
Many of you have noticed that the Introductory Box Set is hard to find and that’s because it’s currently out of stock.

While the previous printing of the box set was almost univerally lauded as one of the best introductions yet to BattleTech, it did have its issues. The main one, of course, was the quality of the 24 miniatures.

Even though we knew it would be several months without the game on store shelves again, we felt we simply couldn’t release a reprint using the same miniatures. As such, we’ve moved the entire reprint to a completely new company and we’ve generated all new sculpts based on the great, original Iron Wind Metals’ metal miniatures.

Attached are two of the first photos of pre-final miniatures. There will be some shrinkage (simply the case of working with plastics) from this look, but for those that own the current miniatures, you should notice a drastic increase in quality. As more photos become available down the line, I’ll provide some updates…specifically of comparison shots between the previous printings’ miniatures and these new ones.



While we were at it, we decided to trade out the Thor and the Loki for a little more iconic ‘Mechs. Again, these are photos direct from the factory of pre-final miniatures; once we’ve more photos, happy to pass them along.



Finally, since it’s not really the “25th anniversary” any more (can you believe we’re almost at 30?!), not to mention we feel the increase in the quality of the miniaturs is significant enough to warrant a differentiation from the previous printing, we felt it appropriate to throw on a cover and stock number…couldn’t resist getting another cover from the fantastic Alex Iglesias.

Price isn’t changing, we’re just tweaking up the quality…it’ll be available in the fall.
