Fox Tales: The Collected Fox Patrol Stories

A BattleTech Anthology by Bryan Young
E-pub: $5.99
Print-on-Demand (via Amazon): $12.95


Katie Ferraro dreams of nothing more than being a MechWarrior. Orphaned at a young age, she learns everything she can about ’Mech repair from her mentor and adoptive father. On the […]

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Attention, MechWarriors! We’ve got a big day of new releases and news to share with you today, including a new, long-awaited Technical Readout, and some reprints of beloved novels with all-new, stunning cover art.

Now Available Technical Readout: Irregulars

Price: $29.99, Print-on-Demand with PDF included; $14.99, PDF only

“The lions are those who managed to […]

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Continuing the celebration of 35 years of Battletech, we’re thrilled to announce that two Print on Demand novels are available now that represent both the earliest days of Battletech fiction and the latest fiction to come out.

Decision at Thunder Rift (Print on Demand)

First, going back to the early days of Battletech, […]

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To mark the 30th Anniversary of their release, we are proud to announce that the Michael Stackpole penned “Warrior Trilogy” will be available as both ebooks and Print On Demand (POD) starting December 22 (12/22).

Here are the links to hub pages so you can purchase from your preferred provider:

Warrior: En Garde


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