Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 252701 times)


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1140 on: 11 April 2019, 05:51:49 »
I'm glad you could continue the story, Dragon Cat. Its too much of epic to fade off!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1141 on: 11 April 2019, 07:08:58 »
Darn good to see this still going :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1142 on: 11 April 2019, 18:07:26 »
great update, as usual.  glad to see you are still working on this. 


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1143 on: 13 April 2019, 11:04:59 »

 :beer: glad your back

NowI am interested in what Victor is up too

The Taurian scorched earth policy is going to wreck their economy.
Well the question is would you rather those major industry, fall intact into the Pirate force Smoked Kitty or move them back farther into the TC.  Kinda like the Lryan and DC tried when the Clans came.  Notice without something of value, the pirates don't want the planets.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1144 on: 13 April 2019, 11:24:33 »
No news about my Whispers means good news too me... or that prototype warship class either...

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
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That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1145 on: 13 April 2019, 23:40:26 »
:beer: glad your back

NowI am interested in what Victor is up too

I thought how he got there was interesting too
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

mighty midget

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1146 on: 14 April 2019, 07:21:02 »
I thought how he got there was interesting too

Agreed, I was surprised to see a super-jump in actual use.  Pricey but an effective way to get wherever you want to go right now.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1147 on: 21 April 2019, 13:27:20 »
wow, so now they willingly destroy jumpships for the superjump, them Monoliths are not exactly cheap or plentiful so if this becomes a regular thing they will deffinitly need to comne up with a better solution or class of ship spacficially for this.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1148 on: 22 April 2019, 09:59:06 »
wow, so now they willingly destroy jumpships for the superjump, them Monoliths are not exactly cheap or plentiful so if this becomes a regular thing they will deffinitly need to comne up with a better solution or class of ship spacficially for this.

Not a cheap way of travel but if you need to get somewhere extremely fast and are willing to pay the price it works.

Given the number of shipyards I have active in this AU I thought it was something that they'd be willing to pay the price on to get the troops where they needed them.

Clan Wolf Territory
Castor, Wolf Empire
1st December 3112

   Marching through the rainstorm on Castor Star Commander Kate Conners piloted her brand new Grimnir OmniMech towards the Star League Defence Forces that were trying to capture the Wolf system.  In orbit above the world the WarShip Eastern Wolf, a Lola IV-class Destroyer, intertwined with the SLDF’s SLS Defender, a Patriot-class Heavy Cruiser, the two vessels were slowly losing height falling into the atmosphere.  The battle for supremacy in orbit had been a draw with both sides losing a valuable vessel but now Kate Conners and her star mates planned on helping her Clan keep control over the world.

   Moving the sixty-five ton OmniMech over the soaked ground she couldn’t see a thing through her video monitors and instead she tracked her enemy through sensors only.  She fired her OmniMech’s arm mounted gauss rifle at a target and then followed up with a pair of laser blasts cutting into an enemy Nyx BattleMech.

   “Infantry all over me!”  The panicked call from MechWarrior Kayleigh called out as her Adder stepped forwards the light OmniMech was covered in infantry soldiers.

   “Stavag!”  Kate Conners cursed twisting her OmniMech’s torso towards the Adder “all units watch corners and eliminate infantry as we progress forwards!”  She snapped lining up on the lighter Adder before opening fire with her OmniMech’s paired torso mounted machine-guns.  The weapons spat out twin streams of high explosive rounds into the infantry killing several of them knocking their bodies to the ground while only lightly damaging the Adder “twist your torso to your right… now!”  Kate said Kayleigh kept calm enough under the machine gun fire and the infantry attack to listen to her words twisting towards the Grimnir as Kate kept up her machine gun fire cutting the SLDF troopers off the OmniMech.  “You Mech is damaged MechWarrior Kayleigh, retreat from battle” Kate commanded as a particle cannon struck her Grimnir’s left side she twisted the OmniMech to face the new threat engaging with her gauss rifle again as another particle cannon shot flew over her head.

   “I can still fight” Kayleigh said stepping forward into a flight of long-range missiles which peppered her OmniMech’s armour.

   “Negative, this is not a circle of equals they will not stop when your Adder is stripped of its weapons and armour.  Our battle is to hold this territory” Kate said firing her Mech’s lasers again as the rainstorm beat down on her OmniMech.  “That means all our Mechs continue to fight until our enemy is vanquished, no you retreat and come back to fight another day.”  She ordered as her Mech was his by a group of tightly packed long-range missiles she twisted the Grimnir and opened fire with her gauss rifle again as Kayleigh began to retreat.  To her right one of her other star mates opened fire with machine guns, pulse lasers and missiles virtually levelling a building beside them.  “Push forwards” Kate commanded.

   Over the period of two weeks the Wolves and SLDF battled for control over Castor in all two full Clusters of Wolves died on the world while the Third Royal Strike Regimental Brigade was left a shell of its former self forcing it off the world.  During the fighting the wreckage of the two WarShips lost their orbit crashing down over the small town of Overland Park which housed two hundred-and-fifty thousand people.  The initial impact ripped through the central street of the town with secondary explosions ripping through the city for the next week as debris from the two ships rained down on the city essentially wiping it from the face of the planet and making any survivors homeless leaving the occupying Wolves with a humanitarian problem.  Withdrawing to Pollux the remains of the Third was folded into the Third Sirius Regimental Brigade as the SLDF attempted to create a wall that the Wolves would have to battle thought to reach Terra.

SLDF/Taurian Raid
Belle Isle, Expansion Zone
Nova Cat’s Den, Periphery
13th December 3112

   In an effort to disrupt Nova Cat supplies and show solidarity between the SLDF and Taurian Concordat Commanding-General Victor Focht leads a combined Taurian Concordat/SLDF assault force to Belle Isle, one of the systems now occupied by Clan Nova Cat.  Piloting one of the Prefect BattleMechs that the SLDF had gifted the Taurian Concordat Focht leads his strike force to victory against the Nova Cats destroying several supply bases that the Clan had set up on the planet before evacuating returning to the Taurian Concordat.

National Wedding
San Martin, District of Dieron   
27th December 3112

   In accordance to Shinto traditions Warlord Akira Tormark and Empress Emi Kurita marry on the world of Dieron.  This union which is brought on by love and by mutual support their marrage links the breakaway districts military and political power further binding the people of Dieron together and further setting Emi Kurita up as a successor to the Kurita family’s legacy.

Trials of Position
Fasa, Near Pentagon Worlds
Clan Space, Deep Periphery
31st December 3112

   Returning to the Clan Homeworlds Clan Goliath Scorpion take the surviving members of the Crimson Seeker Star and their supporters and take them to Fasa for screening and their initial Trials of Position to find their new places within the Clan.  Star Captain Fiona Hernandez sat in the cockpit of her Summoner which had been configured into its Alternate C configuration which gave her an Extended-range large laser, an ultra-class autocannon, a streak equipped short range missile launcher and a small laser.  The OmniMech was more of a brawler than the previous configuration she was used to but one that would serve her well when it came to the Trial of Position.  Opposite her stood five BattleMechs one light, two medium, one heavy and one assault her opponents in this Trial of Position “I am Fiona Hernandez, I stand for Clan Goliath Scorpion, I serve now and I want to in the future for all my remaining days.  I will fight anyone who stands against me.”

   “You have been called to this trial to prove your worth Fiona Hernandez, I Loremaster Charlotte Djessarri will witness this Trial for Clan Goliath Scorpion and for you warrior.”

   “Understood” Fiona Hernandez responded firing her large laser at the Ice Storm cutting across the Mech’s chest before the Mech could even take a step.  “No quarter asked no quarter taken” she said taking several steps forward she fired again as the Ice Storm began to accelerate this time the hit penetrated the armour knocking the BattleMech on its back she targeted again and rapidly fired taking out the BattleMech.  “One down” she said triumphantly now accelerating her OmniMech forwards as her next target a Clint IIC which had already opened fire on her with its autocannon and medium lasers the lasers burning over the Summoner’s left side while the autocannon sandblasted across the chassis knocking armour off multiple locations.  “Wrong choice” she said running right at the medium BattleMech opening fire with her laser again as she closed in one hit, she did as much damage as both medium lasers burning a hole in the Clint’s right shoulder.  The forty-ton BattleMech returned fire again with both lasers, one of which missed, and the autocannon which this time used solid shell ammunition which took a chunk out of the Summoner’s left leg.  “At least you can learn” she whispered “just not fast enough” she said stamping down on the Summoners pedals sending the OmniMech into the air on twin streams of fire as it accelerated upwards her Mech’s Streak-equipped short range missile launched achieved a lock and fired the missiles launched straight upwards for a couple of seconds clearing the Summoner’s launcher before cutting their thrust above the Summoner immediately the missiles flipped end over end before they charged down on the Clint peppering its shoulders and head sections.  Fiona could imagine the pilot being thrown around the cockpit by the attack thrown off guard which allowed her to complete her jump and land behind the BattleMech turning she fired her large laser and the ultra autocannon straight into the back of the Clint IIC the laser missed its mark but she’d fired it for insurance the autocannon was the real source of the attack the shells ripped through the back of the Mech crushing its gyro and forcing the fusion engine into shut down.  Fiona Hernandez screamed with delight as she watched the Clint IIC fall “That is two!”  She shouted triumphantly.

   From the right of her Mech the third Trial Mech a Grendel OmniMech opened fire on her with its heavy laser and short-range missiles robbing the Summoner of armour down its right arm and torso section.  “I am not done!”  Fiona cursed she had come into this battle as a Star Captain she wasn’t about to leave that there instead she twisted the Mech’s torso away from Grendel taking several steps turning away from the Grendel she then turned the torso back at the lighter Mech and fired the laser and autocannon again this time the laser struck but the autocannon missed. She then jumped her OmniMech up again as the streak short range missile launcher fired again peppering the Grendel with more fire as it attacked her again with its large laser this time stripping what remained of the armour from her left leg.  “Nice shot” she said as the Summoner landed again twisting towards the Grendel she triggered the autocannon again the assault class weapon tore through the lighter Mech severing its right arm and the heavy large laser.  Fiona immediately launched another attack on the Grendel using her large laser and missiles which peppered the Grendel and knocked it to the ground the Grendel pilot immediately began the shutdown sequence for the Mech ending its fight.

   Again, there was no pause between fighting as the last OmniMech a Mad Dog opened fire on her covering the OmniMech with long range missiles which blew holes in several places across the Summoner damaging the OmniMech’s small laser which was hardly a loss.  Fiona twisted the torso section of the Mech and targeted the Mad Dog emptying the ammunition bin for the ultra autocannon ripping one of the Mad Dog’s arms off.  The pilot immediately returned fire with one of its pulse lasers and multiple medium pulse lasers burning more holes in the Summoner including one that went straight through the left leg of the Summoner destroying the knee joint.  Fiona fought to control the Mech launching the heavy Mech into the air firing the Mech’s laser as he went.  As the Summoner flew towards the Mad Dog another wave of missiles flew up towards the flying Mech with about half of them connecting with the seventy-ton OmniMech destroying yet more of its armour but Fiona held the Mech firm targeting the Mad Dog she brought the Summoner down nearly point-blank distance to the lighter Mech.  Fiona fought the temptation to punch the Mad Dog instead she triggered the short-range missile launcher and fired the large laser at point blank range smashing more of the Mad Dog’s armour knocking the Mech back.  Its pilot hit out again with pulse lasers that couldn’t miss at this distance destroying three of the Summoner’s jump jets but Fiona didn’t need them anymore and fired her missiles and laser again as soon as they had cycled and like the Mad Dog, they couldn’t miss their target.  The large laser struck the head of the Mad Dog as did several short-range missiles which penetrated the armour and blew the head off the OmniMech killing its pilot.  “Your sacrifice will not be forgotten” Fiona said looking at the destroyed Mad Dog as it fell to the ground pilot death was not the aim of a Trial of Position but they did happen.  “I will honour you with my service.”

   “Congratulations Star Colonel Fiona Hernandez” Loremaster Charlotte Djessarri said ending the trial by confirming her new rank “and I can confirm you as the commander of the reformed First Crimson Seeker Cluster.”  In the coming days every member of the Crimson Seeker Star attained a rank within the Goliath Scorpion Clan as did many civilians of the Nueva Castile.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1149 on: 24 April 2019, 12:44:28 »
Nice to see Star League Forces now fighting offensive in the TC

can't wait until the rest of clansPirates find out
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1150 on: 26 April 2019, 10:39:29 »
Active/Destroyed WarShips End of 3112
Active units 3112

Link to map
« Last Edit: 26 April 2019, 10:45:28 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1151 on: 26 April 2019, 18:10:30 »
nice update.  looking forward to the new year.... story wise


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1152 on: 28 April 2019, 03:25:40 »

The Grimnir OmniMech for anyone who's curious :D

Great updates as always!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1153 on: 28 April 2019, 10:59:50 »
I knew I'd forgotten a link to something thanks marauder
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1154 on: 01 May 2019, 06:54:22 »
Updated unit list with Mercenaries added - this list is incomplete I'll add more as time goes on
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1155 on: 11 May 2019, 19:12:06 »

The Grimnir OmniMech for anyone who's curious :D

Great updates as always!
This thing reminds of this thing from WarRobots. Sorry to interrupt. XD
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1156 on: 12 May 2019, 02:01:00 »
oh lord that does look like it!  I'd never even seen that until just now :)
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1157 on: 12 May 2019, 19:22:52 »
Similar or not it's a welcome addition

Small update I've got the next part laid out I'm going to write it this week I've been held up with life and writing a Battlestar Galactica story based on the 2003 series and its spin off game deadlock but trust me new additions for this aren't far away
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1158 on: 03 June 2019, 05:47:55 »
Ok so my planned update was a little delayed...

Trade Relations
Acamar PDZ, Capellan March
Federated Suns
8th January 3113

   Following a concentrated effort by SLDF neigotiators to gain control over their systems the leaders of Nanking, Acamar, Rachbau, Aboris and Genoa all inform Star League Protectorate executives that they are no longer welcome in their systems giving them a short period of time to evacuate their embassys and leave.  The Star League Protectorate representative to the Federated Suns on New Avalon Ambassador Sir Daniel Carter makes an official complaint to the Federated Suns over the treatment given to their personnel.

   Intent on stopping further worlds defecting to the Star League the AFFS launch several Raids-in-Force against half a dozen Capellan Confederation systems keeping them from massing forces on the Federated Suns borders.   The Capellans continue their covert operations against their neighbours well aware that they cannot match the Federated Suns or Free Worlds League on firepower and personnel only.

Trials of Possession
Jade Falcon Occupation Zone
13th January 3113

   The Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces launch assaults on Sargasso and Blumenort attacking the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone with two Commonwealth Guard RCTs supported by mercenary forces.  On Blumenort the Fifth Commonwealth Guard RCT supported by Van Halen’s Heavy Cavalry overwhelm and destroy the Fourth Falcon Lancers Cluster.  While the Tenth Commonwealth Guards RCT supported by Millie’s Marauders and the First Pathfinder’s Battalion destroy the Twenty-second Provisional Garrison Cluster.

   In the days that follow these assaults the Sea Fox Clan invade Kikuyu, Blue Hole, Chahar, Machiba and Zongshan capturing them all from the Jade Falcons in standard Trails of Possession.  The Jade Falcons happily minimise losses on both sides accepting their losses without complaint with JumpShips arriving within days of the Sea Fox assaults and moving their troops further into the Inner Sphere.

Regulus, District of Regulus
Free Worlds League
20th January 3113

Following years of concentrated searching for those aware that he executed the Duke of McKenna, his wife’s father, during the invasion of McKenna in 3093 Prince Lester Cameron-Jones finally tracks down the last person who currently serves as a Corporal in the Regulan military.  Lester quietly makes the Corporal disappear unfortunately what the Prince does not know is that his wife Saadia is aware of Lester’s actions and has remained silent for the last three years.
Departure Operations,
Las Halle’s, District of Oriente
Free Worlds League
31st January 3113

   Standing in the command room of the Conquistador-class DropShip Halland Marshal Richard Steiner looked over the reports of his First Kathil Uhlans packing up operations and saw that things were going to plan.  Finally, after months of negotiations the SLDF gotten the Free Worlds League to agree to let his people get off the Capellan Confederation border.  Unfortunately, they wouldn’t be going home to the Federated Suns as the Capellan Confederation had refused to allow them to travel through their space and Regulus was being difficult about letting them travel to Star League space.   Instead the Uhlans would first be taken to New Olympica, the Star League holding deep inside the Free Worlds League before finally being able to head back to the Federated Suns.  His unit had taken on some of the locals who had appreciated their efforts in defending Las Halles though these people were not from the Federated Suns and held no loyalty to House Davion they respected the history of the Uhlans with the SLDF against the Smoke Jaguars and their efforts to protect their world.

   Two security officers entered followed by Prefect Freema Smit of Las Halles “Prefect, welcome onboard.”  He said looking up from the planning desk during his time on Las Halles she had visited them several times but as a foreign dignitary she was still to be escorted.  After getting over her initial reaction to his surname the two of them had become friends she was aware that his wife was in the Federated Suns along with his daughter and so nothing further had happened.

   “Thank you Marshal” she said smiling “I will miss you when you leave.”

   “I appreciate that Prefect, our time here has been tough for my people but your population has made it far easier.”

   “And your willingness to trade openly with us has been appreciated to all my people.”

   “There were times when we thought we’d spend all our money here.”  He joked the locals had offered them decent prices on most things but even with money drops into their accounts by the Federated Suns government things had not been easy.  Richard Steiner had taken to handing over battlefield salvage taken from the Capellan Confederation raids to pay for supplies.

   “We have tried to be fair to you always”

   “That you have” he said

   “How go your efforts to leave?”

   “We are on schedule” he said formally due to battle losses they now had less equipment to leave than what they came with but still there was a lot of moving parts to get working together.

   “Good” she said glancing over the table then back at Steiner, there wasn’t anything secret on the table but he was curious about what she wanted with this meeting.  “Marshal, Baker and Zulu Companies of the Sixth Militia have requested permission to join you in heading towards Star League space.  They are willing to join your unit as full-time members of the Uhlans and swear their loyalties to House Davion or if you are unwilling to take them to enrol in the Star League Defence Force.”

   “Interesting” Steiner said for a moment “we had three members of the Eagle’s Talons approach last night and request the same thing.  I was about to contact their CO and find out what was going on.”

   “The reborn Free Worlds League is a democracy they were given a choice.  Obviously, any Free Worlds League equipment they still have in their possession, we will retain.”  She said to which Richard Steiner nodded with a smile agreeing to their terms.

   “We accept them, once we are at New Olympica we will allow them to make their final choice.”  He said

   “Thank you Marshal, have a safe trip.”  She said bowing to him slightly he returned the nod and she was escorted off his ship.  A few hours later the Uhlans departed Las Halles under SLDF escort.  Within days of the departure of the AFFS unit the Free Worlds League militia units also moved much of their forces off the planet massively decreasing the numbers of people on the planet.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1159 on: 03 June 2019, 07:53:47 »
Nice update !

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1160 on: 03 June 2019, 17:00:10 »
Good too see my unit is still alive and kicking in the employ of the LCAF (although i'm guessing there's a missing letter in the name?).

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1161 on: 03 June 2019, 19:46:54 »
Good too see my unit is still alive and kicking in the employ of the LCAF (although i'm guessing there's a missing letter in the name?).

Or I cant spell  :D
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1162 on: 05 June 2019, 01:35:48 »
Excellent update, always glad to see this riding out!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1163 on: 29 July 2019, 05:18:56 »
After a wee break some new bits, it's not going away yet

Trials of Possession
Wolf Empire, Lyran Commonwealth border
11th February 3113

   The Lyran Commonwealth take part in three Trials of Possession with Clan Wolf striking against Loric, Glauser and Uhuru.  Striking against Loric and Glauser Lyran House units attack elements of the the Fourth Wolf Grenadiers Guards Cluster on Loric and elements of the Ninth Wolf Lancer Cluster on Glauser.  In both cases the clansmen agree to the Trials fighting the Lyrans with honour.
The third trial takes place on Uhuru on behalf of the Isle of Skye and Lyran Commonwealth the Second McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry and the Black Widow Cluster assault Wolf forces there.  Due to both unit’s position as mercenaries the First Wolf Regulars Cluster and Eleventh Mountain Wolf Guard Clusters refuse to fight a limited trial with the mercenaries forcing the two units to engage them fully.  The Black Widow Cluster quickly overpowers the First Wolf Regulars Cluster while the Second McCarron’s fight a longer battle with the Eleventh Mountain Wolf as the former members of the Mountain Wolf Clan fight hammer and nail with the mercenaries causing heavy damage before the Black Widow Cluster swings in to finish off the Clan Wolf unit.  Following the battle both units are able to recoup their losses by salvaging equipment from the fallen Wolves.  Lt. Colonel Ariana Steiner begins work to on remodelling her unit into a Clan styled Cluster intent on advising the First McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry’s commander Lt. Colonel William Hague about reorganising the entire command along those lines which she believes will allow the unit to act quicker and be more effective in combat.

Taurian Command Bunker
New Vandeburg
New Vandeburg, Taurian Concordat
18th February 3113

   Surrounded by several guards Protector Erik Martens-Calderon marched into the Command Bunker on New Vandeburg much to the surprise of the Marshals who had been controlling him on Taurus.  It had taken some effort including an intervention from an SLDF Fury Team that had been activated on the orders of Commanding-General Victor Focht.  Erik had been angry that the SLDF had a covert team on his capital world but to his knowledge they had only acted in his defence eliminating members of the guard who were against him.

   “Good afternoon gentlemen, how goes our defences against Clan Nova Cat?”  He asked remaining professional despite their actions against him.

   “We… we are holding firm.”  Marshal Aaron Dalton said stuttering over his response.

   “Good, have we opened up a dialog with the Nova Cats?”

   “They do not want to talk to us.”  Marshal Lynn Brewster answered a moment later.

   “Have we tried?”  He asked the four Marshals looking to each of them none of them responded.  He looked around “where is Commanding-General Focht?”

   “Visiting troops on Spitz” Marshal David Thewlis said looking at the troop movement map.

   “Understood” Erik said looking over the maps Thewlis was looking at between the Nova Cats, the Fronc Reaches and the Gaenir Collective almost half of his nation had been taken over.  “So why have we not attempted to contact the Nova Cats?”

   “They are Clan pirates.”  Dalton said dismissively

   “Not an answer” Erik said glancing between them “listen to me.  I was released from the little prison you set up on Taurus by loyal Taurian daughters and sons and our allies, and yes”, he said looking at each of them “they are currently ensuring that everyone on this base is loyal to the Taurian Concordat and its Protector first.”  He warned them Commanding-General Focht had put the special forces unit under his command but he intended on using Taurians to do his work as much as possible.  “Now listen to me very, very carefully” he said meeting each of them with a steely gaze “you command my military, but they are my nations military none of you will ever take them away from me or from my nation now answer my question why have we not tried to make peace with the Nova Cats?”

   “We do not believe they will answer our communications.”  Dalton replied as a young warrior ran in out of breath.  “What is it soldier?”  The Marshal asked but the soldier looked at the Protector first before answering.

   “Give your report soldier, these officers will serve the Concordat loyally.”  Erik said knowing fine their loyalty was at the end of a gun, he’d have to replace each of them but for now he needed their expertise.

   “Sir, report from Spitz, Commanding-General Focht has been injured fighting Clan Nova Cat.  The Clan raiders were repelled but the General’s condition is unknown.”

   “Understood” Erik said dismissing the man.  He turned to the Marshals “another soldier not born of our earth has been injured in this war you refuse to give up on.”  He said intending on shaming them “send a message to the Nova Cats it’s time to bring an end to this conflict.”  He stated turning and leaving the room, behind him the marshals remained at the planning table while on the perimeter of the room several guards stood waiting.

In bound Ghost Bear DropShip Wanderer
Thorin, Star League Protectorate
25th February 3113

   The last three weeks had been a whirlwind for Star Captain Morgan Ghost Bear, Christifori he’d have to get used to that again after years of forgetting it, at the beginning of January he’d won the rank of Star Captain in the the Touman of the Rasalhague Dominion and been recalled to Alshain.  There he had expected to be given a new Trinary to command.  Instead the Khan had announced that he had been named as Ambassador to the Star League Protectorate and he’d been “honoured” with the name “Christifori” for the duration of his duties which there would be no end to.

   Morgan had questioned his Khan why he had been chosen for this duty and he’d been told that he was uniquely placed to represent the Ghost Bear Clan and the Rasalhague Dominion with the SLDF because he understood both sides of the coin.  He’d embraced the Clan way of life while still remembering where he had come from and he had never given up on the chance of peace with the Inner Sphere for the Bears.  Khan Michael Hawkins wanted him to remember that during his time back with the Star League Defence Force.

   Now in orbit of his homeworld, Thorin, Morgan Christifori wondered where his path would take him.  In the hold of the DropShip stood his Shirke OmniMech the future was uncertain he had no idea how the SLDF would accept him, nor how his remaining family would, but he would give it his all and the OmniMech would remain his whatever happened.

First Prince’s Questions, Throne Room
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
28th February 3113

   This was perhaps the time as First Prince that Burton Davion hated.  When he was on New Avalon, he had accepted that once a month he would meet as many nobles as he possibly could from across the realm and hear their issues.  The vast majority of them barely had any relevance to him instead he referred them to the regional lords who should have dealt with them before they even came to him.

   This particular visit however had the potential of starting a war and a war that he couldn’t afford.  Earl Jonas Tyler, the noble lord of Sherwood, stood in front of him.  He had made all the greetings that were expected of him but now what he proposed was dangerous.  “Earl Tyler, understand that Clan Nova Cat captured Sherwood in an honour battle which the Federated Suns agreed to.”

   “And the only reason the system was lost is because I was not in the system.  I have the resources to recapture the world and free its citizens.  I only need Federated Suns navy support to escort my people to the surface.”

   “Naval forces that would turn a raid into a war.”

   “My people deserve their freedom.”

   “Your people can leave Sherwood whenever they wish.”  Burton replied “and according to intelligence Sherwood has never seen so much productivity and improvements.  The Clansmen have invested resources in that world that the Federated Suns couldn’t have considered due to its remote location.”

   “My family can take on that position, Sire, I beg of you I have the unit and the capabilities I just wish to prove my loyalty and the loyalty of the people of Sherwood.”  He said he showed a passion that Burton wished he saw in other members of the nation’s nobility.

   “I will not authorise a full assault against Sherwood nor will I be giving you naval support for your raid.”  Tyler’s obvious disappointment showed as Burton stood up off his throne “instead I will provide you with a chance to show your honour and your unit’s capabilities.”  Burton said walking over towards the noble.  “Each year Federated Suns and Nova Cat units engage in honour trials which keeps the peace on our border.  I will allow your unit to augment AFFS units which will engage the Nova Cats for possession of Sherwood later this year.”  Burton suggested he could ensure that Sherwood became one of the worlds that were trialled for this year.

   “Thank you sire” Tyler said bowing towards the First Prince “my Terror's will be ready.”
« Last Edit: 02 August 2019, 02:34:41 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1164 on: 29 July 2019, 05:48:48 »
Glad to see this return, DragonCat.  Began to forget all the elements of the story.  I really need make time to put at least your first book into a all-in-one PDF.    xp
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1165 on: 29 July 2019, 09:17:35 »
Glad to see this return, DragonCat.  Began to forget all the elements of the story.  I really need make time to put at least your first book into a all-in-one PDF.    xp

It wont go away I've just been busy with a dozen other things not enough of them involving writing
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1166 on: 29 July 2019, 09:31:22 »
Great to see this as always! And an excellent update. The TCAF Commanders all just had a gun pointed at their faces to make peace, sure it might make them seem 'weak' but they can't beat the Cats unless they break out nukes, at which point the cats break out orbital bombardment.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1167 on: 29 July 2019, 14:39:59 »
Great to see this as always! And an excellent update. The TCAF Commanders all just had a gun pointed at their faces to make peace, sure it might make them seem 'weak' but they can't beat the Cats unless they break out nukes, at which point the cats break out orbital bombardment.

The age old is it worth winning a war at the cost of losing your nation - I agree with the argument the Nova Cats will run out of warships before the Taurians run out of nukes but Erik wants the war done.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Rainbow 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1168 on: 29 July 2019, 16:52:16 »
Good to see you back DC.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1169 on: 29 July 2019, 18:52:45 »
good to see you back!!!