Author Topic: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2  (Read 252696 times)


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1350 on: 20 May 2021, 02:07:50 »
Brilliant updates but I can't help but feel that turning Tharkad into a fortress (Festung Tharkad?) is a bad idea, concentrating forces there might leave other worlds exposed and vulnerable.

The Thermo police sound awesome :) And as always, superb updates!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1351 on: 25 May 2021, 06:10:22 »
The Thermo Police are of course the canon unit from the Spotlight On of the same name.  They've got several more parts coming for their story.  It's sort of a thing that's developing quite naturally as I'm writing the story line the same people will get several parts as it progresses and it'll bring us forward while also telling their stories.

I'm glad you both (and I hope others) liked the updates so far.  Festung Tharkad?  I like that I may have to use it, I know exactly where that story line is going so here goes.

The next Solaris Racing Event is from the previous threat I left a link to before the other update.  I have cleaned it up a bit and added to it.  I will have additional Racing Events in the distant future if anyone wants things added or to have a go at a race feel free I'll welcome it!  I may even draw out your race just for fun (or feel free to give it a go).

Solaris Racing Event
Dunnet Forest, Thurso
Solaris VII, Independent Clan Territory
8th September 3115

The second event in the Solaris Racing League had come up quickly following the success of the first.  Viewer ratings had gone through the roof and the Solaris Entertainment Company (SEC) had pushed and pushed for the next race to be brought forward to keep the hype rising but the newly formed league had held its ground and kept to their planned schedule.  As the racers and their support crews had packed up their equipment into a dozen GESV’s and other transport vehicles and traveled from San Bardo Canyon across Solaris to the city of Thurso near Dunnet Forest the SEC had contented itself with highlights from the first race and in-depth interviews with the racing drivers and close looks at the new aircraft in use over the Game World with feature presentations being shown regularly on Tri-Vid screens across Solaris.

This race track was longer than the San Bardo Canyon race and took place in and around the City of Thurso and the nearby Town of Crownkirk.  From what the mayors of the two towns were passing onto the SEC every hotel room and hired house were booked out for the entire week.  Additional housing had been brought in by a cargo DropShip with dozens of GESV’s configured to carry civilian housing cubicles.  The Generic Expandable Service Vehicles were not comfortable living with some of the guests describing their “rooms” inside the vehicles and trailers as little more than brightly lit coffins long enough for a single sleeping cubicle, an overhead video recorder and shared toilet facilities but they provided sleeping accommodation for the die-hard fans.  Already both Thurso and Crownkirk were considering building holiday home expansion areas should the race season return a second year.

High above Solaris waiting for the next race to begin sitting in his ASF-23 Protector Aircraft Jonnie Mjalby wasn’t thinking about the sleeping accommodation of his fans instead his thinking was focused on the race ahead.  He felt pretty confident his win at San Bardo had been partly because of a decent time and partly because the public had gotten behind his race style but today was a whole new challenge.  The San Bardo Canyon relied on maneuverability over speed Dunnet Forest/Thurso Racetrack on the other hand depended on speed with several long straights on which Mjalby’s Protector would struggle with.

Listening to the announcer Rick de Graff Mjalby maintained his altitude at just over two hundred metres and maintained cruising speed on his main HUD he saw the countdown timer had started.  “Today ladies and gentlemen here high in the skies above Solaris, our winner from the previous race Jonnie Mjalby, piloting an ASF-23 Protector aircraft, begins proceedings the others will be using his time as a benchmark and watching his performance for tips.  Good luck Mjalby!”  He said as he did the countdown timer hit zero and Mjalby banked his aircraft below one hundred metres and headed for the starting line.

Unlike San Bardo Canyon the Dunnet Forest was designed from the ground up as a spectator stadium with dozens of stands filled with a live audience just to add to the pressure on the pilots.  Now was not the time to think of spectators Mjalby thought as his fighter crossed the starting line.  Almost immediately he turned the Protector into a hard-right turn onto the first straight maintaining altitude of eight metres he flew past the towering spectator stand on his left-hand side before heading out across the Thurso River which bisected the course.  The trip across the choppy river water was a short one and Mjalby was quickly over land again entering the first stadium section known locally as Pittodrie.

The area was essentially an oval cut out of the forest with spectator stands, multiple food and drink stands and medical facilities on all side’s spectator safety was paramount but if one of the planes crashed in the stands it would be carnage.  Mjalby had not intention of creating such a scene and maintained an even speed as he flew into the area ignoring the flashing lights from the stands, he concentrated on making the perfect right-hand turn fighting the g-forces put against his body he clenched his muscles forcing the blood back towards his brain as the aircraft completed the turn the speeds travelling at and maneuvers he was attempting were relatively low-g force turns but anything placed on the body could cause issues if the pilot was not prepared.  Leveling out his fighter leapt forward as he accelerated and Pittodrie Stadium was a memory as quickly as it had entered his mind.  After the stadium the fighter was heading back across Thurso River flying parallel to the Interstate Highway 16 Bridge passing by the town of Crownkirk where more spectators were cheering him on and watching the race on massive Tri-Vid screens Mjalby intentionally tipped the wings while maintaining speed giving the public a little show.

The Protector quickly passed over the Road Tunnel leading into the town and then Mjalby pushed the aircraft into a shallow dive slowing his speed slightly he entered Nevis Tunnel, a man-made paved tunnel through the hard rock of the same name.  Following the “S-Bend” track of the Tunnel Mjalby accelerated as he exited entering the second stadium Hillhead.

Smaller than Pittodrie but still packed with people Hillhead was a loop with four tight left turns and one tight right turn.  Too fast you’d overshoot and have to raise in altitude to turn and re-enter the course losing time and points, too slow and this section would cost you valuable time.  Mjalby’s Protector was well suited for this section maintaining the same speed he held the turn again fighting the g-forces once more he put on a show and the crowd loved it.  As with the previous stadium section Hillhead Stadium passed quickly and he was soon heading back into Dunnet Forest flying between the trees on one side and Nevis Rock on the other he followed the path of the course left around Nevis Rock and back towards Crownkirk and into the next section.

This part of the course Jonnie Mjalby knew his Protector was not well suited for it with long sweeping turns that took them through the forest and towards a raised area known as Beinn Hob.  Here planes with a high-top speed would have a significant advantage the turns suited high-speed flying with relatively low g-forces there wasn’t much he could do but ride through the long turn and concentrate on not messing up.  Raising out of the trees and up Beinn Hob Mjalby focused on the next section which would see him travel up, down and then up again long “S-Bend” over the hill which would take him into the third S-Bend.  By the time Mjalby’s Protector had the hill for a second time he could see the third stadium section the Daniel Keith Stands.  Named for one of the founders of Crownkirk the Daniel Keith Stands jutted out of the side of Beinn Hob and Mjalby felt a little sorry for the packed spectators below as the winds up the side of the hill buffeted the area.  But he wasn’t here to feel sorry for them or watch the crowd however instead he was here for an almost leisurely right turn between the stands followed by a second right turn that took him back down the hill and into Dunnet Forest.  According to the race guide this section could catch a pilot off guard as the trees appeared to come up rapidly as the aircraft accelerated down the hill and back into the forest but they were no trouble for Mjalby who carried on the straight towards the bridge of Interstate Highway 16.

Unlike his previous encounter with the ground road this time the course took Mjalby’s fighter under the huge bridge that connected Thurso with other parts of the region.  He could see plenty of spectators and emergency services in the area watching his fifty-ton fighter pass under the bridge and then once cleared from that obstacle make an immediate right turn under a natural rock formation known as Angelica’s Archway.  From there Mjalby crossed the Thurso River for a third and last time now entering Thurso itself to finish the race.  Along the sides of the course there were lines of trees which helped dampen the noise for the residence of the city who were only a few hundred feet away.  The trees also hid energy barriers similar to those in the Solaris Mech arenas which were designed to absorb an aircraft hitting them and force the craft either into the ground or into the air Mjalby hoped if he ever hit any of them it was the latter result and not the former.

Travelling past the trees Mjalby’s Protector entered the final section known as the Janet Porter Stadium, again named after a founder of Thurso, it was a commercial haven like the other spectator stands with food, drink and advertising throughout designed like the rest of this course to make money little else.  Flying around the series of left turns Mjalby intentionally rolled the aircraft in a barrel roll showing off for the crowd counting on their votes to help keep him up the boards as they headed into the final race of the season.  Making the last left turn before the finish line Mjalby knew that speed alone would not help him win and instead pulled the aircraft back doing a loop-the-loop just short of the finish line adding a little flourish to his performance.

As he flew away from the course Jonnie Mjalby knew all he could do now was wait for the other competitors to finish.  There were seven other competitors that would follow him five of those aircraft would outrun his Protector in open flight he just had to hope the crowds were still on his side or one of the others made a mistake.


Hours later the final competitor had crossed the line and the spectator vote had been counted leaving Jonnie with a fourth-place finish.  During the course of the other competitors flights Irene Steele the Guardian pilot who had come second in the San Bardo Canyon run had lost control of her fighter and crashed.  She’d been able to eject but the fighter was a right-off in the medical GESV Mjalby visited her they’d known each other for years competing in various one-off events.

“Glad to see you made it out of that wreck in one piece” he said greeting her Irene was the same age as Jonnie Mjalby, twenty-six, originally from the Federated Suns she’d moved to Solaris sixteen years before when her father had come looking for fame and fortune.  He’d been killed in the Solaris Mech Arenas and Irene had decided that life was not for her instead taking aerospace fighter lessons with the intention of gaining a position within the LCAF.  Things hadn’t turned out that way and instead she’d started flying acrobatics on Solaris to make money now that income had been taken from her.

“Yeah, Segura didn’t come out of it so well.”  Irene replied, the fighter had been destroyed in the crash.  “That’s me out, I see you didn’t do so well either?”

“Still there” Jonnie Mjalby said looking down at his injured friend.  “Listen, I asked the doc you’re still flight capable; your injuries are not all that severe.”

“Thanks for reminding me Jonnie, but I’m lacking a fighter.”

“I happen to have a spare” he said smirking he saw her surprised one fighter was expensive a second was nearly unheard of.  “Juliusz Kamil decided to hang up his flight gloves before this tournament” he explained she’d heard the “Grandfather of Flight” had retired earlier in the year.  “His Striking Cobra was going cheap.”

“I thought Kamil wanted to put it in a museum?”

“He did, it might still end up there, but it’s got more miles in it and I offered him more.”  He admitted what Kamil wanted was important but the fighter belonged to him now.

“What difference does that make to me, Jonnie, I’ve barely got enough for my medical bills and to pay off the support staff.  I’m out of this game.”

“I’ll give you the Striking Cobra” he said raising his hand to stop her speaking “on credit.  You place in this tournament you pay me some of the money for it.  You win it you can buy it outright from me.”  He suggested offering her a lifeline he could see tears in her eyes.

“Why?”  She croaked

“You deserve to see it to the end, just don’t crash that thing before I get a chance to fly it.”  He said winking to her before turning to leave.  With her last place at Dunnet Forest she was fourth place in the championship out of the major money-making positions but still in touching distance to the leaders going into the last round at the Slanotov Industrial Zone in Solaris Arctic Zone.  If she placed and he didn’t at least he’d get some of the money back from this event.

Trade Mission, International Zone
Westover, Sea Fox Claimed territory
Free Worlds League
20th September 3115

   The Clans and Mercenaries tended not to get on in fact most occasions Clan forces saw them as dezgra and hunted them to extinction.  International Zones on Sea Fox trade worlds were different however, run by Clan merchants the warrior caste was here only to ensure Inner Sphere visitors were not armed and to take part in various Trials of Combat.

   Mercenary commander Colonel Naomi Wrangler, the commander of The Thunder Road mercenary regiment, stood near the back of a crowd which had gathered to watch Smoke Jaguar leader Khan Petra Furey dispatch a Sea Fox Star Colonel in hand-to-hand combat.  For several years now Naomi had been aware of the Smoke Jaguar faction for a couple of years now since she had taken over control of the Lesnovo District following a popular vote.  According to intelligence reports she’d read from Bowang the Free World’s League’s Intelligence Agency SAFE had vetted these Smoke Jaguar survivors and found that they were not acting like the Clan they once were instead helping build up native populations.  So far, the Smoke Jaguar faction had little contact with the Clans other than the traders here on Westover.  As Naomi watched the young Khan dispatched a second Sea Fox warrior claiming victory in the Trial of Possession over an Elemental Battle Armour Production Facility.  As far as Naomi knew up until now almost all of the Smoke Jaguar’s power armour had been of the Nighthawk type built on the world of Niops.  For them now to possess Elemental Power Armour was a significant upgrade in capabilities.

   As she stood and watched the Clans exchange pleasantries not the battle was over, she felt the approach of Lt. Colonel Ariel Peregrine-Simpson, the former co-commander of the Chaos Irregulars, like her fellow co-commander she’d accepted the new rank when her unit joined The Thunder Road.  “I’ll never understand them” Ariel said watching the Clansmen, as a former commander of a unit herself Naomi had given Ariel and Jake leeway when they spoke with her, allowing them to voice their opinions and join her on this mission.

   “No, me neither” Naomi admitted the Clans were alien to them even if they were willing to trade with anyone willing to pay. “How did you do?”  She asked she’d tasked Ariel with securing transport assets for the Thunder Road given that their command was bigger now than ever.  Although a significant military asset the Sea Foxes allowed any trades to occur in the International Zone as long as they were done peacefully, to enforce this both women had given up their weapons when they arrived.

   “Not bad, but also not great” she said “Free Worlds League rejects I’m afraid.”  She admitted they’d hoped for Clan equipment but Naomi had ordered her to buy what they could afford and what they needed, not wants. “Three Hamilcar DropShips for a cut down price.”  Ariel said Naomi didn’t much like the sound of it and her face probably showed it, the Hamilcar was a very specialist design mainly intended for Zero-G assaults.  “The Sea Foxes captured them when they captured Westover but no-one had taken any interest in them so they modified them a little bit.”  Ariel reassured her explaining her choice.  “On each ship they removed a pair of aerospace fighter bays and gave them a bit more fuel making them more useful in an atmosphere, they then streamlined the guns to Particle cannons, long and short-range missiles and anti-missile systems.”  She explained “less to break on all three of them, they’ll be easier to maintain and they’ve got better range and uses. I’d class them almost like a modified Leopard.”

   “Well, we won’t likely be launching any space borne assaults in the near future but I’ll take the chance to move a company in a pinch.  We’ll have to keep an eye on them but they might be worth it.”  Naomi admitted “I got off a little better.”  She said as the two of them moved away from the trial location.  “They’ve started up a modified Dictator-class DropShip manufacturing line here on Westover but sales have been dismal, no-one knows what to expect from them.”  She said the design had been modified with more modern weapons and defences and had a reconfigured cargo bay.  “The Clans themselves don’t want to buy an ancient DropShip design with Inner Sphere weapons even if it is configured to carry three Binaries of troops.”  She explained the Sea Fox idea seemed to be to build up interest in the design and then improve it with Clan technology.  “So, the trader was more than happy to turn one over to us, and if we spread the news of its use then we may get a kick-back from them in the future.”

   “Sweet, now we just have to hire crews.  Our current staff can probably get them back home but operational use will be more different.”

   “Agreed, how do you think the boys are getting on?”  By ‘the boys’ Naomi was referring to her father John Wrangler and Ariel’s former co-commander Jake Chowla.

   “I’m sure Jake is doing his best to get into as much trouble as he can while away from the burden of command.”  She admitted Jake’s continued recovery from losing his wife was being helped by her former command’s new place within the Thunder Road and time away from the unit would help too.

   “Yes, I’m sure my father is doing the same.  Our first major supply run since his retirement and he just happens to come along.”  She mused wondering why her father came along.

   “He trusts you Naomi, I’m sure of that, I think he mainly came for Jake’s benefit.”  She said having been able to observe them a little bit.  “You have done a lot for him since Reema’s death and the Chaos Irregulars becoming part of The Thunder Road has been great for him too but your father is quite active with him too.”

   “He’s still grieving for my mother’s passing a few years ago and I think he sees Ob, as a bit of a project.”

   “Ob?”  Ariel questioned Jake’s first name was Obadiah but she rarely heard anyone else use it especially since Reema’s passing.

   “Yes, I think my father sees Jake as a bit of a project, seeing a lot of my father in him.”  She said dancing over Ariel’s question.

   “Ob?” Ariel pushed

   “I’m sure they are getting into trouble and will have a surprise for us, I’m sure.”  Naomi said carrying on walking “Com’on, we’ll head back to the field we can inform the crews and have them come and collect our new DropShips while we wait.”

   “Seriously Naomi?  What the hell!”  She said as the Colonel kept walking away from her not answering Ariel’s question the two of them were close in age and despite the hierarchy of command, they got on quite well personally but if Naomi didn’t want to share it didn’t seem like she would.


   Several hours later Naomi Wrangler was back at the landing field which the small contingent of Thunder Road personnel who had accompanied her.  She’d arranged the collection of the units newest four DropShips and was now just waiting for her father to return but he was already an hour overdue.  Now standing inside the command deck of the Overlord-class DropShip Stonewall she waited trying to show she was calm and not worried he was missing.

   Suddenly the radio crackled to life “Road House to Stonewall, permission to approach” it said using her father’s old callsign.  Naomi nodded to the crewmen who granted permission.  “Received Stonewall, be prepared for a flyby.”  Her father said which got Naomi’s attention her father was airborne?  She walked over to the sensor desk and watched as from the south a two-hundred-and-forty-ton Koi Heavy Transport WiGE approached the airfield at speed flying low as the Wing-in-Ground-Effect aircraft were known for.

   “What on earth?”  Naomi wondered heading out of the command deck and down towards the ground.  By the time she reached the ground the massive Koi was touching down on the tarmac it was painted in a deep red on the primary wide-bodied hull with the wings painted in black.  She could see where insignia had been painted over but it was clearly the insignia of the Draconis Combine which wasn’t too surprising as the craft was designed and built there.  How it had crossed the Inner Sphere and ended up in the arse-end of the Free Worlds League was anyone’s guess but here it was and it appeared to be commanded by her father.  The craft was designed to land on land or in water with the hull curved underneath like the underside of a boat and the four turbine engines high above the waterline at the rear of the craft with two near the tail on either side of the craft and two more engines over the top of the hull.  The massive craft larger than anything else in the Thunder Road’s organisation Naomi did not have a clue how they were going to get it back to Bowang.

Stopping several hundred metres from the Stonewall the massive clamshell doors at the front of the Koi opened with the nose of the craft splitting open like a massive sideways mouth.  From inside the craft a ramp extended to the ground and locked in place.  From inside she could hear the revving of fuel cell engines and within a couple of minutes the first of two large wheeled transport vehicles drove out.  Both vehicles were the same painted in primarily blue and white the vehicles looked like long range transport trucks with extended trailers once they came out onto the ground, they turned to either side and stopped flanking Naomi’s position.  From both sides the trucks and trailers of the vehicles opened automatically raising upwards creating a canopy over the side of the truck.  From the inside of the truck counters extended and lowered to the ground creating service counters.  From the cabs of the two trucks her father and Jake Chowla exited the vehicles heading over to them.

“Good afternoon, Colonel” her father greeted her formally as he approached.

“Father, what the hell?”

“This?”  John Wrangler asked surveying the two vehicles and the Koi behind “this is for my retirement” he said “I’m calling it the Road House.”  He explained “I’m not going to mope around the Complex back home, I need something to throw myself into this is going to be it.  Bowang has a growing entertainment industry especially with all the mercs that have come through in the recent years but outside Darby they don’t have many entertainment venues.  Road House is the answer, we’re going to travel across Bowang and we’re going to bring the entertainment to the people and bring in some money for the unit.”  John explained Naomi looked at Jake for support but he just smirked at the idea her father had retired but this idea seemed to reinvigorate him.

“How are we going to get it home?”  She asked but almost on cue she had her answer as a purple and red painted Danis-class DropShip approached the airfield from a sub-orbital trajectory.

“The DropShip will transport the Koi and anything else we need then she’ll transfer to the Thunder Road full time, use it as you want Naomi myself and my silent business partner here” he said indicating to Jake “have bought the DropShip, the Koi and the GESV’s.  Jake will assist me when he’s not deployed with the unit but over wise it’s my show.”  He said Naomi glanced at the younger man who seemed like he relished the idea.

   “Colonel, I’d expect your commitment to the Thunder Road to continue.”

   “Understood, I know what I’ve signed up for.”  He said but his eyes told her that he was thrilled by the idea of getting on the road with her father.  “Road House will be a success as will the Thunder Road.”  He promised her but Naomi couldn’t help but wonder what they’d gotten themselves in for.
Weapons Research Facility WD-1152
Rosice, Halfway Province
Lyran Commonwealth
28th September 3115

   If the Lyran Commonwealth was not facing enough troubles with the Clans pressing at their borders and the Isle of Skye again pushing for a breakaway from the state on the world of Rosice in the Halfway province a huge explosion engulfs a weapons research facility killing dozens inside and dozens more in the nearby area costing millions of C-Bills.  Within days of the explosion terrorists claiming to be part of the Democracy Now movement take responsibility for the attack.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 7833
  • Not Dead Until I Say So
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1352 on: 26 June 2021, 08:56:01 »
Royal Mechbay, Davion Royal Palace
Avalon City, New Avalon
Crucis March, Federated Suns
16th October 3115

   Walking slowly across the Mechbay’s floor Prince Luther Davion approached his father Burton Davion who stood in front of three BattleMechs which stood proudly waiting for orders.  The first BattleMech was Hanse Davion’s famous Battlemaster “Dana” painted primarily in royal blue the number “24” was written in red on the right torso while two stripes one in red and one in white ran from the left shoulder down across the BattleMech to the floor.  The BattleMech was over one hundred years old and was only moved once a month as the test pilots ensured its actuators did not seize up.  Recently his father had suggested permanently moving it to a display in the city celebrating the successes of the Federated Suns during the Fourth Succession War.  Luther stood and looked at the Mech as he approached his father and wondered why he cared for the BattleMech it had sat in this Mechbay for both of their lives and neither of them had met Hanse.

   Next stood the Templar III which belonged to his father the eighty-five-ton OmniMech named “Dragon’s Wrath” by Burton Davion.  The BattleMech was painted identically to the Battlemaster beside it.

   Finally stood Luther’s own OmniMech the Dire Wolf known as “Prometheus” which had originally belonged to his grandfather Victor Steiner-Davion.  Luther had piloted the BattleMech twice since returning to New Avalon but the pain from the injuries he took on Terra returned both times.  The OmniMech was in the middle of being repainted with the traditional Steiner blue of the Lyran Guards with yellow piping highlights being painted over to match the others.  Luther had not known about the new paint job but then he hadn’t been here for several weeks.

   “How do you like it?”  Burton asked seeing his son appear Burton was tall nearly six foot tall and broad shouldered far unlike his father Victor.  Luther had fallen between the two slightly shorter than his father and slightly taller than Victor.  They all had the same lightly coloured hair of most Davion men but unlike his father Luther had grown his hair out a bit as long as his shoulders.

   “I had not been aware you were having Prometheus repainted” he said looking at the OmniMech.

   “It is time, Victor’s time is over with the Federated Suns.”  Burton said his father using his Grandfather’s first name felt strange to Luther but recently Burton’s opinion on his father had fallen significantly due to the political changes Victor Steiner-Davion had brought to the growing Protectorate.  “The time for us to honour our link to House Steiner is over, now we must show pride in our own House and get you ready for the field.”

   “I am not ready” Luther said “I have many studies to complete and my physio-therapy is not complete.”

   “Your doctors say otherwise” Burton said angrily his voice raising.

   “What do they know!”  Luther snapped back at his father “each time I exercise the pain returns, I cannot pilot a BattleMech until my body is ready.”  He complained “until then I will continue with my studies.  These icons you are so proud of” he said nodding at the three Mechs standing silently “can wait for me to be ready.”  He said turning to march off away from his father.

   “Then perhaps your sister will accept the challenge of taming Prometheus if you are not willing!”  Burton challenged his son to react but instead Luther kept walking.  Luther’s sister Leah was seventeen and had already begun training as a BattleMech pilot but she had yet to begin real studies.

Objective Raid, Edasich Motors
Vesteralen, Forbidden Islands
Edasich, Hell’s Horses Occupation Zone
19th October 3115

   After a brief Trial of Possession on Edasich against the Hell’s Horses defenders the Crescent Hawks were more than pleased with what they found at the the Edasich Motors production plant on the Forbidden Islands.  When they had arrived Captain Aksel Youngblood had challenged the Clan defenders to a single production run of the contents of the Edasich Motors complex expecting a haul of the fusion engines that had been produced there since the fall of the first Star League.  In a hard-fought battle, which had seen two Crescent Hawks BattleMechs fall and the death of MechWarrior Stephen Livingston the Crescent Hawks were victorious against a Trinary of Hell’s Horses from the Thirty-second Mechanized Strike Cluster.  To the mercenaries surprise they found that Edasich Motors plant had been refurbished to produce Thor, or Summoner, OmniMechs by Clan Hell’s Horses and standing waiting for deployment were fifteen brand new machines.

   With the loss of two of their own BattleMechs and a vacant slot within the Crescent Hawks already existing the Hawks had claimed three of the OmniMechs for themselves while the remaining twelve would go to their employers in Lyran Commonwealth space not a bad haul for a single raid.  The Mechs were brand-new and lacked any security precautions of systems making them easy for the Hawk pilots to move them into the waiting DropShips.

   Standing guard over the operation was Tassa Kay in her Ryoken II BattleMech.  She watched as the brown painted OmniMechs were moved into the waiting DropShips and could help but smirk the Horses had been foolish to upgrade a factory so close to their front lines and then to accept a Trial despite having a full cluster defending it.  She knew the Star Colonel in command of the Thirty-second would be facing a Circle of Equals following this failed operation for their failure to stop the Crescent Hawks which would likely cause them to do something rash.

   As she stood guard over the loading operations something rash happened almost on queue a single Vulture, or Mad Dog, OmniMech painted in the brown, blue and gold camouflage paint scheme of the Thirty-second Mechanised Cluster approached their position.  “Contact, single Mad Dog OmniMech approaching.  I am intercepting them.”  She said pivoting her Ryoken’s stance towards the incoming Mad Dog switching her communication system to a general frequency she challenged the enemy Mech just as it walked into range of her particle cannons.  “I am Tassa Kay of the Crescent Hawks; we are loading our Isorla into the DropShips as agreed upon by our victory in the Trial of Possession.  Identify youself and the reason you are here.”  She challenged the incoming pilot.

   “I am Star Colonel Tvedten Ravenwater of Clan Hell’s Horses I declare a Trial of Refusal against the Crescent Hawks.”

   “There is no Trial of Refusal following a Trial of Possession.”  Tassa Kay said shooting down the challenge “however, I will allow you to fight in a Circle of Equals with me to show your people that you tried to win honour.”  She offered him she saw her personal radio link to Aksel Youngblood was active, he was no doubt monitoring her, but she ignored it, this was something he couldn’t understand a battle between warriors over more than possessions.

   “I accept your terms warrior; may no other enter.”

   “Seyla” Tassa said accelerating her Mech forwards she fired paired particle cannon blasts from the two torso mounted cannons.  The man-made lightning bolts crossed the distance between the two Mechs with one slamming into the Mad Dog’s right leg while the other ripped up the ground beside the Mech.  A wave of heat surged through Tassa’s cockpit as her the BattleMech’s heat sinks struggled with her weapons fire Tassa ignored the heat build up and instead turned her Mech to the right firing the Mech’s jump jets launching it into the sky just as a pair of large laser blasts slammed into her Mech’s left arm.  The heat from the lasers burned into her seventy-five-ton BattleMech’s arm but she ignored it, there were no weapons there, instead Tassa feathered the engine throttles expertly bringing the Ryoken II down with her heat now lower she fired another pair of particle cannon blasts towards the Mad Dog just as the sixty-ton Mech fired forty long range missiles back at her.

   As the flight of forty missiles flew towards her Tassa accelerated the Ryoken II into the fire closing the range between the two Mechs.  Missiles slammed against her Mech as she closed on the lighter Mad Dog at range the way the warrior had configured his BattleMech he actually outgunned her at range but as the distance closed between them the weapons would favour her.  As the range ticked down, she saw her particle cannons had recharged and she fired again at the Mad Dog just as her enemy fired his lasers again.  The armour of her Ryoken II held up under the onslaught but she was glad to see the Mad Dog’s didn’t as one of her particle cannon blasts tore through the armour covering its torso and tore the long-range missile launcher to pieces.  The Mad Dog staggered backwards with the loss of the launcher but it didn’t stop the warrior returning fire with another volley of missiles from its remaining launcher most of the missiles missed her still charging Ryoken II but a few hit their target smashing armour on her Mech’s right torso.

   “Well done” Tassa commented cutting to the right twisting the Ryoken’s waist to track her target she opened up with both medium lasers mounted there and as soon as the computer gave her a tone the twelve streak short range missiles as well.  The heat produced by these weapons was far less than her particle cannons but the damage was not the lasers burned across the Mad Dog’s armour while the streak missiles caused explosions all over the Mech’s left leg and arm which buckled and then broke the large and medium laser there hanging loose away from the OmniMech.

   Ravenwater didn’t give up his OmniMech was damaged but not out of the fight as Tassa’s Ryoken II circled he forged forwards unexpectedly and caught her slightly by surprise firing his remaining large and medium laser as well as a flight of long-range missiles into the back of her OmniMech “Stavag!”  She shouted angrily firing the Ryoken II’s jump jets she launcher her Mech into the air angling the Mech backwards the seventy-five-ton unconventionally jumped backwards.  She fought her instincts allowing the Mech to fall towards the ground she pulled the primary triggers as her Mech came towards the ground sending two particle cannons shots straight into the back of the Mad Dog.  At the same time Tassa fired her own Mech’s jump jets one last time countering the falling Mech’s trajectory keeping her Mech standing as it landed on the ground.

   The Mad Dog was not as lucky one particle cannon blast tore through the Mad Dog’s right torso vapourizing the armour there blowing through the long-range missile ammunition.  The OmniMech’s built in CASE panels blew away from the Mech channeling the blast away from critical components but the ammunition was gone.  The second blast tore straight through the back of the Mech punching straight into the OmniMech’s gyroscope destroying it as well.  Without the gyro the Mech’s fight was over and the Mad Dog fell forwards giving into the battle with gravity as it slammed into the ground disabled.  “MechWarrior Tvedten Ravenwater you are defeated in single battle, I will spare you the embarrassment of returning to your unit following the defeat by a dezgra mercenary and I claim you and your Mech as Isorla, you both belong to me until I decide if you deserve to return to MechWarrior status.”  She said opening up the communication channel once more letting the MechWarrior know his fate.  She saw that Aksel Youngblood was still waiting to speak to her.  “Go ahead Captain.”  She said, she was sure he’d be able to tell she was smiling following her personal victory.

   “Nice fight, Tassa, the Horses should have known better than to challenge a victor after their battle.”  He said she’d almost expected him to try and give her into trouble for her actions but instead he was supportive?  Perhaps the time he’d spent with the Kell Hounds and exiled Wolves had done him well, there was hope for Aksel Youngblood.  Following the end of the battle the Crescent Hawks completed their loading from Edasich Motors and left the planet soon afterwards.  The Union-class DropShip carrying the captured Summoner OmniMechs would go to Freedom while the Crescent Hawks were heading back to Galatea Station.

Meeting Room, SLSS Swartklip Major
Swartklip, Star League Protectorate
28th October 3115

   The news had filtered into Swartklip that morning that forces of the Stone Spirits had raided Elume, Kwangjong-ni, Ma’anshan and Issaba this morning.  Elume’s defenders the First Obsidian Lancers had held as had the forces hired to protect Issaba and Ma’anshan but Kwangjong had fallen to the clan raiders.  The lack of Lyran Commonwealth defenders was telling for those in the Swartklip system, which was protected by the Star League Defence Force it was also telling for representatives of Elume, Sweet Water, Canal, Tsarahaven and Howick that as they met onboard the Star League Space Station Swartklip.  This fact was further supported as during the meeting the civilian run MS Glomar Explorer, an Explorer-class Mobile Refinery run by the Belters of the Sol system, and two Monolith-class JumpShips filled with supples arrived in the Swartklip system to further support building up the world.  The presence of SLDF ground forces and naval forces in the region only added to the sense that the SLDF was supporting the worlds it protected while the Lyran Commonwealth was forgetting them.

Raid in Force
Zanzibar, Tamarind
Wolf Empire
31st October 3115

   Lasers and missiles criss-crossed the battlefield as the four Havoc BattleMechs led a group of vehicles towards in a breakout from Zanzibar spaceport.  Behind the Havocs came a group of eight Partisan AA Vehicles and a group of R10 Infantry Fighting Vehicles.  Each of the vehicles and Mechs were painted in the colours of the First Tamarind Militia as it raided the world of Tamarind taking the Wolf defenders by surprise.  The Mechs were painted mostly purple with a red sash that ran from its right shoulder down towards and over the entirety of the left leg while the vehicles were primarily purple with red turrets.  Over the days before their two combined arms battalions had been brought to the world right under the Wolves noses aboard cargo DropShips hidden within cargo containers and now they were striking out.

   The raid’s objectives were for the ground forces to break free from the spaceport and charge towards the Wolves manufacturing plant at the former Graham-Davies Manufacturing site to the north.  The aim of the raid was to destroy the facility in its entirety.

   Bursting from the spaceport short range missiles and laser fire from a pair of Havocs turned one of the sentry guard towers into a burning mess as the two light Mechs ran out.  Behind them the Partisans opened fire on the Wolves initial reaction forces which was made up of a flight of Red Kite Attack VTOLs.  The sight of the Free Worlds League designed VTOL serving Clan Wolf had angered the Tamarind troopers and now they had an opportunity to take them out, from two Partisans paired LBX-class Autocannons filled the air with flak munitions.  Each of the four Red Kites took multiple hits as the cluster munitions exploded around them immediately one of the Kites lost power to its right engine as multiple pieces of shrapnel slammed into the VTOL’s thin armour and pulverized the engine unit housed there.  As the other engine failed to compensate and the twenty-five-ton craft spun out of control to the ground slamming down hard against the tarmac it exploded.  Two of the Red Kites returned fire against the vehicles their nose mounted chemical lasers glowed momentarily as the weapons were loaded with ammunition and then they fired melting armour on a pair of Partisans below more autocannon munitions slammed into the VTOLs even as one of the Partisans exploded open its front armour completely melted away.

   From behind the Partisans a flight of long-range missiles followed by a particle cannon blast flew quickly into one of the remaining Red Kits penetrating the aircraft below and behind the forward cockpit the twin attack shattered the control section from the mid-line engine modules.  Lasers and then the roar of an Ultra-class autocannon joined the attack as a second Red Kite was torn to pieces in a hail of weapons fire from the leading purple and red coloured Anzu class BattleMech.

   The radio channels crackled open as another three sixty-ton Anzu BattleMechs joined the fire “I am Duke Robert Brett-Marik, the true Heir to Tamarind and I am here with my fellow Tamarind citizens in the First Militia to oppose Clan Wolf’s rule over our homeworld.”

   “Finally,” the voice a response came as the Free Worlds League’s sensors lit up with contacts “when the Clan Watch said that forces hostile to Clan Wolf’s rein here on Tamarind had arrived, I wished to challenge you immediately but I was cautioned not to.  Instead, we have waited for you, waited for you to display your strength and now that you have you will meet the Wolfkin Keshik in battle.  I am Galaxy Commander Herbert Kerensky and I will be your end.”  The Clan warrior laughed as a Vulture Mk III stood up from its concealed position from the Mech a point of Elementals disembarked from its hull and on either side of it nine other OmniMechs stood up each carrying a point of Elementals.  It was clear the Wolves had laid in wait for them to move and they were more than prepared for the attack.

   “We will fight for our home and we will win.”  Robert Brett-Marik said defiantly targeting the Vulture III with his particle cannon and autocannon which were in range the particle cannon had not fully charged and it sparked against the hull of the heavily armoured Clan OmniMech while the autocannon went wildly wide soaring through the sky past the Mech.  With their battle decided the Vulture III returned fire with eighty long range missiles.  The missiles arced over the battlefield and blanketed the Anzu in waves battering the heavy BattleMech in waves which exploded all over the armour and the ground beside the Mech.  Under such fire Robert struggled to keep his BattleMech standing stepping back under the waves of fire stumbling backwards the Anzu dropping to a knee.  Either side of the Anzu the other Free Worlds League troops were under heavy attack from the the other Wolf forces.  Bringing his BattleMech back up to his feet Robert saw that the Vulture III was on the move walking towards his position with more long-range missiles arcing over the battlefield towards him.  Robert braced the BattleMech for more hits and fired his own long-range missiles in return fire against the Clan Wolf OmniMech.  His ten missiles passed the eighty incoming missiles in mid-air and flew towards the Vulture III as the Mech continued to close on his position missiles rained down on his position.  A flight of long-range missiles slammed into the top of the Anzu’s head section rattling Robert Brett-Marik’s cockpit, the MechWarrior strapped into his command chair was thrown around the cockpit like a rag doll as he tried to maintain control of his under-fire machine.  “Continue to fire!  Any unit that can breakout do so and head to targeted plant!”  He ordered his troops over the roar of fire inside his cockpit “we must complete this mission or it maybe our last!”  He said defiantly at the same time he sent an encrypted message to one of the cargo DropShips located within the spaceport.  Moments later he received a message from the DropShip stating his command was understood “our friends will be here soon” he said targeting the charging Vulture III with his autocannon again explosive ammunition battered the enemy Mech with fire.

   The plan had never been for this to be a one-way mission for Robert he wished to hurt the Wolves and if possible, liberate Tamarind but there was always a plan to escape.  Just beyond Tamarind orbit the second phase of the battle began as the WarShips Sardis, Abbey and Stormos jumped into the system disgorging more than a dozen DropShips and hundreds of aerospace fighters.  The majority of the fighters, several DropShips and the WarShips Abbey and Stormos turned to engage the three Wolf Lola IV-class Destroyers which were protecting the shipyards over Tamarind.  The Impavido-class Abbey and the Monolisk-class Stormos would be outgunned by the three Wolf vessels but they had a significant advantage in small craft over the defending Wolves.  The Sardis with its lighter armour and smaller capital grade weapons arrays remained at long-range providing support and a base for the aerospace fighters to reload should they need it.

   Meanwhile several DropShips carrying two ground force regiments hard burned towards Tamarind intent on reinforcing the ground forces.  Should they be able to link up the combined firepower had a chance of liberating Tamarind from the Wolves and robbing them of their only shipyard.  Unfortunately for the Free Worlds League troops they had discounted the Wolves readiness to protect the system and from the surface rose an entire star of Isegrim-class Assault DropShips along with dozens of aerospace fighters to engage them.  In space, the upper atmosphere and on the ground, battle was engaged between the two forces.

   Fighting for his life on the ground Robert Brett-Marik cut in his Anzu’s jump jets attempting to jump over the Vulture III which had closed in on him.  He fired his autocannon as he jumped targeting the Clan Wolf Mech as he went autocannon rounds exploded all over the Vulture III.  Unfortunately for Robert the Clan warrior had at his disposal six extended range medium lasers for close in battle as the Anzu flew over the Vulture III the red laser blasts cut into and then through the knee of the Anzu shattering already damaged armour which had been pocketed by missile blasts the lasers penetrated the armour and caused the knee actuator of the Anzu to critically fail as the jumping Mech began to fall towards the ground.  As Robert Brett-Marik’s BattleMech landed the damaged knee actuator collapsed taking most of the lower leg with it the Anzu stumbled forwards and then fell crashing to the ground.

   In the cockpit of the Mech Robert Brett-Marik awoke realizing that he had been knocked out by the Anzu’s landing he immediately attempted to bring the Anzu back to its feet and turned looking for Herbert Kerensky’s Vulture III only to see the Clan OmniMech laying on the ground burning.  As he looked at the remains of the sixty-ton OmniMech he saw a group of eight Leonidas Battle Armour troops which had attacked the Vulture III when his Anzu had fallen.  “Thank you, warriors,” he said quietly as the troopers raised their arms in salute towards him, they had likely saved his life.

   Robert glanced across the battlefield and saw that several of the Wolf Mechs had fallen but so had many of his own forces.  In his thirty-seven years he had heard stories of huge battles against enemies of his home but he’d rarely been involved in battles larger than battalion strength.  Today was different he could see DropShips begin to come in for a landing several of them were heavily damaged.  Seeing the DropShips, and the condition of his own BattleMech, Robert realized that today was not the day for the liberation of Tamarind instead he’d be lucky to escape with his life.

   In orbit above the planet the WarShip Abbey exploded under fire from the remaining two Wolf Lola IV-class Destroyers.  One of the defending Clan vessels had been destroyed by massed fighter attacks but as the fighters ran low on fuel and muntions the tide of the battle had turned back towards that of the defenders.  From the ground DropShips rose from the ground fighting their way clear of the planet as they retreated enmasse from the battlefield onboard one of the DropShips Duke Robert Brett-Marik stood defeated in battle by the Wolves but still alive and ready to fight another day.

The Battle for Tamarind was over with a stalemate the Wolves continued to hold the world and its critical shipyards as well as the production facilities it had built on the surface.  The Free Worlds League forces had proven they could battle the Wolves on the surface of Tamarind but they would need more firepower before they were able to retake the planet.  As the DropShips escaped to their waiting WarShips before escaping the system ending the Free Worlds League assault on Wolf territory, until another day.  How the Wolves would react to the attack was anyone’s guess but today the battle was over.
« Last Edit: 26 June 2021, 09:02:20 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1353 on: 27 June 2021, 17:08:27 »
I wonder what transformed Burton into a-hole. His intolerance for his son is very....not cool.  Luther seems like he may go rogue or something.  Burton's disrespect to his father is even worse.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1354 on: 28 June 2021, 02:39:31 »
Yeah, right along the lines I was thinking too with regards to Burton.

However ... Victor abdicating only to step up as a significant official of the Protectorate isn't really cool either. Could be that Burton interprets it as a betrayal. Doesn't of course excuse his callous stance towards his son and daughter. Wonder what Stirling is thinking of this... "new" Burton?


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1355 on: 21 July 2021, 06:28:35 »
 Sorry I've not replied to this in a while, superb updates, I'm waiting to see what happens on Festung Tharkad.
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1356 on: 21 July 2021, 09:10:28 »
Sorry I've not replied to this in a while, superb updates, I'm waiting to see what happens on Festung Tharkad.

It's alright I've been too busy to write recently did a little bit of a non battletech fiction I've worked on previously otherwise proper work lol.  Hopefully soon update here
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1357 on: 09 September 2021, 07:12:15 »
Wait, is my Warship the McKenna-Class Subtlety still alive?

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1358 on: 09 September 2021, 08:19:56 »
Wait, is my Warship the McKenna-Class Subtlety still alive?

Yeah she is at Galatea Station providing training and defence

This is to all who read I haven't abandoned this not by a long shot I've just been busy.  I'm 50% through next update and I'm working towards incorporating more elements into it
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1359 on: 09 September 2021, 10:12:42 »
Do you still have the initial write up I did on it?

Dragon Cat

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My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1362 on: 12 September 2021, 08:41:35 »

Baby Support Unit, Ecol City Hospital
Thorin, Star League Protectorate
1st November 3115

   Sitting in his wife’s room in the Ecol City Hospital’s Baby Unit Morgan Christifori watched the Lyran News Network broadcast as the Grey Death Legion Mercenary Regiment was given a hero’s welcome on Tharkad by the population.  The units BattleMechs, armoured vehicles, battle armour and infantry paraded through the capital after the mercenaries had spent three months behind enemy lines in the Jade Falcon and Hell’s Horses OZs conducting sabotage operations.  The reports Morgan had read suggested the Grey Death had lost at least a third of their numbers in the battles but they had been victorious in the eyes of the Lyran people.  Beside him in his cot Adrianna Katya Christifori, his first-born child, slept quietly beside her mother Marika today was a good day for him and the Lyran Commonwealth.
Scout mission
Las Tunes, Outworlds Wastes
9th November 3115

   For the last month the Thermo Police had been deployed to several worlds scouting along the Raven Alliances periphery border searching out worlds that were once part of the Outworlds Alliance for the most part they had found dead worlds long forgotten following the conflicts which had befallen the Inner Sphere following the fall of the First Star League.

   Inside his Warhammer IIC8 MechWarrior Karl of the Kanter Bloodhouse liked one thing about his deployment with the Thermo Police he was in his BattleMech otherwise the assignment had been painfully boring.  He had hopes of winning a Bloodname and he wasn’t going to do that scouting out worlds on the border, he needed to do something that would see him recognized.  Up ahead on his sensors he detected energy signatures.  “One-Adam-One, this is One-Adam-Two, I have energy signatures ahead” he transmitted to Captain Alec Oak who commanded the command Star which had been deployed here to Las Tunes to collect a member of the unit who had been here for sometime meeting local settlements.

   “Investigate but if you encounter hostiles hold your range until we can all support, Understood?”

   “Aff” Karl said rolling his eyes Alec Oak was trying to understand the Clan ways but he would soon learn.  Throttling the Warhammer IIC8 forwards Karl moved his BattleMech into range of the settlement which was made up of a series of small buildings many of which looked like they were centuries old and some that were partially standing.  Las Tunes was a nice enough world but without the support from outside to provide additional resources and without heavy industry of their own some of the world’s buildings were showing their age.  As he closed his BattleMech’s sensors picked up several low range power signals but one signature stood out the unmistakable signature of a BattleMech.  Karl reached over to key his communications system to inform Oak but had a second though alone he could take on any BattleMech in combat and win the glory needed to prove he deserved a Bloodname.

Moving in on the signature he spotted the other BattleMech and immediately halted trying to work out what he was seeing ahead of him just inside weapons range stood an unusual looking BattleMech standing inside a metal cage as infantry soldiers all around it fired flamethrowers onto it.  Karl’s Warhammer IIC8’s sensors confirmed a Raven Alliance identification signature coming from the BattleMech.  “Unidentified Raven Alliance BattleMech this is One-Adam-Two, identify yourself and do you need assistance, Quiaff?”  He asked challenging the MechWarrior who stood still in the cage being fire upon.

“This is One-Adam-Two, this is Three-Adam-Two, negative I do not need your assistance.”  The MechWarrior responded the callsign used was for the missing Raven Alliance MechWarrior Alisan Nostra, the great-granddaughter of Kotori Nostra.  “You can close on my position Raven but keep your weapons down no need to absolutely scare these people, Understood?”

   “Aff” Karl responded moving in on Alisan’s position he could see her BattleMech was no larger than twenty-five tons it looked like it carried a spear in one arm, an autocannon in the other arm and a couple of machine guns in the torso.  His Mech’s warbook identified it as a CattleMaster IIC with a secondary name listed as the Hunter IIC.  “What exactly are you doing?”  He asked seeing the people around the pit slow their firing on her Hunter IIC as it stood in a small pool of water.

   “This is a challenge I have been given by the locals known as a Trial of Fire if I can survive this trial then the locals will trust me.”  She explained cheerfully.

   “Your BattleMech’s heat sinks will easily absorb their fire.  You know this?”  He pointed out due to the advanced technology used on the BattleMech the infantry had little to no chance of damaging her Mech.

   “Affirmative” she responded “I’m winning their trust Raven, sometimes you have to take the time for people to trust you.  Are the rest of your lance nearby?”

   “Affirmative, my starmates are searching for you.”

   “Good call them in.”  She said for the next thirty minutes Karl watched as the Hunter IIC was burned by the locals occasionally Alisan would move the Mech around a little to make it look like she was looking to escape but remained in the pool of water using it to enhance her heat sink capacity.  Around the caged area the rest of Karl’s star arrived further adding to the mystique that the Raven Alliance force held over the locals.

Once the trial was over they treated the visitors to the very best of meals where Karl got to meet Alisan Nostra.  She was approximately Karl’s age, short in height with long hair which was tied back and athletically built, she wore little in the way of a uniform and instead was dressed in a fur jacket which she claimed to have made herself while out in the wilderness.  She was like no MechWarrior he’d ever met.  After the meal the locals then showed them to their “Shrine of the Past” half buried to the north of the settlement they found an ancient Confederate-class DropShip which had taken some of the original inhabitants to the world.  While the DropShip was generally in good condition it would never fly again and the fusion reactor had begun to degrade leading to some radiation leakage while it was at a level lower than many battlefields registered after a large battle it was still dangerous.

Using the HPG onboard their own DropShip Headquarters Captain Alec Oak called for a support engineering team to attend and secure the reactor to protect the locals from further harm.  Because it was Alisan’s trial that had won the locals trust the Thermo Police remained on the world for a further week while Raven Alliance specialists made the DropShip safe.  As a result of this extra help and time spent with the locals told them stories of another recent visit by “Metal Gods” who had caused damage to one of the worlds other settlements killing dozens of the people who lived there.  While Karl did not understand why they cared for this world which was outwith their own realm and did not see how this would help him gain a Bloodname the prospect of meeting these “Metal Gods” who had preyed on the innocent interested him greatly.

Solaris Racing Event
Slanotov Industrial Zone
Solaris VII, Independent Clan Space
18th November 3115

   “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I am Rick de Graff and I am here today to bring you the latest event in the Solaris Racing League at the Slanotov Industrial Zone!  Even as Clan Wolf continues its offensive against the Free Worlds League and Clan Lynx have reportedly invaded the Draconis Combine the racing is all that matters here on Solaris!”  The announcer said “following our last event at Dunnet Forest the league standings are as follows.  Jonnie Mjalby leads the standings on eighteen points, Joe Normandn and Zhao Jian-guo are close behind on sixteen points, Irene Steele follows on eleven points after her crash at Dunnet Forest just in touching distance to the leaders.”  He said “due to her DNF in the last round Steele will be going first today flying a new substitute aircraft a Striking Cobra which she aquired following the race at Dunnet Forest, good luck to her.”

   Listening to the announcer Irene Steele sat in the pilot’s chair of the Striking Cobra the twenty-ton turbine driven aircraft she’d found it was far different to her jet engined Guardian.  The cockpit was compact but comfortable but more primitive than the Guardian still it had all the controls and switches as you’d expect from this type of aircraft.  She’d flown the aircraft twice since she’d left the hospital where Jonnie had given her the aircraft first around the course at San Bardo Canyon and then at a practice run here at the burnt out Slanotov Industrial Zone.

   While the town of Slanotov as a settlement was inhabited the Industrial Zone had become a victim of the Succession Wars with most of the building’s now little more than ruins.  For the most part the area was used by MechWarriors practicing their moves before going into the arenas on Solaris or by mercenary units training before travelling off world.  Due to the built-up nature of the area most of the spectator stands were crammed into stands which had been wedged between buildings and would be using tri-vid screens to follow the action.

   “Ladies and gentlemen, without further from me I turn the action over to Irene Steele, good luck racer!”  De Graff said and Irene didn’t need further encouragement.

   Diving her aircraft away from Interstate 3 she slipped the small Striking Cobra down between two buildings building up speed and as her confidence in the aircraft grew.  On each wingtip there was an SRM-4 launcher filled with dummy rounds each pod provided her with a guide for how close she could get to the buildings.  The fighter turned tighter than her old Guardian did and she was able to fly around the ruined building in a tight circle before she needed to dive under Interstate 3.

The fighter was under Interstate 3 for only a few seconds slipping between the road’s support pylons before immediately rising way from the ground between two more ruined buildings.  Another tight diviving turn hit Irene with the g-forces as her Striking Cobra dived down over Canal Pregolya which ran through the course.  As she crossed over the water at less than ten metres in height, she dodged the Striking Cobra between two parked barges before pulling up in between more buildings.  She breathed deeply as her aircraft levelled out and the g-forces eased before she pushed the twenty-ton aircraft again under another one of Interstate 3’s roadways heading into an area filled with various disused oil storage containers maintaining an altitude of twenty-three metres Irene was happy with her time so far as she moved into the next section.

   This section was made up of a maze of pipes, chimneys, towers and oil drums that Irene expertly dodged through before making a hairpin turn which would take her towards the Port Authority and Pregolya Tunnel the speed and height she had kept through the section would win her much needed additional points.  The road tunnel was thankfully closed to road traffic today and was wide enough for her to fly through it with the wings of the small craft level as it took her under the Canal of the same name and out the other side into more buildings.

   Rising from the tunnel she followed a lazy figure of eight around two of the dark grey buildings and she was away from them heading back towards the Interstate Highway that bisected the course.  Before she reached it, she turned tightly to the right between the buildings then right again tipping her craft up onto its wing as she split between buildings as fast as she dared finally, she turned towards the last area of the course the only open area and the only place with live spectators the creatively named central park.  A wide arc over the Canal Pregolya past the spectators Irene Steele threw her craft into a couple of barrel rolls to make the crowd below happy before turning over the Canal towards the finish point.  She hit maximum throttle and threw her craft over the finish line hoping that her fancy flying and speed had done enough.

   Following Steele came the other six racers of the racing league with Koskova Yartseva doing enough in one of the slowest aircraft to win the race in time and in spectator points.  As he’d flown with great skill and style to prove you didn’t need the fastest aircraft to win the race.  Irene ended up placing second which given she was in a new aircraft was a spectacular result for her, it earned her third place overall and earned her enough credits to pay off Jonnie Mjalby for the plane.  Jonnie himself had placed only fourth in Slanotov his bigger aircraft unable to fit between the oil containers or under the smallest of the river bridges had cost him greatly in the race standings.

The fourth place was enough however for Jonnie Mjalby to be crowned the first champion of the Solaris Racing League.  With the League proving itself to be a commercial and spectator success.  The sport had also brought up several questions due to the variety of aircraft employed and the different ways that points had been scored.  While it was unquestioned whether another year of events would follow already organisers and racers were thinking up new ways to keep the spectators interested and the racing fair… well as fair as Solaris ever got.

Raiding party
Green Hills, Magistracy of Canopus
21st November 3115

As a defending Arbiter SecurityMech fell to her particle cannon Amanda Cavalcanti felt sorry for the MechWarrior she had defeated in her far older but still superior Griffin she remembered when she was the one in an inferior BattleMech it wasn’t a nice feeling but it was the way of the universe she thought as the smaller Arbiter lay still on the ground its pilot either unconscious or dead had not ejected from the Mech.

This was her third raid with McCoy’s Malcontents and so far the Mercenary/Pirate group had proven true to their word in not targeting civilian forces but instead aiming for military targets.  Moving alongside her she saw the five strong squad of Ravager Battle Armoured troopers moving in on the Arbiter activating her communications she raised the lead trooper “Leading Gunnner if the pilot lives capture them alive.”  She said

“Understood MechWarrior, we will do as you ask.”  Eva Marocchino the leader of the Ravager Squad responded.  Behind the Ravagers came the unit’s two UrbanMech MC’s which had accompanied them on this raid.  Together the three Mechs and the Ravagers had fallen into a sub-unit of the Malcontents supporting Schuyler McCoy’s command lance in their raids taking on the support assets of ann enemy unit while McCoy’s unit took on the main enemy.

Right now, they were assaulting Green Hills support base while McCoy engaged the main militia force.  With the Ravagers and several Prime Movers moving into the area to salvage what they could from the base Amanda Cavalcanti moved into the base proper.  The base was made up of a few buildings which were single story accommodation blocks and a single larger hanger structure as she crossed the main assembly yard an open area between the accommodation blocks and hanger only for her BattleMech to be struck by a large autocannon blast that had come from the hanger.  Turning she could barely believe what she was seeing a lumbering BattleMech which looked like a sixty-five-ton Thunderbolt but it was streaming thick black smoke from two funnels which were attached to the BattleMech internal combustion engine.  Amanda was stunned for a moment, despite the age of her old Griffin it at least still had a fusion engine powering it, internal combustion engines were generally only mounted on the smallest and most primitive of Mechs.

Twisting her Mech’s torso Amanda hit the the Thunderbolt with her Mech’s particle cannon.  The man-made lightning blast briefly connected the two BattleMechs before exploding across the Thunderbolt’s torso.  The blast threw off the Thunderbolt’s return fire from two Medium Range Missile launchers mounted on the Mech’s opposite shoulder.  Moving and firing Amanda hit out at the Thunderbolt again with her Mech’s particle cannon adding her Mech’s two Rocket Launchers to the attack showering the Thunderbolt with thirty rockets.  Only about half of the rockets struck home, with the rest tearing up the parade ground, but those that struck were enough to cause damage all over the enemy Mech the pilot staggered and the autocannon shot they had been lining up slammed into the ground in-front of the Mech tearing up the ground but causing no further damage.  Amanda used the pilot’s distraction to close on the enemy Mech raising both of her Griffin’s arms she opened fire with everything she had left.  Her particle cannon tore through the Thunderbolt’s right torso causing a structural failure which left the autocannon right arm hanging loose inoperative.  The Griffin’s machine guns and lasers caused further damage to the torso striking off the autocannon’s ammunition bay causing a huge internal explosion in the BattleMech.  The ammunition explosion that close to the Thunderbolt’s internal combustion engine caused a catastrophic explosion which consumed the BattleMech in a fiery explosion which sent parts of the Mech all across the torn-up landscape of the base.

Behind the Thunderbolt came another Mech leaving the hanger on her Griffin’s sensors Amanda saw four of the Ravager suits had come to investigate the fight which had just occurred.  “Hold your fire.”  She ordered using her Mech’s external speakers and communication system at the same time.  “MechWarrior that Mech isn’t built for a battle do not make us do anything.  If you surrender you will be treated fairly.”  She said looking at the light Fwltur SalvageMech.  “Don’t make me kill you, stand down and take that Mech back inside.”  She said seeing a group of infantry soldiers moving out of the hanger to support the Fwltur, looking at them she could see they were a collection of techs who had armed themselves to take on the pirate force, she made them retreat by hitting the ground with a burst of machine gun and laser fire killing none of the infantry but making it no question that they would be facing death to come out of the hanger again.  “No more chances, all of you stand down!”  Amanda snapped not wanting to murder the techs and the unarmed Fwltur but making them understand she would of she needed to.

Around the Fwltur the Ravagers moved into flanking positions just as the fifth Ravager joined them with the Arbiter pilot in tow her hands tied but alive and well.  Seeing their comrade still alive and captured broke the Fwltur pilot’s will to fight and the Mech stood down from its fighting stance walking backwards into the hanger.  With the Mech surrendered the armed techs surrendered as well by the time the rest of the Malcontents arrived the base was entirely in their hands.  Schuyler McCoy took the Fwltur as battlefield salvage and left the captured soldiers and techs in the base they had defeated the planet’s defences, they didn’t need the prisoners, from the planet the Malcontents salvaged several weapons from the defeated milita.  Schuyler also designated several pieces of farm equipment from the planet as salvage as well for use on Whittington, true to his word the Malcontents did not target any of the civilian settlements other than to take farming equipment with no serious injuries to the population. For her efforts on Green Hills and in other battles McCoy promised Amanda Cavacanti that he’d instruct Whittington’s techs to upgrade the ancient Griffin she’d made her own.
Clan Snow Raven Hall
Hall of the Clans, City of Andrey
Tukayyid, Independent Clan Territory
30th November 3115

   While Clan Nova Cat had four stars worth of WarShips and their own production facilities, they lacked the experience of building Battleships and carriers.  This lack of capacity had hurt the Nova Cats in their recent conflict with the Federated Suns which had a fleet stacked with Battleships and carriers.  To fix this lack of capacity the Nova Cats contract Clan Snow Raven for assistance.  The Ravens had concentrated on building WarShips for the majority of the Clan’s existence often with other branches of the Clan losing out.

   In exchange for natural resources and a steady stream of front-line Nova Cat OmniMechs built for the Snow Ravens the Raven leadership agree to build four new WarShips for the Nova Cats.  One each of the Battleship classes Nightlord II and Arbitration along with two Conqueror-class Battle-cruisers which would be used to reinforce the Nova Cats Cruiser heavy navy.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1363 on: 12 September 2021, 09:44:00 »
Nice update brother.  Love reading your work.


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1364 on: 12 September 2021, 18:47:21 »
Nova Cats getting battleships, looks like party time in the FS. >:D :thumbsup:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1365 on: 13 September 2021, 09:39:18 »
Nice to see new entry to your saga, Dragoncat!
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1366 on: 13 September 2021, 12:13:59 »
Nice to see the Striking Cobra showing off... :thumbsup:
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1367 on: 13 September 2021, 15:09:29 »

Needs more Word action, but so far a good read.

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1368 on: 14 September 2021, 05:42:53 »

Needs more Word action, but so far a good read.

Oh you mean Attack, Assault, Charge, pulverize? Those are action words.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki

Blackhorse 6

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1369 on: 14 September 2021, 09:09:27 »
Oh you mean Attack, Assault, Charge, pulverize? Those are action words.

Verb.  That’s what’s happening.    ;)

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1370 on: 14 September 2021, 09:20:05 »
Oh you mean Attack, Assault, Charge, pulverize? Those are action words.

I'm pretty sure there's a Pulverizer somewhere in this... :thumbsup:
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1371 on: 14 September 2021, 10:50:38 »
Verb.  That’s what’s happening.    ;)
I do my thing in action.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1372 on: 14 September 2021, 11:23:48 »
One small screw up on my part... normally at the end of every year I post all active units, warships and a map saying what's going on in the Inner Sphere.  (I still will)

But because I've jumped into 3116 and I'm half way through the next month's update the active units and the like will come after the January 3116 update.  I normally go through the production database before I jump forwards but I've been enjoying writing and I forgot... it won't be that out of date... just a few worlds changing hands in January... like a dozen or so changing hands... nothing major honest  O:-) :thumbsup:
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1373 on: 14 September 2021, 14:57:37 »
Tsk tsk...


Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1374 on: 17 September 2021, 09:12:40 »
Ending 3115 - as I stated before I've already ran into 3116 so I'll post the update for January 3116 and then post the updated map and active units/warships documents.  This update is very Clan centric... Hope you enjoy.

Dome 43, Substructure 9
Hellgate, Kerensky Cluster
Clan Homeworlds
17th December 3115

Many of the Clan Homeworlds were harsh places to live and they had been colonized purely because the Star League Army in Exile had needed space for its population and needed the resources available in the systems.  Hellgate was one of those worlds which had a population only because the Clans could exploit the germanium deposits which were located throughout the system.  During the Clans dominance of the Homeworlds Clan Snow Raven had commanded all authority on the world for centuries with only a couple of other Clans gaining a small foothold in the system.  Following the evacuation of the Ravens from the Homeworlds the Society had quickly gained dominance over the system and its population which were huddled in domes abandoned by the Ravens quickly turned their loyalties to the Society.
Fortunately for the remaining Clans some of the population still remained loyal to the structures which had led the world and hated what the Society represented and that opened up opportunities for the Blood Spirits and Goliath Scorpions.  The Blood Spirits did most of the heavy lifting in the resistance battle against Society but it was time for the Goliath Scorpions to do their duty.  Star Colonel Ezell Djerassi was older than most warriors in the Clan and he had volunteered for this mission, it was a suicide mission, he wanted to die as a warrior all of the others in his command had agreed to the price as well.  Should fail they would be dead the Society wouldn’t be looking to taking prisoners and even if they succeed in their mission there was no DropShip waiting to evacuate them, they would be stranded in this dome with only the tainted atmosphere outside.  Unfortunately, in an effort to gain retribution against the Clans the Society would likely vent the dome to ensure they all died all of his twenty-five warriors accepted that should they be victorious then they would pick another target and carry on until the last of them were dead.  There were almost as many volunteers who had picked up a rifle to support them, those that had already betrayed the Society to help them get onto this world, he had cautioned them all that they should be ready to die when the time came.

“All units be ready” he communicated using his star’s dedicated channel to talk to the entire unit.  It was a risk for them to speak but he had to take a chance.  The strike force was deployed in several buildings near a main access route to the centre of town.  The multi-story office buildings and accommodation had for the most part been abandoned when the Snow Ravens left the homeworlds but there were some people still there who would be unfortunate collateral damage.  It wasn’t Ezell’s job to safeguard the civilians in the area only to kill members of the society.

The Society convoy moved onto the end of the street a single Septicemia OmniMech led several ground vehicles onto the road.  Walking alongside one of the vehicles stood a Cephalus OmniMech while a Sprite and two Hobgoblin ultra-class ProtoMechs rounded out the escort.

“Targets in sight, the civilian vehicles are our primary” Ezell said flexing his right hand inside his Surat Battle Armour suit Ezell waited around him hidden in the buildings and on the ground in the area his people laid in wait.  Trying to gain more information he zoomed in on the targets and saw one piece of detail which was important for this plan to work.  “The Cephalus is in its primary configuration, no missiles on the vehicles!”  He warned seeing no weapons on the Mech the pilot was there simply to defend the vehicles.  “Target the Septicemia with all our missiles.”  He commanded “everyone else converges on the vehicles before the ProtoMechs can react!”

The change in orders was coming late but each of his warriors had served for more than a dozen years and they all knew how to adapt; it was how they had survived this long.  As the Septicemia stepped into the kill zone the Clansmen waited for his command.  “IN THE NAME OF KERENSKY!”  Ezell screamed at the top of his lungs smashing his Surat out of the building he’d been hidden in.  The Surat had been built in the Inner Sphere originally, it had been purchased or captured and taken back to the homeworlds as Isorla.  The Goliath Scorpions had armed it with a Heavy Small Laser and Ezell was a deadly shot with it, as soon as he was clear from the building, he triggered the weapon targeting one of the ground cars near the Cephalus burning a hole through the front driver door of the vehicle disabling it at least temporarily.  Off to his right the Septicemia pilot reacted to the attack twisting their Mech’s torso to the left and eight machine guns opened up together in fire spraying the building with streams of led.  Many of the volunteers who had stepped up to support the Scorpions were cut down in a hail of fire.  Two of the Septicemia’s Plasma Cannons targeted the building attempting to burn it down around the remaining Scorpions who were inside but as it fired the remaining missile armed Scorpions targeted the medium OmniMech with half a dozen inferno tipped short range missiles firing from different directions and elevations the pilot had no chance of avoiding them all and at least four of the missiles struck home.  The anti-armour warheads on each missile was armed with napalm-like inferno jelly which exploded moments before hitting their targets covering the OmniMech in fire.

“While that murder monster is distracted target the vehicles!”  Ezell ordered as a pair of troopers ran past him each was armoured in in Resgate Power Armour which was normally used by emergency services but had been dragooned into service to assist the Clans.  Both were armed with heavy pulse rifles and they blazed away with their weapons at the vehicles before being struck down by a hair of long-range missiles from the Sprite ProtoMech.  “We do not have long” he said jumping his suit up onto the top of a waiting vehicle he punched out with the battle claw encased left arm punching a hole in the top of the vehicle before bathing the inside of the vehicle with heavy laser and small arms fire.  All around them troopers were dying the still on fire Septicemia continued to fire its machine guns wildly while the Cephalus lacking weapons or arms attempted to stand on the infantry troopers.

Another shock wave of explosions struck the Septicemia as another salvo of inferno missiles were fired down on the stricken OmniMech causing even more fire and heat build up onboard the OmniMech.  Inside the fifty-five-ton OmniMech its machine gun and plasma cannon rounds cooked off under the huge heat build-up and exploded.  The OmniMechs specially built chassis attempted to vent the explosion away from the OmniMech’s critical systems but there was simply too much damage and fire caused by the ten inferno missiles which had struck it.  The Septicemia pilot attempted to keep their OmniMech standing but there was little they could do Ezell couldn’t imagine the heat onboard the Mech as it staggered across the street-turned-battlefield into the same building Ezell had hidden in and exploded as its fusion engine let go.

A fusion engine expoding was not like a nuclear bomb, despite what many civilians thought, instead it was more like a serious overload.  It was easily strong enough to damage armour plate on units too close to the explosion or kill anyone unlucky enough to be in the blast radius.  It was also strong enough to damage a building.  As the explosion rippled through the building above shattering the glass façade of that building and every other nearby showing the battlefield in glass and parts of the building as they rained down on top of them.

“Anyone still standing continue to target the vehicles!”  Ezell shouted as class showered his suit the glass was no danger to him but deadly to any of the remaining infantry.  “Anyone with missiles target the ProtoMechs hold them back!”  He said as another volley of missiles flew in from the three ProtoMechs.  “They should have closed on us!”  Ezell commented although the Sprite was designed to support the two lighter Hobgoblins could have done serious damage in closer Ezell guessed their attacks on the Septicemia had killed their commander which would explain the hesitation.
Taking advantage of their lack of action and the Cephalus inability to deal ranged damage he jumped his Surat from vehicle to vehicle using his suit’s jump jets landing on another vehicle he repeated his tactic punching the roof then reaching in with his weapon arm.  He felt a shotgun blasting back against his Surat but there was no threat of damage from it and Ezell continued to fire his weapons into the vehicle.

“Osteon!”  Someone shouted Ezell glanced up, at his HUD and saw the OmniMech which had arrived to support the three ProtoMechs which was the last thing he did.  The Osteon was an assault class OmniMech and it bathed the battlefield in heavy pulse laser fire.  One of the bursts slammed into Ezell’s Surat overwhelming the armour which had protected him until now.  The energy pulse blast entered his suit and burned through his body in half a dozen places at once killing him instantly.

With the Osteon’s arrival the battle was over the eighty-five-ton machine marched into the middle of the street gunning down Goliath Scorpion soldiers and civilians alike in a ferocious display of firepower.  Dozens of on lookers were caught in the rampage of destruction laid down by the Osteon as it secured the area along with the three ProtoMechs which now with leadership returned were also making up for their lackluster performance.  The battle was over but the attack had achieved its objectives and a leading bio-chemist working for the Society was dead.  In the coming days a purge of the habitation dome began with dozens lined up and shot by Society enforcers, they stopped short of venting the dome completely but the message had been sent.

Council of the Clans
Hall of the Clans, City of Andrey
Tukayyid, Clan Territory Inner Sphere
28th December 3115

   Another Council of the Clan leadership had begun on Tukayyid in the Hall of the Clans with at least one Khan from each of the ten member Clans present arranged in a circle with the Loremaster of the Clans included in their own place.  The room was large enough that should the Council ever expand then the circle could grow without a second circle needing to form.  On the furthest wall of the room the flags of twenty Clans hung, nineteen original Clans and one newly formed one Clan Lynx.  The twentieth original Clan, the not-named Clan’s flag was missing from the room entirely.  Other than the tables and the flags the only other thing in the room was a holotank in the middle of the tables as it was presently not in use it just looked like any of the other tables.

The more the Clans met on Tukayyid the more it felt like a home for the Council, at least until the Clans returned to Terra.  Loremaster of the Clans Sandra Ward stood at her table dressed in the ceremonial leathers of her parent Wolf Clan.  “I am Sandra Ward, Loremaster of the Clans, I call today's council into session.  Clan Sea Fox has the floor.”  She said from Sea Fox stand Khan Evangeline Clarke stood, she too wore the ceremonial uniform of the Sea Fox Clan which was a dark navy jumpsuit with highlights across the torso and arm of Sea Fox fur.

   “I am Khan Evangeline Clarke the leader of Clan Sea Fox.”  She began formally “and today I bring something which effects us all.”  She said glancing around the room “when the Clans were formed there were twenty of us, which the Founder created from the Great Father’s Star League army.  Now there are ten of us, ten Clans remain half of our original number.  Those Clans that have fallen were not strong enough to remain part of our number, but the Founder left the door open for new Clans to join the fold which we have embraced by welcoming Clan Lynx and allowing the reformed Clan Fire Mandrill to rejoin this council.”  She said glancing around the room, most members of the council scoffed at those Clans that had fallen others within the council still looked down on the Lynx and Fire Mandills for their junior status in the council.  “Today, I bring information to this Council of a rise of another Clan.”  She said wondering how many others had heard of what she was about to mention.  “Clan Smoke Jaguar has been reborn inside the Free Worlds League.”

   “Clan Smoke Jaguar…”  Jana Pryde began pausing for a moment before speaking “Clan Smoke Jaguar died at the hands of the Inner Sphere, they are not worthy of a place in this Council.”

   “Clan Smoke Jaguar survived when everyone else wrote them off.”  Clarke said “elements of their Clan have settled in the Free Worlds League and their Clan has begun to flourish.  Clan Sea Fox have been in direct contact with them and traded with them.  We were treated as Clansmen should be and they fought several trials against my warriors all of them fought as we would expect with honour.”

   “You said they are within the Free Worlds League?  The hold no territory of their own?”  Khan Canin Rosse of the Nova Cats asked, he was the oldest Khan present but his voice was strong and he was ready to meet any challengers.  The Nova Cats and Smoke Jaguars had a troubled past but Rosse was known as a fair individual.

   “Aff, they presently command the District of Lesnovo within the Free Worlds League.  Khan Petra Furey, a freeborn of a member of the Furey Bloodhouse, has risen to command the area from within the structures that governs the Free Worlds League.”  Clarke explained

   “So, they are subservient to barbarians.”  Jana Pryde pointed out.

   “I will not answer for the Smoke Jagaurs, nor their actions since their fall.”  She answered refusing to speak for the Clan.  “I only wish to make this council aware that their forces exist.  If we have questions, they should be asked to the Smoke Jaguar Clan, Quiaff?”  She asked calling on any of them to challenge her. Clarke noted that none of the members of the council challenged her on her use of the term Clan to describe these descendants of the Smoke Jaguars.

   “I believe that we should send a fact-finding mission.”  The Snow Raven Khan Vir Sukhanov suggested.  “Already we have accepted that the Ghost Bear, Sea Fox, Fire Mandrill and Snow Raven Clans are part of this Council and yet have… different relationships with the Inner Sphere than others.  It would appear that the Smoke Jaguars have found their own way to survival and are flourishing as the Founder desired for each of his Clans.”

   “And what will be learned that a group of freebirths now believe that they are a Clan, so we will make them a Clan?  I say Neg, they may be Clan in their own minds but they did not come from us.”  Jana Pryde said angrily around the table the Hell’s Horses leaders and Wolf leaders nodded in agreement, all three still believed that the Inner Sphere should be ruled by the Clans not worked with.  The Nova Cat, Lynx and Coyote leaders remained passive on the subject.

   “Clan Sea Fox traded iron-womb technology to the Jaguars.”  Clarke said lighting the fire that could not be extinguished.  Already my Watch have confirmed the Jaguars are creating new genetic legacies for their future warriors.”
   “Technology and genes of free----births… mean nothing.”  Khan Sepp Heller of Clan Coyote said simply entering the debate.  The mechanical screech of his artificial voice box breaking through the growing argument.

   “We all originally came from the genes of freebirths.”  Khan Angela Bekker of the Ghost Bears said she was a short woman with her hair slowly turning grey as she aged.  “I support Khan Sukhanov’s suggestion Loremaster of the Clans the Ebon Guard is neutral within our numbers, I propose we send a Cluster to investigate.”

   “The warriors of the Ebon Guard are capable of such a task.”  Ward confirmed “but this Council not the Ebon Guard speak for us.  I will only command the Ebon Guard to travel to meet these Smoke Jaguars on the order of this Council.”
   “I vote we send them.”  Clarke said standing at her desk to support the idea.  “And I will offer to provide a trade JumpShip circuit through the Inner Sphere to bring the Ebon Guard to their destination.”

   “As do I” Vir Sukhanov agreed also standing, with two votes the issue now would be vote on by all of the present Khans.”

   “I vote no.  If and I stress the word IF they are ever to join us it should be by their own choice and their own feats.  Not because we invite them.”  Khan Jana Pryde stated angrily.

   “I agree with the Falcons, no.”  Khan Teresia Cooper of the Hell’s Horses stated without expanding further the Elemental warrior refused to stand remaining seated at her desk.

   “I vote yes, my Clan has flourished in the Rim Collection and yearly my people are becoming the dominant force on the Lyran Periphery.” Khan Jordan Truscott the leader of the Fire Mandrills said.  “It would appear the Smoke Jaguars are doing the same, we should acknowledge their survival…”

   “My Clan barely acknowledges your existence.”  Khan Cade Kell of Clan Wolf said dismissing Truscott’s comments.  The Fire Mandrills had been accepted into this council simply because they were the last members of Clan Fire Mandrill and they had the last elements of the Serpent Clans as well, after the destruction wrought on the Clans by the Serpents attack seeing the destruction of yet more Clansmen by refusing them council did not seem right.

Kell himself had once been on the outside of this council in a Clan which was formed outside the Founders plans.  He had been born as a Trueborn to Clan Wolf (in-Exile) and was the first of Phelan Kell’s descendants to claim the Bloodname, he understood some of what the Smoke Jaguars may be feeling but also he saw the benefits of having them back in the fold. “I vote yes” he said glancing at Jana Pryde with a smirk he knew his Clan was in the premier spot to strike at Terra when the time came having a Smoke Jaguar Clan at his back taking over the Free Worlds League could potentially make that easier for the Wolves.

   “I also vote yes” Khan Canin Rosse said standing surprising many who had thought the Nova Cats would stand to keep their once rivals away from the council.  “None of us are what we were in the past.”

   “I also vote… yes” Sepp Heller said joining the yes votes.  With six votes to three the votes were cast for an expedition to be sent to the Smoke Jaguars.”

   “I have six Clusters of warriors based on Tukayyid, they will trial and a Cluster will be sent to meet with the Smoke Jaguars as is the will of this council.” Sandra Ward announced once the vote had been tallied.  “Are there any other votes to be called today?”  Until now Jordan Truscott of the Fire Mandrills had been tempted to mention the Stone Spirits in the periphery and how they desired to return to the fold as well, but today was not the day for that call and instead he kept his own council.

In the coming two weeks further meetings would be held between the Clan leaders and Trials would be fought between the various Clans present.  In an act of vengeance against the Jade Falcons both Clan Lynx and Fire Mandrill launched harvest Trials against the Jade Falcons with the Lynx Clan absorbing an entire cluster of warriors from the Jade Falcons.  Trade deals and other agreements were made between the Clans ensuring they all knew where the others stood.  While the current Council of the Clans was not a war council it did mean that all of the Clans remained on the same sheet of paper understanding where each stood.
New Years Eve Trials of Position
Clan Wolf Territory, City of Skupo
Tukayyid, Clan Territory Inner Sphere
31st December 3115

   In the heart of the City of Skapo Clan Wolf warriors gathered for a Trial of Position.  The cities original inhabitants had been evacuated before the Battle of Tukayyid in 3052 and since then had barely returned, most not wishing to live on the front-lines facing the Clans.  When the system had been seized by the Rasalhague Dominion some ex-patriots from the old Free Rasalhague Republic had moved onto the worlds and taken up residency in what remained of the north quarter of Skupo.  When the world had been made an Independent Territory of the Clans more civilian castes from various different Clans had settled in the city.  In the centre of the city where the old City Hall had once stood, before Clan Wolf razed it to the ground following the loss of the Battle of Tukayyid, the building’s foundations were all that remained and these now played host to an unaugmented Trial of Position held by Clan Wolf.  During the Battle of Tukayyid the city had been one of the Wolves two targets and it had been claimed by the Clan so any Trials held here were special to the Wolves and would be remembered.

   In a brutal hand-to-hand battle between two Cluster commanders Alaric Ward, the commander of the Ninth Wolf Guard Cluster stood bloodied and bruised but victorious over the body of Star Colonel Ivan Ward of the 328th Assault Cluster.  In the battle the older Ivan Ward had refused to yield preferring to die in battle against another member of his Bloodhouse than remain as a Star Colonel leading to Alaric being forced to kill him.  Now in Galaxy Commander Alaric Ward would lead all of the Wolves Snarling Wolves Galaxy against the Star League Protectorate in the next round of battles which would begin soon.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1375 on: 22 September 2021, 05:30:37 »

McKenna Palace
City of McKenna, McKenna
District of McKenna, Free Worlds League
3rd January 3116

Sat on the throne of McKenna in the room once occupied by her father Duchess Saadia Cameron-Jones was dressed in a Marik purple gown which was lined around the edges with a thick black strip of mourning.  Her make up was likewise muted and with no colour visible against her dark skin while her blonde hair was tied back away from her face as she turned to face the waiting Tri-vid camera.  Beside her to one side stood her daughters twenty-two-year-old Captain Anita Cameron-Jones and sixteen-year-old Rene Cameron-Jones missing was her twenty-year-old son Caden Cameron-Jones who was presently with his regiment the First Cameron-Jones House Guard on Regulus.  She had asked him to travel to McKenna but he had refused and said his place was with his regiment she would miss her son but today needed to happen for her own sanity as well as the safety of her daughters.

“People of the Free Worlds League I am Duchess Saadia Cheynov, the Duchess of McKenna” she announced she’d kept this change a secret from everyone including her closest advisors and children for maximum impact.  “My father was Felipe Cheynov the true Duke of McKenna.”  She said pausing to allow that to sink in for a moment before speaking again.  She knew her worlds would be carried across McKenna live and it would reach the other worlds of the Free Worlds League over the next few days.  It would be weeks before her words crossed the Inner Sphere but soon everyone would know of this change.  “Today for the good of my people and for my children I am announcing my divorce from Duke Lester Cameron-Jones and the secession of the McKenna system from the District of Regulus effective immediately.  Lester Cameron-Jones is an evil man who murdered my father when his forces invaded the world of McKenna, he was not a casualty of war as my husband reported to the people.  He was murdered and placed in rigged-BattleMech which exploded under him.”  She said pausing again she knew the editors would be playing the video clip of two men dragging her father’s already dead body into his BattleMaster before leaving him onboard the powering up assault Mech.  Moments later two Wasp BattleMechs burst into the courtyard and sprayed the BattleMaster with machine gun fire but instead of returning fire the BattleMaster exploded from within as charges placed throughout the Mech exploded in a what was supposed to look like a freak ammunition explosion.

“I hav kept my silence for the sake of my children and for the people of McKenna who Lester threatened with harsh treatment should I not cooperate.  Only now with my husband distracted have I been able to act.”  She said as the camera returned to her and her children “today I announce the formation of the District of McKenna which will include the worlds of McKenna, Sorunda, Ling, Second Chance, Gomelsa and New Delos.”  She said naming them New Delos would be a surprise it was officially a world of the District of Oriente but it had been swayed by her words to join the newly formed District.  “In an effort to protect them from the inevitable fallout from my actions I have assisted the systems of Bernardo, Holt Park Place and Ibstock in joining the Star League Protectorate, these worlds are loyal to a peaceful Free Worlds League and wish to be part of what I expect will be my ex-husband’s attempt at taking our worlds back by force.”  She said the loss of four systems to the Star League would win her no fans in the Free Worlds League but it would protect them from Lester’s actions in the future, it wasn’t a perfect choice but she thought in time she could perhaps persuade them to return to the fold.  “If Regulan forces come to the District of Regulus understand we will protect ourselves as of today I have signed a letter of intent to reactivate the First, Second and Third Atrean Dragoons Regiments bringing them back into the Army of the Free Worlds League ready to protect her borders from enemies foreign and domestic.”  She said the Third Atrean Dragoons had been inactive since the First Succession War while the First and Second regiments had been around more recently but were currently inactive on FWL District Rosters.

   Within days of the announcement Captain-General Robert Brett-Marik of Gibraltar, the current overall leader of the FWL parliament announces his support for McKenna and announces that the Eleventh Tamarind Militia, a brigade-sized combined arms formation, would be placed on loan to the District of McKenna as a peace keeping force to assist with the protection of the new District until its ow military were ready to protect all of its worlds.  In an effort to save face from Brett-Marik’s selfless actions and to spite the District of Regulus the Free Worlds League deploy all three recently formed Marik Protectors Regiments to the District of McKenna to support the peacekeeping effort, their first deployment off of Marik as a Free Worlds League unit.  For his part Duke Lester Cameron-Jones denies his wife’s accusations claiming the actions that resulted in her father’s death were made by officers who were no longer part of his chain of command.  It is believed that he does not order immediate military action due to the presence of the League peacekeeping forces.

Border conflict
Swartz, Albiero Prefecture
Military District of Pesht, Draconis Combine
8th January 3116

   In a seemingly combined assault, the Rasalhague Dominions and Clan Lynx launch assaults against the Albiero Prefecture of the Draconis Combine.  In a blitzkrieg assault the Rasalhague Dominion’s Rasalhague Galaxy awakens from its slumber and assaults the systems of Albiero, Sainsville and Schwartz.  Only in the Albiero system do they encounter heavy resistance from the Thirteenth Pesht Regulars and the WarShip DCS Taipan, a Inazuma II-class Corvette, the Bears answer the DCMS defence with the WarShip Rudigen, a Leviathan 2-class Battleship, which blows through the Corvette and its supporting defences barely even noticing the ship was there.  On the ground the elite First Rasalhague Bears Cluster outclass and out shoot the Pesht Regulars unit until they are forced to surrender.

   At the same time in complete coordination with the Rasalhague Dominion Clan Lynx strike at the backs of the Draconis Combine forces forcing their way onto the worlds of Virentofta, Staplefeld and Echo.  On both Echo and Staplefeld the Lynx forces encounter elements of the Seventeenth Pesht Regulars.  The Seventeenth was oversized for a Regulars unit and should really have been two separate units with each subdivision of the unit comprised of two each of BattleMech Battalions, Armour Battalions, Infantry Battalions and an aerospace wing each. The unit had been raised in strength to meet Clan Lynx head on and stem its invasion into the Draconis Combine keeping the Clan to the periphery.

   Meeting both formations of the Seventeenth Clan Lynx offer the unit a simple Trial of Possession over the two targeted worlds.  The samurai of both halves of the Seventeenth jump at the opportunity to meet the Clansmen in honourable combat and agree to fight within the constraints of Zellbrigen.  As is Clan tradition the Lynx commanders agree to transmit their pilot and BattleMech data to the Draconis Combine defenders so they could prepare for an open battle the next day.

As dawn breaks the two sides of the battlefield line up the Draconis Combine gain their first look at the Clan Lynx’s newest weapon of war the Bobcat OmniMech.  A forty-ton OmniMech capable of almost one hundred-and-twenty kilometres per hour and covered in Ferro Lamellor armour.  Capable of carrying fourteen-and-a-half tons of weapons and equipment the Lynx commanders include five different variants of the capable medium OmniMech to confuse DCMS lines and break down the defenders.  The Bobcat’s appearance is a complete surprise to the Draconis Combine Intelligence Services who did not believe that the Lynx possessed the capability of building such and advanced OmniMech.  This leads many to believe the OmniMech had originally been designed and built for another Clan and either won or traded for by the Lynx.  The OmniMech’s pointed and nearly hooked “nose” torso suggests that originally the Bobcat went by a different name and in the service of Clan Snow Raven.

In two short trials both Echo and Staplefeld fall to Clan Lynx and with them in effect the Draconis Combine loses all control over that area of its periphery border with Clan vessel able to traverse any system in the region unmolested.  Star League Defence Forces arrive in the Pesht District to support the defences but they are too late to stop the recent gains by Clan Lynx and the Rasalhague Dominion.  For the Lynx Clan it is a successful debut of their new OmniMech and another step towards legitimacy working with the Ghost Bears of the Rasalhague Dominion.

CIC SLS Gryphon (Otey Block II-class Battleship)
Fenwick Shipyards, Fenwick
Star League Protectorate
17th January 3116

   “Ex-Oh, have all ties cut and take us out of the shipyard one half gravity acceleration” Commodore Charles Roven the commander of the SLDF’s newest WarShip the SLS Gryphon said from his command chair in the middle of the wide expansive bridge.  All of the CIC crewmen were strapped into their chairs while the ship was not under any acceleration saving them from the need of dealing with the challenges of micro-gravity.  Charles Roven was Terran born and had served on several WarShips before being assigned to the newly built Battleship.

   “Casting off ties, bringing us out of spacedock, sir” Captain Brian Smith, the WarShip’s executive officer, responded like Roven he was Terran born and had served on several WarShips before joining the Gryphon.  He’d commanded a DropShip under Roven once before and had been picked for the position specifically by the Commodore the two fit each other like a glove.

   As their commands were passed out the Otey-class Battleship slipped clear of the shipyard and slowly into open space.  Once the one million and forty thousand tonne ship was at a distance of one hundred thousand kilometres the engines brought the ship up to one gravity of acceleration.  “Sir, ship has answered the call to one gravity of acceleration.”  Brian Smith reported from his chair on the right side of the CIC.  With this announcement Roven released the catches on his chair and stood up experiencing the artificial gravity created by the ship being under at fifty-two years of age Charles Roven always felt better when his ship was under acceleration.  Like the other members of the CIC crew, he wore the green Star League Defence Force duty uniform.

   “Very good, Major” he said smiling as Brian Smith joined him standing on the bridge both walked several steps ahead of the captain’s chair and stood beside the expansive holo-tank which dominated the long CIC.  Around them the crewmen were releasing their chair straps and enjoying a little more freedom in the gravity.

   “Time to put the Gryphon through her paces, have a course set for the Pathfinder Group.”  He ordered quickly and efficiently Smith passed out the orders and they felt the ship adjust course.

   “Intercept course set for Pathfinder, expected rendezvous in three hours.”  Smith said checking some of the data presented on the holotank.  Roven could read himself but it was good protocol for Smith to call out any changes in the vessel’s status.

“Our DropShips will join us at the rendezvous point. I want to practice with our new toys before we get there.  Have each fighter wing take turns attempting to break through the other and attack us.”

“Understood Captain, it will be a good test of the new system.”  Smith responded unlike the other Otey-class Battleships in the service with the SLDF the Gryphon had been upgraded with new technology.  While the vessel had the same cosmetic profile of the standard Otey-class which hid the vessel’s heritage, which was based on the Stefan Amaris-class Battleship, the cosmetic changes the Otey Block II had were only the start of it.  Inside the ship the heat sink capacity had been increased by another half, its fuel storage had been increased significantly, halfway along the hull two full decks had been added to the ship which increased its length by a dozen metres taking the vessel to sixteen hundred-and-twenty-five metres in length packed into these decks were additional computers and servers supporting the ship’s operations.  The ship’s armour profile and coverage remained unchanged but half of the conventional pulse lasers had been replaced with laser based anti-missile systems providing superior coverage all around the ship.  While four screen launchers had also been added to the vessels defensive armament further enhancing the vessels defensive capabilities.  The new Otey II-class was still able to transport four DropShips and two wings of aerospace fighters but its small craft had been increased to eight craft from the previous six.  Four of these craft were general use craft which could be used in boarding actions, search and rescue or as support craft.  The remaining four were dedicated to a new class of craft which were currently unique to the Otey II-class and would give the ship additional capabilities.

“Yes, it will” Roven confirmed “Major, I want to make sure this system works before we get too far from spacedock.  Deploy Ancile craft.”

“Affirmative, sir.”  Smith replied the deployment of these ships were a prototype for all SLDF WarShips.  From half the way along the Gryphon’s hull four small craft deployed and quickly took up positions around the ship.  “Ancile deployment complete, all craft maintaining formation with Gryphon no change to ETA with Pathfinder Group.”  Smith reported the Ancile Point Defence Craft was a drone controlled “flying ball” which was designed to intercept incoming missiles targeted on the WarShip and engage those missiles with their massed anti-missile arrays the one-hundred-ton craft had no offensive armament at all.  They would enhance the Gryphon’s already impressive defensive armament while the WarShip was deployed in hostile conditions.

The Star League Navy wished to see how the Gryphon and her sister ships operated with the Ancile deployment before deploying a minimum of two of the small craft to every WarShip in the fleet.  Built on the world of Bryant the future of hundreds of jobs hung on the success of the deployment of the new craft.  Eventually the Ancile would also be sold to the member states of the Star League further improving the sales and giving shipyards work for years in refurbishments.

Rosice News Network
Dei Gratia, Rosice
Halfway Province, Lyran Commonwealth
22nd January 3116

   Live from the capitol city of Dei Gratia the Rosice News Network screens lit up as the broadcasters spoke to the people of the world.  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Venla Nieminen, welcome to Rosice New Network’s Breaking Event” the middle-aged broadcaster said.  She had lightly coloured skin, blonde hair with blue eyes and delicate features, the stereotypical Lyran look.  She wore a dark blue “Steiner” business skirt and jacket with a white shirt which was open at the collar.  “Tonight, we bring you a news story which concerns us all.  According to reports which have begun to emerge a new virus has been discovered here on Rosice.  Sheridan?”  She said glancing over at her co-anchor.

   “Indeed” Sheridan Jansen her male co-anchor said.  He was more tanned than she was and he looked about ten years her senior with his dark hair beginning to go grey at the temples.  He wore a charcoal suit with a white shirt and blue tie.  “After first appearing in November last year the virus has reportedly spread across Rosice and displays with a discolouration of the skin, itchy rash and bleeding.  Should any of our viewers be experiencing any of these symptoms they should contact the emergency number displayed at the bottom of the screen.”  He said pausing

   “Rosice Medical are on the case working to protect us all from this new virus.  Health officials from Halfway have joined their colleagues here on Rosice and are ready to provide anyone sick of this virus with the best of care.”  Venla Nieminen finished off.  “At present officials from Rosice Medical do not know where this virus originated from but they have not ruled out that it has come from the weapons facility destroyed in a terrorist action by Democracy Now in September of last year.”  She said “thus far Lyran Military Command have refused to comment on what was being researched at the plant and only that they continue mop-up operations there and care for those who had been wounded.”

   “Separately Democracy Now have announced that their attack on a weapons facility on Rosice included no biological elements and that anything that may have caused the new virus came entirely from the facility themselves.”  Sheridan Jansen said taking over “Democracy Now have said that their actions were against the oppressive Steiner State and not against the people of Rosice or the Lyran Commonwealth.”

   Behind the news broadcast Lyran Health officials race to control the Rosice Virus spread.  The Virus itself seems to target specific genetic markers within the population and those infected appear to suffer shortly from the virus before bleeding out and dying rapidly.  By the time of the news broadcast over one thousand have died on Rosice.

Inner Sphere offensive
Clan Occupation Zones
28th January 3116

   In a combined offensive the Lyran Commonwealth, Star League Defence Force and several mercenary commands including two regiments of the Wolf’s Dragoons launch assaults against the Rasalhague Dominion, Hell’s Horses, Coyotes, Jade Falcons and Wolves.  By agreement from the Lyran leadership and with the Star League Defence Force all of the attacks are fought in accordance with Clan dueling laws known as Zellbrigen.  In each case except one these battles are fought exactly as planned leading to minimal casualties on both sides.

   In all the Inner Sphere forces successfully liberate Westerstede and Whittington from the Jade Falcons but fail to win the system of Halmyre Deans.  The Isle of Skyes forces and Wolf’s Dragoons Alpha Regiment liberate Edasich from the Hell’s Horses but fail to win on Eaton.  During the battle on Edasich the Isle of Skye’s Third Hesperus Guards are debuted against the Clan defenders.  While Korbin’s Kommandos fail to liberate Yedi Prior in their Trial of Possession against Clan Coyote.

   While the Isle of Skye’s Fourth and Fifth Hesperus Guards are seen in action against Clan Wolf along with several mercenary units no worlds change hands as the Wolves send them home back into the Isle of Skye missing several of their now used Defiance of Hesperus II products.

   The only battle to fail to adhere to the rules of Zellbrigen was the battle for Wing between Star League Defence Force troops and troops of the Ninth Wolf Guard Cluster.  Alaric Ward’s cluster minus their commander who had been on Tukayyid recently refuses to agree to a batchall with the SLDF troops and fight back against the First Knights Regiment of the Star League Defence Force.  Unable to match the ferocity of the attacking Wolves the Knights are sent back to Denebola to rethink their strategy.

Author note:  the Bobcat in canon is known as the Carrion Crow however with the Craven OmniMech already developed by the Ravens in this AU I moved the Carrion Crow's origin.

The Ancile was developed by Liam's Ghost and can be seen here:

I'll be posting the active units, WarShips and map in the next few days.  I hope you enjoy and as always and questions are welcome.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1376 on: 30 September 2021, 00:37:01 »
as always superb stuff, the insurgency in the Homeworlds section was harrowing and brilliantly written!
Ghost Bears: Cute and cuddly. Until you remember its a BLOODY BEAR!

Project Zhukov Fan AU TRO's and PDFs -

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1377 on: 01 October 2021, 03:33:13 »
Please see attached the much delayed Active WarShips and Units documents for January 3116.

And the map for the same period of time has been posted on OBT at the link below as it's too big for the forum here.

If anyone wants the map and isn't on OBT feel free to private message me and I'll email it to you (same with the units if you want.)
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

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Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1378 on: 02 November 2021, 06:37:43 »
Arise from your slumber timeline, ARISE!  End your long sleep...

Erm, not sure where that came from maybe because Halloween just passed and this timeline like Frankenstein's monster is Alive once more.

Absolute Truth, (Nightlord-class Battleship)
New Kent, Clan Homeworlds
5th February 3116

   High above the world of New Kent three WarShips led by the Absolute Truth continuously bombarded the planet below obliterating two clusters of the Goliath Scorpion Clan and a single cluster of the Blood Spirits.  For three weeks the two Clans had defended their holdings on the world from waves of Society enemies but finally the Society had resorted to orbital bombardment.

   Due to the lack of coordination with ground forces the WarShips were bombarding everything below them in an effort to finish Clan resistance on the world.  This escalation of the fighting reduces the size of both Clans and reduces New Kent to a world of ash.  The leader of Clan Blood Spirit Khan Alex Lassenem travels to the new capital of the Goliath Scorpions on the recently settled world of Arizona and meets with their leader Khan Freema Kirov.  The two agree that their new objective must be to reduce the capabilities of the Society’s WarShip maintenance and construction starting with the facilities around Tamaron and Strana Mechty.

Visitor Centre Renown
Victoria Commonality, Capellan Confederation
16th February 3116

   Following another wave of internal emigration, the Capellan Confederation announces new visitor centres on several worlds of its periphery borders near the world of Renown expanding their area of influence.  Again, like their previous movement these worlds had been inhabited but now have greater populations the moves into the periphery draws concerning views from the Magistracy of Canopus, Fronc Reaches and Taurian Concordat who have watched Capellan moves carefully.

Border Raiding
Marantha, Magistracy of Canopus
21st February 3116

   This was the McCoy’s Malcontents fifth raid in as many weeks and Captain Schuyler McCoy was feeling it his people hadn’t been home in two months and he was about ready to hang up his neurohelmet and take a break.  The most recent attack, which like the others were supported by the Free Worlds League, had targeted the world of Marantha where the Magistracy produced aerospace fighters.  The Malcontents had targeted an auxillary airfield quickly overwhelming the elements of the Fourth Canopian Light Horse and capturing four Lightning Aerospace Fighters which were now being packed up and prepared for travel along with several thousand tons of spare parts and ammunition all of which would be useful to the small unit.

   On the ground Schyler McCoy stood beside his customized Archer BattleMech its left arm mounted hatchet still buried deeply in the torso of a downed Canopian Eyleuka.  The fifty-five-ton BattleMech had been the last to fall at the airfield and the pilot had been captured alive following the battle.  Like others Schyler would give them a chance to prove their worth to his Malcontents if not they’d be cut off.  He thought watching as Stefanie Beas’ Fwltur SalvageMech walked into the frame along with a recently captured Shackleton ExplorationMech together the two Mech’s began to prize the Eyleuka off the Archer’s hatchet.

   Amanda Cavalcanti walked over to join him watching the two Mechs work she began to speak but he could barely hear her over the screeching of metal caused by the work of the two BattleMechs. He raised his hand and the two began to walk away from the salvage work. “You know that thing will be more trouble than it’s worth” she said looking at the downed medium Mech “the ex-el will be hard to repair, the small cockpit is uncomfortable and the gyro is tough to repair.”

“You’re in a good mood today” he said sarcastically she’d done well in battle destroying a brand new Capellan-built 5L variant of the Cataphract BattleMech which weighed in at ten tons heavier than her Griffin already from what he’d heard she was thinking about keeping the Mech as her own.  He decided that right now was not the time to mention that the Mech’s variable pulse lasers, extra light gyro and reflective armour would make it just as problematic as the downed Eyleuka.

“I’m tired, I’m also not sure what we’re going to do with the Lightnings which we don’t have pilots for or the repair bill we’re going to have after this little adventure.”  She said her passion for the unit filled him with pride since she’d been captured into the unit, much like the Eyleuka pilot had in this battle, Amanda was now a member of his command lance following the death of Hector Barbarosa on Vixen.

“The FWL should foot most of the repair bill, that was our agreement” he countered “you keeping the Cataphract?”

“I think so” she admitted, it had been a tough battle with its reflective armour reducing the effectiveness of her particle cannon she’d resorted to a physical attack from behind which had critically damaged the gyroscope of the enemy Mech.  The pilot had been captured but had so far refused to join the Malcontents.  “We received a communication meant for the airfield commander, it was in the clear so no need to decrypt, Tellman’s Mistake and Bayindir have been invaded by Magistracy forces the Fourth have orders to pack up and prepare to move.”

“The FWL are going to get their war.”  Schuyler said he knew his people had been hired in to ruffle the feathers of the Magistracy.  Fortunately, they hadn’t sent too many forces against them so far but he didn’t fancy taking them deeper into the periphery state.  This would be their last raid before heading home.

“Which could impact our payment.”  Amanda pointed out he reached out and squeezed her shoulder gently.

“We’ve got enough in salvage to make up for it.”  He said knowing the repair costs alone would probably cause issues “with what we’ve taken we should be able to refurbish a couple more of the hanger queens which are back on Whittington and it’ll set us up for our next move.”  He said she didn’t resist his continued touch so he wrapped his arm around her fully as they turned back towards the salvage Mechs which had separated his Archer from the downed Eyleuka.  “For now we’re going to head home before fighting fully erupts.”

   “Sounds good to get some peace and quiet” she said resting her head against his arm “for a bit anyway.”

   “We’ll see” he said continuing to hold her as the downed Magistracy BattleMech was dragged along the ground by the two salvage Mechs which were dragging it to the unit’s Mule-class DropShip.

Hiring Hall, Galatea Station
Galatea, Star League Protectorate
26th February 3116

   She’d never been on the dead planet below but Tassa Kay found the concept of Galatea station strange.  It had been built to provide mercenaries with a meeting place which she understood but why they didn’t just move the hiring halls from one planet to another bothered her, it seemed like it was such a waste.  Not that it played on her mind too much today she’d been busy formally breaking off her contract with the Crescent Hawks which were currently rebuilding on the station.

   The raids against Gibbs and Halmyre had cost the Hawks three MechWarriors but they’d salvaged two Jade Falcon BattleMechs which began to help offset their losses.  Aksel Youngblood had already decided that the unit would be going back to the Jade Falcon front as soon as possible, which was enough of an incentive for Tassa to break ranks and announce the termination of her membership in the unit.  Youngblood hadn’t been happy but he hadn’t tried to stop her which had freed her to look elsewhere.

   Now she was in one of the hiring halls on one of the huge gravity decks that circled Galatea station’s solid core.  The all of the gravity decks were a marvel of engineering with the internal facing sides of the decks made of reinforced transparent hull plating.  The outer side of the internal core was made the same way allowing crewmen to see inside the massive station from the gravity deck.  It was a strange set up but one Tassa could appreciate in a strange way the designers had tried to make the station feel bigger than it actually was, from what she understood there were plans to build an even bigger station in the system and try to rotate the entire structure to create a stable gravity field for everyone on board.  The hiring halls were all located on the gravity decks and they were little more than open bars for people ready to serve in mercenary units and prospective customers to meet and discuss terms.  She ordered a pint of Timbiqui Dark from the bar and searched out the man she’d come to meet Colonel Adam Wyld the commander of Wyld’s Jokers, she’d spoken to the man briefly through the “Link Network” which ran through the station and they’d agreed to meet here on gravity deck five, hall 6, McNasty’s Bar.  Adam had said “look for the most unusual hat and that will be me.”  He sounded eccentric but he also planned to head into the Free Worlds League which was exactly where she wanted to go.

   Walking through the crowd of warriors she finally saw someone that stood out and headed in his direction taking a sip of her beer as she did.  “Tassa Kay?”  He said looking up at her she stood out, and she knew it, she had long red hair, a black leather jacket and a tight black tank top which revealed far more of her mid-rift than was normally acceptable.  Her dress sense was intention she knew her looks made her desirable to men and women and she used that to her advantage.

   “Only if Adam Wyld is asking” she answered seeing the man fully he was older than she’d expected in his fifties at least with a long graying beard, he wore a dark brown jacket and true to form he wore a tall pointed hat, almost like he wanted to look like a wizard from one of those old fantasy stories.

   “It is I” he bellowed loudly raising his arms in a grand show as she sat down she noticed he had a child with him, so put off by his appearance she’d completely missed him.  She suddenly appreciated Adam Wyld a little bit more he was theatrical intentionally so, intending on putting off anyone he spoke to so they would miss judge him.

   “I understand you’re heading into the Free Worlds League?”  She asked getting straight to business “that’s where I want to go.  I’d like to sign on with you for the next six months and I’ll be willing to extend if it works out.”

   “It would be more worth your money if you signed on with us fully.”  He suggested as she drank more of her beer.

   “Neg… Negative” she said covering her stutter as she drank.  “Short term works better for me.  My BattleMech belongs to me, I will pay for any repairs it needs and I’ll take my own salvage should I desire it.  If the Jokers want what I claim you’ll pay me at 0.8 of basic price.”  She suggested offering them a discount on her salvage would help even if sacrificing what she captured would hurt the unit.

   “You’ll pay for the transport of anything “you” capture as well” Adam Wyld said “I won’t transport what you’re wanting for nothing.”

   “Agreed” she said drinking more

   “Then I think we can accommodate you.  Youngblood sent through your record I think you’ll fit in find.  One final question why leave the Hawks?”

   “Aksel Youngblood plans to poach for more Falcons, I want to hunt Wolves.”  She said smiling.

   “That I can work with young lady, welcome to Wyld’s Jokers.”  He said standing grandly waving his arms around and then reaching out with a massive hand now standing she could see Adam Wyld was a big man even without the tall pointed hat he stood at an impressive size.  Standing up gracefully Tassa met his hand and shook it firmly she smirked internally as she could see his wince having not expected her firmer grip.  Soon they’d leave this station and head after their first target.
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

Dragon Cat

  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 7833
  • Not Dead Until I Say So
Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (FULL) Part 2
« Reply #1379 on: 26 November 2021, 07:32:10 »
Next update

Fighting withdrawal
Wyatt, Thorin Administrative Area
Star League Protectorate
3rd March 3116

   The air over the world of Wyatt was full of aircraft of various shapes and sizes as the invasion continued.  Three days before the entirety of Clan Wolf’s Beta Galaxy supported by three WarShips had arrived in the system the Star League Navy had engaged them above but already the SLS Britannia and the SLS Surprise had been destroyed engaging the Wolves taking with them the WarShips Devastation and Principle.  Both the Principle and SLS Surprise had served in the original Star League Defence Force but after the fighting here neither the Aegis or Kigamure-class vessels would ever fight again.  Given their current courses the wreckage of Principle would likely impact with Wyatt’s moon in the next few hours while the Surprise would soon lose orbit unless the Wolves dealt with it before then.

   Now over the planet the SLS Venus faced off against the Wolf McKenna-class Battleship Ward’s Legacy both battleships were damaged from the fighting but they were operational giving the SLDF forces still on the planet a window to escape.  Below the WarShips in the atmosphere the battle for supremacy continued with aerospace fighters and DropShips dueling it out for control.  Despite the SLDF forces signalling their retreat the Wolves continued to attack and it was the aerospace forces job to hold them at bay.  Turning his Huscarl OmniFighter Captain Jeremy Kincaid-Cameron pulled behind a Broadsword DropShip with his wingman Lt Park ‘Petra’ Ye-seul close by off his port side “Petra, hit the port engines I’ll strike the starboard”

   “Understood” she said both aircraft hammered the enemy DropShip with their aircraft’s two ultra-type autocannons tearing open the rear armour of the small DropShip its engines showing heavy damage from the onslaught began to stutter off-line with the ship beginning to bank into a starboard turn.  From either side of the ship BattleMechs began throwing themselves clear of the doomed DropShip which had little chance of a controlled landing.

   “Nice kill, let’s find another one.”  Jeremy said banking off to the right with Petra following closely the fighters were specifically outfitted to strike down enemy DropShips and assault fighters but the sky had far more enemy craft than defenders.

   “Renegade Actual to all Renegade forces, Renegade One lift off in 3 minutes.  All forces rally on Renegade One.”  Colonel Jeremiah Rose called out to all his remaining forces Renegade One was their Command DropShip and the callsign of the DropShip’s command squadron.  All six remaining Renegade Command DropShips would be leaving Wyatt together.

   “We better be close by when they go up” Jeremy noted

   “Affirmative Shockwave, new target three-zero-three on tac-map.”  She called out Jeremy hated the callsign he’d earned on Vestallas fighting the Capellans following a loss to enemy fighters the shockwave of his exploding fighter had knocked him out, when he’d returned to duty the name had been painted on his locker, his fighter and his new uniform so he had a callsign whether he liked it or not.

   “Agreed, under over treatment?”  He asked her looking at the target it was a Wolf Union C Mech carrier.  Despite the SLDF’s heavy fighter screen covering their ground forces the Wolves still insisted on sending more and more enemies over their ground base.

   “Affirmative salvo the engines and the chrome dome should make them think twice.”  She said he noticed her fighter taking the lead.

   “Alright, Petra, I have your back.”  He said slipping the fighter slightly behind hers and onto her starboard wing the two seventy-five-ton aircraft flew in on the Union C tearing down its spheroid shaped hull they let loose a salvo of weapons fire buckling one of the Mechbay doors.  Several laser blasts impacted the underside of his Huscarl but the armour held as they reached the underside of the Union they both let off another salvo of weapons fire tearing into the ship’s engines.  Unlike the Broadsword this bigger DropShip would not be put off by a single strike instead the two Huscarls rolled over underneath the DropShip before climbing up around the DropShip again angling in on the chrome-colour painted top of the DropShip.

   As the two fighters approached the Union C for their third strike both were struck by a steady stream of autocannon fire which impacted both fighters.  “Break-off, Break-off!”  He called out seeing they’d been engaged by a pair of Goth OmniFighters the Union would have to wait.  “We need to get these guys before we can go near the DropShips.”

   “They have range on us but those cannons don’t like being fired often.”  She agreed as they saw the pair of Goth’s pursuing them autocannon fire continued to bracket the two Huscarls.

   “Take them low and fast keep moving and keep your spacing we don’t need them taking pot shots at one of us and hitting the other!”

   “Agreed” she answered the two Huscarls dived low across the SLDF base inviting MechWarriors to take shots at the Goths as they passed unfortunately the Renegade ground forces were busy keeping fighting off Wolf ground forces.  The Wolves Beta Galaxy were pushing them back at every turn for a moment Jeremy was tempted to switch to ground attack and help out the ground forces but then his Huscarl took a heavy jolt as one of the Goth’s struck home.  “Shockwave, you go over fast and I go under then a heavy lift!”  his wing called out ahead he saw what she meant there was a bridge which the ground pounders had put out of action hours before now it would serve as some useful terrain for the two Huscarls.

   The two aerospace fighters split as they approached the bridge with Jeremy heading over while Petra went under the bridge the two Goth’s did the same following their own individual targets but the two SLDF pilots had other ideas Jeremy poured on the speed keeping his course forward while Park slowed a little while going under, any pilot taking a seventy-five-ton aircraft under thirty metres in height would slow down.  But this also brought one of the Goth’s ahead of her craft as she sped under the bridge Park immediately angled upwards and triggered her autocannons the stream of fire cut through Jeremy’s flight path but his fighter had already passed by unlike the Goth which was just in the right position autocannon fire slammed into the bottom of the aircraft penetrating its armour causing an ammunition explosion which knocked the Goth out of the fight permanently the pilot ejecting from their stricken craft.

   Jeremy had also acted as Park as she’d fired on the Goth, he’d cut his fighter’s speed and banked heavily to the right turning his fighter in as tight a turn as was possible.  Because of his tight turn his fighter had lost height bringing him in line with the speeding Goth.  Unlike Park’s unsuspecting target this one could see him and it immediately opened fire with its paired cannons which had better reach than his own weapons.  Jeremy relied on his fighter’s armour and speed accelerating heavily back towards the Goth on a head-to-head pass he let rip with both autocannons and his medium pulse lasers as the range cut to near point-blank range.  There was little chance of the sixty-ton aerospace fighter surviving the onslaught with his heavy ballistic attack causing rippled explosions across the Goth’s fuselage and wings.  At the height the pilot was at they had no chance of a safe ejection but instead of having to ride the wreckage to the ground as one of the pulse lasers cut through the cockpit instantly incinerating the pilot.  One of the autocannons rounds then penetrated the ammunition storage causing a massive explosion which consumed the fighter.  At the speed he was travelling and with no way to clear the bridge on his current course Jeremy plowed through the explosion diving under the broken bridge.

   “Shockwave, you alright?” Park called out as Jeremy’s fighter flew back into clear air a moment or so later.

   “A little beat up, but I’ll manage another round or two.”

   “I was worried the shockwave from that explosion would take you out…”

   “Shut-up Park!”  Jeremy shouted back smiling as he did, she was trying to get under his skin and it was working.  “Let’s find another target.”

   “Renegade Actual to all commands Renegade One is airborne!  All aerospace fighters’ rendezvous in orbit.”
   “That’s our bug out call” Park said as the two Huscarls reunited flying towards their base, on the ground in among the broken vehicles and BattleMechs they could see an Outpost DropShip painted in the colours of Clan Wolf’s Beta Galaxy.

   “Tempting target” Jeremy said tilting his fighter’s wings at the Outpost considering an attack just as the doors began to open.

   “We won’t have the speed to catch up with the other Renegades” Park answered pulling the nose of her fighter towards the sky but maintaining formation “next time Shockwave.  We’ll be back.”

   “Count on it” he agreed giving up his desire to damage the Wolf ship and instead turning to follow the other retreating Renegades DropShips and fighters, the battle for Wyatt was over.  With the damage the command had taken the Northwind Renegades would be out of the fight for months meaning Jeremy had time to plan his revenge.

Terminal Nine
Expanded Region, Nova Cat’s Den
10th March 3116

   The Nova Cats complete their ninth Dominion Terminal space station which has been built in the Expanded Region of the Nova Cat’s Den between Terminal Four and the systems of Pegasi and Lucian.  The Nova Cats will use the station as part habitat, part way station to be used by the Clan as it supplies Pegasi with troops and other supplies.  The Terminal will also serve as a coordination point for mining operations in the system following the discovery of valuable materials on several of the larger asteroids in the system.  Already the Nova Cats had built mining operations in the system which provided work for nearly three thousand of the lower castes.

The initial Nova Cat plan had been to build two more of the Terminal type of space station between the Pegasi and Carcri systems and between the Carcri and Caphai systems but following the destruction of the Eigth terminal to Federated Suns hands and the loss of several WarShips during their recent campaign against the Succession State the Nova Cat leadership chooses to put resources into WarShip construction instead holding the Terminal project.

Trial of Possession
Nox, Clan Lynx Territory
Rasalhague Dominion
13th March 3116

In a Trial of Possession, the Seventh Nova Cat Roar Cluster of Clan Lynx’s Zeta Galaxy and engages the Eighth Bear Cuirassiers Cluster of the Rasalhague Dominion’s Polar Bear Assault Galaxy.  Fighting in open plains near the capital city of Bolsun the Lynx warriors use their speed to out-maneuver the Rasalhague Dominion forces deploying Elementals and Clan Standard Battle Armour suits in and around the Dominion’s lines.  With Lynx warriors swamping the Eighth’s lines the trial is over within an hour with the Seventh’s victory assured.  In celebration of the successes on Nox the Seventh changes its name to the Seventh Lynx Battle Cluster casting off its Nova Cat past embracing its place in the new Clan.

Battle of Donegal
Donegal, Lyran Commonwealth
19th March 3116

   The Lyran Commonwealth, Star League Defence Force and mercenary forces push Clan Jade Falcons out of the Donegal system but at with heavy losses.  Archon Jessica Steiner herself joins the invasion launching off of Tharkad commanding the invasion from the LCS Peter Steiner-Davion, an Indefatigable-class Battleship, she oversees the invasion of their former province capital.  As part of the forces the Grey Death Legion who are well experienced in recent Jade Falcon fighting are involved in the battle.  The Jade Falcons fight a stand-up battle in a Trial of Position which turns against them leading to the Clan accepting the offer of Hegira and retreating from the system.

   The victory in the Donegal system is a psychological victory for the Lyran Commonwealth but it costs them hundreds of men and women.  For the Jade Falcons the Clan lost several Cluster’s claiming Donegal but the push towards Tharkad appears to have been slowed and instead the Clan is turning its attention back towards the drive to Terra.

Trial of Possession
Shasta, District of Marik
Free Worlds League
20th March 3116

Star Colonel Darnel Tseng stood victorious on the Battlefield still suited in his Elemental Battle Armour suit as Clan Sea Fox seized control over the Shasta and Mundrabilla systems from the Free Worlds League.  Clan Sea Fox had trade embassys on the worlds for years and Tseng’s Khanate the Predators had chosen to expand their embassy to the whole world.  After a short battle the Sea Foxes had quickly obliterated the Marik Militia units remaining on the worlds seizing control of the two systems.

The frequency crackled to life “this is Star Colonel Perian Rodriguez of the Fifteenth Cruiser Cluster, prepare yourselves for battle.”  A female voice said Darnel looked up and saw an unknown BattleMech falling from the sky it looked like a Summoner OmniMech but it looked differently.  The Fifteenth Cruiser Cluster was part of the Starstrike Khanate which hadn’t been part of this battle.”

“This is Star Colonel Darnel Tseng my forces are victorious on Shashta it is now a Sea Fox holding.  Fifteenth Cruiser Cluster you may stand-down.  Quineg?”

“Neg, Star Colonel Tseng our battle is against your forces.  Our intention is to take this holding for the Starstrike Khanate.”

“Our forces have just completed a battle.  You would attack your own Clan in a Trial of Possession without allowing them to refit.  Where is the honour in that battle?”  Darnel asked watching the strange BattleMech land and unload a pulse laser, particle cannon and lasers on one of Darnel’s Mechs.  “I request a hold until our forces are prepared and a true Batchall can be held.”  Off to Darnels right he saw a fast-moving BattleMech he didn’t recoignize turning he saw it was a deep blue with green lines and stars, the colours of the Starstrike Khanate.  He let off his last two short range missiles at the target as he saw it open fire with a pulse laser and missiles against his troops.  Both of his missiles struck their target but the BattleMech’s armour barely looked damaged as it turned Darnel noticed the Mech had a strange double low-slung double-sided head and tall arms.  His battle computer said that it was named as a Hammerhead.  Before Darnel could even move the Mech unloaded another volley of short-range missiles several of which slammed into Darnel’s suit knocking the wind out of the Elemental as his suit flew backwards following the impact.  Looking up he tried to pick himself back up but the last thing Darnel saw was another pulse laser blast that illuminated Darnel’s suit and killed the Star Colonel inside.

Within an hour the Fifteenth Cruiser Cluster proclaimed victory seizing control of the trade zone on Shasta and the system beyond with the Fourty-second Combined Strike Cluster destroyed in the battle.  Fighting between two Khanates was not an uncommon thing, the Khanates were self contained factions of the Sea Fox Clan out to expand the Clan’s territory and secure the most resources by anyway necessary however the complete destruction of a Cluster and the lack of an honour trial are uncommon within inter-Clan battles.

Public announcement, Presidential Palace
Larkinge, Swartklip
Swartklip Protectorate
29th March 3116

   On a sunny mid summer day in the rose garden of the presidential palace on Swartklip in the Lyran Periphery region the assembled press from Swartklip, the nearby worlds, the Lyran Commonwealth and the Star League Protectorate had been invited for a meeting.  There it had been announced that the leadership of Swartklip, Elume, Sweet Water, Canal, Tsarahaven and Howick would be making an announcement along with members of the Star League Defence Force.  For several years now the SLDF had invested heavily in Swartklip the world now boasted an entire brigade of guard regiments, a permanent naval presence, an extensive training ranges on the ground and in space and a space station all of which had created jobs for the world.  The heavy SLDF presence in the system had brought support contracts for all of the nearby systems further creating a boom for the region.  The Lyran Commonwealth had sat back and reaped the rewards of this investment while citizens of the Star League Protectorate, who for the most part paid for the SLDF’s expansion, questioned why there was so much spent on a remote region.

   Today these questions and more were answered as the leaders of each of the six worlds filtered out President Bihr Huan the dark-skinned leader of Swartklip steeped forwards.  Generations ago his ancestors had been some of the first to settle on Swartklip forming part of the Indian population who resided on the world.  In the most recent planetary election Bihr had swept his opponents with a progressive and outward looking manifesto. “Ladies and gentlemen of the assembled press thank you for attending today, as you can see, I am joined by the assembled leadership of Elume, Sweet Water, Canal, Tsarahaven and Howick and by Fleet Admiral Anthony Fitzgerald, the commander of the Star League Defence Forces Navy.”  He said announcing everyone who was present.  “Today we are here to announce that Swartklip and the worlds nearby it have requested aid and protection from the Star League and we have been accepted.  As of this date our worlds will form a new Protectorate centred on Swartklip with myself serving as its first Protector-General.”  He said the announcement caused several of the reporters’ cameras to flash and it would be a moment beamed across the Inner Sphere.

   “All of our planetary forces will immediately be recognised as Star League Defence Force Guard regiments and will immediately be in line for additional support and an influx of personnel.  Each of our worlds will continue to build on the relationships we already have and continue to cooperate with our neighbours in the Lyran Commonwealth.  To the people of the Lyran nation we are not a breakaway state, we consider ourselves as loyal to you as we were yesterday, we just… need to stand up for ourselves and look at our future with the Clans upon us as they were upon other worlds in the past our worlds need more support and a presence that currently the Commonwealth cannot provide.”  He said recently all of the worlds had suffered heavily from raids by the Stone Spirits which although not officially recoignised as a Clan state it was heavily influenced by the Clan members who had formed it.  The Lyrans had provided the region with heavy support but the SLDF offered further protection and had placed a greater emphasis on providing the worlds with the equipment they needed and letting the locals do the job creating more local support for the SLDF instead of sending regiments from beyond the worlds.  The only heavy outside presence on Swartklip was the resting navy personnel which crewed the WarShips and Space Station in the system and they brought in credits from elsewhere which further stimulated Swartklip’s economy.

“We will of course extend all courtesies to the Lyran Commonwealth personnel stationed within our military units and on our worlds and will make arrangements to have them transferred to other stations should they desire.”  He said extending the olive branch for the most part their planetary defence forces would be made up of personnel from their own worlds but there would be those from beyond their borders who had been assigned to a backwater posting who may wish to still be remain within the Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces.  There were also civilians who were employed directly by agencies that were based throughout the Lyran realm who may not wish to move their employment into another nations area of influence.
« Last Edit: 26 November 2021, 07:40:45 by Dragon Cat »
My three main Alternate Timeline with Thanks fan-fiction threads are in the links below. I'm always open to suggestions or additions to be incorporated so if you feel you wish to add something feel free. There's non-canon units, equipment, people, events, erm... Solar Systems spread throughout so please enjoy,20515.0.html - Part 1,52013.0.html - Part 2,79196.0.html - Part 3

