We’ve got four new record sheet compilation products available today, including sheets for the Technical Readout: Jihad and Technical Readout: Dark Age compilations, and for Technical Readout: 3145 and Technical Readout: 3150. More than 1,300 pages of record sheets for your BattleTech games!

Record Sheets: Jihad

Price: $9.99 – PDF Only

November 3067 […]

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Technical Readout: Dark Age

Price: $9.99 PDF / $39.99 Print / $44.99 Print + PDF Combo

Darkest Before the Dawn

From the star-spanning devastation of the Word of Blake Jihad arose the Republic of the Sphere, a new nation dedicated to breaking the centuries-long cycle of warfare plaguing the Inner Sphere and creating […]

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Want to expand your experience with the recently-released BattleTech: Beginner Box and BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat boxed sets?

Unlock new battlefield options with Technical Readout: Succession Wars (print / PDF / combo), which contains full details on dozens of new ‘Mechs fully compatible with those in the new boxed […]

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