The Damocles Sanction

A BattleTech novel by Michael J. Ciaravella
E-publication: $6.99
Print-on-Demand (via Amazon) $14.95


The once-mighty Federated Suns has been weakened by years of conflict on both sides of its border. Its proud capitol, New Avalon, has been held by its mortal enemies, the Draconis Combine, for years, forcing […]

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Whether you’re looking for new fiction, some new battlefields, or something a little less…serious…we’ve got it for you, available now!

Redemption Rites

A BattleTech novel by Jason Schmetzer
E-publication: $6.99
Print-on-Demand: Coming Soon!

In 3151 four-fifths of Wolf’s Dragoons listened to the honeyed words of Marotta Kerensky and followed Alaric Ward to Terra. There, they helped him […]

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The new novel No Substitute for Victory by Blaine Lee Pardoe, the first full-length fiction entry of the ilClan era, is now available in e-book format, and soon in print-on-demand!

No Substitute for Victory
An ilClan era novel by Blaine Lee Pardoe
E-pub $6.99 / Print-on-Demand – coming soon



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Long Live the Pact! The first ilClan era sourcebook, Tamar Rising, is now available in hardcover, full-color print+PDF format, and in PDF only format.

We know you’ll have questions after checking out this exciting new book, so get ready to take a deeper dive into the Hinterlands with the creative team behind it! We’ve scheduled […]

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Specifics changed, details shifted, but the final result of The ilClan sourcebook was known from the start: an ilClan would rise. The book’s title wasn’t a fake-out or an ironic gag. The Dark Age era would indeed end with one Clan in possession of Terra, having achieved the purpose of Clan society.

Less clear was: […]

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By Jason Schmetzer

Once upon a time, I went to Seattle.

This was a couple years ago. Probably pre-covid but honestly, who can remember what life was like pre-covid. I’d been called out along with several other BattleTech writers and developers to do an intensive, 2-day story summit for BattleTech. I’m going to do the […]

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Touring the Stars: Kandersteg, a lead-in to the upcoming ilClan era sourcebook Tamar Rising, is now available!

As a reminder, Tamar Rising is on track for release on Wednesday, Jan. 19 in print and PDF formats.

Touring the Stars: Kandersteg

PDF only: $2.99

Once a sleepy Lyran backwater noted primarily for its interesting local […]

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