Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 253682 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1080 on: 21 August 2018, 22:05:59 »
It was a Sword of Light unit so mostly using tech from this AU and the best guns they could source likely to include ClanTech

I've never fully explained how that kind of stuff is broken down but as I've rarely announce a slow down you can assume front line elite units have high level tech this is balanced because all the nation's are pretty much in the same boat and capable of producing stuff as the timeline has gone on I've also tried to give out new toys evenly too.  I want a war that works for all sides even if some try to move the goal posts occasionally for their own ends

If you see on unit listings a militia with a LAM or BA these are going to be the far more basic variants unless specifically said
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1081 on: 22 August 2018, 10:25:57 »
I was assuming with High tech toys but I'll be honest I am not up speed on the latest rules on LAMs

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1082 on: 22 August 2018, 11:17:38 »
DC's got the equivalent of XL Gyros and XL Engines for LAMs in his universe, the specifics for each are located in his tech thread, linked in his sig.

There's also a bunch of warship toys in there, with the occasional standard sized piece of equipment.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1083 on: 01 September 2018, 03:12:17 »
WarShip Sceptre
Booker, Contested Space
8th April 3112

   “Prepare for microgravity” Star Captain Gerry Harper transmitted throughout the Sceptre.  The WarShip had jumped into the Booker system which was currently being contested by the Magistracy of Canopus and Marian Hegemony to collect food and supplies.  It was supposed to be an easy snatch and grab mission taking advantage of the two fighting periphery nations.  Unfortunately, as soon as they approached the planet they had been assaulted by two Vengence-DC Pocket WarShips and their fighters.  For three days the DropShips had hounded them with capital missile strikes and aerospace fighter strafing runs as they retreated towards the jump point.  “Prepare for the jump” Harper said he said everywhere the Sceptre went they were hunted they had nowhere to go each jump he lost more people and the Sceptre became more unserviceable now they were low on ammunition, fuel and food he knew there wasn’t much left in the once mighty cruiser.  Harper looked around the command centre at his battle-weary crew who more than anything needed a break and somewhere to make meaningful repairs to the Sceptre, not here though, “jump the ship” he ordered.  Moments later the ship launched out of the Booker system and into the Astroskaszy the jump point was the site of fighting between two pirate bands.  “Out of the fire and into more fire” he cursed “weapons free take out the enemy DropShips and JumpShips launch aerospace fighters.”

   “The Konstantin is also launching”

   “We’re not landing here what are they playing at?  Get Banacek on the line.”

   “No answer, Konstantin are not moving to engage the pirates.”

   “Target their engines and prepare to fire.”  Harper ordered overriding communications “Banacek listen to me I am ready to shoot you down if you do not return.”

   “We are not your prisoners, Harper” Banacek responded as the Overlord continued to move away “the Sceptre’s path is coming to an end.  My people will not go down with you.”  He responded “which is why I ordered my men to place explosives inside your docking collars and cargo bays.  If you do not stand down your weapons I will remotely detonate them and open your ship to space.”

   “Our weapons will obliterate you.”  Harper said around him the crew of the Sceptre continued to deal with the local pirate forces each of them acting almost like they were on automatic.

   “Then we are at an impasse.”  Banacek said Harper watched as the Overlord continued to pull out of the area “Harper let us leave and once we are out of your range the explosives we have planted will become inert and no longer dangerous to you.  Attempt to attack us and as soon as you fire I will detonate them.”

   “Deal” Harper cursed watching as the third and last enemy DropShip was destroyed one of the enemy JumpShips had been disabled which may allow them to capture some supplies but they knew this system would also be a bust now that the Konstantin had abandoned them.  “Abandon weapons lock on Konstantin.  Complete mop up operations and have Quinn Shu take her Elementals onboard that JumpShip take all we can from it, then we are moving on.”

Trade delegation
Jefferson City, Freedom
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
14th April 3112

   An autocannon round impacted with Morgan’s Shrike OmniMech as things continued to get ugly on Freedom he twisted his OmniMech’s torso and returned fire with both of his OmniMech’s large lasers cutting into an enemy Shadow Hawk.  His Trinary had been selected to escort the Rasalhague Dominion trade delegation on Freedom but during the negotiations unknown contacts had interfered attacking the negotiation centre on the outskirts of Freedom’s capital Jefferson City the local defending force had failed to hold them back.  Now the Second Skye Jaegers were arriving on scene taking charge of the defence but Morgan wasn’t finished he marched his Shrike forwards and fired his lasers again hitting the Shadow Hawk.  “Assault One status?”  His commander Star Captain Dominica Jorgensson asked her star was several kilometres distant of his own escorting the traders away.

   “Five up” Morgan transmitted looking over his star seeing the other four BattleMechs were up.  “Second Jaegers have arrived and are taking control of the defence.  They have not targeted my BattleMechs.”  He said twisting his Mech’s torso to track the Shadow Hawk this time he triggered his Mech’s short range missile launchers and medium laser at the wounded BattleMech ending its fight.

   “Should we support the Skye unit or fall back?”  He said watching the Lyran marked units move into the area.  It was strange for Morgan he had been born on Thorin, which was traditionally a Lyran world, and both of his parents had served in the Lyran Commonwealth army at one point and been in servitude to House Steiner but he had been born when his world and his parents served the Star League Defence Force and had naturally followed them.

   “Negative Assault One, fall-back to point Zulu for extraction.”  His commander ordered Morgan nodded his disappointment and switched channels.

   “Understood, Star Commander Morgan to Assault Star, standing retreat fall back to point Zulu.”  He commanded a standing retreat was Ghost Bear for a non-engagement “fighting retreat” it basically had the star for the most part walking backwards keeping their weapons ready for engagement.  One at a time the star would turn and run a distance while the others covered moving away from their potential opponent.

   As they fell back Morgan wondered if this would be the end of the trade deals between the Raslhague Dominion and Lyran Commonwealth he hoped not the only way for his nation and the Inner Sphere to continue peacefully was for there to be a dialog.  The Sea Foxes had shown the other Clans this method was easiest, in not always the most honourable.

Orbital insertion, First Kathil Uhlans
Bithinia, Glasgow Commonality
Capellan Confederation
19th April 3112

   After two successful raids the First Kathil Uhlans charged down on the production world of Bithinia intent on making the Capellan Confederation pay further for their attacks on the Federated Suns.  With the WarShips FSS Fire Fang, FSS Silver Spear and FSS Comet above and substantial aerospace forces of their own the Uhlans quickly secure much of the planetary production facing at most a combined arms regiment of Capellans the Twenty-second Liao Lancers which fall quickly to the Uhlans.

   Intent on disrupting Capellan Confederation operations as much as possible Marshal Richard Steiner, the commander of the Uhlans, commands that the unit empty the factories of Bithinia Ballistics the local weapons producer filling their DropShips with the weapons during their time on the planet.  They are also able to capture armour plate from the world which allows them to repair some of the damage from previous raids.


A week later the CCSS Duncan Liao, a Feng Huang-class Cruiser-carriers, Warrior House Ijori, the Twentieth Liao Lancers and Hawkins Zouaves Regiment, a combined-arms mercenary unit, arrive in the system.  In his command tent Marshal Richard Steiner watches the broadcast “I am Jiang-jun Jason Zaklan to the Federated Suns forces on and around Bithinia you will be vanquished by my forces.”  He said challenging them

   “Pack things up, we’re far from home against the forces they have we can’t hold” Richard Steiner said to his staff.  “Captain Richmond, I want you to take the Comet out of this system and find us somewhere else to go, preferably we’d all like you to find a way home.  We will hold out for three weeks before pulling out you have until then to find us somewhere.  Use arrival point four for your return.”

   “Understood” Julia Richmond the commander of their smallest ship responded.

   “Meanwhile we need to hold them back.  Fire Fang and Silver Shield will delay them but neither WarShip has the firepower to hold back the Duncan Liao and all its fighters they will hit the ground in numbers we need to be prepared.  If the Duncan Liao breaks through both our WarShips and assumes orbit over us I will order an evacuation if the Comet is back or not.  This order will be Titanfall, it will be given once and then we will begin evacuation procedures.  I will not be caught on the ground with one of those things over our heads.”  He said looking around the room he saw faces that were questioning his course of action in taking the unit this deep into Capellan space but they had all seen the naval and ground forces in other systems that had blocked their path back to the Federated Suns.  “I know none of us planned this path but each of you and each of your men need to remember that every minute that we tie up Capellan resources here is another minute and another unit that cannot make raids against our homes and our families.”  He said attempting to remind them of their duty and the reason they were in their current position “you all have work to do, with exception of Major Aleksandr Petrov you are all dismissed.”  He said quietly the unit’s leadership filed out of the command tent returning to their regiments to prepare them for the upcoming battle all except Major Aleksandr Petrov, the Land Air Mech Battalion commander.  “Major, how are your people?”

   “Good sir, they are ready to prove themselves and to serve.”

   “I am glad to hear it” Marshal Steiner replied “when the fighting starts I want your unit to support the Infantry in our rear quarters ensure that the civilians do not become a threat to us while we hold the Capellans.”

   “Sir, my unit is fully capable of supporting its comrades in open battle.  We have shown this on multiple occasions” Petrov complained he was a native of Tikonov and most of the time he hid his accent well but today his native Russian accent was showing.

   “Yes, you have Major, but the LAMs are a specialist unit and I am going to need them when we evacuate.  So the keep your toys free from the initial fighting.”

   “Da, sir” Petrov replied saluting the Marshal he seemed happy that they would at least have a place but Steiner wasn’t sure he’d like that place when he heard the order it was simple mathematics the Capellans had more air assets and Steiner wouldn’t sacrifice what he had before the unit evacuated the surface.


   Three days past before the Capellans made landfall during that time the Uhlans had dug in on Bithinia surprisingly the population of the world had not caused many problems for them but Marshal Steiner still used nearly a regiment of his infantry to watch the unit’s back.  The CCAF troops hot dropped onto the planet and immediately went on the attack with Warrior House Ijori leading the way as the AFFS troops had expected.  Unfortunately for Ijori the First Kathil Uhlans were one of the Federated Suns most veteran commands and had fought with Capellans on many occasions the RCT was able to weather the storm of the first attack forcing back the Capellan forces.

   Unfortunately, in space things did not go as well for the Federated Suns forces as the CCSS Duncan Liao used its superior ranged weapons such as naval lasers and particle cannons to puncture the FSS Fire Fang in multiple locations.  The vessel which had served the original Star League and then participated in the Exodus and served in the Clan navies now faced its final battle.  Turning on the Duncan Liao weathering hit after hit the Whirlwind Block II-class Destroyer made its final charge closing on the Duncan Liao raking the Capellan cruiser with naval autocannon fire supplementing its gauss rifles and particle cannons causing some telling damage on the Duncan Liao before the Feng Huang crew were able to manoeuvre their broadside on the smaller Destroyer.  In a single salvo the once proud Destroyer became a nightmarish mix of metal, fuel, blood and bone as the Fire Fang erupted from the inside blowing the craft to pieces.  Unable to hold off even the damaged Duncan Liao the Silver Spear withdrew out of weapons range planning on living to fight another day.

   On the ground Marshal Richard Steiner stared at the screen another time before grabbing the field telephone “All commands Titanfall, I repeat Titanfall” he said hanging up the phone looking around the tent.  “Anything that we can’t remove we destroy, now move it break the camp.”  He commanded seeing that the Capellans were on the attack again his BattleMechs held the line again but every time they did they took more damage.


   Over the course of several hours the Kathil Uhlans loaded into their DropShips preparing to boost off the planet.  First went the support and repair equipment, then the artillery and armour units followed by infantry leaving only the BattleMechs, Aerospace Fighters, Battle Armour and the LAM unit deployed.  From the command suite of his Conquistador-class DropShip Marshal Richard Steiner pulled up the feed for Major Aleksandr Petrov.  “Major, the time for your unit to shine is now are you ready?”

   “Da, Marshal, we are ready our unit has had no significant issues with the civilians.”

   “Understood, abandon the rear-guard, I’m sending your unit specialist orders that you should be receiving now?”  Petrov looked down at a screen below him.  “Major, your unit is the only one that can do this, it will be risky and it will cost you but our command needs this distraction if it is to survive.”

   “You can count on us we will get the job done.”

   “I know you will” Steiner said “remember Major, this is a raid not an occupation, your people do their job then you get out.”  He commanded the other man nodded “good hunting to you.”


   As DropShips carrying infantry and armour personnel off the planet began to lift off what was left of the RCT’s two aerospace wings rose with them intent on trying to fend off any attacks by the Feng Huang.  As a well equipped RCT the Uhlans had nearly a dozen anti-ship missiles which had been fitted to the fighters.  Unfortunately, none of the missiles carried a nuclear warhead but all had a stronger punch than the traditional missile loadout of an aerospace fighter.  As they did Major Aleksandr Petrov led his LAM battalion into the air from his Shadow Hawk X3M the unit took off from just behind the front-lines strafing the Capellan lines as they passed overhead to of the LAMs a Stinger and a Yurei were instantly destroyed hit by ground fire in a sensitive spot causing the pilot to lose control and crash headlong into the ground.

   The rest of the Thirty-four Land-Air Mechs passed by with minimal damage carrying on towards their target the Capellan landing zone and their support facilities.  Cruising close to the ground the LAMs in their aerospace fighter configurations quickly made progress towards the base landing short of the DropShip landing area they moved in towards their target as BattleMechs.  Moving in Petrov sighted one of the few BattleMechs the Capellans had left to guard the base a lance of dustbin-like UrbanMechs.  One of the most basic BattleMechs in existence they still had autocannons on them that would ruin the day of any of the LAMs as a result almost the entire Battalion engaged the lance knocking out all four light Mechs in a matter of seconds.  Running into the basecamp the Uhlans were engaged by small arms fire and shoulder launched missiles which they could take for a short period of time.  Petrov’s command went to work targeting the support base of the Capellan force, the repair cradles, the field kitchens, the communications vehicles anything of value their attack would not cripple the Capellans but it was hoped that it would distract them.

   “Incoming Capellan BattleMechs!”  One of his warriors called out.

   “Turn to engage them, concentrate fire as much as we can it’ll be the lightest units first.”  Petrov commanded moving his Land-Air Mech forward at a running pace he saw a pair of Anubis BattleMechs leading a Raven and an Osiris.  “Concentrate fire take them down.”  He commanded as if he had needed to already the nearest lance had bunched their fire together on one Anubis shattering the light BattleMech.  The rest of the enemy lance quickly followed suit as the combined fire of the Land Air Mechs brought them all down.  “Riker Lance, I want a minefield along the vector they were approaching, empty your bins.”  He ordered the four Mechs had swapped convention long range missiles for air launched mines began to seed small minefields throughout the area while the others went back to destroying Capellan equipment.

   “Heavier units, armour as well.”  His perimeter guard called out Petrov moved back to the perimeter and saw medium and heavy BattleMechs were approaching along with tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles.

   “Let’s hope we have bought the RCT enough time.”  Petrov said watching the first Capellan vehicle strike one of the minefields they had laid the mines did a tiny amount of damage before the tank moved forward almost without reacting it was a passing victory but a worthwhile one.  “Our plan is simple ladies and gentlemen, we draw them into their own camp and then we hightail it out of here.  Remember this is a raid not an occupation we can’t stand up to them.”  He said echoing Marshal Steiner’s words.  From the ruined camp Petrov could see that the incoming Capellans were holding back and trying to snipe at his LAMs a Wasp was an unlucky victim of a long-range particle cannon shot which destroyed the BattleMech completely.  He ducked his Shadow Hawk out of its covered position and raised its missile launcher equipped arm while the Mech had been built as an X3M Petrov had ordered some changes to the Mech which included a Headhunter Missile Launcher system on the right arm.  He sat patiently waiting for the lock and fired off the missile unlike a conventional launcher the Headhunter was an all or nothing single missile launch system while the Shadow Hawk was incapable of launching the heaviest of the missiles available the system Petrov had fitted was still potent.  The missile rapidly closed the distance between the two forces impacting on a Capellan JagerMech blowing a hole in the heavy Mech.  Inside a secondary explosion showed internal damage to the BattleMech and Petrov smiled the Headhunter’s second party trick was it had a double warhead and was capable of penetrating the heaviest armour causing crippling internal damage.  Petrov saw a couple of others had chosen the same route as him and Riker Lance was pumping out more air deployed mines closer into their position but he also saw that the Capellans were steadily closing.

   “Hopper Battalion evacuate by lance, get off the ground I’ll see you in orbit.”  Petrov ordered using the Battalion’s unofficial name.  As he did a Screamer LAM exploded under withering fire from Capellan Mechs.  Even as the LAMs raised into the air several were taking damage from ground fire Petrov followed suit soon after and saw to other LAMs struck by autocannon and missile fire as he took off.  Steiner had said it would be costly and he had not been joking fourteen of the Land Air Mechs had been destroyed if their pilots had ejected they would now be prisoners of the Capellan Confederation a full third of the Battalion’s strength gone in a single battle.  Rising through the atmosphere the LAMs were able to rendezvous with the DropShips and the FSS Silver Spear which was shielding them from the Feng Huang’s fire while also causing more damage on the enemy WarShip.  They turned away from the planet heading towards one of the systems pirate points where the RCT’s JumpShips were hidden.  Due to Capellan harassment it would take them nearly a week to escape the system jumping away from Bithinia the RCT having survived the engagement even if it had taken some losses.

   As a result of the losses taken fighting the Uhlans, namely their commander and executive officer, the Hawkins Zouaves have no access to their off world finances and have no option but to officially link their loyalty to the Capellan Confederation accepting Capellan commands without hesitation.

Battlefield Marcus
Marcus, Star League Protectorate
22nd April 3112

   Clan Wolf BattleMechs and Battle Armour belonging to the Golden Keshik and 342nd Wolf Assault Cluster moved on the positions of the First Marcus Guard Regiment and of the Fifth Special Operations Group.  Although the SLDF defenders had superior numbers the Clansmen were more experienced and had air superiority with Wolf Aerospace fighters dominating the skies above them making near continuous bombing runs.  In the Wolf lines was a new OmniMech which appeared to weigh in at fifty to fifty-five tons in weight and had appeared in three different configurations among clan forces.

   The SLDF lines were bending and breaking as the Wolves pushed forward.  The Guard unit was little more than a combined-arms militia regiment while the Special Operations Group was designed to support line regiments not hold a battleline.  With the recent reorganisation of Star League lines to support the Taurian Concordat they were all that was left until reinforcements arrived which unfortunately would not be today.

   Working in concert the Wolves quickly moved on the defenders taking out many of the SLDF’s lighter Mechs from range and with Elementals swarming many of the heavier Mechs.  Behind them DropShips carrying evacuees attempted to escape the planet but they were forced to scatter upon reaching orbit due to the presence of the Ward’s Legacy.  While the McKenna-class Battleship did not engage any of the DropShips leaving the planet its presence alone was too much for any of the captains trying to escape.  While the Marcus Guard, the Mechs and armour of the Fifth fight to the last man the battle armour forces of the Special Operations Group scatter going to ground ready to continue to resist the occupation.

   Within a week of the assaults on Marcus Zosma also falls to Clan Wolf with the SLS Unity destroyed by Clan Wolf WarShips while Brodon, Alioth and Castor all suffer raids by Clan Wolf none of the worlds fall to Clan forces.  On Terra the Security Council call for the redistribution of SLDF forces to better defend the Protectorate.

Press Conference
New Vienna, Gaenir Beta
26th April 3112

At a press conference on the world of Gaenir Beta the leader of the world Governor Phillip Locke stood in front of a group of civilians and press in the capital city of New Vienna.  Gaenir Beta along with its sister worlds, Alpha, Gamma and Delta had been colonised within the last one hundred years by citizens from the Federated Suns, Taurian Concordat and Fronc Reaches from people who didn’t want to be involved in the national fighting that was overtaking the other nations sense.  For the last one hundred years the worlds had held a loose trading relationship which now they made more formal.

“My name is Phillip Locke I am the Governor of Gaenir Beta, today I announce that this world will forever be known as Gaenir.  The worlds of Gaenir Alpha, Gaenir Gamma and Gaenir Delta will today be known as Estorth, Prearia and Pawhion by the choice of their populations together we will form the Gaenir Collective.  The Gaenir Collective offers peaceful terms to all neighbouring nations and promise a nation of non-aggression our weapons will be for defence and defence only.”  A man in his mid-forties said he was dressed in a kakhi coloured jumpsuit that had no rank or insignia.  “Our nation invites neighbouring realms to send diplomats to Gaenir and requests permission to send diplomats to your realms I look forward to your responses.  The Gaenir Collective plans on being a productive member of the periphery community.”
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1084 on: 01 September 2018, 11:17:12 »
nice update, and good to see you back


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1085 on: 01 September 2018, 23:39:25 »
Sounds like the SLDF is in trouble!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1086 on: 02 September 2018, 01:11:00 »
The wolves are testing the border whilst the flight of the Sceptre seems to be coming to an end.  That was a bloody brawl in Cappie space too, a costly raid for sure and a sad end for a proud old ship.  This new Periphery micronation seems interesting, hopefully it does not suffer a Bad End.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -


  • Major
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1087 on: 03 September 2018, 19:53:28 »
Shocking that the Clan Pirate ship Spectre is slowly falling apart.  Mostly from the fact I thought it was just repaired in "Yard" or did the TC get in that much damage when they Endored the planet that it wasn't able to deal with the pocket warships?

That being said I'm surprise the Ravens haven't been hunting it down, especially after it got out what they did in the TC, but still I like how the are circling the Inner Sphere via the Periphery
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1088 on: 04 September 2018, 06:47:12 »
I think maybe keeping the Spectre going is lack of spare parts for the ship. We are talking about a Warship.  Guys in Periphery may not have access to repair critical components on what might to be described as a unique one-off design.

The ship would need somehow lay low until they could sneak more parts in that more than just Armor. 

I love that this Fan-Made setting has healthy doss of Warships in them, more balanced than canon.  However, logistics (even with FASA's Economy by Cthulhu) it would hard to get steady order parts other than fixing basic stuff like non-exotic armor, interplanetary thrusters, etc)  Nevermind CLAN made ones.

Their better off finding a older Warship adrift unless they ally themselves with the means to repair a complicated machine like that who willing to work with Clan Pirates. 
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1089 on: 04 October 2018, 09:38:53 »
Sceptre, Entrance Jump
Lesnovo, District of Lesnovo
Free Worlds League
5th May 3112

   The battered WarShip Sceptre jumped into the Lesnovo system quickly cutting in its engines moving in system.  “Open a channel” Captain Gerry Harper commanded “This is the WarShip Sceptre we are Dezgra and we welcome the death that is to come.” He said the crew had decided that this would be their last attack intent on striking the Free Worlds League and causing enough of an outrage that they would be hunted down and destroyed.  Harper had not intended on leading his crew to their deaths but far from any support the ship had been taking an increasing amount of damage while fuel and ammunition was also beginning to run low.

   “Sensor contact it’s big…” Sensor Operator Susan reported only a couple of minutes after the ship had begun to move in system “moving up from the Zenith point, it’s a Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser.”

   “Then we will die as warriors instead of being hunted like dogs.”  Harper announced to his crew.

   “Incoming transmission”

   “On speakers”

   “This is Khan Petra Furey of Clan Smoke Jaguar, Lesnovo is defended by my people identify yourselves or be destroyed like the Dezgra you claim to be.”  The female voice said her accent was unmistablably Clan but the words “Clan Smoke Jaguar” rocked Gerry Harper to silence the Jaguars were dead they had been for decades.  “Answer me WarShip Sceptre.”

   “Sir, the Jaguar vessel identifies as the Streaking Mist they are orientating to put their broadside weapons on this vessel.  Aerospace fighters have launched.  Captain, they are demanding an answer.”  Susan said getting his attention Jerry Harper nodded and spoke.

   “Turn us to face them” he commanded before reaching for the communications panel.  “I am Jerry Harper, the Smoke Jaguars are a dead Clan, whoever you are, you are not a Jaguar Khan.”

   “What people hear of the Jaguars and what is true are two different things.  Harper, I declare a Trial of Possession for your ship and crew.”

   “My ship is no match for yours my aerospace fighters are short on fuel and ammunition, it would not be a fair fight.”

   “Nothing in life is fair.”  Furey replied “fine, Sceptre have it your way.”  She said there was silence for several moments Harper half expected to see the Streaking Mist’s weapons light up and for the Sceptre to disappear around him instead he saw a small craft launch from the Black Lion and head towards them under escort by two Aerospace Fighters.  “Allow my fighters to dock with your WarShip my pilots will return on the small craft while your best pilots will face my own in combat.  The winner will decide the fate of the Sceptre.”

   “I agree I will fight this battle personally.”

   “You are welcome to Star Captain”


   Almost an hour later Harper was sitting in the F-11 Cheetah Aerospace Fighter easing the twenty-five-ton craft to the left and back to the right.  Alongside him Pilot Naveen was also getting to know the Inner Sphere fighter craft.  “Star Captain Harper, are you prepared quiaff?” Khan Petra Furey asked

   “Aff, Khan we are” he transmitted back suddenly two more Cheetah’s approached at high speed on either side pulse laser blasts were traded as the two flights crossed paths.  Harper braked heavily turning his fighter to the right trying to hunt down one of the enemy craft he saw that Naveen had followed his lead in the turn which brought them back into another flying pass with the Jaguars.  “Break to Port on my count, follow your own flight Naveen and allow your beak to guide you.”  He commanded “Break now!” 

As he did the two craft split one heading port while Harper pulled back on the stick pulling the Cheetah’s nose up and over flipping the craft and changing direction completely he then sharply turned to the right and forced the craft’s nose down moving into position he saw that Naveen’s path was going to bring him directly towards the two Jaguar pilots but Harper was more concerned with his own survival and allowed the fight to progress as it did he saw Naveen’s craft be peppered by several laser hits including one that pierced the cockpit killing the young Raven.  It was a warrior’s death and an honourable one at that, but it was also one that may have won them this battle.  Continuing his dive Harper brought both pulse lasers online targeting both enemy craft from above he fired down on them “walking” the pulse lasers over the two enemy Cheetah’s damaging both as he sliced through their flight path he spun his craft to port and starboard as the damaged Jaguars began to turn to follow him now more sluggish than before.

Harper danced the Cheetah through space avoiding the pulse laser fire from the chasing Jaguars allowing them to close on his craft “I tap the breaks” he whispered decelerating rapidly he watched as the two enemy craft closed rapidly missing his own ship by metres “and you fly by” he said triumphantly targeting one of the craft pounding its rear section with pulse laser fire what followed were a series of internal explosions that ended the Cheetah’s fight.  He then dived after the second craft keeping up his pursuit the pilot was obviously experienced and continued to push him to the limit of his skill.  Finally, the pilot tried to spin his craft in space intent on pivoting along the flight path to fire back on Harper’s craft unfortunately this only ever worked if you were not already in weapons range in pursuit Harper continued to fire cutting into the enemy Cheetah breaching its armour in several locations before the fighter exploded from the inside with the pilot ejecting.

   “Streaking Mist to Star Captain Harper, you are victorious today. well done” Khan Petra Furey transmitted to his fighter Harper hadn’t expected her to congratulate him herself nothing these Jaguars did made sense.  “Come aboard the Streaking Mist and we will discuss your future.”

   “Safcon is granted quiaff?”  He asked still surprised his enemy were not preparing another wave of fighters to attack him or using the Black Lion’s guns to target the Sceptre.

   “Of course, you are victorious”

   “I am on my way”


   The lights were dim onboard the Black Lion-class Battle-cruiser Streaking Mist and few of the crew wore full Smoke Jaguar uniforms instead they wore parts of multiple uniforms which these Clansmen had encountered during their journey from the Clan Homeworlds.  He was led through the vessel to the command centre deep inside the WarShip where he encountered Khan Petra Furey.  She was younger than he had expected and had medium length dark hair that was tied back behind her head he seamlessly slipped into two of the holding points on the floor so he could stand in the microgravity.

   “Khan Furey”

   “Star Captain Harper, welcome on board the Streaking Mist, an impressive performance out there today you have saved your WarShip from annihilation.”

   “I could not allow them to be lost without a fight.  Your generosity with lending us aerospace fighters and accepting the defeat.”

   “Your performance warranted it”

   “Khan, with respect you do not act like Smoke Jaguars I have ever encountered before.”

   “We are not, we are survivors, we have faced the destruction of our Clan and we are still here.”

   “And your alliance with an Inner Sphere state?”

   “Our home is in their territory my Clan is only so strong.”

   “You do know that your name alone could bring enemies to your door quiaff?”

   “Aff, we are aware as is the District of Lesnovo and they are, at least for now, willing to stand by us.  I plan to grow the strength of my Clan so when our name is known we can stand against all comers.”

   “That is quite a task”

   “A task that could be made easier with the addition of more Clansmen of like mind, skill and resource.”  She said broaching a new subject “Star Captain, your skill has impressed me and my warriors, I offer you all places in the reborn Clan Smoke Jaguar. Allow us to offer you the second chance we have been granted and let us return the Sceptre to glory.”  She said she saw his reluctance remained “we are not the same people you are familiar with and your presence will change us even more together we can show everyone the Clan Smoke Jaguar that they were supposed to see before.”

   “Aff, on behalf of myself and my ship, I accept your offer Khan.”  He said bowing his head the chance to serve in a Clan again winning over his reservations he hoped that this was not a mistake like so many others the Sceptre had made.  For now the Sceptre would not be much of a benefit to the Smoke Jaguars or to the people of Lesnovo but in time with the correct assets it could be a powerful asset.

First Kathil Uhlans Landings
Les Halles, District of Oriente
Free Worlds League
7th May 3112

   With minimal ground defences and no naval presence Les Halles in the Free Worlds League’s District of Oriente made a perfect target for the First Kathil Uhlans as they retreated from the Capellan Confederation.  Landing in the middle of a massive snowstorm which appeared to cover the entire northern atmosphere the area had been picked to specifically avoid the planetary defenders.  Marshal Richard Steiner walked onto the command deck of his lead DropShip as it descended through the atmosphere this stopping point was designed to get them fuel and food that would sustain them during their trip back towards Federated Suns territory.  “Have landing party Alpha depart when we hit the ground they provide us with ground security while the other ships come down.  They are not to engage unless we are engaged.”

   “We are invaders Marshal” Colonel Sofia Bukhalova reminded him she was his aide and friend a native of Wernke in the Federated Suns she had served in the Regiment for years and had Uhlan blood.

   “I know we are but we’re not going to attack them instead I plan to speak to them hopefully they will understand that we don’t mean them harm and we have come here by accident.”

   “One Succession State’s armed forces in the territory of another, I can see this going so well.  I want to deploy Beta along with Alpha as soon as we’re settled.”

   “That’s a third of our remaining forces.”

   “I fear we’ll need the security”

   “Fine Colonel, but lets make sure we have plenty people taking downtime as well we don’t know how long we’ll be here and this weather isn’t going to help matters.”  He said as the Conquistador-class DropShip came in for its landing all around the DropShips were making landings in the deep snow that covered Les Halles surface.

   “Communication from the planet” the communication officer said looking over at him “a Prefect Freema Smit.”

   “Put her on loudspeaker” he said “Prefect Freema Smit, I am Marshal Richard Steiner of the First Kathil Uhlans RCT of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, we are not here as aggressors we wish to repair and refit and we are willing to trade for supplies.”

   “You are a member of the Steiner family?”  She asked Richard Steiner shook his head barely believing what he had heard he had just told the leader of a planet that he was leading a foreign RCT to the planet’s surface and the planetary leader was only interested in the fact he was a member of the Steiner family.

   “I am a relation to the ruling line” he said thinking ‘a very distant relation.’ “Prefect, I want it to be very clear that our unit does not mean hostile intent.”

   “I understand you, Marshal Steiner, we wish to protest your unit’s arrival on Las Halles however we will not attack you on one condition” he said pausing for a moment “I wish to outfit my militia forces with traditional Steiner designs and I wish to dine with a member of the Steiner family two unique things in the District of Oriente.”

   “Agreed” Steiner replied thinking it would be a small price to pay as his unit planned the next part of their detour.

Jade Falcon Offensive
Crevedia, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
9th May 3112

   Across the Jade Falcon line elements of three Jade Falcon Clusters and one Ebon Guard Cluster fought against Lyran Commonwealth defenders and their mercenary back up.  At the centre of the Ebon Guard Galaxy Loremaster of the Clans Brennley Roshak piloted her Night Gyr OmniMech against the Lyran Commonwealth unit’s targeting her enemy with her OmniMech’s Extended Range Particle Cannons and type 10 ultra autocannon.  She had no need to be here in open combat she enjoyed feeling the power of the Night Gyr under her and seeing the destruction the weapons brought on the nearby Lyran BattleMechs and vehicles.  The defenders on this planet were not equipped with the best equipment most of those were deployed on Arcturus, Odessa, Donegal and Coventry.  Already the Jade Falcons had steamrolled over Alma Alta forcing back the Nineteenth Arcturan Guards RCT and the WarShip LCS Danzig while Cameron had also fallen to the Jade Falcons now Crevedia was their target and the Ebon Guard Cluster had been attached to them.

   Forcing her way forwards Brennley Roshak kept up her fire on a larger Zeus BattleMech the Inner Sphere assault Mech was produced in the Lyran Commonwealth and featured in almost all of their units.  Although being heavier than the Night Gyr the more powerful Clan weapons gave he the advantage moving forwards she triggered her particle cannons only for the Zeus to soak up the hit and return fire with its own particle cannon, laser and missile launcher showering the Jade Falcon OmniMech in weapons fire.  Brennley moved to the right twisting her OmniMech’s torso keeping her weapons on the Zeus she triggered her autocannon again sending more ballistic ordinance into the enemy assault Mech moments later she triggered her particle cannons the Zeus twisted its torso tracking her Night Gyr but the missiles went wide as did its laser with only the particle cannon striking the Roshak’s Mech.  Emboldened by the Lyran warrior’s misses Brennley charged on the Zeus closing the distance pumping further autocannon salvos into the Zeus.  As the seventy-five-ton Night Gyr moved forwards a gauss rifle slug flew in from Brennley’s right striking the upper half of the Night Gyr’s torso the slug careered up over the torso striking the bottom of the cockpit tearing through the cockpit decapitating the OmniMech killing the Loremaster of the Clans.

   While the loss of the Loremaster of the Clans was demoralising to the Ebon Guard cluster who also became the focus of the Lyran defence with the Cluster being essentially destroyed in the battle.  Unfortunately this focus allowed the Jade Falcon force to encircle and eliminate the defenders securing the main continent of Crevedia.  From the other continents two small mercenary units escaped the Jade Falcons.


   Nearly three weeks later Iwabuchi Nagasawa of Clan Sea Fox’s Faulk Khanate became the new Loremaster of the Clans.  The forty-seven-year-old Sea Fox warrior’s first duty is to promote the Watch unit to a front-line cluster and add it to the Ebon Guard Galaxy.  Meanwhile on the Jade Falcon border the Lyran’s continue to raid the Jade Falcon OZ trying their defences with the Charlestown Chiefs, Crescent Hawks and Snord’s Irregulars with the Charlestown Chiefs debuting their new Aurora-class DropShip and an additional lance of BattleMechs added during their time on Skye.

Border conflict
Rasalhague Dominion
Lyran Commonwealth
15th May 3112

   In retaliation for the troubles encountered on Freedom Clan Ghost Bear forces representing the Rasalhague Dominion raid Marfik, Freedom, Yed Prior and Alexandria on Marfik the Clansmen are turned away by the Gray Death Legion while other Lyran Commonwealth forces the Bear’s aggression takes many by surprise and raises defence standing in the Isle of Skye region of the Lyran Commonwealth.  Even against the Gray Death mercenaries the Ghost Bears adhere to Clan duelling laws of Zellbrigen.

Situation Tent, First Kathil Uhlans RCT
Ice Plains, Les Halles
District of Oriente, Free Worlds League
17th May 3112

   With his winter jacket wrapped around him Marshal Richard Steiner entered the command tent of the First Kathil Uhlans RCT he had been looking over the local militia force when word of the attack had been passed to him.  “What do we have?”

   “Sir, within the last hour a Capellan Confederation assault force has arrived in system, sir, the Silver Shield has been destroyed by Capellan naval assets.”  Colonel Sofia Bukhalova reported as he entered “Capellans are no on their way to the planet.”

   “The JumpShips and Comet?”

   “As per your orders the JumpShips jumped clear of the system as we believe the Comet has.”  She reported his standing orders were for the JumpShips to avoid capture and attempt to make their way back to the Federated Suns anyway they could.  The Comet was under the same orders to avoid conflict and to escape back to the Federated Suns informing them of the plight of the Kathil Uhlans.

   “Then we’re on our own” Steiner said he’d hoped to still have the option to use the JumpShips to escape and keep the unit together but the people of Las Halles had been slower in passing on the supplies that were available probably because the AFFS unit didn’t have guns to their head but he hadn’t wanted to come across as a hostile force and as far he knew the world’s Prefect had not called for assistance from beyond Las Halles.  “Call all units have them prepare for a fight” he said looking at the holo-map they’d picked this glacier as a landing zone because it was open enough for the aerodyne craft they had but that also made it an area that the Capellan’s could use.  “Contact the Prefect inform her that aggressive Capellan forces are on their way to the planet we will do all we can to make sure they are not affected by this fight.”

   “And if the WarShip comes in?”

   “We can’t do anything about that ship now we’ll just have to hope the Silver Shield and her fighters damaged them enough to make them wary about approaching if not we’ll send the fighters we have to worry them for as long as we can.”


   Six days later the Capellan Confederation forces arrived in orbit over the Kathil Uhlans position with their WarShip hovering away from planetary orbit holding at maximum range.  On the ground the Uhlans waited for the Capellan assault while aerospace fighters duked it out in the air above.  Across the radio waves a new communication was passed on all channels.

   “This is Prefect Freema Smit to the incoming Capellan Forces welcome to Les Halles.”  The Prefect said “your conflict is with the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns unit on this planet.  At this very moment this transmission and everything that has run up to today is being sent to Oriente so I want t make this very clear.  We have not called for assistance from the Capellan Confederation’s Armed Forces not did we request you to enter into combat with those of the Federated Suns in this system.”

   “This is Jason Zaklan of the Capellan Confederation.  Prefect, we do not need your call for assistance nor do we need your permission to engage with the Federated Suns.  They violated our territory they will pay the price of defiling the territory of the Celestial Wisdom.”  Came the accented response “my forces are beginning their atmospheric entry we will discuss Les Halles surrender once the Uhlans have been dealt with.”

   “We have nothing to do with the Federated Suns unit…”

   “You have harboured our enemies and continue to support them.”

   “They have done us no harm” the Prefect said finally “we will defend against any threat to Les Halles.  The Uhlans are no threat and now you have become a threat.”  She said cutting the line.

   Sitting in his Templar OmniMech Marshal Richard Steiner had listened to the words as had the other members of his command in the air above them there were sonic booms as the Capellan DropShips entered the atmosphere joining their aerospace fighters which were already causing turmoil for the AFFS aerospace forces.  “Stand by everyone we know what’s coming we need to stand up to their forces and push them back.”

   “New contacts eight Meteor-G and Four Angel Conventional Fighters coming from the capital they are aiming for the incoming Capellan DropShips.”

   “They’re committing suicide” Steiner said watching the screens the fighters must have been carrying additional ordinance because they were flying far slower than they were capable but Richard Steiner knew the damage they could cause.  “Steiner to air wings interference in west quadrant, allow the local fighters to get in range.”  The conventional fighters continued to close on the Capellan DropShips as Capellan aerospace fighters moved on them AFFS aerospace fighters attempted to fly some interference allowing the FWL craft to close on a descending Union-class DropShip the thunder of the eight Meteor-G fighters autocannnons complemented by long range missiles from the two flights of Angel fighters pounded the Union shattering its port engines and two of the cargo bay doors.  The Union quickly began to fall faster than the other craft around it as the vessel lost control falling out of formation.  “Track that craft’s trajectory we’ll have to deal with the survivors.”  Above the militia fighters were continuing to press their luck turning on a giant Overlord-class DropShip unleashing their carried ordinance as well as their own inbuilt weapons.  The Overlord soaked up the damage while Capellan fighters ripped into the remaining conventional fighters.  “Thank you for trying” Richard Steiner said what everyone was thinking they hadn’t stood a chance but they had tried now all across the skies BattleMechs were appearing as they jumped towards the surface.

   The melee that followed was brutal as the Federated Suns force and Capellan Confederation force engaged in a no hold’s barred assault on each other.  Marshal Richard Steiner commanded his forces from the centre piloting his Templar in command of an entire company of assault Mechs together they were lashing out at entire companies of Capellan forces concentrating their fire proving why assault Mechs were so feared.  While they brought down several Capellan units aerospace fighters bombed the AFFS lines creating loss after loss.  “We need to break their ground forces company target this group.”  Steiner commanded stepping his Templar across the shadow of an Atlas BattleMech using it as a shield while he made his plan in the centre of the formation was a lace of Ti T’sang Heavy BattleMechs which Zaklan used as his personal BattleMech.  “That’s who we are going after” he said stepping out from behind the Atlas hitting one of Ti T’sangs with a particle cannon shot.  Together his assault company waded through Capellan units taking heavy damage as they did the Ti T'sangs didn’t retreat instead they turned on the Davion formation and charged forwards straight at them striking down enemies as they closed.  As they approached Richard Steiner’s command however they did so attacking enemy BattleMechs twenty-thirty tons heavier than their own Mechs.  While the Heavy Mechs had a huge amount of speed they lacked the armour of the heavier designs.  “Do not allow them to get into physical contact with those lances will ruin our armour.”  He reminded them all “split by lance pick a Mech and fire” he commanded “bring them down.”  He said the units combined fire on the four Capellan heavy Mechs taking heavy damage from all sides several of Richard’s Mechs were knocked down and out of the fight but so were all four Capellan BattleMechs.  The remaining Capellans continued to engage the Uhlans but they were heavily outnumbered and were quickly eliminated by the combined force of the remaining Uhlans.  Above them Capellan aerospace fighters continued to fly but without ground support they could not hold the territory and as this world was still a Free Worlds League governed world they dared not bombard the surface leading to a stalemate.   

Clan Council
Farstar, Clan Lynx Territory
22nd May 3112

   Khan Katrine Devalis stepped up infront of the bloodnamed members of her Khan she knew they were still waiting for her to inform them where the Clan was heading but she needed to give them a new direction but first she needed to announce some changes.  “Fellow warriors” she said looking to either side of the gathered warriors “our Clan needs depth not only in our construction and training but also in our genetic make-up so today I am announcing the formation of the Bedford, Schuetz and Guerette Bloodhouses.  These houses have been closed by Clan Nova Cat for decades written off as not productive enough to be warriors but I believe that the Lynx can make them famous for other reasons.”  She said “we are also going to open a new Bloodhouse based off the blood of the local people who have fought and died for their own worlds.”  She said from the group of warriors there was a grumble from warriors but none raised a descent “we will build this Clan to be one of the strongest together by defending our homes and defeating our enemies.”  She said she could see they still wanted another announcement before the Council divided into individual Bloodhouses to support or denounce her motions “as of tomorrow I am calling for Trials of Possession against Ariel, Adesia, Erdenet and Alfrik and for a Trial of Possession for the use of the Sea Fox shipyard in Jarnfolk territory.”  She said she knew that would also give them something to focus on in the short term as the Clan prepared for actions against anyone who stood up to them.

   In the coming days Clan Lynx would win control over all four planets that were nestled between them and the Clan Sea Fox influenced Jarnfolk space.  The Clan would then go on to win access to the Sea Fox’s Shipyard but due to a spirited defence by the merchant-warriors the Lynx would only be allowed to access the shipyard when the Foxes permitted a far more complex resolution than Devalis had wanted but it was a start for her Clan.

   Elsewhere in the periphery Clan Nova Cat continues to battle the Taurian Concordat on several worlds causing Brofinder, Gordian Charleston, Orkney and Carvajal to all announce they were aligning with the newly formed Gaenir Collective.  Gaenir continues to broadcast its peaceful intentions to all of its neighbours while also hiring several small mercenary units to provide it with a defence.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1090 on: 04 October 2018, 11:39:34 »
Great update!

I want to say I called where I thought the Sceptre would end up, but I can't find a quote, so nope, I didn't.  :(

Interesting to see the Falcons continuing, I'm wondering if, with the change in Loremasters, there might be another shift in the Ebon Guard's deployment (will he/she pull them back from supporting the Falcons?).

Lyrans really seem to be in a painful position, Falcons and Horses continuing to press, and the Coyotes and Dominion occasionally making a nuisance of themselves, then all the stuff happening on their periphery border.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1091 on: 04 October 2018, 14:22:39 »
Love the latest entry, Dragoncat!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1092 on: 04 October 2018, 15:35:48 »
Love the fight scene!

Shame no WoB love...  :'(

TT  >:D
Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1093 on: 04 October 2018, 17:26:53 »
Damm the "Rogue" Clanners piloting a New Warship found a home, gee with other clanners...  :o
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1094 on: 04 October 2018, 18:33:08 »
Damm the "Rogue" Clanners piloting a New Warship found a home, gee with other clanners...  :o
They should have died facing the guns of the Streaking Mistlike all dezgra scum.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1095 on: 04 October 2018, 19:35:28 »
i really like that they all used Cheetahs for the battle.  they are both are short equipment.  even modified cheetah would "only" cost about 2mil each.  its a good use of resources. 


  • Major
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1096 on: 04 October 2018, 21:57:36 »
They should have died facing the guns of the Streaking Mistlike all dezgra scum.
but that shows to me that {ICC) they they were never Rogues, so the TC has been right to declare all clanner forces as pirates and to be treated as such.

by the way thanks again Dragon Cat for 1 hell of a Alternative Universe
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1097 on: 06 October 2018, 05:28:36 »
An excellent update as always, the Lyrans are still in dire trouble though :s
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1098 on: 05 November 2018, 07:30:07 »
So it's been a while, I went on holiday and moved house so something had to take a back seat

But here's some new stuff

Entry Jump, FSS Comet (Peter-class Scout)
New Olympica, Star League Protectorate
Free Worlds League
1st June 3112

   The tiny FSS Comet jumped into the New Olympica system without an escort immediately setting off alarms for the Star League Defence Force defenders.  Normally a Peter-class Scout vessel would enter a system with a JumpShip or WarShip acting as cover allowing the ship’s small jump signature to slip into the background.  With no cover even a small jump signature was easily noticed by the SLS Sheridan, the Star League Defence Force’s Bonaventure-class Training Vessel, which was assigned to the system.  Despite it being a training vessel and a vessel outdated by modern standards the Bonaventure still easily outgunned the Comet as did the approaching aerospace fighters.

   “This is the FSS Comet Captain Julia Richmond of the Federated Suns Navy commanding we request Asylum from the SLDF defenders of New Olympica and request that you contact the Federated Suns and inform them that the First Kathil Uhlans are stranded on Les Halles in the District of Oriente.”  The transmission came across the general SLDF communications channel as aerospace fighters dived towards the vessel “I repeat this is the FSS Comet we are willing to offer our immediate and uncontested surrender to SLDF forces in exchange for protection from attack from the Free Worlds League and communications with the Federated Suns.”

   “This is Captain Otto Biermann in command of the SLS Sheridan your surrender is accepted marines will board and commandeer your vessel.  Permission for communications with the Federated Suns will decided at a later date and will not be conditional of your surrender.  Any attempt at resistance will result in the destruction of your vessel.”  With SLDF aerospace fighters swarming the Comet, small craft approaching from both sides and the SLS Sherdian hovering nearby the Federated Suns crew wouldn’t be able to resist even if they wanted to.

Public Announcement, Command Station
Galatea Station, Galatea
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
9th June 3112

   After weeks of criminal issues and threats against the Galatea Station military governor of the station Captain Michael O’Hare stood in front of the Tri-Vid camera to make an announcement.  “In recent months Galatea Station has received intelligence of threats that were made against this station.  We requested assistance from Skye and from Tharkad and have not received assistance.  In recent days Galatea Station Security has stopped two suspected terrorist bombings with no loss of life.  As a result of these threats and a lack of support Galatea Station command has chosen to separate from the Lyran Commonwealth High Command and instead call on assistance from the Star League Protectorate.”  He said pausing briefly O’Hare was in his sixties and a career Lyran Commonwealth Naval Officer this decision had killed him but it was one that needed to be made “I have served the Lyran Commonwealth for more than thirty years, I have served on every border our nation has, but as Military Governor of Galatea Station I am responsible for all of the people that come through this station and I will do everything I can to protect them.”  He said confident he had justified his position “Galatea Station will remain an open port for all mercenary commands and visitors from all nations of the Inner Sphere.”  He said signing off the message with the Galatea Flag along with that of the Galatea Station and the Cameron Star.

Border fighting
Castor, Star League Protectorate
15th June 3112

   “I am Star Colonel Michael Carns of Clan Wolf of the Eleventh Wolf Striker Cluster I claim this world, its people and its resources for Clan Wolf defenders announce yourselves.”  The Clan Wolf commander announced as his BattleMech left the DropShip what followed was a massive artillery barrage followed by a huge bombing campaign which smashed through the Clan Wolf aerospace defences beginning a battle for the planet.

The Wolves had come to Castor intending on conquest and found no naval defences thinking that Castor wasn’t important enough to the Star League to defend with capital assets now however they were against a ground campaign with the local criminal gangs supporting the Star League ground forces.

These gangs had been exactly why the SLDF did not have a large presence on the world and had been a constant problem for the Star League since their take over of the system.  As the fighting progressed the SLDF fell back but the gangs continued to resist Wolf occupation.  As a word of warning the Wolves razed an entire compound to the ground burning the supplies of an entire gang unfortunately the fighting with these gangs was just beginning.  Even as SLDF units feel back off the planet Wolf forces continued to be harassed by gang forces.

Elsewhere the Game World continues to entertain thousands with the Thirty-ninth Star League Games kicking off on Solaris VII.  Local boy Alexander Munro competing as an independent and piloting an Atlas II BattleMech is victorious in the competition.

Sentencing Hearing, Military Court
Lesnovo, District of Lesnovo
Free Worlds League
28th June 3112

Colonel Dominic Nostra stood in front of a military tribunal wearing a plain green jumpsuit devoid of rank and with his name and military serial number stencilled into it was the same uniform he had worn since his arrest.  He stood in front of a group of five senior officers and remained silent as they exonerated his unit of wrong doing on Twin Sons but levied all blame on Nostra himself he’d expected it and took the blame and the trouble that followed.  By split vote he was stripped of his command, rank and sentenced to life in military prison before being escorted through the courthouse to a waiting APC that would take him to a waiting DropShip.

As the APC travelled from the court inside the city to the outskirts its two Vendette escort tanks were hit from various sides by four BattleMechs they quickly eliminated the remaining infantry who had been defending the APC before extracting an unconscious Dominic Nostra from the flipped over vehicle before disappearing into Lesnovo’s wilderness.
Hours later Dominic woke wearing the same green jumpsuit he had when he was in court he was lying in a cave and outside a thunderstorm raged with rain beating down on the Lesnovo wilderness.  Nearby the lance of BattleMechs that had attacked his convoy waited silently for their next command.  In the cave another warrior waited with him this one was dressed in a full body suit that had been painted green it was the unmistakable outfit of the Bounty Hunter.

“You know who I am?”  The figure asked in an artificial voice which disguised their identity down to Dominic not knowing if it was a male or female.

“You’re the Bounty Hunter or a very impressive actor.”  He said he moved slightly from his prone position he felt a twinge of pain in his side and guessed he must have broken a rib or two in the attack.

“Good” it replied “and why do you think you are here?”

   “My sins have caught up with me?”

   “Yes and no” the figure replied “your actions on Twin Sons did impress me it showed a person willing to do what needed to be done without hesitation.”

   “I was required to do it, I didn’t enjoy it”

   “You don’t need to enjoy it Dominic just be willing to work for money.”

   “I’m a MechWarrior, all we work for is coin.”

   “I’m glad you agree” the figure replied “and with that in mind I’d like to offer you a job.  Join my team and you can be a MechWarrior again or I can leave you to your freedom in this cave.”

   “What’s the catch?”

   “You’ll have to kill people and not ask questions about it.”

   “It’ll be necessary?”  Dominic asked knowing the answer.

   “For the pay packet it will be necessary to kill, yes”

   “I’m in” Dominic said after several minutes of thought he was done serving people who didn’t appreciate someone who was willing and able to kill their enemies to get a job done.

"Welcome to your new life" the figure replied hours later the Bounty Hunter’s Mule-class DropShip left the planet on fake lift off papers joining the traffic above the world heading out of the system.

My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1099 on: 05 November 2018, 20:31:52 »
great to see this back up.  great update. 


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1100 on: 05 November 2018, 23:55:27 »
A holiday, must of been that trip to Siberia we organised for you. :D
Glad to see you back and updating. :beer:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1101 on: 06 November 2018, 16:11:07 »
Good to see this back up.

Where have you moved to?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1102 on: 06 November 2018, 17:48:25 »
Good to see this back up.

Where have you moved to?

Same town in with girlfriend new flat close to my work
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1103 on: 07 November 2018, 06:55:09 »
Excellent to see this back, the Wolves have gotten themselves a headache of a world the SLDF seems happy to have abandoned, and the Bounty Hunter gets another one for his or her crew.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1104 on: 07 November 2018, 08:05:05 »
And the Word is still out there doing something bad!

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1105 on: 10 December 2018, 04:55:52 »
Internal conflict
Andrey, Tukayyid
Clan Space, Inner Sphere
3rd July 3112

While less than a decade old the Free Guilds created by Loremaster Thomas Ward had succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations even with the current Sea Fox Loremaster of the Clans in Iwabuchi Nagasawa the Guilds had increased production, research and trade on Tukayyid tenfold building facilities quicker than any individual Clan could match.  Unfortunately, this success had also brung conflict to the defecto capital of the Clans with each success the Free Guilds accomplished it further diminished the individual Clan’s traders successes.  In Clan society where success was not a happy coincidence but instead necessary for progression and unlike in Warrior society where conflict could be solved in Honour Trials in the civilian trader world where weapons were available but honour was lacking the battles became far more brutal.  Usually these fights resulted in several members of both sides ending up in medical centres needing treatment for bumps and bruises other times things were far more deadly.

Following a long day of work the Free Guilds often gathered in local bars to wind down normally there were the usual assortment of Free Guilds traders and workers local community and various members of the lower castes of local Clan populations as well as an assortment of Clan traders from various Clans.  Tonight was different the majority of the people in the bar were from the Free Guilds and local lower castes with only a couple of Clan traders present.  As they enjoyed their night no one spotted the Clan Sea Fox painted Rache Battle Armour suit stepping up outside nor would they have seeing armed units pass was a common occurrence what wasn’t normal was the suit turning its weapons on the bar and opening fire.  A hair of machine gun fire followed by four short range missiles slammed into the bar filling it with fire killing everyone inside the Rache disappeared into the night leaving the bar to burn with an intense heat.
Emergency crews pulled nearly one hundred confirmed casualties out of the bar over the course of the clean up operation with dozens more thought to have burned to death in the intense fire that had enveloped the the bar.  Several days later the Rache suit was found abandoned and burnt out in trees several kilometres from the bar Clan Watch units and intelligence units on Tukayyid working on behalf of the Loremaster find that several Sea Fox Merchants had taken it upon themselves to target the Free Guilds because of their successes.  This results in nearly a dozen Sea Fox arrests with each of the traders quickly found guilty and executed by members of their own Clan’s Warrior Caste.

Clan Wolf Command Tent
Pollux, Star League Protectorate
8th July 3112

   Clan Wolf had launched another wave of attacks on the Star League Protectorate targeting Pollux, Devil’s Rock and Denebola intent on taking another step closer to their conquest of unfortunately on all three worlds they had encountered elements of the First Knights of the Inner Sphere Regimental Brigade, the Third Sirius Regimental Brigade and the Guard Regiments of each world as well as naval assets in the Denebola system which had destroyed the Wolf vessel Moore’s Honour and sent the invasion into retreat.

   On Pollux and Devil’s Rock the Wolves had not encountered naval forces and had instead forced their way through the SLDF aerospace forces and landed on the two worlds.  On Devil’s Rock Khan Amina Kerensky stiffened the resolve of the forces while saKhan Evan Kell led forces on Pollux.

   “What do you mean dead?” Evan Kell demanded hearing the news that he had both dreaded and almost expected his command tent had gone from a hive of activity to near silence in a moment.  According to the latest report Khan Amina Kerensky had been killed as her command was overwhelmed by the First Knights of the Sphere on Devil’s Rock.

   “Sir, according to our troops who lifted off Devil’s Rock Khan Amina Kerensky died when her OmniMech took a direct hit to the cockpit by an enemy gauss rifle.”

   “A warrior’s death” Evan Kell said crediting her with that at least that.  He'd have preferred she had survived to help lead her Clan but it was the Clan way for warriors to wish glory regardless of their rank.  Now he could try to steer the Wolves on a path closer to that of the path the Exiles were on.

   “Aff, Khan Kell, until further notice you are the new Khan of Clan Wolf and in charge of this invasion…” the warrior said only to be interrupted by the sound of gun fire.  The warrior turned away from his Khan towards the door only to be faced with a hail of bullets all meant for Evan Kell.  As the warrior was torn apart by the support machine gun Kell dived behind a table and drew his sidearm unfortunately the SLDF Power Armour were not finished there the two black clad figures entered the tent and opened fire with their support machine guns gunning down everyone present in a vicious head-hunter attack.  Even behind his table Evan Kell was not safe to the sustained weapons fire and intent on being remembered as a fighting Khan he rose from his position and engaged the two troopers gaining headshots on both but penetrating neither suit’s armour.  The return fire killed Evan Kell and in a space of a day Clan Wolf had lost two Khans.

   With Wolf forces robbed of their leadership and in retreat the SLDF are able to push forwards over the next couple of weeks and secure both Devil’s Rock and Pollux.  They then push into the Wolf Empire liberating Milton and Alchiba while the Lyran Commonwealth’s Skye Command shows solidarity with the SLDF, and seizes on an opportunity to liberate some territory, to liberate Pheoda and Shiloh from Clan Wolf.  Without leadership Clan Wolf fall into a defensive pattern aggressively defending their remaining systems.

Border fighting
Erod’s Escape, Taurian Concordat
11th July 3112

   Clan Nova Cat’s campaign against the Taurian Concordat resumes with the invasions of Erod’s Escape, Colchis and Belle Isle.  Fighting against the First Taurian Pride and the First Protectorate Guard the Nova Cat’s make quick progress in taking over their positions.  Fighting among the Nova Cat forces on Erod’s Escape is Lucian Nova Cat, formerly Bondsman and now a MechWarrior, he quickly proves himself downing two enemy Mechs and destroying three tanks during the fighting leading to him winning the right to a Trial of Position following the battle.  Fighting against another Nova Cat MechWarrior he wins the right to the rank of Star Commander in the Nova Cat Touman.

   The Nova Cat’s quickly secure Erod’s Escape and Colchis but Belle Isle hold’s out longer with the Taurians surprising the Clan with two mercenary units supporting the worlds defence holding off the invaders.  Elsewhere in the Concordat SLDF and Taurian commands plan their next coordinated moves against the Nova Cats while on Taurus eighteen-year-old Nikola Calderon the daughter of Erik Martens-Calderon and heir to the Taurian leadership begins her formal martial training intent on joining the Taurian Armed Forces and assisting in the defence of her nation.

Recovery ward, Royal Hospital of Donegal
Donegal, Donegal Province
Lyran Commonwealth
21st July 3112

   Tears streamed down Millie Milovich face as she laid on the hospital bed on Donegal and thought about what she and her people had gone through in the last week.  She’d awoken after being hospitalized for more than a week on Donegal after her unit’s defeat on Odessa along with other mercenary units, Lyran Commonwealth commands and units of the Star League Defence Force.  Her own Marauder II C had been destroyed in the fighting and in total more than half of her unit had lost their lives or been dispossessed during the fighting.


   A week before on Odessa Millie Milovich moved her BattleMech to the left avoiding a particle cannon shot but instantly walking into a flight of long range missiles followed by laser fire.  Armour shattered and boiled away from her BattleMech as one of the unit’s Stronghold armoured trailers exploded under enemy fire.  The Jade Falcons had hit Odessa with six front-line clusters with several WarShips supporting now it was a fight for survival as the Clansmen stormed into their lines and strafed them from above.

   “Pull back to point BRAVO, abandon ALPHA, repeat abandon BRAVO rendezvous!”  She called out as her Marauder II C was struck by a Gauss rifle from a running Jade Falcon Shadow Cat II.  The sixty-ton BattleMech quickly followed up with missile fire which devoured more of her armour as she fought to stay in control.

   Behind the Shadow Cat II however something caught Milovich’s eye she’d seen the silhouette before but had yet to set her eyes on the design.  In the centre of the Jade Falcon formation was the newest of the Clan’s OmniMechs the fifty-ton Black Harrier.  Milovich targeted the Shadow Cat II intent on keeping the heavy at bay while gathering sensor data on the new target, sensor data that would pay as much as their entire Lyran contract but her efforts were thwarted by intense Jade Falcon ECM cover.  She realised she’d fallen behind the other mercenaries with her and now she had to fight for her life just to escape the Clansmen across the line BattleMech’s from Van Halen’s Heavy Cavalry and from the Rubinsky’s Light Horse littered the field as did armour from the Star League and Lyran Commonwealth.  The main bulk of the fighting for the defence of Odessa was to the north of hear near the capital city while this fight was more of a side show for the defenders and for the attackers.

   “Continue to fall back” she called out as her BattleMech was slammed once heavily then several more times from behind which was quickly followed by two more heavy hits.  Unseen by Milovich the Black Harrier had jumped into her BattleMech’s “Six” position and unloaded its weapons into her back.  Even as the Marauder II C began to fall Milovich triggered the auto-eject then everything went blank.


   Millie Milovich blinked away the tears “what happened?”

   “Part of the cockpit jammed in place struck your command chair and knocked you off course”  her acting XO Ronald Guyan explained “we found you far behind our lines.”

   “Lucky I went that way” she remarked “did my sensor data make it?”

   “Yes sir” Guyan said triumphantly.  It wouldn’t bring back their lost people but it would help pay for medical bills and keep the Marauders solvent at least for a little longer.

“We need to exercise our escape clause” she groaned lifting from the bed only for Guyan to make her lay back down.

“It’s already done” he said she looked at him quizzically “we currently have three fully operational BattleMechs another five in various states of repair and four tanks we’re not going to win any battles and you are a member of the dispossessed.”

“I can get another Mech from my own emergency fund, you know this, our money should be enough to repair our assets even without the Intelligence Scans.  We just need to get out of this meatgrinder and off the border to rest and refit before the Lyrans have an idea of impounding our assets for “the war.”

“I know which is why I’ve already turned down three attempts to buy our salvage and refused further operations.”  He said showing he was confident, capable and interested in keeping his new job.

“How did the others get out?”

“The Heavy Cavalry are looking at 50% losses they’ve already packed up and headed for Galatea, the Twelfth Armoured came out very well I’d say 75% or higher survival rate.  They’ve already accepted another mission from the Lyrans” he said he could see she was impressed “they are also the ones who tried to put us permanently out of business trying to buy all our battle salvage and two damaged BattleMechs.”

“Why would they want to put another merc out of business like that?”  She wondered “fine we’re heading for Solaris VII we need a break from this fighting and some neutral ground while we try and figure out our next move.”

“Anywhere away from the Falcons?”

“Neg, they’ve tried to destroy this unit as Barber’s Marauders and now as Millie’s Marauders.  The Falcons need to learn we’re not giving up that easy.”


   Elsewhere the Lyrans reel away from Odessa losing two-line regiments of troops, two WarShips confirmed destroyed and another the LCS Skye heavily damaged.  The SLDF lose a WarShip and suffer heavy damage to the Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser SLS Wasp which had shielded SLDF units from the heaviest damage during the retreat.  With the Fourth Royal Light Infantry taking the most damage losing nearly two thirds of their forces to the Jade Falcons.  Within days of the loss two further systems fall to the Jade Falcons as the Clan pushes deeper into Lyran territory.

Titanic, Sea Fox-class ArcShip
Moon Orbit, Atreus
District of Marik, Free Worlds League
23rd July 3112

   In a matched orbit with the moon of the world Atreus the Sea Fox WarShips Titanic and her escort ships Mako and Dreamfyre sat silently watched by the MS Concordia and her escorts.  The Sea Fox vessels were not here however as aggressors instead they were delivering an important guest.  Attached to the WarShip was a Broadsword-class DropShip the DDS Cantabria a vessel of the Military forces of Dieron Lady Abigail Cleburn stood at the observation windows and looked at the seat of parliament for the Free Worlds League.

   “Do you think they will agree to our proposals?”

   “I do not know” the clan warrior/trader Sandra admitted “it is a bold thing that you and your people have proposed.  You have my Khanate’s full support whichever way it goes we will ensure your return to the District of Dieron.”

   “I know you will I appreciate that Sandra the Sea Fox support for my people has been very appreciated.”

   “Our support is not without a cost Lady Cleburn.  The Foxes will expect to receive their reward regardless of the outcome today.  If not then the consequences could be dire” the Sea Fox warrior warned Abigail Cleburn nodded she understood as did Empress Emiko Kurita and Warlord Akira Tormark the price was a trade of an entire solar system from Dieron’s to Sea Fox control.

   “As I understand Nirasaki’s government has already began to transfer control to Sea Fox officials, why you would want such a planet I have no idea it’s not as though the population have ever shown any interest in anything but their own little world.”

   “Exactly it is close enough to Dieron for it to be useful for our dealings with your people and it is a gateway system to the Star League Protectorate meaning we can use it as a place to make deals and transport items into the League.  The local government’s lack of interest in anything but what affects Nirasaki makes it a near perfect candidate for my Clan.”  Sandra said deciding to press further “it is also an insignificant world, if Dieron falls none of the states around it including the Draconis Combine will care that it has been lost.”

   “You’re probably correct.”  Lady Cleburn said intentionally using the contraction to annoy the Clansmen.

   “Good luck with your negotiations” Sandra said deciding the conversation was over for now.


    Hours later Lady Abigail Cleburn and her negotiation team had agreed a trade agreement between the Free Worlds League and District of Dieron.  With this trade agreement Free Worlds League based companies would be allowed to open mining facilities in the District of Dieron while Dieron companies would be allowed to do the same in the FWL as long as both they hired local workers.  Military contractors on both sides would be allowed to bid for defence contracts while both nations would be allowed to bid on mercenary units based in each others realms.  Facilitating the link between the two nations would be the Sea Foxes who would be allowed to pass through the neighbouring nations without incident in exchange they would be gain full control over Nirasaki in the District of Dieron and over Ideyid in the District of Marik of the Free Worlds League.  The Sea Foxes already had deep links into Ideyid after having a trade base there for several years and forging links with the local population.  In the Free Worlds League the populations of Mundrabilla and Shasta which also have Sea Fox populations are noticeably concerned by the expansion of Sea Fox control on the world of Ideyid with dozens of members of the populace planning to move out of the system.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1106 on: 10 December 2018, 07:54:21 »
Welcome back, Dragon Cat! Your stories of another universe have been sorely missed.

I'm wagering those SLDF troopers that assassinated saKhan Kell were Blakist.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1107 on: 10 December 2018, 19:41:40 »
great update... glad your Back

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1108 on: 11 December 2018, 05:30:25 »
Thanks to you both I've never stopped just priorities and living arrangements a bit different now.  I also suffered some writers block when I hit Odessa could not figure that one out
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1109 on: 11 December 2018, 10:02:35 »
Wonderful to see this back!  And lots of goings on, I have a feeling though that the folks who caused a stir on Tukkayid were not Sharks.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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