Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 253450 times)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #690 on: 23 April 2017, 16:29:42 »
Nice and exciting updqte. Dragon Cat. Why is the Eagle a Destroyer? It was a Frigate as Eagle unless both classes were re-rated.

Fudge I mean fixed lol
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #691 on: 23 April 2017, 19:56:09 »
I actually haven't no but after reading the wiki about it I completely understand where you got the original idea and I love the concept behind it

I really can't say more without giving away the storyline only that people won't be happy with Fenwick
You've taken a criminally underrated Peter Sellers comedy and turned it into 1984 meets The Prisoner! [face palm]
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #692 on: 25 April 2017, 14:03:22 »
You've taken a criminally underrated Peter Sellers comedy and turned it into 1984 meets The Prisoner! [face palm]
nods and that what I love about DC
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #693 on: 25 April 2017, 19:29:43 »
Stormchaser will get lots of training where it is.

Fenwick will run a while.  It won't be all doom and gloom but there's going to be at least a couple more twists.  I didn't want a "vanilla" Fenwick JA Baker has already done that instead I'm trying something with a little more to it.

marauder - as far as Orestes yeah I wanted to show what the Coyotes were doing to move forward but not from a military side instead approach the civilian life that's affected.

MarikMilitiaMan - they might get something similar but not the same

Time to explore some of my other stories

Field Test
Belogost, Independent World
3rd April 3109

   Dropping through the atmosphere of the independent system of Belogost the Clan Nova Cat Vanguard-class DropShip Vasa headed towards the pirate settlement on the planet below until a couple of months before Belogost had been a vibrant independent Barony who openly traded with the Nova Cat traders treating the Clansmen equally with other trade partners.  Now however the world was overrun by two pirate bands that had continuously made war on each other, exploited the population and attacked the Federated Suns and Nova Cat traders, today that changed.

Star Colonel Nai Drummond sat in his Nova Cat II OmniMech and looked at the altimeter which showed the DropShip’s height as it dived through the atmosphere.  As the DropShip fell suddenly so did its cargo of the OmniMechs, Battle Armour and ProtoMechs which dropped from the bottom of the DropShip towards the ground.  In the air already flew ten OmniFighters proving an escort for Nai’s Third Nova Cat Roar Cluster as it deployed from the DropShip.  Aware that in this battle they would be contested at all times the vehicle bays which were normally equipped with heavy combat vehicles today were equipped with a variety of attack and transport VTOLs which launched from the upper section of the DropShip as it entered the lower atmosphere.  Among these forty VTOLs were four brand new Strix Attack VTOLs which utilized Stealth Armour technology giving them an added edge over other VTOLs.

Even as Nai Drummond’s ground forces landed on the planet the VTOLs and aerospace fighters were already launching attacks against the pirate’s main base a massive castle like fortification with concentrated attacks and strafing runs.  Distracted by the air attacks the pirates were unprepared for the assault from the two OmniMech stars, supported by ProtoMechs and Battle Armour troopers.  Attacked on multiple fronts the pirates had no chance against the incoming Nova Cats who quickly overwhelmed and capture or destroy the remaining pirates.

With their original leaders dead the Nova Cats decide that Belogost requires their protection on a more permanent basis taking over control of the planet.  Two of the four Strix VTOLs had been lost during the fighting and while the Strix was effective in combat as a scout and a harasser the Nova Cats believed that the design needed more work before being mass produced.
Border Raids
District of Dieron/Isle of Skye
Draconis Combine/Lyran Commonwealth
9th April 3109

With several worlds of the Isle of Skye suffering repeated raids the Isle of Skye Provincial Military Command launch several raids into the District of Dieron officially searching for the origin of the leaders who have struck their worlds. In the La Blon system the Fourteenth Sun Zhang Training Cadre embarrass the Fifth Isle of Skye Guards sending them home minus nearly an entire combined arms regiment.

Following the Skye raids the District of Dieron retaliate but go further than raids invading and conquering Ryde and Marfik with the Third Legion of Vega and the Ryuken Roku units the Isle of Skye militias defending these worlds stand no chance of maintaining their garrison while the barely armed LCS Thorin, a Fox-class Merchant vessel, is obliterated at the Hyde system’s nadir point by fighters of the Ryuken Roku.  They Lyrans make an official protest to the Star League Defence Force for the Combine’s actions but because Skye acted first the Archon refuses to support a Skye led invasion of the District of Dieron instead desiring to maintain the status quo.

Capellan Conflict, Border fighting
Capellan Confederation
18th April 3109

Even as the Lyran/Combine border erupts into fighting the Capellans secure control over Wazan, Pacht and Corey driving off the remaining Oriente troops.  Refusing to allow the Capellans to have everything their own way the District of Regulus wades into the battle assaulting Capellan troops on New Delos, Second Chance and Varna.

In both the New Delos and Second Chance system the Regulans attempt to destroy the Capellan Mandarin-class Battle-cruisers in these systems only to face further nuclear fire which sees the CCSS Qin Shi Huang crippled and under Regulan control in the New Delos system and the RS Regulus, an Agamemnon-class Heavy Cruiser, destroyed.  On the surface of New Delos, Second Chance and Varna the Capellans continue to resist the District of Regulan troops but the Regulan actions are enough for Park Place, Ibstock and Bernado to request Regulan defence.

SLDF Staging Area
City of Stiller, Eaglesham
Isle of Skye, Lyran Commonwealth
25th April 3109

In a small briefing room on Eaglesham Major Morgan Christifori and the officers of his battalion waited quietly for the arrival of their briefing officer.  The Star League Defence Force had orders for them to enter the Draconis Combine, a job that had become much more difficult following the raids by the Isle of Skye, today they’d get the specifics.  The door swung open and in entered a woman wearing the duty uniform of an SLDF Officer carrying the insignia of a Captain.  Morgan watched her instantly recognizing her as the “Customs Officer” on Odessa.  Throughout the briefing Morgan barely listened instead he remembered the New Year’s party he knew that the details would be in the mission pack and that this briefing was purely to show the personal side of Star League Intelligence.

“Alright people you’ve heard the lady” Christifori said from his chair looking around his troops “get your gear ready to move.”  He commanded dismissing the Battalion’s officers around him.  He remained seated as they left around him.  At the front of the room Marika Danko took a seat behind the front table like a teacher watching her students leave as the last left he pulled the door closed behind him realizing that Morgan wished a private word with the briefing officer.  “You lied.”

“I protected you, Major, it’s my job” she said remaining seated “the Command doesn’t like fraternization between officers you know that…”

“Officers should not fraternize if they are in the same unit.  We are not in the same unit.”  He said it was a thin line and he wasn’t convinced that their superiors would completely agree but he was willing to chance it if she was. “Now if you didn’t want anything to do with me that’s fine.”

“It’s not that" she said glancing away from him "I just don’t know where we will be in six months to start something” she said rising to begin to pack her briefing bag.

“Well I guess I’ll be in the Draconis Combine” Morgan said turning towards the exit not completely convinced with how this was ending.  “Keep in touch, Captain, I don’t think we’re quite done here.”  He said leaving the room a few hours later Morgan’s Ninety-fifth Special Operations Battalion was ready to leave Eaglesham and enter the Draconis Combine.  Their mission was to track down the raiders who had sparked the conflict between the Lyran Commonwealth and the Draconis Combine and their first mission would be to Vega.
« Last Edit: 25 April 2017, 19:33:51 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #694 on: 25 April 2017, 21:24:02 »
Interesting update I wished we could have gotten more details of the Regulan Naval Battle!
Thanks yet again, Dragon Cat!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #695 on: 26 April 2017, 20:01:31 »

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #696 on: 27 April 2017, 02:25:34 »
Can the CapCon afford too much more nuking.
 [watch] [cheers] [brew]
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #697 on: 27 April 2017, 05:54:39 »
Lossing a Heavy Cruiser but capturing an all be it damaged Battlecruiser might be considered a fair trade by some. Only surprised her crew didn't scuttle her (is, set off one of the nukes inside the hull).
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #698 on: 27 April 2017, 12:21:12 »
Only surprised her crew didn't scuttle her (is, set off one ofthe nukes inside the hull).
Shhhhhhhh...they havent gotten to that part yet. Timer and all. Its a surprise.  O:-)
J/k.  :D
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #699 on: 27 April 2017, 12:48:13 »
Shhhhhhhh...they havent gotten to that part yet. Timer and all. Its a surprise.  O:-)
J/k.  :D
I believe you're thinking of the SLS Campbeltown: her scuttling charge went off hours after she should have, taken the RWR prize crew with her.
"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Foxx Ital

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #700 on: 27 April 2017, 15:29:13 »
Awesome stuff! Been meaning yo catch up for a long time and waant disappointed. How are my hellraisers? We still on wolot, watching everything around us burn?Or are we off to help the fedsuns against the combine!?
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #701 on: 27 April 2017, 22:15:42 »
Wrangler - I know but nuke fights in space really bore me
JA Baker - I was tempted
Foxx Ital - they are still in the Bowang Free Trade Sphere, they'll have something to do in the future.

Bannister Cameron’s Residence
Unity City, North America
Terra, Star League Protectorate
5th May 3109

   Phones rang through the darkened personal residence of Bannister Cameron as the Duke scrambled out the side of the bed and grabbed the handset.  “If the world isn’t ending I’m hanging up.”  He promised whomever it was on the other side of the line.  After a moment Cameron was fully awake and sitting up out of the bed “can you say that again?”  He asked rising from the bed and heading into his personal study.  “Okay I want you to send me everything that you have as it comes in.”  He said as his wife Andrea appeared at the door wrapped in a bed robe “go back to bed my dear I’ll be along presently.”  He promised her covering the mouthpiece of the handset momentarily “listen very carefully I want a copy of everything the investigation brings up… no I said everything… yes, I am going to look into this personally, yes, independently of the Intelligence Command, no, I trust them implicitly but I sent that crew on this mission and I want the answers.”  He said cutting off the link.  For several minutes he sat in his study thinking things over according to the report the SLS Bremen had jumped into the Saffel system and exploded soon after its entry into the system with all hands lost.


   Three days later Bannister Cameron had looked over the initial salvage reports from the wreckage of the SLS Bremen.  So far the salvagers had found enough bio-matter to match the missing crewmen and the ship’s sensor data from its mission to Fenwick system.  But looking at how the Bremen had exploded he wasn’t convinced that it was the accident it had been reported as.  Instead now he stood in his work office in Unity City looking over the data as he waited for the communications system to connect.  Suddenly the large screen opposite him activated and an image beamed via one of Terra’s HPG arrays broadcast an image directly from Tharkad.  “Director Reece Kennic, it’s good to see you again.”

   “Duke Cameron, what a nice surprise” he said greeting the Protectorate leader “I trust your family is well?”

   “Very well, Director, thank you for asking.”  Cameron said pleasantly Director Kennic was the co-owner of Lockheed/CBM of Tharkad the producers of the Peter and Isis classes.

   “How can I be of assistance?”

   “I am sending you a classified Star League Intelligence Data File in conjunction with this message Director.  I would like your people to analyse this and give me your findings.”  Bannister Cameron explained “Director, Star League Intelligence will likely also be contacting you regarding this please give them the same cooperation that you have given me.”

   “Of course, Duke Cameron, if I may ask this is very unconventional why are you doing this personally?”

   “I began this and I wish to see the end of it.”  Bannister explained he had trusted Simon Rosberg, gotten the mission confirmed, and very possibly gotten him killed.

   “Of course we will investigate as much as we can” the Director promised Cameron knew that the company would do all they could to find the cause of the destruction of the Bremen knowing that if it was a technical failure there could be a chance the other ships of the class could be susceptible.  Personally Duke Bannister Cameron hoped that it was not a technical defect.


   In the Fenwick Simon Rosberg was oblivious to Bannister Cameron’s personal crusade to discover what had happened to the Bremen instead he and the other sixty-one crewmen of the Bremen were getting used to “The Section.”  In the last couple of weeks Rosberg had learned much about his new surroundings the Section was a strange mix of hardened criminals who were sentenced to hard labour instead of the death sentence, those who wanted to make a little extra on their monthly income accepting a few days in the asteroid belt to boost their pay and thrill seekers who wanted to try something different.

The Bremen’s crew had been added to a work detail of those who wished to boost their income and all things considered it wasn’t a difficult job they had been given.  Each day they were collected from a converted Monolith-class JumpShip by small craft known as “Rockhoppers” they were taken to various asteroids in the massive belt of the Fenwick system where they dug out the metals.  So far Rosberg couldn’t work out what they were using with all the metals that were being dug out, while the space station and small craft would have taken resources all of these were old and had seen many years of service there was nothing that would explain to where the newly dug out metals were being used.  Their accommodations on the Monolith were actually quite comfortable and the guards quite lax Rosberg had already passed word to all his people from the Bremen that he wanted no heroics and no trouble, he still had hopes that the leadership of the Fenwick system would agree to meet with the leadership of the Star League Defence Force.

Promenade, Nova Cat Clan Hall
City of Andrey, Tukayyid
Clan Space Inner Sphere
12th May 3109

   The City of Andrey was a growing metropolis on Tukayyid and it showcased the best of Clan society with huge buildings housing the population and providing work spaces while leaving the outer world untouched by the Clan’s industry.  In the centre of the city there was the Main Clan Hall, the individual Bloodhouse Chapels and the individual Clan Halls all set into an area of space where the towering buildings overlooked them but none overwhelmed.  The grounds around the Main Hall and all others were protected by the Ebon Guard Clusters every day of the year.  None of the Clans were allowed BattleMechs, Armour, ProtoMechs or Battle Armour units in the area instead they were restricted to conventional infantry units to protect their own Halls and provide internal security this allowed the Ebon Guard to react instantly and overwhelm disturbances with force without causing too much collateral damage.

   It had taken Lucian months of planning and thousands of C-Bills to get him to Tukayyid.  He had then spend weeks restricted to the Inner Sphere visitor section several kilometres south of Andrey before finally things seemed to fall into place.  A Free Guilds work detail had been going to the city and Lucian had bribed a member of the work force to take his place claiming to be a rich trader who wanted to experience life as a Free Guilds worker for a day unsurprisingly the worker had agreed for a price and Lucian had gotten his way to the reserve around the Clan Halls.  Once out of the visitor section slipping away from the worker had not been difficult and Lucian was sure the man wouldn’t mind, if they were caught together then the worker would have faced some serious charges for assisting an Inner Sphere citizen.

   The sun was going down by the time Lucian made his move and despite the strong Ebon Guard presence he had slipped over the fence and through the reserve joining the ranks of workers and visitors who were making his way slowly up the steps towards the Clan Nova Cat Hall.  For years he had dreamed for this moment as he approached the hall, thinking about what he would do when he got here, how he would introduce himself to the Clan, how he’d make them accept him.  Even as he was lost in his thoughts twenty-five Clan troopers emerged from the building flooding the stairs with weapons pointed in his direction rapidly surrounding him to the dismay of the workers and visitors.  An elderly warrior unarmed warrior wearing the black uniform of the Nova Cats adorned by the Clan’s insignia stepped in front of him “Identify yourself” the man said despite being unarmed Lucian got the impression he was as dangerous as the others.

   “My name is Lucian Allard-Liao” he said looking the warrior in the eye “my mother is Megan Allard-Liao, the Duchess of St Ives, and my father was Grayson Rosse.  By birth I am a member of the Nova Cat I claim that heritage.”  He said defiant over his position before he could speak another word the old warrior lashed out striking Lucian in the face knocking him out in a single blow.

   “I Star Commander Hunter Lenardon, I claim this surat as a bondsman to Clan Nova Cat.”  He said in a loud voice so all of the warriors and the lower castes could hear him.  “Take him inside, the Khan can decide what needs done.”

Coordination Centre
Vega, Vega Prefecture
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
20th May 3109

As the clock stuck 0900 just as the Vega Prefecture Command and Coordination Centre filled for the day a nuclear explosion originating from within the Command Centre wipes out the entire facility.  Along with the Vega Prefecture Command, the planetary Duke, Third Dieron Regulars Regiment and nearly three million civilians in the surrounding city are all wiped out in an instant.  With the Isle of Skye continuing to raid the Dieron Military District the destruction of Vega’s Command and Control causes issues throughout the Vega Prefecture.

Border Conflict
District of Regulus/Glasgow Commonality
Free Worlds League/Capellan Confederation
23rd May 3109

In an operation of asset denial the CCSS Wu Zetian, a Mandarin-class Battle-cruiser, jumps into the New Delos system and unleashes twin volleys of nuclear enhanced capital missiles at the former-CCSS Qin Shi Huang and its nearby guard the RS Kirc Cameron-Jones.  While anti-missile system knock down many of the incoming it is not enough to take out all the missiles which do enough damage to make both vessels not worth salvaging.  The Wu Zetian then remains in system as Warrior House Dai Da Chi and the Confederation Guard abandon the system to the District of Regulus.  Elsewhere mercenaries under Confederation contact land on Quemoy engaging the Sixth Orloff Grenadiers Brigade.  After several weeks of fighting on the planet the mercenaries are forced into retreat by the Grenadiers who maintain control over the world.

As the Capellans deny Regulus one of their WarShips and Oriente troops hold onto Quemoy the OPS Lancelot escorts the Seventh Oriente Hussars Regiment to Jasmine while the OPS Second Chance escorts the Sixth Fusiliers of Oriente to Fujidera bringing both worlds back into the District of Oriente.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #702 on: 27 April 2017, 22:26:10 »

What's Lucian up to now, I wonder...  ;)

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #703 on: 28 April 2017, 07:46:23 »
Yeash, talking about denying assets!

Quote from: Dragon Cat
Wrangler - I know but nuke fights in space really bore me
I was joking saying the league people boarding the ship would have been treated to a nuclear self-destruct.  Not normal combat.


What's Lucian up to now, I wonder...  ;)

Properly pulling something his alternate universe relative did, Phelan Kell, did.  ;)
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #704 on: 28 April 2017, 18:19:30 »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #705 on: 28 April 2017, 18:19:59 »
I had forgotten about Grayson's kid.. that was a good call back... can not wait to see how that turns out.  I see a lot of KP and latrine cleaning in his near future. 


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #706 on: 28 April 2017, 19:33:02 »
The League II/III Stormchaser

This looks like a ship that the Wolf's Dragoons might like a few of


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #707 on: 28 April 2017, 19:37:50 »
Vega Prefecture Command and Coordination Centre 9am Nuke...   So whose was it?

and glad to see that Bannister Cameron wants to make sure
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #708 on: 30 April 2017, 03:49:17 »
Atmospheric insertion over Nasew
Vega, Vega Prefecture
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
6th June 3109

   As their DropShip Atlanta’s Hunt lowered through the atmosphere Major Morgan Christifori monitored the communications below hearing the chaos erupting below.  The nuclear explosion had wiped out the City of Neucason causing millions of deaths and creating a radioactive dead zone around the city.  Local services were trying to help the people there but they were being swamped and now across the planet’s second city Nasew a series of car bombs had exploded causing yet further troubles.  As the planet reeled from the loss at Neucason and now these new attacks the planet’s communications grids were being swamped with propaganda of the Word of Blake’s rise from the ashes which was causing more trouble.  “We’re going to need the whole group” Morgan said looking at the boards deep inside the Fortress-class DropShip “Captain, communicate with the Stoat have them return back to orbit and send a message to Odessa, we’ll need more than just our Battalion here.”  He commanded his XO Captain Cassadee Grann.

   “What are we going to do?”  Grann asked before leaving

   “We’re going to see if we can pull the Third Dieron together and see if we can bring some order to the planet.”

   “That’s not exactly our mission Major” she pointed out.

   “No it isn’t” Morgan Christifori admitted looking at the screens “but I can’t watch that planet rip itself apart, I won’t watch it, we’ll land outside Nasew and try to contact the Third Dieron’s Second Battalion and try to coordinate with them.”  He said watching as the Atlanta’s Hunt’s sensors detected another massive car bomb explosion inside Nasew.  “Whoever is behind this going to pay but first we do what we can to help.”  He said as she nodded and left the room behind and above the Fortress the unit’s second DropShip a Leopard CV began to rise back into orbit.  From there the aerospace fighters could still assist the unit but the Leopard would be safe from the fighting on the ground if he could have done without the Hunt Morgan would have sent it back into orbit as well.

Thirty-sixth Star League Games
Star League Stadium, Solaris VII
Independent World
9th June 3109

   In the Thirty-sixth Star League Games Clan Wolf dominate the competition once more with Star Captain Beckham Kerensky, in his Tomahawk Assault OmniMech, once again showing that in a melee environment such as the one seen in the Star League Stadium the young Wolf warrior is on a level of his own.

   Elsewhere on Defiance Clan Wolf is also victorious in the Martial Olympiad ground campaign as the Clan shows that despite the lack of action coming from the Wolves that their Touman is ready for battle.  Missing from the entire Martial Olympiad are the Capellan Confederation and Draconis Combine both refusing to attend due to border issues with the Federated Suns.  In the space over Defiance the LCS Flygia of the Lyran Commonwealth is victorious for a second time in the modern era defeating all others for efficiency and combat readiness.

Border Fighting
Ozawa, Ashio Prefecture
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
14th June 3109

   The SM1 Tank Destroyer took off into the air as it jumped over a small hill on the insignificant world of Ozawa as the Federated Suns attempted to wrest the world back from the Draconis Combine.  Over the last few days fighting had once again flared up on the border as the Draconis Combine had raided Deneb Kaitos, Ankaa, Mallory’s World and Fellenin II the Federated Suns had retaliated but instead of raiding worlds had struck out at Ozawa, Mata and Romam with enough forces to take them back from the Draconis Combine.

   On Ozawa the Second Robinson Rangers RCT had been joined by the First McCarron’s Armoured Cavalry Regiment fighting against the Twenty-fourth Dieron Regiment.  As part of the Second Robinson Captain Duncan Sandoval was pressing his attack with his platoon of SM1 Tank Destroyers while the BattleMechs of his RCT and of the Mercenaries held the line.  The SM1s purchased by the AFFS from Clan Sea Fox gave his unit a boost in firepower and mobility that few other units could.  The SM1s ran quickly across the ground coming around behind a group of Dieron BattleMechs and Duncan lined his hovertank up on a Ryoken KU OmniMech “Striker Mikes fire on my go, three, two, one. Trigger! Trigger! Trigger!”  He commanded over the radio as all four hovertanks fired their assault autocannons targeting the backs of the Draconis Combine lance.  As they fired BattleMechs which had taken the Combine lances attention in the first place also fired combining their fire with the tanks obliterating the entire lance.  As the four SM1s ran past the wrecked BattleMech lance they crossed in between the BattleMechs turning behind them preparing for another run.  Their job was simple to keep the Dieron Regulars on edge as the main AFFS/Mercenary force moved through the Combine lines Ozawa would be a Federated Suns holding by the end of the day as would Mata and Romam as the AFFS fought battles it was guaranteed of winning.

Coordination and Command Centre, SLS Tiderace
Swartklip, Inarcs Theatre
Coventry Province, Lyran Commonwealth
21st June 3109

   The two SLDF WarShips had entered the Swartklip system four days before and started the slow burn towards Swartklip III the lesser of two planets that were inhabited in the system.  Swartklip V was the primary planet of the system with the majority of the population on a world that was comfortable for human life while Swartklip III was primarily a mining world surrounded by space stations.  Over the years several of these space stations had been turned over from cargo collection points to maintenance yards for the planets in the region with several companies beginning maintenance firms to support the spaceships that passed through the system.

   Now the SLDF had moved into the system and would be creating their own facility to maintain Star League vessels and give them a listening post in the system.  Captain Chris Fisher monitored their progress from the command centre onboard the SLS Tiderace, one of the Star League Navy’s newest Antares-class Support Vessels, which would be the centre of the SLDF’s operations in the Swartklip system.

   “Captain, we have a Union-class DropShip approaching, they claim to have the planetary duke on board.”

   “Duke Miller, we should be so honoured.”  Fisher commented “cut acceleration allow them to dock and for the Duke to board then cut them loose and keep us on course.  I’m going to go meet our guest.”  He commanded turning towards the exit.

   Below decks Fisher met with Duke Alano Miller the civilian leader of the Swartkilp system a slightly overweight man with dark grey receding hair with black rimmed glasses.  “Welcome onboard the SLS Tiderace, Duke Miller, I’m Captain Christopher Fisher the commander of this vessel.”  Fisher said offering him a salute as the Duke boarded the vessel.

   “Thank you, Commander, a mighty vessel you have here” Miller replied “it is so nice to have support from the Star League Defence Force in this system a permanent military presence with be a welcome sight.”

   “Well the Tiderace will be here for the next few months the Strider is simply dropping off a few additional DropShips before she moves onto another assignment.”  Fisher explained as they moved through the ship he felt the gravity shift slightly as the ship’s acceleration resumed.

   “But there will be a permanent military presence from the Star League here at Swartklip, that was part of the agreement!”  Miller snapped

   “There will be Star League Defence Force personnel on the stations once they are operational and likely on the ground but there is no guarantee of a naval presence in the system.”  Fisher explained “if the naval vessels are required elsewhere they will be deployed.”

   “But we are on the frontline against the Clans.  At least we have Tiderace here to support our defence.”

   “The Lyrans are on the front-lines Swartklip will be in a position to support operations.”  He explained “Tiderace would do everything it could to protect this system but our ship is designed for support operations not front-line combat.”  He explained “until our bases are established the Star League Defence Force cannot take full responsibility for the system’s defence.”

   “Which is why our system will not be accepted into the Protected Planets Accord?”

   “That is one of the reasons” Fisher explained wishing one of the Diplomatic Corps had also attended this meeting “once the Star League Defence Force presence in this system has been established and the Estates Generals pass the decree Swartklip will officially join the Protected Planets.  Until then you will be under dual authority of the Lyran Commonwealth and the Star League.”

   “But ultimately we will answer to…”

   “Someone with a higher rank than me” Fisher admitted running out of things to say to Miller “Duke Miller, I just build things I don’t make policy.”

   “I understand, Captain, Inarcs, Tharkad and Terra will need to figure this out.”  Miller decided not to push it further “meanwhile, Captain, I’d like to extend a welcome to all of your people during their stay in this system.  We might not have much, Captain, but I’m sure we’ll have something to fit your needs.”  He said deciding to try the welcoming approach instead of trying to force the SLDF into their support.

Rest Period, Charles Martel (Modified Monolith)
Fenwick, Alya Prefecture
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
28th June 3109

   After a long days work Simon Rosberg returned to his quarters on board the modified Monolith-class JumpShip Charles Martel for a rest period only to find someone was waiting for him.  The person was dressed in work clothing of one of the ‘Section’ inmates but he didn’t recognize who it was, a woman, he realized as he entered the room.  “Erm, this is my room and I’m pretty sure we’re not supposed to share.”

   “No, you’re correct, we are not” she said turning round it took Simon a moment to recognize her under the grim.

   “Duchess Fenwick” he said in a low surprised voice recognizing the younger member of the Fenwick system that he had met on their primary moon.  “I’m sorry but what are you doing here?”

   “Any member of this system’s population can choose to work over the weekend I have decided to work” she explained looking quite happy with herself as she slipped off his bunk “and after the weekend is over we will be returning to Fenwick.”


   “Yes, one of my guards will remain in your stead until we sort this mess out.  The station guards area aware.”  She said seeing the confusion on his face under the grim.  “My mother believes she is protecting Fenwick with her actions but I believe that it is time for us to return to the Inner Sphere on our own terms before they choose to try and force us.”  She explained “I would rather we approach your Star League before they come here with an assault fleet or worse.”

   “I will not leave my people to rot here…” he began but she interrupted

   “While we worked I spoke with Captain Kinsey when we were working he agrees that ultimately they are his crew even if it is your mission.  He agrees that he will continue to follow your orders but that you need to come with me to Fenwick.”

   “Does he now?”  Simon asked as Emily Fenwick slipped out of his room “let’s get through this weekend then the real work begins.”


   While Emily Fenwick was trying to sort her system out from within Duke Bannister Cameron was continuing to search for answers from outside the star system.  With his own investigation and the one undertaken by the Star League Intelligence Command Bannister was convinced that there was something else going on in the Fenwick system than “nothing here move on.”  According to the work done by Lockheed/CM of Tharkad the explosion which had destroyed the Bremen should never have originated from where it did as all crews had been briefed not to store dangerous items in that section of the ship.  According to the Star League investigation sensor data in the Saffel system showed there was nothing else wrong with the vessel physically with no visual markers which showed anything wrong with the ship.

   Using his remaining contacts in the military and his position as the leader of the Star League Protectorate Duke Bannister Cameron boarded the Navy’s newest Indefatigable-class Battleship, the SLS Warlock, moving through the vessel he entered the command centre of the vessel and instantly felt all eyes turn towards him.  “Duke Cameron welcome onboard” the vessel’s commander said greeting him this time they were not taking any more chances.

“Thank you, Commodore Vale; you have received the order packet?”

“Yes, sir, we are completely at your disposal and the Seventy-seventh Special Operations Group are on board and ready.” Nadia Vale said as Bannister approached the central holotank like most WarShips the Warlock’s central command was a large rectangular room with the crew sitting facing outwards while the commander stood or sat near the middle where they could monitor everything.  The room was dominated by a large holotank which showed the Warlock’s relative position in the system and everything else around it.  At the back of the room there was a secondary holotank which could also be utilized if required.

“Very good then when you are ready take us to Fenwick if you please.”  He commanded due to demands on the fleet the SLS Warlock only had two escorts the recently launched SLS Calais, a Dante II-class Frigate, and the SLS Foscari, a Hound-class Corvette.  As the three ships jumped clear of the Terran system Bannister was confident that the three WarShips, their support craft and the carried troops would be enough to overcome anything in the Fenwick system.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #709 on: 30 April 2017, 04:51:24 »
Another fine update, sir.
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #710 on: 30 April 2017, 14:15:00 »
this could be touchy... your BB vs BB with support.  maybe you want to talk now?


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #711 on: 01 May 2017, 02:37:31 »
Loki are really desperate to see what's on that dropship at any cost.

An Amaris vs an Indefatigable class. A possible naval battle. Better get the popcorn and beer just in case. O0
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #712 on: 03 May 2017, 04:32:50 »
What happens at Fenwick will be revealed in the next huge update in the meantime here's the Fesnyng-class DropShip

snakespinner Loki want on what DropShip?
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Foxx Ital

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #713 on: 04 May 2017, 11:50:22 »
The lyrans will put hgr's on anything...i approve
Clan Ghost Bear:  We may not like you, but you're not bothering us, so you may exist.
 If your BA tactics can't be described as shenanigans, you're probably doing it wrong. ^-^ -Weirdo
 <Kojak> Yeah, there's definitely a learning curve with BA, But once you learn how to use 'em well they're addictive,heck, just look at what happened to Foxx ;-)
<Steve_Restless> its YOU who I shouldn't underestimate. I could give you a broom handle and I'd find you sitting on top of the enemy stormcrow, smug surat grin on your face

JA Baker

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Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #714 on: 04 May 2017, 12:46:26 »
The lyrans will put hgr's on anything...i approve
Next time, of Pimp My 'Mech:

"Yo Dawg, I heard you like Heavy Gauss Rifles, so we put a Heavy Gauss Rifle on your Heavy Gauss Rifle, so you can use your Heavy Gauss Rifle while using your Heavy Gauss Rifle!"

"That's the thing about invading the Capellan Confederation: half a decade later, you want to invade it again"
-Attributed to First-Prince Hanse Davion, 3030

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #715 on: 05 May 2017, 20:05:54 »
Waystation 3
Fenwick, Alya Prefecture
Draconis Combine
3rd July 3109

   It had not been difficult for Duchess Emily Fenwick and Major Simon Rosberg to leave the section with the falsified papers that had been provided for Rosberg.  From the Section they had been transferred by Rockhopper to a way station in orbit over Fenwick.  Standing in one of the space station’s cargo bays Simon waited nervously his work clothes from the Section not completely inconspicuous.  After a short period Emily Fenwick walked over the bay wearing a white tank top and dark shorts for the first time Simon got a proper look of her she was five or six years younger than him with well toned muscles.  “Sorry for the holdup” she said approaching him.

   “It’s better than mining all day.”  He replied “interesting outfit for an orbital transfer.”

   “There’s only one way down at this time of day” she said pointing towards one of the Thug BattleMechs that stood silently in one of the Mechbays.

   “You’re kidding me” Simon said looking at her surprised “I’ve never even seen the inside of one of those things let alone dropped in one of them.  I’m an analyst not a fighter.”

   “Not a fighter?”  Emily said smiling broadly for a moment Simon thought the sun had come up “but an analyst with six separate close-quarters fighting styles.”  She said remembering what she had read on his file which was on the Bremen.”

       “Someone has to have a hobby”

       “Its fine I’m going to be the pilot.”  She replied revealing a new side to her “I don’t get to do this much.”  She admitted smirking as she stepped past him filling Simon with confidence.

       Shortly afterwards they were sat in the dual cockpit of the Thug BattleMech “now which control was it again…” Emily Fenwick whispered glancing back at the rear cockpit “I’m joking” she said “this is Foxtrot Four ready for drop” she sent to the station’s control room “roger that in three, two, one detaching!  See you guys later!”  She called out as the pod holding the Thug opened fell out of the cargo bay of the space station slamming into the atmosphere. After only a couple of minutes the pod exploded open falling into four sections which each its own parachute.  Without the pod to slow its progress the Thug plummeted like a stone its speed increasing as gravity took over.  “The most fun way to the ground” Emily said looking over her shoulder at a visibly paled Simon Rosberg “don’t worry, Major, I got this” she promised him suddenly cutting in the BattleMech’s jump jets and the BattleMech’s retrofitted backpack which suddenly slowed its fall towards the ground.

      “You know it isn’t all that bad” Simon Rosberg said after a few minutes taking in the sights of Fenwick as the BattleMech fell it was a beautiful moon that the people of this system had made their primary home.

      “Just wait for the impact” she said cutting off the backpack increasing the speed of the BattleMech’s fall.

      “Impact?”  Simon asked suddenly not feeling so comfortable as the BattleMech continued to fall.

     “Yeah the impact” she said finally moments before the Thug came crashing down for a landing which wasn’t the heaviest of impacts but then again was still eighty tons of metal slamming into the ground.  Emily expertly ran the BattleMech forwards converting some of the energy from the landing lessening the blow.

     “Well that was interesting” Simon said quietly wondering why anyone would voluntarily want to do that as a job serving in a command and control, or looking over battle reports he understood but falling through the sky in metal coffins was something he really didn’t understand.  Glancing around and at the Thug’s sensors he saw that they had landed on an exercise field most likely used by the Fenwick military given the number of vehicles and support structures nearby.

      “Oh no” Emily whispered after a moment while Simon had been taking in the sights she had connected to the Fenwick military network and picked up on some chatter.

     “What’s going on?”

     “The Star League Defence Force has arrived…” she said as planetary militia forces began moving around the field “we need to speak to my mother before something stupid happens.”

     “How long do we have?”  Simon asked


   At the nadir point of the Fenwick system the SLS Warlord and its escorts the SLS Calais and Foscari entered the Fenwick system finding the nadir point abandoned.  After a few moments the powerful sensors on the three WarShips revealed a far more complex system than they had expected.  “I knew there was something wrong with this system.”  Bannister Cameron said triumphantly now with more desire than ever to discover what happened to the Bremen’s crew.

   “Sir, the asteroids” one of the crewmen warned as the sensors detected several asteroids closing slowly on the nadir and zenith points “they are not on natural orbits… and they are armed with nuclear weapons!”  He warned looking over at Commodore Nadia Vale.

   “Prepare for an emergency jump, sensors focus on the dead zones of this system or it’s Kuiper Belt we’ll jump without leaving if we have to!”  She said thinking quickly there was more to Fenwick and they’d find out what it was even if it meant going the long way.

   “Commodore, communications we need to try and speak to them…”

   “They murdered the Bremen’s crew” Vale said angrily

   “We have to try” Cameron demanded knowing that while they had come here armed for a conflict it couldn’t finish that way without trying something different.


   On the ground Emily Fenwick had pushed her eighty ton assault BattleMech to its maximum to reach the Fenwick Family Residence in Fenwick City.  When reaching the city limits she had made her identity known and received an escort through the city rapidly increasing her progress.  Abandoning the BattleMech at the front of the Residence she and Simon Rosberg ran through the residence finally arriving at her mother’s primary meeting room.  “Emily, it is about time you are here, where have you been?  Playing at being a solider again?”  She demanded glancing up seeing that Simon was with her “and what is HE doing here?”  Her reaction to his presence immediately gaining the attention the guards present.

   “He is with me” Emily stated calling them off “mother we cannot win a war with the SLDF.”  She said angrily “if we start a conflict with them it will be the end of the life we have built here.”

   “We can show them we are strong that Fenwick has stood on its own all of these years and can stand up for itself…”

   “But at what cost?  Our weapons will be like bows and arrows compared to what they can bring here.”  Emily said attempting to shock her mother into standing down from the course she was taking.  “I know what you are thinking we stand up to them we show them what we can do and if they defeat us then they will rebuild us stronger than ever because of our valiant actions.  But the damage that will be caused will be immeasurable.”  She said Duchess Gloriana Fenwick looked at her daughter and then towards her military commander Field Marshal Galen Prescott.

   “Continue deployment of the Cavalier but send a message that they only fire if they are fired upon.”  She said looking at her daughter and then towards Simon Rosberg “we won’t start this.”


   Near Fenwick’s star the three SLDF WarShips maintained their positions to the star as another massive radiation spike appeared on sensors before the massive Stefan Amaris-class Battleship Cavalier appeared nearby orientating its broadside towards the SLDF vessels.

   “Bring us to port” Vale ordered “target vessel with weapons as we turn, fire on my command.”

   “Belay that!”  Bannister Cameron commanded from his position near the central holo-tank immediately he gained an angry look from Commodore Vale.  “Scan that vessel what class is it?”  He commanded ignoring the Commodore’s glare.

   “It’s a Stefan Amaris-class Battleship… a Rim Worlds Republic design that served during the Civil War.”  Vale said glancing at the warbook in front of her “there weren’t many built and according to our historical records they were all destroyed.”

   “Exactly” Cameron said looking at the holotank image of the ship “it hasn’t fired on us and it might hold the answer to what is going on in this system.  They wish to provoke a fight with this action well we’re not going to take the bait.”  He announced looking at the screen seeing a two headed eagle and the number twelve on its nose.  “Open a communication link” he said making a choice after a moment he spoke “this is Duke Bannister Cameron on board the Star League Starship Warlock.  We mean no hostile intent.  We have come to this system in search for the crew of the SLS Bremen who went missing while looking at this system.  I repeat we mean no hostile intent against this system we would prefer to open diplomatic relations with this system and the Star League Protectorate.”


   On the moon Bannister Cameron’s words filled the airwaves and a strange sense of disappointment, relief and elation crossed through the room as they realized that the Star League Defence Force were not here to make war.  Duchess Gloriana Fenwick looked at her daughter with a mixture of frustration and pride.  “Daughter, perhaps you should take over” she said passing over her authority to Emily. Before she left Gloriana Fenwick looked at Major Simon Rosberg she didn’t say anything instead she just nodded towards him before turning and leaving planning room.

      “Field Marshal have the Cavalier offer to escort the Warlock in…”  Emily mumbled quietly as her mother walked out she and Simon shared a glance and grabbed each other in an embrace as the relief washed over them.   Near the Nadir point the Cavalier and the Warlock began to move into the system with the Calais and Forscari remaining at the Nadir point.

Diplomatic Mission, Fenwick City
Fenwick, Alya Prefecture
Dieron Military Prefecture, Draconis Combine
10th July 3109

   The Outpost-class DropShip had landed on Fenwick and deployed a lance of OmniMechs a Hauptmann, a Templar, a Sunder and a Black Watch all Sphere’s designed Assault OmniMechs.  On board each rode a squad of Battle Armoured troopers while a single armoured vehicle also left the DropShip and carried Bannister Cameron across the landing field to the small facility.  Inside Bannister felt like he had gone through another miss-jump and returned to the Star League-era with the décor one that matched that of the classic Star League Defence Force.  He was led by a man and woman dressed in standard SLDF fatigues from the first Star League through standard military corridors to an equally standard meeting room.

   For more than an hour he waited in the room without a single person entering from the planet.  Sat behind the meeting room table Bannister Cameron wondered if this waiting game would go on much longer when the door was opened by the guards and in entered Major Simon Rosberg who wore a plain green jumpsuit.  Immediately Bannister Cameron saluted which he then dropped without waiting for a response “Duke Cameron welcome to Fenwick” he added remaining standing.

   “Major, it’s good to see you alive, I assume the rest of the Bremen’s crew are also alive?”

   “A few bumps and scrapes from Fenwick’s penal system but they are alive and since your arrival in quite comfortable accommodations here on their primary moon.”

   “Primary?”  Cameron asked the Warlock’s massed sensor arrays had detected artificial signatures but nothing to indicate further habitats.

   “Yes” Rosberg replied “the majority of their population is here on Fenwick but the people of this system have been here and explored the system thoroughly from what I’ve been able to piece together they’ve landed on six of the moons in total and more than a dozen of the asteroids.  They also have several space stations” he said only through a discussion with the prisoners at the Section and Emily Fenwick did he know that otherwise the people of Fenwick continued to maintain secrecy about their operations and habitation of the Fenwick system.

   “So when do I actually get to meet them?”  Cameron asked realizing he was being given access to exactly one thing, his own officer.

   “Not today” Rosberg admitted seeing the Duke’s face “sir, this system has been in seclusion for a long time their only contact with outsiders has been with those who wished to do them harm or exploit their resources.”  Rosberg explained when they treated his crew the way they had Simon had not understood but given time he had learned.

   “I understand them being skittish but have we not shown we can be tusted?”

   “I believe you have” Rosberg sad trying to calm Cameron “which is why Duchess Emily Fenwick has agreed to meet you tomorrow representing her mother and the Fenwick system.”

   “Until tomorrow” Cameron said looking Rosberg up and down for a moment “we’ll get you and your people new uniforms from the DropShip, Major, regardless of what Fenwick wants I want you looking your best tomorrow.”


   The night passed quickly with on Fenwick with comfortable quarters put up for Bannister Cameron and a few of his aides.  During the night Simon Rosberg and the other crewmen of the Bremen had also been transferred to the facility and been provided with new uniforms.  Early in the morning Duke Bannister Cameron was escorted to one of the meeting rooms for the meeting with the people of Fenwick.  Heading through the facility he met Simon Rosberg on the way and was taken into the meeting room.  Already waiting inside was a young woman with dark hair which was tied up and a navy suit with a white blouse and an older man wearing a slightly modified version of the original Star League Defence Force uniform.  “Duke Cameron, I am sorry for your delayed welcome, I am Duchess Emily Fenwick welcome to our world.”

   “Thank you, Duchess, it is remarkable what you have created here” Cameron admitted approaching the table in the room sitting down opposite her.

   “Though eternal vigilance” the man said “successive leaders of this system have demanded that our security is taken as our greatest concern currently that task falls on my shoulders, Field Marshal Galen Prescott, at your service.”  He said introducing himself.

   “A pleasure to meet you” Bannister Cameron said bowing his head slightly “we do not wish to threaten your safety we simply want to invite you back into the Star League’s circle.”

   “The Star League’s circle” Fenwick repeated quietly “as I understand from our debriefing of the Bremen’s crew that the Protectorate worlds which has replaced what the Hegemony once was is at the command of the Succession Lords.”

   “Not quite” Cameron said glancing at Simon Rosberg “the Star League Defence Force does answer to the First Lord who is elected from among the Succession Lords but the Protectorate itself is now considered to be an independent state and is gaining in influence every year.”  Cameron said “with the support of the Protectorate we could bring more wealth into this system than you have ever experienced.  The Star League Defence Force can bring far greater protection to this system.  It is that or in time the Draconis Combine could stumble on you and bring far greater firepower on you than you could resist for long.”

   “You try and threaten us?  We were not found for centuries until you stumbled across us we were quite happy hidden away from everyone.  People do not know about Fenwick and we are happy for this to continue.”

   “With respect Duchess” Rosberg said before glancing at Bannister Cameron “the Inner Sphere is a changing place at present there are dozens of active regiments and WarShips.  There are DropShips that have the equivalent firepower of a Star League-era Destroyer.  And then there are the Clans, descendants of the original Star League Army, they care nothing for borders or previous agreements you have made with them.  They see something that they want and they come for it.”  He explained trying to show the dangers that Fenwick could possibly face the SLDF had found them anyone could “you have an impressive Battleship and some nuclear weapons but they will go only so far.  Allying yourselves with the SLDF will provide additional security in this troubled times.”  He said trying to reason with the Fenwick Duchess.

   “You are welcome to remain on Fenwick while we deliberate over our decision.  You are welcome to move around the capital however your weapons and vehicles must remain out with the city failure to agree to these terms will result in a reaction from our forces which you will not survive.  Any requests to visit production or military facilities will have to be cleared by myself.”

   “I thank you for the invitation, Duchess; I look forward to getting to know Fenwick much better.”  Bannister Cameron said rising from his chair along with Simon Rosberg both nodded their heads once before turning and leaving the meeting room.

Interrogation Room
Nova Cat Hall, City of Andrey
Tukayyid, Clan Territory
13th July 3109

   After weeks of isolation and interrogation the doors opened and the large warrior who had claimed Lucian Allard-Liao a bondsman stepped into the room.  “What is this?”  Lucian demanded despite the long time in the cell his defiance still strong.  “I surrendered to this Clan I deserve…” he began before a backhanded slap caught him across the face knocking him to the ground.

   “You what?”  The warrior asked kneeling down near Lucian “you deserve attention?  You deserve recognition?”  He asked “you are a freebirth who could not even face us in combat you had to sneak onto this world.  You deserve nothing” he said standing up drawing his sidearm.

   “I could not be guaranteed fighting this Clan in combat if I joined the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns.”  Lucian said looking up straight into the muzzle of the warrior’s sidearm.  “I did not wish to serve anyone other than the Clan of my father Grayson Rosse.”  He stated “I wished to rise above the petty politics of the Inner Sphere” he spat “and serve a higher purpose.”  He said making serving the Clan sound like something to aspire to.  “If I must die to show this devotion then I am ready to face this fate.”  He said closing his eyes his head remaining in line with the weapon.

   “You’re lucky your case has caught the attention of our Khan who has commanded you be released as my bondsman and moved to our other territories.”  He said re-holstering the weapon leaning towards Lucian “but understand something your father was not a hero of this Clan and nor will you be.”

   “We will see” Lucian said picking himself up “and watch your contractions warrior.”  He chided the Nova Cat warrior resulting in an immediate, and expected, backhanded slap that once again knocked Lucian to the ground.

   “We will see how far your defiance gets you Bondsman.”  The warrior said walking out of the room within the week Lucian Nova Cat had been transferred off Tukayyid en route towards Tamar and from there to the Nova Cat’s Den.

Diplomatic Negotiations
Fenwick, Alya Prefecture
Dieron Military Prefecture, Draconis Combine
21st July 3109

   Over a week past on Fenwick before a decision was made about their future with the Fenwick leadership agreeing in principle to join the Star League Protectorate but for now at least refusing SLDF protection and refusing to open the system to outside visitors.  Bannister had explained to be part of the Protected Planets Accord they would have to allow others to enter and settle on any world of their choosing but so far Duchess Emily Fenwick had refused instead she invited Bannister Cameron and the crews from the WarShips to remain in the system and see what they were so keen to protect.

     For Fenwick itself Bannister Cameron was impressed while the world did not feel overly militarized, in fact you rarely saw an armed soldier on the streets; they had several weapons factories which built everything from small arms to naval autocannons.  Duchess Emily Fenwick had explained the Cavalier had required multiple weapons to be manufactured leading to factories being built.  While Bannister though that this was a good answer the Cavalier appeared to be fully operation why they were still in operation remained unanswered, Bannister Cameron had also learned that while Fenwick’s standing National Guard was only a combined arm’s Regiment in strength that over the years they had acquired several more vehicles, Mechs and weapons from those who had stumbled on the system.  Arriving during the Succession War period the equipment had been in disrepair their operators shell-shocked from the horrors that had befallen the Inner Sphere and most had surrendered quickly netting Fenwick their equipment for little effort.

      During a tour of Fenwick’s facilities Emily Fenwick had explained that the people of Fenwick had taken these unit’s equipment apart and rebuilt them from the ground up making improvements as they went or converting them to the needs of the people of Fenwick.  One of these had been a pair of Strike Falcon Attack VTOLs which had originated in the Capellan Confederation nearly seven hundred years prior.  Emily Fenwick had explained that they had been found in a weapons cache during the First Succession War by a mercenary company who were fleeing the fighting when they stumbled across Fenwick.  With no need for an attack aircraft the people of Fenwick had reduced both to their basic chassis before rebuilding them as air ambulances and several rebuilds later the two aircraft still served Fenwick National Hospital.

      On another tour Major Simon Rosberg had reported to Bannister Cameron that Fenwick’s military had two pristine Lee-class DropShips which had been acquired from a SLDF unit that had settled in the system.  Likely the last two DropShips of their class the two DropShips were among the most capable troop carrying vessels ever devised and were priceless on any Inner Sphere market.  Despite these revelations Bannister wondered what other treasures had been hidden away in the Fenwick system as the people in the system were still being secretive the system’s Duchess Gloriana Fenwick had not been seen since his arrival on the planet, the people of Fenwick refused to show them the Section and refused to allow any of the SLDF personnel to explore the rest of the system with the Cavalier keeping the SLS Warlock inside Fenwick’s gravity well limiting what the Battleship could do without causing a conflict.

Border Fighting
District of Oriente, Free Worlds League
25th July 3109

     The “northern territories” of the District of Oriente disappears virtually overnight as the systems of Ulan Balor and Yunnah request protection from the Federated Suns following rumours of ethnic cleansing the Capellan Confederation and near constant terrorist attacks.  Within hours of the request AFFS ground forces and mercenaries are moved into the region while Oriente troops are given a deadline of 48 hours to remove themselves and their equipment from the system.  AFFS commanders pass via HPG to nearby worlds that any use of nuclear weapons against their ground forces will be met with an “absolute and final” response from the Federated Suns.

     Elsewhere Quemoy, Elnath and Vertabren fall to the Capellan Confederation.  The presence of Star League Defence Force observers and naval forces mean the fighting is confined to conventional warfare with elements of the Sixth Militia and Sixth Orloff Grenadiers facing off against Capellan Confederation forces.  In very short campaigns the Capellans bring increasing amounts of firepower against the defending forces on Quemoy and Elnath while on Vetrabren the Capellans face off against elements of the Third Regulan Hussars who were trying to establish their hold on the world.  Rapidly the Capellans also gain dominance on the world destroying the Regulan force.  With the ground secured the Capellans demand that the SLDF naval forces leave the systems despite communications from the ground based populations requesting assistance against the defenders. 

      Following their forced retreat Admiral Yves Guidette, the commander of the Fourth WarShip Squadron on board the Sovetskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser SLS St Andrews, requests that the First Lord and Commanding-General authorize their forces to defend Star League territory from Capellan aggression.  Both remind him that the SLDF mandate, on the FWL/Capellan border, is to stop the use of weapons of mass destruction not defend every system that comes under attack.  The final world the “northern” territory chooses to request Star League Protection officially aligning with the Star League Protectorate.
« Last Edit: 05 May 2017, 20:11:56 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Sergeant
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #716 on: 05 May 2017, 22:38:46 »
great update, dragoncat! i really love your stuff and hope to see much much more. one minor nitpick: the black watch... normally its not an omni, right? if its a mistake... why not MAKE it one in your timeline? i personally love the black watch and for me it would be awesome to have a fan designed omni!!!

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #717 on: 05 May 2017, 23:18:34 »
great update, dragoncat! i really love your stuff and hope to see much much more. one minor nitpick: the black watch... normally its not an omni, right? if its a mistake... why not MAKE it one in your timeline? i personally love the black watch and for me it would be awesome to have a fan designed omni!!!

Glad you liked it, actually the Black Watch is quite an old one
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #718 on: 06 May 2017, 01:32:24 »
Great updates, lots going on and whats happening on the Combine's border sounds terrible :s I hope they capture the gits responsible for this.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #719 on: 06 May 2017, 04:39:19 »
So the SLDF is not defending worlds of a Star League member state against the Capellan's?

Can't see that going down well in the League.