Author Topic: Master Chronological Fiction Review Index  (Read 107181 times)


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index
« on: 03 January 2013, 10:43:38 »
This index lists all BattleTech fiction chronologically by its in-universe date.  Listings with hyperlinks connect to a synopsis and review of the selected piece of fiction.

A note on terminology:
Novel - A full length novel set in the BattleTech universe. 
Serialized Novel - A novel-length piece of fiction that has been split up into multiple pieces.
Short Story - A short piece of fiction, usually ranging from 5 to 75 pages in length, and presented as a stand-alone product
Sourcebook - A longer book, presented as an in-universe report, providing details about a faction or setting
Sourcebook Fiction - A short piece of fiction, usually ranging from 1 to 5 pages, bundled into a BattleTech sourcebook or other publication
Graphic Novel - An illustrated tale (published either by FASA, BlackThorne, or Malibu, as of this writing)
Encounter - A setup for a role playing game session, usually associated with the MechWarrior or BattleTech RPG systems, also applies to some elements of the early computer games where there is scene setting text but no accompanying game play elements.
Adventure Seed - Background information and broad objectives for either a BattleTech campaign or role playing adventure
Scenario - A brief setup describing two or more opposing forces with specific objectives and a detailed force roster.  Applies to levels in the video games as well as published scenarios.
Track - Background information and objectives for a more flexible scenario that allows different forces to be used, rather than a set list of units.
Magazine - A BattleTech themed collection of articles published with an in-universe POV, sometimes mixed with game-related articles on optional rulesets and tactics.  Both BattleTechnology and Commando Quarterly fit in this category, though both sources are regarded as apocryphal.
Animated Series - An episode of the BattleTech animated series.  Exists in-universe as a holovid series produced by the Solaris Broadcasting Company and viewed as far away as the Kerensky Cluster.
Article - An in-universe piece of fiction, but one that is written in the style of a report or news article.  Seen most commonly in the BattleTechnology and Shrapnel periodicals.  Articles on painting miniatures, making terrain, optional rules, etc. are not considered "in universe" and are not included.


Second Soviet Civil War Begins (2011 - 2014)


Western Alliance Founded


Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Founded


Terran Alliance Founded


Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive Developed


TAS Pathfinder Makes First Round Trip Interstellar Voyage


First Offworld Colony Established on New Earth


Outer Reaches Rebellion Begins (2236 - 2237)

2236-06-30: Inverted (Short Story - Shrapnel #4 - Giles Gammage) - Freedom (TA)


Free Worlds League Founded


Rim Worlds Republic Founded


Terran Hegemony Founded


Federated Suns Founded


Draconis Combine Founded


Draconis Combine Subjugates Principality of Rasalhague (2330 - 2360)


Taurian Concordat Founded


Lyran Commonwealth Founded


Capellan Confederation Founded (2366)

2366-01-14: Rebirth (Scenario - Northwind Highlanders - Randall N. Bills) - Lopez (FWL)


Age of War Begins (2398 - 2556)

First Andurien War Begins (2398 - 2404)


2412-02-23: Just Following Orders (Sourcebook Fiction - Era Digest: Age of War - Roland M. Boshnack & Herbert A. Beas II) - Tintavel (CC)

Ares Conventions Signed (June 13, 2412)


Outworlds Alliance Founded

2415-12-17: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Oshika (DC)


2417-11-27: KP Duty (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Jason Hardy) - New Avalon (FS)


Rim War Begins (2418 - 2422)


Von Rohrs Dynasty Begins (2421 - 2510)


2425-07-07: Forms of Betrayal (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Capella (CC)


2426-07-02: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - New Samarkand (DC)


2428-02-27: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Kaznejov (DC)


Terran Hegemony begins Tybalt Campaign against Capellan Confederation and Federated Suns (2431-2440)


2435-10-09: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - New Samarkand (DC)
2435-10-19: Break-Away (Short Story - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (TH)


2438-12-22: Break-Away (Short Story - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (TH)
2438-12-24: Break-Away (Short Story - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (TH)


2439-01-10: Break-Away (Short Story - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (TH)
2439-02-05: Birth of the King (Scenario - BattleCorps - David McCulloch) - Terra (TH)
2439-07-06: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - St. John (DC)


2443-06-12: Something to Prove (Short Story - Legends - Michael J. Ciaravella) - Styx (TH)


2445-04-12: Charge of the Light (Sourcebook Fiction - Interstellar Operations - Jason Schmetzer) - Basalt (TH)


2449-10-09: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Skye (LC)


2455-02-01: Prometheus Unbound (Short Story - BattleCorps - Herbert A. Beas II) - Hesperus II (LC)
2455-02-02: Prometheus Unbound (Short Story - BattleCorps - Herbert A. Beas II) - Hesperus II (LC)
2455-02-07: Prometheus Unbound (Short Story - BattleCorps - Herbert A. Beas II) - Hesperus II (LC)
2455-02-09: Prometheus Unbound (Short Story - BattleCorps - Herbert A. Beas II) - Hesperus II (LC)
2455-03-26: Prometheus Unbound (Short Story - BattleCorps - Herbert A. Beas II) - Tharkad (LC)
2455-10-17: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - New Avalon (FS)


2456-03-22: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - Tharkad (LC)
2456-05-07: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - Tharkad (LC)
2456-07-03: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - Tharkad (LC)
2456-07-14: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - Tharkad (LC)
2456-08-22: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - Tharkad (LC)
2456-08-30: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - Tharkad (LC)
2456-08-31: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - Tharkad (LC)
2456-09-05: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - Tharkad (LC)


2457-01-19: Nothing Ventured (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christoffer M. Trossen) - New Avalon (FS)
2457-02-27: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Kaznejov (DC)
2457-04-02: Goliath Out of the Box (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Ningpo (TH)


2459-04-09: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Loric (LC)
2459-05-11: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Atreus (FWL)
2459-12-01: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Moore (DC)


2460-07-24: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Pesht (DC)
2460-10-20: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - New Samarkand (DC)


2461-07-03: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Virginia Shire, Federation of Skye (Unsettled System) (LC)
2461-07-03: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Coventry Province, Protectorate of Donegal (Unsettled System) (LC)
2461-07-23: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)
2461-11-11: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - New Samarkand (DC)
2461-12-16: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)


2462-01-12: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2462-01-18: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2462-01-29: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2462-02-12: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2462-02-13: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2462-02-17: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2462-02-19: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2462-06-08: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)


2463-05-14: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2463-11-24: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2463-11-26: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2463-12-08: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)
2463-12-21: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alarion (LC)

The Long March Begins (2463 - 2468)


2466-03-17: The Spider Dances (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Xanthe III (FWL)
2466-03-18: The Spider Dances (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Xanthe III (FWL)
2466-03-19: The Spider Dances (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Xanthe III (FWL)
2466-03-20: The Spider Dances (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Xanthe III (FWL)
2466-03-21: The Spider Dances (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Xanthe III (FWL)
2466-03-22: The Spider Dances (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Xanthe III (FWL)


2469-03-03: A Dish Served Cold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford & Jason M. Hardy) - Alula Australis (FWL)


First Modern DropShip Enters Service


2498-06-21: An Age of War (Scenario - Record Sheets: 3075 - Randall N. Bills & Bjorn Schmidt) - Dove (LC)


McAllister Rebellion Deposes House Von Rohrs (2510)

2510-11-09: Far Country (Novel - Peter Rice) - Salford (DC)
2510-11-23: Far Country (Novel - Peter Rice) - Kaetetoa


2525: Ship Profile: THS Repulse (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer)
2525-04-29: Three White Roses (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sekulmun (FS)
2525-05-02: Three White Roses (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sekulmun (FS)
2525-05-05: Three White Roses (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sekulmun (FS)
2525-05-09: Three White Roses (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sekulmun (FS)

Davion Civil War Begins (2525 - 2540)


Second Andurien War Begins (2528 - 2531)

2528-08-12: Paladin (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Andurien (FWL)


Magistracy of Canopus Founded


Federated Suns Annexes United Hindu Collective

2540-11-21: Raven (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Jason Schmetzer) - Robinson (FS)


Third Andurien War Begins (2551 - 2556)


Age of War Ends (2556)
« Last Edit: 15 March 2023, 08:19:10 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Re: Master Chronological Fiction Review Index
« Reply #1 on: 04 January 2013, 04:31:22 »
Thankyou sir, not only is this a very interesting summary, but will end up being one of the more comprehensive and detailed histories of the BT Universe ever written.
Join the Kapteyn Universe BattleTech Alternate Universe, on the KU Discord

Unofficial LD for 2 seconds - It was a glorious moment!


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - Star League
« Reply #2 on: 07 January 2013, 17:59:22 »

Star League Founded (2571 - 2781)

2571-07-09: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2573-03-06: What I Remember Most (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Santiago (OA)


2575-03-19: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Atreus (FWL)


Reunification War Begins (2577 - 2597)


2578-10-27: So Costly a Sacrifice (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Caldwell (TC)
2578-12-03: So Costly a Sacrifice (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Electra (TC)


2579-06-17: A Veiled Betrayal (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell) - Eleusis (MC)


2580-07-19: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Oriente (FWL)
2580-10-16: So Costly a Sacrifice (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Electra (TC)


2581-06-03: Three Ways Home (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Tom Leveen) - Traussin (TC)
2581-06-09: Three Ways Home (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Tom Leveen) - Traussin (TC)
2581-06-10: Three Ways Home (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Tom Leveen) - Traussin (TC)
2581-06-11: Three Ways Home (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Tom Leveen) - Traussin (TC)
2581-06-11: Three Ways Home (Short Story - Shrapnel #11 - Tom Leveen) - Traussin (TC)
2581-06-11: Three Ways Home (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - Tom Leveen) - Traussin (TC)
2581-06-12: Three Ways Home (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - Tom Leveen) - Traussin (TC)
2581-12-19: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2583-04-02: Battlefields (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Reunification War - Chris Hartford & Christoffer "Bones" Trossen) - Cerberus (OA)


Freebooters' War Begins (2584 - 2588)

2584-05-02: Battlefields (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Reunification War - Chris Hartford & Christoffer "Bones" Trossen) - Canopus IV (MC)
2584-06-14: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Oriente (FWL)


2585-02-18: The Theseus Knot (Short Story - BattleCorps - Colin Donnelly & David McCulloch) - Panpour (TC)


2586-05-11: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Oriente (FWL)
2586-09-09: Battlefields (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Reunification War - Chris Hartford & Christoffer "Bones" Trossen) - Milvano (RWR)


2588-03-19: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Wisconsin (FWL)


2590-09-09: So Costly a Sacrifice (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Taurus (TC)


2591-06-19: Memories of Rain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Barcelona (RWR)
2591-08-22: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)
2591-11?: Memories of Rain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - LCS Robert Dinesen - En Route from Barcelona to Tharkad (LC)


2592-01-15: Memories of Rain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Tharkad (LC)


2593-10-03: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Canopus IV (MC)


2596-03-22: Memories of Rain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Apollo (RWR)


Good Years Begin (2598 - 2650)

2598-07-09: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Canopus IV (MC)


2599-05-12: Am I My Brother's Keeper? (Track - Shrapnel #12 - Matt Larson) - Asuncion (CC)


2600-01-02: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2602-12-19: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2604-09-01: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)
2604-12-22: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Atreus (FWL)
2604-12-27: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Marik (FWL)


2610-11-02: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2611-03-27: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Atreus (FWL)


2612-03-12: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Atreus (FWL)
2612-04-04: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2614-05-02: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2615-05-09: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)
2615-11-17: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Atreus (FWL)
2615-12-23: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2616-03-12: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Atreus (FWL)
2616-12-02: Instant Fame (Scenario - Northwind Highlanders - Randall N. Bills) - Bellatrix (CC)


2617-04-09: Fall From Grace (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


First HyperPulse Generator Constructed


2643-05-08: Other Perspectives (Short Story - BattleCorps - Herbert A. Beas II) - Tharkad (LC)


First Hidden War Begins (2681 - 2751)


2692-10-04: Seventy (Short Story - BattleCorps - Rhian Hunt) - Buckminster (DC)


2694-07-18: The Pear (Short Story - BattleCorps - Rhian Hunt) - Buckminster (DC)


2698-07-12: The Face of the Enemy (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Rasalhague (DC)
2698-08-31: The Face of the Enemy (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Rasalhague (DC)


2704-09-04: The Face of the Enemy (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - New Samarkand (DC)


2721-04: Destiny's Call (Short Story - BattleCorps - Loren L. Coleman) - Tharkad (LC)
2721-10: Destiny's Challenge (Short Story - BattleCorps Anthology Volume 1: The Corps - Loren L. Coleman) - Tharkad (LC)


2722-04-07: The Face of the Enemy (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Luthien (DC)


2725-06-15: Way of the Champion (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Paris (DC)

Second Hidden War (War of Davion Succession) Begins  (2725 - 2729)


Marik Civil War Begins (2728 - 2734)


2729-07-14: Death of a Prince (Track - Era Report:2750 - Aaron Pollyea & Joel Steverson) - Royal (FS)
2729-08-26: St. George Strikes Again (Track - Era Report:2750 - Aaron Pollyea & Joel Steverson) - Fallon II (FS)


2731: On the Defensive (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Sherwood - Aaron Pollyea) - Sherwood (FS)


2733-09-14: The Top of the Scrap Heap (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hardy) - Alpheratz (OA)
2733-09-18: The Top of the Scrap Heap (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hardy) - Alpheratz (OA)
2733-09-19: The Top of the Scrap Heap (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hardy) - Alpheratz (OA)
2733-11-23: The Top of the Scrap Heap (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hardy) - Alpheratz (OA)


2734-01-11: The Top of the Scrap Heap (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hardy) - Alpheratz (OA)
2734-04-08: The Top of the Scrap Heap (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hardy) - Alpheratz (OA)
2734-05-05: The Top of the Scrap Heap (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hardy) - Alpheratz (OA)


Third Hidden War Begins (2741 - 2752)


2742-03-01: Waldorff Warfare (Track - Era Report:2750 - Aaron Pollyea & Joel Steverson) - Waldorff (LC)
2742: Business is Business (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Butte Hold - Aaron Pollyea) - Butte Hold (RWR)
2742-09-26: Rasalhague Rumble (Track - Era Report:2750 - Aaron Pollyea & Joel Steverson) - Rasalhague (DC)


2748: Unit Digest: Iron Land Wildcatters (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Eric Salzman) - Iron Land (RWR)


2751-02-17: Pulsar (Sourcebook Fiction - Era Report:2750 - Steve Mohan, Jr.) - Star's End (RWR)

Era of Decline Begins (2751 - 2765)


2752: Terrorform (Encounter - Touring The Stars: McEvedy's Folly - Aaron Pollyea) - McEvedy's Folly (SL)


2754-07-02: Innocent, and Defenseless (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Jason Hansa) - Radstadt (DC)
2754-07-03: Innocent, and Defenseless (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Jason Hansa) - Radstadt (DC)


2758-06-13: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Shiloh (FWL)


2761: Walking Through the Woods One Day... (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Sherwood - Aaron Pollyea) - Sherwood (FS)


2762-04-12: Greater Than Yourself (Sourcebook Fiction - Field Manual:SLDF - Jason Schmetzer) - Unspecified World in the District of Donegal (LC)


2763-06-24: Self Defense (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hardy) - Canopus IV (MC)
« Last Edit: 19 October 2023, 08:51:26 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - Star League
« Reply #3 on: 15 March 2013, 09:43:10 »

Periphery Uprising Begins (2765-2767)

2765-02-04: Anchors Aweigh (Short Story - Shrapnel #7 - J.D. Neal) - New Earth (TH)
2765-04-04: An Ill-Made House (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - New Vandenberg (TC)
2765-05-04: Siege of Fire Base San Antonio (Scenario - Commando Quarterly #3 - Robert Pigeon) - Carthage (TC)
2765-06-01: Living Legends (Sourcebook Fiction - Living Legends - Diane Piron-Gelman, Chris Hartford & Bryan Nystul) - Taurian Concordat? (TC)


2766-02-15: Infestation (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Mirach (TH)
2755-06-05: A Little Off the Top (Short Story - Shrapnel #14 - J.D. Neal) - Terra (TH)
2766-07-01: The Emercity of Betrayal (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Kevin Killiany) - Dicallus (TC)
2766-07-15: The Emercity of Betrayal (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Kevin Killiany) - Dicallus (TC)
2766-08-01: The Emercity of Betrayal (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Kevin Killiany) - Dicallus (TC)

Star League Civil War Begins (2766-2779)

2766-12-27: Rise of the Animal (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Liberation of Terra - Volume I - Cristoffer "Bones" Trossen) - Terra (TH)
2766-12-27: Fall From Glory (Scenario - Northwind Highlanders - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)
2766-12-27: Houston, We Have a Problem (Track - Historical: Turning Points - New Dallas - Joshua C. Perian) - New Dallas (TH)
2766-12-27: Operation REPRISAL (Track - Historical: Turning Points - New Dallas - Joshua C. Perian) - New Dallas (TH)


2767-01-14: Hold the Line (Track - Historical: Turning Points - New Dallas - Joshua C. Perian) - New Dallas (TH)

SLDF Invades Rim Worlds Republic


2769-12-16: Off the Grid (Sourcebook Fiction - Escape From Castle Wulfensteiner - Herbert A. Beas II) - RWR Outpost #25 (RWR)


2770: Ship Profile: RWS Krait (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Matthew Hawk)


2772-07-25: What a Pleasant Breeze (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Lone Star - Michael Miller) - Lone Star (TH)
2772-10-17: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)
2772-11-18: Tactics of Betrayal (Short Story - 25 Years of Art and Fiction - David L. McCulloch) - Milton (TH)
2772-11-12: Conflicts of Interest (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Joel Steverson) - Zebebelgenubi (TH)
2772-11-14: Conflicts of Interest (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Joel Steverson) - Van Diemen IV (TH)


2773-07-15: Conflicts of Interest (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Joel Steverson) - Carver V (TH)


2774-02-22: Star Lord (Novel - Donald G. Phillips) - Terra (TH)
2774-02-22: Star Lord (Novel - Donald G. Phillips) - Slocum (TH)
2774-09-18: Call or Fold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Cody Ouellette) - Hood IV (RWR)
2774-09-19: Call or Fold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Cody Ouellette) - Hood IV (RWR)
2774-09-23: Call or Fold (Short Story - BattleCorps - Cody Ouellette) - Hood IV (RWR)
2774-10-31: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)
2774-11-17: Conflicts of Interest (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Joel Steverson) - Carver V (TH)
2774-11-25: Conflicts of Interest (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Joel Steverson) - Carver V (TH)
2774: Ship Profile - RWS Tadeo Amaris (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.)


2775-08-21: Conflicts of Interest (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Joel Steverson) - Carver V (TH)


2776-07-06: Desertion (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Procyon (TH)
2776-07-31: Organic Ice (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - New Earth (TH)
2776-08-02: Falling (Short Story - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 5 #3 - Nadin Brzezinski) - Caph (TH)


2777-01-27: Sacrifice of Angels (Short Story - Shrapnel #16 - Devin Ramsey) - Terra (TH)
2777-02-14: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)
2777-02-14: Hard Justice (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Liberation of Terra - Volume II - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)
2777-02-19: Hard Justice (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Liberation of Terra - Volume II - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)
2777-04: Warship Review Quarterly: SLS California (Article - Shrapnel #16 - Ken' Horner)
2777-08-14: Hard Justice (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Liberation of Terra - Volume II - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)
2777-10-11: Hard Justice (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Liberation of Terra - Volume II - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2779-03-27: What's in a Name? (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Kevin Killiany) - Bryant (TH)
2779-04-03: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)
2779-04-18: The Dark Night of the Soul (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell) - Terra (TH)
2779-09-29: Hard Justice (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Liberation of Terra - Volume II - Chris Hartford) - Terra (TH)


2780-03-13: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)
2780-10-10: I, Kerensky (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - ?) - Terra (TH)
2780-10-18: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)
2780-11-25: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)


Star League Council Disbands (2781-08-12)
« Last Edit: 16 March 2024, 07:36:54 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #4 on: 21 August 2013, 08:42:13 »

2783-04-11: Starving Vultures (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Joseph A. Cosgrove) - Bamburgh (FS)
2783-04-12: Starving Vultures (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Joseph A. Cosgrove) - Bamburgh (FS)
2783-10-09: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Graham IV (TH)
2783-11-02: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - New Earth (TH)


2784-02-14: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Terra (TH)
2784-02-14: The Shot Heard Across the Sphere (Sourcebook Fiction - Empires Aflame - Herbert A. Beas II) - Terra (Alternate History)
2784-02-15: Conflicts of Interest (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Joel Steverson) - Terra (TH)

SLDF Prepares for Exodus (February - November 2784)

2784-02-15: Falling (Short Story - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 5 #3 - Nadin Brzezinski) - Terra (TH)
2784-07-08: Conflicts of Interest (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Joel Steverson) - Radstadt (DC)
2784-10-26: When the Bears Left (Short Story - BattleCorps - Dan C. Duval) - Axton (CC)
2784-11-05: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - New Samarkand (DC)

Exodus Journey Begins (November 2784 - August 2786)


2785-01-02: Last Stop (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Gutara V (RWR)
2785-03-18: Falling into Fire (Sourcebook Fiction - Interstellar Operations - Herbert A. Beas II) - Bolan (FWL)
2785-06-14: Be Good (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason M. Hardy) - Towne (TH)
2785-06-17: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-06-23: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-06-27: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - SLS Hermes - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-07-08: Final Stop (Sourcebook Fiction - Requiem For a Blue Star - Alex Kaempen) - Buffalo Meadows (Periphery)
2785-07-15: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-08-19: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Armada - Deep Periphery
2785-09-28: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - SLS Prinz Eugen - Mutiny Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-09-29: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - SLS Prinz Eugen - Mutiny Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-10-19: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-10-31: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Armada - Deep Periphery
2785-11-17: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - SLS Elephantidae - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-12-03: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - SLS Blue Horizon - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery
2785-12-05: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery


First Succession War Begins (2786 - 2821)

2786: I'm Not Dead Yet (Adventure Seed - Touring The Stars: Brownsville - Michael Miller) - Brownsville (TH)
2786-02-02: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Fleet - Deep Periphery
2786-09-05: Fall From Glory (Novel - Clan Invasion Kickstarter - Randall N. Bills) - SLS McKenna's Pride - Exodus Fleet - Eden


2787-03-20: Songs of Freedom (Track - Historical Turning Points: New Dallas - Joshua C. Perian) - New Dallas (TH)
2787-03-22: Beginning of the End (Track - Historical Turning Points: New Dallas - Joshua C. Perian) - New Dallas (TH)
2787-03-25: Parting Gifts (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical Turning Points: New Dallas - Joshua C. Perian) - New Dallas (TH)
2787-03-25: Ranger Justice (Track - Historical Turning Points: New Dallas - Joshua C. Perian) - New Dallas (TH)
2787-12-28: Broken Blade (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Hesperus II (LC)


2788-01-14: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)
2788-05-11: Ghost Rain (Sourcebook Fiction - First Succession War - Chris Hartford) - Helm (FWL)
2788-05-19: Ghost Rain (Sourcebook Fiction - First Succession War - Chris Hartford) - Helm (FWL)
2788-05-26: Ghost Rain (Sourcebook Fiction - First Succession War - Chris Hartford) - Helm (FWL)
2788-05-28: Ghost Rain (Sourcebook Fiction - First Succession War - Chris Hartford) - Helm (FWL)
2788-06-28: 128th Mechanized Infantry Division Veterans Association (Unit Digest - Shrapnel #3 - Alex Kaempen) - Terra (CS)
2788-12-13: Ruined (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12: Terminus (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12-15: Renda in Waiting (Sourcebook Fiction - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12-15: All That Glitters (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12: It's A Party in the Valley and Everyone's Invited! (Adventure Seed - Touring The Stars: Tyrfing - Herbert A. Beas II) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12: Cave of Wonders (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12: 'Mitey 'Titey (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12: Not So Fast (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12: Tread Carefully (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12: Leftovers (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788-12-18: Olly Olly Oxen Free (Track - Turning Points: Tyrfing - Geoff Swift) - Tyrfing (FWL)
2788: The Bomber Comes at Midnight (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Old Kentucky - Michael Miller) - Old Kentucky (CC)


2789: Who Wants to Tell the Coordinator? (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars - Michael Miller) - Lone Star (TH)
« Last Edit: 15 June 2023, 08:19:56 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #5 on: 13 April 2014, 12:21:00 »

2790-11-09: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)
2790-11-09: Doc Bens (Short Story - Shrapnel #3 - David Smith) - Noveau Toulouse (FS)


2791-01-01: A Soldier's Privilege (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Wyatt (FWL)


2792-07-01: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)


2793-03-11: Pressure Play (Sourcebook Fiction - Interstellar Operations - Herbert A. Beas II) - Binyang (FWL)


2794-09-01: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)


2795-03-18: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)


2796-07-01: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)
2796-07-12: Swords of Light and Darkness (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Kentares IV (FS)
2796-07-17: Swords of Light and Darkness (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Kentares IV (FS)

Kentares Massacre Begins (September 2796 - February 2797)

2796-09-11: Swords of Light and Darkness (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-10-01: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 1 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-10-08: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 2 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-10-15: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 3 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-10-16: Swords of Light and Darkness (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-10-22: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 4 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-10-22: Broken Sword, Wounded Dragon (Short Story - BattleCorps - Edward McEneely) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-10-29: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 5 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-11-05: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 6 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-11-06: Echoes of Disgrace (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-11-12: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 7 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-11-19: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 8 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-11-26: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 9 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-12-03: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 10 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-12-10: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 11 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-12-17: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 12 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-12-24: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 13 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2796-12-31: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 14 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)


2797-01-01: Swords of Light and Darkness (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Kentares IV (DC)
2797-01-07: Kentares Massacre Journal - Week 15 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - Kentares IV (DC)
2797-04-17: Swords of Light and Darkness (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Kentares IV (DC)


2798-06-05: No Tears (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sendai (DC)
2798-06-09: No Tears (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sendai (DC)
2798-06-13: No Tears (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sendai (DC)
2798-06-14: No Tears (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sendai (DC)
2798-06-15: No Tears (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sendai (DC)
2798-06-16: No Tears (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sendai (DC)
2798-06-18: No Tears (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sendai (DC)
2798-06-23: No Tears (Short Story - The Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Sendai (DC)
« Last Edit: 18 July 2022, 13:31:48 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Re: Master Chronological Fiction Review Index
« Reply #6 on: 19 August 2014, 14:29:04 »
Shnizle ma dizzle - if I thought I was getting my credit card in trouble with my newfound addiction for BattleTech I may need to hide it from the missus lest the last 16 years of our relationship be flushed away in favour of plastic/metal robots and novels about said robots.
That's a LOT of books right there....spectacular effort, good thing I've my own thread requesting guidance or I'd have no idea where to start...
Outstanding, very very impressive!

Dogs lick their balls because they can. Period.
Come join in the fun at BattleTech Downunder, help grow the community and line up some games!


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Re: Master Chronological Fiction Review Index
« Reply #7 on: 15 November 2014, 15:31:42 »

Is there any chance of updating this topic specially with the Jihad era?




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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #8 on: 01 January 2015, 14:18:42 »

2800-11-08: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)


2801-01-01: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)
2801-02-15: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)
2801-05-05: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)

Pentagon Civil War Begins (2801-2822)

2801-06-11: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)
2801-06-18: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)
2801-09-01: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)

Second Exodus Begins (September 2801 - January 2802)

2801-12-31: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)


2802-01-29: Fall From Glory (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Eden (SLIE)
2802-06-08: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2802-06-09: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2802-06-11: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2802-06-17: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2802-07-07: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2802-10-08: Hide and Seek (Scenario - BattleSpace - Chris Hartford) - Arcadia
2802-10-10: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2802-11-11: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2803-01-01: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2803-04-12: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2803-04-18: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2803-05-01: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2804-05-06: Desertion (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Procyon (FWL)


2805-07-15: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2805-09-23: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2806-08-17: A Light in the Dark Night (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell) - Kentares IV (FS)


2807-01-29: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807-03-09: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807-03-18: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807-04-01: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807-05-15: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807-06-11: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807-06-13: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807-06-15: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807-06-16: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2807:  The Bar Tab (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Mizar - Michael Miller) - Mizar (LC)
2807-12-29: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2808-03-15: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2808-03-17: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2808-03-20: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2809-08-13: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
« Last Edit: 18 July 2022, 13:30:57 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #9 on: 02 January 2015, 03:47:07 »

2810-08: Flight of the Raven (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Øystein Tvedten) - Snowdon (Far Rim Coalition)
2810-08: Flight of the Raven (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Øystein Tvedten) - The Rift
2810-09-15: Flight of the Raven (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Øystein Tvedten) - The Rift
2810-09-16: Flight of the Raven (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Øystein Tvedten) - The Rift
2810-09-29: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2811: You Can't Fight if You're Thirsty (Adventure Seed - Touring The Stars: Brownsville - Michael Miller) - Brownsville (CC)
2811: When the Stars Fell (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Jardine - Herbert A. Beas II) - Jardine (FWL)
2811-05-11: Cutting Losses (Sourcebook Fiction - Interstellar Operations - Herbert A. Beas II) - Poulsbo (LC)
2811-05-14: Cutting Losses (Sourcebook Fiction - Interstellar Operations - Herbert A. Beas II) - Marik (FWL)


2812-03-23: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2813-04-15: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2814-08-13: Breach (Short Story - Shrapnel #5 - Tom Leveen) - Szepes (FWL)
2814-11-02: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2814-12-27: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2814-12-29: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2815-01-10: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2815-01-14: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2815-03-03: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2815-03-18: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2815-03-21: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2815-06-09: Visions of Rebirth (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2815-07-17: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Twilight
2815-08-27: Promise (Short Story - Shrapnel #7 - Tom Leveen) - Szepes (FWL)
2815-09-08: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2815-11-05: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2816-04-05: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2816-06-13: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2816-11-07: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2817-03-04: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2817-03-18: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2817-05-04: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2817-06-09: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2818-02-13: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2818-07-17: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2818-08-12: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2819-02-13: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2819-05-15: Intentions (Sourcebook Fiction - The Second Succession War - Paul Sjardin) - Terra (CS)
2819-07-13: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2819-10-19: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2819-11-22: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
« Last Edit: 18 July 2022, 13:29:50 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #10 on: 03 January 2015, 05:57:39 »

2820-02-02: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2820-05-13: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2820-05-14: The Way We Die (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #3 - Joe Judt and Lance Hampton) - Devin (LC)
2820-05-15: The Way We Die (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #3 - Joe Judt and Lance Hampton) - Devin (LC)
2820-06-29: The Mozirje Experiment (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech Annual - John Stephenson and Pat Zircher) - Mozirje (DC)
2820-09-02: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty
2820-09-09: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty


2821-03-20: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Strana Mechty

Operation KLONDIKE Begins (May 2821 - May 2822)

2821-06-02: Dreams of Babylon (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Operation KLONDIKE - Chris Hartford, Christoffer “Bones” Trossen & David L. McCulloch) - Babylon (Clans)
2821-06-02: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - The Gulf
2821-06-30: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - The Gulf
2821-07-01: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Arcadia
2821-07-01: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Dagda
2821-07-01: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-07-02: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Arcadia
2821-07-05: Betrayal of Ideals (Novel - Blaine Pardoe) - Circe (Clans)
2821-07-12: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Arcadia
2821-07-15: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Arcadia
2821-07-22: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-07-24: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-07-25: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Arcadia
2821-07-26: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Arcadia
2821-07-28: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-07-29: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Dagda
2821-08-01: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-08-02: To Lead and Serve (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Dagda (Clans)
2821-08-08: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-08-10: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-08-17: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-08-18: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Dagda
2821-08-19: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-08-19: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Circe
2821-08-20: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Circe
2821-09-13: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Circe
2821-09-15: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Dagda
2821-09-19: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-09-19: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Dagda
2821-09-28: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Babylon
2821-10-03: A Turn of the Wheel (Short Story - BattleCorps - Lance Scarini) - Arcadia (Clans)
2821-10-17: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Circe
2821-10-21: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Circe
2821-10-22: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-10-22: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Dagda
2821-10-23: Family Ties (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Eden (Clans)
2821-10-26: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Dagda
2821-11-05: A Tale of Mercy in Defeat (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Arcadia (Clans)
2821-11-11: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Babylon
2821-11-11: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Circe
2821-11-11: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-11-11: Family Ties (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Eden (Clans)
2821-11-23: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-11-23: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Babylon
2821-11-24: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden
2821-11-29: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Babylon
2821-12-01: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Eden


2822: We Want Your Bulldozers (Adventure Hook - Touring the Stars: Wynn's Roost - Michael Miller) - Wynn's Roost (OA)
2822-03-05: Signing Bonus (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Jaymie Wagner) - Galatea (LC)
2822-03-08: Signing Bonus (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Jaymie Wagner) - Galatea (LC)
2822-05-26: Land of Dreams (Novel - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Dagda
2822-05-26: Sorrow of Eden (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Dagda
2822-06-12: Family Ties (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Eden (Clans)
2822-06-12: Betrayal of Ideals – Foundations of Fate (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2822-06-24: Signing Bonus (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Jaymie Wagner) - Nopah (CC)
2822-07-13: Betrayal of Ideals – Foundations of Fate (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2822-07-15: Betrayal of Ideals – Foundations of Fate (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2822-09-12: Betrayal of Ideals – Foundations of Fate (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)


2823-06-10: Betrayal of Ideals – Treachery's Stage (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-07-04: Sorrow of Eden (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Eden
2823-07-05: Sorrow of Eden (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Eden
2823-07-06: Sorrow of Eden (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Eden
2823-07-08: Sorrow of Eden (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Eden
2823-07-10: Sorrow of Eden (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Eden
2823-07-20: Betrayal of Ideals – Treachery's Stage (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-07-22: Betrayal of Ideals – Treachery's Stage (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Circe (Clans)
2823-07-28: Betrayal of Ideals – Treachery's Stage (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Circe (Clans)
2823-08-28: Betrayal of Ideals – Treachery's Stage (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-08-28: Betrayal of Ideals – Treachery's Stage (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Circe (Clans)
2823-10-06: Betrayal of Ideals – Treachery's Stage (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-10-07: Betrayal of Ideals – Treachery's Stage (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-10-08: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-10-08: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - SLS Bismark - Norfolk Boneyard - Strana Mechty System (Clans)
2823-10-09: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-10-10: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-10-11: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - McKenna's Pride - Strana Mechty Orbit (Clans)
2823-10-11: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Circe (Clans)
2823-10-11: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-10-11: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Lum (Clans)
2823-10-22: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Circe (Clans)
2823-10-22: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-10-22: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - SRS Avalanche - Circe Orbit (Clans)
2823-10-24: Betrayal of Ideals – The Switchback Directive (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2823-10-25: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Circe (Clans)
2823-11-05: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - SLS Michigan – Deep Periphery (Charlie 425 A)
2823-11-05: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Brim (Clans)
2823-12-18: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - GCS Rough Rider – Deep Periphery (Zulu 11981 TZ)


2824-01-16: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Liny (Moon of Arcadia) (Clans)
2824-06-20: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - SLS Michigan – Deep Periphery (Gamma 12901 FQ)
2824-06-20: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - GCS Rough Rider – Deep Periphery (Gamma 1301 LW)
2824-06-27: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - SLS Bismark – Deep Periphery (Gamma 25098 3W)
2824-06-27: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Barbados (Deep Periphery – Gamma 1551 AV)
2824-06-27: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - SRS Avalanche – Barbados (Deep Periphery – Gamma 1551 AV)
2824-07-07: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Barbados (Deep Periphery – Gamma 1551 AV)
2824-07-11: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Barbados (Deep Periphery – Gamma 1551 AV)
2824-08-20: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Barbados (Deep Periphery – Gamma 1551 AV)
2824-09-09: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - SLS Bismark - Barbados (Deep Periphery – Gamma 1551 AV)
2824-12-22: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Strana Mechty (Clans)
2824-12-22: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Norfolk Boneyard - Strana Mechty System (Clans)
« Last Edit: 13 December 2023, 09:19:57 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #11 on: 03 January 2015, 06:02:56 »

2825: Satan's Mallet (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars - Michael Miller) - Lone Star
2825-01-28: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Circe (Clans)

Chain Gang Raids Begin (2825)

2825-06: Chains (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jeff Kautz) - Thannhausen? (LC)
2825-06-29: Echoes of Disgrace (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Matar (DC)
2825-07-15: Echoes of Disgrace (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Matar (DC)
2825-07-28: Echoes of Disgrace (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - DCS Dragon's Flame - Scheat system (FS)
2825-08-03: Echoes of Disgrace (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Scheat (FS)


2826-03-24: Ghost Rain (Sourcebook Fiction - First Succession War - Chris Hartford) - Atreus (FWL)

2828-06-19: A Day in the Life of Buffalo Jones (Sourcebook Fiction - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-19: Overmatched (Track - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-19: Paint the Town Red (Track - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-19: Ceti Twilight (Track - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-20: Harrison Press (Track - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-20: Turnabout Intruders (Track - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-21: Death Grip (Track - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-22: We Meet Again (Track - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-24: Ilsa's Last Stand (Track - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)
2828-06-24: The Red Heart (Sourcebook Fiction - Turning Points: Orbisonia - Geoff Swift) - Orbisonia (FS)


2830: Are We There Yet? (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Granada - Mike Miller, Chris Wheeler) - Granada (NC)
2830-04-30: What's in a Name? (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Kevin Killiany) - Le Blanc (FS)
2830-06-11: Intentions (Sourcebook Fiction - The Second Succession War - Paul Sjardin) - Terra (CS)
« Last Edit: 18 July 2022, 13:27:24 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #12 on: 04 January 2015, 02:31:28 »
Second Succession War Begins (2830 - 2864)


2833: Acid Test of Battle (Adventure Hook - Touring the Stars: Wynn's Roost - Michael Miller) - Wynn's Roost (OA)
2833-05-14: Conquer the Kremlin! (Scenario - BattleCorps - Eric Salzman) - Tikonov (CC)


2834: Tiger By The Tail (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Granada - Mike Miller, Chris Wheeler) - Granada (NC)
2834-10-07: Touchpoint: Ironhold (Trial of Refusal) (Track - Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorbtion - Philip A. Lee) - Ironhold

Nicholas Kerensky Dies

2834-10-07: The Day That Greatness and Vision Died (Sourcebook Fiction - Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorbtion - Philip A. Lee) - Ironhold
2834-10-07: Touchpoint: Ironhold (Day One) (Track - Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorbtion - Philip A. Lee) - Ironhold
2834-10-08: Touchpoint: Ironhold (Day Two) (Track - Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorbtion - Philip A. Lee) - Ironhold
2834-10-09: Touchpoint: Ironhold (Day Three) (Track - Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorbtion - Philip A. Lee) - Ironhold
2834-11-07: Touchpoint: Dagda (Track - Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorbtion - Philip A. Lee) - Dagda
2834-12-11: Touchpoint: Roche (Spiderholm) (Track - Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorbtion - Philip A. Lee) - Roche
2834-12-15: Touchpoint: Roche (Surkairede) (Track - Operational Turning Points: Widowmaker Absorbtion - Philip A. Lee) - Roche


2838-07-01?: The Steel Tip (Scenario - BattleForce - Cory Glaberson, L. Ross Babcock III, Kevin Stein & Tara Gallagher) - New Dallas (CC)


2839-12-03: Betrayal of Ideals – Asunder (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Arcadia (Clans)


2840: Ship Profile - DCS Galedon II (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Nick Marsala)
2840-10-11: Fates and Fortunes (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Darrell Myers) - Phact (CC)
2840-10-27: Fates and Fortunes (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Darrell Myers) - Phact (CC)
2840-10-29: Fates and Fortunes (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Darrell Myers) - Phact (CC)
2840-11-08: Fates and Fortunes (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Darrell Myers) - Phact (CC)
2840-12-02: Fates and Fortunes (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Darrell Myers) - Phact (CC)
2840-12-03: Fates and Fortunes (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Darrell Myers) - Phact (CC)


2841-07-06: A Tale of Mercy in Defeat (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - York (CBS)
2841-11-05: No Dawn On The Horizon (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - David G. Martin) - Northwind (CC)
2841-11-11: No Dawn On The Horizon (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - David G. Martin) - Northwind (CC)
2841-11-30: No Dawn On The Horizon (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - David G. Martin) - Northwind (CC)
2841-12-29: Darkest Hour (Scenario - Northwind Highlanders - Randall N. Bills) - Northwind (CC)


2843-03-18: Fates and Fortunes (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Darrell Myers) - Bryant (CC)
2843-04-23: Fates and Fortunes (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Darrell Myers) - Phact (CC)


2845: Reconquista (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Valencia - Mike Miller) - Valencia (NC)
2845-07-01: Cleaning Up the House on Malalon (Short Story - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 4 #3 - Donald J. Bingle) - Malalon (CC)
2845-07-02: Cleaning Up the House on Malalon (Short Story - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 4 #3 - Donald J. Bingle) - Malalon (CC)
2845-07-03: Cleaning Up the House on Malalon (Short Story - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 4 #3 - Donald J. Bingle) - Malalon (CC)
2845-10-01: The Raven (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Jason Hardy) - New Delos (FWL)


2846-06-02: End of Days (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Barahona (OA)


2850-12-12: Karma (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hartford) - Luthien (DC)


2853-04-04: Dying Dignity (Short Story - Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Chris Hussey) - Pencader (LC)
2853-04-07: Dying Dignity (Short Story - Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Chris Hussey) - Pencader (LC)
2853-04-17: Dying Dignity (Short Story - Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Chris Hussey) - Biloela (LC)
2853-07-05: Dying Dignity (Short Story - Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Chris Hussey) - Starshine (LC)
2853-07-28: Dying Dignity (Short Story - Eridani Light Horse Chronicles - Chris Hussey) - Circinus (CF)
2853-10-25: Tactics of Desperation - Part I (Scenario - BattleCorps - Nicholas Marsala) - Hesperus System (LC)
2853-11-10: Tactics of Desperation - Part II (Scenario - BattleCorps - Nicholas Marsala) - Hesperus II (LC)


2854-06-13: Changes, They are the Times (Sourcebook Fiction - Era Digest: Golden Century - Ken’ Horner & Herbert A. Beas II) - Babylon (CCC)
2854-12-10: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Grant's Station (The Clans)
2854-12-11: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Grant's Station (The Clans)


2855-10-08: Lady of Steel (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Tukayyid (LC)
2855-10-31: Lady of Steel (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Tukayyid (LC)
2855-12-02: Lady of Steel (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Tukayyid (DC)


2859-06: Mission: Capellan Raiders (Scenario - Lakes and Rivers HexPack - Ben Rome) - St. Ives (CC)


2863-02-10: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Foster (The Clans)
2863-02-25: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Tamaron (The Clans)
2863-03-05: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Eden (The Clans)
2863-03-09: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Tamaron (The Clans)
2863-03-15: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Tamaron (The Clans)
2863-03-26: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Foster (The Clans)
2863-04-12: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Foster (The Clans)
2863-04-15: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Foster (The Clans)
2863-04-16: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Foster (The Clans)
2863-06-25: The Trickster (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Eden (The Clans)
2863-10-30?: Pearl's Ghost (Short Story - BattleCorps - Randall N. Bills) - Sakhalin (LC)


2864: Unit Digest: Big Kev's Brigade (Article - Shrapnel #9 - Alex Fauth)
2864: Unit Digest: Lacadon Vengeance Legion (Article - Shrapnel #15 - Eric Salzman)
« Last Edit: 13 December 2023, 09:39:03 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Manei Tetatae
Re: Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #13 on: 04 January 2015, 06:53:47 »

2865-10-07: Acceptable Losses (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Adam Neff) - Dalcour (FWL)


Third Succession War Begins (2866 - 3026)


2868-07-09: Lead Rainmakers (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Wyatt (FWL)


2870-07-08: Dezgra (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Étienne Charron-Willard) - Foster (Clans)
2870-07-20: Dezgra (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Étienne Charron-Willard) - Eden (Clans)


2888: The Mouse That Roared (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Old Kentucky - Michael Miller) - Old Kentucky (FWL)


2895-05-03: Family Honor (Short Story - BattleCorps - Dylan Birtolo) - Sabik (DC)
2895-05-12: Family Honor (Short Story - BattleCorps - Dylan Birtolo) - La Blon (LC)


2896-06-01: Return of the Silent Man (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech in 3-D #1 - Joe Judt) - Frazer (FS)
2896-06-02: Return of the Silent Man (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech in 3-D #1 - Joe Judt) - Frazer (FS)


2899-05-06: Half of a Warrior (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Lum (CSR)
2899-07-26: Half of a Warrior (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Deep Periphery (Iota 53136 9F)
2899-07-27: Half of a Warrior (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - CSRS Muninn - Deep Periphery (Iota 53136 9F)
2899-07-29: Half of a Warrior (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - CSRS Muninn - Deep Periphery (Gamma 4617 4E)
2899-08-07: Half of a Warrior (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Lum (CSR)
2899-08-08: Half of a Warrior (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - CSRS Muninn - Deep Periphery (Gamma 4617 4E)


2902-10: Your Land is My Land (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Goodna (CC)


2905-10-07: Whispering Death (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Barcella (CNC)
2905-10-08: Whispering Death (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Barcella (CNC)
2905-10-19: Whispering Death (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Barcella (CNC)
2905-10-31: Whispering Death (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Barcella (CNC)


2906-01-11: Whispering Death (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Hoard (CNC)
2906-01-12: Whispering Death (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Hoard (CNC)
2906-01-14: Whispering Death (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Hoard (CNC)
2906-08-27: Whispering Death (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Hoard (CNC)
« Last Edit: 15 June 2023, 07:42:10 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #14 on: 04 January 2015, 11:47:53 »

2921-11-04: Opening Moves (Track - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)
2921-11-04: A Trip Up the Elb (Track - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)
2921-11-04: Hitting the Wall (Track - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)
2921-11-04: Holding the Line (Sourcebook Fiction - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)
2921-11-04: Chops and Change (Track - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)
2921-11-04: The Green Wall (Track - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)
2921-11-04: Breakthroughs? (Track - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)
2921-11-04: Hounded Bear (Track - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)
2921-11-04: To the Wind (Track - Turning Points: Tokasha - Luke Robertson) - Tokasha (CGB)


2940-10-22: Arms of the Destroyer (Short Story - Kill Zone Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Cinnabar (Deep Periphery)
2940-10-26: Arms of the Destroyer (Short Story - Kill Zone Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Cinnabar (Deep Periphery)
2940-10-30: Arms of the Destroyer (Short Story - Kill Zone Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Cinnabar (Deep Periphery)
2940-11-03: Arms of the Destroyer (Short Story - Kill Zone Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Cinnabar (Deep Periphery)
2940-11-04: Arms of the Destroyer (Short Story - Kill Zone Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Cinnabar (Deep Periphery)
2940-11-05: Arms of the Destroyer (Short Story - Kill Zone Anthology - Travis Heermann) - Cinnabar (Deep Periphery)


2952-08-13: Seeds of Loyalty (Short Story - BattleCorps - Phillip A. Lee) - Homer (CCC)


2953-08-13: Seeds of Loyalty (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Homer (CCC)
2953-09-27: The Great Lee Turkey Shoot (Scenario - Northwind Highlanders - Randall N. Bills) - Lee (FS)
2953-09-27: Charge of the Rubbermaid Brigade (Scenario - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 3 #4 - Camille Klein) - Lee (FS)


2954-09-09: Seeds of Loyalty (Short Story - BattleCorps - Phillip A. Lee) - Homer (CCC)
2954-09-10: Seeds of Loyalty (Short Story - BattleCorps - Phillip A. Lee) - Homer (CCC)
2954-09-13: Seeds of Loyalty (Short Story - BattleCorps - Phillip A. Lee) - Homer (CCC)


2962-06-15: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
2962-06-16: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
2962-06-23: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
2962-06-25: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
2962-06-27: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
2962-07-02: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
« Last Edit: 15 June 2023, 08:02:21 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #15 on: 04 January 2015, 20:48:47 »

2971-12-05: Shards of a Broken Sword (Short Story - Shrapnel #7 - Julian Michael Carver) - Loric (LC)
2971?: Campaign: Water Raid (Article - Shrapnel #14 - Lorcan Nagle)


2972-05-30: Godt Bytte (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Botany Bay
2972-07-11: Godt Bytte (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Oberon VI (OC)
2972-07-22: Godt Bytte (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Sigurd (OC)
2972-10-12: Godt Bytte (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Botany Bay


2973-04-12: The Forgotten Places (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Alan Brundage) - Kesai IV (FS)
2973-04-14: The Forgotten Places (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Alan Brundage) - Kesai IV (FS)
2973-04-15: The Forgotten Places (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Alan Brundage) - Kesai IV (FS)
2973-04-25: The Forgotten Places (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Alan Brundage) - Kesai IV (FS)


2974-03-04: Meat, Metal, Ham (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Olli Rosnell) - Gaucin (Periphery)
2974-03-20: Meat, Metal, Ham (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Olli Rosnell) - Gaucin (Periphery)


2977-06-25: Meat, Metal, Ham (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Olli Rosnell) - Dainmar Majoris (MoC)


2978-04-07: Meat, Metal, Ham (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Olli Rosnell) - Laconis (TC)
2978-04-10: Emerald Sword (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Tom Leveen) - Ironhold (CJF)
2978-04-11: Emerald Sword (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Tom Leveen) - Ironhold (CJF)
2978-05-08: Emerald Sword (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Tom Leveen) - Ironhold (CJF)
2978-05-11: Emerald Sword (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Tom Leveen) - Ironhold (CJF)


2981-05-11: Final Exam (Short Story - Shrapnel - Bear Peters) - Oriente (FWL)


2984-07-09: The Metal Man (Short Story - Shrapnel #3 - Lance Scarini) - Verde (FS)


2985-10-24: Jumping the Diamond Shark (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Priori (CDS)


2986-01-24: Scavenger's Blood (Short Story - Shrapnel #2 - Alan Brundage) - Gatekeeper (CSJ)
2986-02-20: Scavenger's Blood (Short Story - Shrapnel #2 - Alan Brundage) - Lum (CSR)
2986-02-25: Scavenger's Blood (Short Story - Shrapnel #2 - Alan Brundage) - Lum (CSR)
2986-02-26: Scavenger's Blood (Short Story - Shrapnel #2 - Alan Brundage) - Lum (CSR)
2986-03-21: Scavenger's Blood (Short Story - Shrapnel #2 - Alan Brundage) - Strana Mechty (Clans)


2989-08-03: Biendieu (Short Story - BattleCorps - Annie Reed) - Farhome


2990-03-22: Golden Rule (Short Story - BattleTech Beginner Box - William H. Keith) - Wotan (LC)
2990-04-05: Golden Rule (Short Story - BattleTech Beginner Box - William H. Keith) - Golandrinas (LC)
2990-04-06: Golden Rule (Short Story - BattleTech Beginner Box - William H. Keith) - Golandrinas (LC)
2990-04-08: Eyestorm (Short Story - BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat - William H. Keith) - Golandrinas (LC)
2990-04-12: Dragon's Lair (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Destiny - William H. Keith) - Golandrinas (LC)
2990-08-16: Seal the Deal (Short Story - Shrapnel #11 - Russell Zimmerman) - Hesperus II (LC)


2991-12-05: The Calm of the Void (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Solaris VII (LC)
2991-12-24: The Calm of the Void (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - New Kyoto (LC)


2992-05-10: The Calm of the Void (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Wyatt (LC)
2992-06-20: The Calm of the Void (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - New Earth (LC)


2994-08-04: Vision's Hunger (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - New Kyoto (LC)
2994-11-11: Vision's Hunger (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Wing (FWL)
2994-11-21: Vision's Hunger (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Wing (FWL)
2994-12-05: Vision's Hunger (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Wing (FWL)


2995-02-02: Vision's Hunger (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - New Kyoto (LC)
2995-02-05: Vision's Hunger (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - New Kyoto (LC)
2995-07-02: Dissimulate Wanderer (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Matamoras (DC)
2995-07-15: Vision's Hunger (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Bone-Norman (LC)


2996-04-09:  High-Value Target (Short Story - Counterattack Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Vanra (FWL)
2996-04-09:  High-Value Target (Short Story - Counterattack Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Ingersoll (CC)
2996-04-22:  High-Value Target (Short Story - Counterattack Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Ingersoll (CC)
2996-04-25:  High-Value Target (Short Story - Counterattack Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Tsinghai (FWL)
2996-04-26:  High-Value Target (Short Story - Counterattack Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Tsinghai (CC)
2996: Unit Digest: The Ghosts of Spartacus (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell)


2997-04-05: Endless War (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)
2997-06-04: Seal the Deal (Short Story - Shrapnel #11 - Russell Zimmerman) - Alpheratz (OA)


2998-06-21: Endless War (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)
2998-07-07: Endless War (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)
2998-07-21: Endless War (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)
2998-08-27: Endless War (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)
2998-09-09: Endless War (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)
2998-09-11: Endless War (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)


2999-03-03: Dissimulate Wanderer (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Al Na'ir (DC)
2999-07-02: The Hand That Feeds (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Auldhouse (LC)
2999-10-14: The Hand That Feeds (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Galatea (LC)
2999-12-27: Seal the Deal (Short Story - Shrapnel #11 - Russell Zimmerman) - Vendrell (LC)
« Last Edit: 19 October 2023, 08:48:32 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #16 on: 10 January 2015, 07:06:05 »

3000-01-01: Millennium Marauder (Short Story - Shrapnel #14 - Jeremy A. Reynolds) - Kathil (FS)
3000-01-10: Millennium Marauder (Short Story - Shrapnel #14 - Jeremy A. Reynolds) - Kathil (FS)
3000: End Run (Scenario - TCI Set #2 - Griffin & Locust - Alan Tucker) - Holloway V (DC)
3000-04-11: The Hand That Feeds (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Hoff (FS)
3000-05-27: The Hand That Feeds (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Benet III (DC)
3000-05-28: The Hand That Feeds (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Benet III (DC)
3000-06-07: The Hand That Feeds (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Randall N. Bills) - Hoff (FS)
3000-10-15: Heir Apparent (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-10-16: Heir Apparent (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-10-20: Heir Apparent (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-06: Heir Apparent (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-08: Heir Apparent (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-11: Heir Apparent (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-15: Heir Apparent (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-15: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-16: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-19: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-20: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-11-30: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-12-02: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-12-12: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-12-21: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive
3000-12-23: Apparent Catastrophe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Maldive


3001: Quicksand (Scenario - TCI Set #6 - Rifleman & Warhammer - Alan Tucker) - New Eden (?)
3001-04-28: Catastrophe Unlimited (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3001-05-03: Catastrophe Unlimited (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3001-08-03: Dissimulate Wanderer (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Al Na'ir (DC)
3001-09-07: Catastrophe Unlimited (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3001-11-10: Catastrophe Unlimited (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3001-12-17: Catastrophe Unlimited (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3001-12-20: Catastrophe Unlimited (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3001-12-22: Catastrophe Unlimited (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3001-12-24: Catastrophe Unlimited (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)


3002-02-25: Dissimulate Wanderer (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Al Na'ir (DC)
3002-06-17: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-06-19: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-06-21: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-06-23: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-06-25: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-07-02: Bank Shot (Track - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Campoleone (FWL)
3002-07-08: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-07-22: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-07-29: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-07-30: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-08-04: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-08-14: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-08-28: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-08-30: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive
3002-09-03: Unlimited Honor (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Maldive


3003: Remember the Alamo (Scenario - TCI Set #4 - Wolverine & Goliath - Alan Tucker) - New Texas (LC)
3003-11-17: Knives in the Dark (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Regulus (FWL)


3004-02-03: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3004-02-27: One Man's Trash (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Kalidasa (FWL)
3004-02-28: One Man's Trash (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Kalidasa (FWL)
3004-02-29: One Man's Trash (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Kalidasa (FWL)
3004-03-01: One Man's Trash (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Philip A. Lee) - Kalidasa (FWL)


3005-01-01: Dissimulate Wanderer (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Layover (FS)
3005: Lone Wolf (Scenario - TCI Set #1 - Shadow Hawk and Scorpion - Alan Tucker) - Valhalla VI (DC?)
3005-02-06: Vanish (Short Story - A Time of War: Limited Collector's Edition - Michael A. Stackpole) - Poulsbo (LC)
3005-02-07: Vanish (Short Story - A Time of War: Limited Collector's Edition - Michael A. Stackpole) - Poulsbo (LC)
3005-02-12: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - New Kent (CSV)

Wolf's Dragoons Arrive in the Inner Sphere (April 11, 3005)

3005-06-17: Contested Dreams (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Galatea (LC)
3005-10-07: Contested Dreams (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Galatea (LC)
3005-11-14: Contested Dreams (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Galatea (LC)
3005-12-11: Contested Dreams (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Galatea (LC)


3006-01-02: Contested Dreams (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall N. Bills) - Galatea (LC)
3006-03-03: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - New Kent (CSV)
3006-12-11: Dissimulate Wanderer (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Lungdo (FWL)


3007: Duck Soup (Scenario - TCI Set #11 - Wasp ASF & Phoenix Hawk ASF - Alan Tucker) - Perkasie (FS)
3007-06-17: Twins (Scenario - BattleCorps - Stephen A. Frabartolo) - Rochelle (FWL)
3007-06-20: Run, Locust, Run (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Westin Riverside) - New Hessenn (CC)
3007-09-27: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - New Kent (CSV)
3007-09-30: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - New Kent (CSV)


3008-01-11: Knives in the Dark (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - McKenna (FWL)
3008: King of the Mountain (Scenario - TCI Set #7 - Marauder & Ostroc Mk. II - Alan Tucker) - Brittany III (FS)
3008-04-05: Knives in the Dark (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - McKenna (FWL)
3008-04-11: Making a Name (Short Story - Weapons Free - Jason Schmetzer) - New Aragon (CC)
3008-04-12: Making a Name (Short Story - Weapons Free - Jason Schmetzer) - New Aragon (CC)
3008-05-08: Making a Name (Short Story - Weapons Free - Jason Schmetzer) - Hunan (CC)
3008-08-03: Knives in the Dark (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - McKenna (FWL)
3008-09-08: Opportunity (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jeff Kautz) - Tortuga Prime (TD)
3008-10-05: Knives in the Dark (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - McKenna (FWL)
3008-10-15?: Amber Surprise (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Danais (FWL)
3008-10-27: Knives in the Dark (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - McKenna (FWL)
3008-10-31: Knives in the Dark (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - McKenna (FWL)
3008-11-04: Knives in the Dark (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - McKenna (FWL)


Wolf's Dragoons Makes Its First Supply Run (3009)

3009: Easy Money (Scenario - TCI Set #12 - Leopard Class DropShip, Marauder & Crusader - Alan Tucker) - Kiyev III (FWL)
3009: The Stumble Raid (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Alula Australis (FWL)
3009-04-14: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Hesperus II (LC)
« Last Edit: 15 September 2023, 14:09:20 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #17 on: 10 January 2015, 12:07:44 »

3010-01-03: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Sian (CC)
3010-01-08: Seal the Deal (Short Story - Shrapnel #11 - Russell Zimmerman) - New Samarkand (DC)
3010-02-21: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Terra (CS)
3010-02-28: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Unknown (FS)
3010: A LAM in the Hand (Scenario - TCI Set #10 - Phoenix Hawk & Phoenix Hawk LAM - Alan Tucker) - Sirdar II (FS)
3010-05-15: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #3 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Dubhe (FWL)
3010-06-11: Piece by Piece (Short Story - Shrapnel #5 - Matt Alexander) - Manassas (FS)
3010-06-12: Piece by Piece (Short Story - Shrapnel #5 - Matt Alexander) - Manassas (FS)
3010-07-01?: To the Rescue (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Uhuru (FWL)
3010-10-03: Not the Way the Smart Money Bets (Short Story - BattleCorps - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-04: Not the Way the Smart Money Bets (Short Story - BattleCorps - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-05: Not the Way the Smart Money Bets (Short Story - BattleCorps - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-06: Not the Way the Smart Money Bets (Short Story - BattleCorps - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-07: Not the Way the Smart Money Bets (Short Story - BattleCorps - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-10: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Irian (FWL)
3010-10-15: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-16: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-17: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-19: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-20: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-21: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-23: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-24: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-26: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-27: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-29: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-10-31: A Tiny Spot of Rebellion (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3010-11-15: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3010-12-10: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-12: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3010-12-14: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-15: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-16: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-16: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3010-12-17: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-18: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-18: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3010-12-21: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-21: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3010-12-23: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-23: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3010-12-24: A Clever Bit of Fiction (Novella - Kell Hounds Ascendant - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-24: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #1 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-25: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #1 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-27: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #1 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-28: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #1 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-30: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #2 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3010-12-31: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #2 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)


3011-01-02: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Emris IV (FWL)
3011-01-02: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #2 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Location Unknown
3011-01-02: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #2 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3011-01-03: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #2 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Location Unknown
3011-01-05: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #2 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3011-01-07: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #2 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zavijava (LC)
3011-01-08: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #2 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Location Unknown
3011-02-03: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Procyon (FWL)
3011-03-14: Dragon's Fire (Scenario - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Payvand (FWL)
3011-03-15: Killing Dragons (Scenario - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Payvand (FWL)
3011-03-27: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Sian (CC)
3011-06-07: Lowering the Boom (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Castor (FWL)
3011-06-07: Delta Romeo (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Castor (FWL)
3011-06-27: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Terra (CS)
3011-07-02: A Skein of Schemes (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Irian (FWL)
3011: Snord and the Swarm (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dieudonne (FWL)
3011-05-16: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #5 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Dubhe (FWL)
3011-05-22: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #5 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Dubhe (FWL)
3011-05-23: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #5 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Wyatt (LC)
3011-05-27: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #5 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Cor Caroli (LC)
3011-05-29: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #5 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Alioth (LC)
3011-06-22: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #5 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)
3011-06-23: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #5 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Alioth (LC)
3011-07-06: If Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot... (Serialized Novella - Shrapnel #5 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Galatea (LC)


3012: Operation ROAD RUNNER (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Shiloh (FWL)
3012-03-22: Paper Tiger (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - Mark Hill) - Hardisey's Haven (CF)
3012-04-27: Paper Tiger (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - Mark Hill) - Cruz Alta (LC)
3012-06-08: Paper Tiger (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - Mark Hill) - Hardisey's Haven (CF)


3013: Unit Digest: Hawke's Horde (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer)
3013-02-02: Unleash the Horde (Scenario - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Landsmark (TC)
3013: Snord Rides Again (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Nestor (FWL)
3013: Stable Report: Gilgamesh Stables (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer)
3013-09-13: Obligation's Forge (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Mallory's World (FS)

The Battle for Mallory's World Begins (22 September, 3013 - 31 January, 3016)

3013-09-24: Obligation's Forge (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-03: Obligation's Forge (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-10: Obligation's Forge (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-10: Princely Rescue (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-18: Just Droppin' In (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-19: Obligation's Forge (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-19: The Nobility of Defeat (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-21: Obligation's Forge (Novella - MechWarrior 5: Mercs - Randall Bills) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-21: The Defeat of Nobility (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-21: The Desolation of Combat (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-21: A Royal Tragedy (Scenario - BattleForce - Cory Glaberson, L. Ross Babcock III, Kevin Stein & Tara Gallagher) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-21: To Save a Prince (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-10-27: The Sun Will Rise (Short Story - The Mercenary Life Anthology - Randall N. Bills) - Irian (FWL)
3013-11-12: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Addicks (FS)
3013-11-13: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Addicks (FS)
3013-11-15: The Sun Will Rise (Short Story - The Mercenary Life Anthology - Randall N. Bills) - Galatia III (FS)
3013-11-18: The Sun Will Rise (Short Story - The Mercenary Life Anthology - Randall N. Bills) - Galatia III (FS)
3013-11-20: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Addicks (FS)
3013-12-09: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Addicks (FS)
3013-12-15: Vive I Vegans (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-12-17: Return to the Scene (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3013-12-23: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Addicks (FS)
3013-12-23: The Sun Will Rise (Short Story - The Mercenary Life Anthology - Randall N. Bills) - Addicks (FS)
3013-12-28: The Sun Will Rise (Short Story - The Mercenary Life Anthology - Randall N. Bills) - Halstead Station (DC)
3013-12-29: The Sun Will Rise (Short Story - The Mercenary Life Anthology - Randall N. Bills) - Halstead Station (DC)


3014-01-05: Forbidden Lore (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Geoff Swift) - Halstead Station (DC)
3014-01-05: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Halstead Station (DC)
3014-01-18: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Halstead Station (DC)
3014-01-23: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Halstead Station (DC)
3014-01-30: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Halstead Station (DC)
3014-02-03: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Halstead Station (DC)
3014-02-03: The Sun Will Rise (Short Story - The Mercenary Life Anthology - Randall N. Bills) - Halstead Station (DC)
3014-04-25: A Little Knowledge (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Murchison (DC)

Anton Marik's Revolt Begins (May 3014 - May 3015)

3014-05-26: The Color of the Sky (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Nova Roma (FWL)
3014-05-27: The Sun Will Rise (Short Story - The Mercenary Life Anthology - Randall N. Bills) - De Berry (FS)
3014-05-28: The Color of the Sky (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Nova Roma (FWL)
3014-06-07: The Color of the Sky (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Nova Roma (FWL)
3014-06-09: The Color of the Sky (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Nova Roma (FWL)
3014-06-10: The Color of the Sky (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Nova Roma (FWL)
3014-06-16: The Color of the Sky (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Nova Roma (FWL)
3014-06-20: Marauder Lore (Short Story - MWO Forums - Randall N. Bills) - Nova Roma (FWL)
3014-08-24?: The Judas Blind (Short Story - Shrapnel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Murchison (DC)
3014-08-25?: The Judas Blind (Short Story - Shrapnel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Murchison (DC)
3014-08-28?: The Judas Blind (Short Story - Shrapnel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Murchison (DC)
3014-10: Return of the Snord (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Rochelle (FWL)
3014-10-24: Godfather (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Berenson (FWL)
3014-10-25: Godfather (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Berenson (FWL)
3014-10-28: Godfather (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Berenson (FWL)
3014-10-29: Godfather (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Berenson (FWL)
3014-11: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - Calloway VI (FWL)
3014-11: Natasha's Surprise (Scenario - The Spider and the Wolf - Scott Oehler) - Calloway VI (FWL)
« Last Edit: 16 December 2022, 10:13:19 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Posts: 5937
  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #18 on: 11 January 2015, 04:44:19 »

3015-02?: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - Terra (CS)
3015-02-25: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-02-25: Not a Drop to Drink (Scenario - The Spider and the Wolf - Scott Oehler) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-02-26: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-02-27: The Memory of Pain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-02: The Memory of Pain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-03: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-09: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - McKenna system (FWL)
3015-03-14: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-22: The Memory of Pain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - New Delo (FWL)s
3015-03-23: The Memory of Pain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-23: A Time of Ice and Fire (Short Story - Alpha Strike Quick Start Rules - Jason Schmetzer) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-24: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-24: The Memory of Pain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-24: The Bigger They Are... (Scenario - The Spider and the Wolf - Scott Oehler) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-24: A Time of Ice and Fire (Short Story - Alpha Strike Quick Start Rules - Jason Schmetzer) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-03-27: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - New Delos (FWL)
3015-06-06: The Spider and the Wolf (Graphic Novel - Gideon) - Terra (CS)
3015: Tutorial (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Game) - De Berry (FS)
3015: Smash and Grab (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Game) - De Berry (FS)
3015: Imminent Threat (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Game) - De Berry (FS)
3015: Takedown (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Game) - De Berry (FS)
3015: Last Man Standing (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Game) - De Berry (FS)

A Dragoon Contingent Travels to the Deep Periphery Rendezvous to Report on Joshua's Death (3015)

3015-12-12: Better Days (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - John-David Karnitz) - Abadan (FWL)


3016-01-31: The More Things Change... (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3016-01-31: ...The More They Stay the Same (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3016-01-31: Let's Do This (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3016-01-31: Outnumbered (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3016-01-31: The Duel (Track - Historical Turning Points: Mallory's World - Geoff Swift) - Mallory's World (FS)
3016-01-31: Archer Lore (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Mallory's World (FS)
3016: Noble Cause (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Allerton (FS)
3016-11-12: Good Fighters (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Dixie (LC)
3016-11-13: Good Fighters (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Dixie (LC)
3016-11-17: Good Fighters (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - WDS Hecate - Dixie system (LC)
3016-12-16: Dingane's Day (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell) - New Capetown (LC)
3016-12-31: The Swamp Fox (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Ben Klinefelter) - Verthandi (DC)


3017-01-03: The Swamp Fox (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Ben Klinefelter) - Verthandi (DC)
3017: McGovern's Legacy (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - ?) - New Avalon (FS)
3017-01-19: Permanent Losses (Short Story - BattleCorps - Aaron Cahall) - Clinton (LC)
3017-02-14: Permanent Losses (Short Story - BattleCorps - Aaron Cahall) - Clinton (LC)
3017: Target of Opportunity (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Hsien (CC)
3017-04-04: Forsaken (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - New Roland (CC)
3017-04-13: Permanent Losses (Short Story - BattleCorps - Aaron Cahall) - Clinton (LC)
3017-05-21: Forsaken (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Borgan's Rift (MC)
3017-05-21: Because It Matters (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Shoreham (FS)
3017-07-15: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - New Kent (CSV)
3017-07-26: A Measure of Clarity (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Callison (FWL)
3017-07-27: A Measure of Clarity (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Callison (FWL)
3017-08-11: Forsaken (Short Story - BattleCorps - Alan Brundage) - Ildanet (Abandoned)
3017-08-15: Story of the Legend-Killer (Short Story - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Solaris VII (LC)
3017-11-28: Death of the Legion (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Mankova (FWL)


3018: Diminishing Returns (Scenario - Clan Invasion Kickstarter) - ?
3018: Collateral Damage (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Capolla (CC)
3018-03-13: Junk Yard Dog – Raid on Nathan (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Nathan (FWL)
3018-03-14: Junk Yard Dog – A Family Reunion (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Nathan (FWL)
3018-04-15: Junk Yard Dog – Recall (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Holt (FWL)
3018-04-15: Junk Yard Dog – Kidnapping a Marik (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Holt (FWL)
3018-05-17: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Kagoshima (DC)
3018-05-17: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Kirchbach (DC)
3018-05-18: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Kagoshima (DC)
3018-11?: Snake Eyes (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Glen L. Mitchell) - Dis (DC)
3018-11-19: Archer Lore (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Zaniah III (LC)


3019: A Present from Janos (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Clinton (LC)
3019: First Strike (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Foot Fall (CC)
3019-06?: Snake Eyes (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Glen L. Mitchell) - Stanion's World (LC)
3019-06-06: Hector (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Hesperus II (LC)
3019-06-14: Hector (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Hesperus II (LC)
3019-06-22: Hector (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Hesperus II (LC)
3019-06-23: Hector (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Hesperus II (LC)
3019-06-25: Hector (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Hesperus II (LC)
3019-06-26: Tanda's Crossing (Scenario - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Hesperus II (LC)
3019-06-26: Hector (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Hesperus II (LC)
3019-06-27: Hector (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Hesperus II (LC)

Wolf's Dragoons Makes Its Second Supply Run (July 3019 - December 3019)

3019-07-29: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Radstadt (DC)
3019-08-20: Desk Jockeys (Sourcebook Fiction - Hexpack Promotion 1 - Joel Bancroft-Connors) - Salem (FS)
3019-09-20: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Rasalhague (DC)
3019-09-22: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Rasalhague (DC)
3019-09-23: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Rasalhague (DC)

« Last Edit: 15 June 2023, 07:38:53 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Posts: 5937
  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #19 on: 11 January 2015, 06:51:35 »

3020-01-19: El Dorado (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Chris Purnell) - Oberon VI (OC)
3020-05: Cry Vengeance!  (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Harrow's Sun (FS)

Katrina Steiner Issues Peace Proposal

3020-06-22: Irreplaceable (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - New Avalon (FS)
3020: Distress Call (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Cole Harbour (FWL)
3020-07-05: The Alexandria Job (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Giles Gammage) - Ryde (LC)
3020-08-14: River Crossing (Short Story - Stardate Vol. 3 #2 - John A. Theisen) - New Hessen (CC)
3020-08-15: River Crossing (Short Story - Stardate Vol. 3 #2 - John A. Theisen) - New Hessen (CC)
3020-08-15: River Crossing (Scenario - Stardate Vol. 3 #2 - John A. Theisen) - New Hessen (CC)
3020-09-01: The Race is Not to the Swift (Short Story - Shrapnel - Bear Peters) - Solaris VII (LC)
3020-09-17: The Alexandria Job (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Giles Gammage) - Alexandria (DC)
3020-09-19: The Alexandria Job (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Giles Gammage) - Alexandria (DC)
3020-10-13: Dispatch (Short Story - Shrapnel - Elizabeth T. Danforth & Michael A. Stackpole) - McAffe (FWL)
3020-10-31: Dispatch (Short Story - Shrapnel - Elizabeth T. Danforth & Michael A. Stackpole) - Bella I (FWL)
3020-11-03: Dispatch (Short Story - Shrapnel - Elizabeth T. Danforth & Michael A. Stackpole) - McAffe (FWL)
3020-11-07: Dispatch (Short Story - Shrapnel - Elizabeth T. Danforth & Michael A. Stackpole) - Bella I (FWL)
3020-11-10: Dispatch (Short Story - Shrapnel - Elizabeth T. Danforth & Michael A. Stackpole) - McAffe (FWL)
3020-11-16: Dispatch (Short Story - Shrapnel - Elizabeth T. Danforth & Michael A. Stackpole) - Bella I (FWL)
3020-11-18: Dispatch (Short Story - Shrapnel - Elizabeth T. Danforth & Michael A. Stackpole) - McAffe System (En Route to Atreus) (FWL)
3020-11-27: Dispatch (Short Story - Shrapnel - Elizabeth T. Danforth & Michael A. Stackpole) - Clinton (LC)
3020-12-01: The Alexandria Job (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Giles Gammage) - Alexandria (DC)
3020-12-25: Up In Smoke (Scenario - Cranston Snord's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Alexandria (LC)


Federated Commonwealth Treaty Negotiations Begin on Terra (February 1, 3021 - June 1, 3022)

3021-02-10: A Whole Lotta Flak (Short Story - Stardate Vol. 3 #4 - John A. Theisen) - New Hessen (CC)
3021-02-11: A Whole Lotta Flak (Short Story - Stardate Vol. 3 #4 - John A. Theisen) - New Hessen (CC)
3021-02-22: A Whole Lotta Flak (Short Story - Stardate Vol. 3 #4 - John A. Theisen) - New Hessen (CC)
3021-03: Hot Time in the Hot Zone (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Manteno (FS)
3021-04-04: Final Stop (Sourcebook Fiction - Requiem For a Blue Star - Alex Kaempen) - Buffalo Meadows (Draconis Reach)
3021: Lock'n'Load (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Cavanaugh (LC)
3021-08-08: Terminus (Short Story - Stardate Vol. 3 #5 - John Theisen) - Teng (CC)
3021-08-08: Terminus (Scenario - Stardate Vol. 3 #5 - John Theisen) - Teng (CC)
3021-08-15: The Wreckoning (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Russell Zimmerman) - Solaris VII (LC)
3021-09-02: The Wreckoning (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Russell Zimmerman) - Solaris VII (LC)
3021-09-03: The Wreckoning (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Russell Zimmerman) - Solaris VII (LC)
3021-09: Painting the Town (Short Story - Shrapnel - Mark O'Green) - Dromini VI (DC)
3021-09-14: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Dromini VI (DC)
3021-09-21: The Wreckoning (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Russell Zimmerman) - Solaris VII (LC)
3021-09-28: The Wreckoning (Short Story - Shrapnel #13 - Russell Zimmerman) - Solaris VII (LC)
3021-10-03: The Protector (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor & John Theison) - La Blon (LC)
3021-10-19: In Service to the Dragon (Short Story - BattleCorps - David G. Martin) - Alleghe (DC)
3021-11: Trial by Combat  (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - New Ivaarsen (FS)
3021-11-28: Remaining Unperceived  (Short Story - 25 Years of Art and Fiction - Robert Charrette) - Hoff (FS)


3022: Have a Nice Day (Scenario - TCI Set #9 - Stinger and Stinger LAM - Alan Tucker) - Megrez V (FWL)
3022-02-01: Remaining Unperceived  (Short Story - 25 Years of Art and Fiction - Robert Charrette) - Hoff (FS)
3022-02-01: Coronation Day (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Coromodir (AR)
3022-03: A Stab in the Back (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Thestria (DC)
3022-03-11: Flushing the Competition (Short Story - Shrapnel #16 - Steve P. Vincent) - Caliban's Rock (Deep Periphery)
3022-04-10: Abandonment (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Ford (LC)
3022-04-18: Abandonment (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Ford (LC)
3022-04-20: Abandonment (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Ford (LC)
3022-04-20: The Gauntlet - Descent (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - llsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3022-04-23: Hornet's Nest (Short Story - 25 Years of Art and Fiction - Craig Erne) - Demeter (FS)
3022-04-23: Operation MAD HOUSE (Scenario - TCI Set #3 - Thunderbolt & BattleMaster - Alan Tucker) - New London (FS)
3022-05-11: The Lancer Strike (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Al Na'ir (DC)
3022-05-11: Forced March (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Al Na'ir (DC)
3022-05-11: In the Backfield (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Al Na'ir (DC)
3022-05-11: Return Game (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Al Na'ir (DC)
3022-06-01: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael Stackpole) - Terra (CS)

Federated Commonwealth Treaty Signed (June 1, 3022)

3022-07-21: Hornet's Nest (Short Story - 25 Years of Art and Fiction - Craig Erne) - Oriente (FWL)
3022-08-15: Lady Sings the Blues (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - Richard Meyer) - Kessel (FS)
3022-09-17: Hornet's Nest (Short Story - 25 Years of Art and Fiction - Craig Erne) - Bithinia (CC)
3022-09-27: The David Ambush (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0102 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Penobscot (LC)
3022-09-27: Hide and Seek (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0102 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Penobscot (LC)

Concord of Kapteyn Signed (October 13, 3022)

3022-10-31: The Fight for Depot 217 (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - An Ting (DC)
3022: Black Harvest (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Eaton (LC)


3023: Operation CRUSADER (Scenario - TCI Set #5 - Archer & Crusader - Alan Tucker) - Sahara II (Butte Hold) (RR)
3023-03-09: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Awano (DC)
3023-04: A Dragon of a Different Color (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Quentin IV (FS)
3023-04: The Fox, the Hound, and the Dragon (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Quentin IV (FS)
3023-04: Fear No Evil (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Beta Mensae IV (DC)
3023-04-09: The Battle for Hoff - Queen's Gambit Accepted (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - Richard Meyer) - Hoff (FS)
3023-04-22: The Battle for Hoff - A Better Mousetrap (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - Richard Meyer) - Hoff (FS)
3023-05-12: The Battle for Hoff - Calm Before the Storm (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - Richard Meyer) - Hoff (FS)
3023-05-13: The Battle for Hoff - Last Line of Defense (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - Richard Meyer) - Hoff (FS)
3023-05-15: Fox at Bay (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Tancredi IV (FS)
3023-06-13: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Quentin IV (FS)
3023-06-14: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Quentin IV (FS)
3023-06-17: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Quentin IV (FS)
3023-06-18: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Quentin IV (FS)
3023-06-18: Hot City Night (Scenario - Breakout! Magazine #31 - Kevin O'Neil) - Les Halles (FWL)
3023-06-19: A Question of Honor (Scenario - Breakout! Magazine #31 - Kevin O'Neil) - Les Halles (FWL)
3023-06-20: The Sakara Skirmish (Scenario - Game News #3 - Patrick Larkin) - Sakhara (FS)
3023-06-21: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Quentin IV (FS)
3023-06-28: The Swarm's Sting (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Fallon II (DC)
3023: Extraction (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Leganes (LC)
3023-07-06: Without Warning (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - Kelvin Casing) - Verthandi (DC)
3023-08: Lady's Man (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - J. Andrew Keith) - Bergman's Planet (FS)
3023-10-16: Deadly Ambition (Short Story - BattleTechnology #7 - Dennis Greene) - Tancredi IV (FS)
3023-10-16: Deth Meets Death (Scenario - BattleTechnology #7 - Dennis Greene) - Tancredi IV (FS)
3023-12: Dawn Patrol (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - J. Andrew Keith) - Marduk (FS)


3024-01-02: The Bye-Bye Brigade (Short Story - Shrapnel #4 - Jason Schmetzer) - Galatea (LC)
3024-01-04: The Bye-Bye Brigade (Short Story - Shrapnel #4 - Jason Schmetzer) - Galatea (LC)
3024-01-05: The Bye-Bye Brigade (Short Story - Shrapnel #4 - Jason Schmetzer) - Galatea (LC)
3024-01-07: The Bye-Bye Brigade (Short Story - Shrapnel #4 - Jason Schmetzer) - Galatea (LC)
3024-02: Ghost Unit (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - Richard Meyer) - Proserpina (DC)
3024-03-03: Affidavit of Gideon Braver Vandenburg (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior - Steve Peterson) - Ander's Moon (Elidere system?) (FS)

Blazing Aces Founded

3024-03-18: Gustrell Switchback (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Steelton (LC)
3024-03-22: Gustrell Switchback (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Steelton (LC)
3024-03-31: Gustrell Switchback (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Gustrell (OC)
3024-04: Fog of War (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Klathandu IV (FS)
3024-04:  Burning Purpose (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Irurzun (DC)
3024-04-02: Gustrell Switchback (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Gustrell (OC)
3024-05: The Lady and the Tiger (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - J. Andrew Keith) - Thule (DC)
3024: Blood and Treasure (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Grumium (DC)
3024-06: An Affair of Honor  (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Groveld III (FS) 
3024-06: Leave No Survivors (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Doneval II (FS)
3024-06: Finals (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #4 - Lance Hampton) - Doneval II (FS)
3024-07-02: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Marshall
3024-07-03: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Marshall
3024-07-04: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Marshall
3024-07-15: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Marshall
3024-07-22: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Marshall
3024-07-28: Seven Years' Bad Luck (Short Story - BattleCorps - Philip A. Lee) - Marshall
3024-07:  Seek Out Grig, If You Dare (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Land's End (DC)
3024-08: Life in the Big City (Sourcebook Fiction - CityTech - Tara Gallagher) - Rahway II (FS)
3024-08-25: The Ranger Surprise (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine L. Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Altais (DC)
3024-09:  On Grig's Trail (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Land's End (DC)
3024-09-02: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-09-06: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-09-07: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-09-09: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-09-18: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-09-19: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-10-01: Old Pus Eye (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - All Dawn
3024-10:  Deal with Griez (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Delacruz (DC)
3024-10-10: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-10-16: Water, Water Everywhere (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Samuel Brown Baker II and Dorothy Elizabeth Baker) - Hun Ho (DC)
3024-10-17: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-10-18: Three Years Later (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Ur Cruinne (Periphery)
3024-10-18: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-10-23: Spider Trap (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Coursadin (Remis III) (FS)
3024-10-24: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-10-25: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-10-30: Benefactor (Encounter - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Bellerophon (Periphery)
3024-11-01: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-02: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-03: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-04: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-05: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-08: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-09: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-09: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - An Ting
3024-11-09: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3024-11-11: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3024-11-11: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-11: Alone on Trellwan (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-11: Decision at Thunder Rift (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-11-13: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)

Gray Death Legion Founded

3024-11-17: Capture the Argo (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Axylus (Periphery)
3024-12-01: Decision at Thunder Rift (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Trell I (LC)
3024-12-20: Liberation of Weldry (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Weldry (AD)
3024-12-22: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
« Last Edit: 16 March 2024, 07:15:27 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #20 on: 11 January 2015, 09:19:30 »

3025: Before the Succession Wars (Short Story - Stardate Vol. 1 #5/6 - Patrick Larkin & Jordan Weisman)
3025: Unit Digest: Outer Reaches Disciples (Article - Shrapnel #15 - Eric Salzman)
3025: Six Months On The Float (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - James Kirtley)
3025-01-02: Shadow War, Part 1 (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-01-10: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (FS)
3025-01-19: Liao Alliance (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Desolate Plains (Abandoned)
3025-02-03: Restitution (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Galedon V (DC)
3025-02-05: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-02-06: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-02-07: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Sian (CC)
3025-02-09: Last Gasp (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Ibstock (FWL)
3025-02-12: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-02-17: Liberation: Panzyr (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Panzyr (AD)
3025-02-25: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Dragon's Field (FS)
3025-02-28: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Dragon's Field (FS)
3025-03-02: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Dragon's Field (FS)
3025-03-05: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (CC)
3025-03-06: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (CC)
3025-03-07: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Sian (CC)
3025-03-07: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (CC)
3025-03-08: Murphy's Method (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - McGehee (FS)
3025-03-08: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (CC)
3025-03-09: Liberation: Smithon (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Smithon (AD)
3025-03-09: Served Cold (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Smithon (AR)
3025-03-09: Grave Robbing (Encounter - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Smithon (AR)
3025-03-09: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (CC)
3025-03-10: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-03-10: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (CC)
3025-03-11: Scavenger Hunt (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - Richard Meyer) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-03-12: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (FS)
3025-03-14: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-03-15: Shadow War, Part 2 (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Sarna (CC)
3025-03-15: First Run (Scenario - 3rd Edition Rulebook - Michael Nystul) - Somerset (LC)
3025-03-19: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Bethel? (FS)
3025-03:  Delivery on Dustball (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Dustball (LC)
3025-03-27: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Tharkad (LC)
3025-03-31: Raising the Dead (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Artru (AD)
3025-03-31: Escape (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Artru (AD)
3025-04-01: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Marfik (DC)
3025-04-05: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Tharkad (LC)
3025-04-07: Almost Sounds Like the Guns Themselves (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - E. Clark Avery) - Coromodir VI (AD)
3025-04-10: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Tharkad (LC)

3025-04-12: Assassinate the Assassins (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Electra (FS)
3025-04-14: The Check is in the Mail (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Philip A. Lee) - Cylene (DC)
3025-04-22: Murphy's Method (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - McGehee (FS)
3025-04-26: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Argyle (FS)
3025-04-27: Murphy's Method (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - McGehee (FS)
3025-04-28: Murphy's Method (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - McGehee (FS)
3025-05-01: Revenge (Scenario - Breakout! Magazine #31 - Kevin O'Neil) - Planting (LC)
3025-05-01: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-05-03: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-05-04: War Council (Encounter - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Weldry (AR)
3025-05-06: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (FS)
3025-05-07: Training Day (Scenario - Alpha Strike Quick-Start Rules - ?) - Tikonov (CC)?
3025-05-10: Noble Feud (Scenario - Alpha Strike Quick-Start Rules - ?) - Tikonov (CC)?
3025-05-12: Factory Battle (Scenario - Alpha Strike Quick-Start Rules - ?) - Tikonov (CC)?
3024-05: City Fight (Scenario - TCI Set #8 - Wasp and Wasp LAM - Alan Tucker) - Delos VI (LC)
3025-05-15: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Argyle (FS)

Operation DOPPLEGANGER Replaces Hanse Davion with a Double

3025-05-15: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-05-17: DropShips and JumpShips (Sourcebook - FASA - Claire W. Hess) - Terra (CS)  Expanded Review

The Galtor Campaign Begins

3025-05-18: In the Deep (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical Turning Points: Galtor - Geoff Swift) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-05-18: Enemies Below (Track - Historical Turning Points: Galtor - Geoff Swift) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-05-25: Charge of the Hussars (Scenario - The Galtor Campaign - Cory Glaberson) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-05-26: The Guards' Finest Hour (Scenario - The Galtor Campaign - Cory Glaberson) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-05-26: Never Surrender (Track - Historical Turning Points: Galtor - Geoff Swift) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-05-28: Shadow War, Part 3 (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Amity (FWL)
3025-05-29: Defense: Smithon (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Smithon (AR)
3025: Killing Kane (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Xinyang (DC)
3025-06-01: Never Trust the Recruitment Posters (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - James Kirtley) - Galatea (LC)
3025-06-05: Technical Readout: 3025 (Sourcebook - FASA - Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F . Petersen, Jr., Anthony Pryor, Dale L. Kemper, Shaun Duncan) Expanded
3025-06-07: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Tharkad (LC)
3025-06-15: Final Exam (Scenario - 3rd Edition Rulebook - Michael Nystul) - Somerset (LC)
3025-06-17: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-06:  Brotherly Love, Or Lack Thereof (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Lesnovo (FWL)
3025-06: Assassinate the Assassins (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - New Vandenberg (TC)
3025-06-19: Liberation: Itrom (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Itrom (AD)
3025-06-20: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Stein's Folly (FS)
3025-06-22: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-06-24: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-06-24: Viking Strike (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Susquehanna (DC)
3025-06-26: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-06-29: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-06-29: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - Argyle (FS)
3025-07-01: And Then There Was the Time... (Short Story - Shrapnel - Mark O'Green) - Ningxia (DC)
3025-07-01: Camo Specs - A Guide to Regimental Paint Schemes (Sourcebook - FASA - Karl Hiesterman)
3025-07-01: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-07-01: Where Lies the Honor (Short Story - Shrapnel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Kawabe (DC)
3025-07-01: Snipe Hunt (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Troy Garner) - Timbuktu (LC)
3025-07-02: Where Lies the Honor (Short Story - Shrapnel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Kawabe (DC)
3025-07-03: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-07-05: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-07-06: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-07-07: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)

Operation DOPPLEGANGER Ends in Failure, Hanse Davion Restored as First Prince

3025-07-07: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-07-09: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-07-10: The Heart of Dixie (Short Story - BattleCorps - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Dixie (LC)
3025-07-11: Defense: Panzyr (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Panzyr (AR)
3025-07-11: Extraction (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Panzyr (AR)
3025-07-29: Life and Death in the Big City (Scenario - The Galtor Campaign - Cory Glaberson) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-07-30: No Profit in Dying (Scenario - BattleForce - Cory Glaberson, L. Ross Babcock III, Kevin Stein, Tara Gallagher) - Buckminster (DC)
3025-08-01: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Galatea (LC)
3025-08-04: Pawns of Crystal, Board of Stone (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabes - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Udibi (FS)
3025-08-04: Galtorian Nights (Track - Historical Turning Points: Galtor - Geoff Swift) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-08-04: Straw Man (Short Story - BattleCorps - James Swallow) - Pencader (LC)
3025-08-05: Straw Man (Short Story - BattleCorps - James Swallow) - Pencader (LC)
3025-08-05: Liberation: Tyrlon (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Tyrlon (AD)
3025-08-06: Straw Man (Short Story - BattleCorps - James Swallow) - Pencader (LC)
3025-08-07: Straw Man (Short Story - BattleCorps - James Swallow) - Pencader (LC)
3025-08-10: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Galatea (LC)
3025-08-10: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Gallwen
3025-08-12: Vegans to the Rescue (Scenario - The Galtor Campaign - Cory Glaberson) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-08-12: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-08-13: The Further Adventures of Cranston Snord's Irregulars - The Bribery Gambit (Short Story - Stardate Vol. 3 #6 - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Clinton (LC)
3025-08-18: Guerrilla Warfare (Scenario - Rolling Thunder - Michael T. Herbert) - Hongqiao (FWL)
3025-08-20: The Sword and the Dagger (Novel - Ardath Mayhar) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-08-25: Decision at Marduk (Scenario - The Galtor Campaign - Cory Glaberson) - Marduk (DC)
3025-08-27: Locura (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Coromodir (AD)
3025-08-27: Showdown (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Coromodir (AR)
3025-09-01: The Final Push - Part 1 (Scenario - The Galtor Campaign - Cory Glaberson) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-09-01: Hopelessly Outmatched (Track - Historical Turning Points: Galtor - Geoff Swift) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-09-01: The Final Push - Part 2 (Scenario - The Galtor Campaign - Cory Glaberson) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-09-01: The Final Push - Part 3 (Scenario - The Galtor Campaign - Cory Glaberson) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-09-01: In the Bear's Den (Track - Historical Turning Points: Galtor - Geoff Swift) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-09-03: Pirate Hunt (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Lackhove (MV)
3025-09-05: New Avalon Institute of Science - MechWarrior Training Manual (Sourcebook - Stardate Vol. 3 #4 - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-09-05: New Avalon Institute of Science - MechWarrior Training Manual (Sourcebook - Stardate Vol. 3 #5 - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-09-05: New Avalon Institute of Science - MechWarrior Training Manual (Sourcebook - Stardate Vol. 3 #6 - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-09-05: New Avalon Institute of Science - MechWarrior Training Manual (Sourcebook - Stardrive Vol. 1 #1 - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-09-11: Dahar No More (Track - Historical Turning Points: Galtor - Geoff Swift) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-09-12: Citations of Respect (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Galtor III (FS)
3025-09-17: Shadow War, Part 4 (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Vendrell (LC)
3025-09-27: Stand of Defiance (Track - Historical Turning Points: Galtor - Geoff Swift) - Galtor III (FS)

Galtor Campaign Ends

3025-09-30: The Dragon's Last Stand (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #1 & #2 - Joe Judt) - Baxter (LC)
3025-10-01: The Dragon's Last Stand (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #1 & #2 - Joe Judt) - Baxter (LC)
3025-10-01: Of Unknown Origin (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Tarragona (Periphery)
3025-10-15: Queen's Gambit (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow - J. Andrew Keith) - New Aberdeen (FS)
3025-10-21: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-10-25: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-10-25: Blockade Runner (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-10-27: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-10-28: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-02: The Hungry Dogs (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleForce #1 - Jack Herman) - Sturtevant (FS)
3025-11-02: The Hungry Dogs (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleForce #1 - Jack Herman) - Sian (CC)
3025-11-02: The Hungry Dogs (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleForce #1 - Jack Herman) - New Syrtis (FS)
3025-11-05: Joint Venture (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Adrar (Periphery)
3025-11-06: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-13: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-14: Un-Masked (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Old Kentucky (CC)
3025-11-16: The Hungry Dogs (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleForce #1 - Jack Herman) - Tibolt (CC)
3025-11-17: The Black Sheep (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleForce #2 - Jack Herman) - Tibolt (CC)
3025-11-17: The Black Sheep (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleForce #2 - Jack Herman) - New Avalon (FS)
3025-11-17: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-18: The Black Sheep (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleForce #2 - Jack Herman) - Tibolt (CC)
3025-11-18: The Black Sheep (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleForce #2 - Jack Herman) - New Syrtis (FS)
3025-11-18: Devastating Encounter (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Conroe (FS)
3025-11-20: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-20: Flesh and Steel (Short Story - StarDate Vol. 3 #4 - Claire W. Hess) - New Aberdeen (FS)
3025-11-21: Flesh and Steel (Short Story - StarDate Vol. 3 #4 - Claire W. Hess) - New Aberdeen (FS)
3025-11-21: Flesh and Steel (Scenario - Stardate Vol. 3 #4 - Claire W. Hess) - New Aberdeen (FS)
3025-11-21: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-22: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-23: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-24: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-26: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-11-30: Almost Sounds Like the Guns Themselves (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - E. Clark Avery) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3025-12-01: Almost Sounds Like the Guns Themselves (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - E. Clark Avery) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3025-12-01: Prototype (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Fagerholm (FWL)
3025-12-01: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-12-02: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-12-03: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-12-04: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-12-04: First Mission (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-12-10: A Train to Catch (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Cimeron (FS)
3025-12-11: Shadow War, Part 5 (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Dieron (DC)
3025-12-14: Almost Sounds Like the Guns Themselves (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - E. Clark Avery) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3025-12-16: Almost Sounds Like the Guns Themselves (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - E. Clark Avery) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3025-12-16: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3025-12-18: Big Mac Attack (Scenario - Rolling Thunder - Michael T. Herbert) - Calloway VI (FWL)
3025-12-19: Almost Sounds Like the Guns Themselves (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - E. Clark Avery) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3025-12-22: Almost Sounds Like the Guns Themselves (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - E. Clark Avery) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3025-12-23: Almost Sounds Like the Guns Themselves (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - E. Clark Avery) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3025-12-24: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-12-25: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-12-26: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3025-12-31: House Kurita - The Draconis Combine (Sourcebook - FASA - Boy F. Peterson, Jr., Tara Gallagher, Todd Huettel, Donna Ippolito, John Theisen, Robert Wells)
3025-12-31: House Liao - The Capellan Confederation (Sourcebook - FASA - Rick David Stuart)
3025-12-31: House Steiner - The Lyran Commonwealth (Sourcebook - FASA - Boy F. Peterson, Jr.)
« Last Edit: 13 December 2023, 14:47:23 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Posts: 5937
  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #21 on: 12 January 2015, 03:03:17 »

3026-01-01: Flattened Earth (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Cavalor (CC)
3026-01-01: Supply and Demand (Encounter - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Cavalor (CC)
3026-01-02: After the Big Boys (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Towne (FS)
3026-01-10: Think Like a Liao (Short Story - Shrapnel - Susan Putney) - Liao (CC)
3026-01-12: Sniper (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Poulsbo (LC)
3026-01-13: Sniper (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Poulsbo (LC)
3026-01-14: Sniper (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Poulsbo (LC)
3026-01-18: The Valley of Tears (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Quinn? (FS)
3026-01-21: Think Like a Liao (Short Story - Shrapnel - Susan Putney) - Kali (Algol system) (CC)
3026-01-24: Hunting Season (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Independence (Periphery)
3026-02-01: Water, Water, Everywhere (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Rasalhague (DC)
3026-02-13: Raid on Hell (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Quentin (FS)
3026-02-15: Cossack Raid (Scenario - BattleTechnology #13 - S. Craig Harris) - Marduk (FS)
3026-02:  Kangaroo Jack's Last Jump (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Okefenokee (FS)
3026-02-26: Kurita Alliance (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Horsham (FS)
3026-03-01: House Marik - The Free Worlds League (Sourcebook - FASA - Richard K. Meyer, Walter H. Hunt, C.R. Green)
3026-03-02: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Galatea (LC)
3026-03-11: The Opportunist (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Non Diz (Abandoned)
3026-03-15: Water, Water, Everywhere (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Minos IV (DC)
3026-03-17: Water, Water, Everywhere (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Minos IV (DC)
3026-03-26: A Cover of Paint (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell) - Mosiro (FWL)
3026-03-26: Bourbon and BattleMechs (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Merlin (Abandoned)
3026-03-30: Anything for a Buck (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Minos IV (DC)
3026-04-12: The Ozawa Campaign - Day of the Dragon (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Ozawa (FS)
3026-04-15: Anything for a Buck (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Minos IV (DC)
3026-04-20: Anything for a Buck (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Minos IV (DC)
3026-04-22: The Ozawa Campaign - Swift Vengeance (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Ozawa (FS)
3026-04-23: The Ozawa Campaign - Lance and Sabre (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Ozawa (FS)
3026-04-25: Anything for a Buck (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Minos IV (DC)
3026-04-27: Succession (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Primus (CC)
3026-05-05: Proprietary (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephan A. Frabartolo) - Galatea (LC)
3026-05:  Revenge on Griez (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Delacruz (DC)
3026-05-20: Now You're Gettin' Nasty! (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Minos IV (DC)
3026-05-17: Gunship Simulator (Scenario - BattleTechnology #9 - Thomas S. Gressman) - Wei (CC)
3026-05-19: Shadow War, Part 6 (Encounter - MechWarrior Destiny - Philip A. Lee) - Alpheratz (OA)
3026-05-24: Tournament of Champions (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Cluff's Stand (Periphery)
3026-05-24: Mystery Box (Encounter - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Cluff's Stand (Periphery)
3026: Deliverance (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Sulafat (DC)
3026-06-01: A Sense of Foreboding (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #5 - Pat Zircher) - Canopus II (MC)
3026-06-10: The Red Forest (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Errai (FS)
3026-06-11: Hourglass (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Appian (Periphery)
3026-06-15: A Sense of Foreboding (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #5 - Pat Zircher) - Vakarel (FWL)
3026-06-16: A Sense of Foreboding (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #5 - Pat Zircher) - Vakarel (FWL)
3026-06-17: A Sense of Foreboding (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #5 - Pat Zircher) - Vakarel (FWL)
3026-06-19: A Sense of Foreboding (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #5 - Pat Zircher) - Vakarel (FWL)
3026-06-19: The Nature of War (Graphic Novel - Blackthorne BattleTech #6 - Pat Zircher) - Vakarel (FWL)
3026-06-20: Now You're Gettin' Nasty! (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Butte Hold (RR)
3026-06-21: Now You're Gettin' Nasty! (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Butte Hold (RR)
3026-06-25: White Lies (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Bellerophon (Periphery)
3026-07-01: Bitter Pursuit - The Rat Trap (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Markab (FS)
3026-07-02: Bitter Pursuit - Duel at Dalton (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Markab (FS)
3026-07-03: Bitter Pursuit - Orlon's Last Stand (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Markab (FS)
3026-07: Bitter End: The Defense of Connor's Pass (Scenario - Game News #8 - FASA) - Istmar III (Imbros III?)
3026-07-18: Operation RESTORED HOPE (Sourcebook Fiction - House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition - Kiva Maginn and Andrew McIntosh) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3026-07-30: Siegebreaker (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Mitchel (CC)
3026-08-01: Natasha Kerensky - Bio-Medical Report (Short Story - Shrapnel - Tara Gallagher and James Lanighan)
3026-08-01: Now You're Gettin' Nasty! (Encounter - White Wolf Magazine #8 - Stephan Wieck) - Butte Hold (RR)
3026-08-15: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3026-08-16: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3026-08-20: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3026-08-20: Nagumo's Trap (Scenario - Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith) - Verthandi (DC)
3026-08-21: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3026-08-22: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3026-08-22: Drop Into Hell (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0101 - William H. Keith) - Scheat (DC)
3026-08-22: Deep Trouble (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0101 - William H. Keith) - Scheat (DC)
3026-08-22: Rock and a Hard Place (Scenario - House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition - Kiva Maginn and Andrew McIntosh) - Smithon (AC)
3026-08-25: Double Agent (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Flintoft (FS)
3026-09-10: Technical Readout: 3026 (Sourcebook - FASA - Kevin Stein, Sam Lewis)
3026-09:  Blazing Aces vs. The Black Widows (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Proserpina (DC)
3026-09-14: Yang Virtanen's Big Score (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Electra (FS)
3026-09-15: Fragile is the House of Cards (Scenario - Sorenson's Sabres - Dale L. Kemper, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Anthony Pryor, and John Theison) - Kawabe (DC)
3026-09-19: A Rain of Death (Scenario - House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition - Kiva Maginn and Andrew McIntosh) - Weldry (AC)
3026-09-19: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - New Mendham (DC)
3026-09-29: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Barlow's End (FS)
3026-09-30: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Barlow's End (FS)
3026-10-01: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Barlow's End (FS)
3026-10-01: Mercenary's Star (Novel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Verthandi (DC)
3026-10-03: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Barlow's End (FS)
3026-10-04: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Barlow's End (FS)
3026-10-10: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3026-10-11: The Bounty Hunter (Scenario - Tales of the Black Widow Company - Richard Meyer) - Le Blanc (FS)
3026-10-11: Warhammer Lore (Short Story - MWO Forums - Randall N. Bills) - Le Blanc (FS)
3026-10-18: The Defector (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Itsbur (Abandoned)
3026-10-18: Dobrev Down (Encounter - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Itsbur (Abandoned)
3026-10-21: Operation RESTORED HOPE (Sourcebook Fiction - House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition - Kiva Maginn and Andrew McIntosh) - Highwater (AC)
3026-10-30: Worm Hunt (Scenario - House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition - Kiva Maginn and Andrew McIntosh) - Bellerophon (AC)
3026-11-02: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Galedon V (DC)
3026-11-07: A House Divided (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Mendham (FS)
3026-11-11: Rise of the Koa (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Jennifer Bixby) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3026-11-12: Rise of the Koa (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Jennifer Bixby) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3026-11-15: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - New Avalon (FS)
3026-11-24: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3026-11-27: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Kittery (FS)
3026-12-01: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3026-12-01: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3026-12-09: Standoff (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Manthraka (Periphery)
3026-12-11: Fire and Steel (Scenario - House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition - Kiva Maginn and Andrew McIntosh) - Fjaldr (AC)
3026-12-12: After Action Report: Barlow's End (Article - Shrapnel #6 - James Kirtley)
3026-12-15:  Matabushi Ambush (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Albiero (DC)
3026-12-21: Rise of the Koa (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Jennifer Bixby) - Coromodir VI (AC)
3026-12-27: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3026: Ship Profile: FSS Gray Paladin (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Craig Reed, Jr.)
3026-12-31: House Arano: The Aurigan Coalition (Sourcebook - Catalyst Game Labs - Kiva Maginn and Andrew McIntosh)
« Last Edit: 16 September 2022, 14:39:26 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Posts: 5937
  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #22 on: 12 January 2015, 13:55:23 »

3027-01-01: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Echo V (DC)
3027-01-02: The Baying of Hounds (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Viribium (Abandoned)
3027-01-04: Welcome to Club Zero-Zero (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-01-08: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3027-01-10: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3027-01-11: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3027-01-15: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Chara III (Pacifica) (LC)
3027-01-15: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-01-16: Unwelcome Guests (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Pilpala (FWL)
3027-01-20: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3027-01-21: Meet Larman Sholest (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-01-22: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3027-01-22: Lana Mann Reporting In (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-01-23: Team Up With Meece Yerta (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-01-30: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3027-01-31: Meece is a No Show (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-02-01: Mercenary Uprisings (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-02-04: Marik Alliance (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Sax (CC)
3027-02-09: Whack-a-Merc (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-02-18: Just Another Merc (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-02-20: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-02-28: Emergency on Solaris (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-03-01: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Chara III (Pacifica) (LC)
3027-03-01: Special Party (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Chara III (Pacifica) (LC)
3027-03:  Blazing Aces vs. the Dark Wing (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Kirchbach (DC)
3027-03-05: The Steel Beast (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Herotitus (Periphery)
3027-03-07: Salvage on Baxter IV (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0201 - Lee B. Barton) - Baxter (LC)
3027-03-08: Mercenary Uprisings (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-03-20: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-03-20: Don't Forget Your Thermal Underwear (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-04-01: One Man's Trash (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Glentworth (FS)
3027-04-03: A Garbled Note (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-04-08: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3027-04-10: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3027-04-11: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3027-04-15: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Nashira (DC)
3027-04-15: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Chara III (Pacifica) (LC)
3027-04-16: Mercenary Infighting (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-04-17: Hearts and Minds (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Shaunavon (FS)
3027-04-20: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-04-24: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3027-04-26: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3027-04-30: Rejecting Meece's Dirty Work (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-05-01: Skirmish on Mesa 7 (Scenario - BattleDroids - Patrick Larkin) - Mesa 7 (FS)
3027-05-01: The Battle for Udibi - Hide and Seek (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Udibi (FS)
3027-05-02: The Battle for Udibi - Wolf Trap (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Udibi (FS)
3027-05-05: The Battle for Udibi - The Fox's Lair (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Udibi (FS)
3027-05-05: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-05-05: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3027-05-05: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Skye (LC)
3027-05-05: Headhunting (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - New Vallis (TC)
3027-05-06: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Summer (LC)
3027-05-06: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-05-07: The Battle for Udibi - If at First You Don't Succeed (Scenario - The Fox's Teeth - Richard Meyer, Walter Hunt, Lisa Hunt & Evan Jarrison) - Udibi (FS)
3027-05-08: Zach Slasher's Planetary Assault (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-05-11: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Fomalhaut (FS)
3027-05-16: The Long Hunt (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Lindsay (FS)
3027-05-16: Nosy Son of a Gun (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-05-19: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Benet III (FS)
3027-05-21: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Fomalhaut (FS)
3027-05-22: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-05-23: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Luthien (DC)
3027-05-23: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Styx (DC)
3027-05-24: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Chara III (Pacifica) (LC)
3027-05-25: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Chara III (Pacifica) (LC)
3027-05-25: Warriors of the Night (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Chara III (Pacifica) (LC)
3027-05-25: Trick With Time (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Chara III (Pacifica) (LC)
3027-05-25: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Styx (DC)
3027-05-25: I'm Watching Zach's Every Move (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-05-25: Extracurricular Activities (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Brockway (FS)
3027-05-26: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-05-26: In the Champion's Shadow (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Solaris VII (LC)
3027-05-26: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - A2341 CA
3027-05-26: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Styx (DC)
3027-05-26: Phantom 'Mechs (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Styx (DC)
3027-06-03: Zach Slasher Escapes (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-06-05: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Northwind (FS)
3027-06-10: Warrior: En Garde (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3027-06-13: Criminal Minds (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Yuris (CC)
3027-06-15: An Island in the Shape of a Bat (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-06-22: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Udibi (FS)
3027-06-29: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3027-07: Blind Man's Bluff (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0203 - Thomas S. Gressman) - Keid (CC)
3027-07-06: Battle of Kilgour (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0101 - Uncredited - Perhaps William H. Keith, Jr.) - Corella (FS)
3027-07-06: Randall's Charge at Bloody Field (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0101 - Uncredited - Perhaps William H. Keith, Jr.) - Corella (FS)
3027-07-06: Holding the Line (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0101 - Uncredited - Perhaps William H. Keith, Jr.) - Corella (FS)
3027-07-10: Watch Your Back (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-07-15: In For a Penny... (Scenario - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Rollis (CC)
3027-07-15: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3027-07-18: Red Hunt (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Peratallada (FS)
3027-07-21: Person of Interest - Duff Skully (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027: Lifeline (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - Kandis (DC)
3027: Unit Digest: Killian's Commandos (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell)
3027-08-01: BattleTechnology 0101 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3027-08:  Duke Vandenburg Returns to Ander's Moon (Encounter - MechWarrior - Peter Fokos) - Elidere IV (FS)
3027-08-02: LosTech Left Behind (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-08-11: Snitches Get Stitches (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-08-16: Strike at Wittengate (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0202 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Harpster (DC)
3027-08-20: Ambush Foiled (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-08-27: A Dagger's Death (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0102 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Scheat (DC)
3027-08-27: Dagger's Edge (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0102 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Scheat (DC)
3027-08-28: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3027-08-30: Agent Mann Captured (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-09-03: Caught in the 'Mech Flush (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - Dale L. Kemper) - Carver V (CC)
3027-09-03: Flush and Flood, Mud and Blood (Scenario - BattleTechnology #12 - Dale L. Kemper) - Carver V (CC)
3027-09-09: Intercepted Information on Solaris (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-09-18: Rescued Spy Pinpoints Duff Skully (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-09-25: The Fifth Kill (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0201 - Thomas S. Gressman) - Wyatt (FWL)
3027-09-25: Kill Zone Over Wyatt (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0201 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Wyatt (FWL)
3027-09-27: Recruited by Yerg Gantor (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-10: NightShadow (Encounter - BattleTechnology #0102 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Port Moseby (LC)
3027-10-01: BattleTechnology 0102 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3027-10-04: Dragonslayers on Guard (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0202 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Romulus (LC)
3027-10-06: Siege Campaign (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-10-10: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Syrtis (FS)
3027-10-13: Dark Wing Recruiting New Members (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-10-15: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3027-10-21: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3027-10-22: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Zaniah III (LC)
3027-10-22: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3027-10-23: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Nashira (DC)
3027-10-25: We Got a Real Dangerous Job (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-10-27: Decompression:  Surprise on Ramsau's Moon (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0201 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Ramsau (DC)
3027-10-27: On the Shores of a Sea on Gordo (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0201 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Ramsau (DC)
3027-11-04: Maybe it's his Smell (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-11-15: A Whole Lot of Money (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-11-18: Proprietary (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephan A. Frabartolo) - Outreach (CC)
3027-11-20: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Kittery (FS)
3027-11-24: The Dark Wing is the Mercenary Underground (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-12-02: Panzer - Part 1 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-05: Bombs Planted at Installations (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-12-11: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Marfik (DC)
3027-12-12: Bigger Than We Ever Imagined (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Galatea (LC)
3027-12-12: Panzer - Part 1 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-13: Panzer - Part 1 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-13: Hard Steel (Scenario - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-14: Panzer - Part 2 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-15: Payback (Scenario - Rolling Thunder - Michael T. Herbert) - Tianjin (Periphery)
3027-12-16: Panzer - Part 2 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-17: Panzer - Part 2 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-18: Panzer - Part 2 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-20: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3027-12-21: You've Been Set Up! (Encounter - SNES MechWarrior - Tom Sloper) - Solaris VII? (LC)
3027-12-22: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3027-12-25: Ghost of Christmas Present (Short Story - BattleCorps - Michael A. Stackpole) - Ford (LC)
3027-12-27: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Syrtis (FS)
3027-12-29: Panzer - Part 2 (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Arcadia (LC)
3027-12-31: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
« Last Edit: 18 July 2022, 13:40:51 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #23 on: 13 January 2015, 12:47:25 »

3028-01-02: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-03: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-06: Thunder Meets Lightning (Scenario - Rolling Thunder - Michael T. Herbert) - Poulsbo (LC)
3028-01-07: Feather Versus Mountain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephen A. Frabartolo) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-11: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-12: Feather Versus Mountain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephen A. Frabartolo) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-13: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-13: Feather Versus Mountain (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephen A. Frabartolo) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-13: Rise and Shine (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephen A. Frabartolo) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-13: ROM Report - ComStar Re-education Compound: Phoenix (Novel - Warrior: En Garde - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3028-01-14: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3028-01-15: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - New Aragon (FS)
3028-02-01: BattleTechnology 0201 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3028-02-01: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3028-02-14: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3028-02-29: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3028-03-01: House Davion: The Federated Suns (Sourcebook - FASA - Boy F. Peterson, Jr., C.R. Green, J. Andrew Keith)
3028-03-01: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Sirius V (CC)
3028-03-03: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Sirius V (FWL)
3028-03-03: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Arc-Royal (LC)
3028-03-05: Proprietary (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephan A. Frabartolo) - Hesperus II (LC)
3028-03-09: Dust to Dust: A Kell Hounds Story (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Arc-Royal (LC)
3024-03-17: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3028-03-19: The Ram Has Touched the Wall (Sourcebook Fiction - Turning Points: Helm - Ben Klinefelter) - Helm (FWL)
3028-03-20: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Sirius V (FWL)
3028-03-20: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-03-24: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-03-24: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Irian (FWL)
3028-03-24: Rage (Track - Turning Points: Helm - Ben Klinefelter) - Helm (FWL)
3028-03-24: Hold the Door (Track - Turning Points: Helm - Ben Klinefelter) - Helm (FWL)
3028-03-25: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-04: Max (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0202 - W. R. Shumaker) - Cassias (DC)
3028-04-01: The Periphery (Sourcebook - FASA - Rick David Stuart)
3028-04-01: BattleTechnology 0202 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3028-04-01: Into the Breech (Track - Turning Points: Helm - Ben Klinefelter) - Helm (FWL)
3028-04-01: A Cruel Thing Is War (Track - Turning Points: Helm - Ben Klinefelter) - Helm (FWL)
3028-04-01: Yea, Though I Walk (Track - Turning Points: Helm - Ben Klinefelter) - Helm (FWL)
3028-04-01: Just One More Step (Track - Turning Points: Helm - Ben Klinefelter) - Helm (FWL)
3028-04-04: All Those Left Behind (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Steve P. Vincent) - Groveld III (FS)
3028-04-05: The Valley of Death (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0202 - William H. Keith, Jr.) Royal (FS)
3028-04-05: Clash at Port Royal (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0202 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Royal (FS)
3028-04-05: The Battle of Harmony Pass (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0202 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Royal (FS)
3028-04-05: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Location Unknown
3028-04-08: The Mira Campaign (Scenario - BattleTechnology 0203 - J. Andrew Keith) - Mara (FS)
3028-04-08: Cavalry Action (Scenario - BattleTechnology 0203 - J. Andrew Keith) - Mara (FS)
3028-04-08: Last Stand of the Kearny Highlanders (Scenario - BattleTechnology 0203 - J. Andrew Keith) - Mara (FS)
3028-04-08: Howl of the North Wind (Short Story - BattleTechnology 0203 - J. Andrew Keith) - Mira (FS)
3028-04-08: Highland Riposte (Scenario - BattleTechnology 0203 - J. Andrew Keith) - Mara (FS)
3028-04-13: ROM Report - ComStar Re-education Compound: Phoenix (Novel - Warrior: Riposte - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3028-04-15: MechForce News (Magazine - FASA)
3028-04-19: Proprietary (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephan A. Frabartolo) - Hesperus II (LC)
3028-04-21: Proprietary (Short Story - BattleCorps - Stephan A. Frabartolo) - Hesperus II (LC)
3028-04-22: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3028-04-23: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3028-04-23: Thrust and Parry (Track - Historical Turning Points: Misery - Jason Schmetzer) - Misery (DC)
3028-04-25: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3028-04-25: Across a Field (Track - Historical Turning Points: Misery - Jason Schmetzer) - Misery (DC)
3028-04-26: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-04-27: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-04-28: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-04-30: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-05-01: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-05-01: Betrayal at Helm 1 - Drango Pass (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-05-01: Betrayal at Helm 2 - Lee's Pass (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-05-01: Betrayal at Helm 3 - Vermillion Valley (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-05-01: Betrayal at Helm 4 - Final Battle (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith) - Helm (FWL)
3028-05-02: Quantity Isn't Everything (Track - Historical Turning Points: Misery - Jason Schmetzer) - Misery (DC)
3028-05-08: Beware the Sword (Track - Historical Turning Points: Misery - Jason Schmetzer) - Misery (DC)
3028-05-14: Bloody Honor (Track - Historical Turning Points: Misery - Jason Schmetzer) - Misery (DC)
3028-05-20: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3028-05-20: Cut Off the Head (Track - Historical Turning Points: Misery - Jason Schmetzer) - Misery (DC)
3028-05-23: Endgame (Track - Historical Turning Points: Misery - Jason Schmetzer) - Misery (DC)
3028-05-24: Celestial Wisdom (Short Story - BattleTechnology 0203 - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3028-05-26: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3028-05-27: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Misery (DC)
3028-06-01: BattleTechnology 0203 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3028-06-01: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Milton (LC)
3028-06-01: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-06-01: Steiner Alliance (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Claybrooke (FWL)
3028-06-23: Farewell Song (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - Jeremy Ciccone) - Outreach (CC)
3028-07-XX: Johnny Mace, 'Mech Ace (Short Story - BattleCorps - Edward N. Smith) - Galatea (LC)
3028-07-04: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-07-05: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-07-06: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Milton (LC)
3028-07-10: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-07-12: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-07-12: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 3 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-07-15: Davion Alliance (Scenario - BattleTech - Harebrained Schemes) - Kern (CC)
3028: Coordinated Effort (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - HD-276914 (Periphery)
3028-07-26: Pressure (Sourcebook Fiction - Operational Turning Points: Death To Mercenaries - Jason Schmetzer) - Harrow's Sun (FS)
3028-07-28: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 3 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-07-28: Salvage (Short Story - BattleCorps- Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Nopah (FS)
3028-07-29: Dance of Vengeance (Short Story - Shrapnel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Kajikazawa (DC)
3028-07-30: Farewell Song (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - Jeremy Ciccone) - Outreach (CC)
3028-08: Bad and Worse (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Harvey Roberts) - Liao (CC)
3028-08-01: Commonwealth BattleMech Corps Field Training Manual (Sourcebook Fiction - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-01: First Day at the Academy (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-01: Time Trial (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-02: Dreams of Glory (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-02: Hand Actuator Familiarization (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-02: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 3 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-03: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 3 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-03: Robot Hunt (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-04: Live Fire Exercise - One Locust (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-05: Live Fire Exercise - Two Locusts (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-06: Live Fire Exercise - Three Locusts (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-07: Final Exam (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-07: Raid on the Citadel (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-07: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 4 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-07: The Gauntlet - Book 1 - Descent - Part 5 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-08: The Gauntlet - Book 2 - Crucible - Part 1 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-08: The Gauntlet - Book 2 - Crucible - Part 2 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-08: The Gauntlet - Book 2 - Crucible - Part 3 (Serialized Novel - BattleCorps - Ilsa J. Bick) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-09: Inauguration Day (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-10: Friday Night at the Fights (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-11: Grand Theft Locust (Scenario - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-12: Return to the Citadel (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-14: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-14: Farewell Song (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - Jeremy Ciccone) - Outreach (CC)
3028: Blackout (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - HD-417328 (Periphery)
3028-08-16: In Love and War (Short Story - BattleCorps - Annie Reed) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-17: Prison Break (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-17: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-17: Wolves on the Border (Novel - Robert Charrette) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-18: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-19: Stitch in Time (Short Story - BattleCorps - Dayle A. Dermatis) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-19: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
« Last Edit: 13 December 2023, 09:45:58 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Manei Tetatae
Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #24 on: 14 January 2015, 11:46:50 »
Fourth Succession War Begins (3028 - 3030)

3028-08-19: Death of a DropShip (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0204 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Aldebaran (CC)
3028-08-19: Night Moves (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Styk (CC)
3028-08-20: Jaguar's Leap (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Reed Bishop) - Londerholm (CSJ)
3028-08-20: In Love and War (Short Story - BattleCorps - Annie Reed) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-20: Stitch in Time (Short Story - BattleCorps - Dayle A. Dermatis) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-20: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-20: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - St. Andre (CC)
3028-08-20: Assault on St. Andre (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0204 - William H. Keith, Jr.) St. Andre (CC)
3028-08-21: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3028-08-22: Walkover (Short Story - BattleTechnology #0204 - Thomas S. Gressman) - Algol (CC)
3028-08-22: Walkover (Scenario - BattleTechnology #0204 - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Algol (CC)
3028-08-23: The Dangalobee Push (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Harvest (DC)
3028-08-24: Technician or Traitor? (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-08-25: Salvage (Short Story - BattleCorps- Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Aldebaran (CC)
3028-08-27: As the Wheel Turns (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Wheel (DC)
3028-08-27: A Bold Prince (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Marfik (DC)
3028-08-28: Salvage (Short Story - BattleCorps- Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Aldebaran (CC)
3028-08-28: Limp Sword '28 (Track - Spotlight On: The Crazy Eights - Edward McEneely) - Styk (CC)
3028-08-29: Farewell Song (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - Jeremy Ciccone) - Outreach (CC)
3028-08-29: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Marfik (DC)
3028-08-29: Revenant (Scenario - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 2 #2 - Randall N. Bills and Dan Grendell) - Marfik (DC)
3028-08-31: Hospital Hookup (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-09: The Last Confederate (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Scott Messier) - Styk (CC)
3028-09-01: BattleTechnology 0204 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3028-09-01: Side Show (Scenario - BattleTroops - Sam Lewis) - Aldebaran (CC)
3028-09-01: Legion Team (Short Story - Shrapnel - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Shionoha (DC)
3028-09-01: Zeroing In (Short Story - BattleCorps - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3028-09-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3028-09-02: McKlostey's Valley (Short Story - BattleTechnology #8 - W.R. Shumaker) - Gacrux (LC)
3028-09-03: Dirty Tricks (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Shensi (CC)
3028-09-03: One Last Surprise (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Aldebaran (CC)
3028-09-04: Bringing the War Home (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Liao (CC)
3028-09-04: The Hammer Falls (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - St. Andre (CC)
3028-09-05: Helpless as a Fly (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Glenmora (FS)
3028-09-07: Midnight Mayor Madness (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-09-10: Tomorrow's Shine (Short Story - BattleCorps - Adam Sherwood) - New Hessen (CC)
3028-09-10: Homefield Advantage (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - New Hessen (CC)
3028-09-14: Laser Bandits (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-09-14: Rise of the Revenant (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Marfik (DC)
3028-09-14: Unholy Union (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Butte Hold (RR)
3028: Reckoning (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - HD-389202 (Periphery)
3028-09-20: Family Jewels (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Liao (CC)
3028-09-21: Jason Takes in a Movie (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-09-22: Bait and Switch (Scenario - BattleCorps - Darrell Myers) - St. Andre (CC)
3028-09-23: Salvage! (Scenario - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 2 #3 - Gerald Hall) - ? (Tikonov Commonality or Sarna Commonality)
3028-09-24: Touchpoint: Wapakoneta (Track - Operational Turning Points: Death To Mercenaries - Jason Schmetzer) - Wapakoneta (FS)
3028-09-24: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Marfik (DC)
3028-09-25: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3028-09-26: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Marfik (DC)
3028-09-27: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Marfik (DC)
3028-09-27: Revenant (Scenario - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 2 #2 - Randall N. Bills and Dan Grendell) - Marfik (DC)
3028-09-28: Touchpoint: Harrow's Sun (Track - Operational Turning Points: Death To Mercenaries - Jason Schmetzer) - Harrow's Sun (FS)
3028-09-28: The Inventor's Hut (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-09-29: The Star League Cache (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-09-29: Behind Enemy Lines (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Tikonov (CC)
3028-10: The Last Confederate (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Scott Messier) - Styk (CC)
3028-10-01: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Marfik (DC)
3028-10-01: Unholy Union (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Blackstone (OC)
3028-10-04: The Star League (Sourcebook - FASA - Boy F. Petersen, Jr.)
3028-10-08: Unholy Union (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Oberon VI (OC)
3028-10-08: Into the Breach (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Tikonov (CC)
3028-10-09: Strike at the Heart  (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Tikonov (CC)
3028-10-10: Starfire (Short Story - 25 Years of Art and Fiction - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Rosetta (PP)
3028-10-11: Unholy Union (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Oberon VI (OC)
3028-10-11: Aces High (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Tikonov (CC)
3028-10-11: None Shall Pass (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Tikonov (CC)
3028-10-12: Touchpoint: Glenmora (Track - Operational Turning Points: Death To Mercenaries - Jason Schmetzer) - Glenmora (FS)
3028-10-15: Diamandis' Dogs (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - M.W. Hayden) - Poulsbo (LC)
3028: Turn and Burn (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - HD-367482 (Periphery)
3028-10-16: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Vega (DC)
3028-10-16: Fight for New Egypt (Scenario - BattleTechnology - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey and Hilary Ayer) Vega (DC)
3028-10-17: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Vega (DC)
3028-10-18: Best Left to the Experts (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Kirchbach (DC)
3028-10-19: My Father's Sword (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Rhodesia (DC)
3028-10-20: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Hunan (CC)
3028-10-21: Tomorrow's Shine (Short Story - BattleCorps - Adam Sherwood) - New Hessen (CC)
3028-10-25: A New Quest Begins (Encounter - Crescent Hawk's Inception - Infocom, Westwood Associates, FASA) - Chara III (Pacifica)
3028-10-30: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Vega (DC)
3028-11-01: The Crescent Hawks' Revenge (Advertisement - The Crescent Hawks' Revenge - FASA, Infocom, Westwood Studios)
3028-11-02: Justice is Served (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Rasalhague (DC)
3028-11-04: Tanks a Lot (Scenario - Rhonda's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Volders (DC)
3028-11-06: The Last Confederate (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Scott Messier) - Styk (CC)
3028-11-08: Snakes in the Grass (Scenario - Rhonda's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Volders (DC)
3028: Crucible (Scenario - MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries - Piranha Games) - HD-438297 (Periphery)
3028-11-11: Unholy Union (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Toland (LC)
3028-11-13: Unholy Union (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Toland (LC)
3028-11-14: The Last Confederate (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Scott Messier) - Styk (CC)
3028-11-15: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3028-11-15: All Wet (Short Story - Legends - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Aubisson (DC)
3028-11-22: The Totalitarian Mind (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Tybalt (CC)
3028-11-28: Women Warriors (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Tigress (CC)
3028-11-29: Hunting the Predator (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Wapakoneta (FS)
3028-12-01: Unholy Union (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Uncharted World (Periphery)
3028-12-01: BattleTechnology 7 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3028-12-04: Kid Gloves (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Jonathan (CC)
3028-12-07: The Useless 'Mech (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Scott Messier) - Vega (DC)
3028-12-07: Legion of Vega (Scenario - BattleTechnology #11 - Scott Messier) - Vega (DC)
3028-12-09: MechForce News #3 (Magazine - FASA)
3028-12-11: Hold the Line (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Harrow's Sun (FS)
3028-12-13: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Vega (DC)
3028-12-13: Storm of Tears (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Vega (DC)
3028-12-20: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Vega (DC)
3028-12-21: Highlander Gambit (Novel - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Elgin (CC)
3028-12-21: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3028-12-24: An Unlikely Place (Short Story - Commando Quarterly #3 - Jason Weiser) - Tikonov (FS)
3028-12-25: Unholy Union (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Oberon VI (OC)
3028-12-29: An Unlikely Place (Short Story - Commando Quarterly #3 - Jason Weiser) - Tikonov (FS)
« Last Edit: 18 July 2022, 13:42:08 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


  • Freelance Writer
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  • Manei Tetatae
Re: Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #25 on: 15 January 2015, 06:05:05 »

3029-01-02: Tomorrow's Shine (Short Story - BattleCorps - Adam Sherwood) - New Hessen (CC)
3029-01-03: Race Against Time (Scenario - BattleTroops - Sam Lewis) - An Ting (DC)
3029-01-05: Trial of the Righteous (Short Story - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 2 #3 - Samson Okalow) - Ningpo (FS)
3029-01-08: Fatal Fury (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Basalt (FS)
3029-01-08: Loyalty's Price (Short Story - BattleCorps - David G. Martin) - Highspire (CC)
3029-01-11: Empty Victory (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Basalt (FS)
3029-01-11: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Northwind (FS)
3029-01-11: To the Last Man (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Northwind (FS)
3029-01-12: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Northwind (FS)
3029-01-12: Homecoming (Scenario - Northwind Highlanders - Randall N. Bills) - Northwind (FS)
3029-01-12: A Dirty Little War (Scenario - The Fourth Succession War Scenarios/Volume One - James Long, Michael Lee, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F. Petersen, Jr.) - Northwind (FS)
3029-01-12: Tales Your Mother Never Told You (Scenario - BattleTechnology #8 - Stefan Paul Melin Dempsey) Northwind (FS)
3029-01-12: There's No We In Mercenary (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Jason Hansa) - Kawich (FS)
3029-01-14: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Algot (FS)
3029-01-14: Dishes (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Christian Grainger) - Algot (FS)
3029-01-20: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-02-02: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Elgin (CC)
3029-02-14: Loyalty's Price (Short Story - BattleCorps - David G. Martin) - Highspire (CC)
3029-02-14: Warrior: Riposte (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-02-15: Timbiqui Dark (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason M. Hardy) - Timbiqui (FWL)
3029-02-18: Blood on the Snow (Short Story - BattleTechnology #8 - Hilary Ayer) - Second Try (FS)
3029-02-18: The Snows of Battle (Scenario - BattleTechnology #8 - Hilary Ayer) - Second Try (FS)
3029-02-18: Timbiqui Dark (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason M. Hardy) - Timbiqui (FWL)
3029-02-20: Timbiqui Dark (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason M. Hardy) - Timbiqui (FWL)
3029-02-27: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3029-02-27: Timbiqui Dark (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason M. Hardy) - Timbiqui (FWL)
3029-02-28: Timbiqui Dark (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason M. Hardy) - Timbiqui (FWL)
3029-02-28: From the Ruins (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell) - Tikonov (FS)
3029-03-01: From the Ruins (Short Story - BattleCorps - Christopher Purnell) - Tikonov (FS)
3029-03-03: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-03-03: There's No We In Mercenary (Short Story - Catalyst Game Labs - Jason Hansa) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-03-05: Farewell Song (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - Jeremy Ciccone) - Outreach (CC)
3029-03-10: Old MechWarriors Never (Short Story - Shrapnel - Ken St. Andre) - Solaris VII (LC)
3029-03-11: Old MechWarriors Never (Short Story - Shrapnel - Ken St. Andre) - Solaris VII (LC)
3029-03-12: Old MechWarriors Never (Short Story - Shrapnel - Ken St. Andre) - Solaris VII (LC)
3029-03-12: NAIS Atlas of the 4th Succession War - Volume 1 (Sourcebook - FASA - Boy F. Petersen, Jr.)
3029-03-20: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-03-21: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-03-22: Old MechWarriors Never (Short Story - Shrapnel - Ken St. Andre) - Solaris VII (LC)
3029-03-25: Old MechWarriors Never (Short Story - Shrapnel - Ken St. Andre) - Solaris VII (LC)
3029-03-25: Skyfall (Short Story - BattleTechnology #9 - Thomas S. Gressman) - Wyatt (FWL)
3029-04-05: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Lyons (LC)
3029-04-09: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Bethel (FS)
3029-04-14: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Bethel (FS)
3029-04-14: Operation INTRUDERS COMMUNION (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Bethel (FS)
3029-04-16: Lyons: Eastern Area (Scenario - Crescent Hawks' Revenge - Michael E. Moore) - Lyons (LC)
3029-04-16: Lyons: Kell Hound Base (Scenario - Crescent Hawks' Revenge - Michael E. Moore) - Lyons (LC)
3029-04-17: Lyons: Northern Area (Scenario - Crescent Hawks' Revenge - Michael E. Moore) - Lyons (LC)
3029-04-17: Simple Farmer (Sourcebook Fiction - Total Warfare - Kevin Killiany) - David (FS)
3029-04-20: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3029-04-22: Simple Farmer (Sourcebook Fiction - Total Warfare - Kevin Killiany) - David (FS)
3029-04-25: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Furillo (LC)
3029-04-27: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Nashira (DC)
3029-05-01: Battle for the Throne (Scenario - Rhonda's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Bordon (FWL)
3029-05-01: The Price of Glory (Novel - William H. Keith) - Stewart (FWL)
3029-05-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3029-05-07: Simple Farmer (Sourcebook Fiction - Total Warfare - Kevin Killiany) - David (FS)
3029-05-08: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3029-05-15: Farewell to a Friend (Scenario - Rhonda's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Connaught (FWL)
3029-05-15: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Lyons (LC)
3029-05-16: A Storm of Rain and Steel (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Menkib (CC)
3029-05-17: Salt Flats Shootout (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Lyons (LC)
3029-05-17: Canyon of Revenge (Scenario - The Kell Hounds - Jim Brunk, Dale L. Kemper & Michael Lee) - Lyons (LC)
3029-05-17: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Lyons (LC)
3029-05-18: Assault on Jump-Station Kusari (Short Story - BattleTechnology #9 - John A. Theisen) - Weisau (DC)
3029-05-18: Assault on Jump-Station Kusari (Scenario - BattleTechnology #9 - John A. Theisen) - Weisau (DC)
3029-05-18: A Storm of Rain and Steel (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Menkib (CC)
3029-05-19: A Storm of Rain and Steel (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Menkib (CC)
3029-05-20: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-05-21: Operation: LIBERTY (Scenario - Crescent Hawks' Revenge - Michael E. Moore) - Dieron (DC)
3029-05-24: Dragon's Roar (Scenario - BattleSpace - Chris Hartford) - Niles (FS)
3029-05-25: Heroes' Bridge (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Mandate (CC)
3029-05-27: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sarna (CC)
3029-05-27: Line in the Sand (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Sarna (CC)
3029-05-29: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3029-05-30: Ranger Ruckus (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Dale L. Kemper) - Satalice (DC)
3029-06-01: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-06-01: Death of a Regiment (Scenario - BattleTechnology #8 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Stanzach (DC)
3029-06-06: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Ryde (LC)
3029-06-07: An Emissary of Heaven (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Breed (FS)
3029-06-08: An Emissary of Heaven (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Breed (FS)
3029-06-09: An Emissary of Heaven (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Breed (FS)
3029-06-10: An Emissary of Heaven (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Breed (FS)
3029-06-22: The Janos Mistake (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Wasat (FWL)
3029-06-25: Dragon Hunting (Scenario - BattleTroops - Sam Lewis) - Harrow's Sun (FS)
3029-06-25: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-07-19: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-07-20: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Solaris VII (LC)
3029-07-20: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-07-21: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Elgin (TFR)

Pavel Ridzik Dies

3029-07-24: King of the Hill (Scenario - BattleTechnology #9 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Callison (FWL)
3029-08-01: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Moore (DC)
3028-08-02: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Moore (DC)
3029-08-02: Run for Your Life (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Dyev (DC)
3029-08-03: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-08-04: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3029-08-06: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-08-10: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Tharkad (LC)
3029-08-15: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-08-19: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3029-08-29: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Kathil (FS)
3029-09-01: BattleTechnology 8 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - Hilary Ayer)
3029-09-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3029-09: Tales of the Cobalt Coil - Fighting Spirit (Short Story - BattleTechnology #8 - Glen L. Mitchel) - Solaris VII (LC)
3029-09-02: Signing Day (Short Story - Shrapnel #11 - Chris G. Lane) - Satalice (DC)
3029-09-03: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Nusakan (LC)
3029-09-07: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Kathil (FS)
3029-09-10: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3029-09-15: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Dromini VI (DC)
3029-09-15: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Dromini VI (DC)
3029-09-15: In the Claw of the Dragon (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Dromini VI (DC)
3029-09-28: At the Gates of Hell (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Crossing (FS)
3029-09-28: Touchpoint: Crossing (Track - Operational Turning Points: Death To Mercenaries - Jason Schmetzer) - Crossing (FS)
3029-10-01: The Information Blitz (Scenario - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 1 #1 - Robert S. Huntsman) - Crossing (FS)
3029-10-09: Tooth & Claw (Scenario - BattleTechnology #9 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Crossing (FS)
3029-10-11: There Were Two (Short Story - Commando Quarterly #4 - Jason Weiser) - Nopah (FS)
3029-10-19: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-10-20: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-10-20: The Ghost Lady and the Wolf (Scenario - BattleTechnology #9 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Crossing (FS)
3029-10-22: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-10-23: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Summer (LC)
3029-10-24: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Nusakan (LC)
3029-10-24: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Sian (CC)
3029-10-24: Sic Semper Tyrannis (Scenario - Battlepack: Fourth Succession War - Randall N. Bills, Dan "Flake" Grendell, Diane Prion-Gelman, and Robert Boyle) - Sian (CC)
3029-11-01: Fire on the Mountain (Scenario - Challenge Magazine #68 - Vincent J. Tognarelli) - Ward (CC)
3029-11-16: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (CC)
3029-11-17: Breakout at Ko (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Baldur (DC)
3029-11-17: Riposte (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Baldur (DC)
3029-12-01: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3029-12-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3029-12-01: Last Stand (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Sarna (CC)
3029-12-09: MechForce News #4 (Magazine - FASA)
3029-12-15: Warrior: Coupe (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)

Julian Tiepolo Dies
« Last Edit: 26 February 2024, 21:09:28 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #26 on: 19 January 2015, 03:07:15 »

3030-01-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3030-01-04: Meet the Crimson Blade (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Gram (DC)
3030-01-05: Of Blood and Honor (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Gram (DC)
3030-01-10: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Benjamin (DC)
3030-01-10: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Awano (DC)
3030-02: The Early Years (Adventure Seed - Touring the Stars: Regis Roost - Aaron Pollyea) New Vandenburg (TC)
3030-03-01: BattleTechnology 9 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3030-03-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3030-03-02: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3030-03-04: First Meeting on Second Try (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Second Try (FS)
3030-03-08: First Meeting on Second Try (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Second Try (FS)
3030-03-10: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3030-03-17: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3030-04-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3030-05-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3030-05-15: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3030-07-01: Wolf's Dragoons (Sourcebook - FASA - Anthony Pryor)
3028-08-02: ComStar ROM Division Alert (Novel - Warrior: Coupe - Michael A. Stackpole) - Terra (CS)
3030-08-16: Lethal Heritage (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - Outreach (TFR)

Duchy of Andurien Secedes from the Free Worlds League (September 11, 3030)

3030-09-11: First Meeting on Second Try (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Second Try (FS)

The Capellan/Andurien War Begins (September 13, 3030 - February 19, 3035)

3030-09-15: Night Strike (Scenario - The Gray Death Legion - William H. Keith, Jr.) - Caldrea (DC)
3030-09-30: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Dieron (DC)
3030-10-08: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Benjamin (DC)


3031-01-15: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Benjamin (DC)
3031-02-16: Showdown (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Betelgeuse (CC)
3031-02-19: NAIS Atlas of the Fourth Succession War - Volume 2 (Sourcebook - FASA - Boy F. Petersen, Jr.)
3031-05-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Grant's Station (CJF)
3031-06-10: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3031-06-18: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Xinyang (DC)
3031-07-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Barcella (CJF)
3031-08-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Tokasha (CJF)
3031-09-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Tokasha (CJF)
3031-10-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3031-10-02: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3031-10-03: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3031-10-08: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3031-10-11: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3031-10-12: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3031-10-15: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3031-10-31: Dead Man's Hand (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Sierra (FWL)
3031-11-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)


3032: Bad and Worse (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Harvey Roberts) - New Syrtis (FS)
3032: A Lust for LosTech (Encounter - BattleTechnology #13 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey & Hilary Ayer) - Illyria (IP)?
3032-06-01: Way of the Clans (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Tokasha (CJF)
3032-08-12: Catch-22 (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Cohagen (FS)
3032-09-09: Fistful of Crystals (Scenario - Rhonda's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Nockatunga (FWL)
3032-09-09: A Few Crystals More (Scenario - Rhonda's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Nockatunga (FWL)
3032-09-12: Hunter's Moon (Scenario - More Tales of the Black Widow - Michael A. Stackpole, Anthony Pryor) - Wallacia (FWL)
3032-10-03: We, The People (Scenario - More Tales of the Black Widow - Michael A. Stackpole, Anthony Pryor) - Wallacia (FWL)


3033-01-05: Commerce is All (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Trondheimal (IP)
3033-02-14: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Corsica Nueva (DC)
3033-03-03: Steele Fury (Scenario - More Tales of the Black Widow - Michael A. Stackpole, Anthony Pryor) - Kujari (FWL)
3033-02-28: Steele Twilight (Scenario - More Tales of the Black Widow - Michael A. Stackpole, Anthony Pryor) - Kujari (FWL)
3033-05-14: Eagles Over Scarborough (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Alex Fairbanks) - Scarborough (FWL)
3033-05-21: Eagles Over Scarborough (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Alex Fairbanks) - Scarborough (FWL)
3033-05-23: Eagles Over Scarborough (Short Story - Shrapnel #9 - Alex Fairbanks) - Scarborough (FWL)
3033-08-18: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3033-08-18: Rinds (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Jason Schmetzer) - Luthien (DC)
3033-09-11: Memory's Surprises (Scenario - BattleTechnology #10 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Outpost (FRR)
3033-09-21: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Wolcott (DC)


3034-01-02: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3034-03-19: Range War (Short Story - Shrapnel #16 - Russell Zimmerman) - Alpheratz IV (OA)
3034-05-04: Range War (Short Story - Shrapnel #16 - Russell Zimmerman) - Joshua (OW)

Free Rasalhague Republic Founded

3034-03-14: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)

Ronin War Begins (March - June, 3034)

3034-03-16: Broken Brotherhood (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Heiligendreuz (FRR)
3034-03-22: Broken Brotherhood (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Heiligendreuz (FRR)
3034-03-25: Broken Brotherhood (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Heiligendreuz (FRR)
3034-03-27: Broken Brotherhood (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Heiligendreuz (FRR)
3034-04-03: Diamandis' Dogs (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - M.W. Hayden) - Kirchbach (LC)
3034-04-18: Broken Brotherhood (Short Story - BattleCorps - Chris Hussey) - Skandia (DC)
3034-05-06: Close Quarters (Novel - Victor Milan) - Larsha (CC)
3034-05-06: The Right Path (Sourcebook Fiction - Sword and Dragon - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Tukayyid (FRR)
3034-05-24: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Alshain (DC)
3034-05-24: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Predlitz (FRR)
3034-06-16: Harvest of Deception (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Grumium (FRR)
3034-07-01: Twilight Interlude (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Adam Sherwood) - Tikonov (FC)
3034-07-04: A Moment of Honesty (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Ueda (FRR)
3034-07-07: Harvest of Deception (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Ueda (FRR)
3034-07-07: A Moment of Honesty (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Ueda (FRR)
3034-07-11: A Moment of Honesty (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Hansa) - Ueda (FRR)
3034-07-19: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Dieron (DC)
3034-07-21: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Dieron (DC)
3034-08-11: Commitment (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Andarmax (CC)
3034-08-12: Commitment (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Andarmax (CC)
3034-08-13: Commitment (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Andarmax (CC)


3035: Bad and Worse (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Harvey Roberts) - Galatea (LC)
3035: Assassin! (Encounter - BattleTechology #10 - Gregory J. Smith) - Canopus IV (MC)
3035: Ace Darwin and the Sidewinder Canyon (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - James Bixby) - Kooken's Pleasure Pit (LC)
3035-01-03: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Benjamin (DC)
3035-01-10: Diamandis' Dogs (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - M.W. Hayden) - Hermagor (FRR)
3035-01-11: Diamandis' Dogs (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - M.W. Hayden) - Hermagor (FRR)
3035-01-12: Diamandis' Dogs (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - M.W. Hayden) - Hermagor (FRR)
3035-01-14: Diamandis' Dogs (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - M.W. Hayden) - Hermagor (FRR)
3035-01-19: Comrades at Arms (Short Story - BattleTechnology #10 - Hilary Ayer) - Skandia (FRR)
3035-02-19: Comrades at Arms (Short Story - BattleTechnology #10 - Hilary Ayer) - Skandia (FRR)
3035-03-23: Comrades at Arms (Short Story - BattleTechnology #10 - Hilary Ayer) - Skandia (FRR)
3035-04-17: Comrades at Arms (Short Story - BattleTechnology #10 - Hilary Ayer) - Skandia (FRR)
3035-05-16: Comrades at Arms (Short Story - BattleTechnology #10 - Hilary Ayer) - Skandia (FRR)
3035-05-17: Comrades at Arms (Short Story - BattleTechnology #10 - Hilary Ayer) - Skandia (FRR)
3035-05-19: Comrades at Arms (Short Story - BattleTechnology #10 - Hilary Ayer) - Skandia (FRR)
3035-05-19: Rift into Hel (Scenario - BattleTechnology #10 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Skandia (FRR)
3035-05-19: Unspoken Truths (Sourcebook Fiction - Sword and Dragon - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Damian (FRR)
3035-07-04: Weekend Warrior (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Andreas Zuber) - New Avalon (FS)

FWL/Andurien War Begins (October 3035 - May 3040)

3035-11: The Heat of War (Short Story - Australian Realms #20 - Mike Dunn) - Nestor (FWL)?
3035-12: Tales of the Cobalt Coil - Not Always a Great Notion (Short Story - BattleTechnology #10 - Glen L. Mitchell) - Solaris VII (FC)
3035-12: BattleTechnology #10 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing - Hilary Ayer)


3036: Bad and Worse (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Harvey Roberts) - Black Earth (LC)
3036-03-15: A Matter of Honor (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Shitara (DC)
3036-05-03: Perpetual War (Short Story - Inner Sphere at a Glance - Randall N. Bills) - Cassias (FS)
3036-06-01: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Tokasha (CJF)
3036-09-05: A Matter of Honor (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Shitara (DC)
3036-10-25: Flash'd His Sabre Bare (Short Story - Shrapnel #2 - James Simakas) - Caldarium (Periphery)


3037-01-03: Divided We Fall (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Cursa (FWL)
3037-01-17: Assumption of Risk (Novel - Michael A. Stackpole) - New Avalon (FS)
3037-02-04: Cold Misery (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Richard Falkner and Hilary Ayer) - Xanthe III (DA)
3037-02-04: The Blood Snow (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: Brush Wars - Chris Hartford) - Xanthe III (DA)
3037-05-01: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Glory (CJF)
3037-05-02: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Glory (CJF)
3037-05-10: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Glory (CJF)
3037-05-11: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Glory (CJF)
3037-05-12: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Glory (CJF)
3037-05-13: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Glory (CJF)
3037-05-14: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Glory (CJF)
3037-05-19: Hard Luck Case (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Tsitsang (FS)
3037-05-24: Every Twelve Seconds (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jeff Kautz) - Xanthe III (DA)
3037-06-15: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3037-06-17: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3037-06-18: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3037-06-20: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3037-06-21: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3037-06-22: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3037-06-24: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3037-06-28: Bloodname (Novel - Robert Thurston) - Ironhold (CJF)
3037-10-03: Exodus Road (Novel - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Londerholm (CSJ)
3037-11-11: Corsair Lore (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Sigurd (OC)
3037-11-28: Corsair Lore (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Sigurd (OC)


3038: Bad and Worse (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Harvey Roberts) - Homebase (Periphery)
3038-11-23: Snipe Hunt (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Conquista (DA)
3038-11-23: Hunting Snipes (Scenario - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Conquista (DA)
3038-12-12: Lightning Strike (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Geoff Swift) - Vega (DC)
3038-12-28: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Benjamin (DC)
« Last Edit: 16 March 2024, 07:31:36 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #27 on: 19 January 2015, 10:28:54 »

3039: Callie's Call (Short Story - BattleCorps - Victor Milan) - Galisteo (FWL)
3039: Bad and Worse (Short Story - Shrapnel #10 - Harvey Roberts) - Canal (LC)
3039-03-01: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Northwind (FS)
3039-03: Inside Job (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - McComb (DC)
3039-03-13: Viper Lore (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Paxon
3039-04-02: Be Not Afraid of Greatness (Short Story - BattleCorps - Phaedra M. Weldon) - Robinson (FS)
3039-04-12: First Strike (Scenario - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Delacruz (DC)
3039-04-13: A Warrior's Fear (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed) - Kessel (DC)
3039-04-14: Test of Honor (Sourcebook Fiction - Combat Manual: Kurita - Geoff Swift) - Nowhere (DC)

War of 3039 Begins (April 16, 3039 - January 16, 3040)

3039-04-16: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - New Mendham (DC)
3039-04-17: Fall of the Hammer (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Alrakis (DC)
3039-04-18: A Warrior's Fear (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed) - Kessel (DC)
3039-04-19: You Ain't Nothin' (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-04-20: A Warrior's Fear (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed) - Kessel (DC)
3039-04-21: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Dieron (DC)
3039-04-22: Wag Your Tail (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-04-23: A Warrior's Fear (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed) - Kessel (DC)
3039-04-24: Fighting Withdrawal (Sourcebook Fiction - Total Warfare - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Alrakis (DC)
3039-04-29: Fighting Ghosts (Scenario - Day of Heroes - Thomas S. Gressman) - Altais (DC)
3039-04-29: All Aboard (Scenario - Day of Heroes - Thomas S. Gressman) - Altais (DC)
3039-04-30: Irregular Tactics (Sourcebook Fiction - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Geoff Swift) - Vega (DC)
3039-04-30: Ain't Gonna Feed You No More (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-04-30: Everything Old is New (Scenario - Rhonda's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Vega (DC)
3039-05-01: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Nashira (DC)
3039-05-04: Test of Honor (Sourcebook Fiction - Combat Manual: Kurita - Geoff Swift) - Pesht (DC)
3039-05-10: Lightning Strike (Short Story - Legacy Anthology - Geoff Swift) - Vega (DC)
3039-05-13: Ante Up (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-05-14: Einsturzende Neubauten (Scenario - Cities and Roads HexPack - Ben Rome) - Konstance (DC)
3039-05-19: Open Fire! (Encounter - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - McComb (DC)
3039-05-29: Cyclops Lore (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Fellanin II (DC)
3039-05-30: Hot Feet (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Hilary Ayer) - Galtor III (DC)
3039-06-XX: Eight Nine Three (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Altais (LC)
3039-06-02: Raise the Stakes (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-06-04: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Nashira (FS)
3039-06-07: Business As Usual (Scenario - Record Sheets: 3039 - Randall N. Bills, Björn Schmidt) - Marduk (DC)
3039-06-14: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Marduk (DC)
3039-06-15: Hide and Seek (Scenario - Lakes and Rivers HexPack - Ben Rome) - Konstance (DC)
3039-06-02: Call the Hand (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-06-18: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Telos IV (DC)
3039-07-01: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Telos IV (FS)
3039-07-06: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Le Blanc (DC)
3039-07-12: Ghost of the 25th (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Spydre Connors) - Trolloc Prime (DC)
3039-07-12: Could They Have Won (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Hilary Ayer) - Trolloc Prime (DC)
3039-07-15: Phoenix Hawk Lore (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Alrakis (DC)
3039-07-16: The Pendulum Swings (Scenario - Record Sheets: 3039 - Randall N. Bills, Björn Schmidt) - Breed (FS)
3039-07-25: Fun at the Beach (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Hilary Ayer) - Galtor III (DC)
3039-07-28: The Fool's Idea of Glory (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-07-28: Storm's End (Scenario - Rhonda's Irregulars - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Vega (DC)
3039-07-29: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Telos IV (DC)
3039-07-29: Blitzernte (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Alioth (LC)
3039-08-02: Willing is Not Enough, We Must Do (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-08-05: Hard Luck Case (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Halstead Station (DC)
3039-08-06: Hard Luck Case (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Halstead Station (DC)
3039-08-09: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3039-08-11: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - An Ting (DC)
3039-08-11: Vengeance of the Dragon (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - An Ting (DC)
3039-08-13: The Harder They Fall (Sourcebook Fiction - Historical: War of 3039 - Chris Hartford, Christoffer Trossen) - Telos IV (DC)
3039-08-13: One Kick, Ten Thousand Times (Track - Turning Points War of 3039: Vega - Joshua Franklin) - Vega (DC)
3039-08-24: Splish, Splash (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Hilary Ayer) - Halstead Station (DC)
3039-08-29: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Quentin (FS)
3039-09-03: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Quentin (FS)
3039-09-03: Operation DEEP SIX (Scenario - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Quentin (FS)
3039-09-08: Hard as Ice (Scenario - Lakes and Rivers HexPack - Ben Rome) - Kathil (FS)
3039-09-09: Slippery When Wet (Scenario - Cities and Roads HexPack - Ben Rome) - Kathil (FS)
3039-09-12: Test of Honor (Sourcebook Fiction - Combat Manual: Kurita - Geoff Swift) - Halstead Station (DC)
3039-10-02: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Exeter (FS)
3039-10-21: Sky Eyes (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Dale L. Kemper) - Cimeron (FS)
3039-10-31: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Breed (FS)
3039-11-03: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Helen (FS)
3039-11-03: Slagging the Enemy (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Hilary Ayer) - Kessel (DC)
3039-12-06: A Soldier's View (Short Story - BattleTechnology #11 - Stefan Paul Melin-Dempsey) - Fomalhaut (DC)
3039-12-12: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Proserpina (DC)
3039-12-14: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Proserpina (DC)
3039-12-27: Phoenix Hawk Lore (Sourcebook Fiction - MechWarrior Online - Randall N. Bills) - Andurien (DA)


3040-01-09: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)
3040-03: Cold Misery (Scenario - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Richard Falkner and Hilary Ayer) - Xanthe III (DA)
3040-06-18: Heir to the Dragon (Novel - Robert N. Charrette) - Luthien (DC)


3041-01-22: Growing Up (Short Story - BattleCorps - Herbert A. Beas II) - Galatea (LC)
3041-01-22: Precentor Zucker's Log (Short Story - BattleCorps - Uncredited) - New Avalon (FS)
3041-05-25: Betrayal of Ideals (Novel - Blaine Lee Pardoe) - Gamma 1551 AV (Barbados)
3041-08-01: Rules of Salvage (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - The Rock (OC)
3041-08-06: Rules of Salvage (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - The Rock (OC)
3041-08-07: Rules of Salvage (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - The Rock (OC)
3041-08-14: Rules of Salvage (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - The Rock (OC)
3041-08-30: Rules of Salvage (Short Story - BattleCorps - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - The Rock (OC)
3041-10-17: Bad Water (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Brisbane (TC)
3041-12-04: Bad Water (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Bromhead (FS)
3041-12-06: Bad Water (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Bromhead (FS)
3041-12-07: Bad Water (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Bromhead (FS)
3041-12-08: Bad Water (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Bromhead (FS)
3041-12-29: Bad Water (Short Story - BattleCorps - Kevin Killiany) - Brisbane (TC)


3042?: The Gold Rush (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - James Greeson) - Galatea (FC)
3042?: When You're Hot, You're Hot (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - John Mason) - Pella II (CC)
3042-02-27: Farewell Song (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - Jeremy Ciccone) - Outreach (FS)
3042-03: Mission: Pirate Defense (Scenario - Cities and Roads HexPack - Ben Rome) - Enif (DC)
3042-03-15: Darkfall Passage (Scenario - BattleTechnology #15 - Hilary Ayer) - Gan Singh (FC)
3042-03-20: News From the Front (Short Story - Commando Quarterly #2 - Joel Steverson) - Tortuga Prime (TD)
3042-03-20: Chasing Death (Scenario - Commando Quarterly #2 - Joel Steverson) - Tortuga Prime (TD)
3042-04-15: Hollow Glory (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - Douglas Carruthers) - Tortuga Prime (TD)
3042-04-18: Hollow Glory (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - Douglas Carruthers) - Tortuga Prime (TD)
3042-05-06: Other Side of the Mountains (Scenario - More Tales of the Black Widow - Michael A. Stackpole, Anthony Pryor) - Outreach (FS)
3042-06-12: Revenge (Scenario - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Westerhand (CC)
3042-07-13: Valley of the Winds (Scenario - BattleTechnology #12 - Hilary Ayer) - Enif (DC)
3042: Stable Report: Ikhwan Stables (Sourcebook - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer)


3043-07: Honor Has No Price (Short Story - BattleTechnology #14 - Hilary Ayer) - Milos (SIC)
3043-09-22: Bump in the Night (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Maxwell (FWL)


3044-02-24: Ace Darwin and the Sidewinder Canyon (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - James Bixby) - Timbiqui (LC)
3044-04-17: Jaguar's Leap (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Reed Bishop) - Homer (CSJ)
3044-04-19: Jaguar's Leap (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Reed Bishop) - Homer (CSJ)
3044-04-22: Jaguar's Leap (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Reed Bishop) - Homer (CSJ)
3044-05-14: The Killian Hills (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Out of the Frying Pan (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Dalton's Pond (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: The Big Chance (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: The Plains of Marlette (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Bridge of Death (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Punishment (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Welcome to Missile Hell (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Death Gulch (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Artillery Targets (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Backs to the Wall (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Another Kick in the Wall (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Otto's Last Stand (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Showdown (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-05-14: Barton's Folly (Scenario - McCarron's Armored Cavalry - Mark Bloom, Hugh Browne, Adam Gratun, Eric Hart, Evan Jamieson, Patrick McCormack, William Scammell) - Marlette (FS)
3044-06-21: Training Mission (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Venaria (FC)
3044-06-22: Turkey Shoot (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Venaria (FC)
3044-06-23: Cat and Mouse (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Venaria (FC)
3044-06-24: Final Exam (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Venaria (FC)
3044-09-15: Scalpel (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Galedon V (DC)
3044-09-18: Snake City (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Galedon V (DC)
3044-09-21: Back Door (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Galedon V (DC)
3044-09-24: Shotgun (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Galedon V (DC)
3044-09-28: Sledge Hammer (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Galedon V (DC)
3044-09-30: Ace Darwin and the Battle of the Beer Fridge (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - James Bixby) - Anywhere (LC)
3044-10-06: Ace Darwin and the Battle of the Beer Fridge (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - James Bixby) - Anywhere (LC)
3044-10-07: Ace Darwin and the Battle of the Beer Fridge (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - James Bixby) - Anywhere (LC)
3044-10-09: Ace Darwin and the Battle of the Beer Fridge (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - James Bixby) - Anywhere (LC)
3044-10-11: Ace Darwin and the Battle of the Beer Fridge (Short Story - Shrapnel #8 - James Bixby) - Anywhere (LC)
3044-11-12: When the Levee Breaks (Short Story - BattleTechnology #14 - Thomas S. Gressman) - Telos IV (DC)
3044-11-12: A Melee in the Mud (Scenario - BattleTechnology #14 - Thomas S. Gressman) - Telos IV (DC)
« Last Edit: 27 January 2023, 20:31:53 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.


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Re: Master Chronological Fiction Review Index
« Reply #28 on: 19 January 2015, 11:59:45 »
3071-02-03: Whatever the Mess You Are, You're Mine (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Niops V (NA)

Sorry, I didn't write this story.....

Author of 32 Battletech short stories including "The Lance Killer," "Hikagemono," "Negotiation," "The Clawing," "Salvage," "The Promise," "Reap What You Sow," "Family Ties," "The Blood of Man," "End of Message," "Heroes' Bridge," "Kurodenkou," "Thirteen," "My Father's Sword," "Evacuation," "Operation Red Lion," "A Matter of Honor," "State of Grace," "Operation Blue Tiger," "A Warrior's Fear," "Shadow Angels," "Murphy's Method," "End of the Road," (IAMTW 2019 Scribe Award nominee!), "Tales of the Cracked Canopy: Blind Arrogance," "Laws Are Silent," "No Tears," "Tales of the Cracked Canopy: Shadows of the Past," and "Three White Roses."
Novels -- Icons of War, Elements of Treason series, "Vengence Games." Upcoming: "In the Shadow of Dragons" and "Poisoned Honor" (WoR #1)

My Blogs!
Other writings:


  • Freelance Writer
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Master Chronological Fiction Review Index - The Succession Wars
« Reply #29 on: 19 January 2015, 12:33:46 »

3045: Campaign: A Short Stop in Astrokaszy (Scenario - Shrapnel #8 - Joshua Franklin) - Astrokaszy (Periphery)
3045-01-01: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-05: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-09: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-14: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-15: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-19: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-20: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-22: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-27: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-28: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-01-29: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-02-04: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-02-05: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-02-06: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-02-06: Dashing Through the Snow (Scenario - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-02-06: Dust to Dust, Ash to Ash (Scenario - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-02-07: Snow & Ashes (Short Story - BattleTechnology #12 - John A. Theisen) - Nineveh (Periphery)
3045-03-01: Tiger Hunt (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Engadine (FRR)
3045-05-01: Doughboy (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Bryceland (FC)
3045-07-15: Descent into Darkness - The River Styx (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Farstar (Periphery)
3045-07-17: Descent into Darkness - Purgatory (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Farstar (Periphery)
3045-07-18: Descent into Darkness - Abandon Hope... (Scenario - First Strike - Bryan Nystul) - Farstar (Periphery)
3045-09-01: Phoenix Dawn (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Proserpina (DC)
3045-09-01: Blood for Blood (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Proserpina (DC)
3045-09-01: Crystal Storm (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Proserpina (DC)
3045-09-01: Final Strike (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Proserpina (DC)
3045-09-01: Second Chance (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Proserpina (DC)
3045-10-27: Foolproof (Short Story - Shrapnel #12 - James Bixby) - Pandora (FC)
3045-11-20: Tick Tock (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - New Oslo (FRR)


3046-02-01: BattleTechnology 12 (Magazine - Pacific Rim Publishing Company - William H. Keith, Jr.)
3046-02-13: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
3046-02-17: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
3046-03-13: A Ship Out of Time (Article - Shrapnel #13 - Eric Salzman) - Aquileia (Abandoned)
3046-06-01: Dagger Strike (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - New Ivaarsen (FC)
3046-06-02: Paper Tiger (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - New Ivaarsen (FC)
3046-06-03: Fox Hunt (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - New Ivaarsen (FC)
3046-06-14: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - Bone-Norman (FC)
3046-06-15: A Matter of Honor (Short Story - BattleCorps - Craig A. Reed, Jr.) - Shitara (DC)
3046-09-01: Blood Vengeance (Scenario - BattleCorps - Ken' Horner) - Kaus Media (DC)
3046-10-03: Vengeance (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Ryde (FC)
3046-10-04: Vengeance (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Ryde (FC)
3046-10-05: Vengeance (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Ryde (FC)
3046-10-09: Vengeance (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Ryde (FC)
3046-11?: The Liao Protocol (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Stefan P. Dempsey) - Sian (CC)
3046-11-30: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - X235-A2 (Deep Periphery)
3046-12?: The Liao Protocol (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Early Years - Stefan P. Dempsey) - Ares (CC)
3046-12-15: Babysit (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - Meacham (FC)


3047?: Tales of the Cobalt Coil - Steady Hands (Short Story - BattleTechnology: The Lost Issues - Glen L. Mitchell) - Solaris VII (FC)
3047-02-15: Leg Breaker (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries) - Rasalhague (FRR)
3047-03-02: The First Battle (Short Story - BattleCorps - Jason Schmetzer) - Brockton (FC)
3047-04-01: Dawn Watch (Scenario - MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - Liezen (FRR)
3047-04-02: Snow Fort (Scenario - MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - Liezen (FRR)
3047-04-03: Starlight Hunt (Scenario - MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - Liezen (FRR)
3047-04-09: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - Kinbrace (Deep Periphery)
3047-04-24: Binding Force (Novel - Loren L. Coleman) - Randar (CC)
3047-05-15: A Thief in the Night (Scenario - Mech Magazine Vol. 2 #13 & MFNA Quarterly Vol. 1 #2 - Daniel and Michael Repperger) - Trasjkis (IP)
3047-05-15: Thief in the Night (Scenario - MechForce Quarterly Vol. 1 #2 - Dan Repperger and Mike Repperger) - Trasjkis (IP)
3047-06-06: Where I Belong (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Tom Leveen) - Galatea (FC)
3047-07-19: Close Quarters (Novel - Victor Milan) - Larsha (CC)
3049-08-29: Ace Darwin And The Second Try Fiasco (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - James Bixby) - Second Try (FC)
3049-08-31: Ace Darwin And The Second Try Fiasco (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - James Bixby) - Second Try (FC)
3049-09-01: Ace Darwin And The Second Try Fiasco (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - James Bixby) - Second Try (FC)
3049-09-02: Ace Darwin And The Second Try Fiasco (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - James Bixby) - Second Try (FC)
3047-09: Flight of the Raven (Short Story - BattleCorps Iron Writer - Øystein Tvedten) - Mao (Abandoned)
3047-10-27: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - X558-B3 (Deep Periphery)
3047-11-12: Diamandis' Dogs (Short Story - Shrapnel #6 - M.W. Hayden) - Tamar (FC)


3048: Where The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword (Article - Shrapnel #15 - Stephan A. Frabartolo)
3048-02-06: Jaguar's Leap (Novella - Catalyst Game Labs - Reed Bishop) - Dezgra (CSV)
3048-02-06: Second To None (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Russell Zimmerman) - Ambergrist (SIC)
3048-02-10: Second To None (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Russell Zimmerman) - Ambergrist (SIC)
3048-02-17: Second To None (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Russell Zimmerman) - Ambergrist (SIC)
3048-02-20: Second To None (Short Story - Shrapnel #15 - Russell Zimmerman) - Ambergrist (SIC)
3048-03-01: Night Wolf (Scenario - MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - Rasalhague (FRR)
3048-05-01: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - X936-E7 (Deep Periphery)
3048-06-01: Glittering Gold (Scenario - MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - Gravenhage (DC)
3048-06-02: Dust River (Scenario - MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - Gravenhage (DC)
3048-06-03: Blood Cauldron (Scenario - MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - Gravenhage (DC)
3048-07-01: Technical Readout: 2750 (Sourcebook - FASA - Clare W. Hess, Dale L . Kemper, Jim Long, Blaine Lee Pardoe, Boy F . Petersen Jr.)
3048-08-19: Touchpoint: Thestria (Track - Sword and Dragon - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Thestria (DC)
3048-08-19: Touchpoint: Udibi (Track - Sword and Dragon - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Udibi (FS)
3048-09-27: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - X104-C6 (Deep Periphery)
3048-09-29: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - X104-C6 (Deep Periphery)
3048-09-30: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - X104-C6 (Deep Periphery)
3048-10-03: Hidden Destiny (Short Story - Legends - Randall N. Bills) - Huntress (CSJ)
3048-11-01: Brother's Keeper (Scenario - Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries - Activision) - New Caledonia (FRR)
3048-11-14: Touchpoint: Capra (Track - Sword and Dragon - Steven Mohan, Jr.) - Capra (DC)
« Last Edit: 13 December 2023, 14:23:14 by Mendrugo »
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.

