Author Topic: Battletech: How and What would you change  (Read 36163 times)


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Battletech: How and What would you change
« on: 16 June 2011, 18:12:58 »
I know we all have little things we'd like to change about the setting, factors that we might introduce in our own personal campaigns to add some spice to the stew as they say. This is place to share ideas and discuss what you change and more importantly why. What do you think it adds. To make people not look like lunatics each reflection can be given a rank recognizing how far you think its from canon and thus how much it changes things.

Here's my list... most affect the succession wars due to that being a favorite time period.

More simple weapons (Minor). I think thinks like 'Mech Mortars, MRMs, Rocket Launchers, H/LMGs, Rifles and other simply low tech weapons should be available during the Succession Wars. They add more options and fit the whole "make due with what you've got" scavanger-tech vibe.

More internal division! (Minor): the Successor States don't have enough chaos to be honest. They're massive conglomerations of conquered territory in many areas yet it seems that Free Skye and Rasalhague (and I'll admit pretty the whole of FWL internal politics) are the only real local resistance movements! This makes no sense? Where are the Taurian resistance forces? The Rim World's Restorationist? The Free Hemogony rebels? The Capallan Insurrectionists? The list can go on and on... make terrorism and rebel activity the constant, non-stop pain in the rear that it should be.

Retrotech (Minor/Moderate): I think that primitive tech should be extremely common in the succession wars! It both allows you to take into account the large militaries of the Successor States, the idea of the mech-owning knighlty class described in the 1st edition materials, but also the mystique of the individual mechwarrior as a god of battle and the idea most good mechs are OLD! Sure, you can get a new build Battlemech on the open market easy, but it will be early age of war quality, while your families 400 year old Warhammer on the other hand can out everything more common build Assault Mechs. It's rare and expensive to get a new build high quality mech. Also gives you a ready supply of mooks to slaughter in your campaigns without turning your mercenary Mechwarriors into statistical gods.

Limited Lostech (moderate): I think EXTREMELY limited production (I mean had built) or salvage of Lostech also makes sense. It allows for the highest ranking members of society/lucky SOBs to have 'mechs far in excess of their peers. It allows for the old idea that the high nobility are gods of battle to make sense on the Battlefield! Yes, Hanse Davion is a good mechwarrior but give his Battlemaster Freezers and an ERPPC (at a cost of only 20 times the listed value!) and he suddenly becomes a one man avatar of war in the eyes of the bottom ranking Mechwarriors in their mass produced Retrotech schlock. After all, the PCs aren't the only people who will ever find Lostech... Also makes Wolf's Dragoons that much more intimidating if you think about it...

Succession War era Power Armor (moderate): While I can see the Clans mastering it and bringing it into a whole new class of durability and agility with their Elementals I simply can't see the idea of armored exoskeletons being glazed over. Sure the armor would weigh a ton and the weapons would be limited, but succession war PA/L could be cool and make some sense.

(Moderate) Power Armor Equipped Space "Marines". This expands on Succession Wars Power Armor. Have the "Marines" of the setting be an elite force that like 'mechs are organized to allow a maximum level of force in as light a package as possible. High level of training levels, decent firepower, high mobility, and heavy armor allows a small squad to match and exceed the ability of a standard platoon. They're used in invasions to back up the 'Mechs and help root out the swarms of crap milita infantry that you can find almost anywhere by the crapload. Also plays into the whole "We can do anything you can do better" theme of the Clans. Sure it takes away some of the OMG! factor of seeing a Toad for the first time, but elementals still represent a major paradigm shift as they're simply bigger, stronger, better armed and more mobile than anything they'd previously conceived of... not to mention that unlike Marines they can literally rip apart a 'mech with their bare "hands"

Modified Clan Origins (moderate): The idea of the whole clan population being a billion, descended from the SLDF, yet able to take on the whole of the Successor States is insane. I think making them about the size of a major periphery state would make more sense and it would be easy to pull off. Just have it so the Kerensky Cluster was occupied when Nick Kerensky found it. Maybe a pacifistic culture, hidden behind the veil of the protector that never really had to face an external military threat and was quickly ground under foot and used as the foundation for the lower castes of the Clans. Allows for a larger society that actually would have the manpower to fight the successor states without it making no sense and would add a precedent for their behavior during the occupation.

Succession War Era "Warships" (Moderate/Major): This feeds into the whole Retrotech factor. What if they retained the ability to build PRIMITIVE Jumpships like the Aqualla? Arm them with light (and sub-capitol?) navel weapons and fighter bays and you have a slow, vulnerable, but semi-effective naval ships that can be used for blockade and bombardment. They'd be limited in their utility and their speed and costs would make them of limited utility to an offensive, but they'd add an interesting new aspect of play while not being an overpowering presence. Plus if you limit their use due to tradition due to their cost they'd make good status symbols and the like... Allows for some elements of Space Opera play without out shining the giant stompy robots on the ground.

A bit more Cyberpunk (major): While I like the ideas of the scavanger future I'd like to have a more interesting contrast between the more populace core worlds and the fringe worlds. One way to play this up even more would be even have there be some worlds in the terran region that like Terra managed to retain independence as corporate run planets paying bribes to maintain their independence and supplying priceless bits of lostech to the successor lords for a mint and a half.

Genetic Modification (major): It's said that the Star League had advanced GE tech but the only place we really see it applied are the Clan Trueborns. I'm reaching back at Battlerun here but I just think it would be fun to use the Orc/Dwarf/Elf genotypes in it as some kind of genetically modified servant races created by the RWR during the Star League as a consumer product. Someone would use that tech after all, and they strike me as the kind of people who'd come up with an excuse to sell slaves...

(Moderate) Shrinking Clan populations. This feeds in with the idea that they conquered a periphery state. Due to the warrior caste's gross mismanagement and piss poor allocation of resources the civilian classes have been steadily shrinking since the formation of the clans. The simple fact is that, with a few exceptions (Diamond Sharks I'm looking at you), the Warrior Caste doesn't know how to run an proper economy or a functional bureaucracy and frankly most of them couldn't be bothered to learn. I'd have the Crusader clans for the most part be the worst of this lot. The simply fact is that at their current rate the clan way of life is simply not sustainable. They have two options. They can moderate themselves and try trim the fat and learn the art of statesmanship rather than acting like a rampaging barbarian hoard, or they can find a nice juicy new conquest to give them the treasure and manpower to continue their gross military indulgence.

This makes the Invasion of the Inner Sphere an issue of cultural survival to the Clans, especially the crusaders who tend to be the most wantonly extravagant of the bunch.

Minor/Moderate/Major?) Cull the populations. The number of people in the IS breaks the rest of the setting. Make it so worlds are fast less populated. With the exception of major worlds like regional and district capitols, populations should be reasonably small. As a rule of thumb I'd say Tech-A being a 1-2 billion, Tech B being around 500 million to a billion. Tech C would be about 100 to 500 million. Tech D would be about 50-100 million. Tech F would be 50 million on a REALLY good day. There will be exceptions. Some primitive worlds might have populations that breed like bunnies, while some advanced worlds might have a high level of tech but be hostile to human life. Then you'd have Terra which I think should have by IS standards a obscene population. I think it would be better if Comstar kept up the Terraforming on Venus and Mars (or it was established enough not to punk out the moment they turned their backs) giving the Sol system a population more in line with that of some regional districts... making it a VERY intimidating target on a REALLY GOOD day.

(Moderate) Many more clan second line troops. Add additional levels to the trial of position. Make is to the person proctoring the test has the right to put students who failed but he believes still have potential retest for a place in a Solahma unit. Use the Hells Horses way of selecting into secondary services the standard with drop outs and free births in even the most ideologically strict of clans being given the chance to become standard infantry, starship crew, and vehicle drivers. Make use of a significantly large paramilitary police that is well trained in suppressing civilian revolts but according to the rules of Zel are technically psudo-warriors at best and cannot be committed to a battle between warriors. One of those convenient little rules to find ways to sidestep at convenience when facing the Zergling rushes of milita infantry that can be found in the Inner Sphere...

(Moderate) Warrior Nobility: I mentioned it above and now I'll go into detail. I think that the majority of a successor states' military should be tied up in the lower nobility. Mechwarriors, Aerospace Jocks, even skilled marines and owners of high tech vehicles should all be lower level nobility with a small landhold dedicated to giving them the resources to keep their weapons functioning, their skills sharp, and the ability to raise men at arms (militia) to help defend the realm. The standing military should consist of Knights fulfilling their feudal obligations, students of the elite academies paying off their training with a term of service, sons and daughters of the nobility looking to ply their trade and maybe earn a landhold of thier own, Mercenaries, and the Successor Lord's own men at arms who are looking to protect their homeland or advance in the world.

This allows massive forces in wars while in (relative) peace the forces are much reduced because the knights are at home tending to their obligations. Also makes Mercs far more useful. Feudal obligations are complicated and slow to deal with and while it allows them to raise a ton of men when need be, it also is extremely slow, especially if the lower level nobles don't want to go as they can lawyer you to death dragging out the process even more. Mercs are simple. Give them money, point them at target, and they break things. They EXPENSIVE and contracts are a pest, but compared to the various obligations among the feudal warrior class its down right simple. Along those lines I'd also raise the income of your average mercenary unit about ten times to come in line with the level of wealth and station found among the corresponding members of the feudal warrior class.

You can have cheap fast and effective. You want cheap and effective, wait for the Mechwarrior-Knights to move their butts. You want cheap and fast, you call of levy of the milita off some worlds and hope you have enough meat to jam the other guys grinder. You want fast and good, you open up your check book, swallow your pride, and pay someone to do it.

(Moderate) Privateers. State Sponsored pirates. How would that work you ask? Simple. X unit has a service contract from Y Successor State that gives them leave to commit to "objective raids" against their enemies. Payment is completely in salvage rights with minimal support offered. In other words, a fancy way to describing your standard 17th century Letter of Marque and Reprisal.

(Moderate) I liked the mention of someone else of adding more subdivision to the Federated Suns for flavor.

(Major) MONKEYS! Everything is better with monkeys. Everything.  ;D

Minor: For the love of god, do not use the support Vehicle rules to build primitive combat vehicles and Conventional Fighters! Make dedicated rules like you did for ASFs and MEchs! Here's my example:,5415.0.html
« Last Edit: 04 August 2011, 21:19:39 by Psyckosama »


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #1 on: 16 June 2011, 18:25:57 »
The only thing that actually irks me is skill creep.  I'd like MechWarrior skills to have a mean of 4 and 5 (3 and 4) with a standard deviation of .5, so that only about 1 out of ten-thousand warriors would have a skill level two points less than normal.
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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #2 on: 16 June 2011, 18:30:24 »
The only thing that actually irks me is skill creep.  I'd like MechWarrior skills to have a mean of 4 and 5 (3 and 4) with a standard deviation of .5, so that only about 1 out of ten-thousand warriors would have a skill level two points less than normal.

That's mechanics not fluff.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #3 on: 16 June 2011, 18:34:38 »
You're wrong.  My complaint is that human beings in this universe don't obey well-understood rules of normal distribution.  This is exactly as unrealistic as (say) the 2-d universe, but bothers me more.
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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #4 on: 16 June 2011, 18:45:28 »
Hmm, I wonder...

Clearly, two words: "Guest-Starring Urkle."

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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #5 on: 16 June 2011, 19:00:13 »
No LAMs.

All unseens would be retconned.

"Oh bother", said Pooh, as he chambered his last round...

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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #6 on: 16 June 2011, 19:26:43 »
More new tech being built (Light and Heavy weapons, new autocannon ammo, modern versions of outdated weapons like mortars) instead of the rush to rebuild Lostech. I want to see all of the weirdness that NAIS and Buckaroo Banzai came up with. Because if TSM and Hatchets got a pass, the stuff that got abandoned for the Helm core most have been truly different.
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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #7 on: 16 June 2011, 19:30:33 »
You're wrong.  My complaint is that human beings in this universe don't obey well-understood rules of normal distribution.  This is exactly as unrealistic as (say) the 2-d universe, but bothers me more.

One of the common things found with the so-called "25mm" scale for human figure miniatures is that the minis end up 28mm tall or larger. This is handwaved away as being "heroic" scale. Well, by a similar process of reasoning, aided by the prospect of a couple of beers, I hereby declare the BT universe to be a "heroic" universe.

Perhaps the unnatural distribution of skills relates to the 90m max machine gun range? In our universe, it's easier to shoot tall poppies. In the BT universe, you have to get closer ...  :D
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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #8 on: 16 June 2011, 19:43:31 »
Fluff wise:

The whole clan thing.  How they got so big and powerful in that amount of time just doesn't pan out.

The Comstar thing of having all these hidden resources.  Where were they keeping it all?  Their mom's basement? 

Rule wise:
Elevation - we can make it simple.  Distance to the target is which ever is greater. 


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #9 on: 16 June 2011, 20:20:47 »
The whole clan thing.  How they got so big and powerful in that amount of time just doesn't pan out.

That's why I said have the Kerensky cluster already be inhabited when they get there and conquered. Lets them eat an existing industrial base.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #10 on: 16 June 2011, 22:09:35 »
That's why I said have the Kerensky cluster already be inhabited when they get there and conquered. Lets them eat an existing industrial base.

Yeah that has a better way of panning out.  Infrastructure takes a long time to develop. 


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #11 on: 16 June 2011, 22:14:30 »
Yeah that has a better way of panning out.  Infrastructure takes a long time to develop.

Especially if you build it, blow it to bits, then have to rebuild it.
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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #12 on: 16 June 2011, 22:17:46 »
Yeah that has a better way of panning out.  Infrastructure takes a long time to develop.

any opinions on the rest of my ideas? Anything to add to them? To call me a lunatic over?


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #13 on: 16 June 2011, 22:21:01 »
The whole clan thing.  How they got so big and powerful in that amount of time just doesn't pan out.

I love my Clans but yeah I wish they came in at a later date, to account for the timeline of the tech.

Just think of it: ComStar begins their Third Transfer, starting with a massive shutdown of HPGs, heroic warriors of the Houses fall in this grand war.  Just at the zenith of their supposed victory comes a flotilla and the following message:
"We are of the Clans, we are Kerensky's children, we have heard from our assets here of your plans ComStar.  We seek a batchall..."

At first the Houses think 'yeah we are saved' until they learn about the Clan's final goals then it goes back to 'ah heck we are screwed'.
It's not about winning or losing, no it's all about how many chapters have you added to the rule books after your crazy antics.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #14 on: 16 June 2011, 22:44:30 »
No LAMs.

All unseens would be retconned.

I can't believe I'm about to agree with a Blakist, but...

I agree.

I'll have to think about this a bit more, though, before contributing my own deviations in the fluff. At the same time, however, a more dynamic and divisive Inner Sphere would be interesting, although there are many issues within the states as it is, you just have to look for them.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #15 on: 16 June 2011, 22:58:22 »
I can't believe I'm about to agree with a Blakist, but...

I agree.

I'll have to think about this a bit more, though, before contributing my own deviations in the fluff. At the same time, however, a more dynamic and divisive Inner Sphere would be interesting, although there are many issues within the states as it is, you just have to look for them.

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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #16 on: 16 June 2011, 23:12:58 »
*Reduction of Inner Sphere populations by a factor of 100 or so.
*Reverse the trend the game is taking where "Mechwarriors as knights" transformed to "Mechwarriors as just another soldier".
*No Manei Domini.
*Reduce all WarShip fleets by about 95% or so at least.

The Clans: the Star League the Inner Sphere deserves, not the one it needs.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #17 on: 16 June 2011, 23:20:00 »
While I tend to hate these “This is how I would do it BETTER than TPTB” threads (reading a buch of complaints just give me a headache) there is one idea I keep thinking of adding a few things to the origins of the Jihad;
1.) The WoB has ALLOT more free roam over the FWL, this is where the Wobbies are getting allot of the forces.
2.) The enclave Wolves and Nova Cat are standing members of the SLDF thanks to there efforts during and after the Great Refusal. When the second SL started to disband, the Khans offered to remain under the SL banner. The Wobbies freak.
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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #18 on: 16 June 2011, 23:57:01 »
Since the Houses practiced scorched-earth, total warfare that really destroyed a lot of the manufacturing base, whereas the Cans ritualized combat is actually *designed* to prevent destruction of important assets (a mech factory just changes hands if the trial of possession is successful), I don't see how the Clans continuing the advances that the Star League made is hard to believe.

If I could change anything, I would make it so all major IS powers are manufacturing clan tech by 20 years after the invasion (ideally in time for the FedCom civil war). Generally, during times of war, military technological advances proceed rapidly.  It doesn't make much sense to me that the R&D departments of the Houses haven't been able to reverse engineer Clan technology to a wider degree after 35 years.

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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #19 on: 17 June 2011, 00:28:30 »
Not much anymore. A few years ago, a lot. But the "use what works at your table" rule covers most of my complaints, as I can use the TacOps rules I prefer. Core rules wise? One relatively minor thing, I think.

1. Make Quickstrike movement rules the standard rules. That means no MP costs for turning, units are always considered to get their maximum movement modifier regardless of hexes moved, infantry can deploy and react in the same turn, etc. It makes things move much quicker, opens up a lot more tactical options, and helps to balance some of the units I feel get the short end of the stick in the modern rules era.

Everything else is personal preference, and it can easily be changed for my own campaigns. So there's no real need for me to inflict personal preferences on the rest of the player base, when I can just change it anyway without impacting anyone else.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #20 on: 17 June 2011, 06:04:35 »
*Reduction of Inner Sphere populations by a factor of 100 or so.
*Reverse the trend the game is taking where "Mechwarriors as knights" transformed to "Mechwarriors as just another soldier".
*No Manei Domini.
*Reduce all WarShip fleets by about 95% or so at least.
+1 (almost)
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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #21 on: 17 June 2011, 08:07:50 »
Ammo explosions doing 1/10th of the damage they do now (machine gun ammo does 1/100th). Just ammo, not Guass or anything else explosive. This would be explained away as a retcon of every unit having a primitive form of CASE (Proto-CASE?) that is free and takes no crits.

Also, additional ammo explosions in the same round only do one point of pilot damage (i.e. 2 hits the first time, then one additional per explosion) as the feedback level builds.
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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #22 on: 17 June 2011, 08:23:51 »
I would've set down stricter internal rules from the get-go on what is possible as far as conventional 'Mech variants go. Obviously there should be some customization possible - that's what draws a lot of people to the game - but my mind still refuses to believe that a complete swap of internal structure (especially conventional to endo steel, given the bulk of the latter) should result in the same 'Mech.

That said, there's very little of the BattleTech universe that disagrees with me.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #23 on: 17 June 2011, 08:32:01 »
I think I covered this in my podcast Arbitration before, but it always bears repeating.

a total Retcon and redesign of the unseen for the succession war period.   I want to grab Brent Evans, lock him in a room full of Bristol Board and pencils and pens and a poster of the Wolverine II and say "You get a six pack of beer and a pizza for every unseen you recreate along these lines."  and if it is not up to snuff I will have a small monkey with a taser shock him.

some minor gripes- The Word of Blake, no I would not remove the Manei Domini, if anything there would be more of them.  I would have the aknowleged Divisions be greater then the Ten out there, Make the Shadow Divisions an Even Twenty, on top of forty standard (so we have sixty, get it?)

Warden Clans- why was it that only the Diamond Sharks were receptive (let alone enthusiastic) about Victor Steiner Davions invatation for normalized relations?

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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #24 on: 17 June 2011, 08:34:11 »
MadCapellan presents Battletech would look like the following:

Fewer planets, probably 80% or so of what there are now.

Replace all current BattleMech regiments with Brigades

Jumpships would never approach being lostech, and transport fleets would be 100x larger.

Clarify that the militaries of the Inner Sphere have massive lowtech infantry formations that allow the conquest and peacekeeping of their planets, but which can't even scratch a 'Mech's paint.

Reorganize warship designations so that what we currently classify as light cruisers are super dreadnaughts, frigates are battleships, destroyers fill the cruiser role, and all the picket ship roles are replaced by Pocket Warships, which existed since the Star League.  This may require a revision to dropship thesholding or max armor rules.

The Federated Suns is far too blandly homogenous.  I'd give it little duchies within the Marches, each with their own personality and some with their own military formations, from hoity, intellectual Achernar, to wild, open Chisholm, to oppressive police state Kittery.

The Draconis Combine would be portayed with more nuance and less immorality. 

The Capellans would still lose the 4th Succession War, but it wouldn't be such a one-sided romp.

Clan society collapses completely during the Jihad, with leaving only the Nova Cats, Wolves in Exile, and Ghost Bears surviving.  The Falcons, Wolves, & Horses would be destroyed by the rebellions of their own lower castes, the Blakists, and Inner Sphere forces reclaiming their territory.  The Diamond Sharks would morph themselves into a multi-national manufacturing concern.  The Ravens would never survive the move from the Homeworlds.  Nobody knows what happened to the homeworlds.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #25 on: 17 June 2011, 08:37:39 »
I know we all have little things we'd like to change about the setting, factors that we might introduce in our own personal campaigns to add some spice to the stew as they say. This is place to share ideas and discuss what you change and more importantly why. What do you think it adds. To make people not look like lunatics each reflection can be given a rank recognizing how far you think its from canon and thus how much it changes things.

Here's my list... most affect the succession wars due to that being a favorite time period.

More simple weapons (Minor). I think thinks like 'Mech Mortars, MRMs, Rocket Launchers, H/LMGs, Rifles and other simply low tech weapons should be available during the Succession Wars. They add more options and fit the whole "make due with what you've got" scavanger-tech vibe.
Yeah, definitely this. Especially some of the obvious steps back like MRMs, Rocket Launchers, etc. It's much like suggesting that the US Army's tank development line went M48 to M1 Abrams, then after winning the Cold War, they developed from scratch the M60 to replace the M1.

More internal division! (Minor): the Successor States don't have enough chaos to be honest. They're massive conglomerations of conquered territory in many areas yet it seems that Free Skye and Rasalhague (and I'll admit pretty the whole of FWL internal politics) are the only real local resistance movements! This makes no sense? Where are the Taurian resistance forces? The Rim World's Restorationist? The Free Hemogony rebels? The Capallan Insurrectionists? The list can go on and on... make terrorism and rebel activity the constant, non-stop pain in the rear that it should be.
This is more than minor if taken to it's logical conclusion because it ties into one of the fundamentals of FASAnomics, which is that worlds don't really care whose flag is flying from the DropPort, so long as no atrocities are committed and the taxes are excessive (which FASAnomics also tells us that they must not be, otherwise armies would be rediculously large).
Retrotech (Minor/Moderate): I think that primitive tech should be extremely common in the succession wars! It both allows you to take into account the large militaries of the Successor States, the idea of the mech-owning knighlty class described in the 1st edition materials, but also the mystique of the individual mechwarrior as a god of battle and the idea most good mechs are OLD! Sure, you can get a new build Battlemech on the open market easy, but it will be early age of war quality, while your families 400 year old Warhammer on the other hand can out everything more common build Assault Mechs. It's rare and expensive to get a new build high quality mech. Also gives you a ready supply of mooks to slaughter in your campaigns without turning your mercenary Mechwarriors into statistical gods.
I actually like this one a lot. If the standard mechwarrior is running around in an up-gunned IndustrialMech, then even your family Locust takes on a new shine. Especially if the Industrial Mechs are mounting the Retrotech cannons and lasers instead of modern equivalents....
Limited Lostech (moderate): I think EXTREMELY limited production (I mean had built) or salvage of Lostech also makes sense. It allows for the highest ranking members of society/lucky SOBs to have 'mechs far in excess of their peers. It allows for the old idea that the high nobility are gods of battle to make sense on the Battlefield! Yes, Hanse Davion is a good mechwarrior but give his Battlemaster Freezers and an ERPPC (at a cost of only 20 times the listed value!) and he suddenly becomes a one man avatar of war in the eyes of the bottom ranking Mechwarriors in their mass produced Retrotech schlock. After all, the PCs aren't the only people who will ever find Lostech... Also makes Wolf's Dragoons that much more intimidating if you think about it...
Once more, I like it a lot. And this is probably not as extreme as you suggest. There is already some fluff to indicate that the Bounty Hunter's Marauder was Lostech-equipped.
Succession War era Power Armor (moderate): While I can see the Clans mastering it and bringing it into a whole new class of durability and agility with their Elementals I simply can't see the idea of armored exoskeletons being glazed over. Sure the armor would weigh a ton and the weapons would be limited, but succession war PA/L could be cool and make some sense.
Makes sense, and once more probably not as extreme if it's done RetroTech style.
Modified Clan Origins (moderate): The idea of the whole clan population being a billion, descended from the SLDF, yet able to take on the whole of the Successor States is insane. I think making them about the size of a major periphery state would make more sense and it would be easy to pull off. Just have it so the Kerensky Cluster was occupied when Nick Kerensky found it. Maybe a pacifistic culture, hidden behind the veil of the protector that never really had to face an external military threat and was quickly ground under foot and used as the foundation for the lower castes of the Clans. Allows for a larger society that actually would have the manpower to fight the successor states without it making no sense and would add a precedent for their behavior during the occupation.
Yeah, my personal opinion about the clans is that they can just mis-jump themselves to the Far Country, so I can't contribute much there.
Succession War Era "Warships" (Moderate/Major): This feeds into the whole Retrotech factor. What if they retained the ability to build PRIMITIVE Jumpships like the Aqualla? Arm them with light (and sub-capitol?) navel weapons and fighter bays and you have a slow, vulnerable, but semi-effective naval ships that can be used for blockade and bombardment. They'd be limited in their utility and their speed and costs would make them of limited utility to an offensive, but they'd add an interesting new aspect of play while not being an overpowering presence. Plus if you limit their use due to tradition due to their cost they'd make good status symbols and the like... Allows for some elements of Space Opera play without out shining the giant stompy robots on the ground.
Sounds fun. I'm game.
A bit more Cyberpunk (major): While I like the ideas of the scavanger future I'd like to have a more interesting contrast between the more populace core worlds and the fringe worlds. One way to play this up even more would be even have there be some worlds in the terran region that like Terra managed to retain independence as corporate run planets paying bribes to maintain their independence and supplying priceless bits of lostech to the successor lords for a mint and a half.
Definitely interested in this aspect.
Genetic Modification (major): It's said that the Star League had advanced GE tech but the only place we really see it applied are the Clan Trueborns. I'm reaching back at Battlerun here but I just think it would be fun to use the Orc/Dwarf/Elf genotypes in it as some kind of genetically modified servant races created by the RWR during the Star League as a consumer product. Someone would use that tech after all, and they strike me as the kind of people who'd come up with an excuse to sell slaves...
Yeah, Genetic modification, while the logical outcome of our current technological progress, taints the flavor a bit for me. But that's because the major appeal of BattleTech to me is that 1,000 years in the future, we still haven't 'evolved' past ourselves.
I mean, it's not like once you having something in low Earth orbit you can stick a gassy astronaut on the outside after Chili Night and fart it anywhere in the solar system.

Orin J.

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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #26 on: 17 June 2011, 09:56:30 »
make CASE and jump jets unable to be pod-mounted, and add a section in total warfare with basic fire and artillery rules...

have the 'goons die in the jihad, most of the HPGs actually go
'splode when the network gets sabotaged because someone forgot to carry a .0001 somewhere, and reveal the laborer caste of the clans are all devotees of Yankovicism.  ;D

and ask the artists to try to avoid excess anime influence in their works- just to make sure i wasn't remembered fondly.  ^-^
The Grey Death Legion? Dead? Gotcha, wake me when it's back.....
Every once in a while things make sense.

Don't let these moments alarm you. They pass.


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #27 on: 17 June 2011, 12:24:19 »
One of the common things found with the so-called "25mm" scale for human figure miniatures is that the minis end up 28mm tall or larger. This is handwaved away as being "heroic" scale. Well, by a similar process of reasoning, aided by the prospect of a couple of beers, I hereby declare the BT universe to be a "heroic" universe.
Like this?
"Lord Kurita is merciful.  You will be spared the humiliation of a trial.  Instead, you are invited to dine with your sainted ancestors.  You don't follow?  Let me rephrase.  I am about to run you through with my sword.  Now you get the picture?  Good."


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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #28 on: 17 June 2011, 13:59:24 »
Welcome to the WoB.  Here's your accordion.   :-*

What the Hell! When I joined I got a paddle ball with a broken string.....
Daoshen Liao: Wrong! Xavier! What is best in life?
Xavier McCarron: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

A. Lurker

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Re: Battletech: How and What would you change
« Reply #29 on: 18 June 2011, 03:38:03 »
In terms of fluff, nothing immediately comes to mind that I'd desperately want to change.

Rules-wise...there are a number of things that just aren't spelled out quite as clearly as they could be (or even outright ambiguous), and that I'd like to see fixed. I'd probably make floating crits standard, revert C3 to the spotter needing LOS (and try to clean up the whole mess whether or not the network does while I was at it), and just to indulge a whim of my own I'd like to relegate neurofeedback to "optional rule" status. In other words, mostly little tweaks and bugfixes, not a grandiose overhaul of the entire system.

