We’re pleased to announce that Shrapnel #4 is now available for download in e-pub format, with print-on-demand coming soon!

Also, after a long absence, the Dark Age novels Ghost War by Michael A. Stackpole and Call to Arms by Loren L. Coleman are back in print in e-publication and print-on-demand as well.

Finally, in case you missed it, there’s some new product in the Catalyst web store that you won’t want to miss out on – links below!

Shrapnel #4

E-pub ($5.99) – Buy Now!
Print-on-Demand – Coming Soon!


Shrapnel: The Official BattleTech Magazine celebrates bravery in all its forms on the triumphant, BattleMech-dominated battlefields of 31st century and beyond! Witness the birth of a new mercenary command in the late Third Succession War, follow a combat medic tackling a precarious injury, learn the true meaning of loyalty during the FedCom Civil War, and track down pirates on a forgotten world in the Periphery. Then don your neurohelmet and push back against the enemy with technical readouts, ghost ship sightings, in-depth technology articles, unit digests, playable scenarios, and more—all from BattleTech veterans and a squad of new authors:

  • Jason Schmetzer
  • Harper Brand
  • Faith McClosky
  • Giles Gammage
  • Charles Gideon
  • David Razi
  • Marc Follin
  • James Lee
  • Aaron Cahall
  • Michael J. Ciaravella
  • Matthew Cross
  • Ken’ Horner
  • Craig A. Reed, Jr.
  • Eric Salzman
  • Joel Steverson
  • Stephen Toropov

Ghost War

E-pub ($4.99) – Buy Now!
Print-on-Demand ($13.95) – Buy Now!

By Michael A. Stackpole


For generations, the Republic of the Sphere has known a Golden Age of peace. Mighty BattleMechs, once kings of the battlefields, now aid the reconstruction of war-torn worlds. But when terrorists destroy the interstellar communications net, each planet is thrust into isolation. Suddenly old hatreds resurface, and a people who have never known war face the prospect of it firsthand…


Sam Donelly is one of the best LumberMech jockeys on the planet, wielding his ‘Mech’s fifteen-foot chainsaw with the grace and precision of a surgeon. Caught in a skirmish with revolutionaries, he soon finds himself a rebel recruit. But Sam is no mere lumberjack, and if his true identity is discovered, the repercussions could be disastrous not only for Sam, but for the entire Republic…

A Call to Arms

E-pub ($4.99) – Buy Now!
Print-on-Demand ($13.95) – Buy Now!

By Loren L. Coleman


Months have passed since the interplanetary communications net was destroyed, isolating planets across the Republic of the Sphere and beyond. Achernar is one of the few worlds that still possesses a working Hyperpulse Generator Station, a device that enables communications across the galaxy—and a highly sought-after prize for the splintering factions of the Republic…

After failing to qualify as an active MechWarrior, Raul Ortega finds solace in the Republic’s military reserves on Archenar, and dreams of the day he might know the adventure and glory of real combat. The planet’s Republic-loyal forces are supported by a loose alliance with the Swordsworn, a faction pledged to House Davion—whose leaders have an agenda all their own.

When the planet falls under siege by yet another splinter group, the Steel Wolves, who are intent on capturing the HPG station, Raul is called up to active duty. But when the Swordsworn desert Archenar in its time of need, Raul discovers there’s little honor in the subtle schemes of treachery and the brutal realities of war…

New in the Catalyst Game Labs Store

ICYMI – we’ve got new product in the Catalyst store, including sibko athletic t-shirts and the first four Forcepacks from the Clan Invasion Kickstarter. They’ll go fast, so be sure to get your order in soon!

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