continent of South Nanturo Ghost Bear Khan Angela Bekker stepped up to address the assembled population.  Around the perimeter there were armoured Elementals and BattleMechs standing at attention ready to act if necessary.  “Citizens of Vega, and of the Rasalhague Dominion, I am Angela Bekker the Khan of Clan Ghost Bear and leader of the Rasalhague Dominion.  I know some of you have questioned what the Dominion will bring to Vega and what benefits our nation will bring you over that of the Draconis Combine.”  She said pausing to look across the assembled crowd “the first I would point to is this growing city which when completed will be open to all citizens of Vega and will become the administrative capital of the Vega Province.”  She said allowing the news to sink in for a moment “from the worlds of Camlann, Port Moseby, Buckminster and Gram to Yed Posterlor and Vega this new province will bring direct administration and a better allocation of resources.”  She said bringing cheers from the assembled crowd “we will defend Vega, rebuild Vega and we will let the people of Vega choose what they want.”  She said using the three things she knew that the people of Vega held against the Draconis Combine.  They hated that they had not been defended from Lyran raids, they had asked for more resources to rebuild and had not received them and they had not been given a voice that the Coordinator could hear now the Bears would offer them that which was something the crowd went crazy for.  Even with the heavy Ghost Bear military presence in the system, something that would never really go away, the people were already seeing a different type of leadership and a new arrange of freedoms they had not experienced under Draconis Combine rule and for the first time in years it felt like Vega mattered again.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #896 on: 12 October 2017, 00:00:45 »
Very interesting series of updates.

Lord Akira Kurita gets one step closer to his doom, while at the same time making progress against the Davion wall.

The Wolves decide to irritate the Sea Foxes, but beat down an attack by the Free Worlds League - which, given the importance of Tamarind to the long-term strength of the Wolf Empire, is not particularly surprising.

I very much like the minor modifications to my addition, with few words you added much depth to the Sea Fox encounter on Nexus Ri.

DOC_Agren, the way I ended up getting started in this was mostly an irritation with how the first Combine-Raven war turned out and, more-or-less, writing an in-person article about the failures in how the Ravens pursued the war.  I had built a number of warships for the setting (both on request and of my own initiative, and I have a few more in the pipe I'm waiting on pitching to DC), but this was my first foray into the fluff.  If you don't want to suggest an event, or short storyline which might effect the story down the future, you could pick a point in time, and event, an individual unit and expand the fluff directly related to them - something that doesn't really effect the future of the timeline but expands the fluff for this particular aspect of it.  I've found that DC is very open to ideas, particularly if they aren't all that radical.

James Tanaga

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #897 on: 12 October 2017, 01:06:55 »
Fun update DC.

And with that speech, Vega and the other worlds will likely become core Dominion worlds from now on. Interesting to see how the Draconis Combine will handle this.

DOC_Angren, as for me, I started because my wife and I found the timeline and we each enjoyed it. At first I thought it would just be until Kindraa Faraday-Tanaga (now Clan Fire Mandrill) reached the Rim Collection, but then over time my contributions grew into what you see today. You can only add to the timeline, not take it away, at least that is how I feel.

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #898 on: 12 October 2017, 18:28:15 »
Can't help but feel that the Wolves have been having it too good for too long.

Aren't they due some misfortune?
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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    • Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #899 on: 17 October 2017, 01:22:35 »
Darn good update!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

