Hi all!

The new BattleMech Manual is now available for purchase, and I thought I’d answer some of the questions arising in the wake of its release.

First: yes, this is the final edition of the book, not the Beta version. It’s PDF-only for now. Thanks to Ray “Adrian Gideon” Arrastia’s tireless work, there […]

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So, this happened.

Handbook: House Kurita has been a long time coming. No one disputes that, and the fact that it is here now is a big deal. It’s so big, in fact, that BattleCorps has brought together a series of stories to celebrate it.

Honor Code: Stories of the Draconis […]

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One of the primary things that has struck me about the Draconis Combine is the stark divide between the two societal classes – noble and worker. While each has several subdivisions within them, the main divide is exceptionally noticeable within the Kuritan realm.
Of all the Great Houses, the Combine’s society and economy […]

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One of the biggest challenges to this particular book is trying to convey the arrogance of the Kuritas (as it’s from the perspective of a Combine historian) without sounding overdone and silly but still convey important information. The trick is to use the proper turns of phrase and word choice, which makes the entire process […]

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One of the more fascinating things about this universe is the massive histories that were crafted for each of the five Great Houses. The wealth of imagination that went into fleshing out these far-flung star empires inspires me even today, despite a lot of the inconsistencies and hiccups prevalent in the older books. Part […]

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Reflecting the Pillar of Gold
One of the more interesting sections to write with Handbook: House Kurita was that of the Pillar of Gold, or the Government arm of the Dragon. It encompasses the politics, policy, nobility, court, and of course, the ever-present Combine bureaucracy. It’s a lot of seemingly disparate parts that form […]

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The highest ideals to which the subjects of Lord Kurita can aspire are Purity and Harmony.
By Purity is meant freedom from all that might come between the citizen and their duty to their Lord and government.

[Commentary: Purity does not mean avoidance of bodily functions such as sex. Rather, it refers to using […]

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Interstellar Operation Cometh…

I know, I know…I feel like the boy that called ‘rulebook!’ And I could go into the myriad of reasons for the delay of this final rulebook (and have numerous times in past blogs). However, it’s there for the delving into if readers want to dig into that.

Instead, […]

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Devotion to duty, perfected through greater self-discipline, leads to an improved state of personal freedom and sense of joy focused on fulfillment in one’s work.

[Commentary: Business is war on the field of numbers. Financial ruin from poor decisions and improper decorum is as deadly as badly considered tactics and unconsidered strategies. In the great machine, one faulty gear can create a catastrophe; one poorly maintained part could destroy a company. It is the duty of the worker to give all he is to the success of his endeavor. For the smallest part plays the largest role in the success or failure of the greater purpose.]
—Dictum Honorium VII, 215–216

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I’ve seen a fair bit of discussion about what exactly will be in the Alpha Strike Companion. Well, the book was uploaded to the printer this week and will be available for PDF/print pre-order here in very short order, so thought I’d share the Table of Contents…can’t wait to try some of these out myself!


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