Long Live the Pact! The first ilClan era sourcebook, Tamar Rising, is now available in hardcover, full-color print+PDF format, and in PDF only format.

We know you’ll have questions after checking out this exciting new book, so get ready to take a deeper dive into the Hinterlands with the creative team behind it! We’ve scheduled a Tamar Rising AMA session on YouTube for Saturday, February 5 at 2 p.m. Eastern (GMT-5). Stay tuned for a link to join.

We hope you enjoy this first exploration of an exciting new era of BattleTech!

Tamar Rising

PDF Only: $14.99
Print+PDF (Catalyst Game Labs store only): $34.99

Silence falls across the Jade Falcon border, and slowly, reports reach Lyran space: the Clan’s warriors, so long a threat to the Steiner realm, are gone. Powerful ambitions rush to fill the vacuum that follows. Former Clan citizens both recently assimilated and long conquered grapple with a future no longer defined by the will of the Falcon warriors. An Arcturan general dissatisfied with Tharkad’s ineffective rule forges her own destiny. A Clan denied the glory of Terra redefines itself through battle and conquest. And a mercenary unleashes her reborn command to claim vengeance for past calamities.

Tamar Rising is a BattleTech sourcebook providing full details of the events in the former Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone from 3151 to mid-3152. Included are a full historical summary of events in that region of space, personality and unit profiles of key players—many appearing here for the first time, and game information to bring it all to your BattleTech tabletop.

Note: This zip file contains two PDFs. The first is the book itself. The second is the Campaign Map, which with the physical book is a 26” x 38”, double-sized, laminated poster.

Catalyst Game Labs web store: https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/products/battletech-tamar-rising

DriveThruRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/383825/BattleTech-Tamar-Rising

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