Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 253171 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #930 on: 14 November 2017, 22:45:26 »
I meant the Stone Spirit not Rhino's

I had a feeling we’ll be visiting them soon
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #931 on: 15 November 2017, 00:41:26 »
An excellent update, we'll see if the vision comes true, the other Clans are not going to like it but they are going to have to lump it. Plus realpolitik speaks, whilst the creation of a new clan might lessen your clans power/influence over the others, all the other clans are also politically weakened this way, and thus things remain even. 
Shame the offensive against the wolves failed, but a warship killed or crippled is worth it. 

The offer to smuggle Morgan off world is an interesting one. I do have to wonder about how they 'turn' people so quickly, we know the Clan has med tech to mind scrub people, but I'd assume they wouldn't use that on a valuable bondsman and would instead try other approaches.  I assume this would vary from Clan to Clan, and the Bears with their big family ethos would be against the probable Falcon/Jag approach of 'The beatings will continue until morale improves'.

Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #932 on: 15 November 2017, 06:23:36 »
For some reason, I get the impression that Victor Focht remaining with Clans is the foundation to bigger things to come.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #933 on: 15 November 2017, 12:35:29 »
Yep, but I doubt they have much in the way of battle armored troops, and they are up against ex-Ravens, if not the best Marines in the sphere they are pretty high up there.  Given an edge in technology, equipment, training, and personnel, the TC is going to have a lot of trouble.

One thing I'm wondering is if Gerry Harper is willing to make a deal - the expertise of the Ravens on the ship could be enough to train up some of the Taurians, allowing them to actually repair the Congress II they have and increase the productivity of the Sterope shipyards.  They have some options, even if things go poorly.

Oh I don't think the TC will win easy but I think Banacek is expecting a walk over and I'm not seeng that either..
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #934 on: 22 November 2017, 12:35:48 »
Into March my thanks for Marauder for taking us into the Hell's Horses OZ and onto the Capellan Confederation border

Training exercise, 47th Combat Supernova (Freeborn)
Training Ranges, Graceland
Hell’s Horses OZ, Inner Sphere
1st March 3111

The bivouac was at a wartime setting, as was only fitting for an exercise but that didn’t mean there couldn’t be some of the comforts of home.  Whilst the tank crews dug slit trenches and set up for the night, the cooks were already setting up a tent to start preparing the first truly hot meal the tankers would have had for several days after living inside their tanks for the duration.  Now in a rear area they could finally drain their waste tanks, stretch their legs properly and get some real food into them that wasn’t quick heat rations.

Although it was dark the outlines of the Forty-seventh’s vehicles could still be seen, a mix bag of Mithras, Zorya and Ares tanks with a trio of Hachiman’s for fire support.  The Scout tanks were several kilometres away with their own support detachment and were already getting ready to bed down for the night. 

The men and women of the Forty-seventh CSN were all tired and hungry, with many coming fresh from their training after Trials of Position to be selected for the Touman it was still a wake-up call.  The Supernova’s Commander, a Trueborn that had accepted command of the unit rather than face being put into another Caste before the exercise had promised they would all hate him by the end of it and he wasn’t wrong.  He believed very firmly in the theory that mud, blood and tears in training made for better Warriors in combat, and he wanted to see what the keen if very green Freeborns were capable of. 

And so had followed three days of Status 1 Conditional training.  Three days without rest, with constant attacks and movements, river crossings, navigation exercises as well as infantry tactics for dismounted crews.  Here the Forty-seventh’s attached Freeborn Elemental had been more than willing to be the OpFor against the tank crews and the Medics had to set more than a few dislocated shoulders or help with concussions. 

But through it all, the Forty-seventh was pulling together.  The crew came from across Horse territory, some were periphery folks, others from former Lyran worlds and after winning their Trials of position and having undergone further tests and medical exams were then put into the meat grinder of a six-month long training program that was designed to weed out the weak.  If half a class passed, it was a surprise.  The recruits would then be sent out to Garrison worlds along the core ward frontier or interior worlds to help lessen the load on Second line forces. 

Whilst they were very much tertiary forces given older equipment that was rotated out of other units, there was still pride with what they did.

“Star Commander Steven, message for you from HQ. ‘All elements are to stand down from exercise. Maintenance protocols are to be enacted upon return to barracks.  Inform your forces that you have all performed adequately and should be commended.”

“How nice of him to say so...the order didn’t say when we had to move out?”

“No... err Neg Sir.”

“We’re not enforcing battle-comms now, and very good, dawn is in six hours, we’ll eat up, and get some rest. I don’t want to have us driving through town with the drivers falling asleep at the wheel.”

“Roger that Sir.”

Before the Star Captain could even salute there was a rather audible curse from the messing tent and heated voices.  Inside one tired looking tanker was looking down at his mess tin, and glaring daggers at the cook. “Alright, what is going on here?”  He demanded looking between them.

“Nothing Sir.” The cook said quickly, a bit too quickly

“So you are just yelling at one another for no reason?”

“I may have made a mistake...”

“May!?” The tanker interjected.  “You bloody well did!”

Star Captain Steven suppressed a sigh.  “Okay Warrior Jones, what is it?”

“That… person… put my desert into my meal tin.”

The Star Captain glanced down, the mess tin was full of a thick, sloppy mess, a fine mixture of beef and vegetable stew, as well as a healthy serving of rhubarb crumble.  The desert mess tin was empty.  An easy mistake to make in the dark.

“Oh… well enjoy your sweetmeat whilst we get you some more real food.  And we are all tired, but we are going back to base and the Star Captain has authorized 48 hours rest and relaxation for all crews and personnel.  And after all Warrior, it all comes out the same way…”

Pleased that one Trial of Grievance had been diffused, Star Commander Steven grabbed his own mess tins, fortunately not full of the main meal and desert and retreated to the warmth of the Indra that was the unit’s Communications vehicle.

These training exercises were of even more importance as it emerged that Clan Jade Falcon had declared a harvest trial against the Hell’s Horses with the Jade Falcons adding conditions to the battles demanding that should they be victorious then the Horses will turn over four clusters of like minded crusader warriors to them.  Fighting on the planets of New Extford and Bountiful Harvest despite stiff odds put up by the Horses the skill of the battle-hardened Falcons nets them both worlds and the warriors that they desire.  In order to meet the agreement, they made with the Falcons without destroying any of their units the Horses fight trials of position across their Touman with the losers being transferred into the Falcon Touman.  Several of the younger trueborns demand a chance to join the aggressive clan.

Twilight Princess (Fesnyng-class DropShip)
Galatea Station, Galatea
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
5th March 3111

   Colonel Burt Korbin stood on the bridge of his brand-new Fesnyng-class DropShip, the Twilight Princess, alongside his son Hermann as it approached the Galatea Station the primary mercenary hiring hub in the Inner Sphere.  The Bradford family had moved heaven and earth and had the DropShip delivered to them on the way to Galatea with the Bradford family picking up the delivery bill.  It had been sad to see the Hammerfall removed from the Kommando's ranks but time moved on and so did the unit.  The Twilight Princess was the only known Fesnyng in private hands and it had come courtesy of the Bradford Family putting in a good word for the Kommandos with the Lyran Military Quartermasters now they approached Galatea Station on the last leg of their rearmament before taking their contract with the Lyran military.

   “We could do without taking on the dregs from here.”  Hermann said, he wasn’t convinced they needed recruits from the station instead he’d be happy to see the unit regain its strength naturally by recruiting from the worlds they were garrisoned on.  They had the spare Mechs after Erdvynn they just needed some warriors and natural talent may be better than dispossessed.

   “We need aerospace fighter pilots and planes” Burt pointed out the Fesnyng had six aerospace fighter cubicles all of which were empty at present.  “We can’t afford to buy them nor do I expect to recruit them while on station.”

   “Knightwatch and Pit Bull still have their aerospace fighters” Hermann pointed out mentioning their other two DropShips.  Suddenly up ahead of the DropShip there was several explosions on the hull of the Galatea Station.

   “Explosion in quadrant 14 on the station, two hull breaches, we have Mechs on the hull!  Station CIC is warning all incoming traffic off,”  The sensor operator said in the compact bridge.

   “Communications send a message to the WarShip Subtlety and to the Station’s CIC inform them that we had nothing to do with the attack but that we are on station and ready to assist.”  Burt Korbin commanded springing into action “Hermann, rally the troops anything with jump jets and all of the aerospace fighters get them in the air.”  He commanded his son as the bridge crew of the Twilight Princess moved into action from behind the ship the unit’s Assault Triumph and Union deployed their eight aerospace fighters awaiting the command to get involved.

   “Sir, the Station’s CIC reports that their internal defences are driving the raiders towards the rear of the station if we can cut them off they want to capture as many alive as possible.”  The communication’s officer reported.

   “Pass to the landing team, Leutenant Harkin, move us over the station and prepare to deploy BattleMechs.”

   “Affirmative sir” the young man replied as the Fesnyng began to respond moving over the massive station from the underside of the DropShip two Warhammers, a Pillager, the unit’s Summoner and Stealth OmniMechs jumped onto the station’s hull.  As they did an Aurora-class DropShip blasted it’s way clear of its dock and began making its way to open space.

   “Contact Bravo Two inform him to stop their BattleMechs we will go after the DropShip have all aerospace fighters follow us.”  Burt Korbin commanded he was sure his son would be fine without him watching over him and with Pit Bull closing in they were about to be reinforced by additional BattleMechs leaving the pirates with little choice buy to surrender.

   Meanwhile in a space chase it was quickly turning into a one-sided affair as the Fesnyng out paced the Aurora and now had its heavy gauss rifles and long-range missiles locked onto the other ship.  “Command their surrender” Korbin commanded leaning into the chair on the bridge while he was not a spacer it was his unit and taking temporary command of the DropShip felt quite nice.  In response to his commands gauss rifle and laser fire scored hits on the Fesnyng leading to Korbin shaking his head he had no idea what they had planned to accomplish here today but this particular raid had been a bust.  “Weapons disable them if you can otherwise destroy them.”  He said the forward weapons array of the Twilight Princess cut into the rear armour of the Aurora ripping open the hull of the vessel.  “Repeat our command for them to surrender” Korbin commanded watching the results of his weapons on the Aurora the Fesnyng’s sensors showing that the vessel’s engineering deck was entirely exposed to the vacuum.

   “Signal from Aurora they have given their surrender.”

   “Move us into position and deploy marines” Korbin said as the Twilight Princess turned the DropShip’s advanced weapons locked on the vessel as Battle Armoured marines jumped from the craft landing on the hull of the DropShip.  Quickly the Kommando’s marines forced their way into the Aurora securing the vessel’s surrender.

   The Aurora’s crew and the surviving MechWarrior were handed over to Lyran Intelligence with the Kommando’s display on the hull of Galatea Station and their performance in capturing the Aurora won many applications which would keep Korbin’s busy for weeks dealing with recruitment.  As a thank you for their efforts in assisting the station the commanders the captured Osprey and enough salvage and parts to rebuild a Phoenix Hawk.  During their time on Galatea Station the Kommandos are able to hire five MechWarriors three to pilot the salvaged Erdvynn BattleMechs and two pilots with their own BattleMechs a Cadaver and a Hunchback 7X reinforcing their numbers significantly.

Border Raid
Indicass, St Ives PDZ
Capellan March, Federated Suns
14th March 3111

“All units, advance!”

On that barked order over the radio the barrage started.  Concealed Mechs with LRMs began volleying salvo after salvo from their launchers whilst stealth armour equipped snipers waited for targets to pop up or be designated by the scouts. 

Elements of the Twenty-second Liao Lancers, the Hustaing Lancers, and the First Battalion of House Dai Da Chi had landed on the Suns world of Indicass and had caught the Second St Ives Janissaries RCT flat footed as their DropShips landed.  The Suns unit still contested the air battle, with neither sides Aerospace assets being able to contribute much to the battle on the ground. 

Falling back to defences round the Spaceport General Nai Poidatz had ordered his forces to dig in whilst the Capellans probed for an avenue of attack.  The Spaceport was the objective of the raid, full of fuel and ammunition from the worlds refineries and factories, seizing or destroying them would affect the logistics of units across some half a dozen worlds.
San-be-bing Yung watched the frontal assault with a cold eye on his Dola’s HUD.  He could see the green icons signifying the Warriors of his House waiting whilst the Lances of the Hustaing Lancers threw themselves at the Davion defenders.

 All they needed was a gap and then they would plunge into It, levering open the Davion line and shatter their formation.
Yung’s Lance however was hunting other prizes.  His Dola equipped unit had managed to sneak in from the south, landed by their Dropship a few days earlier and seemingly forgotten during the fire and fury of the battles to the east near the Starport.  Each Dola’s powerful Angel ECM had thus far shielded them from detection whilst also letting them pick up the signals they were hunting.  Blurts of communication static, all heavily encrypted, but all pointing towards the location of their prey. 

Each Dola had been painted in the camo scheme of the Second St Ives Janissaries, not that it would fool a Mechwarrior but so far it had worked in fooling civilians moving away from the battle area, no one had thought to report a unit of four Mech’s that had come out of the highlands and were now sprinting through the city. 

“Sunrise, this is Blackout… shopping list is complete, sending you the bill now.”

“Sunrise acknowledged.  Change ready on your signal.”

It was the first major radio contact between the infiltration lance and their HQ since they’d landed.  With the Angel’s jamming in place it would have been hard for anyone who was listening in to get a fix on the signal.

But someone was listening in, and they had detected an unknown transmission from nearby and the Suns HQ Security detachment went to full alert.  The CO running to his Mech from the small office block that was serving as the HQ for the Second Janissaries as they coordinated the battle. 

Miles away a pair of artillery missile carrying Pillagers halted their advance as they received a target and firing order.  Both assault Mech’s quickly thumped out a quartet of missiles before resuming their advance as the Dai Da Chi custom built Ti Ts’ang’s thundered past at full speed.

Yung grinned as his target came into sight, the Davion HQ building was lightly guarded, just a few squads of infantry and some emplaced weapons. And of course, their quarry’s ride, a black and blue Atlas AS8-D but Yung cursed as he saw the big machine step forwards and swing round to target his lance, its RAC already spinning up. 

And then the world turned into one of smoke and fire as eight Arrow missiles slammed down around the HQ compound.  Some were standard HE rounds with impact fused warheads, others showered huge gouts of burning white phosphorous and anti-personnel bomblets turning the block into a sea of explosions, smoke and fire.  Yung’s Dola rocked as if in a storm, the worryingly loud sound of fragments and debris clanging off his Mech’s body very loud in the cramped cockpit despite the firestorm consuming the world around him.  But, as suddenly as it started, the storm of explosions came to a stop.  The building was gone, all that was left was dust choked rubble and smoke, the HQ was a ruin, little shapes of dead troops were barely visible in the dust and smoke, but the Atlas still stood. Its right arm was a mangled ruin and it was scarred and smoking from the hail of cluster munitions but it still stood.  Then it fired and Yung’s good friend and fellow warrior Tseng was smashed onto his back by the brutes snub-nosed PPC and lasers. 

The three standing Dola’s surged forwards towards the smoking Atlas and it stormed forwards to greet them.

With the literal decapitation of their HQ the Second Janissaries was forced to fall back.  The Capellan attackers turned the withdrawal into a rout but halted once they had secured the resources they had come to claim.  As the Davion forces regrouped and called for support the Capellan DropShips moved position, picking up their troops, the salvage and loot as well as any prisoners who would be handed over to Maskrovia upon return to Capellan Space.  But in an act of spite, the Capellans also destroyed the starport facilities, leaving demolition charges and booby traps amongst the wreckage of the starport that would claim the lives of dozens of Davion troops and civilians during the clean-up.

The raid on Indicass was just one of three carried out, all were short, sharp and violent, with the Capellan’s choosing to hit logistics hubs, supply depots and communication facilities.  On Ambergrist the Durro dam was destroyed and crippled the power across a quarter of the planet and the town of Winchester downstream was utterly destroyed.  The Garrison defending Uraven managed to stop the Capellan forces from destroying their mines but could not stop them torching petroleum facilities and starting a raging forest fire that took two weeks to get fully under control. The fire devastated the planets huge crop fields which badly affected the harvest and would cause shortages on worlds that were less bountiful and more dependent on imports.

Operation KIDNEY SHOT was viewed as a success and further quick strikes were already being planned.

Storm Fall, Aurora-class DropShip
Von Stang’s World, Periphery
25th March 3111

   The Aurora-class DropShip was one of the most adaptable ever launched in the Inner Sphere some even went so far as to call the ship an Omni-Dropship the Storm Fall was indictive of this and instead of the BattleMech pods the ship normally carried the vessel was full of electronics and equipment for intelligence gathering.  Disguised as a trade ship the Storm Fall had been sent to Von Strang’s World which was located in the periphery between the Clan occupation zones and Chainlane Isles with the intent on setting up an Intelligence post to watch the Clans from this now unclaimed space.

   Agent Rob Bowman walked through on of the DropShip’s corridors when an alarm sounded throughout the ship.  Breaking into a run he headed for the command bridge he saw the ship’s commanding officer Captain Amardad El Sorbat who stood looking at the monitors Rob followed her eyes to the monitors and saw what she had seen the DropShip was entirely surrounded by BattleMechs, Armour and Infantry “oh hell”

   “An understatement Agent Bowman” the dark-skinned captain said her voice was deep but quite soothing.

   “I assume our point defence guns will not stop them?”  She shook her head the Storm Fall had a superior number of concealed weapons than a standard Aurora but still they were currently at a standstill and with the firepower arrayed against them would cripple the ship.  “Signal our surrender, Captain, we are going to need to talk our way out of this one.”


   Several hours later after a less than civil interrogation, but a less violent one than he had expected, Bowman was escorted through the corridors of one of the main military buildings on Von Strang’s World and into one of the main meeting halls.  Looking around at the spartanly decorated room Bowman’s eyes were drawn to the “throne” which had been restored to its pirate-era splendored since the withdrawal of Clan forces.  When he noticed that the guards had withdrawn he began to make his way around the room before one of the side doors opened and in entered a man wearing a dark grey business suit, a navy open collared shirt and short brown hair.  “Good Afternoon Agent Bowman” he said extending his hand to shake Rob’s “I am Khan Richard Anderson”

   “Khan?”  He said carefully he’d seen that the people of Von Strang’s World held onto many of the clan trappings that were previously instilled when the world was occupied but he had no idea that they had also kept hold of the ranking.

   “Aff, I am leader of this world” he said seeing Bowman’s eyes flit over the throne “it was restored as it is part of our history but I am no pirate Agent Bowman.”  He explained “the Clans may have left this world but they have left it improved from when they invaded.”


   “As a result, your crew and your intelligence team will be released from captivity at the earliest convenience.”  Anderson said bringing a stunned reaction from Bowman.  “We will be keeping your DropShip and its equipment as a ransom for your release” he said continuing.  “We will book you on a commercial JumpShip which will take you back to the Commonwealth it should be around in about a month’s time.”  Anderson said continuing “until then you and your crew are free to mingle with the population of this world and see what we are building here.  I will warn you now do not cause problems for us or you will be dealt with harshly.  You are free to go.”  He said turning away from Bowman before stopping and turning back towards Bowman “one last thing Agent Bowman can you pass to your leaders that this world and its system are off limits to your kind.  You are not welcome here Vong Strang’s World belongs to Clan Strang and we will resist occupation by any other.”  He said before dismissing Bowman once more this time he didn’t stop Rob Bowman leave the room or the facility.  Over the course of the next two months the Lyran crew and Intelligence operatives learned much about Von Strang’s World and they learned that Khan Anderson’s words were not a show but instead the world had adopted Clan culture completely.  At an arranged time as they were promised they were escorted to a waiting DropShip and sent off planet back towards the Lyran Commonwealth.

Trial of Position, Forbidden City
Strabo, Outpost 27
Stone Spirit Space, Periphery
31st March 3111

   In the centre of the Forbidden City clone on the Stone Spirit’s capital of Strabo standing over the body of his opponent the Stone Spirit Warrior glanced up and looked at the surrounding warriors.  He had been born a freeborn to two Elemental parents giving him the build of one of the genetically bred warriors even though he was a MechWarrior by profession.  He was well muscled and had short blonde hair in the Inner Sphere he’d be a poster starlet for military recruitment. “Eli Furey, I am Khan on the Stone Spirits” he declared looking a them demanding someone to challenge his victory over their previous leader.  “We have spent too long fighting with the Rim Collection and Lyran Commonwealth, we are getting nowhere against them without more resources.  We must turn our attention on the Barrens and use them to add to our numbers.  We will rebuild our Touman and take the fight to those that threaten us.”  He said looking down at the body of Tor McFadden the Stone Spirit’s former commander “those that came before me did not fail us, they were just fighting to turn us into something that we are not, we are Clan life goes on.”  He said walking away from the arena.
« Last Edit: 22 November 2017, 12:43:39 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #935 on: 22 November 2017, 18:25:22 »
ouch to the last part, we will see how things turn out


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #936 on: 22 November 2017, 18:27:55 »
I just wonder what they are going to use to increase there Order of battle.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #937 on: 24 November 2017, 08:27:43 »
Just gonna point out that the beef and rhubarb crumble stew is actually something happened to me :p

Also great update :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #938 on: 24 November 2017, 10:20:15 »
Interesting update.  Not sure if the Stone Spirits are looking "westward" or if they are thinking about that small territory in the ass-end of clan space.  If the latter, I see things going poorly for them.

Interesting with the Falcons gaining a galaxy's worth of warriors, that's going to put some serious pressure on the Lyrans and SLDF, though they may be needing some more warships here soon, the Allied Fleet is going to be a major threat until it runs out of steam or is dealt with.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #939 on: 24 November 2017, 10:39:41 »
Nice update, world building...what is a Fesnyng-class DropShip? We have stats for that yet?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #940 on: 24 November 2017, 11:18:24 »
Nice update, world building...what is a Fesnyng-class DropShip? We have stats for that yet?

It's here Lyran designed and made for the Fesnyng Rapid Response unit's think a modern combined arm's transport
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #941 on: 24 November 2017, 12:07:32 »
Oh man, I forgot about this thing. It is a beast!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #942 on: 24 November 2017, 12:24:55 »
Oh man, I forgot about this thing. It is a beast!

Yes it is and Korbin's Kommandos have the only one in private hands

Now for more with a huge chunk of action from the Terra system courtesy of marauder648

Border conflict
Draconis March, Federated Suns
2nd April 3111

   In uncoordinated raids the Fifth and Twenty-second Benjamin Regulars attempt to liberate Hagiwawa and Umjiri from Federated Suns forces.  Unfortunately even using pirate points to avoid Federated Suns naval assets the Benjamin Regulars are heavily outgunned when they reach the planet and are almost completely destroyed by AFFS Occupation Forces before they surrender.

   Taking command of the Benjamin Military District’s defence from the world of Xinjan Warlord Hirohita Kurita takes the immediate action to remove Warlord Tsion Ben-Judah from all efforts to defend the District.  To counter the political fallout caused by his actions Hirohita Kurita publicly calls out Warlord Ben-Judah demanding that he commits seppuku in shame for losing the best equipped Benjamin Regular units in attacks that would never have succeeded against entrenched Davion forces.

Khan’s Office, Ghost Bear Hall
Silverdale, Alshian
Alshian Province, Rasalhague Dominion
9th April 3111

   Angela Bekker entered the Khan’s office at the Ghost Bear Hall “Khan Hawkins” she said approaching the younger man.

   “Welcome back to the capital saKhan Bekker”

   “Khan Hawkins I heard your bondsman was attacked in the city.”  She said turning a chair backwards sitting down on it looking at the Khan.

   “Aff, I heard”

   “And you have taken measures to make sure that it does not happen again?  We cannot tolerate violence in the streets.”  She said tapping her fingers against the back of the chair.

   “It will not happen again” the Khan confirmed glancing up from the papers on his desk.

   “You arranged it” she said after a couple of moments looking at him “why?”

   “Too many spies have entered the Clans by being bondsmen I wished to test Morgan’s commitment to our Clan.”

   “By trying to kill him?”

   “By testing him” Hawkins said “his assailants were members of the Watch who posed as members of the underground attempting to recruit Morgan into their numbers.  When he resisted they put up minimal resistance he subsequently turned them over to security officials.”

   “And if he had killed them?”

   “It is not in his temperament” Hawkins said confident about what Morgan was and was not capable of “I think it is time to give him a chance.”

   “At becoming a warrior… that is quick” Bekker noted

   “He proved resistance to the attempt to ‘rescue’ him and now he has actively moved to avoid joining the underground resistance.  He has proven he is dedicated to the Bear and the security of the Dominion.”

   “He will still need to be watched” Bekker said not convinced that this was the best course of action.  Morgan had embraced the Clan way with minimal encouragement from his bondmasters.  While the Bears treated their bondsmen with more respect, and given them more opportunities to impress, than some of the other Clans Morgan’s attitude had still surprised many he had embraced many of the ideals of their Clan and appeared to believe in the greater good over his own personal gain.

Border Raids
Capellan March, Federated Suns
16th April 3111

   The Capellan Confederation’s border raids against the Federated Suns continue several more worlds struck by regular and irregular forces.  One attack strikes the Federated Suns stronghold on Homestead where the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers RCT are based.  The elite command easily turns away the Capellan raid but their presence on the world shows massive gaps in AFFS security and rallies the anti-Davion feelings on the world.

SLS Bremen (Otey-class Battleship)
Sol, Kuiper Belt
Star League Protectorate
20th April 3111

The SLS Guardian, an Otey-class Battleship, was on the third and final leg of her post refit trials, after several months in the dockyard’s hands the ship was stretching her legs and working in the engines once more.  Originally salvaged from the ships stored at Fenwick the Sol system was the one of a few places that the ship could be tested without others watching.  There were a few civilians were still on-board, ensuring the latest updates to the ships electronics were as bug and glitch free as possible, but that small group aside the Guardian was active once more.

    This far out in the belt wasn’t what one would call the normal hunting ground for the WarShip, yet she needed to calibrate and check her highly powerful sensors so hunting asteroids and comets would more than suffice. 

    “All quiet Sir?”  The WSO said as he looked up from his console as it did another simulation.  It was approaching midnight the Command Deck was quiet as most of the ship slept on their gentle cruise around the system.

“I dunno… sensors?” Lieutenant Cowpens asked glancing across the bridge.

“Yes sir, all quiet on the Western Front.” Came the reply from the sensor pit.  Most of the Officers on the early watch were the ones with the least experience. The Captain liked to give them a chance to do their jobs without their section heads watching over them, and in the case of the man currently sitting in the Captain’s chair, a chance to experience command of a WarShip and the work it entailed.  That they were working the graveyard shift was purely coincidental.

    “Sensors, give me a rundown of the last eight hours so I can fill it in the log.”  Freeman said glancing down the occurrence log on his personal display, since he came on duty at 1900 he had logged eight items.

    “Yes Sir, two mostly ice comets, both cold and asleep, a few cubic feet of dust per hundred klicks and….” Her voice fell off, confusion evident as an amber light began blinking on the holo-display.  “Sir, I’m picking up a heat source from behind Comet 5815/C, damn that’s a lot of heat… major drive plume.”  She said her voice now fully professional and alert.

    Lieutenant Cowpens glanced at the older staff on the bridge, it was his call to go to action stations, he was acting Captain after all.  “Red alert, bring us up to battle stations we’re taking no chances, sensors find out what the hell’s causing that drive plume and why we didn’t pick it up earlier!  Weps, activate the defensive batteries, charge weapons but do not go active sensors until I call it no need to scare the Belters if we don’t need to.”

    Cowpens glanced at the older NonComm, hoping he’d say something, instead the older man just nodded and hit the alert and the lighting on the bridge went from cool blue to deep red as the alert claxon started blaring.

    There was a buzz on the Captain’s chair, his chair at the moment, he punched the button.

    “What have we got?”

“Ma’am, we’ve detected a major heat plume bearing…” Cowpens said glancing at sensors position.

“Green 48, mark 115 Sir!”

“Green 48, mark 115, it came from behind a big inert rock, I’ve ordered weapons charged but we’re not radiating.”

“Understood, good work Lieutenant, I’m on my way.”

    “Sensors, what you got?”  Cowpens asked as the Captain signed off.

“Reading a major metallic mass, its coming out of the mass shadow of the asteroid in 3…2…1!”

“Get me a visual and send a challenge!”

“Challenge away! Optics calibrating.”

On the main holo-display a window opened showing a low light image in startlingly high clarity. A blackened rock nearly a kilometre long, its surface marked with small craters and layered with gullies and ravines in the ice and rock that made up its body.  And then they saw it.

    “What the hell!?”
SLDF Foreign Affairs Headquarters
London, England
Terra, Star League Protectorate
22nd April 3111

    “So, what am I looking at here Commodore Scott?”  Ambassador Kenneth Bruce-Williams was an older gentleman who had lived on Terra his whole life, working as part of the bureaucracy that helped the planet run.  Elevated to the post of diplomat, he worked civilian channels, meeting with CEO’s of corporations and his opposites on worlds in the surrounding the Protectorate.  He wasn’t military and he looked at the picture on the pad before him, a grey eyebrow raised.  “Looks like a keg…”

    “Well that’s what they were known as, you’re looking at a Cruiser-class cruiser, its old, very old, Terran Alliance in fact.”

“Indeed… they lacked imagination with naming their ship classes too.”  He said glancing over at Commodore Scott he was wearing the deep blue of a naval officer, his chest proudly baring the medals he’d earned in service of the SLDF. 

“She ID’d herself as the MS Glomar Explorer and the Captain was very civil with the SLS Guardian’s Captain, apologising for any ‘fright’ he may have caused. We got a good look at her and she’s all but disarmed and the Belters have done some serious work to her.”


“But… we need to know where the hell this ship came from regardless on how many guns she has she’s still a WarShip in private hands.  We need to establish where they got her and if there are possibly others out there.” 

“Ahh, so I assume a trip to Metis is in order?”

“Quite Mr Ambassador, we’ve arranged a ship already all you need to provide is the time and date and we’ll get you there and back again.”

Harvest Trials
Clan Occupation Zones
23rd April 3111

   In a continued effort to rebuild their Touman Clan Jade Falcon launch trials of possession against Clans Hell’s Horses, Sea Fox and Ghost Bear targeting factory production and shipments of weapons.  In all of the attacks the Falcons are able to claim multiple weapons that could be used to further enhance the Clan’s Touman but the Falcons also have a secondary task and during the battles their units take more bondsmen than is usual for the Falcon clan with almost every duel turning into a claim.

With these warriors and the equipment captured the Falcons plan to raise a further two clusters further reinforcing their depleted Touman Khan Jana Pryde also commands a further three Eyrie clusters be formed over the next three years with their Warrior-Cadets placed in combat roles for the last six months of their training.  The Khan states that should these warriors prove themselves during this six months then it will serve as their initial Trials of Possession but if they fail to prove themselves then they will still be able to take part in an ‘End of Training’ Trial.  Many traditionalist Falcons are unhappy that the Khan is willing to offer the cadets additional chances to become warriors.  However with the First Jade Eyrie Cluster essentially accepted as a front-line cluster in Omicron Galaxy and the warriors from the Second Jade Eyrie Cluster being distributed throughout the Touman the Khan’s plan to rebuild the Clan appears to be working. 

   In one reversal for Jade Falcon fortunes the Twenty-First Provisional Garrison Cluster of Tau Galaxy is almost completely destroyed or captured in two Trials of Possession with Clan Sea Fox on Deia.  The Sea Foxes take possession of all salvage from the unit and take all survivors, including their support personnel as bondsmen.
Belter Administration Block 14
Metis Asteroid, Asteroid Belt
Terra, Star League Protectorate
31st April 3111

The Belters had turned Metis into a veritable warren over the centuries of exploration and exploitation of the asteroid and its mineral wealth.  Given a spin during the earliest days of the ‘Gold Rush’ into the outer system as space travel became cheaper and more accessible the asteroid was dotted with rings above and below the surface, all connected by rail systems that criss-crossed the industrial hub of the Belt, and its official Capital, home to the Metis Organisation, the loose grouping of the ‘Big Four’, the main colonist groups that made up the majority of the Belter population.

    Ambassador Kenneth Bruce-Williams looked through one of the massive monitors and smiled at the quite magnificent view, the darkness of space and the huge bulk of the asteroid and the many refineries and factories that dotted its surface, little blazes of light that marked settlements and the dance of the trams and trains that scurried over the surface of the rock.  He’d been waiting for two hours, but if thirty years in business and as a diplomat had taught him anything, it was the value of patience.

    His hosts had been nothing but apologetic and polite, plying him with tea from the hydroponics on the station as well as offering to host a dinner which would be impolite to turn down.  He knew though that the Metis Group was trying to decide what to do.  Whilst there was no law or precedent in Star League history that banned the Belters from having large ships, and indeed, they had a considerable collection of JumpShips to allow movement between the inner belt and the widely spread settlements in the Oort Cloud and Kuiper belt, they’d not had what could be called a WarShip before.  And, no doubt, they would be loathed to hand it over.

    Garibaldi put his cup of tea down as he heard the doors open behind him and he saw in the reflection the security guard outside, a veritable bear of a man who looked like an Elemental in terms of sheer size, but it was the smaller form moving in that finally made him turn.

    “Ambassador, please forgive the delay, I hope de tea is to your liking.”  The speaker was a woman, somewhere in her late 30’s and she was, in a word, stunning.  Long auburn hair and to quote a soldier Bruce-Williams knew ‘legs that went on for miles’. 

    “Madame Lebeau the tea was stunning, I trust you are well?”

“Oui, please, come and sit, I believe we have matters to discuss non?”  Her accent was that of the French Creole, she didn’t bother hiding it.  “Now, let us get down to business, shall we?  What has got the League’s feathers all ruffled hmm?”
She smiled warmly, her eyes full of humour. She knew why he was here, but still diplomatic protocol had to be followed.
   “As you know Madame Lebeau, one of our vessels on patrol encountered the MS Gomar Explorer, and in truth, it has my military colleagues somewhat alarmed, and we would like to know how you came across such a ship, or if she was built within the Belt.”

    “Ambassador, please, call me Ettine.” She smiled again, glancing at Kenneth-Williams as she typed on a keyboard.
“Of course, and please, call me Kenneth.”

    “Ahh yes… here we are, it surprises me that they are so worried about one little ship.  I will transfer the data to your pad so you can calm the SLDF’s fluttering heart.  In summary, she was found, Russ and Anne Jordan, a small ‘mom and pop’ prospector team in the Kuiper belt made the discovery.”  A small holo-display sprang to life, showing the Jordans, their small ship based on an old Mark V shuttle and the relevant information about the family and their history.
“They had picked up a large amount of metal and thought they had struck gold, instead they found the ship the TAS Leander.”  The holo changed to show a somewhat grainy image, a recording of a distant object, it skipped ahead to show the distinctive outline of the Cruiser classes hull, blackened by solar radiation and with what looked like an impact in the forward upper section of the flat bow.

    “She was drifting free, a chunk of what looked like a docking clamp still attached to her hull, this impact, quite a big one oui…”  She said as the image moved over the vessel Bruce-Williams thought the camera must have been mounted on the Ross’ ship as they flew over the craft.  “We think it knocked her out of wherever she was and provided her with the momentum to send her back into the system.  It was really only chance that the Ross’s found her.”

    “Can we speak with the Ross family?”

“Oui Kenneth, but they are now on holiday, with the windfall from a find of this magnitude they are now quite wealthy, they should be returning in a few months though and I can arrange for you to meet them.”

    “Thank you, Mi..Ettine, and when the ship was found, what happened?”

“A lot of things… arguments over salvage contracts for one thing.” She laughed warmly and shook her head.  “We brought her to a facility in the Kuiper belt to be checked out to see if we could salvage her or if she was just worth the metal on her bones.  The Terrans who mothballed her did a good job though, yes they had stripped her of her weapons, and as you can see here…”

    The image changed, the ship was in a docking gantry, well-lit by floodlights. “They even removed the turrets before sealing the hull, so no, we’ve not suddenly got a glut of old Terran guns for your military boys to worry about either.” Lebeau grinned slightly.

    “The thought never crossed my mind Madame Lebeau…”

“Hah! You keep your face straighter than a man addicted to poker but even I saw that lie.  Otherwise why would you be here Monsieur Williams?”

“Okay… you got me there, yes, I will admit that the thought of those weapons were causing some people to have kittens.”

“Well you know us Kenneth, an armed society is a polite society.”

    Kenneth grinned slightly “Remind me to introduce you to the Clans one day…”

“Hah! No thank you, all work and no play, so I have heard.”

“The ship…”

“Ahh yes, forgive me.” She grinned playfully once more “…once the towing contracts were sorted and she was taken to a dock the inspection lasted six months, her KF core had been pulled but the reactors were in operating condition once repaired.  Save that bang on her bow she was mostly intact and then a ‘war’ began.”

    “A war? Here?”

“A war of words and politics, nothing more, but bloody in its own right.  Nothing untoward though, not like you Terrans and your cut and thrust goings on.  All four members of the Metis Group wanted the ship, it was agreed by all that she would be kept and could be converted into a form of mobile refinery and mining vessel as well as a mobile homestead.  The economic advantages of such a conversion are significant as it would allow us to move cargo and personnel more quickly between the Cloud and the Belt, allowing for on-site exploitation of asteroids and comets.”

“Yes that’s what the Guardian report said based on their initial scan of the ship. So, she is unarmed?”

“Oui, we have a pair of lasers in the bow which are to be used for cutting rocks, plus many of the computers on-board were so old they needed replacing and we do not have the necessary systems for such weapons to be used in such a way.  Oh, and some smaller weapons to target smaller asteroids and the like.”

‘And to defend it against fighters or boarding ships…’ Ambassador Williams thought as he listened to Lebeau’s report.

    “But how long have you had her?”

“Three and a half years, she was on her first mission under the auspices of Metis when she was found by your ship.”

“If I may be so bold Ettine…”

“Please, be as bold as you want Kenneth...”

“Why was this not reported to us, even a short message could have saved many ruffled feathers and hammering hearts.”

    “Why should we?” She snapped 'Ahh… there it was, that Belter independence' Kenneth thought.

“You have your ships do ‘training’ runs past our settlements, you have Drones patrolling round Mars and Terra, Drones we still tell ghost stories about to our children."  She said anger slipping into her voice.  "Is Terra perhaps worried that we have a ‘WarShip’?  You ignore us, and that suits us just fine, unless you wish to take what is our of course and then you'll face resistance.”

“We want no such thing Madame Lebeau, we just wondered where the devil you found a centuries old ship and how you got her active again.”  Kenneth held up his hands in a placating manner.  “Trust me, I know about our defensive measures for the Sol system and I think if you told any fighter pilot they would be going against Belters in combat…we’d see a huge spike in unexplained injuries.”  He grinned slightly trying to soften the blow both of them knew that if the SLDF committed its capital assets even the Gomar Explorer would not change things.

    “Oh so now you seek to flatter me… are you trying to seduce me, Monsieur Williams?”

    “Were I thirty years younger… oh yes… but my wife would kill me.  So… the ship?”

    “Ahh a pity, I am sure we would get on very well non?  And regarding the Explorer our yards are very good, and our people, are the best.  Plus, the chance to work on a major project like this was a major draw for the various Clans and Families as well as our major contractors.  I will furnish you with the full specifications of the Explorer, and they will not be edited in any way.  Whilst we rarely speak with Terra, we’re not as bad as those on Colombia, and whilst our relationship must always remain at arms-length, that does not mean we can’t be cordial neighbours.”

    “I’m sure my superiors will be relieved.”

“I hope so, we’re already building another three ships using plans obtained from the initial rebuild of the Gomar Explorer.”

“Three more… how many facilities do you have?”

“Oh… a few, now Kenneth, shall we have dinner, you’ve got what you want after all.”

“And have you got what you want?”

“Where you thirty years younger… oui.” Ettine smiled flirtatiously before standing 

“Now Monsieur Williams, accompany a young lady to dinner and let us talk as friends, not as politicians.”

She offered her hand and Williams took it “How could I refuse?”

    “One last bit of information for you Monsieur Williams, we did a little bit of digging ourselves. Whilst our logs are not as extensive as those on Terra, they are as old.  The TAS Leander was put into storage at DSNR-9, we found invoices relating to the purchase of processed metal that was sold to the Alliance that would be used on DSNR, it means ‘Deep Space Naval Reserve’.  Sadly, we don’t have its location…”

“And if you did would you share it Madame LeBeau?”

She laughed “Of course not, at least at first until we needed to explain ourselves to you again.  But I will not lie, we don’t know where this reserve is, its probably somewhere in the Cloud, you could spend a hundred lifetimes searching with a thousand craft and still not find it.  Perhaps its for the best, imagine if we had found a greater prize than the Leander.”

“Madame, after all the commotion this caused, I am deeply glad you didn’t.”
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #943 on: 24 November 2017, 13:06:30 »
I so see a mission for a few hundred Voidseakers.  also looks like the SLDF might have just found a way to build more smaller classes of warships


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #944 on: 24 November 2017, 14:41:24 »

You may notice she's got a DropShuttle bay, this was a deliberate choice on my part.  I figured that the Belters would still have large numbers of DropShuttles in production/service, working as haulers between Homesteads.  Plus the image of a DROST docking with her was just too much to pass on :)

And the DSNR is another idea. We know that the Hegemony put many megatonnes of WarShips into reserve and just had them floating around the Sol system, so why not have basically a small base/mooring point where they would be put into Mothballs and left inactive.  The locations are logged and if you need ships, jump out with a crew of technicians and a cargo dropship full of spares.  You can then fire up the reactors, and get to work on reactivating what is needed. Not a production facility by far, rather a storage facility.

As for the reserves location, who's to say.  Three years is a long time, you could get a speed reading from when she was found of how fast she was drifting, and start back tracking along predicted courses.  You'd not want to start sending JumpShips out into the Cloud or Belt though, not into a potentailly un-mapped area.  So you'd have to slow boat it with DropShips or DropShuttles, but its a start.
« Last Edit: 24 November 2017, 14:53:35 by marauder648 »
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #945 on: 24 November 2017, 14:51:52 »
Link with fluff plus my couple of little mods to Marauder/Maingunnery's design

As for the DSR I'll note now if you don't know the exact location you're not going to want to jump out there it's suicide so as marauder said it's a slowboat mission.  Considering the Leander was a Terran Alliance ship it could have been drifting for a very, very long time (I wouldn't expect to hear from it anytime soon it's a nice fluff piece)

(EDIT - I do have one idea for the above but I'll see where it takes me)
« Last Edit: 24 November 2017, 14:56:21 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #946 on: 24 November 2017, 19:50:41 »
Link with fluff plus my couple of little mods to Marauder/Maingunnery's design

As for the DSR I'll note now if you don't know the exact location you're not going to want to jump out there it's suicide so as marauder said it's a slowboat mission.  Considering the Leander was a Terran Alliance ship it could have been drifting for a very, very long time (I wouldn't expect to hear from it anytime soon it's a nice fluff piece)

(EDIT - I do have one idea for the above but I'll see where it takes me)

sound like the perfect job for a bunch of drones to do after you refit them with beagle (BAP) or something like it.  launch them on a grid like search patter, then jump a recovery ship out.  the drones do the slow way and then meet up with the recovery ship for refueling and repairs.  relaunch and do it all again. 


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #947 on: 24 November 2017, 21:26:11 »
Intriguing!  I want know more.   >:D But it's big universe, with a lot more stories than just Terra/Sol stuff.

Deep Space Naval Reserve’ sounds like there possible six-pack of Cruisers possibly out there or a long-lost Dreadnought or Dart Class-Light Cruiser!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #948 on: 25 November 2017, 02:15:49 »
Intriguing!  I want know more.   >:D But it's big universe, with a lot more stories than just Terra/Sol stuff.

Deep Space Naval Reserve’ sounds like there possible six-pack of Cruisers possibly out there or a long-lost Dreadnought or Dart Class-Light Cruiser!
Or. Ghu forbid, the SLS Enterprise boondoggle carrier
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #949 on: 25 November 2017, 07:51:59 »
Or. Ghu forbid, the SLS Enterprise boondoggle carrier
They already found her. Be intrested if they found some unque stuff. There was suppose to be a yardship type. Be intrested in seeing a Succession era experimental warship.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #950 on: 25 November 2017, 08:10:48 »
Maybe they could find a Liparius class (the picture does enlarge if you click on it)

« Last Edit: 25 November 2017, 08:44:06 by marauder648 »
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #951 on: 25 November 2017, 09:24:31 »
They already found her. Be intrested if they found some unque stuff. There was suppose to be a yardship type. Be intrested in seeing a Succession era experimental warship.

Not quite found the Enterprise II was built from the plans
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #952 on: 25 November 2017, 17:22:21 »
Not quite found the Enterprise II was built from the plans

 true, maby it was never taken apart and instead was just mothballed or used for secret projects and such. would not be the first time the SLDF "lost" stuff for other projects or for continjincy plans.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #953 on: 25 November 2017, 18:50:08 »
So the original floating around as debris?  That's last we heard of the original canon Enterprise.

Maybe they could find a Liparius class (the picture does enlarge if you click on it)
OMG, that awsesome!  I take it she a yardship?
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #954 on: 25 November 2017, 22:46:16 »
So the original floating around as debris?  That's last we heard of the original canon Enterprise.
OMG, that awsesome!  I take it she a yardship?

She's what would become a yardship yes, she's in Delranes :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #955 on: 25 November 2017, 22:58:43 »
Maybe they could find a Liparius class (the picture does enlarge if you click on it)

any stats on this class


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #956 on: 25 November 2017, 23:37:52 »
It's here Lyran designed and made for the Fesnyng Rapid Response unit's think a modern combined arm's transport

Well you say in civilian hands...  we have always been loyal guardians of the Lyran people.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #958 on: 27 November 2017, 07:29:52 »
Well you say in civilian hands...  we have always been loyal guardians of the Lyran people.
Helmdale? Lordy I've not heard them in ages.  I doubt be them but be interesting if it were.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #959 on: 27 November 2017, 10:25:07 »
Helmdale? Lordy I've not heard them in ages.  I doubt be them but be interesting if it were.

No he’s on about Korbin’s Kommandos they are officially Mercs but they almost always take Lyran contracts - so them getting hold of a Fesnyng was a safe bet for Lyans
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3