Author Topic: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!  (Read 225121 times)


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #510 on: 16 February 2016, 03:04:27 »
Alright, I opened up my copy of the Wars of Reaving to the part where Étienne starts rebelling. Saw a few things worth sharing.

Our first atrocity happens on Parakolia: Khan Marthe Pryde orders the destruction of a dome city containing 14 million civilian hostages, all because certain inhabitants *could* be carrying an airborne virus. (p.100, WoR)

The eradication of the Scientist Caste, and how many scientists were killed regardless of any actual proof, gets detailed on p. 103. The Society might have been an issue, but you have to wonder how many innocent people got caught in the crossfire.

Then page 108 talks about how the Watch was given full reign to kill anyone suspected of being an intelligence agent, "regardless of affiliation of pleas of innocence", and how "a brutal crackdown on intellectuals and media...cut a bloody swath".

Etc. etc.

So. The Falcons originally gave their civilians certain liberties when compared to other Clans, liberties that a core of scientists fully exploited. The Falcons tried cracking down on the scientists, but that earned them the ire of their "new" majoritarily spheroid civilians. Obviously the Falcons couldn't allow that, so the Watch started offing those civilians as well. Then things started spiraling out of control until you have Khans getting assassinated and units like the Sokar getting built.

And that, right there, is how you go from being a "traditional" Clan that treats its lower castemen well, to a paranoid Clan that will do anything to keep the ruling caste in power. An evolution into their Dark Age selves comes to no surprise from that point on.
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #511 on: 16 February 2016, 03:18:17 »
Sorry Valaska I must agree with Kojak -  it's obvious that you either haven't read the books in question, have forgotten all the pertinent information or are distorting in your head what was written in the books.

(Wars of Reaving, Flight of the Falcon, Blood of the Isle, Rending of Falcons, Bonfire of Worlds, Field Manual 3145)

And not just Jihad and post-Jihad events either, there are considerable distortions in your pre-Jihad portrayals as well.
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #512 on: 16 February 2016, 03:30:38 »
... the destruction of a dome city containing 14 million civilian hostages ...

Quick correction (i think). The 14 million civilian hostages also included Valenti on the planet Waldorff - which was also in Etienne's hands at the time of his ultimatum - and I don't think we know how the population breaks down between the two cities.

But yeah, I think it would be safe to assume millions were killed by the Hawk Eye's bombardment.


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #513 on: 16 February 2016, 22:34:28 »
You guys still haven't gotten to Denizli, which had a body count of 4,000 before they started burning cities and hunting down anyone who hadn't already turned themselves in. Outside of the Society uprising, the Falcons supposedly destroyed the capital of Pasig with orbital bombardment in 3069. Dunno if we ever got confirmation on that.

And let's not forget the signature infantry unit for the Falcons in TRO3085 were anti-infantry cops. They sync up nicely with the Sokar.


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #514 on: 16 February 2016, 23:56:20 »
Alright, I opened up my copy of the Wars of Reaving to the part where Étienne starts rebelling. Saw a few things worth sharing.

Our first atrocity happens on Parakolia: Khan Marthe Pryde orders the destruction of a dome city containing 14 million civilian hostages, all because certain inhabitants *could* be carrying an airborne virus. (p.100, WoR)

The eradication of the Scientist Caste, and how many scientists were killed regardless of any actual proof, gets detailed on p. 103. The Society might have been an issue, but you have to wonder how many innocent people got caught in the crossfire.

Then page 108 talks about how the Watch was given full reign to kill anyone suspected of being an intelligence agent, "regardless of affiliation of pleas of innocence", and how "a brutal crackdown on intellectuals and media...cut a bloody swath".

Etc. etc.

So. The Falcons originally gave their civilians certain liberties when compared to other Clans, liberties that a core of scientists fully exploited. The Falcons tried cracking down on the scientists, but that earned them the ire of their "new" majoritarily spheroid civilians. Obviously the Falcons couldn't allow that, so the Watch started offing those civilians as well. Then things started spiraling out of control until you have Khans getting assassinated and units like the Sokar getting built.

And that, right there, is how you go from being a "traditional" Clan that treats its lower castemen well, to a paranoid Clan that will do anything to keep the ruling caste in power. An evolution into their Dark Age selves comes to no surprise from that point on.

Though cruel it sounded, the airborne virus was a big risk. It wasn't pretty business but that was done with reason, I disagree with how she went about it as surely isolating them and spending enough time working on the SLOT virus could have came up with a cure. But in the end they erred on the side of caution, it wasn't an act done out of glee.

The Scientists were targeted due to their connection to the society and trueborn's, not all were eradicated mind you, remember there were quite a few scientists still in trust such as Peri Watson, and it is also mentioned that any non-trueborn scientists sphere born, who had no to little contact with the trueborn scientists weren't targeted with investigation. The InnerSphere born scientists who did have contact with them were under investigation by Kael Perschaw and they were found colluding with Etienne. Can I say "No innocent scientists were harmed in the saving of this Clan" of course not, but the Falcons still had a scientist caste after the fact and still were capable of re-locating and resuming their sibko's.

It wasn't to just keep the ruling class in charge, The Society was threatening the lives of -every- trueborn warrior, and had all but eradicated entire blood houses. They moved about this systematically in every other clan save their loose allies, their opening moves in the war was to release the SLOT virus killing thousands upon thousands of soldiers. The Watch was fighting, literally, a terrorist organization which was threatening the very foundation of Clan society, much like today they were not willing to negotiate with these terrorists and they persecuted them with extreme prejudice. Kael Perschaw was so efficient that the Clan for the most part had no idea what was happening, its explained in that book (Its buried somewhere in boxes atm...) that the majority of Civilians and even Scientists had no idea what was going on. Most deaths looked accidental or like random murders.

And again, the Genetics program carried on after they ended The Society... At a horrible cost, but it wasn't a cost that they went into with glee. Other than Marthe laughing at Etienne's threat, which I mean it was laughable, a terrorist organization of scientists was threatening extremely hardened and trained warriors. I don't think anyone saw them doing the damage they ended up doing in the end.


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #515 on: 17 February 2016, 02:55:47 »
Peri was probably the most trusted of the caste, too bad she got whacked before even the Hellions showed up. Afterwards, the Falcons killed so many scientists that they had to trial the Wolves and Horses for more. Overall, Marthe Pryde was setting a pretty good precedent for Malvina, and her response to Society uprising in particular. Still wonder if it was Adam Steiner who gave the order to take her out.

Ignoring revisionism for a moment, what are some of the favorite Dark Age Falcon mechs on the tabletop? From previous discussions it sounds like there are a lot of good options. Do you like fast and jumpy like the bird mechs or going slower with extra guns like the Jupiter and Hel?


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #516 on: 17 February 2016, 10:06:25 »
Haven't really had a chance to try out any of the slow gunboats yet, but I really like the fast jumpers. They play very Falconlike to me, as they force the warrior to push his mobility and skill to the limit in order to stay alive long enough for the below-average firepower to get the job done. Plays a lot like an Invasion-era Thor, and is also why I've always been sad that the Gladiator was never a very common Falcon mech.

I especially like the ones with cluster weapons of any kind, as they allow an exceptionally skilled gunner to go for the quick and lethal kill with called high shots. High risk, high reward, just the way Falcons like 'em. :)
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #517 on: 17 February 2016, 12:42:20 »
And let's not forget the signature infantry unit for the Falcons in TRO3085 were anti-infantry cops. They sync up nicely with the Sokar.

Yeah, there are all kinds of little tidbits about this kind of direction. A telling bit from FM:3085 ...

Lambda Solahma often acts as opposition force and shepherds the sibkin on off-world training expeditions against Clan Hell's Horses. The Second Falcon Swoop Cluster used to have this role, but has been moved on to Erewhon after displaying conduct unbecoming of the Clan in front of the sibkin while performing an anti-insurgent sweep. As Erewhon was a former hotbed of insurgent activity, it is hoped that the Second Swoop's "talents" will be of some use.


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #518 on: 17 February 2016, 14:36:22 »
I've given a few of the new units some testing. A few thoughts (hardly comprehensive):

Eyrie: Nastier than it looks at a glance. Quick, agile, harasses at long ranges but closes fast to deliver wicked laser and ATM fire- and the talons are an unexpected finishing move. Very impressive design- not perfect, but very useful, particularly when it has fire support from...

Gyrfalcon: It's like the old Rifleman is reborn, but with incredible range, great mobility, and heat dissipation. So, nothing like the Rifleman, I guess. Still, hitting with four guns past 24 hexes, that's pretty serious stuff- and able to keep hopping backwards to hold the range, no less.

Jade Hawk: Like the Eyrie on steroids. Hard to think of a design to compare it to- it's more like the Tazmanian Devil from cartoons. Get close and just start whirling death in all directions. Needs support or broken terrain to be effective, but very nasty if it can get close.

Shrike: In many ways the least impressive of the new 'big four'. Works a lot like the old Executioner actually- jumps further, lacks the headcapper (seriously guys, Ultra-5s?), but remarkably cool-running. Tough cookies for sure- great command unit for a Star.

Hel: HUGE fan. Surprise. All three models have been fun, but the B (yes, the Hel-B, screw you) in particular has been fun to use. Battle armor are a bigger threat in the Dark Age than ever before- what better way to tell them to go away than a howitzer round or two?

Thor II: Tough to argue with an upgrade to my favorite all-time Mech. But, in true Thor fashion, some configurations make strange pod choices. When it's on, it's a marvel. When it isn't... it's as frustrating as its predecessor can be.

Jupiter: Beef. Just... beef. Again with the Ultra-5s, but with four of them chattering you can forgive it a little. Hits hard at long ranges, but runs awfully warm- tough to make brackets when all eight weapons are long range oriented. I'm biased in favor of the Jup-3, but it's a great machine for chattering away with a hell of a ballistic punch.

Thunderbolt IIC: ...I want to like this. But it just runs too hot- those lasers are too much, replacing them with ERs would help a ton. But the Streak rack is nice, for sure. Sadly, one of the worst minis in a long time.  :-\
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #519 on: 18 February 2016, 03:09:57 »
I've seen a reposed Thunderbolt IIC that didn't look terrible, but it still lacking compared to the artwork. I feel the same way about the Onager's mini. Some sawing and sculpting can fix some of the problems, but not everything.

Glad to see more comments on how to use the bird mechs. Many seemed undergunned to me, but it looks like some Falcon finesse and persistence is called for. The Gyrfalcon 4 caught my eye, purely for the twin TSEMPs

The Shadow Cat II looks a little unimaginative, but now I'm starting to see the potential in its HAG-20. Any thoughts on it or the Battlemaster C?


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #520 on: 18 February 2016, 11:03:33 »
I've got mixed feelings about the Shadow Cat II. On the one hand, it's very clearly a jumper/sniper/harasser along the same lines as the Thor and the totem mechs. On the other, it really lacks armor even for a role that relies more on evading hits than surviving them. It's less like a second-line Thor, and more like a Hellbringer that happens to jump, except that it lacks the raw firepower that skilled Hellbringer pilots can use to end a fight before their mech falls apart. While many Clan Battlemechs are just as nasty as their Omni counterparts, I think the Shad II is truly meant to be second-rate crap, kinda like a Falcon-flavored Hunchback IIC. Come to think of it, the extremes of mobility and armor, plus the mix of ballistic, missile, and energy weaponry, means it could make a nice trainer mech, meant to instill good Falconlike habits in cadets so they don't smash up Thors or Gyrfalcons in stand-up fights.

The standard Shadow Cat II is very much a support unit, and thus works best in forces with a more relaxed opinion of zell, either because of second-line status, or Mongol leanings. Pair it with a hole-puncher like a Thunderbolt IIC and let the other guy do the heavy fighting while you finish things off. The cluster nature of its weapons also makes it ideally suited for stopping big tanks before they can get into range of your main force, always a good thing when you're sandwiched between the Lyrans and Hells Horses. The HAG also makes a pretty good AA gun.

The II-2 is pretty easy to figure out. Insane mobility plus an accurate energy main gun means you can jump/snipe/harass until the cows come home.

The II-3 is a lot like the II-2, though the SRM batteries add an interesting wrinkle. You now have the option for some really powerful critseeking or backstabbing salvos, though I strongly advise you to rely on your laser to open plenty of holes first, as you still don't have the armor to survive very long in close combat.

The II-4 is the closest the Shadow Cat II comes to a general purpose heavy mech, as the Gauss finally gives you the concentrated crunch this mech needs to actually take on another heavy mech solo, and even then you'll still need to rely on every maneuvering trick in the book to offset the ever-present lack of armor.
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #521 on: 18 February 2016, 13:53:44 »
First, Onager mini? Yeah, the prancing leg is awful, but fix that (and some cutting at the hip fixes it nicely into a walk), and the rest is REALLY nice. It's one of the better ones I've worked on recently, actually- I'll try to get a photo.

But, since I did miss a few:

Shadow Cat II: Just... meh. It's just not all that great really for the weight. It's not BAD, just not great. (Side note, building the Shadow Cat II to the dossier specified for the old Bannson's Raiders version in MWDA results in 1.5 tons of armor. Seriously. It's kind of funny). Makes for a pretty good element of a fire support star though- a couple of LRM racks to add to the fun, a HAG to tell enemy aircraft to back off... decent anyway.

Onager: It's a beast, no doubt, but... it's also a cautionary tale, much like the Karhu Prime. The ability to jump like a Thor? That's pretty impressive. That you invested that much weight to do it? Yeeeeeah... no. It's just painfully undergunned as a result of this choice- a switch to 3/5/3 unlocks mounds of weight to improve the design (upgrading those shoulder lasers to the Shrike's ER larges is a snazzy upgrade, and explains the first steps that lead from the Onager to the Shrike later), or if you really want to move faster just become 4/6/4. But as it is, this is a design that invests far too much mass into far too little result. As it is though, it's a handy unit as an urban nightmare machine, or as a bodyguard for long-range units like Gyrfalcons or Huey-tanks. Using one on the urban maps against an entire star of conventional forces is pretty entertaining.
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #522 on: 18 February 2016, 21:03:45 »
Interesting comment on the Shadow Cat II as a trainer. The weight also means the nestlings get some experience handling fast heavies that are common in the Touman.

Sounds like the Shrike is the better choice to its predecessor and worth the extra BV. The mild BV savings on the Onager and Shadow Cat II aren't really selling me either. I really like the Onager artwork, but even after fixing the ballet leg I'd want to adjust the claw arm, head, and maybe the SRM launchers. A lot of tweaking for an underwhelming mech. Might be worth proxying in the next CBT game though. Sadly I'm the only person in my group who uses combined arms, so the HAG isn't going to stop any vehicles. Also means I don't have any PBIs to brutally suppress with Sokars and Falcon cops.  :(


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #523 on: 18 February 2016, 21:08:01 »
If you don't care for the original Onager, try taking the Onager 2 for a spin. It's one of the hidden gems of 3145 NTNU.

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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #524 on: 19 February 2016, 17:09:10 »
The Eyrie is a horrible little beast made out of hatred that brings death to all it goes near. So I love it very much.

The Gyrfalcon is the world's most annoying thing.
« Last Edit: 19 February 2016, 20:57:52 by Deadborder »
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #525 on: 23 February 2016, 02:20:06 »
Took the Onager for a spin this weekend and it really feels like a garrison mech. The bulk of the pulse lasers are more anti-infantry weapons and the standard SRMs make nice with alternate ammunition. Bringing Infernos helped my opponent kill his own Dervish. Didn't really leverage the jumping as much as I should have, and the thing could really use more MPLs to factor in the loss of accuracy. If facing massed hordes of infantry, the Onager might work nicely with the Sokars and CJF anti-infantry coppers.

For the game I paired it with a Battlemaster C, which is a brute. Plays like a regular Battlemaster hopped up on Clan tech, so no real surprises there. Though the TC+MPLs left a munchy aftertaste.

Dunno if I'm going to try the Onager 2 anytime soon. Got a funny look when I described how HarJel of Regeneration worked.


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #526 on: 23 February 2016, 09:30:19 »
Interesting...I've been slowly putting together a collection of third-line Falcon units to run as a Watch group meant to be used against civilian riots, insurrections, and pirates, and your description makes it sound like an Onager could work well here. It would provide a Big and Scary for intimidation purposes, and it sounds like that weapons load would be good against armored and unarmored units alike.
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #527 on: 23 February 2016, 10:17:01 »
Interesting...I've been slowly putting together a collection of third-line Falcon units to run as a Watch group meant to be used against civilian riots, insurrections, and pirates, and your description makes it sound like an Onager could work well here. It would provide a Big and Scary for intimidation purposes, and it sounds like that weapons load would be good against armored and unarmored units alike.

It's very pricey for a role like that, but otherwise you're absolutely right. Call it the Star Captain perhaps? It's also made easier to justify by pointing out that the Onager's being replaced eventually by the Shrike means that spare Onagers might be relegated to second-rate duties, of course.
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #528 on: 23 February 2016, 10:36:40 »
Bingo. It'll probably be the unit's XO, with the command ride being the Schatten that's been sitting half-finished on my desk for a couple years now.
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #529 on: 25 February 2016, 03:16:13 »
Interesting...I've been slowly putting together a collection of third-line Falcon units to run as a Watch group meant to be used against civilian riots, insurrections, and pirates, and your description makes it sound like an Onager could work well here. It would provide a Big and Scary for intimidation purposes, and it sounds like that weapons load would be good against armored and unarmored units alike.

The Onager soaked up fire fairly well, doing its share of intimidation. The standard engine and Clan CASE helps play zombie, and the IJJs should add decent responsiveness. Kinda wish they had traded some of the HAG ammo for more pulse lasers, but the four tons are more practical from an endurance perspective.

If I may ask, how does the Schatten factor into the force? Battlefield intelligence features? Or just a great supervillain platform for old-fashioned mustache-twirling and maniacal laughter?


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #530 on: 25 February 2016, 10:13:00 »
Both, really. :)

The Schatten is an EXCELLENT counterinsurgency unit. Every time it overflies a map, it has nine 8+ rolls to detect each hidden unit on the board. The comm gear gives your whole force a +1 initiative. You can put two full Points of foot infantry(or one foot and one jump) in the cargo bay and drop them for quick snatches. The lasers can take out fleeing light vehicles, perform pinpoint antipersonnel strikes even in the middle of crowds(**** that rabble-rouser in particular!), or even strafe riots for a dramatic effect that doesn't actually kill that many Laborers. As far as airships go, it's actually very fast and tough. It costs less than 200 BV. And it has a huge underside, perfect for a bigass intimidating Falcon paint job.

And if you really want to get nasty, pair it with a Dixon or two, each capable of dropping Sokars and riot troops directly on top of a problem. >:D
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #531 on: 25 February 2016, 10:32:15 »
...i actually did just imagine it with this painted underneath (in green, of course):

"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #532 on: 27 February 2016, 18:44:58 »
Does anyone have the official PDF of the old Falcon Sourcebook? I don't have access to a scanner and I'm looking to get the exact green as shown on the 'Falcon Camo' colour insert.

Would anyone be able to post a screenshot of an unshadowed section of the Summoner or Elemental? The Elemental's shins/feet seem particularly suitable.



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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #533 on: 27 February 2016, 21:03:32 »
* No, FASA wasn't big on errata - ColBosch
* The Housebook series is from the 80's and is the foundation of Btech, the 80's heart wrapped in heavy metal that beats to this day - Sigma
* To sum it up: FASAnomics: By Cthulhu, for Cthulhu - Moonsword
* Because Battletech is a conspiracy by Habsburg & Bourbon pretenders - MadCapellan
* The Hellbringer is cool, either way. It's not cool because it's bad, it's cool because it's bad with balls - Nightsky
* It was a glorious time for people who felt that we didn't have enough Marauder variants - HABeas2, re "Empires Aflame"


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #534 on: 28 February 2016, 05:23:20 »
Thanks for going through the hassle.

I guess I'll have to get to a scanner ... the PDF is too far off the print version.


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #535 on: 07 April 2016, 12:49:04 »
Query, fellow emerald budgies.

Battle armor can ride Omnimechs, as we know, and for other situations battle armor can ride in style in such units as the Svantovit and Anhur (other treats like the Tyr are, sadly, not options for us. Mmmmmm, Tyrs.) However, while working on a Jihad-era force, I had a realization... Ironholds. Unless I'm mistaken (possible), they can't ride Omnis, particularly the assault version. That leaves me with a tough spot:

1) Leave them out of the formation completely. Sucks, because the firepower and toughness would be great to have for this force, but there's no good way to have them walk on their own, obviously, and pace an urban rapid-strike force like this (largest unit is a Gargoyle, all units 5/8 at least)

2) Accept APCs such as Svantovits into the force, in which case I'm using combat vehicles at a point where the Falcons are still saying "ewwww" at the idea of using tanks. I can attach Anhurs, but the vulnerability and the fact that they can't unload in mid-air like Elementals can is a huge drawback.

Am I stuck with Elementals/Afreets? Or are there options here that I'm not seeing?
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #536 on: 07 April 2016, 13:33:55 »
The only Omni that can carry Ironholds is the Kirghiz, dropping standard suits in a typical combat drop, or the upgunned models with BADCs. I suppose you could land the fighter on the battlefield if you don't want to drop them(and talk about your gun trucks once it's landed! :o ), but you lose your chance to play It's Raining Men over the coms. If you don't want to go aero, you're pretty stuck with second-line stuff.

I suppose you could use support vees, and have them declared noncombatants in your Batchall. Use them solely to go in and make their deposit, and since they're not properly military, they can be argued to be neither front nor second line.
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #537 on: 07 April 2016, 15:11:39 »
The problem is that this force isn't really intended for 'batchall'- this is more of a 'hello WoBbie' kind of force, and it's unlikely that the Falcons will offer zellbrigen- nor that the Word would follow it. So using trucks and such is probably not going to end well for this group. (If I was looking at the Horses, Hellions, even Steiner, I'd give it more thought, but here...)

And yes, I've always loved the Kirghiz-C for its Elemental-dump role. The Falcons don't use that bird much, but it turns out one can creat much the same setup with the Falcon-common Scytha if one wishes.  ^-^
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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #538 on: 07 April 2016, 16:12:25 »
Yeah, that's kinda the problem with Assault BA, there's no easy way to transport them (see the notable pilot entries in TRO3150 for the Fusilier and JI2A1 Attack APC for one way I came up with to lug them around, Prey Seeker is also part of that unit).

For the Falcons, during the Jihad, according to the MUL your options are the Indra, Svantovit, Anhur, and Clan Maxim. After the Jihad the Falcons gain the Ku "Turhan II", MHI Amphibious APC, and Cardinal Transport.

In Clan combat Assault BA are basically only defensive unit, unless you devote the APC/Transport units to move them. The IS forces have fewer Omnis so they tend to rely on APCs & transports to lug all their BA around, so this is nothing new. I'd either tell those Falcons to suck it up and find them a ride or have the Ironholds waddle across the battlefield and try to herd the Wobbies towards them.


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Re: Clan Jade Falcon Thread II: Falcon Harder. I SAID HARDER!
« Reply #539 on: 07 April 2016, 17:18:50 »
Can I recommend the Saladin (Clan Cargo)? No question of counting them in a batchall. And I've been told one can treat CT as IT as long as the change is made before play commences. Three points per - or one, if you prefer the TO weight rules.

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